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Physical Education

Unit 4
Physical Education & Sports for Children with special needs-
Divyang (CWSN)

Concept of Disability and Disorders:

Disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental,
intellectual, mental, physical, sensory or some combination of
It is a functional limitation or restriction of an individual’s ability to
perform an activity. It means disability creates obstruction in the
normal function or movement of an individual. It limits and
restricts the activity of a person.

The disorder is a problem that disrupts normal physical or mental

functions. It is a state of confusion that interrupts normal function.
It is an abnormality of physical and mental states like psychiatric
disorders, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. The
disorder may be resulting from a genetic failure in development
or from external factors such as poison, trauma, or disease.
Types of Disorders
1. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
2. SPD ( Sensory Processing Disorder)
3. ASD ( Autism Spectrum Disorder)
4. ODD ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
5. OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
It is a brain disorder that is characterized by problems paying
attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior.
Individuals may have some problems focusing on activities. They
may be hyperactive or may be unable to control their impulses. It
has three types
 Inattention: Children lack concentration in any work, have
difficulty sustaining focus, and are unorganized.
 Hyperactivity: Children are unusually or abnormally active.
They have impulsive actions, a shorter attention span, and
are easily distracted.
 Impulsive: Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking
about the consequences.
 Genetic factors are one of the main cause
 Children with low birth weight
 When a baby’s brain is damaged before or after birth
 Lack of discipline in the family
 Addiction to a certain diet
 Exposure to toxic substances at an early age.
SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
It is a condition in which the brain has difficulty in receiving and
responding to information that comes in through the senses. It is
some sort of neurological jam that prevents certain parts of the
brain from receiving the information required to interpret sensory
information accurately.
Sensory processing disorder may affect our senses such as touch,
sight, taste, or movement. In this disorder, the person may scream
when touched, or dive under the table after hearing the sound.
In some cases, they remain unresponsive to anything around
them. Even he may fail to give a response to Extreme heat or cold
for pain.
 Genetic factors are one of the main causes
 Low birth weight is another cause
 Excessive restrictions in early life
 Have differences in brain structure
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
It includes a wide range and levels of disability. Individual ability
to function in society, at school, at work, or in other areas of life
gets hurt.
Some people are mildly impaired, while others are severely
disabled. Early treatment and proper care can reduce difficulties
while helping them to learn new skills and make the most of their
People with an ASD often have these characteristics:
Ongoing social problems include difficulty in communicating and
interacting with others and obsessive interests.
Repetitive behavior as well as Limited interest in activities.
Difficulties in language, social skills, and behavior
 Biological or genetic factors: Something happens during fetal
development. Children may inherit problematic genes from
 Environmental Factors: High levels of pollution and
pesticides in food may also be one of the reasons.
 Brain Development: The connection between the brain cells
is not proper, which may be another cause.
ODD ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder )
It is a condition in which a child displays an ongoing pattern of
angry or irritable mood, and argumentative, hostile behavior
directed towards authority.
Individuals behave like rebels, argue with adults, and refuse to
obey any rules. They exhibit angry outbursts and have a hard
time controlling their anger or aggression. They have difficulty
making friends and have low esteem. They have negativity in
their behavior.
 Biological or genetic causes: Children may develop ODD if
their parents have a history of ADHD or ODD.
 Physical Factors: when an imbalance exists and messages are
not communicated properly with other parts of the brain, the
symptoms may occur.
 Psychological Factors: Children may develop this if they have
bad relationships with parents or neglectful parents.
 Social Factors: It may happen due to poverty, chaotic
environment in the family, and exposure to violence
OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder )
It is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things
repeatedly or have certain thoughts repeatedly. They have fear of
contamination by germs, getting dirty, making mistakes, being
embarrassed, etc. They do some common activities which include
repeated hand washing, repeated counting, checking things over
and over again, repeating certain words, and so on.
 Serotonin which sends messages in the brain sends improper
messages from one part of the Brain to others, which may
cause OCD
Types of Disability, It’s Causes And Nature:
1. Physical Disability
2. Intellectual Disability
Some individuals are disabled right at birth, others get disabled
due to some incidence during the course of their lives. Some
disabilities are as follows:
Intellectual Disability

Intellectual disability is a condition of mental retardation which

occurs due to the damage in brain cells for various known and
unknown reasons. Mental and physical development becomes
relatively lesser due to this condition. All mentally retarded
children are not alike. Levels and severity of the problems are
different for everyone.
Characteristics of Mental Retardation

 A mentally-retarded child does not easily learn any activity

like other children.
 Such children feel difficulty in sitting, in changing their
position, and using their hands, etc.
 They respond very late to the surrounding incidents and to
the speech of others.
 The child does not express his feelings in such a way that
other people can understand him easily.
 The child can only remember any event or activity for a very
short span of time.
 Abnormality is seen in their walking and performing activity
on their own.
 These children have difficulty in taking control over their
 Sometimes the deformities are seen in their face, e.g., jaws,
teeth, head, salivation, etc.
 Such a child cannot concentrate on any individual or a task
for a long time.
 It is difficult for them to understand others point of view
except for daily orders.
 They have problems in synthesizing news and information.

Down Syndrome:

It is a disorder causing developmental and intellectual delay. It is a

genetic disorder which occurs when abnormal cell division
causes extra third copy of chromosome 21.

Hence, it is also known as trisomy 21. Person with down

syndrome may have flat facial features, small head and ears, short
neck, bulging tongue and poor muscle tone.

Physical Disability
Physical impairment disrupts the child’s activities. He may find
difficulty in walking, running, getting up, sitting, standing or not

able to perform his own work, etc. This disability can be related to
sensory organs as well as external organs of the child’s body.

Given below are some examples of physical disabilities:

1. Cerebral palsy: It is known as paralysis of the brain, due to

which the condition and the speed of the body is affected and
consequently locomotor disability is caused

2. Spina bifida: It is also known as final biceps this abnormality is

by birth in which there is a deformity in the backbone

3. Congenital anomalies: Some children have congenital

deformities sometimes. When both feet or one foot of a child is
folded inwards at the time of birth.

4. Muscular Dystrophy: It is a kind of locomotor deformity in

which the child is born normal and after 3 years of birth the
deformity starts in child’s muscles

5. Poliomyelitis: This disability is due to polio virus infection. Polio

virus damages the anterior horn cell of the backbone as a result
of which disability occurs.

6. Leprosy cured person: The sensitivity of the organs affected by

Leprosy is eliminated. Due to lack of sensibility the person works

7. Undeveloped Organ: In this other organs grow while the

growth of leg or hand stops
Types of Disability
♿ Physical Disability: It is a limitation of individuals’ physical
functioning which may be related to the upper or lower body.
These are generally related to musculoskeletal, circulatory,
respiratory, and nervous systems.
Disability in mobility can be either inborn or acquired with age.
Sensory Disability :
Sensory impairment is when one of the senses; sight, hearing,
smell, touch, and taste is no longer normal.
♿ Spinal cord disability: It can lead to lifelong disability. It
generally occurs due to severe accidents.
♿ Brain Disability: This type of disability occurs due to brain injury
from external forces.
♿ Vision Disability: This is related to vision problems that may be
in-born or happen afterward. Vision disability may be mild,
moderate, severe, or blindness.
♿ Hearing Disability: It includes people that are completely or
partially deaf. People who are partially deaf can use hearing aids.
It can be evident at birth or occur later in life.
Cognitive or Learning Disability:
It is a neurological disorder. It can affect an individual’s ability to
read, speak and write.
♿ Memory Disorder: Individual who has auditory problems or
difficulty in remembering something.
♿ Dyslexia: Individuals have difficulties in writing, reading, and
Intellectual Disability:
This disability is related to the limitations of intellectual
functioning (such as reasoning, and learning) and Adaptive
behavior ( such as social and practical skills).
Disability Etiquettes
1.Be respectful and treat everyone with kindness: People with
disabilities deserve the same respect and consideration as anyone
else. Use polite language and avoid making assumptions or
stereotypes about their abilities.
2. Use person-first language: Instead of labeling someone by their
disability, put the person first. For example, say “a person with a
disability” instead of “a disabled person.”
3. Ask before offering help: If you encounter someone with a
disability who appears to need assistance, always ask before
jumping in to help. Respect their independence and allow them
to decide if they need assistance.
4. Be mindful of physical space: Some disabilities may require
more space to maneuver, so try not to block wheelchair ramps or
designated accessible areas.
5. Avoid using wrong language: Be cautious with phrases that
may unintentionally offend people with disabilities. Refrain from
using terms like “crippled” or “handicapped.”
6. Communicate directly: When speaking to someone with a
disability, address them directly rather than talking to their
companion or caregiver. Treat them like you would anyone else.
7. Ask if you’re unsure: If you’re unsure about how to interact
with someone with a disability or what accommodations they
might need, feel free to politely ask. Most people will appreciate
your genuine interest in understanding their needs.
8. Respect personal boundaries: Just like with anyone else,
respect personal space and avoid touching or leaning on mobility
aids without permission.
9. Be patient and listen: Some individuals with disabilities might
communicate differently or require more time to express
themselves. Be patient and give them the opportunity to fully
participate in conversations.
10. Recognize invisible disabilities: Not all disabilities are visible.
Keep in mind that someone may have a disability that is not
immediately apparent, so avoid making assumptions based on
appearances alone.
11. Advocate for accessibility: Encourage and support initiatives
that promote accessibility in public spaces, transportation, and
workplaces, making it easier for people with disabilities to
participate fully in society.
Aim And Objective of Adaptive Physical Education
Adaptive Physical Education is an individualized program of
instruction created for students with disabilities that enable
success in Physical Education.
Adaptive Physical Education provides a safe, personally satisfying,
and successful experience for students of varying abilities.
It is a diversified program and includes developmental and
remedial activities.
Aim: Adaptive Physical Education aims to ensure that the child is
provided with physical education services that meet his/her
needs, and that aim to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and
social growth.
 To develop students’ motor skills
 To develop self-esteem and promote sportsmanship
 To develop social qualities for adjustment in the society
 To provide an opportunity to learn and to participate in
several appropriate recreational and leisure time sports and
 To develop organic and neuromuscular systems
 To develop knowledge and an appreciation of his physical
and mental limitations.
 To help students to understand and appreciate a variety of
sports that can enjoy as non-participants or spectators.
Organizations promoting Adaptive Sports
Special Olympic Bharat
It is the organization approved by the National Sports Federation
and Special Olympic International for the development of persons
with intellectual disabilities.
It is a movement that uses sports to reform the lives of disabled
people. It gives training and coaching to build interest in sports,
skill perfection, social interaction, communication skills, talent, and
leadership abilities in intellectually disabled persons.
Paralympic Games involve Athletes with a range of disabilities
including impaired muscle power, impaired passive range of
movement, limb deficiency, leg length difference, short stature,
hypertonia, vision impairment, and intellectual impairment.
The Deaflympics are an international event sanctioned by the IOC
at which deaf athletes compete at an elite sports level. It provides
opportunities for deaf persons to participate in elite sports.
The Deaflympic participants cannot be guided by sounds like the
starter’s guns or referee whistles.
Role of Various Professionals For Children With Special Needs
Role of Various Professionals
Role of counselor
A school counselor helps children in all ways, be it academic,
social, behavioral,al or emotional.
They work in collaboration with the parents, teachers, and special
educators to create a healthy learning environment that makes
them feel comfortable.
Role of Occupational Therapist
The Occupational Therapist will provide education and resources
to teachers and parents about how children typically develop
motor skills and how to promote this development in the
classroom and at home.
They help teachers learn to recognize and help children who may
have motor skill problems which are making some daily activities
a challenge to learn.
Role of Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy is an allied health care profession that promotes
the health and well-being of all.
It aims to help maximize movement and functions when
someone is affected by injury, illness, developmental delay or
other disability.
Role of Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education Teachers are responsible for the education of
primary and secondary school students in physical activity and
psychomotor learning.
He is responsible for the overall wellness and development of
PET evaluates the student’s performance, attitude, and level of
Physical Fitness. Students are evaluated in periodic tests that give
teachers a better picture of students’ overall health and level of
athletic skill.
Role of Speech Therapist
Speech and language therapy is concerned with the
identification, assessment, and support of speech, language, and
communication of children.
They work closely with parents, teachers, nurses, occupational
therapists, and doctors. Speech and language therapists have an
important role in supporting schools to meet the needs of
Role of Special Educator:
A special educator develops appropriate activities, curriculam and
the methods of their implementation for the children with special
needs so that the children maybe able to participate easily

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