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When I was Young, to my 15 years old I went to a

family party. It was a big reunion, because many

family was there. When I was with my cousin he
said “He is Andrés, isn’t he?, and I say “Yes, is he,
let’s greet him”. Later all of us went to the back
parto f the house and played football, an uncle
played with us and he is better tan us in the game
so…. The food was Delicious, and my mom said “it
is a delicious food, isn’t it?” and al lof us said “Yes,
it is”. Later we had to bringh a big table to all the
family an my cousin said to us “we can do it
ourselves”, so we did it, it was hard but later all the
family congratulated us.
The party was very funny, all of us danced and I said
“I play a guitar by myself” and I did it. We had a
Good time that night.

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