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The last time, the last will

By Mauricio Quenta Ch.

Good evening, esteemed Executive director, Mr. Harry Tapia, Academic Director, Mrs.
Soledad Arias, Administrative Director, Mrs. Micaela Torrico, CBA authorities, teachers,
parents, and fellow partners.
Have you ever wondered how would this day be?
Before I begin, I’d like to express our deepest gratitude to the authorities, directors,
dedicated staff, and exceptional teachers of this distinguished English institution, where we
proudly graduate today. It is through their tireless efforts and determined commitment
that we proudly stand here, ready to embark on new adventures. We all thank you.
But we are not alone celebrating this moment, we also desire to convey our deepest thanks
to our parents, relatives, friends, and partners who have been our unbreakable pillars of
support throughout all this academic journey. I want to include a special mention of my
mother and family as their immeasurable support means the world to me. We all thank
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English is a remarkable tool that has the power to transform lives, why? It's astonishing
how it can open doors we didn't even know they existed. I completely remember a day
when I knew nothing about this language, and the next, I found myself having a small talk
with a Canadian family on a cable car. The journey of mastering English has been
challenging, but today, I can confidently say that all the efforts have been worth it. Roy
Bennet stated “It’s only after you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone that you begin to
change, grow, and transform”.
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Allow me to take you back to my very first day at the CBA. I had a bunch of nerves, unsure
of what lie ahead. I recall as if it were yesterday the excitement of finally attending face-to-
face classes, the idea of making new friends, and going to the study room. Or when back in
Top Notch Fundamentals and Top Notch 1 I was not fully focused on the lessons as I used
to distract on some games actually. And probably you won’t forget those unique memories,
those laughs and smiles in class, those special moments in which you never thought they
would end someday. Sometimes, we don’t know how good the good old days were until
they are gone.
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Each of us carries memorable experiences and challenges from this stage of our lives. No
matter how old we are or how we look like, but we all here gather together for one
particular reason, our graduation. Many of us had faced struggles on the way, when we did
not understand certain topics, had to master the complex grammar rules or working on our
listening comprehension. Or when we found ourselves in trouble with those high-level
readings the teacher gave out or even when we battled our nerves to participate just
because we were unsure of our answer. This will be nostalgic because now look around
you, here we are, surrounded by our fellow graduates who have made a tremendous effort
to be present today. As one saying goes: “The results you achieve will be in direct
proportion to the effort you apply”
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One beautiful memory we will carry with us are the friendships forged within those walls,
from our early days in Top Notch Fundamentals to Summit 2-3. Besides the pride of
holding a Summit textbook and show it off. The relationships formed in this remarkable
institution will never be forgotten; they will forever hold a special place in our hearts. As
Helen Keller once said, 'True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.'
Even as our paths may go in different ways, our friends will always remain in our hearts."
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However, it is time for us to embark on new journeys, now that we are armed with the
knowledge imparted by our dedicated teachers. We must not let our knowledge fade away.
English is not like riding a bicycle, it is vital to practice consistently and apply it in our day
to day life. English is the key to a whole new world of opportunities in our lives, maybe to
study abroad, go travel to another country, share our rich culture with global tourists, meet
new amazing people and so on. There are a limitless number of possibilities, the future lies
in our hands.
Do not allow your English proficiency die, be proud of it. As a Chinese Proverb goes “To
learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”. While not
all of us may choose to pick up another language, it provides us with a unique perspective
on the world. English is more than just a language; it's a passport to new horizons, new
friendships, and new experiences.
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Never say never, we can fulfill our dreams as long as we are willing to overcome every
obstacle, and to battle life every day. There won’t be results overnight, the only thing that
can stop us is ourselves. We have to be strong-minded, pursue our goals and make every
day count. It won’t be a piece of cake, of course, but it will be definitely worth it. Never let
others define your future, it’s on you. What lies ahead does not matter, just how we live our
present. Never forget to enjoy life. There will be good and bad days, but the only enemy
everyone has in common is the time. Take advantage of every opportunity that shows in
your life, you never know whether there will be another one or not.
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So, as we go ahead on our individual paths, let’s carry the torch of our English education
with us, brightening the way toward a world of endless possibilities. Let's make the most of
this invaluable skill and appreciate it as a window to a whole new world of discovery and
En resumen, este periodo de aprendizaje del inglés ha sido inolvidable. Persigan y crean en
sus sueñ os, los limites está n en nosotros mismos. Este es un final, sí, pero también el
comienzo de una era en nuestras vidas. Agradecemos a nuestros seres queridos por su
apoyo emocional y su confianza en nosotros. Gracias a todos los que nos han respaldado en
este viaje. El inglés es ahora una herramienta valiosa en nuestras vidas, y estamos listos
para enfrentar el futuro con determinació n. Gracias por su apoyo.
Thanks to the authorities, directors, dedicated staff, exceptional teachers, parents,
esteemed guests and fellow graduates. Congratulations to the students of the bimester
3-4A of this 2023!

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