Big Test-Human Rights-Final Revision

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University Requirements
All levels: Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior-1, Senior-2
Exam Committee: Eng. Salma Medhat
1st semester 2021/2022 Course Code: ASU111s Time allowed: 𝟑. 𝟓 hrs
Human Rights
The Exam Consists of Three Questions in 58 Pages. Maximum Marks: 333 Marks

Question 1 MCQs (214 Marks):

1. Education could not be free in the………stage.
a) Elementary
b) Bachelor
c) Fundamental
d) Primary
2. Every child has the right to standard of living appropriate
a) Language development
b) Country development
c) Medical development
d) None of the above
3. Everyone has the right to…………….
a) Life
b) liberty
c) security of the person
d) be arbitrarily deprived of his life
e) a&b only
f) all the above
g) c&d only
h) a&b&c
i) none of the above
4. ………………… means that laws must not be discriminatory,
and that judges and officials must not enforce the law
a) The right to life
b) The right to a fair trial
c) The right to social security
d) The right to equality before the law
5. to achieve the full realization of the right to work, must
a) technical and vocational guidance, training programmes
b) policies and techniques to achieve steady economic,
social, and cultural development
c) full and productive employment under conditions
safeguarding fundamental political and economic
freedoms to the individual
d) All the above
6. Every human being has the inherent ‫ اصيل‬right to life. This
right shall be protected by…………….
a) The state
b) Law
c) United Nations
d) Government
7. ………………………… within the meaning of international
humanitarian law does not constitute a violation of the
right to life.
a) Take the life of the thief while escaping
b) Arbitrary arrest of a criminal
c) The death of a combatant as a result of a lawful act of war
d) Physical and psychological torture of the detainee
8. Human rights have pervaded much of the political
discourse since the……….World War.
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) None of them
9. Civil rights stand for…………….
a) Civil engineer rights
b) Worker rights onsite
c) Non-military rights
d) None
10. If ……………………..take a person’s life, that act may not
violate the right to life.
a) law enforcement agents
b) states
c) judge
d) government
11. Elementary education shall be……………..
a) Compulsory
b) Elective
c) Optional
d) Permissive
12. Everyone has the right to work, and this right must
a) Fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal
value without distinction of any kind
b) women being guaranteed conditions of work not inferior
to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work
c) A decent living for workers and their families
d) Safe and healthy working conditions
e) All the above
13. Civil and political rights are based on the concept
of…………………..of the government in private affairs.
a) Totally interference
b) Semi-interference
c) non-interference
d) it depends on the situation
14. The best description of the right to equality before the
law/court is……………………
a) that laws must not be discriminatory, and that judges and
officials must not enforce the law
b) that all persons are equally entitled to access to a court
and have a right to equal treatment by that court
c) have a fair trail
d) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be
presumed innocent until proven guilty.
e) a&b only
f) c&d only
g) all the above
h) none of the above
15. The accused person has the right to………….
a) equality before the law and court
b) equality of arms ‫تكافؤ وسائل الدفاع‬
c) prove his innocent
d) all the above
16. ………………. parties recognize the right of everyone
to education.
a) The Government
b) The President
c) The Parliament
d) The States
17. ……………………..must prove the person's guilt.
a) The lawyer
b) The advocate
c) The jurist
d) The Prosecution
18. Which of the following clauses is/are correct?
a) No person shall be prosecuted and punished of the same
offence more than once
b) No person accused of any offence shall be compelled to
be a witness against himself
c) No person shall be convicted of any offence except for
violation of law in force at the time of the commission of
the act charged as an offence
d) All the above
19. Government and international community must take
steps to create the ……………………………….necessary for the
exercise of human rights as a whole for human rights to
become a reality.
a) critical solutions
b) positive actions
c) conditions and legal frameworks
d) plan and active teamwork
20. Which act may not violate the right to life?
a) the death results from self-defense
b) the death results from the defense of a third person
c) the death results from a lawful arrest
d) all the above
e) None of the above
21. the right to life is violated if:
a) Someone dies due to an act of war, even if this was legal.
b) Someone dies by accident due to police force preventing
an attack on someone else life
c) Someone dies due to unnecessary force by the police
22. ………………………..presuppose/s equality before the law and
the courts.
a) Fair trial guarantees
b) Right to equality
c) Right to a fair trail
d) Right to equality before the laws and courts
23. The States have to respect………………to choose the
a) Government
b) Parents
c) Students
d) Clergy

24. The accused person has the right to be provided with
legal assistance………………..
a) free of charge
b) At the expense of the state
c) With financial aid
d) With tuition fees
25. ………………………..rights are based on the concept of
interference of the government in private affairs.
a) First generation
b) Second generation
c) Social and political
d) Civil and economic
26. …………….is one of the most serious human rights
a) Torture
b) Bankruptcy
c) Invasion
d) Duplication
27. Select the correct sentence.
a) Justice delayed is justice asserted
b) Justice delayed is justice denied
c) Justice advanced is justice denied
d) Justice advanced is justice disowned
28. What is the main driver of international migration?
a) Good conditions in receiving countries
b) Good condition in home countries
c) poor condition in home countries
d) poor conditions in receiving countries
29. ……………………… the most fundamental human right.
a) Freedom to movement
b) Freedom to choose your nationality
c) The right to life
d) The right to health
30. Anyone has equal opportunity for everyone to be
promoted in his employment to an appropriate higher
level, subject to no considerations other than those
a) gender
b) seniority and competence
c) priority
d) nepotism
31. Every child has the right to medical care.
a) By the state
b) By his parents
c) None of them
32. In principle,……………….proceedings must be conducted
more speedily than other proceedings, particularly if the
accused is in detention.
a) criminal
b) burglary
c) family violence
d) culpable driving
33. ………………………………..primarily protects individuals
against exclusion from the economy, and also the
unemployed against social isolation.
a) The right to work
b) The right to life
c) The freedom to found communities
d) The freedom to movement
34. ………………………..always signifies performance of activities
that meet needs and provide services to the group or
society and are therefore accepted and rewarded.
a) Development
b) Economy
c) Work
d) Discipline
35. …………..can be most serious human rights violations.
a) Torture
b) Cruel
c) Inhuman treatment
d) Degrading treatment
e) Punishment
f) All the above
g) None of the above
36. The State has to ensure the………………
that are taught in schools in conformity with one's own
a) religious and moral
b) Vocational
c) Technical
d) Fundamental
37. It is widely recognized that torture and ill-treatment occur
mostly with………………..
a) Childhood
b) Police custody
c) Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams university.
d) Arbitrary arrest
e) b&d
38. Why are human rights universal?
a) because they are collective rights
b) because they are provided by the United Nations
c) because they can be applied at anywhere in the whole
d) because they are based on every human being’s dignity,
irrespective of race, color, sex, ethnic or social origin,
religion, language, nationality, age, sexual orientation,
disability, or any other distinguishing characteristic.
39. if arrested person was indicted, he has the right
a) jailbreak
b) be elected
c) to be informed to prepare his defense
d) all the above
40. The right to return is particularly important for
………………seeking voluntary repatriation.
a) visitors
b) aliens
c) refugees
d) citizens
41. Persons facing a possible criminal charge have the right to
be assisted by a lawyer of…………choice.
a) their family
b) their
c) the state
d) the government
42. The main goal of employment policies is…………………
a) the attainment of full employment
b) Provide jobs opportunities
c) Achieving self-sufficiency
d) Achieving economic stability
43. which of these rights is/are provided to a person arrested
by the government or police?
a) To engage a lawyer for his defense.
b) To be produced before a magistrate within 24 hours of his
c) To be informed of the reasons of his arrest
d) All the above
44. Persons in custody cannot communicate
a) Wives
b) Lawyer
c) Physician
d) Judicial official
e) Children
f) tax officer
g) All the above
45. ………………………..should ensure that key elements are
stipulated in legislation and implemented in practice to
protect the right of every person to just and favorable
conditions of work.
a) The parliamentarians
b) The states
c) The governments
d) The Employers
46. The requirement that the education given in such
institutions shall conform to such……………standards as
may be laid down by the State.
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Equal
d) High
47. The "obligation to protect" requires:
a) Non-government actors to protect individuals against
abuses by government
b) Non-government actors to protect individuals against
abuses by non-government
c) government actors to protect individuals against abuses
by non-government
48. The wording “one’s own country” refers to……………..
a) citizens of that country
b) who were born there as second-generation immigrants
c) persons who have resided for a very long period in a
country as aliens
d) all the above

49. ………………………has reduced the States ’ability to ensure
respect for prisoners’ rights.
a) Prison privatization
b) Private sector involvement
c) The intervention of the countries concerned
d) All the above
50. …….…………...decide/s the child religious and moral
education with their own convictions.
a) Parents
b) State
c) Government
51. …………………decides to impose restrictions. (General case)
a) The state
b) The government
c) The authority
d) The law
52. ………………………must take steps to create the conditions
and legal frameworks necessary for the exercise of human
rights as a whole for human rights to become a reality.
a) Government and international community
b) States parties
c) United Nations
d) Countries considered
53. For those people who work for an entity, they have the
right to………….
a) rest during the day
b) periodic holidays with pay
c) remuneration for public holidays
d) all the above
54. All persons are free to leave the territory of a State. This
right applies to……………
a) Short visits only
b) Long visits only
c) Short and long visits
55. ……………….rights require government to take positive
a) Civil and political
b) Collective
c) Social and culture
d) Social, cultural, and economic
56. All persons are free to leave the territory of a State. This
right applies to……………
a) Permanent immigration only
b) Semi-permanent immigration only
c) Permanent and Semi-permanent immigration
57. Each State has not been able to secure in its
metropolitan territory or other territories under its
jurisdiction compulsory primary education, free of charge,
undertakes within…………… work out and adopt a
detailed plan of action for the progressive
a) One year
b) Two years
c) Three years
d) Four years
58. The ultimate legal responsibility for the education of
children belongs to
a) Local school
b) Parents
c) Government
d) State
59. …………………….. sets out the following five principled policy
arguments against contracting out prison management.
a) Tania María
b) Claire Palley
c) Carlos GÓMEZ
d) Marcia V.J. KRAN
60. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for
the health and wellbeing of himself and his family,
a) Food
b) Clothing
c) housing
d) medical
e) luxury life
f) all the above
g) all the above except e
61. The Human Rights Committee has considered corporal
punishment, such as chastisement of prisoners
a) Trinidad
b) Sudan
c) Ghana
d) Mali
62. The restrictions should be………………..
a) appropriate
b) the least intrusive possible
c) proportionate to the interest to be protected
d) consistent with other rights provided for with the
principles of equality and non-discrimination
e) all the above
63. The right of children to education must be protected by
a) parents
b) state
c) grandparents
d) government
64. The government from interference and indoctrination by
third parties, including:……………
a) parents
b) family
c) teachers
d) the school
e) religions
f) sects
g) clans
h) business firms
i) all the above
65. First reintroduced private sector involvement in prison
operations was in……………..
a) Canada
b) The United States of America
c) Australia
d) Brazil
66. Only the……………..should have the power to administer
justice and enforce it by coercion.
a) United Nations
b) Government
c) State
d) Authorities
67. Liability for human rights violations must be a/an
a) United Nations
b) Government
c) State
d) Authorities
68. ……………………………includes:
• the right to adequate food
• the right to adequate clothing
• the right to housing
• the right to health
a) The right to health
b) The right to social security
c) The right to life
d) The right to equality
69. The Human Rights Committee has considered corporal
punishment, such as chastisement of prisoners
a) Gambia
b) Cabo Verde
c) Tunisia
d) Tobago
70. The freedom to movement should be protected from
a) public and private
b) public only
c) private only
71. ………………..may impose restrictions on the entry of aliens,
screening those who seek entry. (Special case)
a) The states
b) The governments
c) The authorities
d) The law
72. For those persons who have not received or
completed the whole period of their primary education,
they have to complete…………………
a) Fundamental education
b) Secondary education
c) Technical education
d) Vocational education
73. All these following measures are solution to get
well-educated citizens except……………
a) The development of a system of schools at all levels shall
be actively pursued.
b) An adequate fellowship system shall be established.
c) Encourage overage people to complete their education.
d) Improve the material conditions of teaching staff.
74. The right to education is inextricably linked to
the……………of the human being.
a) Personality
b) Liberty
c) Dignity
d) Consciousness
75. Which of the following best describe the concept of
human right?
a) Laws about rights contained in the Australian Constitution
b) Basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are
c) The existence of UN peacekeeping forces around the
d) The rights to freedom of speech and religion
76. Which of the following is not a political right?
a) Right to freedom
b) Right to seek any political office.
c) Right to vote
d) Right to contest election
77. …………………must issue travel documents or passports to
all citizens both within and outside the national territory.
a) the State of residence
b) the State of nationality
c) any state
d) Both states
78. To protect children from child labour the state
a) education free and optional
b) education free and compulsory
c) university education compulsory
d) parents choose to educate or not to educate their child.
79. ……………….represents availability of functioning
educational institutions and programmes.
a) Adequate funding for education in rural areas
b) Teacher Training Programmes
c) Guarantee of the right to establish private institutions
d) Curriculum design and education funding in conformity
with the pupils’ and students’ actual needs.
80. Legislation guaranteeing the quality of curricula and
teaching methods is considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
81. The fundamental right of everyone to be free from
hunger needs the States Parties to the present Covenant
all the following except…………………
a) to improve methods of production of food
b) to take into account the problems of both food-importing
and food-exporting countries
c) to ensure an equitable distribution of world food supplies
in relation to need
d) to distribute of world food supplies according to the
economic strength of the country
82. Choose what proves that the States Parties to the present
Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical
and mental health.
a) The provision for the reduction of the stillbirth-rate and of
infant mortality and for the healthy development of the
b) The prevention, treatment and control of epidemic,
endemic, occupational and other diseases

c) The creation of conditions which would assure to all
medical service and medical attention in the event of
d) The improvement of all aspects of environmental and
industrial hygiene
e) All the above
83. Civil and political rights also known as…………
a) first generation rights
b) second generation rights
c) none of the above
84. If accused person has a trail, then he has the right
a) be present at one's trial.
b) to call and examine witnesses.
c) All the above
85. At foreign countries, the accused has the right
a) be tried with the country language whether he
understand it or not
b) be tried with English as the third most widely spoken
language in the world
c) be tried with his own tongue language
d) give him a deadline to learn that foreign language to be
tried with
e) be provided with language interpretation free of charge if
the accused cannot understand or speak the language
used in court
86. ……………………are considered as inhuman or degrading
a) death penalty
b) corporal punishment
c) life imprisonment
d) all the above
e) None of the above
87. The Human Rights Committee has considered corporal
punishment, such as chastisement of prisoners
a) Egypt
b) Jamaica
c) Nigeria
d) Ethiopia
88. It has maintained that certain methods of execution such
as…………………..constitute inhuman punishment, and thus
violate international law.
a) Death by hanging
b) Gas asphyxiation
c) life imprisonment
d) Imprisonment with hard work
89. In………….., the death penalty and all forms of corporal
punishment are today considered as inhuman or
degrading punishment.
a) Europe
b) Africa
c) Asia
d) America
90. People deprived of their liberty may not be subjected to
any……………………..other than that resulting from the
deprivation of their liberty.
a) deprivation of their liberty
b) hardship
c) constraint
d) b&c only
e) all the above
91. What are considered as state duties for the detainees?
a) Exercise force in restraining prisoners
b) Disciplinary powers and functions
c) Insurance of the accountability and public visibility of the
criminal justice system and the public’s access to
d) All the above
92. There are no restrictions shall subject the freedom of
movement except those which are provided by……………
a) The state
b) The law
c) The government
d) The authorities
93. The restrictions which are provided by law, are necessary
to protect
a) national security
b) public order
c) public health
d) international security
e) all the above
f) a&b&c
g) a&c&d
94. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy
by……………………..for acts violating the fundamental rights
granted him by the constitution or by law.
a) Police officer
b) Fair trial
c) The competent national tribunals
d) International courts
95. Everyone is entitled in full equality to
a) fair
b) independent
c) impartial
d) All the above

96. Why is the universal declaration of human rights
important to you?
a) Because it protects childhood
b) Because it protects prisoners
c) Because it protects and promotes your individual rights
97. First generation rights are mostly.
a) Group rights
b) Positive rights
c) Negative rights
d) none of the above
98. To protect the detainees' rights, it is necessary to
a) Availability of centralized registers of all detainees and
places of detention
b) Exclusion of evidence elicited through torture or other
forms of compulsion
c) Audio-or videotaping of all police interrogations
d) All the above
99. The sole entity that may legitimately administer justice
and enforce it by coercion.
a) The United Nations
b) The Government
c) The State
d) The Authorities
100. There is a must to non-discrimination in the
workplace against……………….
a) Women
b) Minorities
c) disabled persons
d) Religious groups
e) All the above
101. The detainees have the right to……………..

a) request a medical examination by a physician of their
b) have access to a lawyer of their choice
c) get communicated with anyone outside of their choice
d) all the above
102. In addition to any medical examination carried out
by a physician called by the……………….
a) Judge officer
b) police authorities
c) state
d) government
e) all of the above
103. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and
a) within the borders of State
b) outside the borders of State
c) at any country that his passport provided without visa
d) at poor conditions countries only
104. Who leaves his own country, he………………………..
a) cannot come back to it
b) has the right to return to his country at any time he
c) loses his nationality
d) cannot leave the country where he leaves to
105. ……………….shall not intentionally take the life of a
suspect to prevent his or her escape in the event of a
minor offence, such as theft.
a) The government
b) The police
c) The state
d) The judge
106. The state's obligation has……… sides
a) respect
b) protection
c) fulfillment
d) all the above
107. Not taking the life of a suspect to prevent his or her
escape in the event of a minor offence, is an example
of…………….of right to life.
a) respect
b) protection
c) fulfillment
d) obligate
108. …………………..violate human rights.
a) Personal integrity
b) Dignity
c) All the above
d) None of the above
109. The right of arrested persons to have the fact of
their detention to be informed to a third party of their
choice (family member, friend, or consulate).
a) The right of detainees to have access to a lawyer
b) Notification of custody
c) Arbitrary arrest
d) Police custody
110. The government should not discriminate against any
grounds only of religion, race, sex, or place of birth. Which
right is this?
a) Right to freedom
b) Right to equality
c) Cultural and educational rights
d) Right against exploitation
111. What is UDHR refers to?
a) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
b) Union of developed human rights
c) Universal Determined human rights
d) Union Declaration of Human Rights
112. Minimum education standards (on admission,
curricula, recognition of certificates, etc..) and related
monitoring mechanisms is considered as………….of
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
113. Guarantee of the right to establish private
institutions is considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
114. Mechanisms for monitoring policies, institutions,
programmes, spending patterns and other practices in the
education sector is considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
115. The right to education can serve as an example
a) Prohibition to protect
b) Right to security
c) obligation to protect
d) Freedom to privacy
116. …………… considered as a Crime is carrying
penalties under domestic criminal law.
a) minor offence
b) attempted homicide
c) theft
d) change of residence
117. The authorities shall take legislative and
administrative measures to reduce progressively child
mortality and other types of mortality whose underlying
causes can be combated, is an example of…………….of right
to life.
a) respect
b) protection
c) fulfillment
d) obligate
118. Everyone has the right to…………… of the person.
a) Life
b) Liberty
c) security
d) all the above
119. …………………………… education shall be made
generally available and accessible to all by every
appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive
introduction of free education.
a) Secondary
b) Elementary
c) Vocational and technical
d) a&c
120. The realization of………….…. is conducive to the
development of the individual and of society as a whole.
a) Right to education
b) Right to live
c) Right to work
d) Right to found a family
121. It is a key to the realization of many other human
a) Right to education
b) Right to live
c) Right to work
d) Right to be elected
122. Right to education is crucial in the fight
a) Dignity
b) Poverty
c) over pollution
d) slavery
123. What are the main human rights?
a) Dignity
b) Fairness
c) Equality
d) Respect
e) Independence
f) All the above
124. The law has to protect people's……………
a) Morals
b) Freedoms
c) Rights
d) All the above
125. All persons are free to leave the territory of a State.
This right applies to……………
a) Citizens only
b) Aliens only
c) persons sojourning in a country illegally
d) all the above
126. Curriculum design and education funding in
conformity with the pupils’ and students’ actual needs is
considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
127. Economically affordable secondary and higher
education is considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
128. Obligatory and free primary education for all is
considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
129. Which of these is false regarding the freedom of
speech and expression?
a) One may disagree with a policy of the government.
b) One can use it to agitate people against government.
c) One is free to criticize the government.
d) Everyone has the right to think differently.
130. The authorities shall take legislative and other
measures against domestic violence, is an example
of…………….of prohibition of torture or cruel.
a) respect
b) protection
c) fulfillment
d) obligate
131. Female genital mutilation (FGM) shall be prohibited
and eradicated, is an example of protection of………..
a) Right to life
b) Right to vote
c) Right to heath
d) Right food

132. …………………….shall not interfere with the voting
procedure and shall respect the election results and it is
form of respect the right to vote.
a) The state
b) The authorities
c) The government
d) The embassy
133. Forced sterilization of medical experimentation does
not respect the right to………..
a) Life
b) Health
c) Food
d) Vote
134. Who sets out the international human rights
a) The government of individual countries
b) The United Nations
c) None of the above
135. The general assembly of the United Nations adopted
and proclaimed the universal declaration of human rights
a) November 1946
b) October 1947
c) December 1948
d) September 1945
136. Rights of indigenous peoples are…………rights.
a) Social
b) Civil
c) Economic
d) Collective
137. Human rights have pervaded much of the
a) Economical
b) Biological
c) Financial
d) Political
138. Human rights make person lose their……….….
a) Dignity
b) Self determination
c) Slavery
d) Religion
139. Non-discriminatory access to education is
considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
140. Adequate working conditions for teachers, including
the right to form unions and bargain collectively is
considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
141. Adequate funding for education in rural areas is
considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
142. For the detainee, ………………….. is an essential
safeguard against such human rights violations.
a) Access to the outside
b) Have a personal lawyer
c) Access to the counsel
d) All the above
143. What are human rights violations for the detainee?
a) Disappearances
b) Torture
c) Ill-treatment
d) all the above
144. Banishment to an island or a certain area of a
country, curfews, expulsion from a county or prohibition
to leave a country are against………………..
a) Freedom to movement
b) Right to life
c) Right to social security
d) Right to education
145. The procedure of depriving anyone of their liberty
must conform to………….
a) domestic law only
b) international standards only
c) Both a&b
146. The relevant domestic law of depriving anyone of
their liberty must not be…………..
a) Arbitrary
b) Inappropriate
c) Injustice
d) Unpredictability
e) All the above
147. If a person needs to move within a country, he has
to have………………
a) Obligation to obtain a permit for internal travel
b) Obligation to apply for permission to change residence
c) Obligation to seek approval by the local authorities of the
place of destination
d) All the above
e) His passport only
148. Right of privacy is a…………….
a) Political right
b) Social right
c) Economic right
d) Civil right
149. law enforcement of depriving anyone of their liberty
in any given case must be………….
a) proportionate to all of the circumstances surrounding the
b) arbitrary
c) discriminatory
d) b&c
150. Arrested persons have the right to…………………….
a) have a lawyer or to counsel
b) be informed promptly of the reasons for their arrest and
detention and any charges brought against them in order
to be able to challenge the lawfulness of their arrest or
c) if they are indicted, to prepare their defense
d) all the above
151. In the area of economic, social, and cultural rights
you have the right to……………
a) Live
b) Work
c) Move
d) Establish of an association
152. Human rights define relationships between
individuals and power structures, especially……………..
a) The government
b) The governorate
c) The president
d) The state
153. Obtaining maternity leave for a working woman is
considered as ………………..
a) Protection of the family
b) Right to marry and found a family
c) Right to social security
d) Right to work
154. The…………………………….aims at providing protection
against arbitrary or unlawful arrest and detention.
a) obligation to protect
b) right to personal liberty
c) right to privacy
d) right to security
155. When persons facing a possible criminal charge
cannot afford a lawyer, they should be provided
a) immediate access to the counsel
b) a qualified and effective counsel
c) an adequate time and facilities
d) an available communication with their counsel
e) all the above
156. Who must do the following? :
• assess whether there are sufficient legal grounds for the
• assess whether detention before trial is necessary.
• safeguard the well-being of the detainee.
• prevent violations of the detainee’s fundamental rights.
a) judicial officer
b) Human rights representer
c) United Nations
d) The lawyer of the detainee
e) All the above
157. Human rights exercise enables……………………to shape
and determine their own lives in liberty, equality, and
respect for human dignity.
a) women and men
b) Men only
c) Women only
d) Non-determined gender
158. Human rights exercise enables women and men to
shape and determine their own lives in the following
features except.
a) Liberty
b) Equality
c) Respect
d) Dignity
e) Atheism
159. Human rights comprise……………….rights.
a) Civil
b) Political
c) Social
d) Economic
e) cultural
f) collective
g) All the above
160. Human Rights comprise all types of rights of people
to self-determination, equality,……………., peace and a
clean environment.
a) Development
b) Liberty
c) Equality
d) Respect
161. ……………………are as essential factors in promoting
the participation of men and women in political life and as
prerequisites for the development of peoples”, Havana,
April 2001, paragraph 1.
a) Knowledge and education
b) Health and finances
c) Natural resources
d) Education and culture
162. ……………………….can be essential partners in
remodeling the world on the basis of fairness, equality,
and human rights.
a) Parliamentarians
b) Governments
c) States parties
d) United Nations
163. All the following choices are examples of human
rights in the area of civil and political rights except.
a) Freedom of assembly
b) Right to marry and found a family
c) Right to work
d) Right to a fair trial
164. Right to recognition as a person before the law is
a/an ……….right.
a) Civil
b) Economic
c) Social
d) Cultural
165. Choose the right sentence.
a) People with power aren’t treated like all people before
the law.
b) All are equal before the law and are entitled without any
discrimination to equal protection of the law
c) No one has the right to recognition everywhere as a
person before the law
d) The law is discriminative
166. The right to a fair trial led to the determination of
a) rights
b) obligations
c) criminal charge against him
d) all the above
167. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right
to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to
law in a public trial at which…………………..
a) He has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense
b) The judge office is the one who responsible for his
c) He has the right to communicate with any person in his
family of his choice
d) The counsel who determines that he was guilty or not
168. Human rights……………………….
a) define relationships between individuals and power
b) are the most fundamental rights of human beings
c) are the sum of individual and collective rights laid down in
governments constitutions and international law
d) all the above
169. Human rights require Governments to
take…………measures ensuring an environment that
enables all people to enjoy their human rights.
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Both negative and positive
d) Neither negative nor positive
170. Human rights are the………….of individual and
collective rights laid down in governments constitutions
and international law.
a) Sum
b) Abstraction
c) Division
d) Multiplication
171. If a certain act wasn't be considered as a penal
offense in the past, but now it is a penal offense.
Therefore, the person who did this act in the past
a) to be held guilty of that penal offence
b) not to be held guilty of that penal offence
c) to get reduced penalty due to the amendment in the law
d) to have a fair trial from the judge officer who decide his
172. The accused people have various rights like:
a) The right not to be compelled to testify or to confess guilt
b) The right to a fair trial
c) The prohibition of torture and ill-treatment
d) All the above
e) None of the above
173. ……………………….are expected to give priority to the
introduction of compulsory and free primary education
while taking steps for the realization of the right to
education at other levels.
a) State
b) Governments
c) United nations
d) The parliament
174. Governments are expected to give priority to the
introduction of compulsory and free……………education
while taking steps for the realization of the right to
education at other levels.
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Vocational
d) Technical
175. ………………….is a fundamental component of the
development process as the 105th Inter-Parliamentary
Conference considered it.
a) Education
b) Culture
c) Knowledge
d) Health
176. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as
a person before the law, this is considered as…………..
a) The right to life
b) The right to a fair trial
c) The right to social security
d) The right to equality
177. The accused person has the right to defend oneself
a) in person
b) through counsel of one's own choice
c) by a witness
d) all the above
e) a&b only
f) a&c only
178. Freedom from slavery , servitude and forced labour
is an example of human rights in the area of………....
a) Social & economic
b) Collective
c) Cultural
d) Civil & Political
179. The right to education……………….
a) safeguards children from exploitation.
b) has a limiting effect on population growth.
c) empowers economically and socially marginalized people
d) all the above
180. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Universal Declaration on
Democracy was in Cairo in…………………..
a) September 1997
b) October 1948
c) June 1991
d) November 2000
181. A …………………….society must be committed to
education in the broadest sense of the term.
a) Political
b) Democratic
c) Republican
d) self-governing
182. ………………..must be committed to civic education
and the shaping of a responsible citizenry.
a) Individual
b) Society
c) Government
d) Parents
183. objectives that state parties must consider in order
to legitimize human rights in education.
a) Make educational optional
b) Enhancement of access to education
c) Freedom to choose the type and content of education.
d) b&c
184. ………………….obligations are not of equal urgency in
all areas: basic, primary, secondary, and higher education.
a) State
b) Governments
c) United nations
d) The parliament
185. …………………… a prerequisite for promoting
sustainable development, securing a healthy
environment, ensuring peace and democracy, and
achieving the objectives of combating poverty, slowing
population growth, and creating equality between the
a) Education
b) Culture
c) Knowledge
d) Health
186. Human rights have pervaded much of the political
discourse since………………
a) 1939-1945
b) 1914-1918
c) 1955
d) 1975
187. ………………are rights that every human being has by
virtue of his or her human dignity.
a) Human Rights
b) Freedom
c) Privacy
d) Social justice
188. Right to life is an example of human rights in the
area of…………..
a) Civil & Political
b) Social & economic
c) Collective
d) Cultural
189. Adequate education-grant system for disadvantaged
groups is considered as………….of education.
a) availability
b) accessibility
c) acceptability
d) adaptability
190. State efforts to realize the right to education should
a) varied
b) diversified
c) progressive
d) excessive

191. State efforts to realize the right to education should
a) effective
b) expeditious
c) progressive
d) all the above
192. Right to liberty and security of person is an example
of human rights in the area of…………..
a) Social & economic
b) Collective
c) Cultural
d) Civil & Political
193. AU refers to……………..
a) American Union
b) Ain Shams Union
c) Africa Union
d) Asia Union
194. Number of the Arab League states………….
a) 53
b) 22
c) 85
d) 18
195. On 15 September 1994, the States members of the
Arab League adopted the Arab Charter on Human Rights
a) All states signed it
b) Half states signed it
c) Only two states signed it
d) None of the states signed it
196. What is meant by OHCHR?
a) Orphan high charter of human rights
b) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
c) Obligation for homeless characteristics of human rights
d) Online human charity for human rights
197. ………………….rights are based on the concept of non-
interference of the government in private affairs.
a) Civil and political
b) Economic and cultural
c) Social and culture
d) Collective
198. Second generation rights are also known
as……………… rights.
a) Civil and political
b) Collective
c) Social and culture
d) Social, cultural, and economic
199. ……………….rights require government to take
positive action.
a) First generation
b) Second generation
c) Social and political
d) Civil and economic
200. Second generation rights require government to
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Indifferent
d) Nonchalant
201. objectives like: Enhancement of access to education
and Freedom to choose the type and content of
education, state parties must consider in order to
legitimize human rights in education, and it can also be
divided into four areas of obligation……..,……..,………,……..
a) availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability.
b) sustainability, validity, intercommunity, and susceptibility.

c) sentimentality, intentionality, hepatotoxicity, and
d) goitrogenicity, foreseeability, corruptibility, and
202. First generation rights can be also considered
as…………from your pov perspective.
a) Economic and cultural
b) Social and culture
c) Civil and political
d) Collective
203. ……………………requires government to protect
individuals against abuses by non-government actors.
a) Prohibition to protect
b) Right to security
c) obligation to protect
d) Freedom to privacy
204. A company polluting the water supply, or a
landowner evicting peasants needs to be prevented to
protect the right to……………..
a) Life
b) Health
c) Food
d) Vote
205. ………………………means that government are required
to take positive action to ensure that human rights can be
a) Obligation to protect
b) Obligation to respect
c) Obligation to fulfill
d) Second generation
206. the elimination of illiteracy is the right to………….
a) Life
b) Education
c) Health
d) Food
207. Government must provide ways and means for free
and compulsory primary education for all; like……………….
a) setting up enough public schools
b) hiring and remunerating an adequate number of teachers
c) a&b
d) elimination of illiteracy
208. What is CCPR means?
a) Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
b) Collective and Civil and Political Rights
c) Cooperation for Civil and Political Rights
d) None of them
209. No regional human rights treaty and monitoring
mechanism has yet been adopted in………………
a) Europe
b) Asia and Pacific region
c) America
d) Africa
210. The number of the state's members of the African
Union are………………
a) 78
b) 11
c) 53
d) 28
211. Solidarity rights also known as……………………of
human rights are of considerable political importance.
a) First generation
b) Second generation
c) Negative generation
d) none of the above
212. Solidarity rights also known as……………………of
human rights are of considerable political importance.
a) First generation
b) Second generation
c) Third generation
d) Fourth generation
213. …………………have political importance.
a) Political rights
b) Solidarity rights
c) Military rights
d) Collective rights
214. AU is headquartered in……………….
a) Egypt, Sudan
b) Banjul, Gambia
c) Nigeria, Ethiopia
d) Zambia, Chad
Question 2 True or False (92 Marks):
1. Higher education shall be accessible to only people who
can afford studying tuition.
a) True
b) False
2. Primary education shall be compulsory and available free
to all.
a) True
b) False
3. Any type of education shall be made equally accessible to
all, on the basis of capacity.
a) True
b) False
4. Fundamental education shall be encouraged or intensified
as far as possible for those persons who have not received
or completed the whole period of their primary education.
a) True
b) False

5. The police shall not use torture in questioning detainees is
an example of protection to prohibition of torture.
a) True
b) False
6. The authorities shall train police officers in acceptable
methods of questioning.
a) True
b) False
7. AU has not adopted treaties in the areas of refugee
protection and children’s rights.
a) True
b) False
8. AU wouldn't receive any complaints from any individual or
collective entity.
a) True
b) False
9. Everyone has the right to life.
a) True
b) False
10. None shall be arrested at all whatever the crime he/she
a) True
b) False
11. No one shall be deprived of his liberty even on such
grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are
established by law.
a) True
b) False
12. Persons held on criminal charges or on such grounds
mental illness, vagrancy immigration control can be
arbitrarily arrested.
a) True
b) False
13. Enjoyment of the right: " All persons are free to leave the
territory of a State. " Depends on the purpose or duration
of travel abroad.
a) True
b) False
14. The Human Rights Committee has accepted a national
law which restricted the right of women to leave the
country by requiring their husbands’ consent.
a) True
b) False
15. Movement within the country doesn't need any
a) True
b) False
16. Movement to another country may have harassment of
a) True
b) False
17. Freedom to movement has its limitations.
a) True
b) False
18. Preventing women from movement without their
husbands' consent it is considered as a violation of human
a) True
b) False
19. the restrictions must not defeat the purpose of the right.
a) True
b) False
20. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought,
conscience, and religion.
a) True
b) False
21. For Islamic countries, everyone who live in a Muslim
country has to adopt Islam as a religion.
a) True
b) False
22. Manifest one’s religion has no restrictions.
a) True
b) False
23. To live in European countries, you have to adopt
Christianity or convert to it.
a) True
b) False
24. In case of the same workload, the disabled persons
should get paid less than the good healthy ones.
a) True
b) False
25. The state is not responsible for the citizen in case of
unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age,
or other lack of livelihood.
a) True
b) False
26. The children who born out of wedlock, don't enjoy the
same social protection from the state for those who born
in wedlock.
a) True
b) False
27. An alien lawfully in the territory of a State may be
expelled due to compelling reasons of national security.
a) True
b) False
28. Entry of country restrictions must be less than State’s
international obligations.
a) True
b) False
29. Human Rights discriminate people for their beliefs.
a) True
b) False
30. The right to life is an absolute right.
a) True
b) False
31. Human rights do not limit the government power.
a) True
b) False
32. If law enforcement agents take a person's life, that act
violate the right to life.
a) True
b) False
c) There is an error in the sentence
33. Right of education, is not a fundamental right.
a) True
b) False
34. First generation rights require government to take
negative action.
a) True
b) False
35. Human rights cannot become a reality.
a) True
b) False
36. Human rights aren’t accepted by all government or all
a) True
b) False
37. Human Rights apply equally and indiscriminately to every
person and are the same for everyone everywhere.
a) True
b) False

38. Banishment to an island or a certain area of a country,
curfews, expulsion from a county or prohibition to leave a
country, is an interference with personal liberty.
a) True
b) False
39. Depriving anyone of their liberty is absolute deprivation.
a) True
b) False
40. Debt repayment is required arbitrary deprivation of
liberty in Europe
a) True
b) False
41. If persons facing a possible criminal charge cannot afford
a lawyer, they shouldn't have one.
a) True
b) False
42. Anyone can illegally immigrate to any country he wants
without its permission and that is considered as the right
to free movement.
a) True
b) False
43. The freedom to movement is an absolute right.
a) True
b) False
44. Everyone is unlawfully within the territory of a State shall,
within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement
and freedom to choose his residence.
a) True
b) False
45. The person who is unlawfully within the territory of a
State shall, within that territory, the state has the right to
return him to his country.
a) True
b) False
46. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter
his own country.
a) True
b) False
47. There is no limitation on working hours nor rest periods.
a) True
b) False
48. "work” means wage labor.
a) True
b) False
49. For the same equal work, a woman should get paid more
than a man.
a) True
b) False
50. Not everyone has the right to be educated.
a) True
b) False
51. Technical and professional education shall be excepted
from the right of education.
a) True
b) False
52. " The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to
have respect for the liberty of parents and, when
applicable, legal guardians to choose for their children's
schools." This part of this article shall be construed as to
interfere with the liberty of individuals and bodies to
establish and direct educational institutions.
a) True
b) False
53. Each State has to make a plan of the principle of
compulsory education free of charge for all.
a) True
b) False
54. A sustained democratic state requires a democratic
climate and culture constantly nurtured and reinforced by
education and other vehicles of culture and information.
a) True
b) False
55. Adequate working conditions for teachers, including the
right to form unions and bargain collectively.
a) True
b) False
56. "Obligation to protect” requires government to protect
individuals against abuses by judicial actors.
a) True
b) False
57. The right of children to education must be protected by
the state.
a) True
b) False
58. The police shall intentionally take the life of a suspect to
prevent his or her escape in the event of a minor offence,
such as theft.
a) True
b) False
59. Persons in pretrial detention have the right to be tried
within an undetermined time.
a) True
b) False
60. people awaiting trial on criminal charges should be held in
custody, as a general rule.
a) True
b) False

61. Persons deprived of their liberty on whatever grounds
have the right to habeas corpus ‫الحق في المثول (الوقوف) امام‬
a) True
b) False
62. Persons deprived of their liberty cannot challenge the
lawfulness of their detention before a court.
a) True
b) False
63. The accused person has the right to be presumed
innocent and in case of doubt, the accused should be
found guilty.
a) True
b) False
64. Evidence elicited by torture or ill-treatment may not be
used in court.
a) True
b) False
65. The accused people have the right to be tried without
undue delay.
a) True
b) False
66. Human Rights care about some issues not all issues in the
a) True
b) False
67. None has been argued that civil and political rights, also
known as “first generation rights”.
a) True
b) False
68. The right to life is not an absolute right.
a) True
b) False
69. The death results from a use of force in a necessary
situation like self-defense is considered as a violation for
the right to life.
a) True
b) False
70. The death results from a use of force in a necessary
situation like the defense of a third person is considered as
a violation for the right to life.
a) True
b) False
71. Take a person life to put down a riot or insurrection does
not violate the right to life.
a) True
b) False
72. State obligations are not of equal urgency in all areas:
basic, primary, secondary, and higher education.
a) True
b) False
73. The two-year specification absolves a state party from
this obligation in case it fails to act within that period.
a) True
b) False
74. Members of parliament and parliamentary bodies don't
have any role in human rights.
a) True
b) False
75. First generation rights are based on the concept of non-
interference of the government in public affairs.
a) True
b) False
76. "Obligation to protect” requires government to protect
individuals against abuses by government actors.
a) True
b) False
77. Human rights are absolute rights without any
a) True
b) False
78. Human rights delimit the free use of people wealth and
natural resources.
a) True
b) False
79. The right to life cannot be considered absolute in legal
systems that authorize capital punishment.
a) True
b) False
80. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment except the
a) True
b) False
81. In case of medical or scientific experimentation, no one
shall have the right to decide to do it or not.
a) True
b) False
82. No one may invoke an order from superior as a
justification of torture.
a) True
b) False
83. Women have more rights than men before the law.
a) True
b) False
84. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be
presumed guilty until proven innocent.
a) True
b) False
85. A heavier penalty shall not be imposed than the one that
was applicable at the time the penal offence was
a) True
b) False
86. Human rights delimit Government's power.
a) True
b) False
87. Human rights don't limit Government's power.
a) True
b) False
88. Human rights give us the right to make propaganda for
war and encourage religious hatred.
a) True
b) False
89. Persons arrested on suspicion of a criminal offence have
the right to be brought promptly before a judge.
a) True
b) False
90. The criminal shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
a) True
b) False
91. In case of war or in states of emergency, the right to life
can be subject to derogation.
a) True
b) False
92. Evidence elicited through torture or other forms of
compulsion can be recognized before the law.
a) True
b) False

Question 3 Matching (27Marks):

1. Right of detained persons to be treated with A Civil right

2. Right to health. B Economic right
3. Right to education. C Political right
4. Right to take part in the conduct of public affairs, D Collective right
vote, be elected and have access to public office.
5. Freedom of opinion and expression. E Social/cultural
6. A healthy environment.
7. Right to form and join trade unions.
8. Self-determination.
9. Right to marry and found a family.
10. Right to privacy.
11. Right to just and favorable conditions of work.
12. Right to social security.
13. Right to get peace.

14. Education is free and compulsory. A Accessibility of
education to
15. Adequate funding for education in rural B Adaptability
areas. of curricula.

16. Teacher Training Programmes. C Availability of

institutions and
17. Guarantee of the right to establish D Acceptability
private institutions. of form and
18. Curriculum design and education
funding in conformity with the pupils’
and students’ actual needs.
19. Legislation guaranteeing the quality of
curricula and teaching methods.
20. Economically affordable secondary and
higher education.
21. Obligatory and free primary education for
22. Non-discriminatory access to
23. Adequate working conditions for
teachers, including the right to form
unions and bargain collectively.
24. Minimum education standards (on
admission, curricula, recognition of
certificates, etc..) and related
monitoring mechanisms.
25. Guarantee of the right to establish
private institutions.

26. Mechanisms for monitoring policies, .
institutions, programmes, spending
patterns and other practices in the
education sector.
27. Adequate education-grant system for
disadvantaged groups.

END of Exam, Good Luck

Exam committee
Eng. Salma Medhat


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