This Chapter Consists of A Report of The Researcher's Findings and Analysis of The Data That Had Been Collected During The Procedure of The Research

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This chapter consists of a report of the researcher’s findings and analysis of the

data that had been collected during the procedure of the research. As stated in the
previous chapter, Silliman University's frisbee players have encountered minimal
backing and opportunities despite the sport's rising appeal and interest amongst the
masses. The absence of a varsity frisbee team raises concerns about fairness in
resource allocation, support, and endorsement across the university's sports

Before continuing to explain the findings and analysis, it will be informed that this study
was an interview and survey-based research in Sports or Athletic Experience Inquiry.
As mentioned it was conducted using two types of data collection methods, in which
one is a survey that consisted of questions that were aimed to obtain the athlete's
general knowledge of the sport while the other consisted of a face-to-face interview
wherein athletes in Silliman University involved in Frisbee were able to freely express
their personal insight, opinions, and concerns regarding their sport. Each interview
consisted of 20 questions–The reason for conducting the research in two methods was
to achieve a more in-depth understanding of what might be the cause of the problem.

Chart Figure 4.1

Chart Figure 4.1.2

The chart's four primary factors are the lack of interest, limited awareness, historical
oversight, and administrative constraints. To simplify the chart we chose that for each
line will refer to one question. One significant factor that stood out when looking at the
table that detailed the factors influencing the promotion, inclusion, and representation of
Frisbee players at Silliman University is the lack of interest. These important factors
indicate that important stakeholders are not as committed or enthusiastic about
promoting inclusion in the Frisbee community. This lack of interest can have far-
reaching effects, such as less engagement, a lack of resources, and a weakening sense
of community among players. Initiatives to promote inclusivity and representation may
find it difficult to get traction in the absence of support and active engagement. In order
to create strategies that foster a sense of shared purpose and commitment among
stakeholders and establish the foundation for a more inclusive and representative
environment for Frisbee players at Silliman University, it becomes imperative to address
this factor. In order to ensure that the Frisbee community thrives on the ideals of
inclusivity and representation, efforts must be made to stimulate interest and
commitment from all parties involved.

4.2. Online Survey and Face-to-Face Interview–The Findings

4.2.1 Limited Awareness

From the gathered responses, the results significantly indicated that this factor is
due to insufficient knowledge concerning the promotion of frisbee at Silliman University.
This lack of support highlights a larger problem of inadequate management among
athletes, exposing a lack of official frameworks to advance the game. The interviewee,
who was the prior club president, emphasizes that there is no official way to support
frisbee—the community is portrayed as having insufficient support, one of which is by
the limited availability of facilities, such as fields. One interviewee also draws attention
to a local issue with the women's varsity team, highlighting the fact that talented players
often choose to leave the team due to policies that prevent varsity players from
participating in intramural sports. Additionally, the community has difficulties due to
CHED's limited acknowledgment and funding for frisbee, which mostly favors traditional
sports. Despite these challenges, one interviewee also highlights the perseverance of
frisbee players who are very much willing to spend money on competitions in order to
obtain priceless experiences, exhibiting a love for the sport that transcends monetary
rewards. These responses emphasize how critical it is to raise awareness of the
complex issues facing the frisbee community at Silliman University and provide official
support systems.

4.2.2 Lack of interest

The interview clarifies the difficulties that the Silliman University frisbee
community faces, which are mostly caused by what is thought to be a lack of interest
and support. All of the interviewees agreed that the university's administration does not
support frisbee enough, “even though it is one of the grassroots hubs for the sport in the
Philippines”, one interviewee stated. The development of frisbee has been hampered by
the university's emphasis on more traditional sports because of financial restrictions.
Frisbee is not completely disregarded, but its potential is hampered by the lack of
proper facilities, ongoing support, and recognition from higher education authorities
such as CHED. The respondents voiced their dissatisfaction with the inadequate
resources available, stating that it is difficult to fully utilize players' abilities and foster a
vibrant frisbee community on campus. In spite of these challenges, players' skills and
potential are viewed favorably, and more support and recognition are desired in order to
fully fulfill Frisbee's growth and success at Silliman University. The lack of adequate
resources not only hinders the development of players' skills but also limits the
opportunities for them to compete at a higher level. The respondents emphasize the
need for increased funding and sponsorship to provide better equipment, training
programs, and opportunities for participation in tournaments. They believe that with
proper support and recognition, frisbee can thrive and contribute to the overall success
of Silliman University's sports program.

4.2.3 Historical Oversight

The interview highlights the difficulty of historical monitoring in Silliman

University's frisbee development. Compared to more conventional sports like basketball
and volleyball, frisbee seems to struggle for recognition and funding, even though its
origins date back only about 15 years. The problem is made worse by CHED's lack of
recognition of frisbee as a varsity sport, which restricts the university's ability to support
frisbee activities, including the supply of equipment and space. The interviewees
express discontentment and concern about what they see as a historical lapse, given
that frisbee players are disadvantaged in terms of government recognition, financing,
and infrastructure. The accounts also emphasize past support and inter-school
competitions, showing that, despite some acknowledgment, the historical oversight still
affects the ongoing growth of frisbee at Silliman University.

4.5 Administrative Constraints

Accordingly, many agreed, while others disagreed— stating that it may be the lack of
recognition from the administration while others say it’s a matter regarding the lack of
communication between the athletes as well as the school. The findings concluded that
this component is resulting in administrative restrictions. This lack of acknowledgement
results in frisbee could not be fully represented. When compared to more established
sports like soccer and basketball, this oversight can result in gaps in opportunity,
money, and recognition. Frisbee may not receive the same level of recognition or
support inside the school as more established sports. This lack of recognition might
have a negative impact on the team's morale and motivation.

4.6 Results of the discussion

The discussion's outcomes show that there are several elements that go into the
difficulties that the frisbee community at Silliman University faces. One major barrier that
respondents mention is limited understanding, Among these discussions,( naa toy
something iri) inadequate knowledge or limited awareness as primary reasons for the
abstraction in regard to the representation, advocacy, and support of Frisbee at
universities. The lack of official support systems, along with inadequate facilities and
issues among the student body highlights the challenge of building a strong frisbee
community. The sport's growth is further hampered by the absence of funding and
recognition from higher education authorities such as CHED, underscoring the need for
formal support structures and more public awareness.e

The findings highlight a significant issue believed to stem from a perceived lack of
awareness and Administrative constraints towards the Frisbee sport in fully becoming a
varsity team– notably from the university administration. Despite being acknowledged
as the primary hub or “grassroots” for frisbee in the Philippines, the administration's
emphasis on conventional sports leads to financial limitations that impede the sport's
development and growth. In many cases during the interview, many Athletes expressed
dissatisfaction due to inadequate resources, underscoring the difficulty in honing
players' abilities and fostering a vibrant frisbee community on campus. Their plea for
greater support and recognition mirrors a collective aspiration to overcome these
hurdles and establish Frisbee as a thriving element within Silliman University's athletic

According to the majority of our respondents, frisbee is held back mainly due to the limited
awareness of students as there are a large number of students that may have the potential to
play the sport, but are too scared to do so or because they don't really know anything about it.
The second vast majority of our respondents all agree that administrative constraints may also
play a factor in the abstraction of Frisbee from growing as a sport as it is overlooked not by the
school as a whole, but rather allegedly by the higher-ups of the university. Additionally, the
responses from the survey indicated only a small minority have agreed that it was due to
the lack of interest of the masses in which frisbee is held back however, in many responses,
it was implied that the lack of interest and potential was mainly present because of how
Frisbee is still a relatively new sport in comparison to traditional sports indicating that with
given time, support, and advocacy it will gain more attraction and much more appeal The
second minority of respondents have agreed that historical oversights are to blame for the slow
growth of frisbee

For the majority of the respondents, the disagreeing populace all disagreed due to the
lack of interest and the historical oversight since it was not the lack of interest but it is
the lack of support of the school administration and the government that affects the
overall experience of the frisbee players. As for the historical oversight frisbee was a
popular sport to begin with but it is relatively new to schools since this is only growing,
and lastly for the administrative constraints this is the least disagreed factor since
because in Silliman the players are able to discuss together to propose it in the
administration allowing them to create a club for frisbee so that’s why this is the least
disagreed factor in since the problem is not the administration but rather the problem is
in the communication from the students.

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