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The Political Self

In his Politics, Aristotle believed that man was a "political animal" because he is a social creature
with the power of speech and moral reasoning.
Politics refers to “the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country
or society.”
It is also defined as “how power is shared in an organization

Politics as imbibed by man implies several things.

First, politics is concerned with power. We observe power inequalities within our societies.

Second, politics is about contexts. The nature of politics and political systems depends on the
state’s culture.


People make decisions that affect all of them as a group. Not all human actions adhere to the
general policy set by the group one is part of. Example: When a motorist decides to use his car
despite not being allowed according to the number coding scheme he is not adhering to the
policy of the government.

POLITICAL CULTURE is the pattern of individual attitudes and orientations toward politics
among members of a political system.


1. Dominance of family ties or kinship system – In local government units such as municipalities
or barangay big clans dominate the political arena. As long as the person is part of a political
dynasty he is found trustworthy by a community.
2. Euphism - Officials and employees in lower positions are not frank or straightforward in
criticizing officials of higher rank. They use parinig instead of confronting the officials to
address the problem.
3. Utang na Loob – Filipinos feel obliged to repay immediately. Citizens disregard the impact of
their votes on the public interest when they elect corrupt officials just because they feel indebted
to them.
4. Sense of overdependency – Some constituents rely on an elected official or a “ patron”
politician for their personal and economic needs.
5. Belief that the majority of politicians are corrupt – The term “buwaya” has been used to
describe corrupt politicians in the Philippines signifying their greed for money and power.
6. Lack of political maturity- People elect officials based on popularity and personality and not on
performance and platform.
Developing Active Citizenship

Active citizenship is a communal system that allows the voluntary freedom of citizens to make
informed choices that allow them to be heard.

Active citizenship is a social construct. It fosters social relatedness and belongingness.

Active citizenship is anchored on our engagement to participate in formal political activities.

Active citizenship enables democracy.
It is also associated with a “sense of community.”

Developing Filipino Identity

Who is considered a Filipino?

The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines tells us who the citizens of the
Philippines are. According to the Constitution, Filipino citizens are:
Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;
Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
Those who are naturalized in accordance with the law.

Ways on How to Acquire Philippine Citizenship

There are two (2) generally recognized forms of acquiring Philippine citizenship:
Jus soli (right of soil) is the legal principle that the place of birth determines a person’s
nationality at birth.

Jus sanguinis (right of blood) is the legal principle that, at birth, an individual acquires the
nationality of his/her natural parent/s.
** Naturalization is the judicial act of adopting a foreigner and clothing him with the privileges
of a native-born citizen.

Filipino Traits and Values

1. The Filipino Hospitality- welcoming guests and tourists as if they are blood-related
2. Respect for Elders- Filipinos greet and address their elders in distinct ways to show respect.
3. Cheerful Personality (Joy and Humor)- Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life.
We have a pleasant, happy disposition. that contributes not only to Filipino charm but also to the
indomitability of spirit.
4. Self-Sacrifice- the giving up of one's interests or wishes to help others
5. The Spirit of Bayanihan- Bayanihan means “being a bayan” and is thus used to refer to the
spirit of communal unity and cooperation
6. “Bahala Na” Culture- “Bahala na” is the Filipino version of the famous line “Hakuna Matata”
meaning no worries.
7. Colonial Mentality- Colonial mentality is regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude that
Filipinos favor foreign products more than their own.
8. Manana Habit- Filipino term for procrastination.
9. Ningas Kugon- “Ningas” is a Filipino term for flame and “kugon” is a term for Cogon grass that
easily burns out after it is put into flames.
10. Pride- A high or inordinate opinion of one's dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as
cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
11. Crab Mentality- Resents the achievement of another, instead of feeling happy for that person.
12. Filipino Time- Arriving late at commitments, classes, dinners or parties especially if they are
meeting someone close to them.


The rights of Filipinos can be found in Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Also
called the Bill of Rights.

These rights are the foundation of our legal system and are in place for the protection of every
citizen of this country.

What are human rights?

It refers to norms that aim to protect people from political, legal, and social abuses. human rights
are a vital component of most modern democracies.

What are the Rights and Duties of a Filipino Citizen?

As to duties, every Filipino citizen is asked to uphold this Constitution, obey the laws of the
land, pay taxes, and cooperate with the duly constituted authorities.

As to rights, every Filipino has the right to use and dispose of his property, the right to practice
one's profession, and the right to make a living. In other words, a Filipino citizen cannot be
deprived of his life, liberty, or property and is given the chance to defend himself.

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