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“The assumptions and principles of human becoming

incarnate a deep concern for the delicate sentiments
of being human and show a profound recognition of
human freedom and dignity.”
Parse, 2007b, p. 310

 Dr. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, PhD, RN, FAAN, was born and bred in Pennsylvania in
 Graduate of Duquesne University of Pittsburgh who received her Master’s and
Doctorate degrees from the University of Pittsburgh.
 Faculty members of the University of Pittsburgh
 Dean of the Nursing School at Duquesne University (1977-1982)
 Editor and Founder of Nursing Science Quarterly and published eight (8) books and
hundreds of articles about Human Becoming Theory.
 Dr. Parse first published her theory is 1981 as the “Man-Living-Health”
 The name was officially changed to “Humanbecoming Theory” in 1992 to remove
the term “man” after the change in the dictionary definition of the word from its
former meaning of “humankind”.
 She has received two Lifetime Achievement Awards (one from the Midwest Nursing
Research Society and one from the Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses
 Her books were twice name “best pick” by Sigma Theta Tau International

 the humanbecoming theory has evolved over time. First, it was the humanbecoming
nursing theory, then it became the humanbecoming school of thought; by 2016, it had
a evolved to the humanbecoming paradigm (Parse, 2016a)
 The humanbecoming paradigm makes explicit that “cocreating reality has a seamless
symphony of becoming is the central thought foundational to the ontology of
 Several new concepts have emerged with the new paradigm and include the
following: human universe as individual, unpredictable, and everchanging cocreation;
The ethos of human becoming is dignity, presence, existence, trust, and worth; in
living quality as the becoming visible—invisible becoming of the emerging now
(Parse, 2014)
 Coconstitution means any moment is cocreated with the constituents of the situation
(Parse, 1981, 1998, 2007b,2012b, 2014).
 The term coconstitution refers to creating different meanings from the same
situations. People change and are changed through their personal interpretations of
life situations. Various ways of thinking and acting unite familiar patterns with newly
emerging ones as people craft the unique realities.
 Coexistence means “the human is not alone in any dimension of beconing” (Parse,
1998, p. 17).
 Humans are always with the world |of things, ideas, language, unfolding events, and
cherished traditions, and they also are always with others—not only contemporaries,
but also predecessors and successors. Humans are community (Parse, 2003) Indeed,
Parse posits that “without others, one would not know that one is a being” (1998, p.
 The four postulates are illimitability, paradox, freedom, and mystery.

 Illimitability represents Parse’s
thinking about the indivisible,
unpredictable, everchanging nature
of humanbecoming.
 Parse’s stated, “Illimitability is the
Illimitability ‘unbounded knowing extended to
infinity, the all-at-once remembering
and prospecting with the moment””
 Invisible, unbounded knowing, “is a
privileged Knowing accessible only
to the individual living the life”
Paradox  Paradox has always been affiliated
with humanbecoming, and Parse’s
bringing it forth as a postulate that
permeates all theoretical principles
emphasizes the importance of
paradox with humanuniverse
 She stated, “paradoxes are not
opposites to be reconciled or
dilemmas to be overcome but, rather,
are lived rhythms … expressed as a
pattern preference” “incarnating an
individual’s choices in day-to-day
 Humans make choices continuously
make choices about where to focus
their attention.
 For example, all humans live
paradoxical rhythms of certainly-
uncertainty, Joy-sorrow, in others,
and they move focusing on the
certainly or Joy, for instance, yet
always having an awareness of living
the uncertainty or sorrow inherent in
 Freedom, although a cornerstone of
Parse’s early thinking, is seen in a
new light in her most recent thinking.
Freedom Parse stated that freedom is
contextually construed liberation”
 People have freedom within their
situations to choose ways of being.
 Mystery is presented in a more
specific way as something special
that transcends the conceivable and
Mystery as the unfathomable and unknowable
that always accompanies the
“indivisible, unpredictable,
everchanging humanuniverse”

 BLACK AND WHITE – Opposite paradox significant to ontology of

 GREEN – hope
 GREEN AND BLACK SWIRL INTERTWINING – Humanuniverse cocreation as
an ongoing process of becoming
 CENTER JOINED – Cocreated mutual humanuniverse process at the ontological
level and nurse-person process

1. Man is coexisting while co-constituting rhythmical patterns with the environment.
2. Man is an open being, freely choosing meaning in situation, bearing responsibility for
3. Man is a living unity co-continuously constituting patterns of relating.
4. Man is transcending multidimensionality with the possible.
5. Health is an open process of becoming, experienced by man.
6. Health is a rhythmically co-constituting process of the man- environment
7. Health is man’s pattern of relating value priorities.
8. Health is an intersubjective process of transcending with the possible.
9. Health is unitary man’s negentropic unfolding.
 The belief that humans are more and different than the sum of their parts.
 Human beings evolve mutually with the environment
 Human beings cocreate personal health by choosing meaning in situations
 Human beings convey meanings that are personal values, which reflect their dreams
and hope.
In 1998, Parse made revisions to the nine fundamental assumptions. There are four about the
human and five about becoming (Parse, 1998a).
1. The human is coexisting while coconstituting rhythmical patterns with the universe.
2. The human is open, freely choosing meaning in situation, bearing responsibility for
3. The human is unitary, continuously coconstituting patterns of relating.
4. The human is transcending multidimensionally with the possibles
1. Becoming is unitary human-living-health.
2. Becoming is a rhythmically coconstituting human-universe process.
3. Becoming is the human’s patterns of relating value priorities.
4. Becoming is an intersubjective process of transcending with the possibles.
5. Becoming is unitary human’s emerging
Also, three assumptions about human becoming were synthesized from these nine


 Human Becoming is freely choosing personal meaning in
situations in the intersubjective process of living value priorities.
MEANING  Man’s reality is given meaning through lived experiences
 Man and environment cocreate
 Cocreating reality through languaging of valuing and imaging
 Human Becoming is cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating in
mutual process with the universe.
RHYTHMICITY  Man and environment cocreate ( imaging, valuing, languaging)
in rhythmical patterns

 Powering unique ways of originating in the process of

 Human Becoming is cotranscending multidimensionality with
TRANSCENDENCE emerging possible.
 Refers to reaching out and beyond the limits that a person sets.
 One constantly transforms
Principle 1: Structuring Meaning
The first principle of human becoming, emphasizes the idea that individuals shape the
meaning of their realities through explicit and tacit knowledge. It acknowledges that some
questions remain unanswered due to people not always understanding their thoughts and
feelings. This principle asserts that individuals collaboratively create their own realities
through their actions, words, and silence, ultimately expressing their values and priorities. It
comprises three key concepts: Imaging, Valuing, and Languaging.
Paradoxes: Explicit-Tacit and Reflective-Prereflective
This concept involves the paradoxes of explicit-tacit and reflective-prereflective knowledge.
It represents an individual’s interpretation of reality, a blend of conscious and unconscious
understanding. People continually explore and interpret their personal knowledge, and nurses
support them in this process.
Paradox: Confirming-Not Confirming
This concept involves the paradox of confirming and not confirming beliefs. It reflects how
individuals align or diverge from their personal values when making choices about their
thoughts, actions, and emotions. Nurses can learn about a person’s values by asking what
matters most to them.
Paradoxes: Speaking-Being Silent and Moving-Being Still
This concept is characterized by the paradoxes of speaking-being silent and moving-being
still. Languaging is the visible expression of one’s imaged realities and value priorities
through patterns of speech, movement, and silence. Close associates often share similar
languaging patterns. Nurses observe and inquire about these patterns to better understand
their significance and help individuals make sense of their experiences.

Principle 2: Configuring Rhythmical Patterns

The second principle of human becoming, according to Parse, revolves around “configuring
rhythmic patterns” in everyday life, which signify personal meanings and values. These
patterns involve both freedoms and restrictions, as they encompass complex interactions with
people, ideas, and preferences. This principle consists of three key concepts: Revealing-
Concealing, Enabling-Limiting, and Connecting Separating
Paradox: Disclosing-Not Disclosing
This concept focuses on the paradox of disclosing and not disclosing. People reveal and
conceal aspects of themselves, with their evolving identities becoming visible and invisible
over time. This process is influenced by the intentions of those involved in a given moment.
Paradox: Potentiating-Restricting
Enabling and limiting are interconnected with the paradox of potentiating and restricting.
Every choice individuals make carries both opportunities and restrictions, and these
consequences may not be fully known in advance. People must navigate the ambiguity of
life’s obstacles and opportunities, making choices that carry both potential and limitation.
Paradox: Attending-Distancing
This concept is associated with the paradox of attending and distancing. It relates to the
patterns of connecting and separating with individuals and projects, reflecting personal value
priorities. People can be very close and yet separate, and sometimes there is a deep
connection even in the absence of physical presence, especially during times of grief. Nurses
can understand these patterns by inquiring about important relationships and projects in a
person’s life.

Principle 3: Cotranscending With Possibles

The third principle of humanbecoming, known as "cotranscending with possibles,"
emphasizes that individuals continuously evolve as they interact with and choose from a wide
range of possibilities in life. These choices reflect how people transform and adapt in the
ever-changing present. This principle consists of three key concepts: powering, originating,
and transforming.
Paradoxes: Pushing-Resisting, Affirming-Not Affirming, Being-Nonbeing
This concept is linked to paradoxes such as pushing-resisting, affirming-not affirming, and
being-nonbeing. Powering represents the inherent struggle and determination to persevere
despite challenges and potential loss. It involves the tension between affirming one's
existence and the possibility of nonexistence. People constantly grapple with these opposing
forces as they navigate their lives. Conflict, in this context, offers opportunities to clarify
personal values and meanings, and nurses can support individuals in this exploration.
Paradoxes: Certainty-Uncertainty, Conforming-Not Conforming
Originating is about embracing one's uniqueness while dealing with the paradox of certainty-
uncertainty and conforming-not conforming. People aspire to both conform to social norms
and express their individuality. The choices individuals make about how they originate are
influenced by the balance between certainty and uncertainty. Each person defines and lives
their originating process based on their worldview and values. Nurses witness this
phenomenon as they help individuals make choices regarding their changing health patterns.
Paradox: Familiar-Unfamiliar
The concept of transforming is elucidated through the paradox of familiar-unfamiliar. It
encompasses the ongoing change in people's perceptions and understanding of their lives.
Individuals continuously strive to integrate the unfamiliar with the familiar in their daily
experiences. When new insights and discoveries emerge, people shift their perspectives and
adapt their life patterns. Transforming represents the ongoing process of change as
individuals work toward realizing their hopes and dreams. Nurses play a crucial role in either
facilitating or hindering a person's journey to clarify their aspirations and desired directions
through their presence and support.



 The nursing model define the person (referred to as “man” throughout the theory) as
an open being who is more than and different from the sum of parts.

 Everything in the person and his or her experience

 The environment is inseparable from the person, as well as complementary to and
evolving with the person

 Open process of being and becoming, and involves the synthesis of values, a way of
 Man’s lived experience as it unfolds the negentropical


 described as a human science and art that use an abstract body of knowledge to help
 loving, true presence with the other to promote health and the quality of life
 Parse (1989) set forth the following set of fundamentals for living the art of nursing:
o Know and use nursing framework and theories
o be available to others
o value the other as human presence
o respect differences in view
o own what you believe and be accountable for your action
o More on to the new and untested
o connect with others
o take pride in self
o like what you do
o recognize the moments of joy in the struggle of living
o appreciate mystery and be open to new discovery
o be competent in your chosen area
o rest and begin a new

 The inductive-deductive process was central to the creation of the humanbecoming
 The theory originated from Parse’s personal experiences with her readings and in
living the art of nursing.
 She deductively-inductively crafted major components of humanbecoming from the
science of unitary human beings and existential-phenomenological thought.
 She intuitively and methodically derived the assumptions, postulates, principles,
concepts, practice (living the art), and sciencing methodologies of the human
becoming paradigm. Illustrates how the principles, concepts, and theoretical structure
of the connect in simplicity and complexity.

 The range of publications about humanbecoming demonstrates the broad scope of

acceptance by the nursing community
 A community of nurse scholars is advancing humanbecoming in living the art,
sciencing, and education.
 The theory has made a difference to nurses and to persons (patients) experiencing
humanbecoming professionals living true presence. This includes nurses who work
with older adults and with children.


 The humanbecoming paradigm and the philosophical assumptions and theoretical

beliefs specified by Parse (1981, 1998, 2012b, 2013, 2014) have fueled many
scholarly dialogues about outcomes in living the art of nursing, in sciencing, and in
education when different theories guide nursing endeavors.
 Teachers in academic and practice settings have contributed new understanding and
new processes of teaching-learning, and Parse’s theory was used as a model for
explicating pros and cons of tele-apprenticeship (Norris, 2002).
 The humanbecoming paradigm is included in nursing courses at the undergraduate
and graduate levels in many schools of nursing

 Humanbecoming theory has guided sciencing studies in many different countries

about numerous living experiences, including feeling loved, feeling very tired, having
courage, waiting, feeling cared for, grieving, caring for a loved one, persisting while
wanting to change, feeling understood, and being listened to, as well as time passing,
quality of life, health, lingering presence, hope, and contentment (Doucet & Bournes,
 Sciencing findings are woven with the theory, so findings also inform thinking
beyond any particular study.
 Nursing Theorist and their Work tenth edition by Martha Raile Alligood

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