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Rift Valley University Gullale Campus Department of Computer Science

Assignment 1 on the Course Design Analysis of Algorithm Weight (15%)

General Directions
 Make a group, which have ten members
 Select only ten questions from the general 16 questions, and then distribute one-one
questions for each students in the group.
 Collect from each group members and compile it as a group work.
 Remember, do not forget to write which question is answered by who(Question
Number, student name)
 In one group, duplicating questions is not allowable. But, other group may select the
question that was selected by one group.
o Submission Date: June 10, 2023
o Submission Mode: Only Hard Copy
List of questions for your choice.
1. Define Algorithm.
2. Discuss Notations of Algorithm.
3. What is Algorithm Design Technique?
4. What is pseudocode?
5. What are the types of algorithm efficiencies?
6. What is the basic operation of an algorithm and how is it identified?
7. What are the basic asymptotic efficiency classes?
8. Write the recursive Fibonacci algorithm and its recurrence relation.
9. Differentiate Time Efficiency and Space Efficiency.
10. How to measure the algorithm’s efficiency and algorithm is running time?
11. Create an algorithm using recursive function to find the sum of n numbers.
12. Write the general plan for analyzing time efficiency of recursive algorithm.
13. List out the Steps in Mathematical Analysis of non-recursive Algorithms.
14. List out the Steps in Mathematical Analysis of Recursive Algorithms.
15. Write and explain about Master’s Theorem with an example.
16. Describe substitution method to solve a recurrence relation with an example.

 Failing to submit according to the deadline makes your result incomplete.

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