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Haylie Lavarias


I grew up baptized on a different religion, unfortunately I had a spouse who is a Catholic. Frequently,
I would attend catholic mass with my spouse during Sunday, but I am not a Catholic. I have seen this man
whom they called him a priest, which made me curious in observing him. He would lead the ceremony in
a different way that attracted me to observed him. I attended several other Catholic mass on different
places, but the way this priest deliver his mass is some how different from the other catholic mass that I
have attended . I am not sure if it is really different, or maybe this priest that I am observing just delivered
the mass in a much proper way. Here how his story goes.
May first impression of him. He looks smart the way he deliver his homily and he catches my at -
tention and all the other church-goers. He made some examples a real to life stories that some how makes
me think they really happen on a persons life. Every time he delivers his message I listen to it very care -
fully because at first his message is incomprehensible and at the end of his message you will be able to re -
alize the point that he wants to convey to the listeners. He is so good in making examples correlating the
Bible message to an actual life happenings. He knows how to interact with his listeners who are in front
of him; sometimes he even called the names of the church goers as he made some examples correlating a
real life situation to the Bible verse. He delivers his homily a little bit long but all the listeners are so at-
tentive to what he is saying. I have listened to several priest from other places delivering their homilies
but the way he deliver his homily is so much different. He always face the reality of life. He usually
makes a scenario that pertains to the reality of how people live. Like for example those people who are
fond of making gossips, people who always look for money, people who pretend to be good but are sin-
ners and those people who only care and love themselves. He makes me laugh every time he introduces
this kind of persons in his homily.
The way this priest act inside and outside the church. I can see that this priest is a disciplinarian he
usually hates people rooming around, children playing and making some noises, and church-goers talking
with each other during his homily. There was one point in his homily where in he stopped delivering his
message because there was a child who keeps on going in and out of the church. He called the attentions
of the parents of the child to know the reason why the child is rooming around. There was also an in -
stances that he called the attention of the maidens in the church because they were so hesitant in forcing
the church-goers where to sits. He repeats his greetings of good evening whenever only few people would
answer back from his greetings. If you look at it, he was very strict, but he only likes to discipline the
people around him. I can see this priest that he is a jolly person. He greats before and after the mass all
the people he encounter with a beautiful smile. He would also talk to young children to be good everyday,
and promises them he will never forget them. I can see that he loves what he is doing.

My actual impression on this priest that I admire. Nothing has change with my first impression with this
person. I have observed him several times and he is consistent on what he is doing. The way he delivered
his message are same and clear. The way he attracts people to listen on what he is saying on his homily is
consistent. He is a real smart, a good person and father image to his congregation. I am not a catholic, but
the way he deliver his message touches my spiritual being. I usually don’t like listening to other homilies
because I cannot comprehend what they want to deliver. But this man delivers it precisely. How I wish
that a lot of people can be like him. That they can touch other people by the way they talk. That they
don’t only convey examples, but they do what they preach.
Very seldom that I can see a homily giver that can attract listeners on what he wants to say. So for
me, this priest that I had admire is really different from all the other priest that I have seen and listen. I
know there are still a lot of people out there who are good in making peoples life change by the way they
talk. They may not be priest like him, but only ordinary person; but somehow, they touches peoples heart.
Can I be like the priest that I admire?

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