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STD : VIII SUB. Mathematics

1) The marked price of a frock is Rs. 220. A discount of 20%. is announced on

sales what is the amount of discount on it and its sale price

2) A table marked at Rs 15000 is available at Rs 14000. Find the discount given

and the discount percent.

3) An almirah is sold at Rs 5225 after allowing a discount of 5% Find its marked


4) Sohan bought a second hand refrigerator for Rs 2500, then spent Rs 500 on
its repairs and sold it for Rs 3300. Find his loss or gain percent.

5) Meenu bought two fans for Rs 1200 each she sold one at a loss of 5% and the
other at a profit of 10%. Find the selling price of each.Also find the total profit
or loss.

6) A shopkeeper bought two TV sets at Rs 10000 each. He sold one at a profit

of 10% and other at the loss of 5 %. Find whether he made an overall profit or loss.

7). The Cost of a pair of Roller skates at a shop was Rs 450. The sales tax
charged was 5% Find the bill amount.

8) Viraj bought an Air cooler for Rs 3300 including a tax of 10%. Find the price
of the Air Cooler before VAT was added

9) Salim bought an article for Rs 784 which included GST of 12%. What is the
price of the article before GST was added.

10) An item marked at Rs 840 is sold for Rs 714. What is the discount and
discount percent.

NOTE : Solve the above worksheet in worksheet notebook and submit the
notebook on 24th November.

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