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Committee: Peace and justice

Topic: Peace and Justice

Country: Mali

The precarious security situation in the northern and central regions of Mali, where
peacekeepers, national security forces and humanitarian agents continue to be
threatened, hampers efforts to investigate conflict-related sexual violence. Many
survivors suffer in silence, due to lack of services and lack of trust in national institutions.
Cultural taboos, aggravated by the fear of stigmatization and reprisals, also perpetuate
the shortage of complaints. Many women and girls remain traumatized by the Islamist
occupation, during which rapes and forced marriages proliferated. Impunity prevails in
the northern regions, where there is no minimally effective justice system. In addition to
its internal security problems, Mali has become a transit point for migration flows, with
numerous violations reported along migration routes, as well as in mining areas, where
smugglers have abused women and women. They have forced prostitution.


Committee: Peace and justice

Topic: Peace and Justice

Country: Mali

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

(MINUSMA) documented 16 cases of conflict-related sexual violence, which mostly
affected women and girls traveling by public transport along the axis that connects the
important regions of Gao , Timbuktu, Menaka, Mopti and the border with the Niger. Of
those cases, in eight the crimes were committed by unidentified armed men, in one of
them by a member of the Superior Council for the Azawad Unit (CSUA), in three by
elements of the Coordinator of Movements and Patriotic Resistance Fronts II, in two by
elements of the Movement for the Salvation of Azawad (MSA) and in other two by
members of the Malian Defense and Security Forces. The cases included 11 rape
incidents and five collective rape incidents in Gao, Timbuktu, Menaka and Mopti. Two of
the victims belonged to the beautiful minority ethnic group, thus adding to the 10 cases
of sexual violence reported against beautiful women that remain unsolved. On July 7, in
Kidal, the Azawad Movement Coordinator (CMA) issued a unilateral statement to
prevent and respond to conflict-related sexual violence, which was supported by the
movements that make up the Coordinator, such as the CSUA, the Arab Movement of
Azawad and the National Movement of Liberation of Azawad, the last of which is
contained in the annex to the present report. The coalition of armed groups Platform
continued to apply the provisions of its communiqué to prevent and punish sexual


Committee: Peace and justice

Topic: Peace and Justice

Country: Mali

Mali is a Malian and African issue, well known to the governments of that continent. Only
the democratic reconstruction of the Malian state, humanitarian aid to civilian
populations punished for decades by hunger and drought, and the involvement of the
international community in such humanitarian aid can favor a political solution. The
problem posed by terrorism in the Sahel cannot be solved with the intervention of a
single country. It is a global problem, because terrorism is global. An international
cooperation is necessary to fight against this plague, but this implies the mobilization,
above all, of the African countries. The French government must quickly propose with
the Mali authorities a political project to solve the causes of the uprising, the intervention
of their armies again towards Mali, and Mali has lost control of the country. Of course,
we must show solidarity with the French intervention against the terrorists of the AQMI,
but still point out their dangers.

Committee: Peace and justice

Topic: Peace and Justice

Country: Mali

The United Nations continued to support the development of a national strategy to

combat gender-based violence by providing technical and financial support to the
Government. MINUSMA has also facilitated the economic reintegration of survivors of
sexual violence through quick-impact projects for income generation. Prevention and
response in relation to conflict-related sexual violence were reflected in the framework of
the Joint Force of the Group of Five of the Sahel, and areas of cooperation were
identified, such as the training of the members of the Joint Force on the routes of
remission of survivors, including those released from networks of terrorists and human
trafficking. As part of the ongoing measures to build trust between women and the
justice sector, projects funded by the Peacebuilding Fund in Gao and Timbuktu have
contributed to increasing the rate of complaints of violence based on gender to police
from 1% in 2014 to almost 14% in 2017. In recent years, MINUSMA has supported a
coalition of non-governmental organizations to bring 120 cases of conflict-related sexual
violence to the courts during the Islamist occupation and the Tuareg rebellion in the

Abraham Soto Olvera

La Salle

Committee: Good jobs and economy growth

Topic: Good jobs and economy growth

Country: Canada

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has raised its
expectations for economic growth in Canada this year compared to a June forecast. The
Paris-based economic expert body now said it expects the Canadian economy to grow
3.2 percent this year, the best growth among the G7 countries. That is higher than the
forecast in June of a growth of 2.8 percent. The OECD maintained its Canadian outlook
for 2018 at 2.3 percent. Meanwhile, the organization's outlook for global economic
growth remained unchanged at 3.5 percent for this year and 3.7 percent for 2018,
compared with 3.6 percent in its previous forecast. He also thinks that the eurozone will
grow 2.1 percent this year, 0.3 percentage points more than its previous prediction in
June. That means that the OECD expects the growth of the eurozone this year to
coincide with the rate of the United States, which remained unchanged. And for next
year, it forecasts a growth of 1.9 percent for the euro zone, 0.1 percentage points more
than previously thought, but below its projection of 2.4 percent for the US The three
major economies of the eurozone, Germany, France and Italy are on the rise.
Expectations for the US they remained unchanged at 2.1 percent this year and 2.4
percent next year.


Committee: Good jobs and economy growth

Topic: Good jobs and economy growth

Country: Canada
Since 2008, when the global financial crisis broke out, the Canadian economy
consolidated itself as one of the most advanced, robust and solid in the industrialized
world, resisting the onslaught of the deep recession of its main trading partner United
States. Canada exhibits a highly diversified economic model, with production patterns
and market orientation as its southern neighbor, but with a vigorous primary sector that
distinguishes it in North America. Indeed, industries such as forestry, mining, energy,
agriculture and fisheries are the main sources of employment and wealth and position
Canada as a net exporter of basic products. In fact, much of Canada's exports are
derived from its abundant natural resources: minerals (iron, nickel, zinc, copper, gold,
lead, rare earth elements, molybdenum, potassium, diamonds, silver, coal), energy ( oil,
natural gas and hydroelectric energy), forestry (wood) and fishing. Although fishing and
forest production were once the major Canadian industries, mineral and energy
resources have become the main source of income for the nation. Canada is a world
leader in mineral exports and a net energy exporter. Its oil production is estimated at
more than 2 million barrels per day. In the natural gas sector, Canada exports more than
90 billion cubic meters per year. As a result, Canada is the fifth largest oil exporting
country in the world and the fourth largest exporter of natural gas. In addition, Canada
has the third largest proven oil reserve and the twenty-first largest natural gas reserve
on the planet.


Committee: Good jobs and economy growth

Topic: Good jobs and economy growth

Country: Canada

In the long term, this flow of talent is expected to make Canada one of the centers of the
new world economy, whose engines will be research and innovation. Right now, Canada
has an annual immigration rate of 0.57% of its population. This rate already represents
an important growth of approximately
half a million immigrants a year, which aims to increase year by year. Social programs,
job opportunities and stable government make Canada a very attractive destination for
work and living.

It will probably take many decades before Canada can compete with the United States
in terms of total population. But, as for educated and highly trained people, Canada
already is and will be even more relevant in the near future. This could make Canada a
global Silicon Valley or a Singapore, but with less inequality.

Joaquin Atzael Hernandez

La Salle

Committee: NO POVERTY


Country: Germany

Germany is a welfare state. The state, municipal or ecclesiastical support network is

larger than in most similar prosperous countries. The economy is going well. The
unemployment rate, with less than 6%, indicates a historical low. Energy and food prices
are reduced as in any other European country. However, poverty is present in Germany,
although there are no poor neighborhoods because running water, electricity,
channeling and garbage collection service exist even in the simplest homes. Currently,
about 860,000 people in Germany do not have a roof to sleep under, according to the
Federal Labor Collective for Homeless Assistance. Of these, more than 800.00 live with
friends, family or in temporary accommodation. Around 52,000 people literally live on the
street, 6% of people without housing. From 440,000 refugees have the right to have a
home, but they are currently in collective housing. Those affected are all women,
complete families and migrants, who have more and more problems to protect their four
walls, even if they are leased. The State has stopped building social housing. 30 years
ago, there were four million. At present and, in a country that has grown a lot since then,
there are only 1.3 million social benefit homes. Paying an affordable price for a home is
rare, because the market dictates prices.


Committee: NO POVERTY


Country: Germany
An important finding of the study is the discrepancy between income and
multidimensional poverty measures over who are really identified as poor. Taking into
account their respective parametric specifications (thresholds, weights, etc.), each
measure indicates that 10% to 13% of the German population is poor. So, although 23%
is poor according to the IPM or income, or both, only 5% of the population is identified
as poor by both poverty measures. The robustness controls indicate that this small
overlap not only arises for a specific set of parameters, but is rather a solid finding for
other relevant poverty threshold choices. To put this result into perspective, one must
first recognize that Germany has an economy in which many operating markets can be
assumed, since market imperfections are often considered to be responsible for such
mismatches. More importantly, the measure of multidimensional poverty already
contains (i) indicators of material and wealth deficiencies, as well as (ii) indicators of
unemployment and precarious employment. And, despite that, there is little consensus
on who is poor. However, after a more thorough examination, this result is quite intuitive,
since it has been said that income is a poor indicator of material well-being (for example,
due to the strategies of smoothing consumption and fluctuations in consumption due to
changes in wealth). Later evidence supports this hypothesis. For example, of those who
have low incomes, but do not report any care material, 46% say they own their
accommodation, 72% say they have a car and 78% say they have a net worth of 7,000
euros or more. In fact, its average net worth amounts to 66,000 euros. While this
analysis implies that income poverty reports contain a specific number of false positives,
the results also indicate that a part of poor people can only be identified using a true
multidimensional measure that goes beyond material well-being.


Committee: NO POVERTY


Country: Germany

The German Government will contribute € 2.4 million (about US $ 2.2 million) to the ICC
Program on Poverty Reduction through Exports for the period 2002-2006. It is expected
that these resources will allow a minimum of 20 poverty reduction projects to be carried
out, sustainable and based on local mobilization, in at least 15 countries. Germany's
contribution is part of its program of action to achieve the objective of the United Nations
Millennium Declaration, to reduce the proportion of people in extreme poverty by half by
2015. In its quality As the only United Nations agency dedicated to improving the export
capacity of small businesses, ITC has extensive experience in this field. The ITC's
Poverty Reduction through Exports Program focuses on products and services of poor
producers who have good prospects in international markets. At the same time, the
Program sensitizes the authorities to the potential of trade as an engine of the fight
against poverty. With the example of the German contribution, the JRC will invite other
donor countries to finance the expansion of its Poverty Reduction Program through

Angel Gabriel Gonzalez Prado

La Salle

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