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224697 BS NURSING 1-D
C. Cuaderno in his article “The Relationship between
Globalization and Communication” states that Globalization has
had significant impacts on Communication and vice versa. The
author enumerate three impacts of globalization to communication.
First on the list is that globalization has made it convenient
for people to exchange informations, news, ideas, and beliefs
across states. Secondly, is the Expansion of Technology, since
most communication nowadays have been eminent on social media
platforms it has greatly affect the technology in a sense where
the tech world have to keep ameliorating to cater the growing
demands of people in terms of utilizing this as a rapport in
communication. Last is the standardization of communication, this
increases the company’s reputation with their costumer,
suppliers, and stakeholders, it will also pave the way in trading
stocks, commodity markets, and stocks to increase liquidity,
efficiency, and cut cost.
If there’s an impact of globalization to communication, then
there’s also impacts of communication to globalization;
Facilitation of Trade and Business, Bridging Cultural Divides,
and Dissemination of Cultural Values and Beliefs. In terms of
business, communication made it possible for the Philippines to
import and export goods with other countries, and because of that
reason Filipinos were able to experience foreign product imported
from other nations as well as them exported from us. Second take
is bridging cultural divides, people cannot get past a day
without interacting and communicating with others, may it be our
friends, our families, our colleagues, and even strangers
regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, and culture.
Communication have been an avenue of closing these cultural
divides which results to a peaceful and unified globe. The third
and last impact stated on the article is the culture and belief
propagation, nowadays people can know and learn culture, beliefs,
and practices of other nations, if they wanted to, with the aid
of media especially the new generations where they spend 5-8
hours or more of everyday sitting scrolling idly on social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google. These
platforms cater approximately 10 million users across borders
consisting of people with variety of culture that made it
possible for division of culture to resolved.
In conclusion, the impact of globalization to communication
and vice versa is very eminent in every aspect of man’s life to
the extent where sometimes we were left with no choice but to
adopt to these changes. Aside from the good effects of
communication to globalization and globalization to communication
there are also myriads of downside of these, just like the famous
tagalog saying goes “Lahat ng sobra ay masama”.

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