Outcomes Int 2b Hugs & Kisses

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Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 2: Are you ok?


1 a) How many different ways are there to greet people?

b) How do you greet people in your own country? Do you greet men/women
differently? Watch the video: Greetings From Around the World | Travel Channel - YouTube
Have a go at the quiz.

Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 2: Are you ok?
2. Work in pairs. Look at the photo above and discuss the questions.
 What is the man in the photo doing? Why do you think he’s doing that?
 What would you do if you saw someone like this? Why?

3. Now read the article and answer the questions.

1. What made Juan Mann start his campaign?

2. How did he feel when he went out for the first time?

3. Who first asked for a hug, and why?

4. How did Mann become so famous?

5. What two theories are put forward to explain the success of the Free Hugs

4. Work in pairs. See if you can remember the adjective that goes with these nouns
in the article. Then look again to check your answers.

1. _______________ connections
2. a _______________ attempt
3. an _______________ star
4. his _______________ identity
5. a _______________ year
6. one of the _______________ shopping districts
7. _______________ skills
8. _______________ experiences.

5. Work in pairs. Discuss what impact success probably had on Juan Mann and what
you think happened to his campaign. Then listen and check your ideas.

6. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

• Do you think Juan Mann was right to walk away from the Free Hugs 'brand'? Why? /
Why not?
• Why do think the Free Hugs movement has been controversial in some countries?
• Do you think it has a future? Would it be popular in your country? Why? / Why not?

Outcomes B1/B2 Unit 2: Are you ok?

7. Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct adjective form of these verbs.

annoy confuse bore depress shock disappoint

1. a. Can you explain it again? I'm still a bit _______________

b. The instructions for this camera are really _______________

2. a. He has a really _______________ habit of repeating the same stories over and
over again.
b. I'm a bit _______________ that he hasn't phoned me. He promised to!

3. a. He's been _______________ for a while, but he refuses to try counselling.

b. This weather's so _______________. It's so cold and wet!

4. a. I found the violence in the film quite _______________, to be honest.

b. I was really _______________ to see so many homeless people on the streets

5. a. I'm _______________. Can't we go out somewhere?

b. I find her quite _______________. All she ever talks about is her children!

6. a. Obviously, I'm a bit _______________ that I didn't get the job.

b. I loved her last film, but to be honest I found this one quite _______________.

8. Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1. I find it really annoying when people …

2. The last time I got really bored was when ...

3. I always get really depressed when ...

4. One thing I found really disappointing was ...

5. The most shocking thing I've ever seen was ...

6. I still get quite confused about ...

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