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By : Zahratul latifa & Diaz Khalen Amelia P.

Craftiness and Cunning in the Tale of Kancil and the Crocodile

The story of Kancil and the Crocodile is an enduring fable that explores the themes of craftiness and
resourcefulness. It revolves around Kancil, a shrewd mouse deer, and a group of hungry crocodiles.
Kancil's struggle with hunger leads him to employ clever tactics to outsmart the crocodiles. This essay
will examine how each paragraph addresses a specific aspect of the story, backed by evidence from the
text, to illuminate the moral lessons it conveys.

The narrative commences with Kancil's unrelenting hunger and his discovery of a garden of cucumbers
on the opposite bank of the river. The allure of reaching this abundance introduces the theme of deceit.
Kancil's predicament of crossing the river without falling prey to the crocodiles lays the groundwork for
the story. Kancil's clever plan to deceive the crocodiles into forming a bridge demonstrates his quick
thinking. By enticing them with fresh meat, he capitalizes on their hunger to ensure a secure crossing.
This moment encapsulates Kancil's resourcefulness and marks the commencement of the story's unfolding

As Kancil interacts with the crocodiles, certain individuals express skepticism due to his reputation for
trickery. This segment delves into the precarious balance between trust and cunning. It underscores how
Kancil's cunning nature causes some crocodiles to question his motives, emphasizing the fragility of trust.

Kancil's effort to count the crocodiles while traversing them serves as proof of his continued cleverness.
This section highlights the crocodiles' willingness to place trust in him once more and Kancil's skill in
manipulating that trust. However, his eventual confession leaves them disheartened. Kancil's
collaboration with a sparrow to dupe the crocodiles further illustrates his craftiness. The role of the
sparrow in this scheme adds depth to the narrative and showcases how Kancil's tactics evolve.

Despite being deceived repeatedly, the crocodiles persist in their pursuit of Kancil. This section portrays
their unwavering resolve, setting the stage for their next scheme. The crocodiles' plan to entice Kancil
with the promise of an apple orchard represents the culmination of their efforts. This paragraph explores
their persistence and cunning as they strive to capture the elusive mouse deer.

Kancil's ability to consistently outwit the crocodiles underscores his unyielding resourcefulness. This
segment highlights his escape from their traps, reaffirming his role as the story's clever protagonist. The
story's underlying moral lessons emerge through Kancil's victories and the crocodiles' defeats. This
portion reflects on the repercussions of deception and the significance of trust in human relationships.

In conclusion, the tale of Kancil and the Crocodile expertly interlaces themes of craftiness and
resourcefulness. Each paragraph in this essay has addressed a specific facet of the narrative, supported by
textual evidence. As readers follow Kancil's escapades and the crocodiles' relentless pursuit, they are
reminded of the precarious nature of trust and the consequences of dishonesty. This fable serves as a
timeless lesson in cleverness and the importance of integrity in our interactions with others.

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