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introduction to java

java is the object oriented programming language, similiar to C++ high-level programming language and
architecutre neutral developed by Sun Microsystem in 1995.

Later it was acquired by Oracle Corporation.

Java was orginally called Oak.


What is Java platform?

It is a computing platform from Orcale that helps to run and develop Java applications.

Its consists of an execution engine, a complier ,and a set of libraries.

// It is a platform independent ,i.e, we dont have to develop separate applications for different

// it can be used to develop two of programs.


Features of Java

· Compiled and interpreter:

· platform independence;

· Object-oriented

· portable :in a sense

· simple ,small and familiar;

· high performance:


What is applications and applets?

//those are applications and applets.

applications is a program that runs on the users computers under the operating system.
applets is a small window based program that runs on html page using enabled browser like internet
Explorer,Netscape Navigators or applet viewers etc.


The internet and java's place in IT.

Java is strongly associated with the internet because of the first application program is written in Java
was hot Java. Web browsers to run applets on the internet. Internet users can use Java to create applet
programs & run then locally using a Java-enabled browser such as hot Java.

before java, the world wide web was linked in the display of still images & texts. with the help of java
WWW is capable of supporting animation graphics,games and wide rage special


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