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Activity: Travel Document Quiz

Objective: Test your knowledge about various travel documents and their importance.

Question 1: What information does a passport typically contain?

a) Name and age

b) Citizenship and phone number

c) Favorite color and occupation

d) Height and weight

Question 2: Which of the following is required when applying for a passport?

a) A handwritten letter

b) Proof of citizenship, like a birth certificate

c) A selfie

d) Verbal confirmation

Question 3: What is a visa?

a) A permission slip from your parents

b) A stamp in a passport indicating permission to enter a country

c) A type of travel insurance

d) A guidebook for tourists

Question 4: Why might a country require a travel permit?

a) To make the travel process more complicated

b) To ensure travelers have the necessary vaccinations

c) To restrict entry to specific regions

d) Because it's a tradition

Question 5: What is the CARICOM Travel Card (CARDIPASS) used for?

a) To order food in different countries

b) Facilitate regional travel within CARICOM countries

c) Play international games

d) A credit card for shopping

Question 6: What does a Health Certificate, as required by the WHO, aim to prevent?

a) Loss of luggage

b) Contracting yellow fever or other diseases

c) Getting lost in a foreign country

d) Missing a flight

Question 7: Why might a government restrict a person from leaving the country?

a) To encourage travel

b) To collect owed taxes

c) Because they don't like that person

d) To promote local tourism

Question 8: What is the purpose of a re-entry permit?

a) To enter a country for the first time

b) To exit a country for the first time

c) For nationals/residents spending an extended period abroad

d) To re-enter a country after a short trip

Question 9: What is stamped inside a passport to indicate permission to enter a country?

a) Birth certificate

b) Visa

c) Travel permit

d) Health certificate

Question 10: What is the benefit of the CARDIPASS in terms of waiting times?

a) Longer waiting times for cardholders

b) No difference in waiting times

c) Express lines for cardholders, reducing waiting times

d) CARDIPASS users must wait in separate lines


b) Citizenship and birthdate

b) Proof of citizenship, like a birth certificate

b) A stamp in a passport indicating permission to enter a country

c) To restrict entry to specific regions

b) Facilitate regional travel within CARICOM countries

b) Contracting yellow fever or other diseases

b) To collect owed taxes

c) For nationals/residents spending an extended period abroad

b) Visa

c) Express lines for cardholders, reducing waiting times

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