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School of Distance Education

(B Com IV Semester)

1. The techniques which provide the decision maker a systematic and powerful means of
analysis to explore policies for achieving predetermined goals are called.................
a. Mathematical techniques b. Correlation technique
c. Quantitative techniques d. . None of the above
2. Programming techniques are generally known as ...................................
a. Statistical techniques b. Mathematical techniques
b. Operation research techniques d. None of these
3. ............................. is the reverse process of differentiation
a. Differential equation b. Integration
c. Determinant d. None of these
4. .............................. is a powerful device developed over the matrix algebra.
a. Integration b. Differentiation
b. Determinants d. None of these
5. an operation research technique which resembles a real life
a. Decision theory b. Simulation
c. Game theory d. Queuing theory
6. Queuing theory is also called ........................................
a. Linear programming technique b. Waiting line theory
d. Game theory d. None of these
7. C.P.M. stands for..........................................................
a. Critical Process Method b. Critical Performance Measurement
c. Critical Path Method d. Critical Programme Method
8. The word correlation usually implies.............................
a. Cause and effect relationship b. Mutual interdependence
c. Both d. None of the above
9. Correlation analysis is a ............................analysis.
a. Univariate analysis b. Bivariate analysis
c. Multivariate analysis d. Both b and c
10. When the values of two variables move in the same direction, correlation is said to be
a. Positive b. Negative
c. Linear d. Non-linear
11. When the values of two variables move in the opposite direction, correlation is said to be
a. Positive b. Negative
c. Linear d. Non-linear

Question Bank
School of Distance Education

167.A _________ is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions
and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and
a. Decision tree
b. Graphs
c. Trees
d. Neural Networks
168.What is Decision Tree?
a. Flow-Chart
b. Structure in which internal node represents test on an attribute, each branch
represents outcome of test and each leaf node represents class label
c. Flow-Chart & Structure in which internal node represents test on an attribute,
each branch represents outcome of test and each leaf node represents class label
d. None of the mentioned
169.Choose from the following that are Decision Tree nodes?
a. Decision Nodes
b. End Nodes
c. Chance Nodes
d. All of the above
170. Decision Nodes are represented by ------
a. Disks
b. Squares
c. Circles
d. Triangles
171. Chance Nodes are represented by __________
a. Disks
b. Squares
c. Circles
d. Triangles
172.End Nodes are represented by __________
a. Disks

Question Bank
School of Distance Education

b. Squares
c. Circles
d. Triangles
173.Which of the following are the advantage/s of Decision Trees?
a. Possible Scenarios can be added
b. Use a white box model, If given result is provided by a model
c. Worst, best and expected values can be determined for different scenarios
d. All of the above
174.----- are the whose values are to be determined from the solution of the LPP
a. Objective function
b. Decision variables
c. Constrains
d. Opportunity cost
175.------------ specifies the objective or goal of solving the LPP
a. Objective function
b. Decision variables
c. Constraints
d. Opportunity cost
176.Objective function is expressed in terms of the --------------
a. Numbers
b. Symbols
c. Decision variables
d. None of the above
177.---------- are the restrictions or limitations imposed on the LPP
a. Variables
b. Cost
c. Profit
d. Constraints
178.The type of constraints which specifies maximum capacity of a resource is ------ or equal
to constraints.
a. Less than

Question Bank
School of Distance Education

b. Greater than
c. Less than or greater than
179.In linear programming ---------- represents mathematical equation of the limitations
imposed by the problem.
a. Objective function
b. Decision variable
c. Redundancy
d. Constraints
180.Region of feasible solution in LPP graphical method is called
a. Infeasible region
b. Unbounded region
c. Infinite region
d. Feasible region
181.When it is not possible to find solution in LPP, it is called as case of ---------
a. Unknown solution
b. Unbounded solution
c. Infeasible solution
d. Improper solution
182.When the feasible region is such that the value of objective function can extended to
infinity, it is called a case of ------------
a. Infeasible region
b. Alternate optimal
c. Unbounded solution
d. Unique solution
183.When the constraints are a mix of ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ it is called a problem
a. Multiple constraints
b. Infinite constraints
c. Infeasible region
d. Mixed constraints
184. In case of an ----------- constraints, the feasible region is a straight line

Question Bank
School of Distance Education

a. Less than or equal to

b. Greater than or equal to
c. Mixed
d. Equal to
185.In linear programming, unbounded solution means --------------
a. Infeasible region
b. Degenerate solution
c. Infinite solution
d. Unique solution

Question Bank
School of Distance Education


1 C 19 D 37 B 55 A 73 B 91 A 109 A 127 A 145 C 163 A

2 C 20 C 38 A 56 B 74 A 92 B 110 B 128 A 146 A 164 C

3 B 21 B 39 A 57 B 75 B 93 A 111 C 129 A 147 A 165 D

4 C 22 C 40 C 58 C 76 A 94 B 112 B 130 B 148 C 166 C

5 B 23 C 41 C 59 B 77 B 95 C 113 B 131 B 149 D 167 A

6 B 24 C 42 C 60 B 78 B 96 A 114 B 132 C 150 C 168 C

7 C 25 A 43 B 61 C 79 A 97 D 115 A 133 A 151 C 169 D

8 C 26 B 44 A 62 B 80 A 98 D 116 B 134 B 152 B 170 B

9 D 27 B 45 A 63 A 81 C 99 C 117 D 135 A 153 A 171 C

10 A 28 A 46 A 64 D 82 B 100 B 118 B 136 B 154 C 172 D

11 B 29 B 47 C 65 B 83 C 101 D 119 C 137 D 155 B 173 D

12 C 30 D 48 B 66 C 84 A 102 C 120 D 138 B 156 C 174 B

13 A 31 B 49 B 67 C 85 B 103 C 121 A 139 A 157 D 175 A

14 B 32 B 50 C 68 A 86 B 104 A 122 B 140 A 158 B 176 C

15 B 33 C 51 B 69 B 87 B 105 D 123 A 141 A 159 D 177 D

16 B 34 A 52 B 70 C 88 A 106 B 124 A 142 C 160 A 178 A

17 C 35 A 53 C 71 C 89 A 107 C 125 C 143 C 161 A 178 D

18 A 36 C 54 A 72 B 90 C 108 A 126 B 144 B 162 A 180 D

181 C 182 C 183 D 184 D 185 C

Quantitative techniques for business-question bank

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