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In this chapter, the problem and its background are described. The context where the research

was conducted, the significance of the study, and the scope and limitations of the study is



Deadlines are part of the daily course of human lives. According to Fresh Books (2021),

they establish boundaries and time expectations upon accomplishing a given task. With the

modernization of the education system here in the Philippines, teachers, educators, and

facilitators establish a certain date and time when the given task should be submitted. Deadlines

determine how much time students may allot for their activity and task. (Stroup, 2021) As

students are given time to accomplish their activities, some of them may encounter problems

regarding managing their time. This may lead to problems such as academic pressure. This may

negatively impact one's mental health where the student may experience anxiety or stress as they

struggle to meet their academic expectations. (Durette, 2020)

The concept of a deadline is regarded in several ways; in general, it is where an individual must

complete the given assignment within the time and date specified. It is used to both motivate and

pressure the audience. Considered an excellent method for ensuring that people are responsible

enough to carry out such obligations. Due dates provide aspects that can lead to opportunities

and the development of capabilities; they define a person or a place since it challenges the

individual to cooperate with time, manage and perform the skills they possess, maintain

themselves together, and deliver a satisfying result. It is used as a deliberate basis to encourage

people to accomplish more and better, to acquire and improve skills, and to grow as individuals.

Deadlines can be implemented in a variety of ways, from considerable (long-term) to tight

(short-term). It is determined by the work environment, the scenario, and the person who created

the assignment. However, most of the time, strict deadlines are established to boost production,

practice management, or the failure of an official to assign the work on time, or factors that cause

the activities to be assigned late. It is usual for Filipinos to manage a large quantity of work in

the Philippines, however preparing in a brief period of time reduces people' quality and

productivity. Schools around the country use this method of educating pupils to be prudent with

their time and innovative with their talents. According to the study of “Deadlines Affecting the

Capacity on Junior High School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School

Tasks” (Burgos, D.C., et al., 2022) where some of the respondents answered that short-term

deadlines aids them to complete tasks faster, manage properly, and avoid procrastination.

However, there are times when students are overburdened with work that must be completed in a

short amount of time, resulting in a loss of motivation and anxiety. It obstructs students' capacity

to explore ideas and abilities that should aid in task development. Working under tight deadlines

can present numerous obstacles affecting productivity and project outcomes. At the same time,

they can have a significant psychological impact on individuals, affecting their stress levels and

overall mental health. Together, these implications may create some challenges while navigating

tight deadlines (Shah, 2023). Students cope with the circumstance in whatever way they can to

assist them comprehend and overcome the difficulties of meeting tight deadlines.

In the research endeavor, researchers will collect data to explore the impact of academic

workloads with tight deadlines on the well-being of NU-Fairview Grade 12 STEM students to

determine how the components involved exacerbate the well-being, positively or adversely. To

discuss the matter further and gain a greater knowledge of a student's coping abilities and

limitations, as well as solutions for mitigating the scenario's impact. Finally, to provide

applicable solutions and recommendations to assist students in managing and maintaining their

capacity to execute assignments successfully and efficiently.

The study is being undertaken to know if strict deadlines are acceptable for students as a tool for

strengthening their academic abilities to overcome important problems, or whether they would

reduce students' overall performance, particularly their well-being. Understanding the concepts

of academic deadlines, their benefits, ramifications, and restrictions to relate to the subjects'

opinions on the issue. The study investigates the possible effects that tight deadlines might have

on academic learners at National University-Fairview by performing a phenomenological study

utilizing qualitative methodologies to identify factors and draw conclusions based on the data


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: What are the impacts of tight deadlines on the

mental well-being of selected Grade 12 STEM-Architecture Students of NU- Fairview.

Specifically, this study will find answers to the following questions:

1. How do selected Grade 12 STEM- Architecture Students of NU-Fairview perceive and

experience the pressure of short academic deadlines?

2. What emotional and psychological effects do tight deadlines have on students' mental well-


3. What coping strategies do students employ to manage stress and anxiety associated with

short deadlines?

4. What changes or improvements could be suggested in academic settings to alleviate the

negative mental health impact of short deadlines on students?

Significance of the Study

The study aims to aid the experienced difficulties of the selected Grade 12 STEM Architecture

students of NU - Fairview regarding tight deadlines of heavy workload. The study also aims to

extend help in providing solutions and recommendations on the following:

1. Students: In the implementation of tight deadlines on heavy workload, this study hopes to

contribute to raise awareness regarding the negative impacts of tight deadlines on mental

health within the students of the Grade 12 Architecture STEM Students of National

University - Fairview.

2. Future Researchers: The conducted study will be beneficial in adding knowledge and

information about the impacts of tight deadlines on heavy workload on students' mental

health. Future researchers may also use the research paper as reference, related literature,

or use it for comparison and correlation of data for their proposed investigation.

3. Teachers: The content of the executed research paper aims to be beneficial in extending

suggestions and providing solutions in improving the implementation of deadlines.

Managing tight deadlines of heavy workload may impact the student’s mental well-being

negatively, the research study can contribute to the enhancement of their approach in giving

reasonable sufficient deadlines.

4. Curriculum Planner: Following the methodological processes in collecting and analysis of

data, the findings of the executed phenomenological study may help in raising awareness

on the experienced hardships and the negative implications of tight deadlines of heavy

workloads on student’s mental well-being. The outcomes of the conducted investigation

may contribute to drafting academic calendars that may affect the implementation of tight

deadlines of heavy workload. Therefore, favorable in alleviating the negative impacts of

tight deadlines on heavy academic workload on the mental well-being of the students.

5. Administrators: The conducted analysis may help the administrators formulate workable

solutions or methods that can be implemented that will help in reducing and alleviating the

negative mental health impacts of tight deadlines.

6. Society: This study is beneficial to society because it may help in exploring related

experiences and may open different conversations regarding tight deadlines of heavy

workloads. In this way, it enables students to connect with their peers who are struggling

with tight deadlines and their mental health. This study also contributes to the body of

knowledge wherein a comprehensive study of tight deadlines of heavy workloads and its

impact on the mental health of students.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is limited solely to identifying and understanding the impacts of tight deadlines and

their implications on NU-Fairview’s Grade 12 Senior high STEM-Architecture mental well-

being, where the researchers aim to produce conclusions and recommendations to address and

provide information regarding the topic implied. The research will also investigate the coping

mechanisms of the participants and how they perceive the pressure of the deadline. The

participants will be asked questions that will determine the main research question.

The research will not rely on foreseeing other effects of tight deadlines such as physical health of

the participants, and the lifestyle of the participants which is otherwise out of scope.

The research will be done in the area where the aimed respondents are in National University-

Fairview, Regalado Hwy, SM Fairview Complex, Quezon City and will be conducted for two to

three months. Where 5 researchers from grade 12 STEM 2317- Architecture will use the

convenience sampling method and will perform one on one interviews to collect participants and

subjective data.

Definition of Terms

1. Academic performance - This is a measurement of students’ performance and

achievement across different areas of study (Ballotpedia, 2021). As used in our study

2. Academic pressure - The pressure put on students from work overload, prolonged

periods of studying and high-grade expectations (Pacific Teen Treatment, 2023). As used

in our study

3. Academic workload - The number of face-to-face teaching contact hours, assignments

and projects, and independent study hours per week for a semester (Academic Journals,

2021). As used in our study

4. Deadlines - A date or time when you are supposed to finish something. The last day,

hour, or minute that something will be accepted (Collins, 2023). As used in our study
5. Heavy workload - The limits of what can be accomplished in a specific role are imposed

by the number of responsibilities which one bears (Jennifer Herrity, 2023). As used in our


6. Mental health - It includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects

how we think, feel, and act (Vedantu, 2023). As used in our study

7. Mental well-being - The combination of our emotions, our life satisfaction, our

relationship with others, our personal control, our purpose in life and our independence. It

is something that affects everyone, old and young, and anyone can experience good or

poor mental well-being (Paul Hamlyn Foundation, 2023). As used in our study

8. Motivation - The enthusiasm for doing something. It is the 'why' behind every action, to

set a goal and reach it (, 2023). As used in our study

9. Overburdened - To make someone or something have too much to carry, to contain, or

to deal with (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023). As used in our study

10. Procrastination - The act of delaying or not starting work that is necessary for the

completion of a task which one intends to carry out within a specific timeframe.

11. Productivity - The student's effort and ability to perform effectively in their studies. This

includes their ability to manage their time, their ability to prioritize, and their overall

contribution to achieve academic success.

12. Tight deadlines - A situation where the available time is reduced to complete a task or

project to create pressure and prevent it from being extended.

13. Mental fatigue

14. Lethargic

Group Members: Contribution:
Dela Rosa, Andrea Miracle Scope and Delimitations
Cabaron, Margaret Louise Significance of the Study
Carolino, Angela Samantha Scope and Delimitations
Ignacio, Alejo Matthew Definition of Terms
Meraña, Jasmine Significance of the Study


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