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‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update ‘Oracle® Database Patch 25642422 Gl Release Update, Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update nis document, Oracle Dalabase home refer o Ore Database Enterprise Eten and Oracle Database Stands Elton. “The 1 Release Update 1921 0.0231017 includes updates for both he Oracle Ged nrastucure home and Oracle Database ome that can be apple naling ‘asion “his patch s Oracle Data Guard Standby-Fst salable. See nstling Patch Oracle Data Guard Stand ist Made for moe information ‘he database suppsteninclies the JOK fixes relesad inthe prior cyte ana wll update he JOK in he Oracle home. Far te mast recent JOK fees, a separate patch is valle ad needs tobe istaved in adion tts pale. Refer to My Oracle Suppor document BBS | Prmary Note for Database Proactive Patch Progr forthe JOK patch numb. Beginning wih 19.21 Oct 2028 RU, UTL_URLESCAPE unctonIsnow complant wth REC 3806 and wilteat "asa reserved character. See MOS Note 2081305 for more deta, For tho lstst Bundle Patch wit socunly as hat should be used on ln oty nsalations se the "Oracle Dalabase lent row or your Database version inthe “Oracle Databsso” secon ofthe mos recant Creal Patch Update (CPU) Program Patch Avalty Document PAD}. 30 Update 1921,00.291017, ee thie related document “This documant is accurate atthe imo of alsaso. For any changes and atonal information regarding GIR ‘hats avaale at My Oracle Suppor (te sancar crazies + Document 18202810. Oracle Database 19¢ RUIRUR Oc! 2023 Krown Issues + Document 5551 Oracle Database 19e Important Recommended One-off Palchos ‘+ Documon S851 Primary Note fer Database Proscve Patch Program | + Document 18182 19 Database So Guided Upgrade wih Bos Practices “his document inclases the follwing sections: ‘+ S.1Manual Steps or Agoying or Rolin Back ti Pach + 8:1.8ugp Ehed by This ateh + 11 Documentation Acosstiy 1.4 Patch Information + Tho Oracle Gri Inastuctare pathos aro cumulative annie the databaso CPU program security conto. + Ary now or changod dtabassintalzaton paramstrs that might be inched ito a quarto patch bundle would bo decumanted inthe Oracle Database ference ‘manual secon on iaization paramters, For Oracle Database 18 ofr Oracle Database Refranc. + This GIRU contains tho folowing CORE OST patchos: 70052525 - STV33 UPDATE -TZDATAZ0:86 2909797 -DSTV34 UPDATE -T7DATAZ0%98 51336097 -DSTV35 UPDATE -12DATA20208 82327201 -DSTV36 UPDATE -TZDATAZ020€ 53613829 - DSTVS7 UPDATE - TZDATAZO2vE 5 54006014 DSTVS8 UPDATE -TZDATAZO228 5 54533061 -DSTV39 UPDATE -TZDATAZ022z0 54598179 -DSTVW40 UPDATE -TZDATAZO27€ 4 ssboase” -DSTV44 UPDATE 1ZDATA20226 1 S52a07a2 -DSTV42 UPDATE -T2DRTA20290 Iss the varou contguaton andthe patch tat shout be ued to pale at configuration, Table 1-1 Configuration and Database Patch Mapping Configuration Grid Version Database Versions Patch (OPaich Commana(t) Comments {Ged homs conjunction with 18 1° (id RURUR opatchauto id home ang all Oracle nomos Grace RAC. Oracle RAC One are patched Node, osinglesnstance home ntps:lupdates orate.convOrlon!Servcesidownload?type=teadmesaru=25407340 am ‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update Configuration Grid Version Database Versions Patch (OP atch Gommana(t) Comments ‘Gris hom in conjunction with 18 1Bandprorversions Grid RURUR opatchauto rid home and Oracle home at ‘Oracle RAC, Oracle RAC One ‘version 19 ae ptehos. Node, or singlesnsiance home For Oracle home wih 2 version ctr than 18 app te appropiate database RU for bat ‘ersion. For example, apply 18x Uo databace version 19 ‘Grd hom in conjunction with 18 Versions pro 18 Grid RURUR pacha, rid home alone is patched ‘racle RAC, Oracle RAC Ono Node, osnglsstance home For Oracle home, appl the spproprate database RU or ba ‘orion. For example, apply 19 Ute databace version 1 ‘Oracle Resta home 1° 1° id RURUR opatchauts rid home and al he Oracle homes ae patched, Database singlesrstanes NA 1° Database RURUR _opalchaply None. ome Database cent home NA 19 Database RURUR _opatchapely None. Forte opalchAute does nl support patching Oracle Data Guard environments See Isl Path in Oracle Data Gusré Stand. Fest Mode formar inormabon. i ts the various patos by patch number he pat of ts bundle pate, Table 1-2 Patch Numbers installed as Part of this Bundle Patch Patch Wa Description ‘Applicable Homes 35049107 Database Release Update ‘nly Oracle home for non-Oracle RAC setup, Boh Oracle home and Grighome for Orade RAG soup 527 ‘0OW Release Update Both Oracle nome and Grid nome. ‘852062 [ACES Release Updte 10.21 00.281017 Fost ‘Only Grit home, ‘sssa008 update°062 (ony Gethoms, s7s402 0 Update r.0.n0.0feeren? ‘only Git home, ome orale Automate Storage Management Clstr Fie Sytem (Oracle ACFS). Apache Tomcat (TOMCAT). and Database Worllcad Management (OB1LM) subpatces are nol appeable tothe HP-UX Harum and Linux on IGM Sten 2 aon. 2.4 Patch Installation and Deinstallation This tpl nudes he feing sections: + 241 Patch stalin Preuss + 24.20no.0f Patch Confet Datecion and Rasalan + 2:13 Paton nation Checks + 2:16 OPstonuto Outot Pace Patenng + 241.8 Patch Post insolation Inuctons ant ‘12823, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update ‘+ 2.14 Pah Post Deostatalon nettons 2.4.4 Patch Instal ton Prerequisites Nis highly recommended to ako a backup o the Oracle home inaiss the Ge home bnais, and Cental Inventory prt applying palches. Fr fhe information, ‘ofr to My Oracle Support document S017." How to Porfor ORACLE. HOME Backup?, ‘You mus satis the contions inthe folowing sectons before aplyng the patch: + 2.11 0Patc UityIefomation 2414.4 OPatch Uslty Information ‘You must use the OPatch uty verson 12:2..137 orale o apply his pate. Oracle recommend thal you use the alas released OPate version fr 12.2 whieh it saa for dounload ore My Oracle Suppor patch SEBDBSD by slotng the ARU Ink forthe 12.2.0." 0 OPaenrlose. recommended that you dowload te (Palen uty and the ptes to share cation in order o access trem ram any node nthe cstr forthe patch apleton on eae nade, ‘man patching the Grid nome, shared locaton on Oracle ACFS ony needs tobe amounted on he nose where the Gihome is being patches, ‘The now OPalch uty shoul be updated alo the Oracle RAC database homes and he Gishome tha are being patched Frosch Orsle RAC databese Nome and the Orel Gis nrasiucure Nome thet ae being paced, a he respective home owner, exact the OPateh uty For oxactinaructons to sta OP low he For iformaton about OPaten documentation, including any known issues My Oracle Support document 283369. Primary Note For OPateh 24.4.2 Validation of Oracle Inventory Before beginning patch appeton, check the consisteny of ventory information for Grd home and each Oracle home t be pated, Run hie command a he respective Oracle home sumer io chee he consistency 5 /oPaten/opat h Leinventory detail -oh Ire command succoods ss the race components ha are insted inthe home. Save the ouput sha you have the sats lor fo the pach eppeaton, tr command fae, contet Oracle Suppor fr susitarcs, 24.4.3 Download and Unzip the Pate “To aply the patch, muse accessible for anodes inthe Oracle clstr. Downloas the patch and unsiptem share locaton called the ciyestons saves Toceoove. Thatetory must be emp and canna be /=n. Aaslnaly, the decor should nave read ermion forthe 5 > grou Ensure tat he dractry is emty Unzip he patch as he Gris hors owner except for instalation tna donot have any Grid homes. For installations where tis patch s applied ts he race home ony, the patch must be urzipped as ho Oracle Romo owner Determine whether any curently insted one-ofpstes cori wih this patch 35642822 98 flows: “As the Grd home utr: | Gonacte _sawe/oPatch/opatch prered CheckConfistAgatns:OhWichDerail asystam forthe patches tobe applied ae gvan below + For id intastucture nome, as nome er creat np /pateh_list_si hone tx wh he flowing content ‘onzi neko PATCH LOCAS1O¥> /15642822/35655527 Note: Foc HP-UX lari an Linux on IBM Systm z platforms he ast two rosin the provous example shoul not be add othe pac List gnome. txt fe, 2 Run ha Pete command to check enough ra apace avalale nthe Grid nasties ham + For Oracle home, ss home use: 1. Create fe ay ost 2 shonin he flowing content 2, Run OPalch commana check if enaugh ee space is aval inthe Oracle hos: “The command ouput reports pase and il messages as por the syst space avail 4+ oPateh reports evox “onecksystesspace” rac. them leanup the sylem space a he required amount of space isnt arate, + WoPatch operts ozo spoon" asses. then no ations needed, Proceed wih path instalation, 2.42 One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution “The fastest and eases wy to determine whether you have one-off patches inthe Oracle hoe that confi wth the path, and o gel he necessary conte reson paches, sto use te Patch Recommendations and Patch Plans features onthe Patehes & Updates 2 in My Orale Suppor. These featres werk n conjunction with ‘he My Oracle Support Contguraton Manager Recorded waning sessions on these features canbe ound n My Oracle Support document SUS805.2 My Oracle Support Howto Video Traning Serie, However, you are nat using My Oracle Support Patch Plans the My Grace Support Confit Checker tol enables yout upload an OPatch entry and check the pathos that you wart to apes 9 your environment for cots. no conflets re found, you can downlad ihe patches, I cones ar found, the tool finds an exiting resolution te downles na reson i found wi request aration, whieh you can mantorin tha Plane and Patch Requests raion ot Patches & Updates ta, stomatal For more formation, see Knowledge Document 1091294,1, How use My Oracle Support Confet Checker Toa fr Patches Installed with OPatch. (© marvaly dtormine whether any curantyistaled one-of ptchos confi with the PSU patch as flows: + Inthe unzipped directory as desenbed in Download ana Uncp tha Pate + Tho follwing commands check for confi in bth the 196 Gra home andthe 186.08 homes + rc350 you ae applying the pach, un ts command 5407340 ant ntps:lupdates orate convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesan ‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update + tease you are oling back he path, un ths ommend Note tat Oracle proacbvely generates term patches for commen conf ‘See My Oracle Support documant 052051 Pat Set Updates - One-off Pate Confit Resaltono determine, fr each confing patch, wheter acon reoksion patch already avalooe, ana you noed orquast a naw cor resolution pach ortho confi may be ignored 2.4. Patch Installation Checks “The Cluster Vrfeaton Ustty (CVU) command tne interface (CLUVFY) may be used to very the redness of te Grid_Home fo apply the patch. The CLUYFY command ray be seve rom the confred Gril Home or rom the downloade nts version ofthe CVU standalone release (prefees) tom My Oracle Support patch 30839389 Before appling he pan, he readiness ofthe Grid_ Home can be vrifes by issuing the =) ssase pee patos eommand fom any one of the duster nodes. This ‘command epos sues, #2 ae delete, nthe Gr Home whch may aac the pacing proces. _Ater applying tne patch, the santy ofthe paching operation canbe vers by Issuing the ‘completion of th patch appliation socoss, cmmand fom any ofthe cluster nedes upon “The CLUVEY commandline fr patching ensures thatthe Grid Home can rocsivs he row pach and ako ensures hat th patch application procoss competed ‘ueceesfuly leaving the home tn coract tt 2.4.4 OPatchAuto Outot-Place Patching Cou. placepatcing sa mechanism where patching Is dane by creating a lane of nenlyeeald cloned home, Ths proach fo patching reduces unavalbliy or downlme othe service by seperting We slp to creat ‘ap of etching servcee when thay mut be restatd plying paces on te load home, ad sutching serves tothe patched clone home fam Be (out-tpacepatcing documentation can a found ati ink Oracle OPaten Users Guile Note: Uses can check OPatenauohalp fo synx and examples to execute outatlace patching 2.4.5 OPatchAuto “The OPateh uty has automated the pach application forthe Oracle Gri Inasructre (Gri) home athe Oracle RAC database homes. operates by querying existing configurations and avtoratng tho slop rqured for alehng each Oracle RAC database Home of samo version an tre Gd home “The uty must Be executes by an operating system (05) user wih vt prvleges, and it must Be executes on each node inthe cluster ifthe Gi home or Orade RAC alabaee hme en nor-ahared storage, The uly canbe runin paral onthe cluster nada except or te et any) node Depending on command the options spaced, one imocation of OPstenAut cen pate the Grishome, Oracle RAC database hams, er both Grid and Orade RAC ‘alabase homes a the same Orde flesse version a the path. You can slo ral back he patch wah the same select ‘ai the directory containing the OPatenuto tthe SPATH environment variable, For example 4 export. PATHGgPRM:/oFatcR (when using ot fag 1 export patu-feats/oPatoh “To patch the Grid Nome and all race RAG delabase homes af he same version: “To patch any te Grd Pome: 4 spatcheute apply /38662822 -oh To patch one or mae Orace RAC database homes: | opatchauto spply /3564222 ~oh , coraole noma? path> To alba he pat tom the Ged home end each Oracle RAC database home: “Torallback ho pate rom the Ged home: 4 spatchauto rolllnack /35642622 ~oh , For more information about 2p chs:0, $08 Oracle® OPaich User's Gut, For dead pete intalatonineuctios, see Patosesaliaton 2.46 Patch Installation ‘The pach instructions wil fr based onthe configuration ofthe Gri intasbucture andthe Oracl RAC database homes, Patching nsbustons fo Oracle RAC database homos and Gi together are sted bolon. “The most common configurations ar ita 25 flows: sn ntps:lupdates orate convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesan ‘12823, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update + Coase: Oracle RAC, where the Gra home andthe Oracle homes ae not shared and Oracle ACES fe system gna configured + Case 2: Oracle RAC, where the Gr home isnot shared, Oracl home s share and Oracle ACES maybe used + Case: Sioleinsance homes not managed by Oracle Cid fascia Forctnercontguations Ist clon, see My Oral Suppor document 22488851 Supplemental Readme - Gri Infastuctire Release Update 1220.1 / 180/106: + Grd home is not shared, te Oracles hams fe not shared, Oracle ACF'S may be use, + Patching race RAC database homes. «+ Patching Gris home together with Oracle RAC One Neds and custervare-maraged snglsrstance databases. «+ Patching Orc Restart home + Patching m softwar only Gris home installation or befor the Grid home ie configured, le RAC, where the Grid home andthe Oracle homes are not shared and Oracle ACFS filesystem isnot configured [As root user, exoovothe following command on each node ofthe cluster 4 / 35642622 case 2:0 le RAC, where the Gris home isnot shared, Oracle home is sharad, and Oracle ACFS may be used Patching instructions: 1. Fram the Oracle home, make sure sop the Oracle RAC databases running onallnades, As the Oracle home cumer execute 2.On the st node, unmount te Oracle ACF filesystems, See My Oracle Support document 1494652.1 How fo Mount ar Unmeount ACFS Fie System While Applying 651 Patches? for unmounting Oraco ACFS flo syst. 2. On he frst no, apply the patent the Gridhome using the opssoou8 eemmand. As rot use, exact the flowing command 4: 1fhe message, "A system reboot is recommends before using ACFS"is shown, then a reboot mus be issued before coniuing. Fabre todo so wll esutn runing with an unpalchoa ACFSIADVMIOXS ive 5. On he fest nod, remaunt Oracle ACF fle syetans, See My Oracle Suppor docu 1494652 How lo Moun or Unmount ACES File System Wile Agaying G) Patches? for mouning Oracle ACTS te systems 6.0n he est nod, spp the pale to be Oracle home using the cotta command, Sine the Oracle homes shaved, bis eperaton wil ptch he Orsele nome 278s the cuss. Not that USM only pach canet be apple o a Oracle home. AS root usr, execute te flowing command 7.On he frst noe ony, rostart to Orel instance, which you have previously stopped in Step 1. As the ade home owner execu 8. On he sacond (next) nose, wnmount the Oracle ACFS fle systams, Soe My Oracle Support document 484557 for wnmountng Oracle ACFS Ml ston. 8. On he second node apply the patch to Ged hore using fe oct Sommand, AS oot usr, execute re folowing command 10 he message, “A system eboot i econimendes before using ACFS"is shown, then a ebool must be isued befor continuing Faire to do so wl result in runing wih an unptchea ACFSIADVMIOXS ctive: 11. 0n he s2cond node, unnng the ===> eommand|in Step @ wil estat he stack 12.0 th second nde, romeunt Oracle ACF fle systems. S28 My Oracle Support document 14948521 for mounting Oraco AGFS flo systoms. 13.0 the second nde ony, restart he Oracle instance, which youhave pravously stopped in Step IAs the Oracl home caer execute: 14, Repeal stops B trough 13 foraramsinng nodes of te hater, Foow these steps 1. ifyou ao using Data Guard Pryscal Standby database, you must instal this patch on bth th pemary database and ihe physical standby database, as deserbed bby My Oracle Suppon document 27854: 1 How do yeu apply @Palhest, PSU or CPU m a Date Guard Physical Standby cantgurato. 2, Shut down al instancos and Istoners associated withthe Oracle home tha you are updating, For mar formation, see Oracle Database Adminstat’s Gul. 3. Set your curt rectory to he rectory whore he pach is loated and then run tre OPatch uty by arterng the follwing commands: ca /25642622/25662107 ent ntps:lupdates orate convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesan ‘12823, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update 4. ner are eros fer to Kooi 2.4.7 Installing Patch in Oracle Data Guard Standby-First Mode For Data Guard Standby First patching. soe My Oracle Support document 1285700.1 For Stanéby-Festplching for Oracle database RU 12.2 and higher. the ftowing ons nod obo considered: {The database RU subpatch 36643107 must be appl to the Data Guard standby using OPatch, 2, Datapateh must not be invoked onthe Data Guard stacy environment to apply pst pach SOL actions forthe dalabase RU. féatapatch is rn ona standby, wil ‘rr file tying ocala 37>. _oF AT Ilraca. For more detail ut his err, see My Oracle Suppo document 1595479. 4. Datapateh must be invoked on he primary database afte al the databases, that primary and Data Gus ate patched anal pate deployment the database RU Iseamplete forthe soup 2.4. Patch Post Installation Instructions Ato intaling the path, por the flowing actions: 1 Apply confit rscitin patches as explained in Section 218.1. 2. you are nt using OPatchAut, then load modid SOL fas int the database, ae exslainad in Sacion 2.162. 3. Upgrade Oracle Recovery Manager Catalog, a explanadin Sain 2.4.83, 4: Bug fs that may change an exstng opbnizer execution pla, a8 explained in Section 21.8. 21.8.4 Applying Conict Resolution Patchos Apply the patch cont rsolaton inlrim patches that wer determin to be needed when you performed the steps One. Patch Const Deacon and Resluten “Th folowing steps load mod SQL ie into the database. Foran Oracle RAC environment, pvform these sts on enone node Datapeth is un to complete the pstinetall SOL deployment forthe PSU. For frherdstalls about Dstapatch,nclig Known lauss and werkarounds to comsen problems, 60 My Orate Suppo document 1585872.1 Datanaten: Database 12> or later Pst Paten SOL. Automaton and My Oracle Suppot document 2680521.1 Datapatch User Gude. |For each separate database runing onthe samt aed Oracle home beng patched, run the so acat= uly a5 dosed in Tale 13 Table 1-3 Stops fo Run the DatapatchUtlty for Non-CDB Oracle Database Versus Single/Multtenant (CDB/PDB) Oracle Database ‘Steps Non-CDB Oracle Database ‘Stops ___ Single/Mutitonant (CDBIPDB) Oracle Database 1 4 salptus /rotos 1 4 selplus /roiog 6 ¥ sAdatepatch sanity checks loption:) 6 4 ed Sonate Hox /oPatch 7 § /datepaten -vesnoue 7 + sHdatapaten sanity checks (optional) oobi tig commended the Post ntl top be run onal pluggable databases; howavr, the folowing command (23> sier pluggable Satshase pay o) eu Be subeted oon open certain PBs th nglemattnant database, Doing so wi els tne Post eal stop ony being rn onthe (CDS and opened POSS. To update a piggable dalabase a llr dale ekpped ox newly plugged i), open Ne databae using the =o eluyeaene savsoass ‘command mentioned previously ang rerun the datapath sty. See My Oracle Suppor dacument 1036365 * Mutenant Unlg/Plg Best Practoes for mare Infomation about te procedure for unpuggingligging wth diferent patch relesses (hn both drectors). Rocommanded: The s-apatics sanity checks optonal stop rune sais of environment and database checks fo valle if condtions are optima for patching, Results ae shown on serecn wit severity and polenta actions to tae, For more inform, ero My Oracle Support donut 2680821 | Oalapatch Usr Guide fradationalinfomaton and actors, Orc highly reammends tal you pavtorm tse. ‘Tho ostaptc uty wilthen tun the necossary apply scr to oad the modfed SQL. los ino the dlabase, Anon wile ace to tho con Fog.8:ry_slpatch vw fling te patch appliatin. Inthe sos cog 2:ry_saiprsen vew, vty he Status forthe e+ Is Succ. Fer any oer slats, foro My Oracle Suppor document 21458987 Troubleshooting Assistant: 12 Datapaten Issues for aoctona formation ard actons. ntps:lupdates orate.convOrlon!Servcesidownload?type=teadmesaru=25407340 mm ‘12823, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update 2, Check ne folowing lag tes in Fo8AcLe Shs /fotsolicgs/aztpacch/25643107/ fr amo lahore siscabsse S708 the database SID, co ane the name of he mulienant contin datsbase, and ¢ se of he form ND HH YOH 88 4. Any (pluggable) database that has iva objects afr the execution of etapatch should have c3¢-on.! fun ta revaldate hase objects. Far example: “sxport_ PATH-EPATV:SDRACL_OME/2¢9 Go SORACLE HOME edna acon 2.8.3 Upgrade Oracle Recovery Manager Catalog you ae using the Oracle Recovery Manage, he catalog needs to be uppraed. Enter the folowing command Io upgrade. The :ADE CATALOG command must be ‘ntered twice fo conf the vegas, 6 rman catalog usernane/pasmvordfalins 21.8.4 Bug Fixes That May Change an Exiting Optimizer Execution Plan ‘Aho succosstl conclusion ofthe patching event none of the catabase bug fies that may change an exstng optimizer execution plan aro dalvored wih ho bug ‘sabld by default Tho status of ary modula bug aus (whch cause an exoeuton plan change) at were nan enabled sat peor to tarong the patching event a presorve, tno now module bug fas (which cause an exocuton plan change) ae acbvaled automaticaly Detals on this, cling the commands to expely enable such bug fixes ao present in My Oracle Suppot document 2147007 2.4.9 Patch Post Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded After installation of Patch inthe Oracle Home: ‘You mus execute the steps in oad Modied SOL Fes no the Databass for any now or upgraded daabase 2.4.10 Pateh Deinstalltion Datapsih is uno complete he past-densal SOL deployment forth database subpatch. For further deta abou Datapatch, including Known lesues and workarounds 0 ‘commen pralame, ee My Oracle Suppotdocumsrt 1586822 { Database 12c Post Path SOL Automstion “Tho pach rollback nstuctons wil for basod onthe coniguation of te Gri inastructuro andthe Oracla RAC daabaso hems. Roll ack nsuctions for Oracle RAC ‘alabase homes ana Grid ae fed slow “The most commen configurations are ist 3 olows: + Case : Oracle RAC, whore ho Ges home and Oraclohomes ae nt shares and Oracle ACF fla system snot configured “+ Case 2: Ornle RAC, whore the Gea home tna shared, Oracle home is shated an Oracle ACFS may be used + Case 3 Singlonstance homes nol managed by rade Gri nfasructire For other contguatons listed blow, see My Oracle Suppor document 22458851: “+ Gf home is nol shared, the Oracle hams i nol shared, Oracle AGS may be uso. + Roling back Wom Oracle RAG eetabass homes + Roling back rom Gtd Home aon. “+ Rolng back rom Grid nome ogee: wth Oracle RAG One Node and cstentare-managed singleinstance delabases. + Rolng back he pales rom Oracle Resta hors. + Roling back he patch rom asotware oly Gad home instalation o before the Grd nome s congue. Roll Back the Oracle RAC Database Homes and Grid Togethe + ase 1: Oracle RAC, where the Grid home and Oracle homes are net shared and Oracle ACES fle system Is not configured. |As root user execute the folowing command on ach node othe cluster. Ire massage, "Asytem rect is recommended befor using ACF" shown, then areboot must be Issued before continuing, Fale todo so wil result in runing with an unpatches ACFSIADVMIOXS crive: + Case 2: Oracle RAC, where the Grid home Is not shar 1, Oracle home Is shared and Oracle ACFS may be used. 1. From the Oracle race home, make suo stop the Oracle RAC dlabases running on all nodes. As the Oracle home owner execute: 2, On the fest node, unmount he Oraele ACF file sytoms, Soe My Oracle Support document 14946521 for unmounting Oracle ACS fle systems, 5. On th est node, rol back the patch from te Grid home sing he cht» eommand, At 09 ur, execute allowing command: # /25642022 -oh ntpe:lupdates orate convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesaru=26407340 ant ‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update 4. he message, A system reboots recommended before using ACFS"Is shown, then 2 reboot must be sued before comlouing. Faure to do sow result n runing wit an unpatched ACFS\ADVMOKS aver. (onthe fret node, remount Oracle ACFS fe systems, See My Oracle Suppor document 1424252. for mauntng Oracle ACS fla systems, (On tho fst nod, ol back the patch othe Oracle home using tho ocho. command. This operation wll ;sback ho patch oth Oracle home across tho duster gven that tis a sharad Oracle ACFS home, Note hat a USM only pale cannot be applied to # Oracle hore. As rot use, execute te flowing comma (nthe ft nee oly, rota the race instance, which you have preiouly lopped in Sap As the Oracle home owner execute ‘nthe second (net rade, unmount the Oracle ACS fl systems. See My Oracle Support document 12848521 fr unmountng Oracle ACFS fe ystems. 8.0nt cond nade, rllback ne pat to Grd home ung the o¢chs"> Command. Ae ool ur, exeeu the allowing command: 10. tthe message, "A system reboot recommended before using ACFS" is shown, then a reboot must be stued before continuing Fal odo so wilresut in running wit an unpatched ACFSADVMOXS aver. y (onthe second node, running the css command in Sop 9 wl rst the slack, 12 Onthe second node, romeunt Oracle ACES fil ysiems. See My rack Support document 1494852. for mounting Oracle ACES le sytors 13. Onthe second node only, estat the Oracle instance, which you have previously lopped in Sep 1 As the Oracle home own execu: 14 Repeat Steps 3: Singloinstance homes not managed by Oracle Grid infrastructure tough 13 fr all remeining nodes of the este Folow ase steps: 1. Shut dows allistancesandistaners associated with te Oracle home that you are updating, For moe Imation, see Oracle Database Admnistata's Gui 2. Run the OPatch tlt spsiying he <2 ss argument as flows 3. there are errs, rater to Koon sus. 2.4.11 Pateh Post Doinstallation instructions ‘Aer dinstalng he pate, pet tne allowing ations. + 22.111 Run ne Dstoston Luy + 21.142 Uparade Oracle Racovary Manager Catalog Run the atapatch Utlty Peron the fotoing steps 1. For each sopetate Oracle uring onthe Oracle home Belng paced, run the csp uly as deserted in Table 1-4, Mtl Is Orale RAC, run datapetch on only one instance Table 1-4 Steps to Run the datapatch Utty for Non-CDB Oracle Database Versus SinglelMulitenant (COB/PDB) Oracle Database Non-C8 Oracte Database ‘Stops Single/Mutitenant (COBIPDB) Oracle Database 1 2 agiptus feotoy 4 4 seiplus /2o209 2 sas Connect / ae sysdbe 2 S01> Conmect / ae sysdba a sous atastap 3 20> stare 4 sols quit 4 SQL> alter pluggable database all open Fa! 5 sd Sonacus_Home/ozatck 5 sao 6 § c/aacapaten -sanicy checks loptionsty 6 4 es SaRAcEs tov /ePatch ntps:lupdates orate.convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesaru=25407340 ont ‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update ‘Steps Non-COB Oracle Database Steps Single/Mutitenant (COBIPOB) Oracle Database 7 4 s/dacopatch verbose 7 2 sHaatapateh sanity checke (optional) Fooro tig recommended the Post stl stop be run onal pluggable databases; howover, the folowing command (21> sree elussable database unas coe) euld Be substuted to only pen cera PDBS inthe sngleultsenantcetaoase, Doing so wlan the Post Insta stp only bing run onthe (CDS and opened POE'S, To update pigguble database a lar dal (ekppet x newly plugged in), open te database using the sie ehuyane ie. Sarasa ‘command mentoned previously ang run th datapath ty. See My Oracle Suppor dacunent 1935365 + Muitenant UnlugPluy ost Practoos for mare Information about te procedure or unplugangligging wth deen patch relesses (n both directors). Recommended: The ds-apatch —saniy_cheoks aplona stop unease of environment and database chcks ta valle condone re optmal or patching, Results are snown on seaon nit sven ana potontl actions to tao, For more information, orto the My Oracle Support document 2580521.1 [Datapatch User Guide for adsonalforvation and econ, Oracle highly recommends tat you perform ts top. Te tape uty runs the necessary rolback sil. An ony sade 10 he ss. -a9ietry_saipat.h vow reflect the patch application Inthe gin_sog.eony_sqlont on wom, vty the Status forthe noc ssh esocrs For anyother sau, rfor My Orle Supp! document 2535899.2 TToubleshocting Assistant 12: Datapatc Issues or astionl information and actions. chook the flowing lo lesa 9°10 sokin/asnatch/25602197/ foreman hore iscabsse Sr0's the database SID, co nase is the name of the mulierant container database, and ¢se2ta5p fhe frm Any (pluggable) databace that nas invalid cbecs ater he execution of etaptch should have cx--~n.0% rant eval thoes obec (export PATHCHPATH ORACLE HOME/e = SORRELE UOHE/peri/nin/cer1 SORACLE UOXE/cdume/adnin/catcon-pl —p 1 -e -b utlep ~4 ORACLE MOME/edbma/adnin utiep 29h 21.112 Upgrade Oracle Recovery Manager Catalog you are using the Oracle Recovery Manager, he catalog needs tobe upgraded. Enter the following command to upgrade it.The PACE CATALOG command must bo ‘nla twica fo conte the vograde. 5 roan cataiog uoeraane/pasmerdtalios 3.4 Known Issues For issues documented ater the release of his patch, see My Oracle Support document 19202810.9 Osco Database 19: RUIRUR Oet 2023 Known Iesuee. 4,1 References “Te folowing documents ae reerences fortis pate: Document 10202310.9 Oracle Database 8 RURUR Ot 2028 Known levee Document 18182 19 Database Upgrade - Seif Guded Assstanco mth Bost Pracices Decument 22488881 Supplemental Readme - Grid inastucture Release Updte 12.201x/ 180/186 Document 1é94052.* How fo Mount or Unmount ACFS While Appling Gl Patches? Document 1585822. Datapath: Database 12c or lator Post Patch SOL. Automaton ‘Document 260870. Impact of Java SE Secuty Valrerabiltes on Oracle Dtabaco and Fusion Middleware Products Document 2528221. Grid Infastuctre 19 Rk 10 Updates and Revisions Bugs Fite Liste Document 340878. gencinsh: Cau ot beat SORAGLE_ HOME netwarkadminshreptist Document £65859. Entorrise Manager Grd Control 101 and 10.2 Known sues ‘Oracle® Patch Users Guide 5.1 Manual Steps for Applying or Rolling Back the Patch ‘See My Oracle Suopontaocumen 2488881 for cases where spotcnasto cant be wed 6.1 Bugs Fixed by This Patch See My Oracle Suppo" aocuren 25232751 fo hei of bugs fred in pc, 7.4 Documentation Accessibility ntps:lupdates orate.convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesan som ‘12323, 216 PM Oracle® Database Patch 35642822 - GI Release Update For fermen sbout Oracle's commitment to sccetlily, vit the Oracle Accessibilty Progrm webalte t tp orade com/lshopcloskup et ‘Access to Oracle Support race customers that have purchased support have acess to lectonc suport trough My Orala Suppo. orinfamaton, is htm orl cominlstocceok?, ‘Sheacck geno or wat hp sw orach samslstopellogkuyeteanctidere you are heating paired (Oracle Database Paton 25642822 - Release Update 19:21.0.0231017, Copyraht © 2023, Oracle anos afiates. “is sotware and rlaed documentation are provided under a Yeense agreement cntainng restictons on use and declosure and are protected by vtllactul propery laws. Except as expressly ported n your leense agreement or alowed by lw, you my nl use, copy reproduce ransat, broadcas, my, lease, rans, ‘stibts, ot parorm, publish, o display any par, nan frm, ory ary means. Reverse engineering, assembly oF decomplion of hs sofware, unless required by aw or trope prones “The information contina hein subject o change wiht notice and isnot warranted to be ero. you find any errs, pase report them to us in wring, Iris software or rlated documentation that is delivered to the US. Government or anyone licensing ton bela the US. Goveramet then the flowing nate Is _applabl: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USEAS: Oracle programs, cluding any operating system, intgrated stare any programs installed onthe hardware, andor documeniaton, ‘elvored 1 U.S. Government end uss ara ‘omnail comput sefwars” pursuant othe applcable Feral Acquisiton Ragulaton and apencj-pactc supelemenial regulaions. As such, use, cuslcaton, dstdosue, modeation, and adaptation of the aoarame, ncucng ary apeaing system, niegfatea Sofware, ary programs staled ‘onthe hardware, arslor documentation, shallbe subject Tense terms and license restos applabl ote programs. Nooher rah are grated tothe US, Government “This sotwaro or hardware is developed for goeral usin a vary of nfammaton management appcaons tis not developed or nts for sain any nharony dangerous appleatons, Inclang aplcaons at may rete ark of personal ijury. ye use his sofware o:harawae in dangoreus applications, hen you shallbs responsible 'o ate a appropiate asf, backup, redundancy, ana thor meaos to onsre i safe ut. Oracle Corporation an is afte dla ary aby or any “Somagas caused by use ofthis sofware or hare in dangerous appieaons. race and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle anor fits, Othe: nares may be rademarks oftheir respoctve owners Intl and ntl Xeon are tademarks or opisored trademarks of tel Corporation, All SPARC trademarks are used under onse ad are aerarks or rgitored Irademarks of SPARC nieratoral. Ine. AND, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo ae ademarks or eisteed rears of Advanced Mero Deve. LUND rgisieed tademare of The Open Grp. “This sotware or hardware and documantation may provide access aot iformaton abou eantent products, an services tm hes pas. Oracle Corporation and is sfses ar nt response for ant oxpressly eiacium as waranos af any kind wth espect to threparty content, pad, and senvess unless thors st farina ‘pplcable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation ands aflates wl nt be response for any loss, cots, or damages cued du to your acces oor se of itary conten, produ, Sarees, except as Set forth nan applzable agreement between you and Oral ntps:lupdates orate.convOrlon!Servcesidownload type=teadmesan wm

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