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Title: Journey Through Contrasts: Beauty and Strife in Nepal and Kashmir

In the early days of March, my mother and I embarked on a remarkable journey to

Nepal, while my second sister and her family explored the enchanting valleys of Kashmir.
The irony of two sisters traveling to neighboring countries with such contrasting
experiences cannot be overstated.

As we touched down in Nepal, our initial impression was marred by the country's
apparent neglect. Disappointment shadowed our faces. On the other hand, my sister,
upon landing in Kashmir, was immediately captivated by nature's unparalleled beauty.
Often referred to as the "Paradise on Earth," Kashmir lived up to its reputation. The
grandeur of the Himalayas, adorned in snow, mesmerized her senses. It was a
picturesque landscape that seemed straight out of a dream.

While Nepal also shared the majesty of the snow-clad Himalayas, the view wasn't as
prominent within the city. To truly witness the splendor, we ventured deep into the
mountainous regions. In Kashmir, the beauty was omnipresent. With snow underfoot
and awe in their eyes, my sister's family reveled in the scenery, capturing its essence in
their photographs.

However, the contrast between the two destinations was not limited to scenic beauty
alone. Nepal, grappling with pollution, had an air of discomfort. Conversely, Kashmir
exuded an air of tranquility that our eyes found difficult to leave. Sadly, these stunning
locales have become symbols of conflict, with China eyeing Nepal and Pakistan claiming

In recent years, Nepal has emerged as a sanctuary for those seeking mental peace and
meditation. Yet, our experience, marred by the actions of a few, was overshadowed by
fear. Our trips, usually meticulously organized personally, were arranged through a
travel agent due to the volatile relationships. The local drivers, representative of their
nations' sentiments, treated us with hostility.

Our encounters with these drivers were far from pleasant. Their actions, fueled by
resentment, made us question how such breathtaking places could harbor such
animosity. While the natural beauty was unparalleled, the human experience tainted our
perception. We returned to our homeland unharmed, but our hearts heavy with the
weight of hatred that should not have existed in such serene places.

As we shared our harrowing experiences, we were left pondering the irony. How can
places so beautiful, so divine, become breeding grounds for animosity? These lands,
once untouched by the world, have now become battlefields for human emotions. In the
midst of their magnificence, we found ourselves questioning the very essence of
humanity – why does paradise house such hatred, when it should resonate with
harmony and peace?


Business world is like a giant puzzle and companies, are the intricate pieces.

With the companies being a complex structure with financial needs and

goals, constantly requires an investment banker to act as the expert puzzle

solver to facilitate companies fit perfectly and contribute to the larger

picture that is the global economy.

In this hypothetical scenario, Company A aims to acquire Company B,

recognizing its potential for profitability. To ensure a successful acquisition,

Company A is seeking expert advice from professionals. They want to

explore innovative measures to transform Company B into a profitable

Business venture. Company A is keen on negotiating the deal strategically,

considering various permutations and combinations. Their objective is to

work closely with experts to identify viable options that can lead to a

profitable outcome for both companies involved in the acquisition. The

mentioned scenario is one of the many conditions that require the service

of expert investment banks.

Table Of content-

Introduction to Investment Banking

What is Investment Banking

Impact of Covid Pandemic on Investment Banks in Thailand

Scope of Investment Banking in Thailand

Investment Banking courses in Thailand – Offline and Online- Course

curriculum and admission criteria

Investment Banking firms In Thailand

Skills required for Investment Banking

Success stories in investment banking in Thailand



Introduction to Investment Banking-

In Today’s business world, there exists not only big corporations, expanding their footprints,

but also small startups seeking funds for groundbreaking ventures, in this endeavor, each of
them encounter financial challenges. In such a scenario, investment banking steps in to unravel

the thread of financial challenges and complexities to enable business entity to thrive and

expand, and the investment banks play a crucial role of navigating them with the help of their

knowledge of financial analysis, valuation expertise, risk management, negotiation skills, legal

and regulatory, market research and deal structuring after delving deep into the market

condition, financial viability and strategic alignment of goals and objectives of both the

companies. To provide such assistance, the companies hire professional investment bankers.

Now Let us understand what is investment banking and its vital role in corporate business

world and economy, to ensure companies flourish and contribute to the growth of the global


In the corporate world where mergers, acquisitions, reorganization, sale, raising capital for

expansion are common existence and practice, that shape the destiny of the corporations, the

role of investment banking is crucial and indispensable.

What is Investment Banking?

Investment banking is the bedrock of global finance, it is about strategized

financial management, mergers, acquisition and financial raising for growth, risk

management, asset management and acting as an investment advisory body.

In this article let us understand the scope of investment banking in Thailand,

investment banking courses in Thailand, career as investment banker, courses

offered online and offline, skills emphasized in investment banking courses, top

investment hiring companies , and salary prospects.

Impact of Covid Pandemic on Investment Banks in Thailand

Over the last four decades, Thailand has made tremendous progress in social and

economic development, moving from low-income to upper middle-income

country, reducing poverty considerably and sustaining growth and development,

creating job opportunities that helped millions of people tread out of poverty.

This in turn increased education scope of children contributing to the growth of

jobs and bigger picture. However, according to the Human Capital Index, the

quality of the education remained a huge concern. Moreover, There was decline

in the export of Thailand that contributed to the economic growth, leading to the

decrease in GDP to 16.9% in 2019. Additionally, The COVID-19 pandemic hugely

affected the economy of the country throwing several challenges to encounter.

The economy contracted by 6.1% which is steeper than the decline that occurred

in the past in 2008 Global Financial Crisis 0.8%. A rapid phone survey by the world

Bank in 2021 estimated more than 70% of the households experienced a decline

in their income. The lower income group were vulnerable and hit the hardest.

To mitigate this negative impact, the Thailand-World Bank Group Country

Partnership Framework (CPF) FY 2019-2022 has been extended until 2024 to

focus on key economic and social reforms, the Bio-Circular-Green(BCG) economic

model, Digital transformation and the challenges of a rapidly aging society and

transform into an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. It has six


 Improving the business environment through promotion of competition and


 Strengthening fiscal and economic institutions

 Enhancing the quality of infrastructure investments

 Addressing climate change and water resources management

 Promoting quality education

 Supporting inclusion of vulnerable groups, particularly in the fragile,

conflicted areas of Southern Thailand

Thailand has been one of the most dynamic and successful economies in

Southeast Asia. With over 69 million population, it is the second-largest

economy in the region, after Indonesia, and the sixth-largest in the

association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN). Thailand’s financial

landscape is dominated by the Banking sector, comprising of 34 domestic

commercial banks, 16 foreign bank branches and 23 representative offices

operating in the country. The Bank of Thailand is the country’s central bank,

responsible for supervising and regulating the banking sector, as well as

managing the country’s monetary policy. In 2022, the Thai Baht the

country’s currency was ranked the tenth most traded currency in the world.

The Scope of Investment banking in Thailand-

According to the latest report- Thailand is the second-largest economy in

Southeast Asia, after Indonesia. Its per capita GDP 247,828 baht (US$7,069) in

2022 ranks fourth in Southeast Asian per capita GDP, after Singapore, Brunei, and

Malaysia. Thus, Thailand appears as the lighthouse of economic growth and

financial innovation. The tourism industry plays an important role in the Thai

economy and contributes an estimated 18.4 percent to the national GDP. This

shows that Thailand has made a considerable progress socially and economically,

transitioning from low-income to an upper-middle income country. Conclusively,

Thailand deems to be the promising spot for making good money and the demand

for investment banker is great. It provides lucrative prospects and promising

career for an investment banker. With new opportunities in the horizon, It

provides potential prospects for the companies inland and outside companies to

make investment, cross-border investment opportunities, potential for mergers,

acquisition with growing financial sectors, the Thai banking industry could reclaim

its position as a regional banking leader changing the economy of the country.

Thailand is an aging society with population predicted to peak in 2025, and

around 30 percent of the Thais are expected to be over 60 years old by 2040. This

spurs the demand for wealth accumulation and retirement-planning services.

Benjamin Franklin quoted- “ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

It signifies that when making investment decision, it is essential to make necessary

research and analysis. This necessitates a qualified investment banker with

requisite knowledge
Challenges and risks in Investment Banking in Thailand-

Like anywhere else in the world, Investment Banking in Thailand is engulfed

with challenges. This has become more pronounced due to the Pandemic

and the investment Banking professional is compelled and motivated to be

robust to adopt flexibility and innovative approach to grapple with

unpredictable market trends, volatile commodity prices, economic

uncertainties, international relations, trade policies that influence mergers

and acquisitions, cross-border transactions and investment decisions.

Post COVID, the regulatory bodies are scrutinizing financial transactions

minutely, to enable transparency and adherence to compliance standards,

requiring investment bankers to be more vigilant and align transactions

with legal and ethical standards.

With banks turning digital, remote working more dominant, Investment

banking are exposed to cyber threats. Investment bankers must invest time

and money to constantly upgrade themselves with requisite skills to

implement advanced cybersecurity measures to ensure security of financial

data, protection of client confidentiality effectively.

The client organization expects innovative solutions to mitigate

uncertainties, comprehensive advice and contingent plan to problem

solving. This has made the role of the investment banker even more

competitive with financial acumen, technological expertise to identify

lucrative opportunities, restructuring of the organization to ensure financial

stability in the ever-evolving global landscape. Networking opportunities is

a cornerstone of success in the investment banking industry. Joining

professional organizations like the Thai Bankers’ Association can help

leverage by connecting with potential clients and industry peers.

Additionally, online platforms like LinkedIn conducts industry specific events

that facilitates group discussions, share new ideas, learn from others about

insights into various industries. Technological advancements is

revolutionizing the approach offering innovative digital services,

streamlining operations for a better and smooth customer experiences to

investment banks. Robotic process automation and artificial intelligence are

employed to automate repetitive tasks such as organizing data and sending

mails to a;;ow bankers to focus on more business strategies and value-

added activities. Blockchain technology records the deals bankers make to

ensure transparency safety and security.

In simple terms, technology in investment banking is like having smart

helpers and secure systems that make banking tasks easier, safer and more

convenient. Thus, there is a promising future for investment banking in


In conclusion, Investment banking offers rewarding career and dynamic

future growth prospects to carve a successful path in the field of investment

banking industry.

Investment Banking Courses in Thailand

To become a qualified investment banker, a strong educational base in finance is

essential. Coming to the investment banking courses in Thailand, There are

several online and offline investment banking courses in Thailand providing state

of the art technology, with practical approach, well designed modules, highly

skilled mentors and teachers with hands-on experience. There are a myriad of

specialized courses offered in investment banking in Thailand that provide

profound knowledge of various aspects of finance such as risk management,

financial analysis and valuation techniques. It helps obtain comprehensive

understanding of the economic trends, market changing dynamics, legal and

regulatory frameworks to face challenges and complexities of the financial world

essential to make informed decisions in the organization.

The following are the courses to become an investment banker –

1. Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Economics-

Admission criteria: minimum qualification is 12th grade or 2.5-3.0 on a 4.0



A bachelor’s degree program in Finance or Economics typically covers

fundamental concepts in Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Business

Administration. Students will learn about Financial Analysis, Investment

Principles, market dynamics, Risk Management, and economic theories. The

curriculum often includes courses in Mathematics, Statistics, and Business


Course Duration:

Bachelor’s degree program is usually four years full time course.

Skills gained:
Financial Analysis- Students learn how to analyze financial statements,

assess investment opportunities, and evaluate the financial condition of the


Economic Understanding- Understanding macro and microeconomics,

including factors affecting economic decisions and policies.

Critical thinking- developing critical analytical thinking skills to solve

complex financial problems.

Communication skills- Effective communication skills both verbal and

written, for presenting financial information and recommendations.

Teamwork- Collaborative skills gained through group projects and


2. Master of Business Administration-

Admission criteria: minimum qualification is Degree in Finance or any

stream with 2.5-3.0 on 4.0 scale

Curriculum: An MBA in Finance delves deeper into finance related topics. It

includes advanced financial management, investment analysis, mergers and

acquisitions, financial modeling, risk management, and corporate finance,

strategic management, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Course Duration- MBA is a 2-year program .

Skills gained- Advanced financial Analysis- Advanced skills in analyzing

financial data and making strategic financial decisions.

Leadership- leadership skills honed through CSE studies, team projects, and

managerial courses.

Strategic Thinking- strategic planning and decision-making skills in financial


Networking- opportunities to build networking through alumni,

internships, and industry connections.

Entrepreneurship- Understanding financial aspects of starting and managing

the business.

3. Chartered Financial Analyst-

Admission criteria: minimum qualification is bachelor's (or equivalent)

degree, or final year of bachelor's degree at the time of registration, or have

four years of qualified, professional work experience or a combination of

work/college experience that totals four years.

Curriculum- it includes economics, financial reporting and analysis,

corporate finance, equity investments, fixed income, derivatives, alternative

investments, portfolio management, and wealth planning.

Course Duration- it takes an average of 4 years to complete all 3 levels of

exams. Each level requires a minimum of 300 hours of study.

Skills Gained- In-depth financial management- comprehensive

understanding of various financial instruments and their valuation methods.

Ethics and Professional Standards- Ethical guidelines and professionalism in

financial services.

Portfolio Management- Advanced skills in constructing and managing

investment portfolios.

Global recognition- The CFA designation is globally recognized and

respected in the finance industry.

Continuous learning- Encourages a commitment to continuous professional

development and staying updated with industry trends.

In addition, the following masters and certified investment banking courses in

Thailand are offered to meet the booming expectation of the global market.
1. Chulalongkorn University-Economics- M Sc in Finance, Master in Financial

Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance


Financial management, Investment analysis, mergers and acquisitions,

Financial modeling

Admission Criteria:

Bachelor’s degree, work experience, English proficiency, and entrance


Contact- +66-2-652-5221/ Email-

2. Chiang Mai University-Finance:


Financial Accounting, Managerial Finance, Investment Analysis and Portfolio

Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions,

Financial Statement Analysis, International Finance, Risk Management and

Insurance, Financial Econometrics, Financial Derivatives.

Admission Criteria:

Students are required to complete an internship in a financial institution or

related industry to gain real-world experience.

3. Burapha University -Financial Engineering:


Financial Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Risk Management in

Financial Engineering, Time series Analysis, Fixed Income Securities,

Machine Learning in Finance.

Admission Criteria:

Students must work on a comprehensive financial engineering project.

4. King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang-Finance:


Financial Accounting and Reporting, Managerial Finance, Investment

Management, Financial Markets and Institutions, Corporate Finance

International Finance, Behavioral Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions,

Financial Derivatives, Valuation Techniques.

Admission Criteria:

Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, Business or related field with

minimum GPA requirement (typically 2.5-3.0 on a 4.0 scale), English

proficiency, work experience, entrance exam.

5. Mahidol University-

Course: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Finance and Banking

Curriculum financial management, investment banking principles, risk


Admission Criteria:

High school diploma, standardized test scores, proficiency in English

6. Thammasat Business School-

Course: Master In Finance.


investment banking strategies, corporate finance, financial markets.

Admission criteria:

Bachelor’s degree, work experience, English proficiency and entrance


7. Asian Institute of Technology- M Sc in International Finance:


International financial Management, Financial Statement Analysis and

Valuation, Corporate Finance, International financial Markets, Risk

Management and Insurance, Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions,

Emerging Markets Finance, Sustainable Finance and Responsible

Investment, Quantitative Methods in Finance, Finance Regulation and

Admission Criteria:

Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, Business or related field with

minimum GPA requirement (typically 3.0 on a 4.0 scale), English proficiency,

work experience.

8. National Institute of Development Administration- Financial Investment

and Risk Management:


Investment analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Risk

Management, Behavioral Finance, Financial Derivatives and Structured

Products, Investment Banking and Corporate Finance, Real Estate

Investment and Finance, Financial Modeling and Analytics, Credit Risk

Management, Corporate Governance and Ethics in Finance.

Admission Criteria:

Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, Business or related field with

minimum GPA requirement (typically 3.0 on a 4.0 scale), English proficiency,


9. King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi- Building Risk

Assessment to Navigate Organizational:

Organizational Risk Management Strategies, Enterprise Risk Management

Frameworks, Risk Assessment and Modeling, Crisis and Disaster

Management, Financial Risk Analysis, Project Risk management, Business

Continuity Planning and Management.

Admission Criteria:

Bachelor’s degree in Business, Engineering, Risk Management, or related

fields with minimum GPA requirement (typically 3.0 on a 4.0 scale), English

proficiency, entrance exam.

10. Emeritus – it was founded in the year 2015 and has spread its base globally

by collaborating with more than 80 top-tier universities across United

States, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, India and China on programs

such as Business, Management, Technology.

Admission Criteria:

Varied, depending on the specific course and collaborating university,

professional experience, and English proficiency.

11. Bangkok University- College of Business Administration:

Course: Bachelor of Business Administration in investment and finance.


investment banking strategies, financial modeling and derivatives.

Admission criteria:

High school diploma, standardized test course, English proficiency.

12. Kasetsart University-

Course: Master of Business Administration(MBA) – Concentration in Finance


advanced financial management, Investment analysis, mergers and


Admission criteria:

Bachelor’s degree, work experience, English proficiency and entrance exam.

Online Learning- The future of investment banking education-

Online education is the revolutionized learning platform, that offers

flexibility and self-paced learning opportunities for the students world-

wide. There are various reputed institutions providing customized modules

suited to the needs of the working professionals. It highlights virtual live

sessions with real case studies live discussions with industry experts

ensuring high-quality education

Below are the list of investment banking courses offered online-

1. IIM SKILLS – Investment Banking Courses In Thailand-

IIM Skills is one of the fastest growing online education on the global

platform gaining popularity. It is one of the top-ranked institutes offering

investment banking courses in Delhi. It has its branches spread across 23

cities in Asia, along with growing existence in Singapore and Dubai. It

provides Investment banking course with 3 months course duration and 1

month guaranteed internship. Students are trained to be industry-ready

with the opportunity to serve a company as an investment banking analyst,

Investment Manager, Financial Advisor, Risk Manager, or Capital Marketing

Operations Consultant.

Study Mode- Online

Course Curriculum-

Module 1-MS PowerPoint-(2-3 hours)

Introduction to MS Powerpoint

Understanding Ribbon

Short-cut keyboard keys

Learning creating, managing, and designing slides

Understanding animation and transition

Formatting through different themes and colors schemes

Learning how to create a slide master

Inserting pictures and links

Working on illustrations and shapes

Building graphs, bars, charts, tables etc.

Module 2 - MS Excel (7-8 hours)

Introduction to MS Excel

Understanding the Ribbons

Excel keyboard Shortcut keys

Formula and regular functions

Conditional formatting rules

Formatting and structuring of number and fonts

Concept and Understanding of freezing cells, rows and columns

Data Validation, Data Presentation

Sorting and Filtration Process of Data

Understanding Tables, Charts and graphs

Introduction to Macross

Sparklines and sensitivity Analysis

Time value functions, Text functions, Return functions and more

Understanding calculation and refrencings

What-if Analysis
Module 3- Financial system Fundamentals(4-5 Hours)

Introduction to Financial system

Understanding Financial Market

Types of Financial Market

Understanding Market Participants and Regulators

Concept of Stock exchange

Introduction to Financial centres

Difference between exchanged traded securities and over-the-counter

Introduction to Shares

Types of Shares

Understanding Depository Receipts

Concept of Long and Short positions, including Short Sell

Types of Bonds and their Characteristics

Concept of Interest and Bond Price

Understanding Yield to Maturity

Introduction to Forex

Understanding Forex Features

Concepts of quotes and trades

Module 4- Derivatives Market(2-3 hours)

Introduction to Derivatives

Understanding the long and short-term position

Concept of Forwards, futures and options

Discussion of Call and Put options

Introduction to Types of Payoff

Understanding the Pricing in Derivatives markets

Introduction to the concepts of Swaps

Types of Swaps

Concept of Hedging and Speculation

Understanding the Overview of credit default swaps

Module 5 - Technical Investment Banking(3-4 Hours)

Introduction to Investment Banking

Roles of Investment Bankers

Types of Investment banks

Difference between Merchant Banks and Investment Banks

Difference between Commercial Banks and Investment Banks

Introduction to buy-side and sell-side of Business

Investment Banks vs Private Equity firms

Investment Bank vs Venture Capital

Introduction to mergers and acquisitions and capital raising

Introduction to Joint ventures

Concept of Vertical and Horizontal mergers

Understanding sell-side deal lifecycle

Concept of Due-diligence

Introduction to different types of funding stages

Understanding underwriting and book building approach

Concept of Greenshoe option

Introduction to Corporate Restructuring and turnaround

Understanding Leveraged Buyout

Discussion of Earnout and tender offer

Module 6 - Different types of Marketing Collaterals

Understanding buyers and investors lists

Introduction to Non-Disclosure Agreement

Concept of Pitchbook and Pitchdesk

Introduction to Teaser

Introduction to Confidential Information Memorandum

Understanding the concepts of Financial Models

Module 7 - Basics of Financial Modeling

Introduction to structure of Financial Models

Concept of Creating Scenarios

Introduction of Projecting and Forecasting Financial Statements

Understanding Cost-Drivers for different types of Business

Building Detailed Revenue

Concept of preparation of different schedules, including working capital,

depreciation and more

Understanding best financial modeling practices

Concept of Financial Modeling Tricks

Introduction to Financial Summary and Formatting tips

Module 8- Business Valuation.

Introduction to Business Valuation

Understanding the difference between GPC and GTM

Difference between Deal value, Transaction value and Offer value

Introduction to Discounted Cash-Flow Valuation technique

Concept of Sensitivity Tables

Understanding the concept of Different types of Risks in the Valuation


Concept of Mid-Period Valuation

Understanding controlling premium

Introduction to NAV approach for Valuation

Understanding Pre-money and Post-money Valuation

Course Highlights- Master Certification, Live instructor-lead training, 24*7

support, lifetime support, Capstone projects, Mock interviews and Resume

building, Guaranteed internship, Money-back guarantee, 5+ case studies,

and 100% job assistance.

Certification- The MSME government recognized certificate after the

completion of the investment banking master provided by IIM Skilla

Course Fees- INR 39900+18% GST

Contact Information- +919580740740,

2. Coursera :

Course highlights-Coursera offers courses in collaboration with universities and

organizations like Wharton and Columbia University.

Course curriculum-They cover a wide range of topics from financial modeling

to mergers and acquisitions.

3. edX:
Finance and Banking Courses-

Course highlights- edX provides courses from institutions like MIT and NYU.

High-quality content from reputable universities.

Course Curriculum-These cover various aspects of finance, including

investment banking.

4. Udemy:

Investment Banking Courses-

Course highlights- Self-paced learning with specialized topics available.

Udemy offers a variety of investment banking courses, including introductory

classes and more specialized topics like financial modeling and valuation.

5. LinkedIn Learning:

Investment Banking Courses-

Course highlights- Practical tutorials and real-world applications.

LinkedIn Learning provides video courses on investment banking, including

tutorials on financial analysis and corporate finance.

6. Khan Academy:
Finance and Capital Market-

Course highlights- free and accessible fundamental knowledge.

Course curriculum-Khan Academy offers free courses on finance and capital

markets, which include fundamental concepts related to investment banking.

7. Wall Street Prep:

Self-study Program-

Course highlights-Focused self-study approach for in-depth learning.

Course curriculum-Wall Street Prep offers self-Study programs specifically

tailored for investment banking, including financial modeling and valuation


8. Investopedia:

Investing Courses-

Course highlights- Rich resources and comprehensive coverage of investment-

related subjects.

Course curriculum-Investopedia provides various investing courses, some of

which delve into investment banking-related topics.

9. CFI ( Corporate Finance Institute):

Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA) certification-

Course highlights- Certification recognized in the industry, hands-on financial

modeling training

CFI offers a comprehensive certification program covering financial modeling,

valuation, and other essential skills for investment banking professionals.

10.Elegant Training Center:

Fundamental of financial services –

Course highlights- Emphasizes on ethics and integrity in financial services,

comprehensive coverage of financial insr=truments.

Ethics and integrity in financial services, Introduction- Saving and Borrowing,

Banking, Equities/shares/stocks, Bonds, Markets

11.Imarticus Learning- Thailand-

Course highlights- provides one of the recognized best investment banking

course in Thailand

12.Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional-

It offers Fundamentals of financial markets, Trade life cycle, risk management

and regulation.

Top Investment Banking Companies in Thailand

The following are the Top investment banking firms in Thailand to name a few-

offering career prospects, job opportunities, internship facilities to facilitate

application of their in-class learning in the real world, after the completion of

investment banking courses in Thailand. The investment banking companies

plays a vital role in contributing in the sustainable growth of the economy, by

encouraging investments and supporting businesses, mobilizing capital,

financial resources for investments and development, managing risks providing

conducive environment for the entrepreneurs.

The following are the list of investment banking companies:-

ACAP Corporate Services Company Ltd- ACAP provides a wide range of

financial services, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, and

advisory services. It stimulates the economy of the country by assisting

businesses in strategic decision-making that contributes to the growth of

APPLE Wealth Securities Company Ltd- APPLE Wealth Securities facilitates

securities trading and investment opportunities, channeling funds into the

stock market. By enabling investments, they foster liquidity, market efficiency

and encourage long-term capital growth to support the growth of the

businesses and create opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Bualuang Securities Company Ltd- Bualuang Securities plays crucial role in

providing brokerage and financial advisory services. It helps individuals make

informed decisions in allocation of funds and resources.

Kasikorn Securities Public Company Ltd- Kasikorn Securities helps companies

in raising capital, expanding operations, supporting businesses through various

financial services including underwriting, securities trading and investment

advisory, ultimately contributing to economic development.

KT ZMICO Securities Company Ltd- KT ZMICO offers comprehensive

investment banking services, promoting capital market development. It aids

businesses in fund raising and strategic planning to enable economic growth.

Thanachart Securities- Thanachart Securities specializes in securities trading

and investment services. They ensure efficient trading mechanism to attract

investors, market liquidity, boost market confidence and support economic

Phatra Capital Public Company Ltd- Phatra Capital Public Company deals with

asset management, investment banking, and securities trading. It attracts

foreign investment, promote economic resilience through diverse investment


RHB OSK Securities (Thailand) Public Company Ltd- RHB OSK Securities

promotes investment banking and financial advisory services, offers services in

mergers and acquisitions, raise capital to support businesses and foster

entrepreneurship and innovation that progresses the economy of the country.

Siam City Bank Public Company Ltd- SIAM City Bank provides banking services

by offering loans, financial products, and advisory services to support

businesses and entrepreneurs. This encourages job creation and economic


TISCO Bank Public Co.Ltd and TISCO Securities Company Ltd- TISCO Bank and

TISCO Securities collaborate to offer capital mobilization, encourage

investment, and provide financial expertise fueling economic growth and



the economy through real estate development. They create jobs, attract
investments and enhance infrastructure through building residential and

commercial properties.

TCP Group- TCP Group is a major player in the food and beverage industry.

They create employment opportunities, invest in innovations to increase

production and in turn export by expanding business operations.

EY Corporate Services Ltd- EY offers professional services, including auditing,

tax, and advisory. By ensuring financial transparency and regulatory

compliance for businesses, they boost investors confidence, attract foreign

investments and promote a robust business environment.

Philip Life Assurance Public Company Ltd- Philip Life Assurance provides

insurance and financial protection services by mitigating risks for individual and

businesses. They encourage investments, entrepreneurship, and long term

economic planning.

JAC Recruitment- JAC Recruitment plays a significant role by connecting

talented individuals for employment, talent development, organizational


AIRA Capital Public Company Ltd- AIRA capital specializes in investment

banking, asset management, and financial advisory services to encourage

economic expansion.
Bangkok Insurance Public Company Ltd- Bangkok Insurance offers property

insurance, health insurance and automobile insurance. It provides risk

mitigation services, support individuals and businesses by encouraging


Gaysorn Private Equity Co.Ltd- Gaysorn Private Equity invests in businesses,

promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides funds to startups and

Growing enterprises. They create job opportunities, encourage new ventures

and stimulate economic growth.

DAOL Securities and Globlex Group- DAOL Securities and Globlex Group offer

brokerage and investment services to contribute to the growth of financial


Discover Management company Ltd- Discover Management Company offers

a range of services, including investment management and advisory. By

managing investments effectively, they optimize returns for investors,

encouraging savings and investments..

The career in investment banking in Thailand is a lucrative opportunity in the

financial industry. According to 2023 there are 300+ job vacancies. The pay scale
ranges from THB20,000 – THB 160,000, depending on the years of experience.

Advising the company on mergers and acquisition is a challenging role requiring

financial acumen, analytical skills, legal knowledge, negotiation skills,

professionalism, networking skills, and staying informed with industry

developments and global market trends. To meet this requirement, Investment

banking courses in Thailand are designed provide quality education keeping in

mind the latest trend, the market requirement, with exposure to practical

applications from world-class trainers and tutors providing them market

information using their hands-on experience. Additionally, It is a challenging job as

it requires long working hours, high stress levels requiring dedication,

commitment, and ability to adopt to the fast-paced, dynamic and volatile natured

industry in various financial endeavors.

Skills to apply in investment banking –

In order to thrive in the fast-changing world of finance, Investment bankers

should possess a perfect blend of soft skills and hard skills- interpersonal skills and

technical expertise.

The following are the key skills used by the investment bankers-
1. Financial acumen-

Investment banker constantly deals with investments in mergers and

acquisitions helping clients to make informed decisions, understand the

market trend and position to understand and predict when the sales will

peak, and evaluate potential risks and investment opportunities in stocks

requires a sharp understanding and assessment of financial position.

2. Analytical Skills-

While making any crucial financial decisions, investment banker should

accumulate the large sets of data and analyze the information using

intellect to facilitate effective problem-solving and decision-making. It

enables them to assess risks, identify opportunities and analyze complex


3. Communication skills-

While negotiating deals in mergers and acquisition, dealing with clients and

persuading potential investors, effective communication skills is significant

to enable understand the complex financial information in a clear and

understandable manner, enabling clients and stakeholders to comprehend

the intricacies and nuances of financial deals.

4. Market Research skills-

while dealing with the finances of the company, it is essential to possess

strong research skills to identify potential risks in investments in alignment

with market demand, latest market trends, competitive strategies, and

mergers and acquisitions.

5. Time management skills- investment banker interacts with high-profile

clients so it is apparently important to meet deadlines of multiple projects,

and apply multi-tasking abilities to prioritize urgency and importance for

effective outcomes.

6. Networking skills-

The Investment banker must have the potential to build and maintain

relationships with clients, and investors that open doors for prospective

investments and collaborations.

To conclude, the investment banking is a lucrative and demanding career

prospect in Thailand which is robust market full of opportunities with both

domestic and cross-border opportunities in business realm and the growing

economy. It also provides world-class education system with a holistic

approach supported by practical learning techniques to equip with

knowledge from subject expert professors, and businessmen with hands-on

experience. It equips aspiring students with profound knowledge and

understanding of financial complexities, technological expertise and

industry-relevant skills to excel in the competitive financial and investment

banking industry.

Success stories in Investment banking in Thailand-

1. Suphachai Chearavanont- Chief Executive Officer Of True Corporation-

Suphachai Chearavanont, CEO of True Corporation, One of Thailand’s largest

telecommunication conglomerates is a prominent figure in the Thai investment

banking panorama. With a background in finance and investment banking, he

successfully navigated the complexities of the industry, and his expertise

contributed significantly in the growth of True Corporation. Under his leadership,

the True Corporation expanded its services, diversified its portfolio and became a

major player in the telecommunications sector in Thailand and southeast Asia.

1. Arthid Nanthawithaya- Chief Executive Office of Siam Commercial Bank-

Arthid Nanthawithaya, CEO of Siam Commercial Bank, One of the oldest and

largest banks of Thailand, is another notable figure in Thailand’s investment

banking sector. With his innovative vision and financial acumen, Siam

Commercial Bank embraced technological advancement to provide cutting-

edge services to its customers and transformed it into a modern and

revolutionary financial institution. He played a crucial role in digitizing banks,

and implementing innovative banking solutions to enhance customer

experiences. Under his leadership, Siam Commercial Bank became a leading

digital bank in Thailand.

These success stories illustrate how individuals with background in investment

banking have leaped to the top leadership positions in major corporate sectors

in Thailand. Their contributions emphasize how the efforts of investment

banking professionals have shaped the future of businesses and the economy

of Thailand.


1. What is the minimum qualification requirement for Investment banking

courses in Thailand?

Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Finance, with work experience and English

proficiency is the minimum qualification and requirement for the

Investment banking courses in Thailand

2. Are there online educational platforms available for Investment banking

courses in Thailand?

Yes, there are recognized and certified online Investment banking courses in

Thailand that equips the students with all the requisite skills and practical

application through case studies.

3. What are the career prospects in Investment Banking?

You can become a Financial analyst, Investment Banking Associate, Risk

Management Consultant, Global Finance Researcher, Money market

Analyst, Capital Market Operations Consultant, or Financial Market Advisor.

4. Who to approach for education and career prospects in Investment


HSBC – One of the World’s largest Banking and Financial Services

Organizations provides assistance to fulfill the career objective in

investment banking. HSBC caters to the investment banking courses in

Thailand as well.

5. What is the expense of investment banking courses in Thailand ?

Thailand is one of the most affordable countries in Asia. Tuition fees don’t

exceed 2500 EUR per year for study programs that are taught in English.

6. Can foreign students apply for investment banking courses in Thailand?

Yes, English proficiency and work experience with a minimum Bachelor’s

degree in Finance are the criteria for international students to apply for

investment banking courses in Thailand.

Grant Thornton L& D Academy is pleased to launch its

“Certificate in Financial Modelling & Valuation E Learning”. The
program is crafted for working professional & students to provide
them practical exposure of Financial Modelling and Valuation,
help them understand and build business & valuation models.
Program has been designed in a way to provide & ensures that
conceptual knowledge is imparted with perfect blend of industry
practices. Our approach involves focusing on concepts through
case studies to help our participants relate the scenarios to their
job roles.

This programme will help you to create financial models that can
be understood and easily implemented to gain insights into the
opportunities and risks being faced by businesses. This
programme will also help you to gauge the performance of a
financial asset or portfolio of a business project or any other

Learning Outcome:
The programme will focus on:
 Clearing MS Excel doubts and refreshing Excel formulas

 Designing financial models

 Designing revenue and expense models for various industries like

consumer goods, modern retail, real estate and auto components and
creating basic macros

 Creating dashboards to present models in a summarised manner

 Presenting reports using models

 Valuation techniques

Program Deliverables
The programme will focus on:

 80 hours of study

o include 70 hours of course recorded videos

o 8 Hours of Advance Excel Program

o 2 hours of other content and assessments

 Two-way communication and query resolution from “Ask an expert”

 Course material- GT Presentation

 Quiz & Final assessment

 Case Studies

 LMS access of 1 year

 Certificate of completion on successfully

Features of E-learning and LMS -

 Query resolution within 24 hours

 Two-way communication through “Ask the Expert”

 Flexible – learn anytime from anywhere

 Offer remote learners an engaging learning experience

 Cost effective

 Accessible on Mobile and Tablets

Who Should Attend -

 Investment bankers

 Equity researchers

 Professionals working in corporate finance or M&A domain

 Chartered Accountants

 MBA finance and commerce graduates

 Professionals working in the finance domain

Program Coverage
 Excel
 Basic Business Model
 Financial Statements
 Valuation
 Financial Model - Data:
 Modelling
 Valuation
 Project Valuation – Introduction
 Project Valuation – Creating a Model for NPV & IRR
 Modelling Delays
 Project Valuation – Circular Logic and looping
 Project Valuation – Creating EPC Schedule
 Project Valuation – CAPEX Schedule
 Project Valuation – P&L
 Project Valuation – Asset Schedule
 Project Valuation – Valuation
 Project Valuation – GANTT Chart
 Visualization - Interactive Excel Dashboard
 M&A - Introduction
 M&A - Evaluation
1. Evaluating a Merger Bid
2. Case: Estimating fair acquisition price of the target
company in M&A
3. Identifying assumptions for estimating future cash flows
4. Calculating FCFF, discount and terminal rate and NPV
5. Comparable Companies
6. Defining comparative value metric
7. Estimating takeover premium and calculating takeover
8. Comparable transactions and defining comparative value
9. Calculating the valuation of the company
 M&A - Valuation
Fees and schedule

Programme fees: INR 18,000 plus taxes

Cancellation and refund policy

The refund policy in case of withdrawal of nomination would
work as follows:-

 A refund of 50% of the fee would be provided for cancellation requests

received up to five working days before the training start date

 Participants who cancel in less than five working days, or there is no

show on the training date are liable to pay the full course fee and
would not be entitled to refunds.

Cancellations must be made via emails only. However desirous

participants can be accommodated in the future batches of
program, without paying anything extra. It is requested that
willingness to attend any future program should be
communicated at the earliest convenience.

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