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U2A1 Worksheet #2: Connections-Points-Questions

1. Read each of the perspectives from Canadians across the country as they react to the announcement of Canada’s entry into WWI.
2. In the first column, identify factual information about the source.
3. In the connections column, make connections between your criteria for progress and the historical perspective. Also, try your best to
make a connection between the perspective and the influences behind it.
4. In the points column, identity the most important points from the primary source that identify whether Canada’s entry into WWI
represents progress for that particular Canadian.
5. In the questions column, identify any questions you have after reading through the historical perspective and the criteria you set.
You may want to add new criteria for progress based on the questions you have.
-whose perspective is represented? -using your criteria, does Canada’s -what are the most important points -what questions do you have about
-what is his/her reaction to war? entry into WWI represent progress or from the primary source that provide this perspective and/or source? Did
-where is this person from? decline for this person/group? evidence of whether progress is being you question your criteria? Make
-what influences the perspective of made? additions or adjustments to your
the source? criteria here.

Remember to save this file to your records! You will need to submit it for the final assessment for Unit 2 Activity 1. .

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