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She fell first, but he fell harder.

In the world of hearts entwined,

We witness a tale, both cruel and kind,

She fell first, a gentle descent,

But he, oh, he fell harder, with wild intent.

Like autumn leaves cascading down,

Her heart flowed slowly, without a sound,

Her heart aflutter, a gentle crush,

In delicate bloom of love’s hush.

He stumbled upon her delicate grace,

Captivated by her enchanting embrace,

A whirlwind of emotions, he could not deny,

Her temptation he cannot defy.

She, a fragile bud, blooming in time,

Unaware of his love's ardent climb,

But he, oh, he fell harder, consumed by desire,

Fuelling a flame that burned like wildfire.

His heart, a turmoil, raging within,

A torrent of passion, a loud din,

He surrendered willingly to love's allure,

While she, with caution, remained demure.

In his eyes, she was the moon's sweet glow,

A luminescence kept his nights aglow,

Yet she kept her heart a secret, a fortress strong,

Unaware of the tempest that raged so long.

With each passing seconds, his love grew deep,

While she, hesitant, her secrets to keep,

He showered her with affection's rain,

While she, elusive, tried to refrain.

But fate's strings, pulled by those who play,

Unveiled truths in an unexpected way,

She saw the depth of his love, sincere,

And her heart shook, consumed by fear.

For she fell first, in a gentle and hesitant sway,

But he fell harder, for come what may,

Now their hearts clashed, a collision profound,

As the symphony of love echoed all around.

She realized, in his eyes so clear,

The love she craved, the love she deared,

And in that moment, walls came undone,

Two souls, intertwined, forever as one.

In the realm of hearts entwined, they stand,

Hand in hand, united by love's demand,

For she fell first, but he fell harder,

They dance, with love’s eternal ardour.

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