Criteria B, C and D Questions Worksheet For Chemistry

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Criteria B, C and D questions

1. Patterns in the chemical reactivity of a alkali metal

Alkali metals have varying levels of reactivity.

 Design an investigation to measure the chemical reactivity of alkali metals.

 State a research question for an investigation that could be used test the chemical reactivity of
 Formulate a hypothesis for the investigation.
 Identify the variables in this experiment. (IV, DV & CV)
 Design a method which would allow you to collect sufficient data to measure the reactivityof

 a list of equipment you will use.

 the method you will follow.
 details of the measurements you will make to collect sufficient valid data.

Analyzing the periodic properties of the halogens.

The German scientist Döbereiner developed the law of triads during the 1820s. His experiments
and observations suggested that the chemical and physical properties of bromine were
intermediate to those of chlorine and iodine, which we now know are, respectively, positioned
above and below bromine in the periodic table. A lack of experimental evidence about different
triads within the periodic table meant that his findings were regarded by the scientific community
of the time as interesting rather than groundbreaking.

A student performs a series of experiments to investigate the periodic properties of group 17, the
halogens. The results and observations from the experiment are presented below.
1. Interpret the data and use your knowledge of patterns in physical and chemical properties to
list arguments for placing these elements in the same group in the periodic table.

2. Explain how the student could extend or improve this investigation into the halogens.

Patterns in nature (Criteria D)

1. Discuss and evaluate the development and use of materials in everyday life? Based on the
trends in the periodic table impact.

2. Evaluate the influence of trends in the periodic table on the choice and design of materials in
renewable energy technologies?

3. What are few impacts that periodic table have on the design and efficiency of chemical
reactions in industrial processes?

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