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AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Formative Exam 2 Course Code: PHM122 Time allowed: 60 min.. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics ‘Spring 2013 nme AMM Yasser WMeborelm 2902364 Formula Sheet 2m? aan 2] pe =o t= expl (Bp - B)/KT) N(e) = 4n[E] (®)= ae Pl (Ep — E,)/KT) n= Neexpl(Ep—ED/HT], Ne p= yar), 1 n'v3 Ar u% gma = rh F dn dj =n, Ju = aan + gD Jn= app —aDp oe u_a@ ap __12p(2) an 12), og _ fat a EE GG) | =O 6, —) es 1 Pa) = Pao + Pn (0) ~ Pode ain a pas a6_e Vag = EE NM cra "aon Pek? (Ny + Na), No Na] 4 NoNy ne te Fag” Pal) =Pho + Pro (eK? —1)e 2ge ( NoNa ve Alpe + uttpe) ha = V)\No + Na iF Some Useful Constants Value Constant Value 1.38% 10 J/K Boltzmann constant, k Electronic char; 16x10" ¢ i 8.62 x 10" eV/K El z Rermittiviy of fres 885 x10" F/em —_| Electron mass 9.1.x 107 kg space, 6 Relative dielectric Relative dielectric constant of Si, &; es constant of Si, fg, ae 6.62 x 107 J.s kT /q at T = 300K 0.02597 Plank constant, h peeseeaitia : AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (Course Code: PHMi22 Time allowed: 30 min. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics Silicon, Gallium Arsenide and Germanium properties at T = 300 K ‘Used in density of states | _ Used in conductivity Materials | £, (eV) | m,(cm=*) | n, (cm) |W, (em calculations calculations m/m, |_mp/m,_|_m/m, | m,/m, Si 112. 10 [ 28x10" | 104x10" | 1.08 056 026 | 0386 GaAs 142__| 18x108 | 47x10 | 70x10 | 0067 | 048 | 0067 | ose Ge 0.66 [24x10 [i04 x10" | 60x10 | 055 037 032, 037 = 10° z & | Eat =» g 10 5 r Silicon at 300 K a | zi | 2 10" | 8 & \ | a 20 z | < S | 2 Zw 1 we i E 7 oe we ae Z N,N Gomi’) 10° 200 © 300400 500-600 ‘TEMPERATURE (K) 10! Ge a (om2(V's)) 18 100 200 500 1000 T(K) AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (Course Code: PHMi22 Time allowed: 30 min. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics Question (1); (3 Marks) State whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). You have to write the reason or correct the false statements for your answers fo be evaluated. ‘Statement TorF If wrong, write the reason or the correction below the statement number With no illumination of light and no electric field applied, if the concentration of electrons in a semiconductor decreases in theg-ve x-direction, an electron diffusion =| current will be in +ve x-direction. o > 1 F Soran e Ve YT For the same hole and electron concentration gradients (dn/dx = dp/dx) in a semiconductor, electron diffusion current = hole diffusion current. easel ale di 2 | Fy ndi Pe 7 Jpdik F Mass action law np = n2is correct under steady state con 2 iE theviral equilib un ions. Question (2 Choose the BEST answer in the following questions. Only one answer is allowed for a question. our working of the numerical problems only. No. | Choice Question The aside figure shows the energy band for a compensated (multi-doped) semiconductor sample. Which of the following statements is correct : (a) The temperature of the sample is very high. fat 1 (b) The temperature of the sample is very low (near, a zero K). (Acceptor level) r, (e) The sample is illuminated or electrically biased, (@) Itis an n-type sample. \ fi It is an p-type sample. <— So MPle P q p(Doner level) AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Course Code: PHM122 Time allowed: 30 min. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics —snt Tn a degenerate n-type semiconductor, Ke == (a) Fermi level is 3kT above the intrinsic Fe1 fed (b) Fermi level is £;,/4 below the conduction band edge. (c) Fermi level is 3kT below the intrinsic Fermi level. (d) Fermi level should be exact 3kT above the conduction band edge. | Fermi level is at 3kT or less below the conduction band edge. fe total current in a semiconductor is constant and is composed of electron | diffusion curent and hole drift cunent-Reteng that the hole aaa one i Constant and equal to 10 em”, the mobility of holes is 480 cm?/V.s, the diffusion coefficient of electrons is 26 cm/s. If the electron concentration is given by: n = 10" exp (,) with x in cm and the electric field points in +x direction and is equal to 10° V/cm at x = 0. The value of the total current density in A/em? is: (b) 18.6 (©) 28.7 (a) 34.2 (©) 3.52 y= Indirk + Jpdict vo" 2K OT 44 80x 64 If a charge density pis distributed as shown in the next figure where “a fe =w/2<.x recombination rate Generation rate < recombination rate (@) Cannot tell from the given data 5 (Ge la Is A silicon sample at 300 K and is uniformly doped with Ny ~ 10em™. Within a small region of the sample 1 = 10" em’ and p = 10% em*. In this region pEWOecoe Question (3) The aside figure presents an energy band diagram of silicon sample of length maintained at 300 K. Answer the following questions 1. Roughly sketch n and p versus x. [1 Mark] 2. Sketch the electric field (£) inside the semiconductor as a function of x. [1 Mark] 3. Sketch the electrostatic potential (V) inside the semiconductor as a function of x. [1 Mark] The electron pictured at x= L on the diagram moves back and forth between x = 0 and x= L without changing its total energy. Sketch the electron’s kinetic energy inside the semiconductor as a function of x. {1 Mark] 5. Is the sample connected to external voltage source? Explain how you arrived at your answer. [1 Mark] 6. What is the magnitude of the total current density at x =1/2? [1 mark] 7. Make a rough sketch of the electron drift-current density (Jnr) and the electron diffusion-current density (Jpa) inside the Si sample as a function of position. Be sure to graph the proper polarity of the current densities at all points [2 Marks] AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (Course Code: PHMi22 Time allowed: 30 min. Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics Nn Solution (3} -P KE © flo bec: the Semple is at thermal cquily nw” in ant * 2evo everywhere

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