Physics Investigatory

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Roll No:

Certified that Master ______________of Grade XII Section D

has carried out the project work in Physics prescribed by the
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi during the
academic year 2023-2024.



........................................... ...........................................
External Examiner Internal Examiner

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I am deeply grateful to all those who have contributed to the successful

completion of this physics project. My heartfelt thanks go to my
dedicated physics teacher, Mrs. Vinaya Janardhan, for their exceptional
guidance, mentorship, and insightful feedback, which significantly
shaped the project's outcome. I also appreciate the collaborative efforts
of my classmates and friends, whose discussions and shared resources
enriched my understanding of the subject. The school's provision of
essential resources and facilities facilitated the experimentation and
data collection process. Lastly, my family's unwavering support,
encouragement, and patience were invaluable throughout this journey.
Together, your contributions made this project a rewarding success.

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Table of Contents

S.No Sub-Topic Page No.

1. Abstract 5
2. Aim of the Experiment 6
3. Hypothesis 7
4. Experiment 8
5. Theory 8
6. Procedure 13
7. Observations 14
8. Working of the Experiment 14
9. Result 15
10. Precautions 15
11. Sources of Error 15
12. Conclusions 16
13. Gallery 17
14. Recommendations 19
15. Bibliography 20

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The Automatic Night Lamp Project utilizes a simple yet effective circuit design
comprising essential components such as the BC547 transistor, a 6-9V battery, a
battery pin, a resistor (ranging from 300-500Ω), a 3V LED light, a photoresistor,
and another resistor (5-10kΩ). This project aims to provide an energy-efficient and
convenient solution for automatically illuminating an area in low-light conditions.

The core of this system is the BC547 transistor, configured as a switch, which
controls the LED light. During daylight or well-lit conditions, the photoresistor
exhibits low resistance, preventing the transistor from turning on the LED.
However, as ambient light decreases, the photoresistor's resistance increases,
allowing the transistor to conduct and, in turn, illuminating the LED. This
mechanism ensures that the lamp activates when it's dark, serving as an energy-
saving night light.

By using minimal components, this project offers a cost-effective and

environmentally friendly solution for automatic nighttime illumination, suitable for
various applications like home lighting, pathway lighting, and energy conservation.

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“The aim is to create an energy-efficient and cost-effective night lamp that
automatically turns on in low-light conditions, using components like the BC547
transistor, photoresistor, and LED light. This project demonstrates practical
applications of electronics for energy conservation and convenience.”

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I hypothesize that by constructing a circuit using a transistor, a photoresistor, and
a 3V LED light, I can successfully create an automatic night lamp system. I believe
that this system will demonstrate the capability to intelligently detect diminishing
ambient light levels and activate the LED light accordingly. This automation is
expected to result in energy conservation during daylight hours, contributing to
eco-friendliness and cost-efficiency.

Additionally, I anticipate that this project will serve as a practical illustration of the
potential applications of electronic components in everyday life. I assume that the
system will not only offer an energy-efficient solution but also provide
convenience, making it suitable for various real-world scenarios, including home
and outdoor lighting. Ultimately, I expect that my project will effectively address
the need for automatic lighting in low-light conditions, showcasing the practicality
and efficiency of the proposed design.

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• BC547 transistor
• 6-9V Battery
• Battery Pin
• Resistor 300-500Ω
• 3V LED light
• Photoresistor (LDR)
• Resistor 5-10Kω
• Wires
• Torch
• Soldering Iron

1. BC547 transistor:

• A transistor is a current switch that can be controlled by a small signal

from the base which switches the transistor on, which allows a larger
current from the collector to flow through the emitter.
• Emitter (E): The emitter is the terminal from which the majority
charge carriers (either electrons or holes) are emitted into the
transistor. The emitter is heavily doped to ensure a high
concentration of charge carriers. Base (B): The base is the middle
layer of the transistor and is very thin compared to the other two
layers. It is lightly doped, which means it has fewer charge carriers
compared to the emitter and collector regions. The base terminal
controls the flow of charge carriers between the emitter and
• Collector (C): The collector is the terminal that collects the charge
carriers emitted by the emitter. It is also heavily doped like the
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emitter but is physically larger to maximize the collection of charge
• It's a crucial part of electronics that helps us amplify signals and build
all sorts of electronic devices like radios, TVs, and computers.

2. Battery:

• A Battery is a device consisting of one or more electrical cells that

convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Every battery is
basically a galvanic cell where redox reactions take place between
two electrodes which act as the source of the chemical energy.

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3. Resistor:
• The term "resistor" refers to a device that acts as a two-terminal
passive electrical component that is used to limit or regulate the
flow of electric current in electrical circuits. And it also allows us
to introduce a controlled amount of resistance into an electrical
circuit. The most important and commonly used components in
an electronic circuit are resistors.

• A resistor's main job is to reduce current flow and lower voltage

in a specific section of the circuit. It's made up of copper wires that
are wrapped around a ceramic rod and coated with insulating

4. LED:

• LEDs are made of special materials called semiconductors. These

materials are chosen to emit specific colors of light when electricity
passes through them. For example, red LEDs are made from one kind
of semiconductor, while blue LEDs are made from another.

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• As the electrons enter the semiconductor material, they give away
some of their energy. This energy release is in the form of light. Each
electron releases a tiny packet of light energy called a photon.
• The LED is designed so that the released light comes out in a specific
direction, making it useful for various applications.
• LEDs are fantastic because they don't waste much energy. Almost all
the electricity that goes into them comes out as light, making them
much more efficient than traditional light bulbs.

5. Photoresistor:

• A photoresistor, also known as a light-dependent resistor (LDR), is an

electronic component that changes its electrical resistance in
response to the intensity of light.
• Photoresistors are typically made of semiconductor materials. These
materials have a unique property: their electrical resistance changes
when they are exposed to light.
• In the absence of light or when exposed to very low light levels, a
photoresistor has a high resistance. This means it restricts the flow of

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electric current through it. Conversely, when exposed to higher levels
of light, its resistance decreases, allowing more electric current to
pass through.
• In the dark or low-light conditions, the photoresistor has a high
resistance, which means it acts as an insulator and doesn't allow
much current to flow through it.
• When exposed to light, whether natural sunlight or artificial light, the
semiconductor material in the photoresistor absorbs photons
(particles of light). This absorbed light energy excites electrons within
the material, causing them to move more freely. As a result, the
resistance of the photoresistor decreases, allowing more electric
current to flow.

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1. Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the carbon resistors R1

(500Ω) and R2 (5-10k Ω) as shown in the schematic diagram.

2. The resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel, with R2 directly

connected to the positive of the LED, with the negative being connected to
the collector.

3. R1 is connected to the base of the transistor and one pin of the LDR while
the emitter is connected to the other pin of the LDR and the negative
terminal of the battery.

4. Solder to secure the connections.

5. Cover the LDR with an opaque object to check if the night lamp is working
as intended.

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1. When light doesn’t fall on the LDR: When it's dark, the LDR has high
resistance, so the voltage at the base of the transistor is low. This prevents
current from flowing from the collector to the emitter of the transistor,
effectively keeping the LED off.

2. When light falls on the LDR: When it becomes bright (daylight or room
light), the resistance of the LDR decreases. As a result, the voltage at the
base of the transistor increases. When this voltage exceeds a certain
threshold, it allows current to flow from the collector to the emitter of the

Working of the Experiment

• The transistor is connected in such a way that it acts as a switch for the LED.
The base of the transistor is connected to the junction of the LDR and the
10k-ohm resistor.
• When the transistor conducts, it provides power to the LED, causing it to
light up. The 500-ohm resistor is used to limit the current flowing through
the LED, preventing it from burning out.
• Theoretically, as the light level changes, the resistance of the LDR changes,
which, in turn, controls the base current of the transistor. When it's dark,
the transistor allows current to flow to the LED, turning it on. When it's
bright, the transistor cuts off the current to the LED, turning it off.

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• According to our hypothesis and subsequent observations, alterations in the
ambient light level led to variations in the resistance of the LDR. This, in
turn, exerts influence over the base current of the transistor. In low light
conditions, the transistor permits current to energize the LED, causing it to
illuminate. Conversely, in well-lit environments, the transistor interrupts the
current to the LED, resulting in its deactivation.

• “Constructed Working Automatic Night Lamp”

• No stray light should fall on the LDR. It is better to work in a dark room.
• Connect LDR carefully to the voltage source.

Sources of Error
• Fluctuations or inconsistencies in the power supply voltage can affect the
stability and reliability of the circuit.
• Changes in ambient light levels, such as sudden flashes or fluctuations, can
trigger the lamp unintentionally or prevent it from turning on when needed.
• The sensitivity of the photoresistor to light may not precisely match the
desired threshold for activating the lamp.

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This project served as an enlightening exploration of electronics and sensor

integration. The creation of the automatic night lamp was successful in its
fundamental functionality; however, there are avenues for refinement. Paying
meticulous attention to precision during component selection and circuit design,
along with utilizing high-quality components, could further optimize its
performance. Calibration for improved sensitivity to varying light conditions is a
key aspect to focus on in future iterations.

This endeavor underscores the remarkable potential of technology to foster

energy conservation and augment daily life. It highlights how a simple yet
thoughtfully engineered device can contribute to sustainability and user
convenience. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the significance of thorough
research and planning when embarking on electronic ventures.

As we look ahead, the knowledge gained from this project will undoubtedly play a
pivotal role in the development of more efficient and innovative solutions,
benefiting not only individuals but also our broader environment through smarter
energy consumption.

My hypothesis was correct. The automatic night lamp has proved to be an

ecofriendly and energy efficient device which is practical and affordable.

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1. Component Quality:

Use high-quality components to ensure reliability and consistent performance.

Components with tight tolerances can lead to more accurate results.

2. Calibration and Testing:

Implement a calibration step to fine-tune the circuit's sensitivity to light. Test the
night lamp under various lighting conditions to ensure it responds appropriately.

3. Power Source Efficiency:

Explore options for power efficiency. Battery-operated night lamps may require
periodic battery replacement, so consider low-power components and
rechargeable battery options.

4. User Interface:

If applicable, incorporate a user-friendly interface, such as a manual on/off switch

or adjustable sensitivity settings.

5. Exploration of Advanced Features:

Once the basic automatic night lamp is working well, consider adding advanced
features such as remote control, wireless connectivity, or energy monitoring for
further enhancements.

6. Neater Circuitry:

Could have been done on a breadboard for neater and organized circuitry.

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Websites referred:


Books referred:

• NCERT Physics Textbook (Part 2)

• Comprehensive – Physics Practical

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