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Mohammad Rayhan Nasif

Offering B – S1 Manajemen


Hi, I'm Mohammad Rayhan Nasif, the first child who wasn't so
naughty and who really likes music and design. I like music and I am
also a guitarist in an underground band called "Redemption". Apart
from liking music, I also like designing because I major in graphic
design, so I often design stickers and posters for myself and my band.
I want to be a great and famous guitarist and designer, but I also want
to be a successful businessman, I want to have a design studio and a
music studio.
I entered the management department because I was in the wrong
department, Initially I wanted to in visual communication design
departement but I didn't get in because I made the wrong choice, the
visual communication design departement should have been the first
choice, instead I made the management departement the first choice,
but its okay. I will study this management department diligently and I
think this management department is interesting and exciting, even
though it's a bit difficult because of many things I've never learned
My goal now is to make my parents happy by graduating on time and
becoming an outstanding student. What I will do after I graduate is I
will do business like a freelance designer or I might build a culinary
business and also continue my hobby, its music, by creating new song
albums and this band will tour throughout Indonesia and hopefully
throughout the world and my band can be recognized throughout the

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