Chapter I.1

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Chapter I


“it takes to say yes to rest and play, in a culture where

exhaustion is seen as a status symbol”

Brene Brown

Background of the study

Students suffer from too much stress and pressure for the

reason that they should work sharply and assiduously, enable for

them to get remarkable appraisal amidst the current situation.

Modular learning, as online classes, also have a fair share of

psychological results to the students particularly to the senior

high students of DJFANHS. In the outcome to this, student’s tends

to have panic attacks and several mental breakdowns which causes

them to lose interest in learning.

In Kazakhstan, the most common depression and anxiety

symptoms, dissatisfaction with academic performance were among

students who indicated a decrease in academic performance.

In the Philippines, alongside the lack of social interaction,

modular structure can affect teens and adolescents in a number of

ways: They may feel heightened anxiety about keeping up to date


with their school work. Other teens may experience difficulty

concentrating or staying focused while at home.

Modular learning was the most accessible of all the

modalities here in Don Juan Flores Avalon National Highschool,

for the reason that majority of students cannot afford to have

better internet connectivity. This involve students being taught

through printed self-learning modules. However, many students say

they didn’t understand much what is in the modules, also,

according to them they even have difficulty understanding lessons

during face-to-face.

Based on the commotion students are making on almost every

social media platform, it is very evident, this is not helping

them acquire more knowledge. Indeed, it makes impact on their

mental status and it should be addressed to the Department of

Education and take the lead then on.

Professor Jayeel Cornelio, director of Ateneo De Manila

University’s development studies program, said that while remote

education provided an opportunity for those in the academe to be

creative, it would not be as effective if not all had equal

access to the tools needed for the digital shift.

This issue was addressed because many senior high school

students tends to develop mental health issues triggered by this

distance learning which adds up to the current situation. An


online survey conducted by the multisectoral group Movement for

Safe, Equitable, Quality and Relevant Education (SEQuRE) found

that 86.7% of students under modular learning, 66% under online

learning, and 74% under blended learning said they “learned less”

under the alternative learning system. Their laments were

validated by the SEQuRE survey, which found that 54.7% of

students said distance learning activities had adversely affected

their physical and mental health, while 33.4% said distance

learning had strained their relationship with their families.

The purpose of this study is to assess the detrimental

effects of modular learning to students mental status which

causes them to be distracted and eventually lose will and

interest in learning. This study would help them how to much

manage stress and how to overcome barriers primarily brought by

this distance learning.

The target respondents are the senior high students of

DJFANHS. Quantitative because it allows for a larger study with a

larger number of subjects, increasing the generalizability of the

findings and also for greater objectivity and accuracy of


Senior High students of Don Juan Flores Avalon National

Highschool are the beneficiary of this study. This paper would


give new students prior knowledge with the difficulties they

might encounter mentally and how to overcome them.

MODULAR LEARNING: Psychological Effects

to Senior Highschool Students


in Don Juan Flores Avalon National Highschool

Nilzar Adajar

Gemmalyn Rebangcos

Riza Castillo

Jerymie Lobos

Von Cyril Evasco

Reymart Morado

Nikko Palacio

Jayson Surio

Rose Gane Atencio

Jealuz Delizon

Francis Key Juan

Jolina Lucban

Regine Tuballas

Kamiyah Christine Mabulay

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