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Introduction 3

The New Event Landscape 4

Event Formats 5

Finding Value and ROI 7

Value-based Ticketing and Pricing 9

Conclusion 12

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 2

Introduction Organizations are excited to make the most of opportunities in the new event
landscape. Yet, they must choose from a dizzying array of formats, ticketing
options, and pricing strategies.

Events remain a great way to engage with customers, partners, and prospects. But
how do you create an event that generates the most value for your business? How
do you price it so that people will pay the right amount without leaving money on
the table?

This guide takes an in-depth look at ticketing and pricing strategies for virtual,
in-person, and hybrid events. You’ll learn about the benefits and limitations of
each format as well as how to structure tickets and prices to deliver the value that
attendees and sponsors want.

Let’s begin with a look at the new event landscape.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 3

The New Event Landscape
Make the most of new opportunities to create and capture value

Although the pandemic has made it more challenging to monetize Yet, with new models and methods comes some confusion and many
events, organizations are finding innovative ways to drive value. On questions:
the one hand, planners and marketers are struggling to recoup costs
in a world where many events are not only virtual but free. At the • What kind of registration types should you offer?
same time, the tectonic shift to virtual and hybrid events brings the
• How much should you charge?
opportunity to reach more attendees than ever.
Section 1

• Should you tailor price points for different audiences?

This new event landscape has changed how organizations and • Can you still make money on free events?
professionals plan, market, and sell their events. However, some • How can you prove ROI?
things remain unchanged. It is still critical to know your customers
deeply and tailor your value proposition to them. Understanding This ebook will help you answer the questions above and more.
your audience’s challenges, motivations, and aspirations is the key to Let’s dive in.
engagement, revenue, and more.

Now, with unprecedented access to new and larger audiences,

event marketers have a chance to rethink their strategies around
monetization and develop new ways of creating and capturing value.
There are now more opportunities than ever for event planners to
think beyond ticket sales and recognize the hidden value within
their events.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 4

Event Formats
Understand the benefits and limitations of virtual, in-person, and hybrid events

Events have evolved into three distinct formats: virtual, in-person, Virtual Events Offer More Breadth, Less Depth
and hybrid. Understanding the benefits and limitations of each event
format helps you contextualize the potential value you can deliver to
attendees, sponsors, and your organization. You can then translate
that value into ticketing and pricing that is right for your event.
Section 2

The two key factors to weigh when considering event formats are
the depth of engagement you can create and the breadth of your
potential audience. Let’s explore what that looks like for each
event format.

Virtual events
Virtual events can provide exponential reach and scale. They are
powerful tools to attract attendees from a variety of backgrounds,
roles, and functions—thousands of people can attend an event from
all across the globe. They also offer organizations the opportunity to
extend the value of event content beyond the event itself.

While the audience may be larger, virtual events have less depth
of engagement than in-person events. People may multitask,
direct connections can be harder to forge, and attention spans are
limited. The audience may be less willing to pay for the event since
their commitment to the experience is lower than if they were to
attend in person.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 5

In-person events Hybrid events
In-person events are a tried and true format and will continue to Hybrid events provide planners the best of both worlds. Combining
be a staple in event programs. By nature, they foster meaningful virtual and in-person formats offers a depth of engagement in person
relationships with and among attendees and sponsors. These while reaching a broad audience virtually. The result is a flexible
relationships can lead to stronger business partnerships and experience for any attendee, with more ticketing options.
lasting connections between people who share an experience at
the same venue. The challenge is to deliver value to all attendee groups since virtual
and in-person experiences will be unique. Producing effective hybrid
In-person events offer greater depth of engagement with a more events increases complexity and requires more resources. At the
limited breadth of engagement—as they are limited only to those same time, planners can tailor event content to each audience to
who can make the trip. The audience is typically more willing to maximize both engagement and ROI.
pay for a ticket to attend in person for the depth of engagement
the event will provide. Hybrid events also provide flexible ticketing options depending on
the experience an individual chooses. For example, some in-person
In Person Events Offer More attendees of a hybrid event may be willing to pay a higher price for
Depth, Less Breadth access to on-demand content to complement their onsite experience.

Hybrid Events Maximize Breadth and Depth

Now that you understand the benefits and limitations of virtual,

in-person, and hybrid events, you can think about finding and
creating value for attendees, sponsors, and your organization.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 6

Finding Value and ROI
Think beyond ticket sales to maximize value and ROI

To price and ticket your event optimally, you must first define its There are many things beyond direct revenue that impact how much
value—for attendees, sponsors, and the organization itself. You money an event will make. It can take time for these to come to
can then maximize that value by mapping it to relevant attendee, fruition, but it’s important to include them in ROI.
sponsor, and organizational goals. Maximizing value leads to higher
ROI for your organization and a more rewarding experience for For a comprehensive guide to understanding, measuring, and proving
your audiences. ROI, get your free copy of Cvent’s Essential Guide to Event ROI.
Section 3

ROI is more than ticket sales Remember to view value through the eyes of
Many organizations focus on ticket sales as the key driver of ROI, all key stakeholders
but ticket sales are just one slice of a much larger ROI pie. Cvent While you can highlight event value in objective terms (e.g., number
has identified five benefits that contribute to event ROI: and type of sessions, speakers, exhibitors), what matters most is how
• Direct revenue - Ticket sales, sponsorships, advertising, your stakeholders perceive the event. Imagine yourself in the shoes
merchandise sales, exhibitors, government grants of attendees, sponsors, and internal stakeholders. By asking about
their needs and desires before and after the event, you will discover
• Attributed revenue - Revenue after the event that was influenced
how your event can help them succeed and achieve their goals.
by product demos or interaction with sales staff during the event

• Attributed sales pipeline - Leads and opportunities generated at the To expand your thinking and uncover hidden value, answer the
event that eventually become sales following questions with as much detail as possible:
• Brand equity - Attendees’ positive experience and impression of • What will attendees get out of the event?
the brand as it relates to the event • What are the benefits to sponsors?
• Knowledge exchange - Information and insight shared between • How does this event bring value to the business or organization?
customers, prospects, and the organization

When assessing the full value of your events, you must look at all the
benefits they provide to the organization along with the costs.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 7

Attendee-focused value
Be sure to factor intangible benefits, knowledge exchange, sales
The best way to maximize value for attendees is by understanding
pipeline, and attributed revenue into the equation when looking for
their interests and motivations. Use historical data, surveys, feedback
hidden value.
forms, interviews, and other tools to help you craft the most valuable
attendee experience—from the first moment they interact with
Once you have defined what value means to each group, you can
your brand to the moment they leave your event. Look for ways to
use this information to build value propositions that are unique,
address their pain points and provide value through education,
authentic, and compelling. By focusing on value for all three groups,
entertainment, networking, high-touch support, status, convenience,
you can price your event accordingly and maximize ROI.
or other business benefits.

Sponsor-focused value
Sponsors support events when they help their organizations achieve
higher goals, such as increasing revenue, driving sales leads, position-
ing them as leaders in their industries, or gaining media exposure.
The best way to find hidden value is by understanding sponsors’
business needs—e.g., building brand awareness, increasing reach or
engagement, strengthening loyalty with existing customers, acquiring
new customers, or raising funds.

Organization-focused value
Find internal value by aligning your event to your organization’s key
business objectives. For example, if the company’s goal is to build
a sales pipeline, an event may aim to gather leads from qualified
prospects. If its goal is to drive revenue, an event may target existing
customers with a high-value item or service they can purchase onsite.

Internal goals are not always related to direct revenue or ticket

sales. An event’s purpose could be to enhance brand identity and
awareness, showcase product innovations, or highlight corporate culture.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 8

Value-based Ticketing
& Pricing
Structure tickets and prices to deliver the value attendees and sponsors want

Now that you’ve defined the value you want to provide, let’s look at Example tiered pricing for a virtual event:
how value-based ticketing and pricing can help you translate that • Free tickets include access to view digital plenary session
Section 4

value into packages attendees and sponsors will love. content only.
• Paid tickets include access to all digital content, including
Ticket price is not just about calculating costs and adding a profit
plenaries, keynote speakers, etc., and access to programming
margin; it’s also about how much people want what you’re selling. A
recordings after the event is over.
value-based ticketing strategy finds ways to ensure each buyer’s per-
ceived value of the experience equals or exceeds the price they pay. • VIP paid tickets include all of the above, plus a voucher for a local
meal delivery service to bring you lunch, a coffee shop gift card, a
Perceived value is the impression that a person forms about your seat at the breakout session tables, and a discount coupon for 25%
event’s worth based on their perspective. It exists only in people’s off VIP registration at a future event.
minds—as you solve their biggest problems or satisfy their most
important desires, perceived value goes up. Let’s explore some Premium content
techniques that can influence perceived value, and consequently, Differentiate your event by offering exclusive content that costs
ticket demand and price. more to produce. Gate this high-value content behind the paywall.
In this scenario, perhaps plenary sessions are all-access, but more
Flexible pricing niche or specific content requires an upgrade. This approach lets you
Use a tiered pricing system to add flexibility to your events. Offer grant high-value attendees access to content more suited for their
packages ranging from free to super-premium. Meet the audiences needs while still satisfying more budget-conscious attendees with
where their pocketbooks are and where they’re willing to invest— standard content.
maintaining reach but also earning depth of engagement. Tiered
pricing helps you find the right balance of supply and demand and
match ticket costs to perceived value levels.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 9

The vast majority of event attendees join for the educational VIP experiences
experience. By offering a variety of course levels for content, you
Give super-premium ticket holders access to exclusive experiences
can intermix free and paid programming.
not available to basic ticket holders. These could include additional
networking events, VIP speaker sessions with Q&A time, catered
Example level-based access model:
meals in unique settings or venues (gift certificates for meals if
• Introductory content (101 level sessions) is free to pique attendees’ digital), or increased levels of access to exhibitors or sponsors. You
interest and encourage them to go deeper. can offer these experiences before, during, and after the event.
• Go deeper content (201, 301+ level sessions) has a fee. For virtual events, VIP experiences can include more interaction
options or private breakout sessions for attendees who purchase
higher-priced tickets.
Premium training
Training materials, tools, learning guides, or the ability to receive
Time sensitivity
certifications or continuing education credit can incur costs that
you’ll want to recoup with ticket fees. If the value of the content is Offer time-based incentives that allow audiences to capture a lower
transparent, audiences will be willing to pay no matter the event ticket rate before it increases over time. Audiences will lock in
format. Not only that but delivering great content showcases your discounted rates in favor of securing registrations early on in your
event expertise, which can be a huge draw for future attendees. promotional plan. You can similarly create discount codes or conduct
flash sales. Urgency is a powerful driver that you can use to encourage
audiences to register sooner rather than later.
Quality standards
Ensure an event is worth a high perceived ticket price by setting and You can also include exhibitors and sponsors in limited-time offers.
adhering to a standard of excellence. Ensure that only high-quality Incentivize your audience with exclusive sales and offers from your
speakers and exhibitors are allowed, and that your organization partners while creating buzz around new products, services, or
delivers superior service. High standards can help you maximize information. This approach not only adds value for attendees but
revenue while also delivering quality experiences for attendees. can also increase ROI for sponsors and exhibitors.

Special perks Sponsor marketing

Consider delivering perks—gifts, tangibles, swag items, or meals—as One great thing about new event formats is that you can give spon-
a way to uplevel experiences and encourage engagement. These may sors more access to different audiences. Aim to create packages that
be something you choose to include in your tiered pricing plan or a provide access to all audiences at varying tiers of investment. This lets
way to capture more attention from attendees and ultimately drive sponsors reach different levels of exposure and attendee engagement.
the intangible value of your event.

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 10

The potential benefits are many and extend far beyond the typical practice of lead generation. Communicate value clearly, so they know they’re
getting more bang for their buck with your event.

Sponsorship opportunities might also include events before or after the main event that aren’t included in your registration or attendee
experience. Selling sponsorship opportunities outside of your core ticketed activity can open up new revenue streams and strengthen relationships
with sponsors.

Build More Diverse Marketing Packages that Increase Exposure and Value

Sponsor Virtual
Interviews Appointments

Brand Leads
Awareness Advertising Sponsored Lead Gen

Signage Appointments
Booth Retreival

In Person

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 11

Fostering connections Lastly, we used engagement and collaboration features in our plat-
form to foster connections, providing more networking opportunities
When considering your pricing structure, remember the profound
for attendees.
value of the connections made through events. How can you foster
deeper connections and conversations between attendees? When
Be sure to revisit this section and consider all of the suggested value
you prepare your pricing, why not include rates with options for more
pricing techniques when planning and pricing your next event.
one-on-one time and opportunities to connect?

Creating a meaningful attendee experience is vital to producing Conclusion

profitable events. Understanding the elements of value and how |they In the new event landscape, you have many opportunities to create
make attendees feel will help you determine the proper fee structure. and capture value. Events can be virtual, in-person, or hybrid; each
If you provide a valuable and unforgettable experience, your attendees format has its benefits and limitations. The key is understanding what
will be happy to pay. attendees and sponsors want out of an event (value). That way, you
can maximize ROI through direct revenue like tickets sales and
Putting it all together for Cvent CONNECT sponsorships and other forms of ROI like sales pipeline, brand equity,
The Cvent team used all of the value pricing levers when ticketing and knowledge transfer. Value-based ticketing and pricing methods
and pricing Cvent CONNECT 2021. We adopted flexible pricing to will help you deliver on the promise of creating real value for attendees
create three offerings: free virtual, premium virtual, and in-person. and sponsors. Now it’s time to apply these lessons to your event!
By offering premium content, special perks, limited access, and VIP
experiences, we established higher ticket values for the premium and
in-person tiers while increasing sponsorship value. We used time-
sensitive incentives to create urgency and entice registrants. Design and execute with confidence
in the new event landscape. Plan
and promote your event with Cvent
Event Management Software

How to Ticket and Price Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid Events / 12

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