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Probe questions – Periodic table

1. What is the periodic table and what is its importance in chemistry?

2. How are elements arranged in the periodic table?
3. What are the differences between metals, nonmetals, and metalloids?
4. What is the significance of the atomic number of an element in the periodic table?
5. What are the trends in the periodic table regarding atomic radius, electronegativity,
and ionization energy?
6. How might the arrangement of elements in the periodic table influence their chemical
properties? Can you identify any patterns or trends that can explain the reactivity or
behavior of elements within certain groups or periods?
7. How might the discovery of new elements challenge or expand our understanding of
the periodic table? What factors might influence the decision to add a new element
to the table, and how might it affect our classification system?
8. How might the periodic table be used to predict the properties of elements that have
not yet been discovered? What limitations or uncertainties might exist in these
predictions, and how might they be addressed through scientific inquiry or

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