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General Instructions

There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

1. This question paper has ve sections: Section A, Section B, Section C,
Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory
2. Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven
questions of two marks each, Section C contains ve questions of three
marks each, section D contains three long questions of ve marks each and
Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.
3. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
section B, C, D and E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such
4. Use of calculators is not allowed.

Section-A (Multiple choice Questions)

1. The total ux through the faces of the cube with side of length a if a charge q is
placed at corner A of the cube is

2. The force per unit charge is known as

(a) electric ux
(b) electric eld
(c) electric potential
(d) electric current

3.Consider a region inside which, there are various types of charges but the total
charge is zero. At points outside the region
(a) the electric eld is necessarily zero.
(b) the electric eld is due to the dipole moment of the charge distribution only.
(c) the dominant electric eld is inversely pro-portional to r3, for large r (distance
from ori-gin).
(d) the work done to move a charged particle along a closed path, away from the
region will not be zero
4. SI unit of permittivity of free space is
(a) Farad
(b) Weber
(c) C2N-1 m-2
(d) C2N-1 m-2

5. In a region of constant potential

(a) the electric eld is uniform.
(b) the electric eld is zero.
(c) there can be no charge inside the region.
(d) both (b) and (c) are correct.

6. A test charge is moved from lower potential point to a higher potential point. The
potential energy of test charge will
(a) remain the same
(b) increase
(c) decrease
(d) become zero

7.Which of the following statements is false for a perfect conductor?

(a) The surface of the conductor is an equipoten-tial surface.
(b) The electric eld just outside the surface of a conductor is perpendicular to the
(c) The charge carried by a conductor is always uniformly distributed over the
surface of the conductor.
(d) None of these.

8. Combine three resistors 5 Q, 4.5 Q and 3 Q in such a way that the total
resistance of this combination is maximum
(a) 12.5 Q
(b) 13.5 Q
(c) 14.5 Q
(d) 16.5 Q

9. In parallel combination of n cells, we obtain

(a) more voltage
(b) more current
(c) less voltage
(d) less current

10. When a metal conductor connected to left gap of a meter bridge is heated, the
balancing point
(a) shifts towards right
(b) shifts towards left
(c) remains unchanged
(d) remains at zero
11. A charge is moving across a junction, then
(a) momentum will be conserved.
(b) momentum will not be conserved.
(c) at some places momenturii will be conserved and at some other places
momentum will not be conserved.
(d) none of these.
12. The resistivity of alloy manganin is
(a) Nearly independent of temperature
(b) Increases rapidly with increase in temperature
(c) Decreases with increase in temperature
(d) Increases rapidly with decrease in temperature

13. A charged particle is moving in a cyclotron, what e ect on the radius of path of
this charged particle will occur when the frequency of the ratio frequency eld is
(a) It will also be doubled.
(b) It will be halved.
(c) It will be increased by four times.
(d) It will remain unchanged.

14. The nature of parallel and anti-parallel currents are

(a) parallel currents repel and antiparallel cur¬rents attract.
(b) parallel currents attract and antiparallel cur-rents repel.
(c) both currents attract. ’
(d) both currents repel.

15. A short bar magnet has a magnetic moment of 0. 65 J T-1, then the magnitude
and direction of the magnetic eld produced by the magnet at a distance 8 cm
from the centre of magnet on the axis is
(a) 2.5 × 10-4 T, along NS direction
(b) 2.5 × 10-4 T along SN direction
(c) 4.5 × 10-4 T, along NS direction
(d) 4.5 × 10-4 T, along SN direction

16. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic eld. The torqe acting
on it does not depend upon
(a) area of loop
(b) value of current
(c) magnetic eld
(d) None of these

Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as

Assertion and Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to
choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct
explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct
explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.

17. Assertion : In a simple battery circuit, the point of the lowest potential is
positive terminal of the battery.
Reason : The current ows towards the point of the higher potential, as it does in
such a circuit from the negative to the positive terminal.

18. Assertion : An electric bulb becomes dim, when the electric heater in parallel
circuit is switched on.
Reason : Dimness decreases after sometime.

19. Assertion : The magnetic eld produced by a current carrying solenoid is

independent of its length and cross-sectional area.
Reason : The magnetic eld inside the solenoid is uniform.

20. Assertion : A charge, whether stationary or in motion produces a magnetic

eld around it.

Reason : Moving charges produce only electric eld in the surrounding space.

Section -B ( Very short Answers, 2 Marks, Answer all the questions)

1. De ne the term electric dipole moment of a dipole. State its S.I. unit
2.In which orientation, a dipole placed in a uniform electric eld is instable,unstable
equilibrium ?

3. Figure shows three point charges, +2q, -q and + 3q. Two charges +2q and -q
are enclosed within a surface ‘S’. What is the electric ux due to this con guration
through the surface ‘S’

4. 20A of current own through a wire for 12 mins. How many electrons own
through it.
5. Why should electrostatic eld be zero inside a conductor?
6. Write properties of electric eld lines
Section -C (Short Answers ,3 Marks , Answer All)

1. Why do the electric eld lines not form closed loops? Explain with diagram

Write the expression for the work done on an electric dipole of dipole moment p in
turning it from its position of stable equilibrium to a position of unstable equilibrium
in a uniform electric
eld E.

2. A 500 µC charge is at the centre of a square of side 10 cm. Find the work done
in moving a charge of 10 µC between two diagonally opposite points on the

3. De ne the term ‘potential energy’ of charge ‘q’ at a distance V in an external

electric eld.

A point charge Q is placed at point O as shown in the gure. Is the potential

di erence VA – VB positive, negative or zero, if Q is
(i) positive
(ii) negative?

4. A wire of resistance 8R is bent in the form of a circle. What is the e ective

resistance between the ends of a A diameter 2AB? (Delhi 2008)

5. Derive expression for Drift Velocity

6. What is the direction of the force acting on a charged particle q, moving with a
velocity V
in a uniform magnetic eld B?
Depict the trajectory of a charged particle moving with velocity v as it enters a
uniform magnetic eld perpendicular to the direction of its motion.
Section -D (LongAnswers ,5 Marks , Answer All)

1. Derive expression for capacitance of Spherical?

Using Ampere’s circuital law, obtain an expression for the magnetic eld along
the axis of a current carrying solenoid of length l and having N number of turns.?

2. a. A 10 v battery of negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V

battery and a resistance of 38Ω as shown in the gure. Find the value of the
current in circuit.

b. A 5 V battery of negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V

battery and a resistance of 39 Ω as shown in the gure. Find the value of the

Derive expression for Resistors in series connection and Parallel Connection
Derive expression for Electric potential at the axial point of the dipole

3.Two identical circular wires P and Q each of radius R and carrying current ‘I’ are
kept in perpendicular planes such that they have a common centre as shown in
the gure. Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic eld at the
common centre of the two coils.


A steady current (I1) ows through a long straight wire. Another wire carrying
steady current (I2) in the same direction is kept close and parallel to the rst wire.
Show with the help of a diagram how the magnetic eld due to the current
I1 exerts a magnetic force on the second wire. Write the expression for this force.
Section -E (Case study based Questions ,4 Marks , Answer All)

Case study. Electric eld strength is

proportional to the density of lines
of force i.e., electric eld strength at
a point is proportional to the
number of lines of force cutting a
unit area element placed normal to
the eld at that point. As illustrated
in given gure, the electric eld at P
is stronger than at Q.
(i)Electric lines of force about a
positive point charge are
(a) radially outwards
(b) circular clockwise
(c) radially inwards
(d) parallel straight lines
(ii) Which of the following is false for electric lines of force?
(a) They always start from positive charge and terminate on negative charges.
(b) They are always perpendicular to the surface of a charged conductor.
(c) They always form closed loops.
(d) They are parallel and equally spaced in a region of uniform electric eld.
(iii) Which one of the following patterns of electric line of force is not possible in eld
due to stationary charges?

(iv) Electric eld lines are curved

(a) in the eld of a single positive or negative charge
(b) in the eld of two equal and opposite charges.
(c) in the eld of two like charges.
(d) both (b) and (c)

(v) The gure below shows the electric eld lines due to two positive charges. The
magnitudes EA, EB and EC of the electric elds at point A, B and C respectively are
related as
(a) EA>EB>EC
(b) EB>EA>EC

(c) EA=EB>EC
(d) EA>EB=EC

2. Whenever an electric current is passed through a conductor, it becomes hot

after some time. The phenomenon of the production of heat in a resistor by the
ow of an electric current through it is called heating e ect of current or Joule
heating. Thus, the electrical energy supplied by the source of emf is converted into
heat. In purely resistive circuit, the energy expended by the source entirely appears
as heat. But if the circuit has an active element like a motor, then a part of energy
supplied by the source goes to do useful work and the rest appears as heat.
Joule’s law of heating forms the basis of various electrical appliances such as
electric bulb, electric furnace, electric press etc.

(i) Which of the following is correct statement?

(a) Heat produced in a conductor is independent of the current owing.
(b) Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the current owing.
(c) Heat produced in a conductor varies directly as the square of the current
(d) Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the square of the current

(ii) If the coil of a heater is cut to half, what would happen to heat produced?
(a) Doubled
(b) Halved
(c) Remains same
(d) Becomes four times.

(iii) A 25 W and 100 W are joined in series and connected to the mains. Which
bulb will glow brighter?
(a) 100 W
(b) 25 W
(c) Both bulbs will glow brighter
(d) None will glow brighter

(iv) A rigid container with thermally insulated wall contains a coil of resistance
100 Ω, carrying 1 A. Change in its internal energy after 5 min will be
(a) 0 kJ
(b) 10 kJ
(c)20 kJ
(d) 30 kJ

(v) The heat emitted by a bulb of 100 W in 1 min is

(a) 100 J
(b) 1000 J
(c) 600 J
(d) 6000 J

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