Sem 4 - Minor 1

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BIT-251 Roll N0.

B. Tech

Session: 2022-23
Subject: Database Managemnent System
Max. Marks: 10
Time: 1Hrs.

equal marks.
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries
is compulsory.
Q1. Attempt any two parts of the following. Q1(a)
and explain its various components
Draw the block diagram of overall structure of database
in detail.
suitable diagram. Why
Describe the three-level architecture of database with the help of a
levels? 2
do we need mappings between different schema
e Explain the term Generalization and SpéCialization with a suitable
example. 2

Q2. Attempi any two parts of the following. Q 2 (a) is compulsory.

Consider the following database scheme: 3

Employee (Emp no, Name, Skill, Pay_rate)

Position (Posting no, Skill)
Duty Allocation Posting no, Emp no, Day, Shift)
Write the SQL queries for the following:
Get the employee details whose skills are Computer Science.
(i) Get the employee details whose name starts with character
Monday, Thursday, Saturday.
Get the emp_no, posting no of enployee who works on
Delete the employee details whose skills are Mechanical.
Change the skillof emp no 12 as Mechanical.
Get one more column in the Emplovee table name as, and join
ofRelational Algebra in DBMS? Describe the selection, projection
o what is the significance 2

operations of relational algebra with a suitable example. functions of SQL with a suitable
What are the various functions in SQL? llustrate the five aggregate 2

Roll No.

B Tech
Subject Name: Computer Organization and Architecture
Times: I Hrs. Max Marks:

Note: Answer all questions.

Q1 Atempts any two parts of the following. Q.I(a) is compulsory.

What is Register transfer language? List the various micro operations used in 3
RTL. Also Explain organization of various registers and
transfer. memory used in data

Design a 4-bit combinational incremental circuit using four half adder

circuits. 2
c) Explain IEEE standard for floating point
(-1460. 125)10 in doubie precision format. representation. Represent the number 2

Q.2 Attempts any two parts of the following. Q.2(a) is

a) Differentiate between hardwired and micro programmed
each component of hardwired control unit organization. control unit. Explain 3

What do you mean by processor organization? Explain stack organization of 2

processor organization.
c) Drawthe flow chart for instruction cycle. Briefly explain it. 2

B. Tech.
Year: II Semester: Iy
Test -1(Minor Examination): 2022-23
Title of Subject: Optimization Techniues
Time: 1 Hrs. Max Marks: 10
Note: Attempt ALL questions. Each question carries equal marks

. Attempt any two parts ofthe following. Q1(a) is compulsory. rks
3 2,3 1 1.1.1
Find the all extreme points of the function: f(X1, X2) X3)=
)x6x 5x4 + 12x, - 24x, + 2xí. Discuss
+ 10x
the nature of twO extreme points with X3 5

b) Find the minimum of thefunction f() =x-5x -20x+150 2 2 3 1 1.1.1

by the Golden section method in the interval (1,6), given that

c) Find the minimum of the function f(x) = x* + x'- 30 x 2 2 1 1 1.1.1

2 in the interval -1 to 6 by Fibonacci method with n = 6.

"Q2. Attempt any two parts of the following. Q2(a) is compulsory.

Minimize z = -10x- 15y - 8z 3 1 2 1.1.1
subject to constraints
x+ 2y + 2z < 200,
2x +y +z < 220,
3x + y + 2z < 180,

x >0,y>0,z >0.
Minimize z = 4 x + 2x, by dual Simplex method subject to 2 1 3 1 1.1.1
constraints X1 + X =1,
3x4 -X>2,
X1, X 20.
2 1 3 1 1.1.1
c) Obtain the dual of the problem: Min z = X1 - 3xz + 7x3
subject to the constraints
X1- 3x, t 4x3 = 5, X4 - 2x, S3, x - 2x, - X3>4,

X1,*3 > 0and x, is unrestricted.

2o 2 8
Computer Network
Subject Name:

Max Marks: 10
Times: 1Hrs.

Note: Answer all questions.

I Attempts any two parts of the following. Q.1(a) is compulsory.

What is the significance of layered architecture? Explain the OSIlayered 3
Architecture and functionality of each layer with neat sketch.
b) What is switching technique? Compare circuit and message switching techniques. 2

nc Briefly explain how data transmission is done by using coaxial cable 2

2 Attempts any twoparts of the following. Q.2(a) is compulsory.

Explain working of Collison Sense Multiple Access protocol for Collision 3
detection with the help of flow chart.

What are the different types of error detection method? Explain CRC error 2
detection technique with example.
c) Explain Sliding Window Protocol. Also show the both situation before and after 2
sliding using neat diagram.
BIT -254

Tech. (unformation Technology)

Vear: Semester: 4th
Minor Test-l (Examination):
Python Programming
Max Marks: 10
Time: 1 Hr.
carrY equalmarks.
voLe: Attempt ALL questions. ALL auestions PO PI
Marks CO BL
Q1. Attempt any Two parts of the following. Q. 1(a) Code
L1 1,2 1.4.1
3 CO1
aj Define python. Explain various data types available in
Python with example. L2 1,2 1.4.1
2 CO1
b) Write a program to calculate total marks in 5 subjects
(full marks = 100) as well as percentage of marks and
division as per the following conditions:
Percentage >= 80 Grade A
Percentage >= 60 Grade B
Grade C
Percentage >= 40
Grade D
Percentage <40 1.4.1
c) What is string slicing in python? How to index and 2 CO1 L2 1,2
slice strings in python? Give appropriate examples.
Q2. Attempt any Two parts of ihe following, Q. 2(a) is
Define function. What is the difference between local 3 CO2 L3 1,2 1.4.1
and global variables? Write a python program to find
factorial number using recursion.
What is formal and actual parameter? Explain 2 CO2 L2 1 1.4.1
different types of arguments with examples.
C Write a program to print following pyramid using CO2 L2 1 1.4.1
while and for loop.


BL-Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3-Applving, 4 - Analysing, 5- Evaluating, 6 -

CO- Course Outcomes
PO- Program Outcomes
PICode - Performance Indicator Code

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