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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

(Writing Concept Paper)

Member: Marielle P. Pitogo (Reporter, researcher, creator of the context,

Assessment, and narrative report)
Kim Harvey M. Conje (Reporter)
Melvin E. Pepito (Reporter)
James Paul Montana (Reporter)
Liza Jean M. Asis (Reporter)
Zyra Khate J. Montemayor (Reporter)
Lheanne A. Pepito (Reporter)
Elvin Lapuz (Assessment)
Lea Andrea D. Yamut (Reporter)
Katrice Pearl C. Apolinar (Reporter)
Irene M. Empinado (Reporter)
Christine Mae Mendaro (Reporter)
Christel Ann Pepito (Reporter)

1.) define concept paper;
2.) identify the ways to elucidate a concept;c.
3.) use any of the techniques to elucidate a concept; and
4.) write a concept paper with accompanying visual/graphic aids.

Title: English for Academic and Professional Purposes (Writing Concept Paper)

Material: •Manila paper

•Bond paper

Concept paper
-is a summary document of a project proposal that tells what the project is all about, the reasons
for conducting the project and how it will be carried out. This paper also provides an overview of the
project, and help funding agencies eliminate proposals that are likely to be disapproved. A concept paper
aims to clarify a concept that can be about any topic from any field. It aims to capture the thoughts and
ideas while the research proposal captures the ideas in a structured manner for approval to research.

It has several uses:

• Serves a foundation of the full proposal
• Determines whether the project is feasible or not
• Piques the interest of the potential funding agencies
• Obtains informal feedback on the ideas prior to preparing the full proposal.
• Helps in addressing social issues which plague our society.

Three Ways of Elucidating a Concept

Before writing a concept paper, you must first learn how to explain your concept of your project or
research. Basically, there are three ways of explaining a concept.

1. Definition
- identifies a term and sets it apart from all other terms that may be related to it. Often, definitions
begin by mentioning the general class to which a term belongs. Then they provide specifics to distinguish
the term from other members of that class.

Techniques of Definition:
a. Formal
follows a pattern or equation; term +genus +ditferentia (differentiating
Example: Technology is the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or
applied sciences.
b. By synonym
using a word or phrase that shares a meaning with the term being defined
Example: Technology – Knowledge, Computer
c. By origin or semantic history
Example: Technology comes from the Greek work tekhnologia.
d. By illustration
Example: Technology involves the use of machineries in every aspect of work.
e. By function
Example: Technology uses hi-tech machines to get the work done.
f. By analysis
breaking down wholes into parts, aspects to levels and a process into steps)
Example: Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes, especially in industry
g. By likeness of similarity
Example: Technology is likened to modern living where robots exist.
h. By analogy or metaphor
Example: Technology is like a robot that makes life easier.
i. By contrast
use of opposites
Example: Unlike manual work, technology makes work efficient.
j. By negation
stating what the term is not
Example: Technology is not harmful if used properly.
k. Informal Definition
giving of a parenthetical or brief explanation
l. Extended Definition
is a detailed way of defining a term and is usually a one paragraph. It
incorporates various patterns of formal, informal, comparison and contrasts,
narration, description, classification, cause and effect to explain a concept

Signal Words for Definition

- as defined
- for example
- for instance
- is defined as
- means
- such as
- to define
- to illustrate

2. Explication
-is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or phrases are taken from a literary
or academic work then interpreted and explained in a detailed way. Explication not only illuminates
a piece of literature, but also serves to remind the readers about its historical setting and formal properties
of style and language.
3. Clarification
-is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general abstract idea to
specific and concrete examples. The analysis of the concept is done by looking at the examples and
specifying their characteristics.

Signal Words for Clarification

- After all
- for instance
- namely
- that is
- As an example
- in other words
- put another way
- to be specific
- Consider the following example
- in particular
- specifically
- To clarify
- for example
- in short
- stated differently


The two outlines of a concept paper based on the context:

• Concept Paper for a Project
• Concept Paper for Academic Research

Concept Paper for a Project

Use the structure below when you want to propose a certain tangible project in your discipline.

• Cover Page contains

 Proponent's name
 Proponent's contact number, email address
 Proponent's agency
 Date of submission
• Introduction contains
 Short description of proponent's agency, major accomplishments and
capability to undertake the proposed project.
 Reasons why the funding agency should support the project
• Rationale or Background contains
 State the problem to be solved
 State the project's significance
• Project Description contains
 Objective of the project
 Methodology (Action Plan)
 Timeline
 Anticipated outcome
 How the outcome will be evaluated
• Project Needs and Cost contains
 Budget, item description and amount
 Personnel or equipment needed

Concept Paper for Academic Research

Use the structure below when you intend to present an idea or concept for a research you want
to pursue.

• Title Page contains

 Research title
 Name and school
 Date of submission
• Background of the Study contains
 State the field you are researching on
 State the problems to be addressed by the research, provide
 statistics and previous studies to prove your claim
 Reasons in conducting the research
 Theoretical and practical implications
• Preliminary Literature Review contains
 Provide theoretical framework
 Provide major related literature review at least 5
 Provide brief synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies.
• Statement of the Problem/Objectives contains
 State the general problem in one sentence
 State your specific research questions of objectives.
• Methodology contains
 Context and participants of the study
 Instruments to be used
 Data collection procedures
 Data analysis scheme to be used
• Timeline contains
 Duration of the research (Gantt chart)
• Reference contain
 List of books, journals, and other resources cited in your paper

Points to remember with a concept paper

o A concept paper may have different purposes. It may serve as the foundation of the full proposal.
o A concept paper may vary in its parts/steps according to its purpose
o A concept paper can be for a project and for an academic research.
o A concept paper for a project and for academic research may vary its structure
and its presentation, however the said elements such as, introduction, rationale,
project description, etc. will always be its main parts.
o It is a powerful tool that greatly increases the chances of success of any
project/research study, in particular the more complex ones.
o A concept paper is a brief paper outlining the key aspects of a study before
undertaking the study. It is meant to provide an idea of the study/project.



(Quiz 1)

1-3. Give the three ways of elucidating a concept paper:

- Definition
- Explication
- Clarification
4. This is a summary document of a project proposal that tells what the project is all about, the
reasons for conducting the project and how it will be carried out.
- Concept paper
5. This is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general abstract idea to
specific and concrete examples
- Clarification
6. This is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or phrases are taken from a
literary or academic work then interpreted and explained in a detailed way.
- Explication
7. This identifies a term and sets it apart from all other terms that may be related to it. Often,
definitions begin by mentioning the general class to which a term belongs.
- Definition
8. This is a detailed way of defining a term and is usually a one paragraph. It incorporates various
patterns of formal, informal, comparison and contrasts, narration, description, classification, cause
and effect to explain a concept
- Extended Definition
9. Giving of a parenthetical or brief explanation
- Informal Definition
10. Follows a pattern or equation; term +genus +ditferentia (differentiating characteristics)
- Formal
11. Using a word or phrase that shares a meaning with the term being defined
- By synonym
12. Breaking down wholes into parts, aspects to levels and a process into steps
- By analysis
13. Stating what the term is not
- By Negation
14. Use of opposites
- By contrast
15. Give one of the several uses of a concept paper
• Serves a foundation of the full proposal
• Determines whether the project is feasible or not
• Piques the interest of the potential funding agencies
• Obtains informal feedback on the ideas prior to preparing the full proposal.
• Helps in addressing social issues which plague our society.

(Quiz 2)

1-2 Give the two outlines of a concept paper based on the context
- Concept Paper for a Project
- Concept Paper for Academic Research
3. Use the outline when you want to propose a certain tangible project in your discipline.
- Concept Paper for a Project
4. Use the outline when you intend to present an idea or concept for a research you want to pursue
- Concept Paper for Academic Research
5. This contains the short description of proponent's agency, major accomplishments and capability
to undertake the proposed project and the reasons why the funding agency should support the project
- Introduction
6. This contains the list of books, journals, and other resources cited in your paper
- Reference
7. Contains the duration of the research
- Timeline
8. Contains the budget, item description, amount, and personnel or equipment needed
- Project Needs and Cost
9. is a brief paper outlining the key aspects of a study before undertaking the study. It is meant to
provide an idea of the study/project.
- Concept paper
10. This contains the state the general problem in one sentence and the state of your specific
research questions of objectives.
- Statement of the Problem/Objectives

For items 11-15. Write E if the statement shows an effective way of writing a concept paper, and N
if otherwise
11. Rino fails to indicate the page number in her concept paper
12. Andrew included a literature review for his term paper.
13. Geryl includes in the references all journals he used but excludes the books to various agencies.
14. Maxine sticks to one format every time she submits concept paper to various agencies.
15. Dally uses different styles and approach in presenting the ideas in a concept paper which is fit to
the context of discipline.

11 N
12 E
13 N
14 E
15 N

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