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Ex 1: Read the following passage and Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is suitable
for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner, Hatha
Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase
strength through using more of your own body’s resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you. Whether you
prefer you're at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge variety of
options available to suit your goals and needs.
Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you
probably won’t be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and
eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is built to reinforce the
muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from which everything else operates.
When the core is working properly, posture is improved, thus alleviating back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back
pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with
flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your
circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better
as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated
blood to flow in once the twist is released.
Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to greater levels of
happiness and better immune function.
1. Yoga is a very convenient type of exercise because _______.
A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it
B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle
C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength
D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session
2. According to yoga’s principles, the spine is of great importance because _____ .
A. when the spine is working properly, postures will become possible
B. seemingly impossible poses will become possible
C. it is the center of your body, from which other muscles operate
D. we can avoid back, shoulder, and neck pain
3. In order to build strong muscles, _____.
A. we build strength with high expenses at the gym
B. we don’t pay any attention to our appearance
C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine
D. we can have strength with flexibility through yoga
4. Yoga can improve our circulation because _______.
A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal organs
B. it helps us to perform twisting poses more easily
C. we can have more relaxation exercises
D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others
5. The word “alleviating” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. keeping B. relieving C. worsening D. boosting
Ex 2: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient's skin at specific points on the
body, and the needles are inserted to various depths. The medical community is not in conclusive agreement
about how acupuncture works scientifically. However, we know that it does have some therapeutic benefits,
including pain relief.
According to WHO, acupuncture is effective for treating 28 conditions, while evidence indicates it may
have an effective therapeutic value for many more. People with tension, headaches or migraines may find
acupuncture to be very effective in alleviating their symptoms. Another study found that twice weekly
acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of zerostomia - severe dry mouth - among patients
treated with head and neck cancer.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the
complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force known as chi or qi. Qi is said to flow through
pathways in the human body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body, these pathways and energy flows
may be accessed. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted
into these points with appropriate combinations, it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper
In Western societies and several other parts of the world, acupuncture is explained, including concepts of
neuroscience. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and
connective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture practitioners say that the stimulation increases blood flow
while at the same time triggering the activity of our own body's natural painkillers.
1. In acupuncture, the insertion of the very thin needles involve with______ .
A. the thinness of needles and skin C. therapeutic benefits of pain relief
B. agreement from scientists D. the locations, and the depths
2. It is thought that acupuncture is effective in treating all of the following symptoms EXCEPT ______.
A. headaches B. cancer C. migraines D. nervousness
3. With the practice of acupuncture, it is believed that _______ .
A. the energy flow can be brought back to patients
B. energy can go through acupuncture points in the body
C. patients can get proper balance between yin and yang
D. illness causes the imbalance of qi throughout the body
4. According to Western medicine, the insertion of needles through acupuncture points in the body
A. increase blood flow and stimulate our instinct of pain relief
B. stimulate the effect of painkillers in our bodies for treatment
C. be used only in China and the Far East not the Western countries
D. help to explain where nerves and muscles can be stimulated
5. The word “triggering” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. causing a device to start operating C. causing something to explode
B. making something happen suddenly D. making something develop very quickly
Ex 3: Read the passage below and then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that fits best for the gap.
Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body and the mind. We all want to keep fit and look good,
but too many of us take (1) ___________ the wrong sport and quickly lose interest. So now fitness experts
are advising people to choose an activity that matches their character.
For instance, those (2)______________ like to be with other people often enjoy golf or squash, or playing
for a basketball, football or hockey team. (3) _____________, you may prefer to go jogging or swimming if
you’re happier on your own.
Do you like competition? Then try something like running, or a racket sport such as tennis. If, on the
other hand, (4) _____________isn’t important to you, then activities like dancing can be an
enjoyable (5)______________ without the need to show you’re better than everyone else.
Finally, think about whether you find it easy to make yourself do exercise. If so, sports like weight
training at home and cycling are fine. If not, book a skiing holiday, Taekwondo lessons, or a tennis court.
You’re much more likely to do something you’ve already paid for!
1. A down B out C in D up
2. A who B whose C which D what
3. A therefore B thus C however D while
4. A winners B winning C win D won
5. A challenge B victory C defeat D Score

Unit 2:
Ex 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
People talk about the generation gap as a kind of division between young people and their parents. It is
something which is generally a problem when children enter their teenage years, and (1)______ in complaints
on both side. Parents, for example, can often be heard to say that young people are (2)______ and disobedient
and in addition tend to be irresponsible when spending because they don’t appreciate the (3)______ of money.
Adolescents, on the other hand. complain that their parents don’t understand them.
What has gone wrong? One explanation (4)______ in how society has changed. In the past, children
would typically continue the way of life of their parents. In today’s world. parents are very (5)______ for
their children because they want them to achieve more than they did. The problem is that the children often
don’t agree with their parents’ plans. Teenagers also reach maturity at an earlier age than they used to and
want their independence sooner. The resulting conflict is painful to both sides.
1. A. leads B. brings C. results D. contributes
2. A. disrespected B. disrespectful C. disrespectable D. disrespecting
3. A. cost B. worth C. value D. amount
4. A. puts B. stays C. lies D. comes
5. A. ambitious B. demanding C. required D. expectant
Ex 2: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
It is generally accepted that teenage is a difficult period of life for the teenagers and even for the parents.
Frequent fighting over the most trivial things is one main characteristic of every household with a teenager.
Parents expect their children to come back home earlier. What parents consider the reasonable time limit is
not accepted by their teens. Curfew and time restrictions become one of the main reasons for conflicts.
Teenage is a time when a lot of kids want to show their independence. The problem arises when parents,
fearing the safety of their teens, often refuse to give them their own bikes or motorbikes. This, of course, leads
to more disagreements.
A decrease in grades due to increasing difficulty level of school work, newer subjects, more socializing is very
common among teens but their parents are not sympathetic. Parents try to impose studying rules and insist
that their teens finish their homework before going out. This makes the situation worse.
That children spend too much time on the phone is one complaint that most parents have. The age of
smartphones has ensured that kids put their smartphones above almost everything else. Parents, however,
worry that teens spending too much time on their phones lose out on family time and real human interaction,
besides harming their eyes.
Teenagers develop a taste for unhealthy but delicious fast food, while parents believe that a growing body
needs proper nutrition. As cold drinks, burgers and pizzas replace wholesome, home cooked meals, parents
worry. Moreover, teenage is a time when kids become more and more conscious of their weight and body
image. To achieve the ‘ideal’ thin body type, girls often starve themselves and skip meals. Of course, this also
leads to a lot of arguments between parents who try to convince their daughters that proper meals are more
important than being thin.
1. Teenage is a difficult period of life for both the teenagers and the parents because _____________.
A. children always do the most trivial things in every household
B. parents expect their children to come back home as they would like to
C. children spend too much time on their phones, talking to their friends
D. parents don’t understand what their children think and believe
2. Children would like to have their own bikes or motorbikes _______________.
A. to satisfy their parents
B. to show their independence
C. lose out on family time and real human interaction
D. to avoid curfew and time restrictions
3. All of the following are the results why there is a decrease in grades EXCEPT _______________.
A. sympathy from parents B. newer subjects
C. higher level of school work D. social life
4. Parents believe that _______________.
A. teenagers love unhealthy but delicious fast food
B. children should have a good shape rather than proper nutrition
C. a growing body requires proper diets and nutrients
D. cold drinks, burgers and pizzas become more popular
5. The main idea of the passage is.
A. different tastes between parents and children in food
B. common reasons why teenagers fight with parents
C. curfew and time restriction on children
D. development of physical and mental aspects during teenage
Ex 3: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Generation Gap: Causes and Solutions
Parents have a common complaint that their children after a certain age tend to disrespect them. They look for
more freedom and enjoy the company of their friends rather than staying at home. These all are the changes
when the kids grow from teenagers to adulthood. This is the time when they want to be treated as big but the
parents still consider them small. They want to take their own decisions but they can’t because parents are
there to take any important decisions about their children. So, these issues sometimes create a problem and
this is when the generation gap comes in.
There are lots of activities which interest the kids more but parents are not willing with it. Instead of arguing
with children and avoiding the discussion, it will be good that parents take a step forward and talk to their
Parents are the best friend of their children as they act as both good parents and friends. As parents have spent
a large amount of their time with their kids, so it is necessary that parents understand what their children are
saying and how it can affect their life. Any suggestions coming from parents can never be wrong, so teenagers
should trust in them as they always want their children to progress in life.
Communication is the best way to bridge the gap and find a perfect solution. Parents should sit with their
children and talk about their needs so that parents know their children’s expectations. Parents can also listen to
their problems and look for a solution which is best for them. Parents mustn’t force them to do anything
without interest but make them aware of their duties so that they do it willingly. As you are dealing with
teenagers, you need to keep yourself in their situation and then think about it.
If parents feel that their children are disrespecting, they then tell that if their children want respect, they need
to give it to other people too. This is a lifetime lesson which they need to learn as it is not limited to their
home but also when they go out and work in any organization.
Children must understand their limitations. If they go beyond that, it will be difficult for them. It is the duty of
the parents that they make their kids understand their limitation and define a boundary for them. This is done
for the benefit of the children so that they know what is right and what is wrong for them.
31. One of the main reasons for the generation gap is that ______________.
A. children can make their own decisions
B. children were not able to make their own decisions
C. the problems of the generation gap to be small
D. children are being treated as a child
32. Teenagers should trust their parents because ______________.
A. parents are their best friends and they always want their children to make progress
B. children understand what they are saying and what can affect their life
C. parents always treat their children as they are still young, and listen to them
D. parents have spent a large amount of their time at work and at home with their kids
33. In order to bridge the generation gap, one can do all of the following EXCEPT ______________.
A. parents should have chats with their children to know their children’s expectations
B. parents should listen to their children’s problems and look for a solution
C. parents don’t have to force their children to do anything without interest
D. parents should make their children aware of their duties so that they do it willingly
34. In order to solve the problem of disrespect from children, parents should show that ___________.
A. children should go out more often and work in any organization
B. if children want respect, they need to show it to their parents too
C. parents are not willing with their children’s inappropriate activities
D. parents are there to take any important decisions about their children
35. One of the solutions to the problem of the generation gap is that ______________.
A. parents make their children know their limitations and their own boundary
B. parents must understand their limitations and define a boundary for them
C. children should know what is right and what is wrong for both parents and children
D. children realized that if parents go beyond their limitations they’ll have problems

Ex 1. Read the following passage and circle A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
As more and more people concentrate in cities, planners are looking for ways to transform cities into better
living spaces, (1) ________can be done by improving existing infrastructure while also creating more public
(2) ________ that are both beautiful and green. This can be hard to accomplish, especially in cities with a
haphazard fashion. Some cities have been created with the idea of a green city as the goal. One such city,
Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, aims to become a model for (3) ________cities to follow. It is being
known as a truly green city that relies strictly on renewable sources such as solar energy to provide all of its
energy needs. (4) ________, it will be a zero waste city in which everything that is used can be recycled.
Whether it will truly accomplish its goal remains to be seen, but it will also act as an experiment
for environmentally friendly areas to be tested.
1. A. which B. why C. when D. that
2. A. rooms B. spaces C. places D. breaks
3. A. every B. one C. another D. other
4. A. However B. Although C. Therefore D. In addition
Ex 2: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Predictions about the Cities of the Future
Cities are built to survive and prosper. Over the years, we have learned to transform our surroundings
according to our needs. We have cut through mountains to make more land and created artificial islands to
make skyscrapers. City planning, as an organized profession, has existed for less than a century. However, a
considerable amount of evidence (both archaeological and historical) proves the existence of fully planned
cities in ancient times. Over the years, humans have made some mistakes in terms of using an excessive
amount of resources for cities. This gives rise to the question of how sustainable the cities of the future would
We might be looking at smart cities in which street lights would only switch on when you are close by and
traffic light would be eliminated by smart driving. The cities of the future would try to save our resources
rather than deplete them.
An example of an advanced city is Kansas. Plans are in place to make Kansas a smart futuristic city in the
future. Planners are considering introducing sensors to monitor the water mains. Warning would be issued to
city officials when the infrastructure requires repair or replacement. In this way, the city would never be at
risk of having broken pipes.
While the idea sounds fantastic, a large amount of rational critique has called this plan an oversold dream.
Amy Glasmier is an urban planning professor at MIT. She is a smart city skeptic who believes that all the
research and talk is great but gravely oversold.
36. City planning is thought _____________.
A. to have become a profession for about a hundred years
B. to have existed professionally since ancient times
C. to have come into existence to transform nature
D. to make more land and created artificial islands to make skyscrapers
37. The most important task in building is _____________.
A. to use an excessive amount of resources for cities
B. to raise the question about the future
C. to make cities in the future sustainable
D. to make future cities more organized
38. All of the following statements may be true about smart cities EXCEPT that _____________.
A. street lights automatically switch on when necessary
B. traffic light would be controlled by smart driving
C. smart driving wouldn’t need traffic light
D. cities in the future would conserve energy
39. The residents in Kansas would not be worried about water in the future because _____________.
A. the infrastructure requires no repair or replacement
B. the city will never have broken water pipes
C. city officials often repair or replace the water mains
D. there may be no disruption to water supply
40. The attitude of Amy Glasmier towards smart cities is _____________.
A. supportive B. doubtful C. indifferent D. disgusting
Ex 3: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Today’s urban cities are practically bursting at the seams. According to research from the United Nations, 54
percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a percentage that is expected to increase to over 66
percent by 2050. In fact, India alone is projected to add 404 million urban dwellers to its population by 2050.
This rapid growth of the urban population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as
overcrowded roads, excessive energy consumption and unemployment. Therefore, to build more sustainable
cities and accommodate the growing number of residents, many city leaders are turning to the Internet of
Things (IoT).
The IoT has forever changed the way urban cities operate. Cities that were once detached and inaccessible are
now intelligent and highly connected. From Amsterdam to Seoul, cities are launching smart city projects to
help improve quality of life for residents and better support the environment. According to research from IBS
Technology, there will be at least 88 smart cities globally by 2025, up from 21 in 2013.
San Francisco, for example, provides more than 100 charging stations in various locations to promote the use
of hybrid and electric cars to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Copenhagen is also taking advantage
of the IoT to improve environmental protection and reduce road traffic by developing smart bikes equipped
with sensors that generate data on air contamination and traffic congestion.
The possibilities afforded by the IoT are endless; however, designing smart cities requires comprehensive
technology infrastructure that is capable of capturing and processing large amounts of data quickly and
securely - which is where 4G LTE comes into play.
The future looks bright for urban cities. Soon they will be able to do things that only sci-fi enthusiasts could
dream of before, like monitoring bridge conditions using intelligent sensors and conserving energy by
automatically dimming street lights when no one is around.
36. Today’s urban cities ______________.
A. account for 66 percent of the world’s population
B. have more 404 million dwellers by 2050
C. are in fact extremely crowded
D. are bursting around the world
37. The Internet of Things allows the city planners and leaders ______________.
A. to stop the rapid growth of the urban population in most cities
B. to make cities more sustainable and provide enough accommodation
C. to develop the broadband Internet connectivity in urban cities
D. to forget daunting problems, such as overcrowded roads, and unemployment
38. All of the following are the advantages of the IoT EXCEPT that ______________.
A. cities around the world become more intelligent and connected
B. we may improve quality of life and better support the environment
C. the Internet of Things will be applied in several cities around the world
D. the number of smart cities decreases but the quality is much better
39. Some cities which follow this trend of the new technology ______________.
A. make transportation more eco-friendly and more convenient
B. only allow the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce pollution
C. introduce smart bikes to escape air contamination and traffic congestion
D. provide charging stations in various locations for cars and bikes
40. The potential of the IoT includes all of the following EXCEPT that ______________.
A. things that only sci-fi enthusiasts could dream of before come true
B. comprehensive technology infrastructure to support the IoT is endless
C. intelligent sensors can help watch and check bridge conditions carefully
D. energy conservation can be done by automatically controlling street lights

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