Digital Fooprint

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Aaron Celcis

Professor Name


10 September 2019

Digital Footprint

When I googled my name I found a lot of basketball stuff about me. I found my Instagram and

my twitter on it as well. I also found my old instagram from like middle school which was a little

cringe and shocking that it was still up there for all these years. I realized that whatever accounts

I made will always be up on the internet and people can just search to see and find it. Things that

were good when I searched my name was my basketball accounts and videos. They had my

highlights from highschool and when I use to play basketball on my cyo team in maryland.They

had when I was free throw champion in the 3rd grade. They also had my most recent highschool

accolades like all miaa a and all baltimore county this past year. This could get me exposure to

getting recruited when a coach wants to search my name they see all my game film and stats I

put up in highschool. Also my twitter and instagram they can see my content I post or retweet

and see if I am a good fit for their school or not. I would like to change or delete my old accounts

like my old facebook and instagram. Not because there is anything bad on it just like old cringe

pictures of me posing in hats and things of that nature, but just because it is old and I have

changed from the cubby 6th grader to a college student now and my life has changed drastically

from the. In the future I will realize that the stuff I post now when I become older I think can I

show this to my kids or if I get a job can my boss look my name up and see my profiles can he

hire me and be proud that I work for him or her and not be ashamed if I go out one weekend I

won't just post whatever on the internet to see. That I would make more mature decisions that

won't hurt me in the long run in life. I have learned a lot from just looking myself up on google. I

see how I use to be as a younger individual and I can see how I have grown over the years for the

better. I hope I can look back on my accounts now when I am older and see growth and not have

someone turn me away because of my profiles but to hire me because of them.

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