Uniform-Book Review 2023

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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone..My name is .I’m eleven years old

and study in 5 waja,Sekolah Kebangsaan Tandop Besar,Kuala Nerang Kedah. Reading
has become almost everyone hobby and habit. I like reading so much. I can sit for hour
and hour to finishing a great book. There is no better companion than a good book. I
depend on reading to develop my language skills and vocabulary. Beside that, reading
is a good way to relax and reduce stress.

Without future ado,,the book that I want to share is Why Woodpeckers Always Fly High
and Low. The plot of the story has inspired and motivated me. I had read this book more
than 10 times. The publisher of this book is Aneka Publication & Distributors Sdn Bhd. It
published on 2013 and author by Lady Bug.The book consists of 16 pages and very
nice arranging of colourful graphic. Graphic play very important role in this story book
because it easily captured the readers eyes.

So,Let we share the synopsis of this story which will begin as followed. This story is
about woodpecker which called Si Belatuk ,that belongs to Sultan Sulaiman. Si Belatuk
is a faithful and smart bird.Raja Sulaiman want him to deliver the important letter to a
village chief very far from his palace.Si Belatuk quickly took the letter in his beak and
set on his journey.

After travelling for many hours Si Belatuk reached the sea.The sea was very rough
because of the monsoon storm.The waved looked very threatening , but Si Belatuk did
not despair.Si Belatuk fly high and down to safe from the strong winds and also the
fearful waves.After some times,Si Belatuk managed to get across the violent sea and
reach the other side safety.

After a few hours,he faced another challenge from the enemies of Raja Sulaiman.SI
Belatuk knew that the men trying to get the letter ,so he fly very fast and fly high and
down to avoid him from hit by the arrows.He flew with all his mighy and finally managed
to escape from the enemies.

Si Belatuk was relieved that he had come out safely from the dangers and finally
reached his destination.,
The moral that fits this story are :

We need to be responsible with the trust given to us. Try our best to implement it wisely
like the woodpecker who managed to overcome various challenges with full of wisdom
before being able to hand over the letter to the village chief.

Apart from that, we also need to be wise in planning a strategy to achieve something

successful and not give up easily ,like the Woodpecker who does not give up despite

having to face various challenges that can threaten his own life.

In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly
matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about
leaning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something

Therefore, I really enjoy this book. Every child need to read this book, it fun, stretching
just right length, full of adventurous vocabulary and punctuation. In the other hand, it is
the perfect way to get children reading with scientific facts, and glossary. .They are
packed with gorgeous colour illustrations and include questions to help the
understanding of the story.

I hope all of you can get this book because it is informative and perfectly interesting to


That all from me..Thank you..

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