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$47,250 IN 48 HOURS


Read this PDF in its entirety. Discover how to gain access to your secondary
credit profile, which is utilized to obtain loans, credit, and funding. The Law
States; "You are liable for any and all debts incurred using your scn number"
Funds are still available.

Welcome my name is James from US Loan Group. The first thing I want to say
is gaining funding for your CPN/SCN number is one of the best acts of
legislation government passed in the last 75 years.

Having a CPN is a huge responsibility allowing you to access multiple credit

profiles. With this number you are not only given a “second credit profile,” but
you may continue to use this number with your SSN for financial reporting
purposes. The CPN can add an extra layer of protecting, allowing you to keep
your SSN safe from fraud while you use this second credit profile for normal
credits and financial transactions all while keeping your ssn safe from data
breeches and cyber intrusions.

What is a CPN / SCN???

The CPN is a nine-digit identification number that looks like a social security
number (SSNA) and may be used in lieu of an SSN, for such purposes as
financial reporting. The Law States: Credit Privacy Numbers (CPNs) are nine-
digit file numbers that follow the same algorithm as Social Security Account
Numbers (SSANs). Currently, federal law allows individuals to legally use CPNs
for financial reporting and protects those individuals who do not wish to disclose
their SSAN. Individuals who acquire CPNs are completely responsible for any
debt they incur using this number. This is the law. Furthermore; According to
the Privacy Act of 1974, one has the legal right to keep his or her SSN private.
Federal law allows consumers to legally use a separate identification number,
hence the opportunity to establish a CPN for a financial credit reporting. If your
number has been issued by Legal CPN ( )
We know this number is ran through various screening softwares and we know
your number was released specifically designed and matched for you.

The CPN number will allow you to get credit, loans and funding; as well as build
a credit profile in a short amount of time. Depending upon your budget, you may
have 700 to 800 scores in as little as 3 days.Instant credit approvals, and new
credit accounts from building primary tradelines are all added benefits of
establishing your new SCN.


TRI-MERGING YOUR CPN: If you purchased your CPN, and you purchased
your Tri Merged CPN, everything is completed but the only thing “You still need
to do is the 3 hard pulls listed below. Trimerged CPNs are fully indexed within
the system, your CPN profile will be easy to find by the credit bureaus when you
enter your profile into the credit bureau database; but remember, you will need
to perform the 3 hard pulls with any new CPN profile.


Your employment income should always be between $55,000 and $105,000 per
year. DO NOT any income lower than $55,000 a year. For length of time at
employment, put 5 years, minimum; unless you are not old enough to, then
please use the years appropriate for your age, education and length of
TRI-MERGING INSTRUCTIONS: (If you have a Tri merged Cpn “You still need
to do the 3 hard pulls) Our Tri Merged Cpn's were indexed using Lexus Nexis,
Safe Scan, Experian, Exquifax and Trans Union. Your cpn will be easy for these
bureaus to find when you enter your profile into the credit bureaus; so please be
consistent when inputing your information. The most effective way to
accomplishing this task is purchasing a Tri-Merged CPN.


Add Primary Tradelines to your CPN. You can do this while or before you index
your CPN number. If you want a solid CPN that you can use for many many
years, this is a very important step. The Bottomline: “You need primary

19 total approvals with 15 SUBs for himself and direct family / mom, dad,

1. 4 Citibank Cards ( $15,700 in total limits)

2. 3 Bilt Cards ($17,000 in total limits)

3. CLI on X1 card from $7.5k to $12.5k

4. 3 Choice Privilege Cards & 1 Select Choice Wells Fargo Cards ( $14,500
in total limits)

5. 4 Autograph Cards ($24,000 in total limits)

6. 1 Embark ($5,500)

7. 1 US bank Connect ($500)

8. 2 GM Marcus Employee Cards

9. 1 Home Advisor Synchrony Credit Card ($11,000)

This was all just done in the last 4 weeks, $88,200 in fresh new credit! (video
coming soon) Collectively now helped his family get $100,000s in credit funding
in just the last 12 months or so.
This program is not intended to be used as a method of defrauding banks, creditors, or any other Organization
that requires your social security number as identification. This program is not a method to avoid paying your
existing or future debts. If you created the debt, you are responsible to repay that debt. However, we will not
support, facilitate, nor condone any fraudulent activity. The information here is informational purposes only and
for you to use at your own risk. We are not lawyers or any legal services. Nor are we licensed financial advisers;
and any information given is purely what we’ve seen work, and is our opinion on how to properly use your
CPN/SCN Profile. Please consult your local and national laws for more information. Please do your own
research. We have a non refund policy because of the work needed to give you the info IF your number is not
“working,” contact us, we will validate your claim, and we will generate a new number at no cost for the first one.

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