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People and Earth’s Ecosystem

Module 3 Lesson 5
Impact to Human Health

Impact of pollution to human health

Pollution can affect the health of humans. Burning of fuels, smoke, and transportation (like cars and other
vehicles) that will lead to serious illness like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and lung problems. Pregnant
woman should avoid different kinds of pollution so that she will not get sick as well as her baby once she
or he will born.

Impact of Land degradation to human health

People is the most common that benefited to crop from land. Then, they are the most affected once the
land degradation happens. They will get malnourish, poverty, low health care for children and women,
limited clean drinking water, low food intake, diseases and many more.

Impact of biodiversity loss to human health

Biodiversity is crucial to us. It is our sources of food like meat. If biodiversity is loss, we will get hungry;
the quality of air will be low, limited natural medicines, more natural disaster (flood, storms, and fires) ,
the water will be contaminated which is not safe to drink, and limited resources like food which will lead
us to nutrition deficiency.

Impact of global warming to human health

Global warming is one of the serious problem on earth. Storm, flooding as well as the heat could lead us
to mortality. Pollutants can also provide us different kinds of disease. Global warming affects the crop so
our food supply will reduced that leads to malnutrition.

Impact of Environment to human health

If our environment is clean, healthy and sustainable. We are far away from harm
and illness. If we are sick, we should consult to specialist or doctor.

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