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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus
Tagbilaran City

VISION: A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and virtue-laden human resource for
sustainable development of Bohol and the country
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in
the professional and technological fields, undertake research and development and extension services for
the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

"Sands of Time Echoing Uzbekistan's Spirit"

In Uzbekistan's embrace, where history weaves,

Silk Road whispers through ancient eaves.
Tashkent's heartbeat in the arid breeze,
Turquoise domes and tales that never cease.

Bazaars alive with vibrant hues,

Spices dance, a fragrant muse.
Fields of cotton stretch wide and far,
Nature's canvas beneath the star.

Bukhara's walls, Khiva's ancient rhyme,

Uzbekistan's essence, a timeless chime.
Fergana's embrace, traditions unfold,
A story told in threads of gold.

Group 2: Members

Busalanan, Mary Grace

Castro, Daphne
Gabaisen, Ella
Sagetarios, Karen
Sarabia, Lea
Tabugoc, Glory Mae
Taguic, Princess Psyche
Taray, Nazarine Jade

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