1final English Grade 11 Week 1 2 Oral Com Second Quarter727 1

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Department of Education Grade 11 Oral Communication Determining the effects of a Shift in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communicative Strategy Second Quarter - Week 1 and 2 Glendle L. Lunar Dr. Florante C, Marmeto Validators EXPECTATIONS ‘This module is designed to widen your understanding about determining the effects of a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy. After going through with this module you are expected to’ 1, Determine the effects of a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy. 2. Demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations. (J PRE-TEST = Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Match the definitions in column A with the words in Column B. ‘COLUMN A COLUMN B ‘This is achieved when the speaker and the listener A. Relationship of the are able to exchange related information, Speaker 2. Itis affected with the change of vocabulary and B, Language Form strategy. ©. Speech Style 3. Itrefers to the purpose of giving the speech. 4. These serve as the lifeline of the quality of interaction, in communication, 5. This is the bond between the speaker and the listen- D. Duration of Interaction E. Speech Context F, Role and Responsibili- ties of the Speaker 6. It requires techniques which demand the speaker to express thoroughly. G. Size of the audience and ‘emotion to convey 7. Itrefers to the manner how one delivers the intended message or speech H. Message 8. This is the core concept of every interaction, 1 Speech Strategy 9. Itcan be a plan, way, or means of sharing infor- J. Delivery mation whieh are adopted to achieve a particular so- cial, psychological, or linguistic purpose. K. Speech Act 10. These are the reasons why we alter and adjust our |_| Ls Phonation speech context, style, and communicative strategies. M. Articulation A. Guess What? Directions: Arrange the letters to form a word. 1. RAHIPTIONSEL - 2. ATIDURON - 3. IVEDELRY - 4. MEAGESS - 5. AGEGULAN RMFO - B. Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1, What do you think is the role and the responsibility of a good speaker? 2. How do we achieve the bond between the speaker and the listener? 3. When is the delivery of the message considered effective? BRIEF INTRODUCTION What makes one an effective speaker? An effective speaker should not only be prepared to deliver his speech but should also be aware of the given situation, the essential words to use, the appropriate tone of the voice, and the practical ways needed to establish rapport with his/her audience, Similarly, a good speaker should focus on sending the message properly at any given situation, putting words together to convey the intended message, using, the appropriate tone of voice in expressing a certain emotion and maintaining a good flow of conversation, In this chapter you are about to learn the effects of a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy. ‘Communicative strategy is the most effective tool in delivering and acquiring, information from both speaker and listener. This is used to efficiently share useful ideas to provide quality of interaction in communication based on previous references. A sudden change in communicative strategy may negatively affect the quality of interaction, which includes the performance and organization of ideas of the speaker, the audience, and the message of the topic or the discussion. Furthermore, instead of achieving quality organization and successful dis- cussion, the sudden change in communicative strategy may cause sudden distrac- tions and gravely affect the understanding of the people involved leaving behind un- resolved cases as well as disagreements. Lastly, respect and formalities, as well as the roles and responsibilities, will be trampled upon, When we change any of the four: speech style, speech context, speech act and communicative strategy, the following are affecte: 1, Language Form - The language form is affected with the change of vocabulary and strategy. It gives a completely different impression to the listener and changes the duration of interaction considerably. 2, Duration of Interaction ~ This is achieved when the speaker and the listener are able to exchange related information which improves their reception and shared understanding. 3, Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker - These serve as the lifeline of the quality of interaction in communication because the speaker handles the pros and cons of the feedback received. When these are met, he/she creates a diversified way of thinking, 4. Relationship of the Speaker - The bond between the speaker and listener may depend on how the discussions relate to their interests and knowledge, as well as their purpose, 5, Message ~ This is the core concept of the interaction. When the speaker is able to answer all the questions raised beforehand and whose responses were received by them positively, then the message is correct and acceptable. 6, Delivery ~ This is the manner that ensures whether the listeners are able to fully understand the concept implied or create their doubtful impressions and remarks. Proper delivery requires techniques which demand the speaker to express thoroughly and clearly. When communicative strategies are used effectively, both the speaker and listener improve their interactive inputs and output gaining deeper and shared. understanding, Retrieved from hutps/Pbrainly infquestion/1773696 How can adjusting our speech context, style, and action change our communicative strategies? Humans have a wide range of emotions that they can express, and there- fore, detect. This means that even a slight difference in the tone, body language, and context can be interpreted by the listener or viewer. We instinctively do these changes throughout our speech in order to adjust to the given situation. Explanation: Considerations why we alter our speec! © The number of people you are speaking to. © The emotion you want to convey. It is normal to change the volume of our voice when we are speaking with an individual, a small group or a large crowd. The tone of our voice, the way our eyes make contact, and the movement of our hands, all build up certain nuances, leading to varied interpretations. A speaker may walk around and go to all the edges of the stage if he is speaking inside a stadium, very different from a one-on-one conversation while sitting in front of each other. ‘Human qualities that enable us to express so much are grounded in the following principles: 1. We are emotional. 2. Weare naturally expressive 3. We have many facial muscles (This means that we are able to switch emotions and therefore, send our messages very quickly through non-verbal cues} We are able to communicate with gestures. Even at a subconscious level, we are able to read emotions from others. Humans have a culture. (This affects the manner we present ourselves) oes So the way we strategize our way of communicating is largely influenced by the situation we are in, the level of urgency and the emotion we wish to ex- press while we are either conducting our speech, or engaging in a discourse. Retrieved from https: //brainly.ph/question/801107 ia" ACTIVITIES Directions: Complete the table by writing the factor affected by the sudden shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy. Choose your answers from the options below. A, Language Form B, Duration of Interaction C. Relationship of Speaker D. Roles and Responsibilities of the Speaker _E. Message _F, Delivery Situation Factor Affected 1, Sitting at the far end of the classroom, Jose finds a hard time understanding the lesson due to the inaudible voice of Mrs. Deocera. Suddenly, he was called to answer and ex- plain the equation in front of the class. 2. Sheldon, a college intern, was asked to tell a story ina Kindergarten class as part of his immersion as a preschool teacher. The night before, he prepared his favourite book, Romeo and Juliet, for the expectant kids of the school. 3. Steven was speaking in a colloquium when a student asked a question which he thought quite irrelevant to the topic. He brushed-off the question and stared-blankly at the student, 4. Akash who is from Malaysia said “Happy returns of the day!” to his Filipino friend, Gilson. Astonished, Gilson just smiled for he did not really know what it meant. 5. Carlo attended his high school class reunion. Many of his friends are now professionals and owners of their own businesses and small companies. He was asked to share about his work and his business, too, To his embarrass ment in sharing about his disappointments and failure in life, he started throwing jokes about their high school memories. ©. Ishan spent partying during the wee hours which made him feel bored and sleepy the next day. During his Math class, the teacher spent whole hour explaining the topic. Consequently, he couldn't remember any single thing from. the discussion. Directions: Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the sentences below. 1.The language form is affected with the change of and 2.The duration of interaction is achieved when the and the are able to exchange information which improves their 3. The Role and Responsibilities of the Speaker serve as the of the quality of interaction in because the speaker handles the and of the received. 4. The Relationship of the Speaker is the between the speaker and listener which may depend on how the discussions relate to their and 5. The Message is the core of the 6. The Delivery is the manner that ensures whether the listeners are able to fully the implied or creates their doubtful impres- sions and remarks. Proper delivery requires which demand the speaker to express thoroughly and clearly. Ff cuscx voun UNDERSTANDING Directions: Search, Print or Cut-out an article or watch the current TV news where there is an evident change or sudden shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy. Write/Paste the ex- cerpt of the article or news. Identify factor(s) affected by the sudden shift by writing your observation or evaluation. Suggest a possible solution to the identified effect. Article / Excerpt: Directions: Read the following statements. Tell whether each of them is true or false. Write Fact if it is true and correct otherwise write False if it not. 1. Delivery gives a completely different impression to the listener and changes the duration of interaction considerably. 2. Proper delivery requires techniques which demand the speaker to express thoroughly. 3. The form of language is met when the speaker creates a diversi- fied way of thinking, 4. Respect and formalities, as well as the roles and responsibilities, will be trampled upon when there is a sudden shift in communi- cative styles. 5. When the speaker failed to answer all the raised questions be- forehand and received by the audience negatively, then the mes- sage is correct and acceptable. 6. The Relationship of the speaker is achieved when the speaker and the listener are able to exchange related information which im- proves their reception. 7. The Message is the bond between the speaker and listener which may depend on how the discussions relate to their interests and knowledge. 8. A sudden change in communicative strategy may positively affect the quality of interaction. 9. We cannot communicate through gestures. 10. Culture affects the manner we present ourselves. WEEK 2: PERFORMANCE TASK Getting into their Shoes Imagine that you are officers of the Student Council conducting a meeting to address a specific concern. Below are some suggested issues which you can discuss. Do ensure that you have the needed documents, da- ta, and policies to support your stand. What should people understand about your experiences as learners in the new normal? Organize your findings in a vlog format. Once refined, be ready to share online. Note: This may also be done collaboratively with your other classmates online. Distance Learning School Policies and the new normal Student Achievement in the new normal TLC: The Teaching and Learning Collaborators Our Future beyond the Pandemic Crisis sacee Total Points Excellent-25 points [Good- 20 points | Needs Improvement = 15 points REFERENCES Sipacio, Philippe John S.& Balgos, Anne Richie G. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. C & E Publishing, Inc. Manila, Philippines. Flores, Ramona S. (2016) Oral Communication in Context. Rex Store Inc. Manila, Philippines Effects of a Shift in in Speech Context, Speech Style, Speech Act and Communica- tive Strategy. Retrieved from_https://brainly.in/question/ 1773696 How can adjusting our speech context, style, and action change our communicative strategies? Retrieved from https:/ /brainly.ph/question/801107 What is the difference between Speech Context and Speech Style? Retrieved from hittps://www.quora.com 10

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