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BIT-251 Roll N o .

2 o 2 | | o

B. Tech-II
Even Semester
Major Exam (4th Semester)
Session: 2022-2023

Time: 03 Hrs
Subject: Database Managenment System Max. Marks: 50

Note: Be precise in your

k BL PO PICode
Attempt any five parts of the following. Marks CO

(a) What is Data Model? Explain how to do the operations oT 1,2 1.7.1

Insertion, deletion and updation in Hierarchical and

Network approach.
e Distinguish between phvsical and conceptual database. 2 1 1, 2 12 12.4.1-4
What types of data independences are obtained because
of them?
(c) What is the significance of Relational Algebra in DBMS? 2 2 2 2.4.1
Describe the selection, projection and join operations of
relational algebra with a suitable example,
(d Define and differentiate the Join and Inclusion 2 2 2, 4 2,3 3.5.3
What is multivalued dependency (MVD)? Illustrate the 2 3 1,2 2.5.2
fourth normal form with a suitable example.
() What is distributed database? Describe its various 2 3, 4 5,8 5.4.2
characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.
.(g What is log file? Describe the Log-Based recovery with a 2 6 1,2 1,2 2.8.1
suitable example.
Attempt any two parts of the following.
What is the significance of Database language in database 5 1,2 1,2 1,5 5.4.2
management system? Illustrate the various database
languages provided by DBMS to facilitate its users
(b) The people's bank offers five types of account: Loan, 5 1,2 1,2 1,8 1.7.1
Checking, Premium savings, Daily interest saving and
money market. It operates several accounts. An account
can be joint, i. e, more than one client may be able to
operate a given account. ldentify entities and draw the E.
with the 2, 4 5,9 5.4.1
(9 Describe the three-level architecture of database

help of a diagram. Why do we need mappings between

different schema levels?
2.3 3.5
Attempt any twoparts of the following,

(a) Consider the following suppliers-parts-projects

S(S#, Sname, Status, City)
P (P#, Pname, Color, Weight, City)
J(J#. Jname, City)
SPJ(S#, P#. J#. Qty) Were
S: Information of Suppliers, P: Parts, J: ProjectS.
Create the tables of these following
Supplied Quantity. the
schemes and write the SQL statements for
queries. to
Supplier who belongs
() Get the entire details of
Lucknow city. supplied by
(ii) Get the product number and quantity
supplies number S1. and quantity
(iii) Get the product number, weight
supplied by the supplier number S5.executed in New
(iv) Get the entire details of projects
Delhi city. MobileeNo.
(v) Add one more field in| supplier Sas
scheme SPJ.
(vi) Delete the entire content of therelation
in 1 1.2 5.8 5.4
What is the significance of integrity constraints
relational data model? Describe the Referential Integrity
with a suitable example.
What are the various functions in SQL? Tlustrate the five 1.3 1,2 8. 11 11.5

aggregate functions of SOL with a suitable example.

Attempt any two parts of the following.
What is Functional Dependency? LIst the various 5 1,4 1,2 1,3 1.7.
Armstrong's axioms also. Let R be a relation: R = (A, B.
C, D, E, F, G) having the FDs:
AB, BC’D, BC+E, AEF G, B ’ G
Find out candidate keys of R.
(b) A relation R (A, B,C, D, E) has the following set of FDs: 1.4 2,6 5, 12 5.4.7
A’BC, C’D, D+B, B’ E, A ’ E. Is the
decomposition of this relation into RI (A, B, C), R2 (C,
D), R3 (B, D, E) lossless join and/or dependency
preserving? Justify your answer.
Describe the Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF) with a 5 1,3 1,2 1,3 1.7.1
suitable example. Is BCNF stronger than 3NF? Justify
your answer with a suitable example.
Attempt any two parts of the following.
(ay What are the various types of failures that 5 1,6 2. 4 5. 11 5.4.2
can occur in
database? Describe the various steps involved in
from concurrent transactions. recovery
5 6 3.5 8. 12 12.6
various tvpes of
(b) What is Schedule? Describe the
Schedules. Consider the following
T1 T2

Read (A)
Write (A)
Read (A)
Read (B)
Write (A)
Write (B)
Read (B)
Write (B)

Are there any conflicting operations in T1 or T2? Find out

a serial schedule for it. if possible. Make it conflict
1,2 2. 11
What is Deadlock of transactions in DBMS? List the
various conditions under which deadlock occurs. Discuss
the wait-die and wound-wait deadlock prevention
schemes with a suitable example.
Roll No. 20a1071000
Sub Code. BIT-252
B. Tech.
Year:2nd Subjects)
Semester: IV
Major Examination; 2022-23
Computer Organization and Architecture

Max Marks: 50
Time: 3 Hrs.
guestions aly
Note: Attempt ALL questions. ALL
equal marks.

Attempt any Five parts of the following. Marks CO BI PO Pl


1 1,2 1.7.1
Draw the block diagram of digital computer. Also explain --
about its componients. 4 1,2 12.4.1
What are fast tadders? Design a 4bit, carry look ahead 2 2

generator, showing the logical diagram. 2 3.5.3

AARegister A holds the binary values 10011101.What is thel 2 4

register value after arithmetic shift right? Starting from the

initial number 1001 1101, determine the register value after
arithmetic shift left, and state whether there is an overflow. 2.5.2
d) Differentiate between Horizontal & Vertical micro 2 2 2,3

programming. 2.4.1
Explain various types of Memory Orgånization in detail. 2 3 1 5,8
What is the difference between 2 D & 22 D memory
organization? -
1 2 1 1.7.2
What is IEEE standard for floating point? - 2
2 12 3.5.6
Explain and draw a diagram of a Bus system in which it 2

uses 3 state buffers and a decoder instead of thel

multiplexers. a
Attempt any Two parts of the following.
,a What do you understand by hardwired control unit? Give 5 3 1,2 2.4.4

various methods to designhardwired control unit. Describe

one of the design methods for hardwired control unit with)
suitable diagram.
b) How floating point numbers are represented in computer. 4 1,5 11.5.1

Alsogive IEEE 754 standard 32-bit floating point number

format & also represent (1460.125) in 32-bit of floating
point representation.
Design 4-bit arithmetic unit that will perform Addition, 3 4 1.8 5.4 4

Subtraction, Increment and Decrement.

3. Attempt any Two parts of the foilowing.

A Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement: - 5 3,5 2.7.2

X-{A+B*CI(D+E)*F) /(G+H*1)
Using Three, Two, One and Zero address Machines.
D) () What do you mean by Data Manipulation Instruction? 4 3 1.2

(1) Discuss types of Data Manipulation Instruction one by

one with proper explanation.
Show the basic organization of aCPUin terms of registers 4 4 5,8 3.5.3

and other units for a multiple-bus -organization. In such

CPU, show the complete action of the CPU in fetching
executing the instruction.
Attempt any Two parts of the following. 3 4 2,3 54.1
) Draw the flow chart for Booth's multiplication
algorithm. Multiply (-4) & (-7) using
multiplication algorithm.
i) Showthe multiplication process using Booth algorithm
when the following binary numbers, (+13) x (- 15) are
multiplied. 5
3 4 2,3 3.5.6
Dividend A=01110 Divisor B=10001. Explain flowchart
for divide operation.
3 3 12 5.4.2
c) (i) State and explain the rules in arithmetic operations on
floating point numbers
(ii) Show that there can be no mantissa overflow after a
multiplication operation.
s. Attempt any Two parts of the following.
4 3 5,11 11.6.1
a) Discuss the concept and implementation of virtual memory.
Alsodescribe a suitable scheme for translation from logicall
address to physical address.
4 3 1,2 1.7.1
Discuss the working principle of I/O processor (1OP).
Illustrate the CPU-IOP communication with the help of
Explain DMA in detail with suitable block diagram. Also 3 5,2 2.52

explain DMAcontroller with its block diagram.

Printed Pages: ?
Roll No.
B. Tech.

Optimization Techniques
Max, Marks: 50
Time: 3 Hrs.
Note: Attempt allquestions. Each questions carry equal marks.
(5x 2 = 10)
Attempt any five parts of the following:
=3x xË +xË 4x + 12x 24 x3
sa Find the all extreme points of the function f(x;, X2, X3) function, show the nature of this extreme
extreme noint of the
Let the point (-2, 2V2)is the
point (, -2, 2V2).
Write a short note about the decomposition principle.
Minz=3x1 -4x2+5x3 subject to the
Give the dual of LPproblemwith proper justifications:
constraints: 3x +4x, +5x, >3, 4x +2x, +8x, =3, 4 +4x, + 6x, s5.
x], X) 0and x3 is unrestricted.
(dExplain the procedure to find the solution of Non-linear programming problem by

in the range (1, 5) by Fibonacci method with

Find the minimum of the function f()= x' +
taking n=5.
Discuss the nature of two non - zero extreme points of the problem:

f=-3x xË +6x + x + ) -x x
Find the initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem using Vogel's
approximation method

12 9 4 3

3 6 4

10 146
5 7 10 97
7 3

8 10 2 4 3
2 3
7 6 4
Require 3

(2x 5 = 10)

section method in
parts of the 3-20x+150bythe
Attempt any two 45r3
the minimum gf the function f()
ta) Find n = 6.
(1,6), given that problem:
the interval extreme points of the
of all
Discuss the nature
(b) +7x
2x + 4x + 8x +4 X3"
f=x - 27x x +
10 x% +x - xf-x
Maximize f(x, Xz, X3 )= 32 x1 + 50 x,
subject to, X20, X2 20.
S 16.
3 x + X2 S 11, 2 x,+ 5 x,
by applying Kuhn -Tucker conditions, Also iscuss all (2x 5 10)
Attempt any two parts of the following: to conditions
"Solve the problem, Maximize f=3x+2 y +52 subject
rt4y < 420

x>0, y>0,z>0 by using simplex method.

(b) Solve by Karmarkar's method to the following L. P. problem

Minimizef= 2x, +llx, -9x,

Subject to
3x, -4x, =0
X, t x, + x, =1

x, 20, i=1,2,3.

Use dual simplex method to solve Max z= -2x, -x, Subject to

3x, +x, >3
4x, +3x, 26
}+2x, 3 and

Attempt any two parts of the following: (2 x 5 = 10)

Minimize f(x, x) = 6x + 2x%-6 x,X, - X1 X, with starting point by Steepest

Descent method up to two iterations.

Minimize f(x, x,)=x;-xX,
2 + x - 2x, -3x, in the range -3Sx1S6 and -4 s x, S
8 by using random search method un to 10 iterations given the set of
values as {(r1,r) =
Page 2
25,.26), (.98, .97), (.45, 46), (,234, .235), (.63, .64), (.543, .544)
(0.50, 0.60),(. (.782, .783)).
.712, 0.713), (.434, 435),
= 5x+5x~ +8x1; - 26 x, - 22x, + 34 with starting point1.01
2.0 ) by
Minimize f(x,x)
Newton's method up to two iterations.
(2 x5 = 10)
5. Attempt any two parts of the following:

the unconstrained Geometric

What is posynomial? Explain properly the procedure to solve problem:
ninimization problem. Write the geometricdual of the given
Minimize f(X) = x4x'x +2 xx' x, + 2 x, Xg Xz +3 x1x,2
1/2 x >0, i= 1,2,3.

O) Minimizef(X) = x x+xË X x3'+ x'x x4 subject to

4 X1 X2 +3 X2 Xg XËs1 x 2 0, i= 1,2,3 by geometric programming method.
inimize x, subject to

-3 x + 4 x2 S 1,

and x, >0,x2 > 0by procedure of complementary geometric programming method.

BIT-253 Roll No. 2 o2 o 8 6
B.Tech.(5 Credits Subject)
2nd year. 4"" Semester
Computer Network
Times: 3Hrs. Max Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
QT Attempt any Five parts of the following. Marks CO BL PO PI

Differentiate between Distance Vector Routing2 6 1,2 1,3,8 12.4.1

and Link State Routing.

b) Explain the working of slottedALOHA protocols 2 1,6 1 1,7 1.7.1

with help of flow chart.

Explain DNS addressing scheme. How does the 2 2 1,2 3 2.4.1

DNS works?

What is the significance of Error Control 2 4 1,2,3 1,2 2.4.1

Mechanism? Explain how it is achieved by CRC?

Explain Stop and Wait ARQprotocol. 2 1 1,7 5.4.1

In what way would you summarize circuit 2 1,2 1,7 12.4.1
switched and packet switched networks? What is
the principal difference between connectionless
communication connection-oriented
What is Congestion? Differentiate between 2 3 1,2, 3 1,3 3.5.3
congestion control and flow control with help of
example. What are the security issues in routing

Attempt any Two partsof the following.

Define topology and explain the advantages and 2.3 1.2,3 1.7.1
disadvantages of Bus, Star and Ring topologies.
Find the number of cables required in each
topology ifn is the number of nodes.

Give the difference between Osi &5 1 2.3 1.7 12.4.1

TCP/IP model. Which model is more
popular & why? Explain components of
data communication system.
1.2.3 5,7 5.4.2
What is SNR? If a binary signal is sent Over a 3
Khzchannel. Whose signal to noise ratio is 20db.
What is the maximum achievable data rate9
w3 Atempt any Two parts of the following,
1,6|1,2.3 1,5,12 11.5.1
What is sliding window protocol? What is the
significance of Sliding Window Protocol? Explain
this protocol with the help suitable diagrams of
send window and receive window before andafter
sliding for m=4.
4,5|1,2,3 5,7 1.7.1
b) Write the steps to generate the hamming code. 3
Prepare hamming code for bit patten 10101010.
Suppose while transmitting, error occurs in 7h bit.
write the bit pattern at the receiver. Using
hamming code, explain how youwill detect and
correct the error.

What would happen if the acknowledgement to 5 1,6 1,2,3 5,7 1.7.1

the original packet is lost? Drawthe timeline for
this scenario

w4 Attempt any Two parts of the following.

Sketch the IPv4 header neatly and explain the 2 1,2 1,2,12 | 5.4.2
functions of each field. What are the deficiencies
of IPV4 over IPV6?
Discuss leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm5 2,6 1, 2 1,7 1.7.1
with help of suitable diagrams.
1. ldentify the address class of the following
C) 2,6 1.2.3 12.6.2
IP addresses:,, and A smal
organization has aclass C address for 7
networks each with 24 hosts. What is an
appropriate subnet mask?

ii. Suppose a router receives an IP packet

containing 600 data bytes and nust
forward the packet to a network with
naximum transmission unit of 200 bytes.
Assume that the IP beader is 20 bytes Jong.
Show the fragments that the router creates
and specify the relevant values in each
fragment header (i.e. total length,
fragment offset, and more bit).
Attempt any two parts of the following.

Write design issues of transport layer. Discuss 1.4 1.2 1,7 11.6.1
about the header format of UDP & TCP with
suitable diagrams. Also differentiate between

Explain in detail how TCP provides flow control 1,2 1,7 1.7.1
and QoS. Explain different socket primitives used
in TCP.

c) What are the main components in the email 5 2 1.2 1,7 1.7.1
architecture? Explain FTP with help of suitable
Roll Number: 2D2| Uo
R Tech (11), 4th Sem
Major Examination (2022-23)
Python Programming
Max. Mlarks: 50
Time: 3 Hr.

Note: Answer all questions

Q1. Attempt any Five parts of the following.
2 2 5 5.5.1
Which are the different types of operators n python
language? Explain membership and identity Operators
with examples.
2 1,5 1.7.1
b Explain the different string formats availablein Python
with examples. Give the output of following Python code:
myStr = 'MMMUT is the best University
print myStr [15 :: 1]
print myStr [-10: -1:2]
Why do we require continue and break statements. Also 2 2 5 5.5.1
discuss the concatenation and repeat operation in python
with example.
Explain the difference between formal and actua! 3 5.5.1
parameters with example.
Write an object oriented program to check whether a 4,5 2 1,5 1.7.1
number is prime or not. Prompt the user for input. 5.5.1
Discuss the following methods associated with the file 6 2 5 5.5.1
object. read(). readline(). tell(). seek(). write().
g) Summarize the characteristics of numpy, pandas, and 2 7.8 2 1.5 1.7.1
matplotlib libraries along with their usage in brief. 5.5.1

Q2. Attempt any Two parts of the following.

Define Python. What type of language is python? 5 5 5.5.1

Explain the key features of python also explair the benefits
of using python.
What are python datatypes? Explain each data types of
Python with example.
Yis String a mutable data type? Give the output of 5.5.1
following Python code:
strl =This is Python
print "Slice of String: ". strl[l :4:1]:
prin, "Slice of String:". strl[0: -1:2]
N Define variable. Also discuss variable initialization.
operatorin 5.5.1
C) () What is the difference between == and is
Python? Python
(ii) Explain the steps to create a Dictionarv in
and Iist out Dictionary Built-in functions.
Atempt any Two parts of the followin2, 3 1,5
5 1.7.1
matrices and also rind 5.5.1
Write Python program to add two
the transpose of the resultant matrix. pvthe'l. Explain
1.5 1.7.1
How to define and call function in
default arguments
different parts of function. Define 1.7.1
3 1.5
with example. 5
parameter ana argument? 5.5.1
Is there any difference between
arguments in pyihon. Why
Mention the types of function progamming in
programmers need to choose a get the Fibonacci
pvthon? Write a python program to
series between 0 to 50.

. Atempt any Two parts of the following. 1.7.1

4.5 3 1.5
features of OPs. Write a 5 3.5.1
What is OOPs? Write the main
details as input and print
python program to get student
the result after updating the marks. class? How to use 5 4.5 3 1,5 1.7.1
What is the purpose of init_0 in a data attributes in 5.5.1
the init ) method to assign values to
class and initialize it with namel
python? Create a Student
land roll number. Make methods to:
(i)display- It should display all information ofthe
(ii) setAge- It should assign age to student
(iii)setMarks - It should assign marks to the student. 1.5 1.7.1
5 6 3
Discuss le IO in nthon HoA to nerforo onen. read. 5.5.1
write. and close operations into a fii Write a python
program to read a file line-by-ine and store it into a
s. Attempt any Two parts of the folic# ing.

List various types of graph/chart available in the pyplot of 7,8 4 2.7.1

matplotlib library for data visualization and analysis of the
real time problems. Explain any two of them in brief using
suitable codes.
How does Python help to create the programi for realj 7.8 4 2.7.1
world problems using Machine Learning? Give a
taxonomy of various categories of tine mathine learning
techniques. Write down the difference bervween Al. ML
and DL?
bar chart ofi 7.8
progran iu dispiav a icZontaj
rile ion
a 4 2 2.7.1
the popularity of programming languages.
Sanpie data: Programming language: Java. I thon. PHP.
JavaScript. C#. C-
Popularity: 22. 17.6.88. 8.
Subject Code: AUC -10 Roll- No
B.Tech 2nd
Major Examination 2022-2023
Subject Name: Logical Max. Marks: 50
Time: 2 Hrs.
Note: Attempt all Questions.
Marks CO BL PO
.l) Attempt any Four parts of the following:
5 2 4
Briefly explain the steps in a Research Process
3 1 4
What is probability sampling? How it is different from non-probability
c) What is the ultimate objective of data organization? 3 6

d) Differentiate between Deductive and Inductive researcn 2

What is Mathematical Reasoning? What are key components in 3 2 4

Mathematical Reasoning?
) What do youmean by ethics and in research? Discuss 5 2 6

Q2) Aftempt any three parts of the following:

What is ca!!ed research? What is basie cheracteristics of research. 3 2

"Research Design is the blueprint of any research. Comment o this 3 2 4


Explain in detail the Qualitative research alcng with is salient 5 4

Discuss in detail the logica! approach in research. 4 3 4

Attempt any three parts of the fol!owing:

What is primary data? Briefiy explaun the different sources of primary 5 2 5

daia col!ection.

*!at is meant by data interpretation? What role it plays in research? 2 4

Wha: is cail:Cassificatior of data? What role it plays in 4 4

What is calicd oding of data in research? Siate its steps. 4 4

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