PST MCQS For Revision

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MC ___________ is a white metal which is used to make iron: Chromate

MC ________ is exported to get large amount of foreign exchange: Chromate

MC __________ is a very useful raw material for cement industry: Limestone

MC The annual production of limestone is _____ thousand tones: 9.9

MC ___________ deposits are found in Tumman Leghari mine in south Punjab: Uranium

MC ___________ is generated by the pressure of falling water: Hydroelectric power

MC The power station consists of 10 turbine units each with the capacity of producing _____ megawatts: 100

MC The biggest mines of coal is salt ranges in Kohistan in the region of ________ in Punjab: Makkarwal

MC ______ Coal mines of Jhimpir and Lakhra are important: Sindh

MC We are getting ____ % oil for our needs: 10

MC __________ contribution to the struggle for independence were appreciated: Liaquat Ali khan

MC ___________ was the first prime minister of Pakistan: Liaquat Ali

MC ____________ established the ground work for Pakistan’s foreign policy: Liaquat Ali

MC Liaquat Ali presented the: Objective resolution

MC Liaquat Ali also took the steps towards the formulation of: All of these
MC India occupied Kashmir By agreement: Unjustly

MC Objective resolution was passed in ___________: 1949

MC Quaid e Azam died on 1948: Sep-11

MC __________ was the second governor general of Pakistan: Nizam Uddin

MC Liaquat Nehru pact of __________ was to solve problem: 1950

MC In __________ Iskandar mirza became the governor general of Pakistan: 1955

MC Even after _____ years of existence Pakistan was without a constitution: Eight

MC The constitution of Pakistan will be: Democratic

MC Islam and its ideology has taught us the lesson of: Islamic democracy

MC The _________ has the fundamental importance in the history of Pakistan: Objective resolution

MC President general Ayub khan made the commission to prepare constitution of: 1962

MC The permanent constitution was given by: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

MC Permanent constitution came into effect on 14th august: 1973

MC Husyen Shaheed replace Ch. Muhammad Ali as Prime Minister on September 12: 1956

MC "On December 16, 1957, Malik Feroz khan noon took over the office of prime minister from ": I. I. Chandrigar
MC Malik Feroz Khan Noon was the last prime minister under the president ship of: Iskandar mirza

MC The military regimes was started in Pakistan history from: 1958 October 7

MC ________________ was the first chief martial law administrator: Gen Ayub khan

MC The East Pakistan was separated from East Pakistan on: 1971

MC Z. A. Bhutto becomes the prime minister in: 1973

MC Earlier election in 1977 was announced by: Z. A Bhutto

MC on 5 July 1977 martial law was imposed by: Gen Zia ul haqq

MC Gen. Zia ul Haqq announced elections of the national and provincial assemblies in: Feb-85

MC Gen. Zia ul Haqq was Martyred on air crash in: 1988

MC Iskandar mirza becomes president in the year: 1956

MC The problems faced by industry during its growth is known as: Industrial problem

MC ______Technology was introduced in the beginning of 20th century: Modern

MC _______ used the modern methods of production in Britain: British

MC There is acute shortage of ________ resources like oil and coal: Mineral

MC The infrastructure for industrial development is: Necessary

MC What is growth rate of electricity and gas sector? 21%

MC ________ resources are the backbone of social economic development of any country: Energy

MC The cost of crude has increased from: 40$ to 140$

MC Pakistan is blessed with __________ amount of the coal: Large

MC Wapda briefing highlights the ________ distribution system of electricity: Poor

MC Over use of electricity is one of the reason of: Energy crisis

MC Power crisis are affecting the economy of Pakistan very ________: Badly

MC The stock market is suffering a _________ worldwide: Decline

MC The situation in Pakistan is troublesome probably the ________ in the history of Pakistan: Worst

MC Human rights are those rights that are giving to every individual: Equally

MC No country today can think of a life independence of others _____: Nations

MC Foreign policy is reflection of domestic __________ People: Politics

MC Our foreign policy is one of: Friendliness and good will

MC Who is father of the nation? M. Ali Jinnah

MC Pakistan is an _________ member of international community: Active

MC Pakistan’s foreign policy is the relations with ______ states except Israel: All

MC Good relation with Muslims state is one of the _____ principle of Pak foreign policy: Basic

MC When did Pakistan join the UN as a new member? "Aug, 1947"

MC Which country firstly accepted independence of Pakistan: Iran

MC Pakistan’s Policy is to ______ peace among nations: Promote

MC Second war with India held in _________: 1971

MC The border between Iran and Pakistan is about ________ km: 912

MC When did Pakistan test his nuclear power: 1998

MC China is the ________ friend of Pakistan: Best

MC Pakistan’s foreign policy based on creating unity among: Muslim nations

MC The________ dispute is the main center-point of all of these conflicts with the exception of the Indo-Pakistan Kashmir

MC Afghanistan was the only country around the world that opposed Pakistan’s entry in: United Nation

MC Indus Basin Treaty was signed by in which two countries: Pakistan and India

MC The new name of RCD is: ECO

MC "Pakistan, being a Muslim state, always sided with the national rights of the _________ people. ": Palestinian
MC We can talk about ________ which is a manifestation of the Muslim World and a concept of Pan-Islamism: OIC

MC Recently __________ is providing technical and financial assistance to establish Gwadar Seaport at Makran. China

MC Bangladesh became a country in: 16-Dec-71

MC Saarc was established in? Dhaka

MC ___________ is the famous poet of Balochi. Ameer dost

MC __________ is the famous poet of Punjabi. Baba Farid

MC who was the first President of the Constitution Assembly? Quaid-e-Azam

MC after how many years did Pakistan get her first constitution? 8 years

MC what document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process? Objective Resolution

MC when Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly? Oct-53

MC who was Mohammad Ali Bogra? Prime Minister

MC what is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula? Constitutional Formula

MC when first constitution of Pakistan was enforced? 23rd March 1956

MC who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution? Choudhry Mohammad Ali

MC what official name was given to Pakistan in 1956 constitution? Islamic Republic of Pakistan
MC what age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution? 40 years

MC in respect of religion what term was set for President in 1956: He must be a Muslim

MC what was the official language declared in 1956 constitution? Both a & b

MC who abrogated 1956 constitution? Iskandar Mirza

MC when the first constitution was abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed? Oct-58

MC when Ayub Khan enforced new constitution in Pakistan? 8th June 1962

MC what was the official language declared in 1962 constitution? Both a & b

MC which kind of system of Government was introduced by the 1962 constitution? Presidential

MC when the constitution of 1962 was abrogated? March 1969

MC who abrogated 1962 constitution and became CMLA? Gen Yahya Khan

MC when Mr. Z.A. Bhutto launched a new constitution in the country? 14th August 1973

MC which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution? Parliamentary

MC who elects the President according to 1973 constitution? Both of them

MC according to 1973 constitution who elects Prime Minister? National Assembly

MC in which constitution Bicameral Legislature was provided for the first time? 1973
MC __________ contribution to the struggle for independence were numerous: All of these

MC Liaquat Ali also took the steps towards the formulation of: Objective resolution

MC The East Pakistan was separated from Pakistan: 1971

MC Bhutto becomes the prime minister in: 1973

MC the _________ has the fundamental importance in the history of Pakistan: Objective resolution

MC GR. Zia ul haqq was died on air crash in: 1988

MC Punjabi language is spoken as first language by ----- of Pakistanis: 44%

MC "A set of basic law, rules and regulations which are necessary for running the administration.": Constitution

MC The system in Pakistan was established first in the year 1980. Zakat

MC Which Prim-e-Minister of Pakistan assassinated in 1951? Liaquat Ali Khan

MC According to Indus Basin Treaty Pakistan got exclusive rights of the? Water

MC Which city was chosen as the first capital of Pakistan after 1947? Karachi

MC Who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan after Liaquat Ali Khan? Khuwaja Nazimuddin

MC The agreement called “Indus Basin Treaty” was signed between Pakistan and India in the year: 1960

MC Which city was chosen as the first capital of Pakistan after 1947? Karachi
MC The meeting of the first Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was held in the year 1947 and was selected its President: Quaid e Azam

MC In 1955 The Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was elected and the process of which constitution making was started? 1st

MC Pakistan was established Government of India Act was accepted as interim constitution with necessary amendments to it: 1935

MC Who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan after Liaquat Ali Khan? Khuwaja Nazimuddin

MC _________ resources are the gift from Allah to human being. Natural

MC Electricity produce in Pakistan from _________ main resources. 3

MC The ___________ major power produced. 4

MC _________ is the major user of water: Agriculture

MC Sustainability of agriculture depends on the timely and adequate availability of ______: Water

MC The increasing pressure of ________ and industrialization have already placed greater demands on water: Population

MC The Indus river has a total length of _____ km: 2900

MC The desired level of forest is ______ percent of the total land of the country: 20-30

MC The largest gas deposited is at Sui initially discovered in _____: 1953

MC PPL contributes ___% of Pakistan’s gas production: 25

MC Our iron fulfills only ____ % of our needs: 20

MC ______ was only used in making of coins and utensils: Copper

MC The work has been started on crude metal in saindak and _________ laboratory: Karachi

MC The constitution of Pakistan will be democratic and based on the fundamental laws of? Islam

MC Liaquat Ali Khan was killed in Rawalpindi on 16th October: 1951

MC The organization of SAARK has ____ founding members. 7

MC Indus water treaty was signed in the era of: Ayub khan

MC "India, Iran, Afghanistan, China: Neighbor countries of Pakistan

MC The agreement called “Indus Basin Treaty” was signed between Pakistan and India in the year: 1960

MC Which city was chosen as the first capital of Pakistan after 1947? Karachi

MC The meeting of the first Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was held in the year 1947 and was selected its President: Quaid e Azam

MC In 1955 The Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was elected and the process of which constitution making was started? 1st

MC Pakistan was established Government of India Act was accepted as interim constitution with necessary amendments to it: 1935

MC Natural resource occur naturally with in environments that exist relatively undistributed by __________: Mankind

MC _____ percent lands is under cultivation: 28

MC The most important crops in Pakistan are: All of the above

MC The economy of Pakistan is based largely on _________: Agriculture

MC Approximately ___% of the national income comes from agriculture: 70

MC 80% of the people of Pakistan are engaged in __________: Farming

MC 90% of the _______ is based on agriculture: Export trade

MC About 83% of the cultivated land now is _______: Food Agains

MC The importance of foreign exchange to Pakistan can hardly be exaggerated for its vital to the program for __________: Cultivation

MC The share of agriculture in GDP is about _____%: 25

MC BPC presented 2nd report to the constituent Assembly? 1952

MC The 3 class cast in Hindu society is known as: Waish

MC Name the desert located in Punjab. Thal

MC Who ruled Indian Subcontinent for nearly 200 years: Britshers

MC "Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), founded in " 1964

MC "(SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, founded in " 1985

MC The Concept of SAARK was initiated by______ in 1980: Bangladesh

MC The major objective of SAARK was to promote the welfare of the people of: South Asia
MC "Acountry's foreign policy, also called the foreign______policy." Relation

MC Monetary policy is macroeconomic policy laid down by the ______bank: Central

MC Pakistan shared a religious & cultural heritage with_______: Turkey

MC _________is the biggest country area vise & population vise: India

MC NATO is under pressure in ___________ Europe: Eastern

MC _________is the largest Muslim forum in the world: OIC

MC "ECO has _______members, 3 original & others who joined later." 10

MC "Importance of peaceful relation with _______ countries to control crime, drug, human trafficking, gambling." Neighboring

MC "The official language of OIC are Arabic, _______ and English.": French

MC Umer Marvi is one of the famous folk story of: Sindhi Language

MC The first constitution of Pakistan was enforced for? 2 & Half Years

MC National wealth buried under the earth is? Minerals

MC The Indus Basin Treaty between two countries was settled by the efforts of? International Bank.

MC Which party won 7-March 1977’s Elections of National Assembly? PPP

MC PNA was an opposition group against? Bhutto

MC Who was the head of PNA? Mufti Mehmood

MC Mufti Mahmood was the head of which party? PNA

MC When Zia imposed martial law in Pakistan? 1977

MC General Zia ruled for ……. years? 11

MC General Zia died on? 1988

MC International Islamic University Islamabad was established in the year? 1981

MC Who established International Islamic university? General Zia

MC Who established Allama Iqbal Open university? Bhutto

MC MRD came in the year? 1981

MC MRD led by which leaders of PPP? Benazir Bhutto

MC Benazir faced fierce opposition to her first rule by? IJI

MC Who dismissed Benazir Bhutto's first Government? Ghulam Ishaq Khan

MC When Eighth Amendment was introduced? 1985

MC Who built first motorway in Pakistan? Nawaz Sharif

MC 1956 - Constitution was enforced on ….: 23rd March

MC 1962 – Constitution was enforced on ….: 8th June

MC 1973 – Constitution was enforced on …...: 14th August

MC Minimum age to become president in 1956 constitution was? 40

MC Minimum age to become president in 1962 constitution was? 35

MC Minimum age to become president in 1973 constitution was? 45

MC 1956 constitution was? Uni-Cameral

MC 1962 constitution was? Uni-Cameral

MC 1973 constitution was? Bi-Cameral

MC Who abrogated first constitution? Iskandar Mirza

MC Which Court was highest court in the country according to 1956 constitution? Federal Court

MC The constitution 1956 prevailed for how many years? 2

MC Urdu and Bengali became National languages in which constitution? 1956

MC Constitution 1956 was abrogated in which year? 1958

MC Which form of government described in 1962 constitution? Presidential

MC Which form of government described in 1956 constitution? Parliamentary

MC Which form of government described in 1973 constitution? Parliamentary

MC Supreme Court highest court in the constitution? 1973

MC 1962 constitution Abrogated on ……….: 1969

MC 1962 constitution Abrogated by? General Yahya

MC Which constitution had 280 articles: 1973

MC Which constitution had 250 articles: 1962

MC Which constitution had 234 articles: 1956

MC Which article of 1973 constitution defines High Treason? 6

MC Which article of 1973 constitution defines Equality of citizens? 25

MC President takes oath before? CJ

MC Which amendment of 1973 constitution made Ahmadi a non-Muslims? 2

MC Who called Tashkent Declaration “Virtual Surrender.”? ZA-Bhutto

MC First phase of Nationalization by Bhutto took place in the year? 1972

MC Bhutto announced Labor policy on? 1972

MC Bhutto Nationalized Industries on? 1972

MC What is de facto? Illegal

MC What is de jure? legal

MC How many acres irrigated can be kept according to agricultural reform of general Ayub? 500

MC How many acres irrigated can be kept according to agricultural reform of AZ-Bhutto? 150

MC When ZA-Bhutto born? 1928

MC Which amendment brought the article 58-2B? 8th

MC Which Amendment brought Islamization in Pakistan? 8th

MC When Benazir was martyred? 2007

MC When Kashmir was occupied by India? 1947

MC Who was the ruler of Hyderabad during its accession? Nizam

MC The ruler of which princely state took refuge in Karachi? Junagarh

MC Hammond Rahman Commission denotes which case? Military operation 1971

MC The Creek Boundary agreement was signed in the year? 1968

MC Which rivers were given to Pakistan in Indus water treat? Indus

MC Who was Prime Minister of India during Indus Water treaty? J. Nehru
MC Who was PM of India During 1965 war? Lal Bahadur

MC Who is current PM of Azad Jammu Kashmir? Sardar Tanvir

MC Who is CM of Baluchistan in 2023? Qudus Bizenjo

MC Who is CM of Sindh in 2023? Murad Ali shah

MC Who is CM of Punjab in 2023? Mohsin Naqvi

MC Who is governor KPK? Haji Ghulam Ali

MC Who is current president of Pakistan? Arif Alvi

MC Who is governor Sindh? Kamran Tisori

MC M9-Motorway connects Karachi with? Hyderabad

MC New district in Karachi was? Kiamari

MC First woman prime minister of Pakistan was? Benazir Bhutto

MC Who was the first President of Pakistan? Iskandar Mirza

MC Who imposed first martial law in Pakistan? Iskandar Mirza

MC 2nd martial law was imposed by? General Yahya

MC Who is current foreign minister of Pakistan? Bilawal Bhutto

MC Current Speaker National Assembly is? Raja Pervaiz Ashraf

MC Current Prime Minister of Pakistan is? Shahbaz Sharif

MC Who was the first President of the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan? Quaid-e-Azam

MC In Pakistan the percentage of Rural Population is__________: 33.5

MC Number of Languages spoken in Pakistan is more than ______________: 30

MC "Who has formulated, that if Jinnah and Gandhi united, then once again they can retain united India" Raj Gopal Achari

MC "In which Constitution of Pakistan, Urdu was declared as official language?": 1973

MC All material requirements for strong military build-up are provided through _____________ Natural resources

MC Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution? Chaudhry Muhammad Ali

MC Pakistan Played First Twenty20 International (T20I) match against which country? England

MC what is the other name of Muhammad Ali Bogra formula? Constitutional Formula

MC What is the new name of Lyallpur city _______________: Faisalabad

MC Resources are the real wealth of a _______________: Nation

MC Name the national winter fruit of Pakistan: Guava

MC Which desert is located in eastern par of Punjab? Cholistan Desert

MC What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution: Both Bengali and Urdu

MC "In which year, Mangla Dam became operational?" 1967

MC ____________ areas covered by forests in Pakistan: 4.80%

MC Valuable resources of copper found in ___________________: Baluchistan

MC Operation Zarb e Azb took place in _______________: 15th June

MC Which one is National reptilia of Pakistan: Crocodile

MC There are ___________ ethnic groups in Pakistan: 15

MC "Indus water treaty was signed by Pakistan and India in September 1960, through this India were given ______": Three rivers

MC Protection Forest mainly are those implanted by ________________: Humans

MC The Kashaf-ul Mahjub was written by ________________: Haji Shariat Ullah

MC The Chasma plant has a Generating capacity of power about __________MW: 300

MC Government of India Act 1858 was passed on: 2 Aug 1858

MC Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy resource ________________: Coal

MC The world has the least amount of which of the following fuel types: Oil

MC ____________ forest Used for grazing purpose watershed protection and fuel wood: Tropical Thorn forest
MC There are _____________ types of rocks: 3

MC What is the name of mountain range along the border of China and Pakistan? Karakoram

MC The Foreign Minister of Pakistan is: Shah Mehmood Qureshi

MC In Pakistan the sun shines for about___________ days a year annually: 300

MC "Solar energy stored in material such as wood, grain, sugar, and municipal waste is called __________: Biomass

MC How many major dams does Pakistan have? 2

MC Arabian ocean is ______________ km long: 1046

MC Pakistan’s major export: Rice and Wheat

MC "In Pakistan, one child dies after every (2018):" Hour

MC NADRA stands for: National Database and Registration Authority

MC Total number of Universities in Pakistan (2018): More than 90

MC The minimum annual rainfall in Pakistan was recorded at: Nokkundi

MC District Sawat belongs to: Malakand

MC The disease which is almost extinct from Pakistan is: Small Pox

MC _____________ is the national juice of Pakistan: Sugarcane juice

MC What type of energy is derived from heated groundwater? Geothermal Energy

MC 1st TV Station Pakistan started in: Lahore

MC China Clay is found in: Margalla Hills

MC What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb: Sharp and Cutting Strike

MC How many Peaks in Pakistan are higher than 7000 meters: 121

MC The world faces an energy crisis because _________ all of the above

MC _________________ is Second largest Muslim Country: Pakistan

MC Islam rises in sub-continent ___________________: 8 Century A.D

MC Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh in __________________ 712 AD

MC Debbal is known by the name of __________________ Maklee: Thatta

MC Mahmud Ghanzavi invaded India ________ times from 1001 to 1027 A.D: 17 Times

MC The duration of Walid Bin Abdul Malak was _____________________: 705-715 A. D

MC Raja Dahir came with his_______ along with contingents of elephants. " 40,000 soldiers"

MC With the passage of time rule of Umayyads finally evaporated in: 750 A. D

MC Shah Waliullah received his early education from the institution of _____________: Madrassa Rahimiya
MC _______ is called Babul Islam (gate way to Islam): Sindh

MC ______ caste peoples were known by the work of “Preaching”. Brahmans

MC The set of ideas that constitutes one’s goal is called: Ideology

MC " The interpretation of the past, explains the present and vision of the future is known as " Ideology

MC The aims of ideology by the beginning of the _______ was clearly seen that Hindus and Muslims are the two separate nations: 20th century

MC The demand of separate homeland came from Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad address: All of above

MC "While having such distinct lives from the Hindus, Muslims wanted a separate homeland to ______ their religion: Both of above

MC ______ wanted to save their religion from the interference of Hindus Muslims

MC Islam does not only teach us to worship Allah Almighty only but also teaches us to live Dramatically: Socially

MC Islam encourages a balance in life and _____ in everything: Moderation

MC Islam has also taught us to keep our _____ intact: Both a and b

MC _______ keeps the economy stable: Zakat

MC The War of Independence took place in: 1857

MC Who joined the British against the war against Muslims in 1857 AD: Hindus

MC The Muslim League was formed in 1906 to represent and protect the position of the ………: Muslim minority
MC "In the year 1919, the British Government passed a new rule called: "Rowlatt Act, "

MC The freedom fighters badly lacked in __________ resources: All of these

MC After the war of Independence the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled to: Rangoon

MC Quaid e Azam died in: 1948

MC The Muslim institution which was established by Syed Ahmed khan to create political awareness among the Muslims was: Muhammadan Educational


MC khilafat movement held in: 1919

MC the annual meeting of Mohammedan Educational Conference was held at _____: Dhaka

MC "All India Muslim League passed the historic Lahore Resolution in its 27th annual session held in Minto Park, Lahore on: 23rd March 1940

MC The 3rd June 1946 plan was announced by: Lord Mountbatten

MC __________ presented a proposal to establish a Muslim league: Nawab Salim Ullah Khan

MC The Quaid-e-Azam became member of the All India Muslim League in…….: 1913

MC The Shimla Conference was a meeting between_______ and the major political leaders of India: Archibald Wavell

MC conference held by Muslims in 1927 at deli and are now called: The deli Muslim proposals

MC _______ was created in the year of 1885: Congress

MC the Nehru report was nothing else than a _____________: Congress document

MC The ______ held talks with the representatives of the Indian National Congress and the All-India Muslim League khilafat movement: Cabinet Mission

MC Pakistan has vital importance due to its: Geographical position

MC The variety of landscape divides Pakistan into Major regions Six

MC The world's biggest continent is Asia which is spread up to SQ: 44.4

MC Pakistan is located in the Part of the South Asia West

MC The chief sea port is at: Karachi

MC Pakistan has very friendly relation with: China

MC The water of Arabian sea is known as: Warm Water

MC Nuclear power test was made on at Chaghi (Baluchistan): 28th may 1998

MC "Due to rapid organization and modernization, the use of as a primary language is increasing" English

MC _______ is consist of our entire life activities: Culture

MC Islamic culture generally includes all the practices which have been taken from ______________: Quran and Sunnah

MC _____ was the major force because of which the separate homeland took place: Deen

MC Pakistani people do firm good deeds and ______ other people to do so: Preach
MC Pakistani culture is also called ______ culture: Multiple

MC ______ is the important component of the culture: Literature

MC ________ reflects half of the culture of a region Music: Poetry

MC ____ handicrafts are considered best in the world: Pakistani

MC The people of Pakistan take part in _____ activity: Recreational

MC _______ member of the family has the higher and important position in the family: Male

MC Natural resource occur naturally with in environments that exist relatively undistributed by __________ Mankind

MC _____ percent lands is under cultivation: 28

MC The most important crops in Pakistan are: All of the above

MC Approximately ___% of the national income comes from agriculture: 70

MC Sustainability of agriculture depends on the timely and adequate availability of ______ Water

MC The desired level of forest is ______ percent of the total land of the country: 20-30

MC The largest gas deposited is at Sui initially discovered in _____: 1953

MC ________ is exported to get large amount of foreign exchange: Chromate

MC __________ is a very useful raw material for cement industry: Limestone

MC The annual production of limestone is _____ thousand tones: 9.9

MC The real name of Shah Waliullah was: Qutub Din

MC Which country is located in the east of Pakistan? India

MC Who wrote the book Tehzibul Ikhlaq: Sir Syed Ahmed

MC Whi initiated Jihad Movement in sub-continent: Syed Ahmed Brelvi

MC Who was the first president of All India Muslim League: Sir Aagha Khan

MC Who gave formally the idea of two nation theory in sub-continent: Sir Syed Ahmed

MC How many layers are there in atmosphere: 5

MC How many components of environment are there: 2

MC In which layer clouds are found: Troposphere

MC Microbes are part of: Biotic

MC Water is part of: Abiotic

MC Which area of Sindh is green and fertile: North Sindh

MC Chapli Kabab is famous food of: KPK

MC Chaap is cultural dance of: Baluchistan

MC Which province of Pakistan has oldest culture: Sindh

MC Attan is cultural dance of: Pashtuns

MC The mango crop is famous in: Sindh

MC Madhu Laal is Sufi saint of: Punjab

MC Lal Shahbaz Qalender is Sufi saint of: Sindh

MC Sports goods are mainly manufactured in: Sialkot

MC Luddi is cultural dance of: Punjab

MC Karoonjhar mountains are located in: Sindh

MC Who was the first prime minister of Pakistan: Liaquat Ali Khan

MC On which date India stopped water of Pakistan in 1948: 1st April

MC Satluj River was controlled by which headwork: Ferozepur

MC Indus water treaty took place in the year: 1960

MC Ravi river was controlled by which headwork: Madhupur

MC Which city of Pakistan is famous for cutlery: Wazirabad

MC Mahya is cultural song of: Punjab

MC Sachal Sarmast is Sufi saint of: Sindh

MC The ideology of Pakistan is based on: Islam

MC Which constitution is running in Pakistan: 1973

MC Gwadar port is located at: Baluchistan

MC Which of the following is nonrenewable source of energy: Petrol

MC Muhammad Muataqi was father of: Sir Syed Ahmed

MC Sir Syed Ahmed khan is buried at: Aligarh campus

MC Swadeshi movement took place during partition of: Bengal

MC Lucknow pact took place in the year: 1916

MC In practice of Satti Hindu had: Burnt women

MC Which caste had slaughtered women in subcontinent: Rajput’s Of Orrisa

MC Who wrote the book Causes of Indian Mutiny: Sir Syed Ahmed

MC The society of subcontinent before Islam was divided in parts: 4

MC Taj Mahal was built during: Shah Jahan

MC Ist battle of Panipat took place during: 1526

MC The battle of Terrain was between Ghori and: Prithvi Chohhan

MC Somnath Mandir was attacked by: Memood Ghazna

MC 3rd battle of Panipat occurred owing to: Shah Waliullah

MC Before Mughal which dynasty was ruling in subcontinent: Lodhi

MC Mughal rule Starts from: 1526

MC The last Mughal emperor was: Bahadur Shah

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