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My Job

I have some Jobs. First, I am a teacher in a pre-university, at the moment I have two courses of
twenty-five people each. We study and learn verbal reasoning. Is important that the students
can make the exam by themselves to enter to the university. In every class I say them “We are
learning more about the verbal reasoning, aren’t we?” and they always tell me yes. When the
class starts I make them exercises in groups of two people they have to talk about a topic each
other and say the meanings of some words one another until all the meanings are clear. I like
my job because I can tell to my students new things and they tell me too, I prepare the class
myself, but in class we learn together about the topics that we review. I think that we can build
a better world in these spaces. As soon as the class end I motivate to my students to be a
better people, more emphatic, responsible, friendly and caring.

I have a project where I work, it is a alternative media, and I am the founder with another
friends, this project have three years and it call La Oruga Disidente. When the strike of October
2019 ends we have the idea of create it. We make articles, photo reports, live broadcasts
through social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. Now, while the strike continues, we
are working all these days from the scene and the things happen. We create the content by
ourselves and we want to show the real things that are happening.

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