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This is the list of 78 Kanji characters you need to learn for the Japanese

Language Proficiency Test level N5

1.母 (bo): mother

2.聞 (bun): hear, ask, listen
3.長 (chou): long, leader, superior, senior
4.中 (chuu): in, inside, middle, center
5.円 (en): circle, yen, round
6.大 (dai): large, big
7.男 (dan): male
8.電 (den): electricity
9.土 (do): soil, earth, ground, Turkey
10.読 (doku): read
11.父 (fu): father
12.外 (gai): outside
13.学 (gaku): study, learning, science
14.月 (getsu): month, moon
15.後 (go): behind, back, later
16.五 (go): five
17.午 (go): noon, sign of the horse
18.語 (go): word, speech, language
19.八 (hachi): eight, eight radical
20.白 (haku): white
21.半 (han): half, middle, odd number,
22.北 (hoku): north
23.百 (hyaku): hundred
24.本 (hon): book, present, main,origin
25.時 (ji): time, hour
26.人 (jin): person
27.女 (jo): woman, female
28.上 (jou): above, up
29.十 (juu): ten
30.火 (ka): fire
31.下 (ka): below, down, descend,low,
32.何 (ka): what
33.間 (kan): interval, space
34.見 (ken): see, hopes, chances, idea,
35.気 (ki): spirit, mind, air,mod,
36.金 (kin): gold
37.古 (ko): old
38.校 (kou): exam, school, printing,
39.国 (koku): country
40.今 (kon): now
41.高 (kou): tall, high, expensive
42.行 (kou): going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
43.休 (kyuu): rest, day off, retire, sleep
44.九 (kyuu): nine
45.毎 (mai): every
46.万 (man): ten thousand
47.名 (mei): name, noted, distinguished, reputation
48.南 (nan): south
49.年 (nen): year, counter for years
50.二 (ni): two, two radical
51.日 (nichi): day, sun, Japan, counter for days
52.入 (nyuu): enter, insert
53.来 (rai): come, due, next, cause, become
54.六 (roku): six
55.左 (sa): left
56.三 (san): three
57.山 (san): mountain
58.書 (sho): write
59.生 (sei): life, genuine, birth
60.西 (sei): west, Spain
61.先 (sen): before, ahead, previous, future, precedence
62.川 (sen): stream, river
63.千 (sen): thousand
64.車 (sha): car
65.四 (shi): four
66.子 (shi): child, sign of the rat
67.七 (shichi): seven
68.食 (shoku): eat, food
69 小 (shou): little, small
70.出 (shutsu): exit, leave, go out, come out, put out
71.水 (sui): water
72.天 (ten): heavens, sky, imperial
73.東 (tou): east
74.雨 (u): rain
75.話 (wa): tale, talk
76.友 (yuu): friend
77.右 (yuu): right
78.前 (zen): in front, before

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