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Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Methodology

2. Historical Context of the G20

2.1 Predecessors and Precursors
2.2 Emergence of G20
2.3 Evolution and Expansion

3. Structure and Membership

3.1 Composition of the G20
3.2 Institutional Framework
3.3 Selection Process and Rotating Presidencies

4. Objectives and Mandate

4.1 Broad Objectives
4.2 Key Areas of Focus
4.3 Achievements and Limitations

5. Decision-Making Processes within the G20

5.1 Principles of Decision Making
5.2 Consensus Building and Decision-Making Mechanisms
5.3 Role of the G20 in Shaping Global Policies

6. G20 and Global Economic Governance

6.1 Economic Challenges Addressed by the G20
6.2 G20's Role in Strengthening Global Financial Stability
6.3 Initiatives for Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth

7. G20 and International Trade

7.1 Promoting Open and Fair Trade
7.2 G20's Efforts in Bridging Trade Gaps
7.3 Role in Facilitating Multilateral Trade Agreements

8. G20 and Financial Regulation

8.1 Regulatory Measures Addressed by the G20
8.2 Coordination in Financial Market Oversight
8.3 Evaluating the Effectiveness of G20 Financial Reforms

9. G20 and Global Governance

9.1 G20's Role in Global Crisis Management
9.2 Cooperation with Multilateral Institutions
9.3 Interaction with Other Regional Forums and Organizations

10. G20's Engagement with Non-members

10.1 Outreach and Engagement Strategies
10.2 Challenges and Opportunities for Non-Member Participation
10.3 Lessons Learned from Accession Attempts

11. G20 and Global Security

11.1 G20's Approach to Addressing Security Challenges
11.2 Counterterrorism and Counterextremism Efforts
11.3 Role in Promoting Cybersecurity and Digital Economy

12. G20 and Climate Change

12.1 G20's Efforts in Combating Climate Change
12.2 Climate-related Commitments and Agreements
12.3 Assessing G20's Impact on Global Climate Action

13. G20 in the Post-COVID-19 Era

13.1 Global Cooperation during the Pandemic
13.2 G20's Response and Economic Recovery Measures
13.3 Prospects for Future Pandemic Preparedness

14. Critiques and Controversies

14.1 Representativeness and Legitimacy Concerns
14.2 Power Dynamics and Influence of Dominant Members
14.3 Challenges to the G20's Effectiveness

15. Conclusion
15.1 Summary of Findings and Analysis
15.2 Implications for Global Governance and the G20's Future Role
15.3 Recommendations for Enhancing G20's Functioning

16. References

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