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A Guide to
Diplomatic Correspondence

潘 明(Gilbert M. Pan)

November 15, 2012










中華民國九十五年十月 潘 明 謹誌




第一章 外交文牘種類 (1) …………………………………………………………15

第一節 國書【Credence】(1-1) ………………………………………………….15
一、到任國書【Letter of Credence】(1-11)……………………………………...15
二、辭任國書【Letter of Recall】(1-12)………………………………………….24
三、呈遞國書頌詞【Speech】及接受國書答詞【Response】(1-13-1 & 2) ……33
1、呈遞國書頌詞 (1-13-1) ……………………………………………………33
2、接受國書答詞 (1-13-2)………………………………………………………41
四、全權證書【Full Power】(1-14)……………………………………………….46
五、領事委任狀【Consular Commission】及領事證書【Exequatur】(1-15)…48

第二節 照會【Note】(1-2) ………………………………………………………49

二、結構要素:(1-22) ……………………………………………………………..49
三、注意事項:(1-23) ……………………………………………………………..51
四、照會範例:(1-24) ……………………………………………………………..51
2、普通照會【第三人稱照會】(1-24-2) ……………………………………….65

第三節 節略【Note Verbale】(1-3) …………………………………………….69

一、概說:(1-31) ………………………………………………………………….69
1、【開頭】與【結尾】均有【客套語】(1-34-1) 71
2、【開頭】具有【客套語】 ,而【結尾】未有【客套語】(1-34-2)………......76
3、【開頭】未有【客套語】 ,而【結尾】具有【客套語】(1-34-3)………......80

第四節 換文【Exchange of Notes /Letters】(1-4) …………………………….81

一、概說:(1-41) ………………………………………………………………….81


第五節 備忘錄【Memorandum】(1-5)………………………………………….. 88
一、概說:(1-51)…………………………………………………………………… 88
二、結構要素:(1-52) ………………………………………………………………88
三、注意事項:(1-53) ………………………………………………………………88
四、備忘錄範例:(1-54) ……………………………………………………………88

第六節 電報【Telegram】(1-6) ………………………………………………….92

一、概說:(1-61) ……………………………………………………………………92
三、注意事項:(1-63) ………………………………………………………………92

第七節 聲明 (1-7)…………………………………………………………………..98
一、概說 (1-71) …………………………………………………………………….98
二、外交聲明範例 (1-72) …………………………………………………………..98
1、新聞 (1-72-1) 98
2、公告 (1-72-2) 103
3、聲明 (1-72-3) 104

第八節 條約協定:…………………………………………………………………119
一、條約概說:(1-81) ……………………………………………………………..119
二、條約種類:(1-82) ……………………………………………………………..119
1、條 約【Treaty】(1-82-1)………………………………………………….. 119
2、公約或專約【Convention; Pact】(1-82-2) …………………………………120
3、憲章、盟約、規約 【charter; covenant; statute】(1-82-3) ………………120
4、協 定【Agreement】(1-82-4)………………………………………………120
6-、宣 言【Declaration】(1-82-6)…………………………………………..122
7、聯合公報或共同聲明【Communique/Joint Statement】(1-82-6)……….. 122
A、聯合公報(1-82-7A) ………………………………………………………122
8、其 他(1-82-8) ……………………………………………………………130

第二章 外交文牘範例 (2) ……………………………………………………….133

第一節 知會【Notification or Announcement】(2-1)………………………….133
一、通知 (2-11)…………………………………………………………………...133
1、通知承認 (2-11-1)…………………………………………………………..133


A、通知承認國家 (2-11-1A)………………………………………………....133
B、通知承認政府 (2-11-1B)…………………………………………………136
2、通知建交 (2-11-2)………………………………………………………… 142
3、通知任命、晉升或退休 (2-11-3)……………………………………………143
A、通知任命 (2-11-3A)…………………………………………………….143
B、通知晉升 (2-11-3B)………………………………………………………146
C、通知退休 (2-11-3C)………………………………………………………146
4、通知到任、離任或返任 (2-11-4)……………………………………………146
A、通知到任 (2-11-4A)………………………………………………………146
B、通知離任 (2-11-4B)………………………………………………………156
C、通知返任 (2-11-4C)………………………………………………………159
5、通知代理館務 (2-11-5)……………………………………………………160
6、通知設置機構或升格 (2-11-6)……………………………………………..168
A、通知設置機構 (2-11-6A)……………………………………………….168
B、通知機構升格 (2-11-6B)……………………………………………….172
7、通知締約 (2-11-7)…………………………………………………………172
8、通知其他事項 (2-11-8)……………………………………………………180
二、通告 (2-12)…………………………………………………………………….181
1、通告到任、晉升或離任 (2-12-1)…………………………………………181
A、通告到任 (2-12-1A)…………………………………………………….. 181
B、通告晉升 (2-12-1B)………………………………………………………182
C、通告離任 (2-12-1C)……………………………………………………183
2、通告代理館務 (2-12-2)…………………………………………………...183
3、通告其他事項 (2-12-3)……………………………………………………184
4、通告慶賀或弔唁 (2-12-4)…………………………………………………187
A、通告慶賀 (2-12-4A)…………………………………………………….. 187
B、通告弔唁 (2-12-$B)………………………………………………………187

第二節 請求或提議【Request or Suggestion】(2-2)………………………….191

一、請求 (2-21)…………………………………………………………………....191
1、請求同意 (2-21-1) …………………………………………………………...191
A、請求同意任命 (2-21-1A)………………………………………………….191
B、請求同意免(退)稅 (2-21-1B)…………………………………………….197
C、請求同意贈勳 (2-21-1C)…………………………………………………199
D、請求同意締(續)約 (2-21-1D)…………………………………………….203
E、請求同意其他事項 (2-21-1E)………………………….…………………..205


2、請求協助 (2-21-2)………………………………………………………........208
A、請求協助轉送文物 (2-21-2A)……………………………………………...208
B、請求協助提供文物 (2-21-2B)……………………………………………...216
C、請求協助安排拜會 (2-21-2C)……………………………………………...222
D、請求協助通關 (2-21-2D)…………………………………………………...225
E、請求協助其他事項 (2-21-2E)………………………………………………233
3、請求支持 (2-21-3)…………………………………………………………….243
4、請求捐助 (2-21-4)…………………………………………………………….249
5、請求發給 (2-21-5)…………………………………………………………….251
A、請求發給身分證明 (2-21-5A)……………………………………………..251
B、請求發給簽證 (2-21-5B)…………………………………………………..253
C、請求發給車輛牌照 (2-21-5C)……………………………………………..263
D、請求發給護照 (2-21-5D)…………………………………………………..263
E、請求發給槍枝執照 (2-21-5E)……………………………………………..266
6、請求確認或認證 (2-21-6)………………………………………………….....266
A、請求確認 (2-21-6A)………………………………………………………...266
B、請求認證 (2-21-6B)…………………………………………………… ….267
二、提議 (2-22)…………………………………………………………………….268
1、提議召開會議 (2-22-1) ……………………………………………………268
2、提議締約 (2-22-2)…………………………………………………………273

第三節 邀請【Invitation】(2-3) ………………………………………………...275

一、邀請參加酒會、宴會或茶會 (2-31) …………………………………………275
二、邀請訪問 (2-32) ………………………………………………………………279
三、邀請參與活動 ( 2-33)…………………………………………………………285
1、邀請參加活動 ( 2-33-1) ……………………………………………………285
2、邀請參加會議、講習或受訓 ( 2-33-2) ……………………………………..288
3、邀請加入組織 ( 2-33-3)……………………………………………………303

第四節 慶賀與弔慰【Congratulation & Condolence】 (2-4)……………… .305

一、祝賀 (2-41) …………………………………………………………………….305
1、祝賀國慶或獨立 (2-41-1) ………………………………………………….312
2、祝賀當選或就任 (2-41-2) ………………………………………………….317
A、祝賀當選 (2-41-2A) ……………………………………………………317
B、祝賀就任 (2-41-2B) …………………………………………………….323
3、祝賀華誕 (2-41-3) …………………………………………………………333
4、祝賀佳節 (2-41-4)………………………………………………………337
5、祝賀結婚或生子女 (2-41-5)………………………………………………342


A、祝賀結婚 (2-41-5A)……………………………………………………342
B、祝賀生子女 (2-41-5B)……………………………………………………343
6、祝賀晉升 (2-41-6)…………………………………………………………344
7、祝賀其他大事 (2-41-7) ……………………………………………………345
二、弔慰 (2-42)…………………………………………………………………….346
1、悼唁 (2-42-1) …………………………………………………………………346
2、慰問 (2-42-2)………………………………………………………………….357
A、慰問(災害)(2-42-2A)…………………………………………………… 357
B、慰問(生病)(2-42-2B) ……………………………………………………367
C、 慰問(其他事故)(2-42-2C) ……………………………………………..368

第五節 提供與贈與【Offer & Present】(2-5)…………………………………..371.

一、提供資訊 (2-51) ………………………………………………………………371
二、贈送文物 (2-52) ………………………………………………………………374
三、介紹 (2-53)……………………………………………………………………376
四、轉致文物 (2-54)…………………………………………………………….. .376

第六節 回應【Response】(2-6)……………………………………………….. .377

一、 答覆 (2-61) ………………………………………………………………….377
1、答覆詢問 (2-61-1)………………………………………………………377
2、覆告處理情形 (2-61-2)…………………………………………………378
二、同意請求 (2-62) ………………………………………………………………383
1、同意建交設館 (2-62-1) …………………………………………………383
2、同意任命 (2-62-2)………………………………………………………385
3、同意贈勳 ( 2-62-3)………………………………………………………386
4、同意捐贈 (2-62-4) ………………………………………………………388
5、同意締約、續約、修約或廢約 (2-62-5)…………………………………389
6、同意互免簽證 (2-62-6) …………………………………………………395
7、同意接見 (2-62-7)………………………………………………………399
8、同意參加 (2-62-8) ………………………………………………………400
9、同意其他請求 (2-62-9) …………………………………………………406
三、婉謝或婉拒請求 (2-63) ……………………………………………………..408
1、婉謝邀請 (2-63-1) ………………………………………………………408
2、婉拒要求 (2-63-2)…………………………………………………………411
四、警告或抗議 (2-64)…………………………………………………………......412

第七節 申謝 【Appreciate or Gratitude】 (2-7)……………………………..447

一、申謝知會 (2-71)………………………………………………………………447


1、申謝通知【任命或晉陞】(2-71-1) ………………………………………….447
2、申謝通知【到任、離任或返任】(2-71-2)………………………………….. 452
3、申謝通知【代理館務】 (2-71-4) ……………………………………………457
4、申謝通知【其他事項】(2-71-7) ……………………………………………..458
二、申謝協助 (2-72) ………………………………………………………………459
1、申謝協助【提供資訊】(2-72-1) ……………………………………………459
2、申謝協助【其他事項】(2-72-2) ……………………………………………461
三、申謝支持 (2-73) ………………………………………………………………463
四、申謝救助 (2-74) ………………………………………………………………464
五、申謝贈與 (2-75) ………………………………………………………………465
1、申謝致贈花籃 (2-75-1) ……………………………………………………465
2、申謝致贈禮物 (2-75-2) ……………………………………………………466
A、申謝致贈禮物【書籍】(2-75-2A)……………………………………….. 466
C、申謝致贈禮物【報告講詞】(2-75-2C) ……………………………………470
D、申謝致贈禮物【市匙】(2-75-2D) …………………………………………472
E、申謝致贈禮物【藍圖】(2-75-2E) …………………………………………473
F、申謝致贈禮物【鯉魚】(2-75-2F) …………………………………………474
G、申謝致贈禮物【其他】(2-75-2G)………………………………………… 474
六、申謝捐助 (2-76) ……………………………………………………………….476
七、申謝招待 (2-77) ……………………………………………………………….477
八、申謝祝賀 (2-78) ……………………………………………………………….490
1、申謝祝賀國慶或獨立紀念 (2-78-1) ………………………………………490
2、申謝祝賀當選或就任 (2-78-2) ……………………………………………500
A、申謝祝賀當選 (2-78-2A)………………………………………………500
B、申謝祝賀就任 (2-78-2B) ………………………………………………502
3、申謝祝賀華誕 (2-78-3) ……………………………………………………508
4、申謝祝賀佳節(聖誕&新年) (2-78-4) ………………………………………510
5、申謝祝賀其他喜事 (2-78-5)………………………………………………512
九、申謝弔慰 (2-79) ………………………………………………………………513
1、申謝弔唁 (2-79-1)………………………………………………………… 513
2、申謝慰問 (2-79-2) …………………………………………………………515
A、申謝慰問(災害) (2-79-2A) …………………………………………….515
B、申謝慰問(生病) (2-79-2B)……………………………………………..517

第三章 領事證明文件 (3)………………………………………………………...521

第一節 證明文件 (3-1) …………………………………………………………...521


1、戶籍謄本 (3-1-1)……………………………………………………………521
2、骨灰證明 (3-1-2)……………………………………………………………522
3、船舶國籍證明 (3-1-3)………………………………………………………522
4、船舶抵達暨離去證明 (3-1-4)………………………………………………523
5、航行許可證 (3-1-5) ………………………………………………………523
6、衛生證明 (3-1-6) …………………………………………………………523
7、畢業證明 (3-1-7) …………………………………………………………524
A、職業學校畢業證書 (3-1-7A) ……………………………………………524
B、高級中學畢業證書 (3-1-7B)……………………………………………524
C、專科學校畢業證書 (3-1-7C)…………………………………………….525
D、大學/學院畢業證書 (3-1-7D) …………………………………………525
E、大學畢業證書 (3-1-7E)………………………………………………….526
8、警察記錄證明 (3-1-8) ……………………………………………………526
9、出生證明 (3-1-9) …………………………………………………………526
A、出生證明書 (3-1-9A)……………………………………………………526
B、出生宣誓書 (3-1-9B)…………………………………………………….527
10、結婚證明 (3-1-10)………………………………………………………528
A、一般式結婚證書 (3-1-10A)……………………………………………528
B、報告家長式結婚證書 (3-1-10B) ………………………………………529
C、結婚公證書 (3-1-10C)…………………………………………………529
D、結婚宣誓書 (3-1-10D)…………………………………………………530
11、獎狀 (3-1-11) ……………………………………………………………531
12、收據 (3-1-12) ……………………………………………………………532

第二節 文件驗證 (3-2) …………………………………………………………...533

1、國籍證明驗證 (3-2-1) ……………………………………………………533
2、住所證明驗證 (3-2-2) …………………………………………………….533
3、戶籍謄本驗證 (3-2-3) …………………………………………………….533
4、聘書驗證 (3-2-4) …………………………………………………………535
6、翻譯文件驗證 (3-2-6) ……………………………………………………535
7、產地證明驗證 (3-2-7) ……………………………………………………536
8、進口證明驗證 (3-2-8) ……………………………………………………….536

【附 錄】…………………………………………………………......................537


D、承認: …………………………………………………………………………540
E、外交的: ……………………………………………………………………...540
G、外交文書: …………………………………………………………………...541
H、實體、國家、盟國: ………………………………………………………..542
I.經濟、貿易、共同與合作: ………………………………………………..543
J、國際的: ………………………………………………………………………543
K、法律: ………………………………………………………………………...543
P、訪問: ………………………………………………………………………..548
R、憲章、條約、公約、協定及條款等: ……………………………………..548
T、宴會: …………………………………………………………………………550

二、外交文牘常用介系詞片語與動詞: …………………………………….….557

三、外交文牘常用句型: ………………………………………………………..561
A、Opening Sentences【開頭句子】…………………………………………...561
C、Answers to requests【回應請求】………………………………………….564
D、Appointments and Transfers【任命與調任】……………………………..565
E、Leave of absence【請假】…………………………………………………….567
G、Closing Sentences【結尾句子】…………………………………………….569



外交文牘種類 (1)



第一章 外 交 文 牘【Diplomatic Correspondence】


★ 書寫外交文書應特別注意下列事項:


三、客套用語:客套用語要與格式相稱,譬如普通照會開頭之【XXX 謹向 YYY
互對稱,譬如,給代辦處之文書通常用【順致敬意】(to renew to … the assurances
of my high consideration) 或 【順致崇高之敬意】 (to renew to … the assurances of


my highest consideration);給外交部和大使館之文書則用【順致崇高之敬意】。





第一節 國 書【Credence】
或 Letters of Credence) 和【辭任國書】(Letters of Recall)。



1-11-2-1、到任國書範例 【國民政府總統林森致英國國王喬治六世】
Lin Sen
President of the National Government of the
Republic of China
His Majesty George VI
King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominion
Beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, etc., etc., etc.
Sanded Greeting!
Great and good Friend:
I have made choice of Mr. XXX, former Political Vice-Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of China, to reside near Your Majesty’s Government in
the Commonwealth of Australia in the character of Envoy Extraordinary and


Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China.

Mr. XXX is well informed of the relative interests of China and Australia and of
the sincere desire of this Government to cultivate to the fullest extent the
friendship which bas so long subsisted between the two countries. My knowledge
of his high character and ability gives me entire confidence that he will
constantly endeavor to advance the interests and welfare of both countries and
so render himself acceptable to Your Majesty. I therefore request Your Majesty’s
Government in the Commonwealth of Australia to receive him favorably and to
give full credence to what he shall say on the part of the Republic of China.
I avail myself of this opportunity to wish good health to Your Majesty and
prosperity to the Commonwealth of Australia.
Given in Chunking, the 15th day of the 7th month of the … year of the Republic
of China (July 15, 19XX)

Chiang Kai Shek
President of National Government
Of the Republic of China
His Excellency XXX
President of the Republic of XXX
Great and good Friend:
Being desirous of strengthening the friendly relations between the Republic of
China and the Republic of …….., I have made choice of Dr. XXX to reside near
the Government of Your Excellency in the capacity of Ambassador
Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of China.
Having already had ample experience of Dr. XXX’s eminent qualities, I am
convinced that he will fulfill the important duties of his mission in such a manner
as to merit Your Excellency's approbation and esteem and to prove himself
worthy of this fresh mark of my confidence.
I therefore request that Your Excellency receive Dr. YYY, favorably and give full
credence to ail that he shall have occasion to communicate to You in the name of
the National Government, more especially when he shall express to You the
assurances of my sincere friendship and high esteem.
I avail myself of this opportunity to wish good health to Your Excellency and
prosperity to the XXX nation


Signed: Chiang Kai Shek

Countersigned: Wang Shih Chieh
Given at Nan king, this twelfth day of the third month of the 45th year of the
Republic of China


Great and good Friend,

Being desirous of maintaining and further strengthening the cordial relations
and good understanding between our two countries, I have the honor to
designate Mr. Chin-Yen Chang to serve in the capacity of Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China.
Mr. Chang is well informed of the mutual interests of our two countries and of
the sincere desire of the Government of the Republic of China to cultivate to the
fullest extent the cooperation and friendship between us.
I am truly cognizant of Mr. Chang's talents and zeal for service and am assured
that the selection I have made will be agreeable to Your Majesty and that he will
discharge the important duties of his mission in such a manner as to merit Your
Majesty's approbation and esteem, and to prove himself worthy of this new
mark of my confidence.
I therefore request Your Majesty to receive him favorably and give full credence
to all that he shall communicate to Your Majesty either in my name or in the
name of the Government of the Republic of China.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Majesty my sincere wishes
for Your Majesty's personal well - being and the prosperity of your country.
Given in Taipei, this eighteenth day of the fourth month of the eighty-three year
of the Republic of China, corresponding to nineteen ninety-four of Gregorian


(Signed) Lee Teng-hui

President of the Republic of China
(Countersigned) Fredrick F. Chien
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Chen Shui-Bian
President of the Republic of China
His Excellency Saimalagaluka
Governor-General of Tuvalu
Your Excellency,
Being desirous of maintaining and further strengthening the cordial relations
and good understanding between our two countries, I have selected and
designated Mr. Antonio C. S. Chen to serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and
plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to Tuvalu.
Mr. Chen is well informed of the mutual interests of our two countries and of the
sincere desire of the Government of the Republic of China to cultivate to the
fullest extent the cooperation and friendship between us.
Mr. Chen’s talents and zeal for service assure me that the selection I have made
will be agreeable to Your Excellency. I trust that he will discharge the important
duties of his mission in such a manner as to merit Your Excellency’s approbation
and esteem, and prove him worthy of my confidence.
I, therefore, request that Your Excellency receive him favorably and give him full
credence to all that he shall communicate to Your Excellency either in my name
or in the name of the Government of the Republic of China.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency my sincere wishes
for Your Excellency’s personal well-being and the prosperity of your great
Given in Taipei, this twenty-ninth day of the ninth month of the ninety-second
year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the year two thousand and three
of the Gregorian calendar.

(Signed) Chen Shui-bian

President of the Republic of China

(Countersigned) Dr. Eugene CHIEN


Translation certified by: Bruce FUH

Acting Director –General, Department of Protocol
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China

President of the Republic of China
President of the Republic of
Great and Good Friend:
As an expression of our desire to continue and strengthen further the cordial
relations and understanding that exist between our two countries, I have the
honor to designate Mr. XXX to serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the Republic of……….
I would like to assure Your Excellency that Mr. XXX is fully aware of the sincere
desire of the Government of the Republic of China to cultivate to the fullest
extent the cooperation and Friendship between our two countries.
Mr. XXX’s talents and zeal for service are well known to me, and I therefore
trust that the selection I have made will be agreeable to Your Excellency. I have
every confidence that Mr. XXX will discharge the important duties of his mission
in such a manner as to merit our Excellency's approbation and esteem and that
he will prove himself worthy of my confidence.
1 therefore request that Your Excellency receive him favorably and give full
credence to all that he will communicate to Your Excellency whether in my name
or on behalf of the Government of the Republic of China.
I wish to express once again my sincere wishes for Your Excellency's personal
well-being and the prosperity of your country.
Given in Taipei, this … day of the … month of the year of the Republic of China,
corresponding to the year of 19XX of the Gregorian calendar.

President of the Republic of China
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Translation certified by:
Director of Department of Protocol


Our Good Friend:
Being desirous to maintain, without interruption, the relations of friendship and
good understanding which happily subsist between Our Realm and the Republic
of ……., We have made choice of Our Trusty and Well-beloved XXX to reside
with You in the character of Our Ambassador Extraordinary and
The experience which We have had of XXX’s talents and zeal for Our service
assures Us that the selection We have made will be perfectly agreeable to You;
and that he will discharge the important duties of his Mission in such a manner
as to merit Your approbation and esteem, and to prove himself worthy, of this
new remark of Our confidence.
We therefore request that you will give entire credence to all that YYY shall
communicate to you in our name, more especially when he shall renew to you the
assurances of the lively interest which we take in everything that affects the
welfare and prosperity of the Republic of XXX.
And so we commend you to the protection of the Almighty.
Given at Our Court of St. James, the .......... day of ............, One thousand Nine
hundred and XX, in the............ Year of Our Reign.
Your Good Friend,
(Signed) Elizabeth R.

President of the United States of America.
To His Majesty,
William II,
German Emperor, King of Prussia,

Great and Good Friend:

I have made choice of Mr. YYY, one of our distinguished of citizens, to reside
near the Government of Your Majesty in the quality of Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. He is well
informed of the relative interests of the two countries and of our sincere desire to
cultivate to the fullest extent the friendship which has so long subsisted between
us. My knowledge of his high character and ability gives me entire confidence
that he will constantly endeavor to advance the interest and prosperity of both
Governments, and so render himself acceptable to Your Majesty.


I, therefore, request Your Majesty to receive him favorably and to give full
credence to what he shall say on the part of the United States and to the
assurances which I have charged him to convey to you of the best wishes of this
Government for the prosperity of the German Empire.
May God have Your Majesty in His wise Keeping.
Your Good Friend,
Washington. July 16, 19XX

1-11-2-8、到任國書範例【聖克里斯多福總督 SIR CUTHBERT


Sanded Greeting
Our Good Friend:
Being desirous to foster relations of friendship and good understanding between
of the Republic of China and St Christopher and Nevis, I have decided to
accredited to Your Excellency, my Trusty and Worthy and Well beloved Mr.
Errol A. Maynard in the Character of My Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary for St Christopher and Nevis.
Having already had ample experience of Mr. Maynard’s Talents and zeal for My
service, I doubt not that he will fulfill the important duties of his Mission in such
a manner as to merit Your Excellency’s approbation and esteem, and to prove
himself worthy of this new mark of My confidence.
I request that You will give entire credence to all that Mr. A. L. Maynard shall
communicate to You in my name, and more especially when he shall express to
Your Excellency My cordial wishes for Your Happiness, and shall assure You of
the invariable attachment and highest esteem with which I am,
Your Good Friend
Sir Cuthbert M. Sebastian, GCMG, OBE, MD, CM
Governor General
Of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis
Government House
August 3, 2003


Sanded Greeting

Great and Good Friend

Being desirous of making suitable provision for the representation in the
Republic of China of the interest of the Republic of The Gambia and
maintaining and strengthening the relations of friendship and concord, we have
made choice of our trusty and worthy Countryman John Paul Boding to be
accredited Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
The Gambia to the Republic of China.
The personal qualities of John Paul Boding and his long experience of affairs of
State assure me that he is eminently worthy of the important mission for which
he has been selected, and that he will fully merit your approbation and esteem. I
therefore have every confidence in commending John Paul Boding to Your
Excellency and in requesting that you repose your full and complete trust in all
that he shall communicate to you in my name.
Given at State House, Banjul, in the Republic of The Gambia this day of two
Thousand and Two.
Your Good Friend


President of the Republic of the Gambia

Baboucarr – Blasé Similar Jane

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs




1-12-2-1、 辭任國書範例【國民政府總統蔣介石致外國總統】

Great and Good Friend:

Having need elsewhere for the services of Dr. XXX, who has for some time past
resided near the Government of Your Excellency in the quality of Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China, I have thought fit to notify to You
his recall. Dr. XXX having resigned his mission and being unable to present his
letters of recall in person, I have entrusted to his successor the duty of placing
them in the hands of Your Excellency.
I am satisfied with the zeal and ability with which Dr. XXX during his mission
devoted all his efforts to strengthen the geed understanding and the friendly
relations between China and ............ , and I entertain the hope that his conduct
will also have merited Your approbation It is in this pleasing confidence that I
avail myself of the present opportunity to renew to You the assurances of my best
wishes for the personal welfare of Your Excellency and the prosperity of the .........
Countersigned: WANG SHIH CHIEH

1-12-2-2、 辭任國書範例【總統李登輝致英國女王伊里莎白二世】




Great and Good Friend,

Having need elsewhere for the services of Mr. Ping-Nan Chang who has for some
time in your esteemed country in the capacity of Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China, I have thought fit to notify Your
Majesty of his recall and have entrusted to Mr. Chin-Yen Chang, his successor,
the duty of presenting this Letter of Recall to Your Majesty.
I am well satisfied that Ambassador Chang has during his mission devoted all his
efforts to strengthening the cordial relations and good understanding between
our two countries and I trust that his conduct have also merited Your Majesty's
approbation and esteem.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Majesty my sincere wishes
for Your Majesty's personal well - being and the prosperity of your country.
Given in Taipei, this eighteenth day of the fourth month of the eighty-three year
of the Republic of China, corresponding to nineteen ninety-four of the Gregorian

(Signed) Lee Teng-hui

President of the Republic of China
(Countersigned) Fredrick F. Chien
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Translation certified by:
Larry Yu-Yuan Wang
Protocol Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China



Your Excellency,
Having need elsewhere for the services of Mr. Teng Pei-yin, who has for some
time served in the capacity of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Republic of China to Tuvalu, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency of
the recall. I have entrusted to Mr. Antonio C.S. Chen, his successor, the duty of
presenting this Letter of Recall to Your Excellency.
I am well satisfied that Ambassador Teng has during his mission devoted his best
efforts to strengthening the cordial relations and good understanding that exist
between our two countries. I trust that his conduct has also merited Your
Excellency’s approbation and esteem.
May I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency my sincere
wishes for Your Excellency’s personal well-being and the prosperity of your
great country.
Given in Taipei, this twenty-ninth day of the ninth month of the ninety-second
year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the year two thousand and three
of the Gregorian calendar.

(Signed) CHEN Shui-bian

President of the Republic of China
(Countersigned) Dr. Eugene CHIEN
Translation certified by:
Bruce FUH
Acting Director –General, Department of Protocol
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China

President of the Republic of China
President of the Republic of …….

Great and Good Friend:

Having need elsewhere for the services of Mr. XXX who has for some time
served in the capacity of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to your esteemed country, I have the honor to inform your
Excellency of his recall. Meanwhile, I have entrusted to Mr. XXX, his successor,
the duty of presenting this Letter of Recall to Your Excellency.


I am well satisfied that Ambassador XXX has during his mission devoted his best
efforts to strengthen the cordial relations and good understanding that exist
between our two countries and I trust that his conduct has merited Your
Excellency’s approbation and esteem.
I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency my
sincere wishes for your personal well-being and for the prosperity of the
Republic of…………….
Done in Taipei, this day of the month of the ………… year
of the Republic of China corresponding to the year 19 of the Gregorian calendar.
President of the Republic of China
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Translation certified by:
Director of Department of Protocol
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Sir My Brother:
Having occasion elsewhere for the services of My Trusty and Well-beloved XXX,
who has lately resided at Your Majesty’s Court in the character of My
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary I cannot omit to inform you of
his recall.
My Trusty and Well-beloved XXX, who has lately resided at Your Majesty’s
Court in the character of My Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
being now on the point of retiring from My Foreign Service.
I cannot omit to inform you of the termination of his Mission in that capacity.
Having Myself had ample reason to be satisfied with the zeal, ability, and fidelity
with which XXX has executed My orders on all occasions during his Mission, I
trust that Your Majesty will also have found his conduct deserving of Your
approbation and esteem, and in this pleasing confidence I avail myself of the
present opportunity to renew to You the assurances of the invariable friendship
and cordial esteem with which I am,
Sir My Brother,
Your Majesty’s Good Sister
Elizabeth R.


Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom
Of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the
Faith, Empress of India, etc., etc., etc.
The President of the United States of America,

Sanded Greeting!
Our Good Friend!
Having need elsewhere for the services of Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved
Councilor Sir ........., Knight Commander of Our Most Honorable Order of the
Bath, who has for some time resided with you in the character of Our Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, We have thought proper to notify
to you his recall. We are ourselves so entirely satisfied with the zeal, ability and
discretion with which Sir Edward Thornton has uniformly executed our orders
during his mission, by studying to promote the friendship and good
understanding which happily subsist between the two Nations, and which we
trust will always continue, that we cannot doubt that You will also have found his
conduct deserving of Your approbation.
We gladly embrace this opportunity to assure you of the sincere interest which
we take in the welfare and prosperity of the United State. And so we recommend
you to the Protection of The Almighty.
Given at Our Court at Balmorals the 25th day of May, in the Year of Our Lord
1881, and in the 44th Year of Our Reign.
You Good Friend,
Victoria, R. ET. I.
(Countersigned) Granville

To His Excellency
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
President of the National Government
of the Republic of China.

Great and good Friend:

Major General XXX, who has for some time past resided near the Government
of Your Excellency in the character of Ambassador Extraordinary and


Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, having resigned his mission and
being unable to present his Letters of Recall in person, I have entrusted to his
successor the duty of placing them in the bands of Your Excellency.
I am pleased to believe that General XXX, during his mission, devoted all his
efforts to strengthening the good understanding and the friendly relations
existing Between the Government of the United States and China.
And I entertain the hope that while fulfilling satisfactorily the trust imposed
upon him succeeded in gaining Your Excellency’s esteem and good will.
Your Good Friend.
(Countersigned): Dean Acheson

President of the United States of America
To His Majesty,
Wilhelm II,
German Emperor, King of Prussia etc., etc., etc.

Great and Good Friend:

Mr. XXX, who has for some time past resided near the Government of Your
Majesty in the quality of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America, having resigned his Mission, I have directed him to
take leave of Your Majesty.
Mr. XXX, whose standing instructions had been to cultivate with Your Majesty’s
Government relations of the closest friendship, has been directed to convey to
Your Majesty the assurance of the sincere desire of this Government to
strengthen the friendly feeling happily Subsisting between the United States and
The zeal with which he has fulfilled his former instructions leaves no doubt that
he will carry out this, his last commission in a manner agreeable to Your
You Good Friend



Sanded Greeting
Our Good Friend
Having occasion elsewhere for the experience and services of my Trusty and
well-beloved Dr. Bertram Charles who has for some time been accredited
Ambassador of the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis to the Republic of
China, I have to that end thought it fit to notify you of his recall.
Having myself ample reasons to be satisfied with the zeal, ability and fidelity
with which Dr. Charles has executed my Order on all occasions during his
Mission, I trust that you also will have found his conduct deserving of your
approbation and esteem.
In this pleasing confidence, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the
assurances of friendship and cooperation of my earnest wishes for your personal
well-being and the welfare and prosperity of the republic of China.

Your Good Friend

Sir Cuthbert M. Sebastian, GCMG, OBE, MD, CM

Governor General
of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis


Sanded Greeting
Great and Good Friend
Having occasion elsewhere for the services of my trusty and worthy Countryman,
ESSA BOKARR SEY who has lately served in the capacity of my Ambassador
Extraordinary and plenipotentiary to your Country, I can not omit to inform
you of the recall.


Having myself had ample reason to be satisfied with the zeal, ability and fidelity
with which ESSA BOKARR SEY has executed my orders on all occasions during
his mission, I trust that Your Excellency will also have found his conduct
deserving of your approbation and esteem, and in this pleasing confidence I avail
myself of this present opportunity to renew to you the assurances of friendship
and cooperation of my earnest wishes for Your Excellency the assurances of my
invariable friendship and cordial esteem.
Given at State House, Banjul, in the Republic of The Gambia this 3rd day of
August, two Thousand and Two.
Your Good Friend
President of the Republic of the Gambia
Baboucarr – Blasé Similar Jane
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs



Mr. President:
I have the honor, by Command of The King, my August Sovereign, to present to
Your Excellency the Letters of Credence by which his Majesty has been
graciously pleased to appoint me Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary in China. I am also commanded to present to Your Excellency
the Letters recalling my predecessor, Sir ........, who wishes me to express his
regrets to Your Excellency for his inability, owing to circumstances, to take his
leave in person.
I am at the same time commanded to Excellency the assurances of my


Sovereign’s sincere wishes for the welfare and prosperity of the Chinese
Republic and to convey Excellency on His Majesty’s behalf an expression of His
esteem and regard.
I have been watching with the utmost concern and the deepest sympathy the
tribulations through which Your Excellency’s great country has been passing,
and I take this opportunity to express my sincere hope that the skies will soon be
clear and that China will be able to play a yet more important part in world
affairs to which her history and her culture entitle her.


Italy is glad that China has taken again in the world the prominent place to
which she is entitled on account of her history and of the lofty ideals for which
she has fought, and hopes that after suffering so cruelly during the war she may
soon complete her peaceful reconstruction.
I assure Your Excellency that both as the official representative of democratic
Italy and personally as an admirer of the ancient civilization of your country and
of the invaluable qualities of your people, I will make every effort to improve
and render fruitful the relations between Italy and China. In this undertaking I
trust I shall find the sympathy and the authoritative support of Your Excellency
and of Your Excellency’s Government.
Allow me to add my personal good wishes to those expressed by my Government
for the prosperity of China and for your own health.


Your Excellency,
I have the honor to present to Your Excellency the Letter whereby the President
of the Republic has accredited me as representative of Italy to the Government
of the Republic of China.
China and Italy, both countries of ancient civilization bound by a century-old
friendship have now re-established diplomatic relations after a brief interruption
due to a policy pursued against the feelings as well as against the interests of the
Italian people' who could not at that time express its opinions freely. During the
last few years Italy has followed with profound admiration the heroic struggle
which the Chinese people have sustained to regain their freedom and their
independence under Your Excellency’s leadership.


The Italian Government reaffirms through me on this occasion its firm

intention to establish friendly relations with China on entirely new bases, such
as will bring about the development of the political, economical and cultural
relations between the two countries in an atmosphere of sincere cordiality,
reciprocal respect and mutual understanding.
Italy is glad that China has taken again in the world .Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,


Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of' Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen,
Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of tile Faith, &c., &c., &e. To all and
singular to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting!
Whereas, for the better treating of and arranging any matters which are now in
discussion, or which may come into discussion, between Us, in respect of Our
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and any other Powers or
States, We have judged: it expedient to invest a fit person with Full Power to
negotiations on Our part in respect of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland: Know ye, therefore, that We, reposing especial Trust and
Confidence in the Wisdom, Loyalty, Diligence, and Circumspection of
Our ............ have named, made, constituted and appointed, as We do by these
Presents name, make, constitute and appoint him Our undoubted Commissioner,
Procurator and Plenipotentiary in respect of Our United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland; Giving to him all manner of Power and Authority
to treat, adjust and conclude with such Ministers, Commissioners or
plenipotentiaries as may be vested with similar Power and Authority, on the
part of any other Powers or States, any Treaty, Convention, Agreement, Protocol
or other Instrument between Us and
such Powers or States, and to sign for Us, and in Our name, in respect of Our
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, everything so
agreed upon
and concluded, and to do and transact all such other matters as may appertain
thereto, in as ample manner and form, and with equal force and efficacy, as We
Ourselves could do, if personally present: Engaging and Promising, upon Our
Royal Word, that whatever things shall be so transacted and concluded by
Our said


Commissioner, Procurator and Plenipotentiary, in respect of Our United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, shall, subject if necessary to
Our Ratification, be
agreed to, acknowledged and accepted by Us in the fullest manner, and that We
will never suffer, either in the whole or in part, any person whatsoever to
infringe the same, or act contrary thereto, as far as it lies in Our power.
In witness whereof we have caused Our Great Seal to be affixed to these Presents,
which we have signed with Our Royal Hand.
Given at Our Court of St. James, the ............ day of ...... in the Year of Our
Lord, One Thousand Nine hundred and ......... and in the......... Year of Our






Salutation Speech Addressed to
His Excellency Sir Orville Turnquest, G.C.M.G., Q.C.
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
On the Presentation of the Letter of Credence
By H.E. Ming-yen Wu

Your Excellency,
It is indeed a great honor and privilege for me to present to Your Excellency the
Letter of Recall of my predecessor, Ambassador C. Y. Chang, and the Letter of
Credence by which His Excellency Dr. Lee Teng-hui, President of the Republic of
China, has graciously accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
Your Excellency, your visit to the Republic of China last year on the occasion of
the inauguration of the ninth President of the Republic of China was a
demonstration of your invaluable support for my country's devotion to the
freedom & democracy. President Lee has therefore asked me to convey to Your
Excellency his personal sincere best wishes and warmest greetings for your good
health and happiness as well as for the continued progress and prosperity of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas and its people.
Both the Republic of China and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas have much
in common. We are very close at heart. We cherish the same ideals of freedom
and democracy. We have the same aspirations to promote the well–being of the
people and to maintain world peace. Thus, our two countries are brought
together and enjoy ever increasing friendship. The Commonwealth of the
Bahamas is a young but vibrant nation, blessed with a picturesque and charming


landscape, a hospitable and friendly people, and a dedicated and prudent

government, to be accredited here is a unique privilege. As Ambassador of the
Republic of China to this paradise, I pledge to make every endeavor to promote
the interests for our mutual benefit, and to broaden the relationship of
cooperation and goodwill between our two countries.
The traditional friendly relations between the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
and the Republic of China have been of a long standing. In recent years, the ever
increasing intensification of the technical cooperation as well as the growing
exchange of visits of high ranking officials have demonstrated anew the strong
bonds of friendship between our two countries. I have great confidence that our
common aspirations for cooperation in all fields will continue to bear fruits to
the mutual advantage of our two countries. I wish to avail myself of this
opportunity to convey my Government's deep gratitude and high appreciation to
the government and people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas for their true
friendship in giving valuable support to the Republic of China on various
international and regional forums in the past years. Those valuable supports
testify not only to the cordial relations between our two countries but also to the
innate friendly nature of the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. From
all of the above, I can conclude that our bilateral relations are indeed excellent.
Your Excellency, the ever - growing relations between the Republic of China and
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas are held in very high regard by the people
and leaders of my country. It is my fervent hope that with your esteemed support
and benevolent assistance rendered to my predecessors, I shall be able to
accomplish my mission to substantially improve cooperation in all fields and to
further strengthen the existing warm relations between our two countries.
On this auspicious occasion, please allow me, Your Excellency, to express my best
wishes for your happiness and good health and continued progress of your great
country, Thank you.


Mr. President, Seoul, October 6, 1971

I have the honor to present to Your Excellency the Letters by which Her
Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has accredited me as Her
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea, and
announcing the recall of my predecessor, Mr. NCC Trench. It also gives me great
pleasure to convey to you in the name of Her Majesty. Her most sincere good


wishes for Your Excellency’s continued good health and for the greater
prosperity and well-being of the Korean people.
Our two countries lie on opposite sides of the globe, yet since diplomatic
relations were established between the two nations, now more than 20 years ago,
a close understanding and most friendly ties have existed between them. I shall
strive further to develop and strengthen those ties and to this end I shall seek to
maintain the closest possible official and personal contact with Your Excellency
and the Korean Government.
Political cooperation between our two countries has been expressed in its highest
form: that of allies fighting in a war for Korea's survival as an independent
nation. Our hearts continue to be with you in your successful efforts to defend,
consolidate and strengthen that independence which was so hardly won.
The remarkable economic development of the Republic of Korea under Your
Excellency’s administration is by now a matter of general admiration. The
prosperity of any nation depends heavily on the economic welfare of its trading
partners and the rapidly developing trade between our two countries affords a
good example of this kind of mutual support, My own personal interests have
lain largely in the economic field during recent years and the further
development and expansion of our mutual economic relations will thus be my
particular concern.
This is my first visit to your beautiful country but I have already seen quite
enough to realize that the task with which I have been entrusted by Her Majesty
will be a great pleasure as well as a high honor. I undertake it with enthusiasm
and optimism


Mr. President:
I have the honor to present to you the letter of recall of my distinguished
predecessor, Ambassador Samuel D. Berger, and the letter of credence from the
President of the United States of America accrediting me as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea.
It is for me a great honor and privilege to represent my President and my
country to the Republic of Korea, a nation with which the United States has such
strong ties of friendship and mutual interest. These ties have been forged in the
heat of battle against a common enemy, whose unprovoked aggression against
your people was successfully repelled by Koreans and Americans fighting


together and dying together.

Just as have been comrades in arms, so have we been comrades in peace. The
interest of the United States Government and the American people in helping to
develop the Republic of Korea’s economic strength and to promote the
well-being of the Korean people is as keen today as it has ever been. It is my
privilege to serve as my Government’s representative at a time when the
prospects are good for continued growth of the Korean economy and
enhancement of the standard of living of the people. I earnestly hope that I shall
be able to contribute further to the cooperation and understanding between our
two governments as we work together to make those prospects a reality.
During my mission here, I shall exert my best efforts to strengthen even further
the bonds of friendship and affection which exist between the citizens of our two
countries. In so doing, I shall also strive to promote our mutual interests and the
achievement of our common goals.
Thank you, Mr. President.

1-13-1B-9 呈遞國書頌詞範例
Seoul, October 6, 1971
Mr. President,
I have the honor to present to Your Excellency the Letters by which Her
Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has accredited me as Her
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea, and
announcing tile recall of my predecessor, Mr. NCC Trench. It also gives me great
pleasure to convey to you in the name of Her Majesty Her most sincere good
wishes for Your Excellency’s continued good health and for the greater
prosperity and well-being of the Korean people.
Our two countries lie on opposite sides of the globe, yet since diplomatic
relations were established between the two nations, now more than 20 years ago,
a close understanding and most friendly ties have existed between them. I shall
strive further to develop and strengthen those ties and to this end I shall seek to
maintain the closest possible official and personal contact with Your Excellency
and the Korean Government.
Political cooperation between our two countries has been expressed in its highest
form: that of allies fighting in a war for Korea's survival as an independent
nation. Our hearts continue to be with you in your successful efforts to defend,
consolidate and strengthen that independence which was so hardly won.
The remarkable economic development of the Republic of Korea under Your


Excellency’s administration is by now a matter of general admiration. The

prosperity of any nation depends heavily on the economic welfare of its trading
partners and the rapidly developing trade between our two countries affords a
good example of this kind of mutual support. My own personal interests have
lain largely in the economic field during recent years and the further
development and expansion of our mutual economic relations will thus be my
particular concern.
This is my first visit to your beautiful country but I have already seen quite
enough to realize that the task with which 1 have been entrusted by Her Majesty
will be a great pleasure as well as a high honor. I undertake it with enthusiasm
and optimism.


Mr. President:
I have the honor to present to you the letter of recall of my distinguished
predecessor, Ambassador Samuel D. Berger, and the letter of credence from the
President of the United States of America accrediting me as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea.
It is for me a great honor and privilege to represent my President and my
country to the Republic of Korea, a nation with which the United States has such
strong ties of friendship and mutual interest. These ties have been forged in the
heat of battle against a common enemy, whose unprovoked aggression against
your people was successfully repelled by Koreans and Americans fighting
together and dying together. Just as have been comrades in arms, so have we
been comrades in peace. The interest of the United States Government and the
American people in helping to develop the Republic of Korea’s economic
strength and to promote the well-being of the Korean people is as keen today as
it has ever been. It is my privilege to serve as my Government's representative at
a time when the prospects are good for continued growth of the Korean economy
and enhancement of the standard of living of the people. I earnestly hope that I
shall be able to contribute further to the cooperation and understanding between
our two governments as we work together to make those prospects a reality.
During my mission here, I shall exert my best exerts to strengthen even further
the bonds of friendship and affection which exist between the citizens of our two
countries. In so doing, I shall also strive to promote our mutual interests and the
achievement of our common goals.
Thank you, Mr. President.


Mr. President,
I have the honor to deliver to Your Excellency Letters by which Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II has accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the President of the Republic of Korea.
In doing so, I bring Your Excellency the most sincere good wishes of Her
Majesty's Australian Government and the hope that you and your country will
in the future enjoy happiness and prosperity.
Your Excellency, the gallant deeds of your people in defense of their liberty will
live for ever in the hearts and minds of free men everywhere. In peace as in war,
the Korean people have shown themselves capable of extraordinary and heroic
They now have the opportunity to reach levels of achievement commensurate
with their ancient and noble heritage.
As far as I personally am concerned, I deem it a great honor to have been
appointed as Australia's first Ambassador to the Republic of Korea. I will do all
in my power to further improve the friendly relations existing between our two
countries, friendly relations forged by our associations during war, and
confirmed in peace. I feel sure, Your Excellency, that in this task I will have your
friendship and the close co-operation of your Government.



Monsieur L’Ambassadeur,
I am most pleased to receive from Your Excellency’s hands the Letters by which
your August Sovereign has accredited Your Excellency as Ambassador


Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the National Government of the Republic

of China. It is rather unfortunate t?0at the termination of the mission of Your
Excellency’s able predecessor, whose Letters of Recall you have also presented,
should have been brought about under regrettable circumstances.
I want to offer my most sincere thanks, Monsieur L’Ambassadeur, for those high
sentiments which you have just expressed for China and myself on behalf of your
Sovereign as well as on your own. China is just going through a most trying
period-struggle against unprecedented hardship and suffering, but the Chinese
Government and people are convinced that she is destined to attain her object of
national salvation and reconstruction and to contribute her full share to world
peace and prosperity.
Your Excellency’s arrival in China at this moment to take up your mission for a
country which is bound to China by ties of traditional friendship and mutual
understanding is, indeed, of especial significance to both nations. The National
Government is always ready to extend all necessary facilities to Your Excellency
during your sojourn in this country.


Monsieur L’Ambassadeur,
It is with great pleasure that I receive from Your Excellency's hands the letter by
which the President of the Italian Republic accredits you as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China.
Being highly appreciative of the remarks you have just made, I feel the deepest
sympathy for the Italian people who, after passing through a long and hard
ordeal during the last world war, have succeeded in bringing about the rebirth of
their nation and made gigantic strides toward the goal of freedom and
The Chinese Government fully shares the desire of the Italian Government to
establish friendly relations between China and Italy on entirely new bases, for it
is also our sincere hope to renew and further strengthen the traditional bonds of
friendship formerly existing between our two countries. The people of China will
spare no effort to cooperate with the Italian people in the development of their
cordial relations and in the enhancement of their common interests.
I am glad to welcome Your Excellency, a great patriot as well as a staunch
champion of democracy, in your new capacity as the first representative of the
Italian Republic to the Republic of China, and I wish to assure you that in the


accomplishment of your high mission you can always count upon my full support
and that of the Chinese Government.
Please be good enough, Monsieur L’Ambassadeur, to convey to His Excellency
the President of the Italian Republic my sincere wishes for his personal welfare
and the prosperity of your country.






August 14, 1964
Mr. Ambassador:
It gives me great pleasure to receive the Letter of Credence by which His
Excellency Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States of America,
accredits you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to the Republic of Korea. I also accept the Letter of Recall of
your distinguished predecessor, Mr. Samuel D. Berger.
On this occasion, I would like to assure you, Mr. Ambassador, that the
Government of the Republic of Korea attaches great importance to the
maintenance of close and cordial relations existing between our two countries


and peoples. As you have just mentioned, these existing ties of friendship
between us have been solidified through our joint actions taken during the
Korean War, in which your gallant youth joined us in repelling the Communist
aggressors and sacrificed their lives in order to secure freedom and democracy
in this country.
We are grateful for the sympathetic understanding and assistance which the
Government and people of the United States have generously extended to the
Republic of Korea and its people. We believe that the assistance rendered by the
United States has net only been essential in preserving peace and freedom In the
Republic of Korea, but also in developing material welfare of the nation. We also
believe that the continued assistance of the United States, economic and military,
will play a vitally important role in helping us achieve further progress and
contribute towards accomplishing the common objectives in safeguarding the
peace and freedom of the world.
In welcoming you today, I wish to assure you, Mr. Ambassador, that you will
enjoy the confidence and cooperation of the Government and people of the
Republic of Korea in executing your important mission. I sincerely hope that
your new assignment here will be both pleasant and rewarding.

August 14, 1964
Mr. Ambassador:
It gives me great pleasure to receive the Letter of Credence by which His
Excellency Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States of America,
accredits you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to the Republic of Korea. I also accept the Letter of Recall of
your distinguished predecessor, Mr. Samuel D. Berger.
On this occasion, I would like to assure you, Mr. Ambassador, that the
Government of the Republic of Korea attaches great importance to the
maintenance of close and cordial relations existing between our two countries
and peoples~ As you have just mentioned, these existing ties of friendship
between us have been solidified through our joint actions taken during the
Korean war, in which your gallant youth joined us in repelling the Communist
aggressors and sacrificed their lives in order to secure freedom and democracy
in this country. We are grateful for the sympathetic understanding and
assistance which the Government and people of the United States have
generously extended to the Republic Of Korea and its people. We believe that the


assistance rendered by the United States has not only been essential in
preserving peace and freedom in the Republic of Korea, but also in developing
material welfare of the nation. We also believe that the continued assistance of
the United States, economic and military, will play a vitally important role in
helping us achieve further progress and contribute towards accomplishing the
common objectives in safeguarding the peace and freedom of the world.
In welcoming you today, I wish to assure you, Mr. Ambassador, that you will
enjoy the confidence and cooperation of the Government and people of the
Republic of Korea in executing your important mission. I sincerely hope that
your new assignment here will be both pleasant and rewarding.

1-14、全權證書【Full Power】

Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, to all to whom these
Presents shall come, Greeting:
Know Ye That, reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, prudence,
and ability of XXX, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
United States of America to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, I have invested him with full and all manner of power and authority for
and in the name of the United States of America to meet and confer with any
person or persons duly authorized by the Government of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, being invested with like power and
authority, and with such person or persons to negotiate, conclude, and sign an
agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to facilitate the
interchange of patent rights and technical information for defense purposes,
together with a related note.


In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States of America to
be hereunto affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this fifth day of December in the year of our Lord
one thousand nine hundred and ............ and of the Independence of the United
States of America the one hundred ............ th.
By the President:
(Signed) Harry S. Trumann
(Signed) Dean Acheson
Secretary of State

1-15-1、領事委任書【Consular Commission】


I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that Mr............ , a citizen of the State
of ............, has been appointed Consul of the United States of America
at …………. (In place of ............ who formerly held that office.)
In communicating the above information to Your Excellency and enclosing his
commission in that capacity, I have the honor to request that you will be pleased
to grant to Mr. ............. the formal exequatur of the Government of His
Majesty ........., recognizing him in his consular capacity and to ask that upon its
issuance, you will be pleased to direct that information thereof be communicated
to him, together with the enclosed commission, at his post of duty.
I avail myself of the occasion to offer to Your Excellency the assurance of my
most distinguished consideration.
Secretary of State
of the United States of America.


Commission of ............ as Consul of the United States
of America at................

To His Excellency……………………
The Minister of Foreign Affairs


1-15-2B、 領事證書範例
Satisfactory evidence having been exhibited to me that Mr. XXX has been
appointed Consul of the Republic of China at............. I do hereby recognize him
is such, and declare him free to exercise and enjoy such functions, powers, and
privileges as are allowed to consular representatives by the Law of Nations or by
the Laws of the Republic of ........................
In testimony whereof, I have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the
Seal of the Republic of ............... to be hereunto affixed.
Done in the City of ........., this......... day of........ A.D. One thousand nine hundred
and ............ and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES, the
two hundred ……...
By the President:
Secretary of Foreign Affairs


第二節 照會【Note】

館、總領事館及其外交代表 (大使﹑公使﹑代辦等),於對外交涉時用以表明其



考文號】(File Number or Reference)及【發信日期】(Date Line),


1-22-2、【收信人姓名、職稱及地址】(Inside Address or Introductory

1-22-3、【稱謂】(Salutation):正式照會中通常尊稱 Excellency 或 Sir;
非正式照會中通常稱 Dear Mr. Ambassador, Dear Mr. Minster 或
Dear Mr. Charge Daffier。
1-22-4、【正文】 (Body of the Letter): 正式照會本文通常以 ”I have the
honor to ~” 開端。
【結尾敬辭】 (Complimentary Close)
:正式照會通常以 I avail
myself of this opportunity to express (renew) to Your Excellency (you)
the assurances of my highest consideration 或 Accept, Excellency
(Sir), the renewed assurances of my highest consideration 為結尾;非
正式照會通常謙稱 Sincerely yours 或 Yours Sincerely。
1-22-7、【附件】(Enclosures):通常簡略為 Enc.或 Encls. 。
1-22-8、 【鑑別符號】 (Identification Mark) :通常打承辦人員及打字員姓
1 - 2 2 - 9 、【 機 密 等 級 】( Security Classifications or Security

Date July 15, 200X
Salutation Sir:
Body of the letter I have received the Ambassador's note dated
July 4, 2005, informing me of his intended
departure from the United States on July 6 and
stating that during his absence you will be
Charge d’Affaires ad interim.
The officials of the Department will be pleased
to transact with you any business which may
arise between our two Governments in the
Ambassador’s absence.
Complimentary close Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high
For the Secretary of State:
Inside address Mr. XXX


Charge d’affaires ad interim

of the Argentine Republic

以【第一人稱】之身分書寫,故亦稱為 First Person Note.【正式照
會】多以【第三人稱】之身分書寫,亦稱 Third Person Note。
1-23-3、照會本文通常以 I have the honor to ~ 開端,並以 I avail myself
of this opportunity to express (renew) to Your Excellency (you) the
assurances of my highest consideration 或 Accept, Excellency (Sir),
the renewed assurances of my highest consideration 為結尾。
仍須打上發信人姓名及職銜,千萬不可於其姓名或職銜之前加上 H. E.
(His Excellency)或 Dr.等字眼。


Your Excellency,
With reference to your Note No 1234, I have the honor to inform Your
Excellency that my Government shares the wishes of the Government of the
Republic of China and agrees to exchange diplomatic representations with the
rank of Embassy.
I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate with pleasure to Your Excellency
assurances of my highest consideration.



I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of January 24,
1998, proposing the establishment of an embassy in the Republic of China with
an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary as its head.
It is my honor to inform Your Excellency that the Chinese Government gladly
accepts the proposal and has decided to send an Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to … the immediate future.
Meanwhile, I have the honor to add that the Chinese Government shares Your
Excellency’s view that the proposed exchange of diplomatic missions will
promote and develop the cordial ties between our two countries.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.

July 15,19XX
With reference to my note no. 12345, dated July 15, 199X, requesting the
provisional recognition of Mr. XXX, American Foreign Service Officer, as
Consul General at Osaka, I now have the honor to inform Your Excellency that
the assignment of Mr. XXX has been canceled.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
His Excellency XXX
His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Department of State
Washington, August 13, 1935
Acknowledgment is made of the receipt of your note of August tenth informing
me of the departure of the Ambassador and the assumption by you of the duties


of Charge daffier ad interim of Poland.

In reply you are informed that this Department will be pleased to transact with
you any business that may arise between our two governments during the
absence of the Ambassador.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.
For the Secretary of State:
XXX, Esquire,
Charge daffier ad interim of Poland

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date reading as follows:
"During the negotiations for the Treaty signed today between His Excellency….
I should be glad if Your Excellency would confirm these understandings on
behalf of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom."
I have the honor, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom,
to confirm the understandings reached between us as recorded in the annex to
Your Excellency’s Note, which annex shall be considered as an integral part of
the Treaty signed today and shall be considered as effective upon the date of
entrance into force of that Treaty.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.


With reference to recent conversations between representatives of the
Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America
regarding the extension to individuals ordinarily resident in Canada who are
nationals of the United States and are not British subjects of certain exemptions
from orders and regulations now or hereafter in force respecting the acquisition
and disposition of foreign currency and foreign securities, I have the honor to


propose an agreement concerning these exemptions in the following terms:

I have the honor to suggest that if an agreement in the sense of the foregoing
paragraphs is acceptable to the Government of the United States this note and
your reply thereto in similar terms shall be regarded as placing on record the
understanding arrived at between the two Governments concerning this matter.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to refer to your note of today’s date proposing an agreement
between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of
Canada concerning the extension to individuals ordinarily resident in Canada
who are nationals of the United States and are not British subjects of certain
exemptions from orders and regulations now or hereafter in force respecting the
acquisition and disposition of foreign exchange and foreign securities in the
following terms:
I have the honor to inform you that an agreement in the terms of the foregoing
paragraphs is acceptable to the Government of the United States of America and
that this note, and your note under reference, will be regarded as placing on
record the understanding arrived at between our Governments concerning this
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Japanese Embassy
July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of to-day’s date,
communicating to me your understanding of the views developed by the
discussions that you have recently had with this Embassy in reference to the
status of the Ishii-Lansing exchange of notes of November 2, 1917.
I am happy to be able to confirm to you, under instructions from my
Government, your understanding of the views thus developed, as set forth in the
following terms: ---
The discussions between the two Governments have disclosed an identity of


views and, in the light of the understandings arrived at by the Washington

Conference on the Limitation of Armament, the Japanese and American
Governments are agreed to consider the Ishii-Lansing correspondence of
November 2, 1917, as cancelled and of no further force or effect.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. ….. of 27 th April
19 98, informing me that Mr. XXX has been appointed by your government as
Acting Permanent Representative of the Republic of ……… to the United
Nations with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary as
from 14 March, 19XX.
The Secretariat departments concerned have been informed accordingly.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Secretary General

Embassy of the
United States of America
Brasilia, July 19XX
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented to His
Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil the Letters
accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to Brazil.
I take this opportunity to assure you of my desire to maintain and strengthen the
cordial relations, both official and personal, which so happily exist between our
countries and missions.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency
Ambassador of Korea
Brasilia, D.F.


Your Excellency the Dean:
I have the honor to inform you that I have today completed my assignment as
Ambassador of the Republic of ……………… to the Republic of ………………
In taking my leave, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for the
kindness and cooperation you have extended to me throughout the period of my
service in Tokyo. I am confident that the friendly relations prevailing between
our two Missions will continue to flourish in the future.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Your Excellency:
I have the honor to inform you that having completed my assignment as
Apostolic Pro Nuncio to the Republic of………….., I am leaving………today.
Until the arrival of my successor, Monsignor XXX, First Secretary, will take
charge of the Apostolic Nunciature in the capacity of Charge daffier, a.i...
In taking my leave, I wish to express to Your Excellency my sincere appreciation
of the cordial and friendly relations which have so happily existed between
ourselves as well as our two Missions.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that 1 have today presented to His
Majesty King …… of the Kingdom of ………….., the letter accrediting me as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the
Kingdom of…………..
In assuming my duties, I take this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my
sincere desire to maintain and develop the cordial relations which so happily
exist between our two countries. I am confident that this will be reflected in the
continued friendly contacts between our two Missions.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Republic of ……………


July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note dated July
8 19XX, by which you were good enough to inform me that you have presented
to His Imperial Majesty the XXX your letter accrediting you to the Imperial
Court of Iran in the capacity of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of (name of country)
In taking note of this information, I wish to express to Your Excellency my
pleasure in entering upon official and personal relations with you, and to assure
you that I look forward with confidence and pleasure to maintaining the friendly
relations which so fortunately exist between our two countries.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
[Pen signature]
His Excellency
Ambassador of …………….

15 July 19XX
His Excellency
Dr. …………………
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of Korea

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s letter of 25
May in which you were so good as to inform me that you had on that date
presented to His Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
the letters accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Republic of Korea.
In thanking Your Excellency for this communication I would like to express my


pleasure at the opportunity thus afforded me of entering into personal and

official relations with you and maintaining and strengthening the good relations
which exist between our two countries and Missions.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

April 4, 1950
I have received the Ambassador’s note dated April 4, 1950, informing me of his
intended departure from the United States on April 6 and stating that during his
absence you will be Charge daffier ad interim.
The officials of the Department will be pleased to transact with you any business
which may arise between our two Governments in the Ambassador’s absence.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.
For the Secretary of State:

Tokyo, July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to refer to the conversations which I held with your Vice
Minister, Dr. XXX, on July 3 concerning the proposed joint venture between
Miranda of Canada and Poignant Metal Manufacturing Company of Korea to
construct a modern copper refining and smelting complex in the Republic of
Korea. I understand that Mr. YYY, Charge daffier ad interim of Canada, and
Mr. ZZZ, Commercial Secretary, had further conversations on July 9 with
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. AAA, on the same subject.
To clarify certain points which have arisen in connection with this project, I have
today addressed a letter to your colleague the Minister of Commerce and
Industry, Mr. AAA, of which I am pleased to enclose a copy. This project has the
strong endorsement of the Government of Canada, which is also prepared to
provide technical assistance in the form of a visit by Korean experts to Miranda,
as described in the letter. I believe that the approval of your Government of this
proposed joint venture would add a new and important dimension to the
growing economic relations between our two countries.
Yours sincerely,



His Excellency
Mr. …………………
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

Department of State
July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency my understanding of the
views developed by the discussions which I have recently had with your Embassy
in reference to the status of Lansing-Ishii exchange of notes of November 2, 1917.
The discussions between the two Governments have disclosed an identity of view
and, in the light of the understandings arrived at by the Washington Conference
on the Limitation of Armament, the American and Japanese Governments are
agreed to consider the Lansing- Ishii correspondence of November 2, 1917, as
cancelled and of no further force or effect.
I shall be glad to have your confirmation of the accord that is reached.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mr. Minister,
I have the honor to refer to the conversations recently held between the
representatives of the Governments of the Republic of China and Japan
regarding the scheduled air services between and beyond both countries, and to
confirm on behalf of the Government of the Republic of China the following
arrangements agreed upon in the course of these conversations, which the
Governments of both countries undertake to apply within the limits of their
administrative powers:


I have the honor to request Your Excellency to be good enough to confirm the
above -mentioned arrangements on behalf of the Government of Japan.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency, Mr. Minister, the
assurance of my highest consideration.

15 July 19XX
Your Excellency:
May 1 express to you my profound gratitude for your kindness in transmitting
through me for His Excellency, Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the
Philippines, the birthday greetings of His Excellency, the President of Korea.
I would appreciate your conveying to him the following message of thanks from
President Marcos:

"His Excellency
President Park Chung Hee
Republic of Korea
"I am grateful to Your Excellency for your gracious birthday greetings and I wish
to reciprocate your expressions of friendship and good will for the Filipino people.
"May the bonds of amity and mutual understanding continue to unite ever stronger
your country and mine.
President of the Philippines

Accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my high esteem and regards.

His Excellency
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

Monsieur L’Ambassadeur,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date reading as follows:


"I have the honor to refer to the conversations recently held between the
representatives of the Governments ……………:
I have the honor to confirm the arrangements set forth in Your Excellency’s Note
of the Government of Japan.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency, Monsieur
L’Ambassadeur, the assurance of my highest consideration.

No. 1212
Tokyo, July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency’s note of July 7, 19XX, on the
transfer of equipment and materials under the Mutual Defense Assistance
Agreement between the United States of America and Japan signed on March 8,
I also have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the proposal made in the
note under reference is acceptable to the Government of the United States of
America and that the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Japan, or
his appointees, are designated as the authorities on the part of the Government
of the United States of America for the purpose indicated in the said note.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency
Minister for Foreign Affairs

July 15, 199X
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of May 26 enclosing an
autographed communication addressed to the President of the United States by
His Excellency the President of El Salvador announcing the assumption of his
high office.
In reply you are informed that His Excellency’s letter has been placed before the


President, whose acknowledgment is transmitted herewith for delivery to its high

Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
(Signed) …………………….
Acting Secretary of State
of the United States of America
Enclosure: …………………

His Excellency XXX

Minister of Foreign Relations of El Salvador

Department of State
February 10, 19XX
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 10, 1936
regarding the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
I have brought your note to the attention of the Securities and Exchange
Commission and also have transmitted to the Commission the documents that
accompanied the note.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
For the Secretary of State
His Excellency …………….
Ambassador of' the French Republic

Department of State
Washington June 2, 1927
I have the honor to acknowledge, with appreciation, the receipt of your esteemed
communication, dated May 25, 1927, expressing congratulations on behalf of the
Government of Venezuela and yourself upon the successful flight of Captain
Charles Lindbergh from New York to Paris.
I have the honor to assure you that the cordial sentiments expressed by your


government and yourself are greatly appreciated by this government.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
The Honorable XXX
Minister of Venezuela

Dear Secretary
1 have the honor to inform you that October 10 of this year will be the 93 rd
Founding Anniversary of the Republic of China. A morning reception will be
held from 11:00 to 12:30 a.m. at Chinese Embassy at….
It is my earnest hope that the reception would be graced with the presence of
Their Majesties. 1 shall, therefore, very much appreciate it if you would be kind
enough to convey my sincere request to Their Majesties to attend the reception.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest

Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August, 19 stating that
Your Excellency had presented to His Majesty King ……… the letter
accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to the Kingdom of …………….
While looking forward to establishing official and personal relations with you, I
take this opportunity to express my sincere desire to continue and develop the
cordial relations so happily existing between our two countries and Missions.
Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Charge d’affieres, a.i.
Republic of

Dear Mr. Ambassador:
On behalf of members of the Embassy and in my own name I thank you for your


thoughtful Independence Day message and reciprocate good wishes expressed in

Sincerely yours
His Excellency
Ambassador of Portugal ~


Thank you very much for your kind message of congratulations and good wishes.
We shall look forward to the continuation of the relations of friendship and
co-operation between our two countries,

25 June, 1970

25 June 1970
Dear Ambassador,
I thank you for transmittal to the Prime Minister the text of a message of
congratulations from the Prime Minister of Korea.
I enclose the text of Mr. XXX’s reply, which has been sent to Seoul for our
Embassy to pass to Mr. II Kwon Chung.
Sincerely yours
Head, Far Eastern Department

May 20, 1971
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
It was indeed kind of you to transmit to me the cabled message from His
Excellency Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea on my
eighty-seventh birthday and I will appreciate it if you will convey to him my


sincere thanks.
You also, Mr. Ambassador, have my thanks for your good wishes.
Sincerely your
His Excellency
Ambassador of Korea
The Korean Embassy
Washington, D. C. 20008

Warsaw January 27, 1956
Dear Mr. Charge d’affieres:
In response to your note f January 25, I shall be very happy to receive you and
the members of the Canadian Financial Mission in my office at the Embassy at
eleven o’clock on Friday morning, February 3rd.
Sincerely yours
Mr. ………….
Charge daffier ad interim of Canada

1-24-2-1 普通照會範例 【通知到任】

His Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to His Imperial Japanese

Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform His
Excellency that Mr. XXX, His Majesty’s Consul at ……, has been granted one
month's local leave of absence.
Mr. YYY has been transferred from this Embassy to take charge of the
Consulate during Mr. XXX’s absence and assumed the duties of Acting British
Consul on October 28th.

British Embassy, Tokyo

November 6th, 1934


1-24-2-2 普通照會範例【通知離任】
Embassy of
the United States of America
The American Embassy presents its compliments to the Imperial Japanese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform the latter that Mr.
Charles H. Stephan, Vice Consul at Kobe, has been detached from his duties
there and transferred to another Post.

November 29, 1941

1-24-2-3 普通照會範例【請求確認立場】
During the negotiations for the Treaty signed today between His Excellency the
President of the National Government of the Republic of China and His Majesty
the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas,
Emperor of India, for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and India, a number of questions have been discussed upon which
agreement has been realized. The understandings reached with regard to these
points are recorded in the annex to the present Note, which annex shall be
considered as an integral part of the Treaty signed today and shall be considered
as effective upon the date of the entrance into force of that Treaty. I should be
glad if Your Excellency would confirm these understandings on behalf of His
Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.
Chinese Foreign Minster

1-24-2-4 普通照會範例【同意請求】

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Charge daffier ad interim
of Egypt and refers to the Legation's note no. 305 of April 10, 1935 requesting
copies of laws and regulations governing the importation of foreign cigarettes
and tobacco into the United States.
The Secretary of State take pleasure in enclosing excerpts from the Tariff Act of


1930 and the Customs Regulations of 1931, which contain provisions relating to
the importation of tobacco and tobacco products.

1. Excerpts from Tariff
Act of 1930
2. Excerpts from Customs
Regulations of 1931
Department of State,
Washington, May 10, 1935.

1-24-2-5 普通照會範例【同意廢約】
The Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government having informed the
Imperial German Government of the signature of the Protocol relating to Bosnia
and Herzegovina, which has been concluded with the Sublime Porte, and having
further requested assent to the abrogation of Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin,
the undersigned Imperial German ambassador, under instructions from his
Government, has the honor to make known to His Excellency Baron von
Aehrenthal, the Imperial and Royal Minister of the Imperial and Royal House
and of Foreign Affairs, that the Imperial Government formally and without
reserve gives its assent to the abrogation of Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin.

April 7, 1909
His Excellency ……………………



第三節 節略【Note Verbale】


(Note Verbale)是目前駐外使館或使節與駐在國政府
往 最 常 使 用 , 且 正 式 程 度 僅 次 於 【 照 會 】 (less formal than a
first-person note) 的一種公文書。日本人稱之 Note Verbale 為【口

【參考文號】(File Number or Reference)及【發信日(Date Line),
1-32-2、【本文】 (Body of the Letter): 節略之本文通常以 The
Ambassador of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of….and has the
honor to ~ (人與人),或 The Embassy of the Republic of China
presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of … and
has the honor to ~ (機關與機關) 或 The Embassy of the Republic of
China presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of ...
and has the honor to ~ (機關與機關)為開端。
1-32-3、【結文】( Complimentary Close):節略之本文通常以 The
Ambassador of the Republic of China avails himself of this
opportunity to express (renew) to the Minister of the Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of … the assurances of his highest consideration 或


The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this

opportunity to express (renew) to the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of … the assurances of its highest consideration 或
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this
opportunity to express (renew) to the Embassy of the Republic of …
the assurances of its highest consideration 為結尾。
1-32-4、 畫押【Initial】 :通常由承辦人員或使館(或機關)指定之人員
1-32-6、【附件】(Enclosures):通常簡略為 Enc.或 Encls.。由承辦人員
1-32-7、【鑑別符號】(Identification Mark):通常打承辦人員及打字員
1-32-8、【機密等級】(Security Classifications or Security

Date June 5, 200X
Reference No.12 / 345

Body of the letter Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents

their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
and has the honor to inform them that the
official birthday of Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth The Second will be Saturday the
13th of June, 200X.
Complimentary close Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avail
themselves of this opportunity to renew to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the
assurances of their highest consideration.
(Initial & Stamp)
British Embassy


1-33-2、節略通常以【第三人稱】之身分書寫,故亦稱為 Third Person
1-33-3、節略之正文通常以 The Ambassador of the Republic of China
presents its compliments to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of….and has the honor to ~ (人與人),或 The Embassy of
the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of … and has the honor to ~ (機關與機關) 或 The
Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the
Embassy of the Republic of ... and has the honor to ~ (機關與機關)為
開端,並以 The Ambassador of the Republic of China avails himself
of this opportunity to express (renew) to the Minister of the Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of … the assurances of his highest
consideration 或 The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself
of this opportunity to express (renew) to the Ministry of the Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of … the assurances of its highest
consideration 或 The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself
of this opportunity to express (renew) to the Embassy of the Republic
of … the assurances of its highest consideration 為結尾。



1-34-1-1 節略範例【請求同意續約】

Note No.CE92/040
The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of
Swaziland and has the honor to refer to the former’s note CE92/037 of July 3,
2003 with regard to Agreement on Handicraft Technical Cooperation between
the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom
of Swaziland.
The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland has the
pleasure to express the desire of the ROC, in accordance with Article Ⅵ of the
said Agreement on Handicraft Technical Cooperation between the Government
of the Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, to
renew the Agreement through exchange of notes for a further period of three
years from 1 July 2003to 30 June 2006. The ROC party also suggests that the
following Articles of the aforesaid Agreement be amended as follows:
Article 1
(ii) To offer advanced training at the Center on the following courses:
(a) Home craft and Dress Design
(b) General Metal Work and Small Engines Repair
(c) Industrial Sewing
(d) Computer and Word Processing
(e) Electrical Appliance / Equipment Repair;
(f) : (deleted)
(g) : (deleted)
(iii) To assist with basic training or offer advice at the Center on the following
(a) Wood and Stone Carving
(b) Ceramics
(c) Leather Craft
(d) Fine Arts and Business Management;
(iv) To employ and remunerate suitably qualified local personnel to assist with
B. The number of personnel of the Mission shall be limited to four (4) persons.

Article II
3. To pay all necessary costs of short-term training courses and observation tours
in the Republic of China for an appropriate number of Swazi handicraft trainees


during the duration of this Agreement;

Article III
The management and administration of the Center shall be the responsibility of
the Ministry of Enterprise and Employment or such other Ministry, Department
or Division of the Government or an organization designated by the Government
of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the purpose.

The Embassy would appreciate the timely confirmation reply from the
Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland with respect to the renewal of this
Agreement as well as the amendments to its Article I, II and III.

The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland avails itself of
this opportunity to renew to The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the
Kingdom of Swaziland the assurances of its highest consideration.

July 18, 2003


c. c. Ministry of Enterprise & Employment

Ministry of Economic Planning & Development

1-34-1-2 節略範例【請求發給簽證】

The Department of Asia and Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
presents its compliments to the Thai Trade and Economic Office and has the honor
to request the latter to be good enough to issue a visa valid for one week to Mr.
XXX, a correspondent of the Central Daily News of Taipei.
Mr. XXX, holder of passport No. 123456 who is on his way back to Taiwan,
would like to spend a few days in Thailand. Any courtesy extended to Mr. XXX
will be deeply appreciated.
The Department of Asia and Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Thai Trade and Economic Office the
assurances of its highest consideration.


1-34-1-3 節略範例【請求發給簽證】

The Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its
compliments to the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taipei and has the
honor to inform the latter that Mr. XXX, an official of the Overseas Chinese
Affairs Commission, will leave for the Hague on April 5, 1998 to attend a
meeting of the World Taiwanese Commerce in the Netherlands. Mr. XXX is
scheduled to return to Taipei on April 12, 1998 immediately after the meeting.
One duly completed visa application form, one photo and one passport are
enclosed herewith for reference. Any courtesy and assistance extended to the
applicant will be highly appreciated.
The Department of European' Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself
of this opportunity to renew to the Netherlands Trade and Economic Office the
assurances of its highest consideration.

1-34-1-4 節略範例【請求安排拜會】

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry of
foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ….. and has the honor to inform the Ministry
that the Special Envoy of the Republic of China His Excellency Dr. XXX and his
party of three will attend the 11th Independence Anniversary of the Kingdom
of………. .
After the celebration, on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of China,
Dr. XXX will pay a return visit to the Kingdom of ………. The Embassy will
inform the Ministry of Dr. XXX’s itinerary shortly.
The Embassy will be grateful if the Ministry would be kind enough to make
arrangements For Dr. XXX and his party’s audience with His Majesty the King
and their calls on the Right Honorable the Prime Minister and the Minister of
Foreign Affairs the Honorable YYY.
The Embassy of tire Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ………….the assurances of
its highest consideration.

1-34-1-5 節略範例【同意續約及修正】
Note No.7
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of Swaziland presents


its complements to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
refer to the latter’s Notes CE92/037 and CE92/040 regarding the Agreement on
The Handcraft Technical Cooperation between the two countries.
The Ministry on behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland agrees
to the renewal of the Agreement for a period three years with effect from 1st July,
2003. The ministry also accepts all the amendments stated in the two diplomatic
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of Swaziland avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.

1stAugust, 2003

1-34-1-6 節略範例【通知到任】

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of the Republic ……. and have the honor to inform the latter that
Air Commodore XXX accompanied by his family, arrived in …………on May 4
to join the staff of the Embassy.
On June 1, 19 , Air Commodore XXX will assume the duty as Air Attaché at the
Embassy in place of Air Commodore YYY who will be leaving on ……….
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avail them of this opportunity to renew to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ~ the assurances of their highest

1-34-1-7 節略範例【通知短暫離任】

The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of
Brazil and has the honor to inform them that Ambassador John Hugh Cramming
departed Brazil today for Washington, D.C. for consultations and leave in the
United States. The Ambassador will be absent from the country for a period of
approximately six weeks.
During his absence, Minister Counselor Richard E. Johnson will serve as Charge
daffier ad interim.


The Embassy of the United States of America avail itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative
Republic of Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Brasilia, November 23, 1974

1-34-1-8 節略範例【通知到任】
The Embassy of Australia presents its compliments to all Diplomatic Missions
accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and has the
honor to advice that the Ambassador, H.E. Mr. J. R. Kelso accompanied by Mrs.
Kelso, left Brazil on 7 December, 1974. They will return to Brasilia on 15
December, 1974.
During the Ambassador's absence, Hr. John W. Sullivan will assume charge of
the Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
The Embassy of Australia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of
Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.

7 December, 1974

1-34-2-1 節略範例【通知任命】

The Chief of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic

of……..presents its compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of
Mission and has the honor to inform Their Excellencies that the Honorable, Vice
Minister of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ……who was
appointed today, has assumed his duties as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1-34-2-2 節略範例【通知任命】

The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to Their
Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission in Spain and has the honor to


inform them that Mr. John Doe has been designated Third Secretary of Embassy
and has assumed his duties. Mr. Doris accompanied by his wife and they will
reside at …

Embassy of the United States of America

Madrid, January 31, 1956,

1-34-2-3 節略範例【申謝通知任命】

The Ambassador of the Republic of China presents his compliments to the Chief of
Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ……………and
has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s memorandum of (date)
stating that the Honorable XXX Vice Foreign Minister, has assumed his duties as
Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
The Ambassador of the Republic of China wishes to thank the Chief of Protocol
for this information and avails himself of this opportunity to extend to the Acting
Secretary his sincere felicitations.

1-34-2-4 節略範例【通知到任】

His Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to His Imperial Japanese

Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform His Excellency
that, owing to the illness of His Majesty’s Consul-General at Yokohama, Mr.
XXX, His Majesty’s Consul at Yokohama, has been appointed to take charge of
His Majesty’s Consulate General pending Mr. YYY’s recovery. Mr. XXX
assumed his duties as Acting Consul- General as from the 26th August.

British Embassy, Tokyo

August 26, 1995

1-34-2-5 節略範例【申謝通知到任】

The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to the
Charge daffier ad interim of the Netherlands and has the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of the Embassy’s note of January 6, 1956, stating that Mr. XXX had


joined the staff of the Royal Netherlands Embassy as Commercial Secretary.

The courtesy of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in furnishing this information is
sincerely appreciated.

Embassy of the United States of America

Karachi, January 10, 1956.

1-34-2-6 節略範例【通知晉升】

The Chinese Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of …..and has the honor to inform the latter that Mr. XXX, First
Secretary of the Embassy has been accorded the rank of Counselor as of March
20, 1968.

1-34-2-7 節略範例【請求通關免稅】

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Foreign
Ministry of the Republic of ……..and has the honor to inform the latter that two
cases of books sent by the Government lnformation Office of the Republic of
China to the Press Counselor’s Office of the Embassy via S.S. KAl Shaun
arrived at … on April 3, 199X.
The Embassy would appreciate it very much if the Ministry would be good
enough to notify the authorities concerned to exempt the aforesaid shipment
from taxation and facilitate its release.
Enclosed please find the bill of lading of the said shipment.

1-34-2-8 節略範例【請求發給簽證】

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of tile Republic of China presents its compliments
to the Consulate General of …………… in Hong Kong and has the honor to
request that appropriate visas be issued respectively to Messrs XXX and YYY,
Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, who are
proceeding to Germany via Rome.
The courtesy of the Consulate General in this matter will be highly appreciated.


1-34-2-9 節略範例【同意送給咨文】

The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to His
Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey and has the honor to refer to
the Ministry’s note of January 6, 1956 requesting several copies of the
President’s "State of the Union" message.
The Ambassador appreciates the Minister’s interest in the President’s message
and is enclosing five copies thereof.

Five copies of the President’s message

Embassy of the United States of America

Ankara, January 7, 1956

1-34-2-10 節略範例【覆告處理情形】

The Secretary General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the
Permanent Representative of the Republic of ……… to the United Nations and has
the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s Note No. 17 of June 24, 1982,
which contains information on the status of international tax agreements
concluded by the Republic of …… The Secretariat will take this information into
account in the preparation of the series of International Tax Agreements.

1-34-2-11 節略範例【覆告處理情形】

The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the Department of
Foreign Affairs of the …… and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the
latter’s Note of September 1, 1996, transmitting information concerning the
study of discrimination in respect of people’s rights to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country.
The Note and the information enclosed therewith will be forwarded to Mr. XXX,
Special Rapporteur of the Sub Committee on Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities.


1-34-3-1 節略範例【請求發給簽證】

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has the honor to request the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office for the issuance of visa endorsement in
respect of Ms. XXX and family.
Ms. XXX is an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and has
been posted to the Korean Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei as ………..
She will be accompanied by her husband Mr. XXX and her daughter YYY and
will arrive in Taipei on March 12, 1995 and remain there for two years.
It would be appreciated if an appropriate entry visa could be inscribed on the
enclosed passports.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office the assurances of its highest

1-34-3-2 節略範例【同意參加宴會】

The Charge d’affieres ad interim of the Republic of China has the honor to
inform His Excellency the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
that Mr. and Mrs. XXX will be pleased to attend the Farewell party held in
honor of His Excellency, the Japanese Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, on
Thursday, May 5, 1982 at Americana Hotel at 12:30 noon.
The Charge d’affieres ad interim of the Republic of China avails himself of this
opportunity to renew to the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
the assurances of his highest consideration.

1-34-3-3 節略範例【覆告處理情形】

Referring to the Note No. 1234 of the Embassy of the Republic of China dated 13
September 1997, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has the
honor to inform the former that the information contained in the Note has been
relayed to the competent ministries of the Korean Government.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its
highest consideration.


第四節 換文【Exchange of Notes /Letters】

1-41、概說:換文 (exchange of notes) 是指兩國政府就某一事項分別發出

或 交換文件,一方在發出之文件中提出明確要約,另一方對該

考文號】(File Number or Reference)及【發信日期】(Date Line),
案號碼或參考 文號】及【發信日期】。
1-42-2、【收信人姓名、職稱及地址】(Inside Address or Introductory
1-42-3、【稱謂】(Salutation):正式照會中通常尊稱 Excellency 或 Sir;
非正式照會中通常稱 Dear Mr. Ambassador, Dear Mr. Minster 或
Dear Mr. Charge daffier。
1-42-4、【正文】(Body of the Letter): 正式照會本文通常以 I have the
honor to ~ 為開端。
1-42-5、【結尾敬辭】(Complimentary Close):正式照會通常以 I avail
myself of this opportunity to express (renew) to Your Excellency (you)
the assurances of my highest consideration 或 Accept, Excellency
(Sir), the renewed assurances of my highest consideration 為結尾;非
正式照會通常謙稱 Sincerely yours 或 Yours Sincerely。
1-42-7、【附件】(Enclosures):通常簡略為 Enc.或 Encls. 。
1-42-8、【鑑別符號】(Identification Mark)
1-42-9、【機密等級】(Security Classifications or Security

1-43-1、換文照會之內容需事先洽商 並經雙方同意;


1-44-1 換文範例 【美國與加拿大換文同意停止徵收隧道通行費】

The Department of State on July 23 (Press release 470) released the following
exchange of notes between the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs
and the U.S. Charge daffier ad interim at Ottawa regarding the suspension of
Wetland Canal tolls. The Department has been informed that this Suspension is
to be retroactive to July 18, 1962:
No. 118
Sir: I have the honor to bring to your attention the proposal of the Canadian
Government to suspend in the near future the levying of tolls on the Wetland
Canal. The Government of Canada is fully satisfied that this action will be
beneficial to the shipping and trade interests of both Canada and the United
It will be recalled that, although this Canal is within Canada and the revenue
from it is not subject to the sharing arrangement, the tolls on this Canal are
referred to in a Memorandum of Agreement and Tariff of Tolls incorporated in
the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 between Canada and the United States of
America concerning the application of tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway. I
therefore propose that the tariff be modified by an exchange of notes to reflect
the suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I shall of course communicate further with you if the Government of Canada
subsequently decides that it would be advisable to revoke this suspension and
re-impose tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I have the honor to suggest that if the foregoing is agreeable to the Government
of the United States, this note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an
agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the
United States to vary the Tariff of Tolls attached to the 1959 exchange of notes in
order to provide for this suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 3, 1962.

No. 14
Excellency: I have the honor to refer Lo your Note No. 118 of July 3, 1962
concerning the proposed suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and the modification


of the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to

reflect such a suspension.
I have been instructed by my Government to inform you that the proposed
suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and a consequent modification of the Tariff of
Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to reflect this
suspension are acceptable.
Accordingly, your note and this reply shall constitute an agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
appropriately to modify the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the I959 exchange of
notes in order to provide for suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 13, 1962.

1-44-2 換文範例【中美換文同意有關共同防禦條約第五條之解釋】
A、The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs:
I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our
two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those
conversations, as follows:
The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in Article
VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and the
United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and other
territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under its
control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of
these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,
John Foster Dull
Secretary of Stale of the
United States of America


His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
The Republic of China

B、The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs to The secretary of State:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date, which reads as follows:
"I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our
two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those
conversations, as follows.
"The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in
Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and
the United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and
other territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under
its control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of
these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement."
I have the honor to confirm, on behalf of my Government, the understanding set
forth in Your Excellency’s Note under reply.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
George K C Yeh
Minister for Foreign Affair's of
The Republic of China
His Excellency
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State of
The United States of America


1-44-3 換文範例【The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative

Office in the United States (TECRO)】
Dear Ambassador
I refer to your letter of December 10, acknowledging the change in the name of
my office to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO).
I would appreciate your confirmation of our mutual understanding that this
change in name docs not in any way effect, nor was it intended to effect, any
substantive legal change between Taiwan and the United States. It does not affect
the rights, responsibilities or status of our organization. All the obligations
undertaken by CCNAA remain in effect as obligations of TECRO. In particular,
all agreements and contracts between CCNAA and AIT remain fully in force, in
accordance with their terms.
Upon receipt of your letter indicating that the foregoing understanding is
agreeable to AIT, we will consider that the letter and your reply thereto
constitute an agreement between TECRO and AIT on this matter.
With best regards,

Dear Representative
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 10, 1998, concerning the
change in the name of your office to the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO).
I hereby confirm our mutual understanding and agreement that this change in
name does not in any way effect, nor was it intended to effect any substantive
legal change: it does not affect the rights, responsibilities or status of your
organization. All the obligations undertaken by CCNAA remain in effect as
obligations of TECRO. In particular, all agreements and contracts between AIT
and CCNAA remain fully in force, in accordance with their terms.
This letter, together with your letter of December 10, 1998, referred to above,
constitutes an agreement between AIT and TECRO on this subject.
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director



第五節 備忘錄【Memorandum】


【備忘錄】法文稱為 Aide-Memoire,英文稱為 Memorandum,
書寫【受文者】,文末亦毋需簽署或 initial,更毋需蓋章.。
1-54-1 備忘錄範例【請求任命】

His Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents their compliments to the XXX
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and have the honor to refer to the Stabilization Fund
Agreement recently concluded between representatives of the XXX Ministry of
Finance and His Majesty’s Treasury which provides inter alia that “at least one
member of the Board shall be appointed by the XXX Government at the request
of and on the recommendation of the Treasury."
His Majesty’s Embassy has now been instructed to inform the XXX Government
that the Chancellor of the Exchequer recommends, as a temporary measure, Mr.
YYY and requests that the XXX Government will appoint him to be a
temporary member of the Stabilization Board in accordance with the above
mentioned provision.


1-54-2 備忘錄範例【請求協助通關】
The Embassy of tile Republic of China wishes to inform the Foreign Ministry of
the Republic of ……. that the Chinese Government is sending a naval vessel, S.S.
Kai Shaun to ……… for ferrying the Overseas Chinese Youth Goodwill Mission
from ….... to …………..
The mission consists of some 500 students.
The said vessel, which is expected to arrive at ……..on or before April1, 19XX
will dock in the harbor for five days before its departure.
The Embassy will appreciate it very much if the Ministry will be so good as to
ask the authority concerned to grant clearance to the said vessel upon its arrival
and departure.

1-54-3 備忘錄範例【請求提供法令】

It would be appreciated very much if you could send us the following documents
at your earliest convenience.
1. A copy of Taiwan Relations Act
2. A copy of Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation between your country
and the Republic of ………….
3. A copy of Rules Governing Issuance of Landing Visas to Aliens

1-54-4 備忘錄範例【請求發給領事證書】

The Embassy of the United States of America transmits to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, for its information, the Commission of
Mr. XXX as a Vice Consul of the United States of America in
The return of the Commission to the Embassy, after appropriate action has been
taken by the Ministry, will be appreciated.
Enclosure: A Commission of Mr. XXX

1-54-5 備忘錄範例【請求發給身分卡】
The Embassy of the United States of America informs the Ministry of Foreign


Affairs of Italy that Mr. Harold L. Rust has recently arrived in Rome to assume
his duties as First Secretary of Embassy and Chief of the Political Section.
Mr. Rust is accompanied by his wife as well as the completed forms requesting
their Identity Cards.
The Embassy will greatly appreciate it if the Ministry will return the passports
of Ms, and Mrs. Rust along with their Identity Cards at an ear]y date.
1. Two passports.
2. Two requests for Identity Cards.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Rome, January 6, 1956.

1-54-6 備忘錄範例【確認會談內容】

Here are some key points of the conversation we held this morning:
1. Your Prime Minister will visit our country for a week in June.
2. We will provide four first class round-trip tickets and five business class air
tickets from ……… to ……….
3. We will provide the visiting group with lodging and local transportation.
4. Other details will be worked out between our Embassy in ………….and your
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1-54-7 備忘錄範例【確認會談內容】
Referring to the conversation between His Excellency the Minister for Foreign
Affairs and the American Ambassador on November 12, 1955, concerning the
work of the Joint Commission, His Excellency will recall that the following
decisions were reached and agreed upon: ……………………..

Embassy of the United States of America,

Paris, November 13, 1955.


1-54-8 備忘錄範例【洽促簽訂禁止非核武器擴散條約】
The United States Government is convinced that the signing of the
Non-Proliferation Treaty by non-nuclear-weapon states such as the Republic of
Korea could only enhance their security since it would help to lessen the
possibility of hostilities involving nuclear weapons. The United States
Government made clear during the negotiation of the Treaty and will reiterate
when signing the Treaty that the United States remains fully committed to its
obligations under existing treaties of mutual security. This would clearly include
that between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
Neither the Treaty, the Resolution on Security Assurances adopted by the United
Nations Security Council on June I9, 1968, nor the declaration made in this
connection by the United States in any way lessen this commitment. The
resolution and declaration were designed primarily to help meet the security
concerns of those nations which have chosen to remain non-aligned and outside
of alliance arrangements with nuclear-weapon states. Naturally, the assurances
conveyed through the resolution and declaration could not be as extensive as
those we have made to allies such as the Republic of Korea. Nonetheless, we
believe they will be of benefit to all nations desiring peace since they will
reinforce the Security Council’s capacity to carry out its responsibility, provided
in the Charter, for dealing with threats to the peace, including those involving
nuclear weapons.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, June 29, 1968.

1-54-9 備忘錄範例【抗議日本侵華行為】
The Government of the United States has taken due note of the reply of the
Japanese Government to the pro memorial left at the Japanese Foreign Office by
the American Ambassador on January 31, 1940, in regard to the bombing of the
Haiphong Yunnan Railway.
In the circumstances under which the Japanese authorities we conducting
military operations in China, the Government of the United States does not
admit the relevancy to the question under consideration of the reference made
by the Japanese Government to the Chinese-French Railway Construction
Agreement of 1903, nor does it admit lack of responsibility on the part of the


Japanese Government for any loss of American life or damage to American

property that may be caused by the current Japanese military operations in
China. The Government of the United States hereby makes full reservations of
its rights and of the rights of its citizens in the matter.

Embassy of the United States of America

Tokyo. March 11, 1940



第六節 電報【Telegram】



謂】(Salutation)與【結尾敬辭】(Complimentary close),甚至毋需
使用外交文書慣用之【客套語】 ;但是發給政府電報時,基於禮貌,
繕明發電者之姓名與職銜,但毋需簽名或 initial,更毋需蓋章.。

用形容詞及副詞,同時也極少使用縮寫字 (Mr.,Mrs.或 Dr.)、冠詞
(the; a 或 an) 以及助動詞。此外,第一人稱及第二人稱代名詞 (I, my,
you, we, our) 亦因已暗示在電文中,故都不寫出。
費用,例如“10th ”一字要寫作“tenth,因為“10”與“th”各算
一字,而寫作“tenth”則只算一字,既清楚又省錢。此外,以 AAA、
BBB、CCC 替代 (1)、(2)、(3),既不易發生誤會,又可省費用,因


AAA、BBB、CCC 各算一字,而 (1)、(2)、(3) 則均各算兩個字。

該等縮寫字業已相當普及 (如 ETA, FOB,GMT 等)。
1-63-5、電報有【明碼】(Plain) 及【密碼】(Code) 之分。明碼電報收費
1-63-6、倘有實際需要,可在電報上端,加註【優先】(Priority) 字眼。

1-64-1 電報範例[【祝賀獨立】
TRIPOLI (Please forward to Bengasi if necessary)


SIGNED ............,

1-64-2 電報範例[【祝賀聖誕暨新年】


1-64-3 電報範例【轉送謝電】

Ambassador YYY
Buenos Aires
Transmit to His Excellency XXX, President of the Argentine Republic, following
Letter of Credence from President Chiang Kai-shek
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have made choice of Dr. YYY,
Chinese Ambassador to Argentine, to assist as Ambassador Extraordinary on
Special Mission at the inauguration of the new President of the Argentine Republic,
His Excellency General ZZZ, in order to convey to him my sincere friendship and
high esteem.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to Your Excellency my best wishes for
your good health and the prosperity of the Argentine nation. Chiang Kai-sheh,
President of the National Government of the Republic of China.



1-64-5 電報範例【通知開會日期】

1-64-6 電報範例【慰問水災】



1-64-7 電報範例【請求惠賜高見】

1-64-8 電報範例【邀請參加午宴】
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10027



1-64-9 電報範例【通知決定救助】



1-64-10 電報範例【申謝祝賀獨立紀念】
July 5, 1935
His Excellency Albert Kinesis,
President of the Republic of Latvia
I thank Your Excellency for your courteous Independence Day message and on
behalf of my fellow countrymen and in my own name I reciprocate your good

1-64-11 電報範例【申謝祝賀獨立紀念】
Department of State
July 6, 1935.
His Excellency
Elias Braches, Hilo,
Secretary of State for Foreign Relations,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

I thank Your Excellency for your cordial message on the occasion of the
anniversary of the Independence of the United States.

Secretary of State


第七節 聲明 (Statement)


言人) 以談話形式發表之聲明,一般語氣較委婉、涉及之問題較具

1-72-1、新聞稿 (Press release)
1-72-1-1 新聞稿範例【公告重設領事館】
Press release February 5, 1973

The American consulate in Salzburg will be reopened this summer. Its area of
responsibility will include the Lands of Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg.
The new consulate in Salzburg wiI1 perform all normal consular duties with the


exception of visa issuance, which wi11 continue to be performed by the consular

section of the American Embassy in Vienna. The Salzburg consulate will also be
responsible for promoting U.S. commercial interests and cultural activities. The
consular post is being reopened in view of the substantial increase in U.S.
tourism to and trade with Austria and in recognition of the importance of the
western portion of Austria in terms of industrial and trade development.
American Ambassador John P. Homes will officiate at the opening ceremonies,
now planned for early June.

1-72-1-2 新聞稿範例【公告設置大使館】
Press release August 4, 1977
The U.S. Government has informed the Government of the Republic of Cape
Verde that we intend to establish an Embassy in Praia, Cape Verde, by January
1, 1978. The Embassy will be headed by a resident Charge daffier, ad interim.
We will continue to accredit concurrently the American Ambassador resident in
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, as Ambassador to Cape Verde.
The opening of an Embassy in Cape Verde will enable the United States to
represent U.S. interests more effectively and to provide consular services to the
more than 700 recipients of U.S. Federal benefits checks and to the
approximately 1,000 Cape Verbenas who immigrate to the United States each
Cape Verde has established an Embassy in Washington and a consulate general
in Boston to serve the Cape Verdean-American community which is estimated at
about 300,000 persons largely concentrated in the New England States.

1-72-1-3 新聞稿範例【美國總統福特哀悼中共總理周恩來】
White House press release January 8, 1976
Premier Chou En-lai will be long remembered as a remarkable leader who has
left his imprint not only on the history of modern China but also on the world
We Americans will remember him especially for the role he played in building a
new relationship between the People's Republic of China and the United States.
We are confident that this relationship will continue to develop on the
foundation of understanding and cooperation which he helped to establish.
The United States offers its condolences to the Government and people of the
People's Republic of China.


1-72-1-4 新聞稿範例【美國國務卿季辛吉哀悼中共總理周恩來】
Press release January 8, 1976
It was with a deep sense of loss that I learned of the passing away of Premier
Chou En-lai. The People's Republic of China has lost one of its great leaders,
and the world has lost one of the most remarkable statesmen of modern times.
It was my privilege to have had many discussions with Premier Chou when our
two countries were first establishing, and then developing, a new relationship to
supplant the suspicion and hostility that had existed for so many years. I was
impressed by his dedication to the interests of his country, by his deep
understanding of world affairs, and by his rare combination of intellectual
acuity and personal charm.
The United States is pledged to continue $o develop our relationship with the
People's Republic of China on the basis of the principles and objectives which
Premier Chou helped establish.

1-72-1-5 新聞稿範例
Press Release June 1, 1975
Regarding the announcement made by the Philippine Government that
President Marcos will visit the Chinese mainland shortly, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs made the following statement:
The Government of the Republic of China considers most regrettable the
decision of President Ferdinand Marcos to x'i6it the Chinese mainland from
June 7 to June 11, 1973 and to hold talks with the Chinese Communist regime.
This decision is bound to seriously mar the traditional friendly relations between
the Republic of China and the Philippines.
It is to be pointed out that the Government of the Republic of China has on
many occasions, drawn tile attention of the Philippine Government to the
aggressive nature of the Chinese Communist regime and its insidious scheme of
world communization. The only way for the free nations to safeguard their
security is to take a firm stand in the face of the communist threat. President
Marcos’ visit to the Chinese mainland, in the wake of the fall of the Khmer
Republic and the Republic of South Vietnam into communist hands, and at a
time when the Chinese Communist regime is openly supporting armed rebellions
in Southeast Asia, is tantamount to giving encouragement to communist
The Government of the Republic of China wishes hereby to solemnly reiterate
its position that the Peiping regime is a rebel group with no right whatsoever to


represent the Chinese people and that any agreement involving the rights and
interests of the government and people of the Republic of China, which may be
reached during the visit between the Philippine Government and the Chinese
Communist regime shall be considered null and void.

1-72-1-6 新聞稿範例
Press Release June 9, 1975
Regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines and the Chinese Communist regime, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs issued the following Statement:
In view of the most unfriendly act by the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines in establishing formal relations with the Chinese Communist regime,
the Government of the Republic of china has instructed its Embassy in Manila to
lodge a strong protest with the Philippine Government and to inform the latter
that the Republic of China considers the diplomatic relations between the two
countries to have been terminated as of June 9, 1975.
The Chinese Embassy has been instructed to notify the Philippine Government
that citizens of the Republic of the Philippines residing or traveling in the
Republic of China will continue to enjoy legal protection and fair treatment in
accordance with international practices. Meanwhile, the Philippine Government
has been requested to permit the citizens of the Republic of China residing or
traveling in the Philippines to continue to enjoy similar legal protection and fair
treatment and to ensure their freedom from harassment by the Chinese
Ever since the Chinese Communist regime usurped the Chinese mainland, it has
spared no efforts in carrying out its sinister scheme of world communization by
infiltration and subversive activities as well as by direct and overt support to
armed rebellion in nearly all countries in Southeast and South Asia, leading, in
the most recent cases, to the fall of the countries of Indochina into Communist
The Government of the Republic of China wishes to point out that in spite of its
smiling campaign, the Chinese Communist regime has recently reaffirmed its
declared policy of aiding dissident cements in non-Communist countries with a
view to eventual Communist takeover, and indeed has given every sign of
redoubling its efforts in pursuit of its insidious designs for that purpose.
The establishment of formal relations between the Philippine Government and
the Chinese Communist regime will give the Chinese Communist regime added


opportunities for infiltration and subversion, thus jeopardizing the security of

Philippines. For this and other consequences, the responsibility must rest with
the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

1-72-2、公告 (Announcement)
1-72-2-1 公告範例【公告前往利比亞旅行應注意事項】
Department Announcement December 19, 1972
The State Department has been informed by the Embassy of Libya that effective
January 1, 1973, the Government of the Libyan Arab Republic will no longer
recognize passports of any foreign government unless, in addition to the official
language of the specific country, the pertinent information stated within the
passports is written in Arabic. Inasmuch as American passports are issued in
English, prospective U.S. travelers to Libya should be aware that they may
experience delays in receiving Libyan visas or in traveling to Libya after
January 1 and should check with the Department or U.S. consular offices
abroad for the latest developments in this matter.
The State Department and other governments which have been similarly notified
by the Libyan Government are in touch with the latter in the hope that a
mutually satisfactory way will be found to resolve this matter.

1-72-2-2 公告範例【公告奈及利亞軍人政府決定補償內戰期間民眾之
Department announcement February 27, 1973
The American Embassy in Lagos has informed the Department that the Federal
Military Government of Nigeria has announced that it will consider making ex
gratia payments to the following categories of persons for losses incurred during
the Nigerian civil war:
i. Civilians who were impressed into the Nigerian armed forces during the war to
carry out specific military duties and who in the process of executing these
assignments lost their lives or suffered personal injuries or loss of property; and
ii. Expatriates of non-Nigerian citizens who sustained damage or injuries as a
result of military acts which look place outside the main theaters of war and
which were not directly related to the war operations. The "main theaters of
war" include the three Eastern States and Mid-Western State.
American nationals with claims related to either of the above categories are


advised to forward their claims with supporting evidence without delay to the
following address: Central Planning Office, Federal Ministry of Economic
Development and Reconstruction, Room 2105, Independence Building, Lagos,
Nigeria. All claims must be filed by March 31, 1973.
The Federal Military Government indicated that it had rejected all claims for
compensation which did not fall within the above categories.

1-72-2-3 公告範例【宣佈美蘇簽署航空協定】
Department Announcement July 8, 1968
Notes were exchanged today (July 8) in Moscow between the American Embassy
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifying that air services between New
York and Moscow may begin on or after July 15, 1968. The notes were
exchanged in accordance with article 2, section 3, of the Civil Air Transport

1-72-2-4 公告範例【宣佈美國與剛果人民共和國復交】
Department Announcement June 15, 1977

An American delegation, 1ed by the Assistant Secretary of State for African

Affairs, William E. Shuffle, Jr., and a Congolese delegation, led by Minister of
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Homophile Bengal, met in Bonn, Federal
Republic of Germany, on June 6, 1977. As a result of this meeting, the
Governments of the United States of America and the People's Republic of the
Congo have agreed to end the suspension of their diplomatic relations as of June
7, 1977, and to reopen their embassies in Brazzaville and Washington.
The two governments express their hope that this step will strengthen relations
between their countries and contribute substantially to bettering their mutual
understanding and cooperation based on the principles of reciprocal respect,
sovereign equality, and noninterference in internal affairs. In this connection, the
two governments reaffirm their adherence to the principles of international law,
and, in particular, to the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic

1-72-3、聲明 (Statement)
1-72-3-1 聲明範例【美總統支持聯合國安理會命令北韓撤軍之立場】


Statement by President Truman June 26, 1950

I conferred Sunday evening with the Secretaries of State and Defense, their
senior advisers, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff about the situation in the Far East
created by unprovoked aggression against the Republic of Korea.
The Government of the United States is pleased with the speed and
determination with which the United Nations Security Council acted to order a
withdrawal of the invading forces to positions north of the 38th parallel. In
accordance with the resolution of the Security Council, the United States will
vigorously support the effort of the Council to terminate this serious breach of
the peace.
Our concern over the lawless action taken by the forces from North Korea, and
our sympathy and support for the people of Korea in this situation, are being
demonstrated by the cooperative action of American personnel in Korea, as well
as by steps taken to expedite and augment assistance of the type being furnished
under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program.
Those responsible for this act of aggression must realize how seriously the
Government of the United States views such threats to the peace of the world.
Willful disregard of the obligation to keep the peace cannot be tolerated by
nations that support the United Nations Charter.

1-72-3-2 聲明範例【美國國務卿對韓國社會動亂不安表示關切】
The Secretary called in the Korean Ambassador this afternoon to impress upon
him the profound and growing concern of this Government over the serious
continuing public unrest and acts of violence in Korea.
Although these matters are admittedly the responsibility of the Republic of
Korea, this Government has been obliged to take cognizance of them. This is
because the United States, as the principal sponsor of the Republic of Korea as
an applicant for United Nations membership, has in the eyes of the world,
always been closely associated with Korea as a friend, supporter and ally.
Ambassador Yang (Dr. You Chan Yang) was informed that this Government
believed that the demonstrations in Korea are a reflection of public
dissatisfaction over the conduct of the recent elections and repressive measures
unsuited to a free democracy.
The Secretary asked Ambassador Yang to draw to the attention of his
Government the seriousness of the repercussions abroad, which are likely to
result in a marked weakening of the Republic of Korea’s international position


and prestige.
The Secretary suggested that the Korean Government should, in its own best
interest and in order to restore public confidence, taken necessary and effective
action aimed at protecting democratic rights of speech, of assembly and of the
press, as well as preserving the secrecy of the ballot and preventing unfair
discrimination against political opponents of a party in power.

1-72-3-3 聲明範例【美國譴責北韓殘暴行為】
We are outraged by this latest incident, which is reminiscent of the Communist
grenade attack on a guard post on our side last December, in which one U.S.
soldier was killed and another wounded. There have been similar attacks on
ROK (Republic of Korea Army personnel as well. We are calling an early
meeting of the Military Armistice Commission to confront the Communist side
with these latest murders.
In the latest case, the ambush took place close to the southern edge of the
demilitarized zone against a jeep carrying Ninth Regiment, First Cavalry,
personnel to a guard post in the demilitarized zone. Automatic weapons, which
are banned in the demilitarized zone, were used in the attack.
In addition to calling an early meeting of the MAC, we will have to consider
what other actions we will take. It is this kind of deliberately planned and
executed violation, as well as the unjust detention of persons like Captain (Ben
W.) Stutts and Captain (Carleton) Volts, which reminds us that the Korean and
Communists keep the peace in Korea only insofar as deterred by the continued
presence of U.N. strength.

1-72-3-4 聲明範例【美國譴責北韓殘暴行為】
The facts of today’s encounter, so far as we know them, are as follows:
At 9: 00 a.m. this morning, Korean time, an estimated group of five North
Korean infiltrators were seen by South Korean police near Munsan-ni, about 7
miles south of the point of yesterday's attack.
Fifteen U.S. soldiers were dispatched from a nearby First Cavalry Division unit
to assist in running them down. In the ensuing fire fight, one American
serviceman, one Korean police officer, and two of the North Korean agents were


killed. At this point, the investigation of the facts is still going on.
As far as countermeasures are concerned, these are under discussion here and
with our people in Korea.
Today’s incident is one result of the intensive alert and search operations now
under way.
I would like to repeat what I said yesterday that these incidents remind us that
the peace in Korea is kept only by U.N. strength and determination to resist
Communist aggression.
At this point, these attacks appear to be a reflection of the North Korean
Communist activities in connection with the 10th anniversary of the armistice.
However, I would not want to exclude the possibility of their being linked to
wider developments in Asia.

1-72-3-5 聲明範例【美國關切阿爾及利亞人民境遇】
Department Statement June 4, 1962
The United States considers the accords reached at Evian as the charter of the
new Algeria. The accords bear witness to the statesmanship of the French
Government under General de Gaulle and to the political maturity of the FLN
(Forces de la liberation nationale) leadership. They contain the essential
ingredients of a bright future for Algeria, cooperation between the two
communities, and cooperation between France and Algeria. We believe this
cooperation to be particularly important because we live in a world where the
pace of development has become infinitely more rapid than at any time in the
past. Simply to remain in step with this pace requires a major effort. Newly
independent countries face the additional problem of having to catch up with
this accelerated pace. This demands an almost superhuman effort and requires
among other things the full utilization of all the resources-- spiritual, human, and
material--of the society. With these considerations in mind, the free world stands
aghast at the callous announcement on the part--of the OAS (Organization de
l’armee secrete), as reported in today’s press, that the merciless killing of
innocent peoples will be resumed on a schedule beginning at midnight June 5
unless they obtain a "satisfactory response" from negotiations now allegedly in
progress between certain French elements and Algerian nationalists. Such
wanton murder has no excuse, no justification, and can lead only to a sadder
future. Humanity recognizes no extenuating circumstances in this brutal violence
against defenseless men, women, and children and fervently hopes that the
senseless killing which has already cost so many lives may not be taken up again.


1-72-3-6 聲明範例【美國國務卿關切巴拿馬軍事政變】
Statement by Secretary Rusk October 12, 1968
We are deeply distressed to learn that the Panamanian National Guard has
overthrown the recently inaugurated President, Dr. Arnulfo Arias. This action to
remove a constitutionally elected chief of state is of profound concern to the
United States. We have a close relationship with Panama and a stake in the
stability of the isthmus in view of our presence there as stewards of the vital
Panama Canal This coup d'etat must be equally disturbing to our sister
republics in the hemisphere.

1-72-3-7 聲明範例【美國承認厄瓜多軍事臨時政府】
Department Statement July 31, 1963
The Department of State has cabled our Ambassador in Quito, Maurice M.
Bernbaum, directing him to acknowledge the note of July I2 from the military
junta of Ecuador. By means of this acknowledgment we are resuming relations
with Ecuador and are recognizing the military junta as the provisional
government of Ecuador. This action was taken after consultation with other
hemisphere governments in the light of the following factors:
The United States Government has ascertained that the authority of the military
junta has been accepted and recognized throughout the national territory and
has noted the junta's stated intention to respect Ecuador's international
The note of July 12 declared that a military Junta constituted by the combined
command of the Armed Forces of Ecuador has assumed the responsibility of
governing the nation until such time as it would be possible to organize elections
in which the people of Ecuador Would be able to exercise their will freely within
the provisions of a new constitution.
The United States Government has noted with Special satisfaction the solemn
assurances offered by the military Junta of its determination to restore Ecuador
to constitutional government at the earliest Possible moment. In public
statements the Junta has indicated its belief that this goal can be achieved in
substantially less than 2 years. The Junta also has declared its intention to
provide a new Constitution and lay the basis for the return to civilian
government via Constitutional Procedures.


1-72-3-8 聲明範例【美國宣布使用葡萄牙軍事設施】
Department Statement September 27, 1977
At the request of the Government of the United States of America, the
Portuguese Government agrees to conclude negotiations at the earliest possible
date with the purpose of extending the agreement entitled "Defense Agreement
Regarding Use of Facilities in the Azores," signed on September 6, 1961, by
means of which the United States is granted facilities at the Lakes Base, in the
interest of mutual security. The Portuguese Government states that it will not
call into question the continued use of the base by the Government of the United
It is understood that the extension of the life of this agreement can be affected by
means of an exchange of letters or diplomatic notes extending the agreement of
1951. The necessary technical details are the subject of informal conversations.
Both governments also wish to see concluded as promptly as possible the
conversations concerning economic and military assistance to be provided by the
United States of America to Portugal in the general context of relations between
the two countries and taking into account extending the validity of the

1-72-3-9 聲明範例【美國總統福特哀悼馬來西亞總理】
Statement by President Ford issued on January 25, 1976
I was saddened to learn of the untimely death of Malaysian Prime Minister Ton
Abdul Rasa on January 14. Prime Minister Rasa, distinguished Southeast Asian
leader, was well known and respected for his vision and dedication to peace.
Malaysia's many friends will feel his loss deeply. The American people join me in
extending condolences and sympathy to his widow and to the Government and
people of Malaysia.
I have designated our Ambassador to Malaysia, Francis T. Underhill, Jr., as my
special representative at Prime Minister Rasa’s funeral in Kuala Lumpur
January 16.

1-72-3-10 聲明範例
Planeside Statement by H. E. Yen Chin-Kan, Vice-President of the Republic of
China upon arrival at Bridgetown

Upon arrival in Bridgetown, the capital of Barbados, my wife and I, together

with my colleagues of our mission are glad to take this first opportunity to


extend the warm greetings and good wishes of the government and people of the
Republic of China to the government and people of Barbados. And I look
forward to pleasure of meeting with the Governmental, social and business
leaders of Barbados during our visit in this beautiful country.
Although Barbados and the Republic of China are geographically separated by
quite a long distance, both our countries are dedicated to the cause of democracy,
freedom, world peace and justice. More than anything else, this identity of ideals
has united the two countries in the strongest of bonds.
It is most gratifying to note that our cordial friendship has been further
strengthened as a result of the interchange of visits in recent years effectuated by
His Excellency Sir Winston Scott, Governor General of Barbados; the
Honorable Errol Walton Barrow and the Honorable Cuthbert Dewy Tama,
Barbadian Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister respectively; the
Honorable Sir Theodore Banker, President of Barbadian Senate and the
Honorable Neville A. Maxwell, Speaker of Barbadian House of Assembly to the
Republic of China, and by several Chinese Government leaders and
high-ranking officials to Barbados.
We all know that under the wise and inspiring leadership of Governor General
Scott and Prime Minister Barrow, the Barbadian Government has made great
studies in its efforts to achieve the goal of national re-construction, to promote
tourism industry and to improve the quality of social welfare. In the
international field, it has not only contributed greatly to the regional
co-operation and prosperity of the area of the Caribbean Sea, but also upheld
the principle of world peace and justice. For all this, Barbados has won
worldwide admiration, particularly the esteem of my people. I am happy to have
the opportunity to witness and to learn of the great achievements of your country,
and to exchange views with your Government and other leaders on matters of
common interest with a view to further enhancing the understanding and
cooperation between our two countries.

1-72-3-11 聲明範例
Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, Your Excellencies and Gentlemen:
It gives me great pleasure to be given this opportunity of visiting the Republic of
China and conveying to your Government and people the good wishes of the
Kingdom of Tonga.
In your speech you have been kind enough to say many nice things about my
country. It is very clear to me from the opportunities you have given me to see


something of the development of the Republic of China that we in Tonga have a

lot to learn from your example. Our two countries have indeed many of the same
objectives but you have traveled far along the road which we have only just
begun to follow. The whole free world can regard with admiration the
tremendous development of the Republic of China in Taiwan during the last two
decades, and it is obvious that this development will continue in the future. Even
on a very brief visit the spirit of freedom which governs life in Taiwan is
apparent, and I am very happy that the Governments of our two countries have
reached and maintained such a cordial relationship. I am sure that as a result of
this visit that relationship will be further strengthened – and I very much hope to
see some Representatives of the republic of China in Tonga at some future time.
Finally Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, May I express my very sincere thanks for the
admirable arrangements made for my visit and for the courtesy and kindness we
have met throughout our stay here. I would particularly like to say how much I
appreciate the way in which Madame Chiang has so graciously received me and
the way in which Prime Minister Chiang, Foreign Minister and Mrs. Shen,
Ambassador and Mrs. Shen have looked after me and I would also like to thank
the officers charged with making detailed arrangements who have been
unfailingly helpful and efficient.
As my last and most pleasant duty, may I ask you Mr. Deputy Prime Minister
and gentlemen to join me in a toast to president of the republic of China and
Madame Chiang.

1-72-3-12 聲明範例

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes the following solemn statement:

Following monetary promises and pressure from the People’s Republic of China
(PRC), President Abdoulaye Wade of the Republic of Senegal sent a letter to
President Chen, Shui-bian today (25th), announcing the resumption of the
Republic of Senegal’s diplomatic ties with the PRC and that it would maintain
only economic, business and cultural relations with the Republic of China
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes the following solemn statement:
Following monetary promises and pressure from the People’s Republic of China
(PRC), President Abdoulaye Wade of the Republic of Senegal sent a letter to
President Chen, Shui-bian today (25th), announcing the resumption of the
Republic of Senegal’s diplomatic ties with the PRC and that it would maintain


only economic, business and cultural relations with the Republic of China (ROC).
President Wade further stated in the letter that “States have no friends, they
only have interests.” The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) regrets
this announcement. In view of safeguarding national integrity, sovereignty and
the well-being of the people, the government of the ROC (Taiwan) has decided to
terminate diplomatic relations with the Republic of Senegal and immediately
stop all relevant assistance programs.
Since the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Republic of Senegal established
diplomatic ties on January 3, 1996, the ROC (Taiwan) has actively assisted
Senegal in various programs to develop its economy and improve the living
standards of its people. In addition to assisting the country with its agricultural
and fishery production, improvement of infrastructure, water resources, medical
and public health and education, Taiwan has also helped Senegal with its youth
employment, vocational training, industrial parks, the project of universities for
the future of Africa, micro-loans to farmers and women, as well as aid to the
physically-challenged. Together, these programs have accelerated the
development of Senegal and improved the livelihood of the Senegalese people.
The substantive results have gained recognition and praise from both the public
and private sector of Senegal. Regrettably, China has lured, through threats and
inducements, President Wade of the Republic of Senegal and other zealous
politicians into establishing diplomatic ties with the PRC. The government of the
ROC (Taiwan) strongly denounces President Wade for his disregard of the
Senegal-ROC friendship and acceptance of China’s inducement; and, in
particular, strongly condemns against the PRC’s efforts to stifle our space in the
international community.
The people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) will not sway or
change their position to continue to expand the ROC’s space in the international
community and promote pragmatic diplomacy. The ROC (Taiwan) government
will continue, with firm determination and a pragmatic attitude, to fight for the
place that it deserves in the international arena and strive to maintain its
national integrity, sovereignty and the people’s well-being.

1-72-3-13 聲明範例

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of the
Republic of Nauru, being desirous of strengthening the friendship and close


mutual cooperation between the two countries, have decided to restore their full
diplomatic relations as of May 14, 2005.
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of the
Republic of Nauru, being desirous of strengthening the friendship and close
mutual cooperation between the two countries, have decided to restore their full
diplomatic relations as of May 14, 2005.
On behalf of the two countries, H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tan Sun
Chen and H.E. President Ludwig Scotty of Nauru have signed the Joint
Communiqué on the Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations between the
Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Republic of Nauru at Minister Chen’s office
at 10a.m. on May 14, officially restoring diplomatic relations between the two
countries. Taiwan will immediately dispatch personnel to Yaren, capital of Nauru,
to activate the establishment of our embassy to the Republic of Nauru in
accordance with the Joint Communiqué.
President Scotty of the Republic of Nauru is a senior statesman who has been
very friendly to Taiwan and shares with us the common ideals of freedom,
democracy and human rights. The President was a member of the Asian Pacific
Parliamentary Union (APPU), and served as Nauru’s Minister of Health. He has
been deeply regretful about the mistake made by former Nauru President Rene
Harris to unilaterally sever the diplomatic ties with Taiwan in July 2002,
regardless of the long-time friendship between the two countries. President
Scotty has firmly opposed the severance of diplomatic ties with us done by
former President Harris. Since he was elected as the President of Nauru,
President Scotty has repeatedly expressed his willingness to restore diplomatic
and cordial ties with Taiwan on the basis of long standing cordial relations
between the governments and peoples of the two countries.
The Republic of Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean near the equator,
South of our ally the Republic of the Marshall Islands and North of the Solomon
Islands. It has a land area of 21.3 square kilometer, an exclusive economic zone
of 320,000 square kilometers, and a population of 12,800. The reestablishment of
the diplomatic ties between the two countries will re-launch exchanges and
cooperation in various fields, including culture, education, agriculture, fisheries,
tourism, healthcare as well as aquaculture.
Nauru is a member of the United Nations, the British Commonwealth, the World
Health Organization, the Asian Development Bank, the Pacific Islands Forum,
the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Olympic Committee as
well as other multilateral and regional organizations. President Scotty has
assured that Nauru will firmly support Taiwan’s efforts to participate in the


United Nations, the World Health Organization and other international and
regional organizations after the reestablishment of diplomatic ties between the
two countries. (E)

1-72-3-14 聲明範例

In order to uphold our national interests and dignity, the government of the
Republic of China has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Grenada as of
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China hereby solemnly makes
the following statement: The government of the Republic of China regrets that
the government of Grenada, being lured through financial incentives from the
People’s Republic of China, has decided to establish diplomatic relations with
the People’s Republic of China. In order to uphold our national interests and
dignity, the government of the Republic of China has decided to sever diplomatic
relations with Grenada as of today.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of China
and Grenada on July 20, 1989, the Republic of China has actively assisted
Grenada in various infrastructure and development projects that have benefited
the general welfare of that country. The successive governments and people of
Grenada have found the assistance provided by the Republic of China to be
satisfactory. In addition, both have worked closely together in international
cooperation. When Grenada was severely devastated by Hurricane Ivan on
September 7, 2004, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
provided immediate humanitarian aid. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also led a
delegation to disaster-struck areas, provided US$200,000 in supplies to Grenada
and turned a US$1.5 million fund for infrastructure projects into a disaster-relief
fund that was endowed without any preconditions. Furthermore, this ministry
granted a substantial part of a US$ 8 million package for damage reconstruction
work in Grenada.
Nevertheless, the incumbent Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, lacking foresight,
incorrectly believes that by his leaning towards the People’s Republic of China,
Taiwan can be pressured into significantly increasing the financial assistance we
provide to Grenada, pay that country’s national debt on its behalf and increase
the Five-year Cooperation Plan to as high as US$245 million. Despite the fact
that the government of the Republic of China considered Grenada’s requests to
be insatiable and beyond our capacity, we still made our best efforts to assist the


government of Grenada by way of the Financial Bail-out Package, the Stadium

Expansion Project and other major projects. Regrettably, Prime Minister
Mitchell still found our assistance unsatisfactory.
The Ministry is fully aware that Prime Minister Mitchell has been in contact
with China and has been lured by Beijing. We have done everything possible to
dissuade Prime Minister Mitchell from such behavior, but he has continued to
act against our advice. He visited Beijing to negotiate issues concerning the
establishment of diplomatic ties with China, and even sent a letter to our
government stating that the government of Grenada intended only to retain
informal relations with us. As a result, the Ministry recalled our ambassador to
Grenada on December 22 last year and expressed our most serious protest to
Prime Minister Mitchell. In Beijing, the Foreign Minister of Grenada, Elvin
Nimrod, signed a joint communiqué with the Foreign Minister of People’s
Republic of China, Li Zhaoxing, announcing the formal establishment of
diplomatic relations. On January 27 the government of Grenada formally
notified the ROC Embassy of the decision to withdraw its diplomatic recognition
of the Republic of China. In order to safeguard our national interests and dignity,
our government has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Grenada.
The government of the Republic of China regrets Prime Minister Mitchell’s lack
of foresight. We have stated sincerely our intention of not participating in a
meaningless game of “dollar diplomacy” with China, and will never let Grenada
waver between the two sides of the Strait in order to seek profits. The
government of the Republic of China expresses its serious protest against, and
condemns, the People’s Republic of China for its use of “dollar diplomacy” to
drive us out of the international community. The Republic of China conducts
cooperation projects with friendly allies based on a spirit of mutual economic
prosperity. In the future, we will continue to expand our international presence
based on established policies and goals, and protect the highest interests and
welfare of our people with firm resolve and pragmatism.(E)

1-72-3-15 聲明範例

Foreign Minister Chen announces that the Republic of Vanuatu and the
Republic of China (Taiwan) have already established full diplomatic relations
with effect from November 3, 2004
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has the honor
to announce that the Republic of Vanuatu and the Republic of China (Taiwan)


have already established full diplomatic relations with effect from November 3,
2004 and mutually agreed to exchange ambassadors as early as practicable.
A Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the
Republic of Vanuatu and the Republic of China (Taiwan) has been signed in
Taipei on the morning of November 3, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. by His Excellency Serge
Vohor, Prime Minister of Vanuatu, and Hon. Dr. Tan Sun CHEN, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, representing the respective Governments of the two
countries. Following the signing of the said Communiqué, a joint press
conference has been held by Prime Minister Vohor and Foreign Minister CHEN
to make announcement and brief the media pertaining to this decision.
The full text of the Joint Communiqué is as follows:
“The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of the
Republic of Vanuatu (Vanuatu), being desirous of strengthening the friendly ties
and close mutual cooperation between the two countries, have decided to
establish full diplomatic relations as from November 3, 2004 in conformity with
the principles of international law.
Done in Taipei on the Third day of the Eleventh month of Ninety-Third year of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), corresponding to the Third day of November of
the year Two Thousand and Four.”
As Taiwan and Vanuatu are both island countries sharing same values of
democracy and similar heritage of Austro-nesian culture, it is envisaged that the
formalization of the long-standing friendship between Taiwan and Vanuatu will
enable the two countries to forge closer bilateral co operations in the areas of
agriculture, aviation, tourism, fishery, aquaculture, education, culture, cattle
farming, capacity building, medical cooperation, and the development of small
and medium enterprises in the years to come.
In the international arena, Prime Minister Vohor has committed himself to give
Vanuatu’s strong support for Taiwan to participate in the international
organizations including UN, WHO, APEC and other regional organizations
including the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the South Pacific Tourism
Organization (SPTO). He has further indicated that the Republic of China
(Taiwan), as an independent sovereign country, is entitled to exercising its every
right and making its significant contributions to the world community.

1-72-3-16 聲明範例

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the Declaration on the


Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea signed by the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Cambodia
on November 4, 2002.
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the Declaration on the
Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea signed by the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People`s Republic of China (PRC) in Cambodia
on November 4, 2002.
1) The government of the Republic of China reiterates its territorial sovereignty
over Dongsha (the Pratas Islands), Xisha (the Parcel Islands), Zhongsha (the
Macclesfield Bank) and Nansha (the Spratly Islands) in the South China Sea,
over which it has all lawful rights according to international law.
2) The government of the Republic of China has always upheld the principle of
"putting aside the issue of sovereignty and co-exploring resources" to resolve
disputes through consultation, dialogue and other peaceful means. The
government of the Republic of China regrets and expresses its protest and
discontent to ASEAN and the PRC for ignoring the lawful rights of the Republic
of China and for signing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South
China Sea without inviting the government of the Republic of China to
participate in the discussion.
3) As a country concerned in the South China Sea, the Republic of China, based
on the principles of independent sovereignty and mutual respect, is willing to
promote cooperation and resolve the disputes in the South China Sea through
peaceful means. It is also willing to cooperate with all other countries in the
South China Sea to protect its biodiversity as well as the peace and stability of
the region.
4) Since 2000, the Republic of China has adopted a series of confidence building
measures with regards to the Pratas and Spratly Islands. Staffs of the Coast
Guard Administration, instead of the Arm Forces, are stationed there to enforce
the law. We call on all parties concerned in the South China Sea, based on the
same spirit, to seek the peaceful development of the region.



第八節 條約協定


1-81-1、根據 1969 年【維也納條約法公約】和 1986 年【關於國家和國


1-82-1、條 約【Treaty】


條約(treaty) 一般適用於有關比較重大之政治、經濟、法律等問題而且效期較長
多國﹐但只有兩個當事方面。如一九四七年的【對意和約】﹐一方是二十個 “同

1-82-2、公約或專約【Convention; Pact】
公約 (convention﹐pact) 通常是若干國家舉行國際會議締結的多邊條約,內容
法公約】等。專約 (convention) 則是規定有關某些專門問題的協議,如領事專

1-82-3、憲章、盟約、規約 【charter; covenant; statute】

憲章、盟約、規約 (charter﹐covenant﹐statute) 多是重要國際組織的章程,如

1-82-4、協 定【Agreement】
協定 (agreement) 多是為解決行政或事務方面之具體問題所達成之協議,國際





Pursuant to Article VIII of the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRE) and the American
Institute in Taiwan (AIT) for Technical Cooperation in the Field of
Environmental Protection, dated June 211993, and its Extension Agreement
dated June 30,1998,hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, formerly
known as the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA), and
the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) agree to extend the Agreement for
additional five years, until June 21, 2008. All terms and conditions in the
Agreement, including the purpose, Scope of Work, Authorization, Funding,
Management, Intellectual Property, Considerations, Relationship to Other
Agreements, and Entry Into Force, Amendment and Termination, shall continue
to apply.
INWITNESSWHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed
this Agreement.
SIGNED in Taipei, Taiwan, in duplicate, in the English language




Andrew J. C. Kao David J. Keegan


Secretary General
Headquarters for Taipei Economic and Deputy Director
Cultural Representative Office in the American Institute in Taiwan
United States (TECRO) (AIT) / Taipei office

September 23, 2003 September 23, 2003


議定書 (protocol) 多是輔助性之法律文件,其內容一般比協定來得具體,如兩

1-82-6、宣 言【Declaration】
宣言 (declaration) 是兩國或數國聯合宣示有關相互間權利或義務之政策聲

1-82-7、聯合公報或共同聲明【Communique/Joint Statement】

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant to the U.S. President for National Security
Affairs, visited the People's Republic of China from February 15 to February 19,
1973. He was accompanied by Herbert G. Klein, Alfred Le S. Jenkins, Richard T.


Kennedy, John H. Holdridge, Winston Lord, Jonathan T. Howe, Richard

Solomon, and Peter V. Rodman.
Chairman Mao Tse-tung received Dr. Kissinger and members of his party held
wide-ranging conversations with Premier Chou Eh-lai, Foreign Minister Chiao
Kuanhua, and other Chinese officials. Mr. Jenkins held parallel talks on
technical subjects with Assistant Foreign Minister Chang Wen-chin. All these
talks were conducted in an unconstrained atmosphere and were earnest, frank
and constructive.
The two sides reviewed the development of relations between the two countries
in the year that has passed since President Nixon's visit to the People’s Republic
of China and other issues of mutual concern. They reaffirmed the principles of
the Joint Communiqué issued at Shanghai in February 1972 and their joint
commitment to bring about a normalization of relations. They held that the
progress that has been made during this period is beneficial to the people of their
two countries.
The two sides agreed that the time was appropriate for accelerating the
normalization of relations. To this end, they undertook to broaden their contacts
in all fields. They agreed on a concrete program of expanding trade as well as
scientific, cultural and other exchanges.
To facilitate this process and to improve communications it was agreed that in
the near future each side will establish a liaison office in the capital of the other.
Details will be worked out through existing channels.
The two sides agreed that normalization of relations between the United States
and the People’s Republic of China will contribute to the relaxation of tension in
Asia and in the world.
Dr. Kissinger and his party expressed their deep appreciation for the warm
hospitality extended to them.

Joint U. S. -Spain Communiqué June 19, 1973
The sixth round of negotiations between the Spanish and the United States
delegations took place in Washington from June 16 to June 19. The Spanish
delegation was chaired by the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Juan
Jose Rivera, and the American delegation was headed by Ambassador-at-Large
Robert d. McCaskey.
The two delegations continued the discussion on the key aspects of the defense
relationship between the two countries and noted the progress being made in


defining areas of mutual agreement.

The discussions included an examination of the subject of the Spanish facilities
which are used by American forces, and Spanish military defense needs.
The two delegations agreed to set up a steering committee which would establish
guidelines and supervise working groups which would study specific technical
As a result of their decision to accelerate the pace of work, the two delegations
agreed to hold the seventh round in Madrid during the week beginning June
The Spanish Ambassador offered a dinner in honor of the two delegations, and
Ambassador McCloskey reciprocated with a luncheon in the State Department
in honor of Under Secretary Rivera.

Following is the text of a joint communiqué issued at Geneva on December 21,
1972 at the conclusion of the first round of Phase Two of the Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks (SALT).
The US-USSR negotiations on limiting strategic arms continued from November
21, 1972, to December 21, i972, in Geneva.
The US Delegation was headed by the Director of the US Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, Gerard Smith. Members of the Delegation Philip d. Farley,
Paul Nits, Harold Brown, and Royal Allison participated in the negotiations.
The USSR Delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
USSR, V. S. Semen. Members of the Delegation K. A. Trios, P. S. Pleshakov, A. N.
Scheming, and O. A. Grimes participated in the negotiations.
The Delegations were accompanied by advisors and experts.
In accordance with the agreement reached in May, 1972 to continue active
DS-Soviet negotiations on the limitation of strategic offensive arms, the
Delegations engaged in further consideration of the issues relating to achieving
an agreement on more complete measures limiting strategic offensive arms.
During the course of these preliminary discussions a wide range of questions
relating to this subject was considered. The discussions were useful for both sides
in preparing for further negotiations next year. An understanding was reached
on the general range of questions which will be the subject of further US-Soviet
During the negotiations, a memorandum of Understanding establishing a
Standing Consultative Commission pursuant to Article XIII of the Treaty


between the US and the USSR on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems
was agreed and signed.
The two sides express their appreciation to the Government of Switzerland for
creating favorable conditions for holding the negotiations and for the hospitality
which was extended to them.
Agreement was reached that negotiations between the US Delegation and the
USSR Delegation will be resumed on February 27, 1973, in Geneva.

Following is the text of a communiqué initialed at New York on September 23 by
Secretary Kissinger and Joachim Albert Chicano, Foreign Minister of the
People’s Republic of Mozambique:
The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the
People's Republic of Mozambique, desirous of strengthening the friendship
existing between the peoples of the United States of America and of Mozambique
based on the principles of mutual respect, sovereign equality and
non-interference in the internal affairs of each other, have decided to establish
diplomatic relations, at the ambassadorial level, between their respective
countries with effect from the Twenty-Third day of September Nineteen
Hundred Seventy Five.

Joint Statement February 8, 1973
A discussion of questions of mutual interest in the field of educational and
cultural affairs took place in Washington on February 8 between representatives
of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and representatives of
the Department of State and the U.S. Information Agency. The German
delegation was headed by Dr. Hans Arnold, Director General of Cultural Affairs
in the German Foreign Office; the American delegation was led by the
Honorable John Richardson, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Educational
and Cultural Affairs.
The meeting grew out of a previous meeting at the staff level which was held in
Bonn in May of 1972.
The two delegations exchanged views on experiences in educational and cultural
programs of interest to both countries. They reviewed the various programs


existing between the two countries and agreed on the desirability of a further
intensification of cultural relations between them. They were particularly
mindful of the need to view these relations within the broad context of U.S-'
European concerns.
The two delegations agreed on the desirability of continued consultation and
plan to meet on an annual basis;

1-82-7B-2、 共同聲明範例【美國與智利代表共同聲明】
The text of a joint communiqué issued by representatives of the Governments of
the United Stales and Chile at Santiago on March 8, 1762:
The representatives of the Government of Chile and of the Government of the
United States have today concluded an intensive series of discussions of the
economic relations between Chile and the United States. In these conversations
both Governments reaffirmed their determination to cooperate in increasing the
welfare of the people of the Americas under the Alliance for Progress. As a
result of these discussions, agreements have been reached which both
Governments believe will begin a new era in the economic and social
development of Chile--an era in which the people of Chile can look forward to
increasing economic welfare within the framework of social justice and human
From this date forward, the United States and Chile are joined together in a
common effort of unparalleled magnitude and nobility of purpose to answer the
basic aspirations of the Chilean people for a better life for themselves and their
children. Through this program the traditional freedom of the Chilean people
will rest on the ever-widening base of economic progress and social justice.
Discussions were held concerning the financing of Chile’s long-term, ten-year
plan of economic development--a plan designed to bring about an unprecedented
increase in the welfare of the Chilean people during the decade of the sixties. The
United States agreed to help provide the external resources needed for this plan
along with other industrialized countries, 'international institutions, and private
investment. The United States commitment alone could amount to as much as
$35 million over the first five years of the plan to finance projects in the public
The long-range development plan has been submitted by the Government of
Chile to the OAS (Organization of American States) panel of experts for study,
and its future implementation will take place under their recommendations, and
subject, of course, to the approval of the necessary funds by the governments of


the participating countries, including the Congress of the United States.

The effort of assistance by the United States during 1962 will be in the amount of
up to $12 million, of which $8 million will be made available for specific
approval of projects designed to have an early effect in improving the welfare of
the Chilean people. In addition, up to $4 million in basic and essential foodstuffs
will be made available, the specific amount to be determined by Chile’s ability to
absorb these foodstuffs and after consultation with other friendly governments.
Both the United States and Chile reaffirmed their dedication to the principles of
the Alliance for Progress as well as their determination to carry out the
commitments which they made in the Charter of Punta del Ester.
The representatives of the United States expressed, on behalf of their
Government, the deep personal concern of President Kennedy for the welfare of
the people of Chile and his continued intention to work with the countries of
Latin America until the last vestige of poverty and hunger and ignorance has
been eliminated from this Hemisphere.


The Fourth Meeting of the United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science

Committee was held at the Auditorium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, on
August 8 and 9, 1968. Welcoming remarks were made by Mr. Sundae Sonora,
Minister for Health and Welfare, and Minister David L. Osborn, Deputy Chief of
Mission, United States Embassy, Tokyo. Dr. Colin MacLeod, Chairman of the
United States Delegation, and Dr. Toshio Kuroki, Chairman of the Japanese
Delegation, alternately chaired the Meeting.
The Joint Panels on Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Malnutrition met in Tokyo and
conducted symposia on August 5, 6, and 7, 1968 during which studies on these
disorders were reported and plans for future activities were discussed. Members
of the Delegations from the United States and Japan attended these Panel
At the Meeting of the Committee, both U.S. and Japanese Chairmen of the
Panels on Cholera, the Parasitic Diseases (schistosomiasis and filariasis),
Malnutrition, Tuberculosis, Leprosy sad Viral Diseases presented written and
oral reports on accomplishments since the last Committee meeting, and
considered programs for the future.
The Committee heard the reports of the Panel Chairmen and expressed


enthusiasm over the results. The Committee also discussed and emphasized field
activities related to the basic medical research in the categories of disorders
selected. The Committee emphasized the need to publish the results in
appropriate scientific journals.
It is intended that close cooperation and transfer of information be maintained
with the World Health Organization.
The Committee decided that a 5 year report would be prepared.
The next meeting of the Committee will be held in Bethesda,
Maryland, U.S.A. in early August, 1969. The Joint Panels on Parasitic Diseases
and Viral Diseases will hold symposia just prior to that meeting of the

Joint Press Release September 24, 1977

Concluding two days (September 22-23) of productive consultation in which

President Marcos took a direct interest, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Carlos P.
Romulus and Assistant Secretary Richard Holbrook agreed that the principles of
mutual respect and mutual benefit would guide all discussions of the
Philippine-US relationship. Both sides agreed that the consultations had resulted
in a deep understanding of the perspectives of each country over a wide range of
concern and issues of common interest. Assistant Secretary Holbrook will
convey the understanding to President Carter and Secretary Vance.
Secretary Romulus and Secretary Ensile (Juan Ponce Ensile, Secretary of
National Defense) will meet with Secretary Vance in the United States later this
The parties agreed to undertake immediately a vigorous mutual effort to resolve
irritants related to the use of the military bases used by the U.S.A. joint Republic
of the Philippines-U.S. task force will initiate discussions next week on measures
to be undertaken through existing mechanisms to resolve outstanding problems.
Beginning with perimeter security, the task force will address a series of topics
such as customs control and watershed management.
The task force will consist of Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Jose D. Ingles,
Undersecretary of Defense Isabel Castro and Undersecretary of Justice Catalina
Macerating for the Philippines. Charge daffier Lee T. Stull, Rear Admiral
Thomas Killeen and Major General Freddie Poston will represent the United


Agreement was reached on various proposals including:

--Both governments will give serious consideration to the organization of
a body for policy level management of the defense relationship;
--They will improve further procedures for the notification to Philippine
authorities about the disposition of cases involving concurrent criminal
--They will enhance the capability of the Philippine military liaison
officers to foster communication between the base authorize and concerned
Filipino citizens.

The Philippine and U.S. authorities agreed that high-level consultations will
continue when a new American ambassador arrives next month.

(Joint Statement) January 29, 1973

On January 28, the chief U.S. and Canadian negotiators initiated a draft text of
a general agreement covering transit pipelines. This agreement would provide
government-to-government assurances on a reciprocal basis regarding
noninterference with and nondiscriminatory treatment of hydrocarbons
transported in present or future pipelines which cross the territory of either
The ad referendum agreement will now be referred to the two Governments for
their review and approval. As part of the U.S. procedure, consultations within
the executive branch, with the Congress, and with interested parties will be
undertaken prior to final approval.

(Joint Statement) January 4, 1977

On January 4, 1977, representatives of the United States of America and the

Republic of Korea signed a new agreement relating to fishing activities of the
Republic of Korea off the coasts of the United States.
The agreement sets out the arrangements between the countries which will
govern fishing by vessels of the Republic of Korea within the fishery
conservation zone of the United States beginning on March 1, 1977. The


agreement will come into force after the completion of internal procedures by
both governments.
The signing of this agreement took place in Washington. His Excellency Dr.
Pyong-choon Hahm, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States,
signed for the Republic of Korea. Ambassador Frederick Irving, Assistant
Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific
Affairs, signed for the United States. Both representatives expressed their
satisfaction with the new accord and the hope that it will strengthen cooperation
between the Republic of Korea and the United States.

1-82-8、其 他
除上述條約名稱外﹐國際實踐中還有【規則】(regulation)、 【教約】(concordat)、
【附加條款】(additional article)、 【文件】(Act)、
【總決議書】(general act)、【最
後決議書】(final act﹐又稱蕆事文件)、 【停戰協定】(armistice agreement)、 【初
步和約】 (preliminary treaty of peace)、
【臨時協定】 (modus vivendi)等等。

【文件】(Act) 是一些國際會議用來表示它所透過的規定國際法規則或解決國際
法問題的多邊條約的名稱,有時也稱為【總決議書】(general act),如 1949 年 4
月 28 日聯合國主持下修訂的“和平解決國際爭端總文件”。國際交往中也有稱



外交文牘範例 (2)



第二章 外交文牘範例
第一節 知 會
2-11-1、通知承認 (2-11-1)
2-11-1A-1、通知承認國家範例 【美國承認黎巴嫩獨立】
September 7, 1944
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government has observed
with friendly and sympathetic interest the accelerated transfer of governmental
powers to the Lebanese and Syrian Governments since November 1943 and now
takes the view that the Lebanese and Syrian Governments may now be
considered representative, effectively independent and in a position satisfactorily
to fulfill their international obligations and responsibilities.
The United States is, therefore, prepared to extend full and unconditional
recognition of the independence of Lebanon, upon receipt from Your
Excellency’s Government of written assurances that the existing rights of the
United States and its nationals, particularly as set forth in the treaty of 1924
between the United States and France, are fully recognized and will be effectively
continued and protected by the Lebanese Government, until such time as
appropriate bilateral accord may be concluded by direct and mutual agreement
between the United States and Lebanon.
I am to add that, following the receipt of such assurances, my Government
proposes to appoint an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary as its
representative near the Lebanese Government and would be pleased to receive in
the United States a diplomatic representative of Lebanon of the same grade.

2-11-1A-2、通知承認國家範例 【黎巴嫩外長函覆接受承認獨立】
September 8, 1944
I have the honor to inform you that I have received with satisfaction your note
dated 7th September, 1944, in which you conveyed the view of the United States
Government that the Lebanese Government may now be considered
representative, effectively independent and in a position satisfactorily to fulfill its
international obligations and responsibilities; and that therefore the United
States is prepared to extend full and unconditional recognition of the
independence of Lebanon upon receipt of written assurances that the existing


rights of the United States and its nationals, particularly as set forth in the
Treaty of 1924 between the United States and France, are fully recognized and
will be effectively continued and protected by the Lebanese Government until
such time as appropriate bilateral accord may be concluded by direct and
mutual agreement between the United States and Lebanon.
The Lebanese Government has taken note of the friendly attitude of the United
States Government, and they highly appreciate this noble gesture. It is my
pleasant task to convey to you the assurances of the Lebanese Government that
the existing rights of the United States and its nationals particularly as set forth
in the Treaty of 1924 between the United States and France, are fully recognized
and will be effectively continued and protected, until such time as appropriate
bilateral accord may be concluded by direct and mutual agreement between
Lebanon and the United States.
I have the honor to add that the Lebanese Government welcomes the proposed
appointment by the Government of the United States of an Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary as representative accredited to the President of the
Lebanese Republic, and propose to appoint a representative of the same rank to
be accredited near the President of the United States.

2-11-1A-3、通知承認國家範例 【美國承認維德角群島獨立】
Dear Mr. President:
The American people join me in extending congratulations and best wishes to
you and the people of the Republic of Cape Verde on the occasion of your
independence. In this regard, I am pleased to inform you that the United States
Government extends recognition to Cape Verde.
I am aware of the serious drought which has affected the islands for the past
eight years. I know that this situation must be a matter of great concern as your
government assumes the responsibilities for the well-being of your people. I am
hopeful that the steps already taken by the United States to provide
humanitarian aid and technical assistance to Cape Verde will help alleviate the
current hardship and provide a base for economic development and future
As the historic ties of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the
United States and Cape Verde grow and strengthen, I look forward to the
opportunity for our two nations to work together in the cause of peace, freedom
and the welfare of mankind.


Gerald R. Ford
The White House, July 5, 1975

2-11-1A-4、通知承認國家範例 【美國承認莫三鼻克獨立】

Dear Mr. President: I am pleased to inform you that the United States
Government extends recognition to Mozambique. It is our hope, with your
agreement, that diplomatic relations can soon be established between our two
We congratulate your leaders and their Portuguese colleagues on the wise
statesman- ship that has led to Mozambique’s independence.
The American people share with the people of Mozambique the knowledge that
hard-won individual liberty and national independence can be preserved only by
unremitting labor and sacrifice.
As we strengthen and multiply our bonds of mutual friendship, I am confident of
a future in which our two peoples will work together in the freedom, peace and
security of all mankind.
Gerald R. Ford
The White House, June 25, 1975

2-11-1A-5、通知承認國家範例 【韓國承認馬拉威獨立】
July 6, 1964
On behalf of the Government and people of Korea, I have the honor to express
my heartfelt congratulation on the independence of Malawi.
I take great pleasure in extending as of July 6, 1964 our formal recognition to
your new state and look forward to developing cordial and friendly relations
between our two nations.


2-11-1B-1、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認玻利維亞新政府】
June 23, 1944
I have the honor to advise Your Excellency that my Government, having full
confidence that Your Excellency’s Government will dedicate itself to complete an
effective implementation of its announced friendly attitude toward the cause of
the United Nations in the present war effort, is pleased to extend, as of this date,
full recognition of Your Excellency’s Government.

January 27, 1961
Mr. Charge daffier:
As you are aware, on October 26 of last year a group composed of civilians and
military personnel, invoking the right to insurrection prescribed in Article 175 of
the political Constitution, formed a Junta of Government, giving as justification
for their insurrectionist movement the defense of law and order guaranteed by
the political Constitution of the Republic.
But instead of their fully restoring law and order, the highest political code was
violated to permit and encourage the development and dissemination in this
country of forces and doctrines contrary to democratic principles, causing great
anxiety and concern among the population.
Since the October 26 movement was initiated by a small group of military men
without the knowledge or support of the Army, the latter considered itself
responsible for the state of affairs imposed on the nation, and by unanimous and
considered agreement of all its members felt itself obligated to take over control
of the situation for the purpose of guiding the political, economic, and social
destiny of the nation along the right course of true democracy, and a legal system
that would be respected and obeyed.
With this objective, on January 25 of this year recognition was withdrawn from
the Junta of Government of El Salvador and a Civilian-and-Military Directorate
established, composed of Colonel Anibal Portilio, Dr. Jose Francisco Valiente,
Lieutenant Colonel Julio A. Rivera, Dr. Joss Antonio Rodriguez Porth, and Dr.
Feliciano Avelar, which on that same day assumed full legislative, executive, and
judicial powers.
The policies to be followed by the Government program of the Civilian-and
-Military Directorate include the following:
--To comply strictly with all treaties and conventions to which El


Salvador has adhered and to respect its obligations and commitments.

--To maintain the closest possible friendly and cooperative relations with
all nations whose form of government is based on the principles of
representative democracy and on respect for the dignity and rights of

The Civilian-and-Military Directorate, by Decree of January 26, has formed its

Cabinet as follows:
[Here names of new Ministers and Sub-Secretaries are listed.]
In transmitting to you the foregoing information, I take pleasure in assuring you
that my Government hopes to maintain and further strengthen the cordial
relations that have always existed between our peoples and Governments.
I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my highest and
most distinguished consideration.
(Signed Raul Gamete)

2-11-1B-3、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認薩爾瓦多新政府】
February 13, 1961
Your Excellency:
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Excellency’s note No. A-800
D26I, dated January 27, 1961, informing me of the establishment of a
Civil-Military Directorate on January 25, 1961, which assumed full legislative,
executive and judicial powers. Your Excellency’s note states that the new
Government intends to comply strictly with all treaties and conventions to which
El Salvador has adhered, to respect its obligations and commitments, and to
maintain the closest possible friendly relations with democratic governments.
My Government notes with pleasure the statements in the Civil-Military
Directorate’s Manifesto of January 27, 1961, to the effect that the fundamental
objective of the Directorate is to bring about free and democratic elections. It is
also gratifying to note the Directorate's determination to work for the resolution
of existing economic and social problems.
In view of the assurances set forth in your note, and the objectives proclaimed by
the manifesto of the Civil-Military Directorate, my Government has instructed
me to state that it is pleased to extend recognition to the Civil-Military
Directorate as the Provisional Government of El Salvador.


2-11-1B-4、通知承認政府範例 【委內瑞拉政府請求美國承認】
November 25, 1948
Mr. Ambassador: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the National
Armed Forces, compelled by grave circumstances threatening the social peace
and economic life of the Republic, and in compliance with their sacred duty to
the Nation, assumed fully from yesterday the Provisional Government of the
Republic, establishing a Military Junta of Government formed by Lt. Colonels
Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, who presides over the Junta, Marcos Perez Jimenez,
and Luis Felipe Llovera Paez. Dr. Miguel Moreno will act as Secretary of the
"By decree of this same date the following persons have been designated to form
the Executive Cabinet: Minister of Interior, Citizen Lt. Col. Luis FeIipe Llovera
Paez; Minister of Foreign Relations, Citizen Dr. Lute Emilio Gomez Ruiz;
Minister of Finance, Citizen Dr. Aurelio Arreaza; Minister of National Defense,
Citizen Lt. Col. Marcos Perez Jimenez; Until Colonel Jorge Marcano, at present
absent from the country, takes possession of his office, Lt. Col. Josue Lopez
Henriquez will be in charge of the Ministry of Communications.
In informing Your Excellency of the foregoing, I am happy to assure you that the
new Government, whose authority has been accepted with satisfaction by the
Venezuelan people, will maintain social progress and comply strictly with its
international obligations in constant reaffirmation of the principles of
cooperation and solidarity among nations.
These events were carried out in the most absolute good order and calm prevails
throughout the country.
I am happy furthermore to express to Your Excellency the desire of my
Government to continue and strengthen even more those cordial relations of
friendship which exist between our two countries.

2-11-1B-5、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認委內瑞拉新政府】
January 21, 1949
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's note dated
November 25, 1948 informing me that a Military Junta of Government has been
constituted under the Presidency of Lt. Colonel Carlos Delgado Chalbaud in
which Your Excellency has been designated to serve as Minister of Foreign
My Government has noted Your Excellency’s statement that the new
administration will strictly fulfill its international obligations. It has also noted a


passage in an address delivered on November 26, 1948 by His Excellency the

President of Junta in which it is stated that the Junta will prepare for elections in
which all citizens will participate under conditions of equality.
My Government attaches importance to this statement particularly in view of a
cardinal principle found in the Charter of the Organization of American States,
The solidarity of the American States and the high aims which are sought
through it require the political organization of those States on the basis of the
effective exercise of representative democracy.
On instructions from my Government, I have the honor to express to Your
Excellency the hope that the good will and friendship which historically have
characterized relations between Venezuela and the United States will be

2-11-1B-6、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認敘利亞新政府)】
April 27, 1949
The American Legation presents its compliments to the Syrian Ministry for
Foreign Affairs and, pursuant to instructions from the United States
Government, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Ministry's note no.
S 4 dated April 7, 1949, transmitting a copy of the communiqué issued by the
General Command of the Army and Armed Forces in regard to the factors that
led to the recent coup d'etat in Syria, as well as of the Ministry’s note no. M-6
dated April 18, 1949, informing the Legation that a new Cabinet had been
formed and giving the names of the members of the Cabinet.
The Legation has been instructed to inform the Ministry that the United States
Government has noted with satisfaction the public assurances which His
Excellency the Prime Minister, Colonel Husni Zaim, has made alarming the
intention of the new Syrian Government to discharge Syria’s obligations
arising out of all treaties and international agreements entered into by previous
Syrian Governments, as well as its attachment to democratic principles and its
intention to hold new elections at an early date.
The Legation avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.
On September 20, 1949, the Department of State announced that the United
States Government "has today" recognized the Syrian Government established
on August 14, 1949, under the Premiership of His Excellency Hashim al-Atassi.
The text of the note signifying recognition which was sent by the American


Legation at Damascus to the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs read as follows:

Pursuant to instructions from the United States Government, the Legation of the
United States of America has the honor to acknowledge the note from the Syrian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated August 16, 1949, informing it of the
establishment of a new Syrian Government under the Premiership of His
Excellency Hashim al-Atassi.
The United States Government relies upon the assurances given to it by the
Syrian Government that Syria intends to honor its international obligations, and
trusts that the friendly relations between our two nations will be continued. The
promulgation on September I1, 1949, of a new electoral law reflecting the
Syrian Government’s intention to hold elections and form a constitutional
government has also been noted.
The Legation takes this occasion to assure the Ministry of its highest

2-11-1B-7、通知承認政府範例 【韓國承認瓜地馬拉新政府】
July 15, 1963

The Government of the Republic of Korea formally recognizes the newly

established Government of Guatemala under Your Excellency’s inspiring
leadership and extends its desire for continued friendly relations between the
two countries and best wishes for welfare and prosperity of the people of
Chung Hee Park
Chairman of the Supreme Council
for National Reconstruction
Acting as President of the Republic
of Korea

2-11-1B-8、通知承認政府範例 【韓國承認宏都拉斯新政府】
July 15, 1963
Jorge Fidel Duran


Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Government of the Republic of Korea formally recognizes the newly

established Government of Honduras and extends its sincere desire for
continued friendly relations between the two countries.
Moon Kyung Choi
Acting Minister of Foreign
Republic of Korea

2-11-1B-9、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認波蘭新政府】

The President of the United States directs me to extend to you as Prime Minister
and Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Polish Government his
sincere wishes for your success in the high office that you have assumed and his
earnest hope that the Government of which you are a part will bring prosperity
to the Republic of Poland.
It is my privilege to extend to you at this time my personal greetings and
officially to assure you that it will be a source of gratification to enter into official
relations with you at the earliest opportunity to render to your country such aid
as is possible at this time as it enters upon a new cycle of independent life, will be
in full accord with that spirit of friendliness which has in the past animated the
American people in their relations with your countrymen.

2-11-1B-10、通知承認政府範例 【希臘承認伊拉克新政府】
To the Foreign Minister
of the Iraqi Government
I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the Council of Ministers of Greece
has decided to recognize the new Government of Iraq.
In taking such action the Greek Government was prompted by the assurances
publicly offered by the Iraqi Government to the effect that~ it will uphold Iraq’s
obligations under the international law and more especially those concerning the
lawful rights and interests of foreigners in Iraq among whom scores of Greek
nationals living and doing useful work in your country.
I feel also sure that the new Iraqi Government will do its best to contribute to the
establishment of peace and stability in the Middle East with a view jo0 the


orderly advancement of all countries and peoples in that area for their own
benefit and for the benefit of the whole world.
It is in that friendly spirit generally professed in Greece toward all members of
the greater Arab family that I beg Your Excellency to convey to the Government
and the people of Iraq the hearty wishes of the Greek Government and the
Greek nation for best success and prosperity.
Greek Foreign Minister

2-11-1B-11、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認厄瓜多新政府】
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have been given instructions to
say that the progress made by the Republic of Ecuador during the past three
years since the coup d'etat of July 9, 1925, and the tranquility prevailing in
Ecuador during that period, have been observed by my Government with a great
deal of satisfaction. Having full confidence that the Government of Dr. Agora has
the support of the majority of the people of Ecuador, and is both capable and
desirous of maintaining an orderly internal administration, and of observing
with scrupulous care all international obligations, my Government is pleased to
extend to it as from this date full recognition as the de jure Government of

2-11-1B-12、通知承認政府範例 【美國承認蘇丹新政府】

The United States government has received official notification of the

establishment of the government of the Republic of Sudan and assurances from
that government that it intends to honor its international obligations. The United
States government has today been pleased to extend recognition to the
government of Sudan with the expression of its best wishes.

Under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to propose to Your
Excellency the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries,
and to convey the intention of my Government to set up an Embassy in ............
in the immediate future.


Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary of the Republic
of China to...........

2-11-2-2、通知建交範例 【中模建交共同聲明】

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Government of

the Republic of China desirous of developing a close mutual cooperation and,
strengthening the friendly ties between the peoples of the two republics, have
decided to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries. To this
purpose the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania agrees to the
opening at Nouakchott of the Embassy of the Republic of China.

2-11-3A-1、通知任命 (外長) 範例

The Chief of Protocol presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission and has the honor to inform that the Honorable
XXX, Permanent Representative of the Republic of China to the United Nations,
was today appointed and has assumed his duties as Acting Secretary of Foreign
Affairs, vice the Honorable YYY, resigned.

2-11-3A-2、通知任命 (外長) 範例

The Chief of Protocol presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission and has the honor to inform that the Honorable
XXX, Vice President and Concurrently Secretary of Foreign Affairs, departed
today for Bangkok, to attend the annual meeting of the Council of Ministers of
the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty Organization, and that he is
expected to return on or about July 15, 200X.
During the absence of the Secretary, the Honorable YYY will be the Acting
Secretary of Foreign Affairs.


2-11-3A-3、通知任命 (總領事) 範例
December 20, 1971.
My dear Foreign Minister,
I have great pleasure in introducing to you our Consul General at Seoul, Sheri
Rope Krishna Anand. Sheri Anand has been appointed to take care of the affairs
of Indian citizens and to aid and assist them in all their lawful and mercantile
I am fully confident that by his personal qualities and varied experience, Sheri
Anand will prove eminently suitable for the performance of the functions
entrusted to him. His presence in Seoul will, I hope, contribute substantially to
the promotion of close and friendly understanding between our two
Governments. In this confidence, I request you to receive him favorably and
afford him every cooperation and assistance in the performance of his duties.
Yours sincerely,
(Surendra Pal Singh)
Deputy Minister
of External Affairs

2-11-3A-4、通知任命 (總領事) 範例
July 15,19XX
With reference to my note no. 12345, dated July 15, 199X, requesting the
provisional recognition of Mr. XXX, American Foreign Service Officer, as
Consul General at Osaka, I now have the honor to inform Your Excellency that
the assignment of Mr. XXX has been canceled.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
His Excellency XXX
His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s
Minister for Foreign Affairs

2-11-3A-5、通知任命 (領事) 範例

The American Embassy, acting under instructions from its government, has the
honor to inform the Imperial Ministry for Foreign Affairs that Mr. XXX has


been appointed Consul of the United States of America at Bremen, as appears

from the accompanying commission, and to request that the imperial
Government will kindly cause the necessary steps to be taken towards the formal
recognition of Mr. XXX in the above capacity.

2-11-3A-6、通知任命 (領事) 範例

I have the honor to inform you that Mr. XXX has been appointed Consul of
Japan at New Orleans, Louisiana, to succeed, Mr. YYY, who has already left this
country for Japan at the direction of my Government. His consular jurisdiction
as heretofore will cover the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florid, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,
and Texas. Mr. XXX is now proceeding to his new post.
I beg, therefore, to forward to you the Commission for Mr. XXX for the kind
cognizance of your Government, and I shall be grateful if you will be so good as
to arrange for the issuance by the President of an Exequatur recognizing him in
the capacity aforementioned. A copy of the English translation of the
Commission and the appointee’s biographical sketch are also enclosed for
retention by your Department.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Sir, assurances of my highest

2-11-3A-7、通知任命 (副領事) 範例
Embassy of
the United States of America
The American Embassy presents its compliments to the Imperial Japanese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform the latter that Mr.
Charles H. Stephan, Vice Consul at Kobe, has been detached from his duties
there and transferred to another Post.
November 29, 1941

2-11-3A-8、通知任命 (三等秘書) 範例
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the
Department of Foreign Affairs of Haiti and has the honor, upon instruction, to


inform the latter that Mr. Lin Shiang-Nung has been appointed as Third
Secretary of the Embassy.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Department of Foreign Affairs of Haiti the assurances of its highest

2-11-3B-1、通知晉升 (參事)範例

The Chinese Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to inform the latter that Mr.
XXX, First Secretary of the Embassy has been accorded the rank of Counselor
as of March 20, 1968.


The American Embassy presents its compliments to the Japanese Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform the latter that Mr. XXX, formerly
American Consul at Osaka, retired from the American Foreign Service on July
15, 199X.

Tokyo, July 23, 199X.

2-11-4A-1、通知 (代理外長) 到任範例
(節 略)
The Chief of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
presents its compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of
Mission and has the honor to inform Their Excellencies that the Honorable XXX,
Vice Minister of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of who was
appointed today, has assumed his duties as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.


2-11-4A-2、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the President of the United
States of America having accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China, I have now arrived in … take up
my duties.
I should be grateful if Your Excellency would be as kind as to fix a convenient
time when I may call on you to hand you a copy of my Letter of Credence and to
request that the pleasure of His Excellency the Chairman of the National
Government be ascertained for an audience for the formal presentation of my
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
American Ambassador

2-11-4A-3、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the President of the United
States of America having accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China, I have now arrived in ............ to take
up my duties.
I should be grateful if Your Excellency would be as kind as to fix a convenient
time when I may call on you to hand you a copy of my Letter of Credence and to
request that the pleasure of His Excellency the Chairman of the National
Government be ascertained for an audience for the formal presentation of my
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
American Ambassador

2-11-4A-4、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that, having been appointed by the
President as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to represent the
States of America near the person of His Majesty the Emperor and King, I have


arrived at my post and assumed the direction of the Embassy.

I have, in consequence, the honor to request Your Excellency to kindly ascertain
the convenience of Their Imperial and Royal Majesties and to inform me as to
when I may be graciously accorded an opportunity of presenting to His Majesty
the Emperor and King my Letters of Credence, and as to the pleasure of Her
Majesty the Empress and Queen toward granting me the distinguished honor of
an audience.
I embrace this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the assurances of my
highest consideration.
Enclosure: Office copy of Letters of Credence.
Embassy of the
United States of America

2-11-4A-5、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have on this date presented my
letter of credence to His Excellency the President of the Republic of the ...............
and have assumed my duties as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the United States of America to the ............ .
I avail myself of this opportunity to express the assurances of my desire to
continue the close and cordial relations that have always existed between our two
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
American Ambassador

2-11-4A-6、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform you that I have today presented to His Excellency the
President of the.......... Republic the Letters that accredit me as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada in......... May I take this
opportunity of saying that I look forward with pleasure to the continuation of
the good relations, both personal and official, which exist between our two
Missions and which reflect the friendship between our two countries.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


2-11-4A-7、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform you that I have presented today to His Majesty Paul I,
King of the Hellenes, the Letters accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of ............ to Greece.
It gives me great pleasure thus to enter into official and personal association with
you and I take this opportunity to express my earnest desire to maintain the
cordial relations existing between our respective missions.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4A-8、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform you that 1 have today presented Letters of Credence
from the Provisional President of the Argentine Republic, His Excellency
General ..........., to His Excellency President ............, which accredit me as Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the ..............
I avail myself of the opportunity to express my sincere desire to strengthen and
maintain the cordial and warm relations existent between our two Missions.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my high regard and consideration.

2-11-4A-9、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that, effective ........, the Legation of
the Republic of ......... in ............ has been elevated to the status of an Embassy in
accordance with the agreement arrived at between the authorities of the
Republic of ......... and the Republic of the ..............

I have the further honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented
to His Excellency the President of the Republic of the ............ the Letters of
Credence from His Excellency the President of the Republic of ............
accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ............ to
the .…… .
I avail myself of this opportunity to express the sincere desire to continue and
enhance the close cooperation and friendly relations which exist between our two


Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4A-10、通知 (大使) 到任範例

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform you that I was today received by His Excellency the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, on which occasion I presented to him the Letters
which accredit me to the .................. Government in the capacity of Charge
daffier of the...............
Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest

2-11-4A-11、通知 (大使) 到任範例

Your Excellency (to Ambassador)
I have the honor to inform you that I have today presented to His Excellency
(His Majesty) the President (the King) of ......... my letters of credence accrediting
me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China
to (Name of country).
I wish to express to Your Excellency my great pleasure at prospect of entering
upon official as well as personal association with you to be marked with such
cordiality and friendliness as characterizing the traditional friendship happily
existing between two countries and two Missions.
Please accept Excellency, the assurances of my highest (high) consideration.

2-11-4A-12、通知 (大使) 到任範例

Your Excellency (to ambassador)
I have the honor to inform you that I have today presented to His Excellency
(His Majesty) the President (the King) of my letters of credence
accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to ………..
I shall be very glad to be able to look forward to the pleasure of meeting you and
cherishing the hope that cordial relations happily existing between our two
Mission may continue and further develop.


Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest (high or distinguished)


2-11-4A-13、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that 1 have today presented to His
Majesty King …… of the Kingdom of …..., the letter accrediting me as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the
Kingdom of ……..
In assuming my duties, I take this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my
sincere desire to maintain and develop the cordial relations which so happily
exist between our two countries. I am confident that this will be reflected in the
continued friendly contacts between our two Missions.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Republic of ……………

2-11-4A-14、通知 (大使) 到任範例

His Excellency
Sir Suk-Chan Lo
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of Korea
Your Excellency
I have the honor to inform you that I presented today to His Excellency the
President of the Republic, Dr Rafael Caldera, the Letters by which Her
Britannic Majesty has accredited me as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to
the Republic of Venezuela.
I greatly look forward to entering into relations, both personal and official, with
Your Excellency and I hope to maintain and strengthen the cordial relations
which already exist so happily between our two Missions and our two countries.
I avail myself' of this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my highest

(A L Mayall)


2-11-4A-15、通知 (大使) 到任範例

I have the honor to inform you that I have this day presented to His Excellency
the President of the Argentine Republic, General Roberto Marcelo
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa to the
Government of Argentine.
May I avail myself of this opportunity to express my warm desire to continue
and further the cordial relations, both official as well as personal, which have
existed between our respective Missions, and which correspond to the excellent
relations existing between our two countries.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4A-16、通知 (大使) 到任範例

Embassy of the
United States of America
Brasilia, July 19XX
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented to His
Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil the Letters
accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America to Brazil.
I take this opportunity to assure you of my desire to maintain and strengthen the
cordial relations, both official and personal, which so happily exist between our
countries and missions.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency
Ambassador of Korea
Brasilia, D.F.

2-11-4A-17、通知(公使) 到任範例
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented to His
Majesty King ......... of the ......... , the letter of my credentials by which the


President of the Supreme Commission of the Republic of the ......... appoints me

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the .........
to the Kingdom of ......
On the assumption of my post, I sincerely express to you that it will be my
endeavor to establish good relations, both official and personal, with you with a
view to strengthening the friendly relations between our two countries.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you the assurance of my highest

2-11-4A-18、通知 (參事) 到任範例

June 29, 1992
Note No. 219
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to its Note No. 217 and to inform the latter that Mr. Gilbert M. Pan, the
newly appointed Counselor, and his two dependents will arrive at Nassau on July
3, 1992, via UP255.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-11-4A-19、通知 (參事) 到任範例

July 25, 200X
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Republic of Argentina
and has the honor to inform them of the arrival of Mr. XXX, Counselor of the
Embassy for Political Affairs and Consul-General on July 15, 200X.
Mr. and Mrs. XXX will reside at ………. - Tel: ……….
Mr. XXX is replacing Mr. YYY, who departed on July 20, 200X.

2-11-4A-20、通知 (武官) 到任範例

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and have the honor to inform the latter
that Air Commodore XXX accompanied by his family, arrived in Seoul on July


15 to join the staff of the Embassy.

On July 20, 200X Air Commodore XXX will assume the duty as Air Attaché at
the Embassy in place of Air Commodore YYY who will be leaving on July 25.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avail them of this opportunity to renew to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances of their
highest consideration.

2-11-4A-21、通知 (二等秘書) 到任範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Italy and has the honor to state that Mr. C. P. Wang, newly
appointed Second Secretary of this Embassy, accompanied by Mrs. Wang and
two children, arrived in Rome on October 5, 1998 and has assumed his duties.
A copy of Mr. Wang’s curriculum vitae is herewith enclosed as required by the
Ministry for file.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurances of
its highest consideration.
October 8, 1998
(Embassy stamp)

To Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(Protocol Department)

2-11-4A-22、通知 (二等秘書) 到任範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to inform latter
that XXX, newly appointed Second Secretary of the Embassy, arrived in Seoul
on July 10 and has assumed his duties.
Mr. XXX is accompanied by Mrs. XXX and two children.
The Embassy is enclosing herewith a copy of Mr. XXX’s curriculum vitae as
required by the Ministry for file.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew (extend or present) to the Ministry
the assurances of its highest (high or distinguished) consideration.



July 15, 19XX

(Embassy rubber stamp)
To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2-11-4A-23、通知 (總領事) 到任範例

My Lord,
I have the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Second Secretary of Embassy, having
been appointed to be Japanese Consul-General in London in place of Mr. YYY,
who has been ordered home, entered upon his new duties on ………
I, therefore, beg leave to request that your Government may be good enough to
give Mr. YYY provisional recognition, pending the arrival of the Imperial
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4A-24、通知 (總領事) 到任範例

(節 略)
His Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to His Imperial Japanese
Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform His
Excellency that, owing to the illness of His Majesty’s Consul-General at
Yokohama, Mr. XXX, His Majesty’s Consul at Yokohama, has been appointed to
take charge of His Majesty’s Consulate General pending Mr. YYY’s recovery.
Mr. XXX assumed his duties as Acting Consul- General as from the 26th August.

British Embassy, Tokyo

August 26, 1995

2-11-4A-25、通知 (領事) 到任範例

The American Embassy presents its compliments to the Japanese Foreign Office
and has the honor to refer to note No.1234 of June 15, 19XX, and has the further
honor to state, in response to a request by telephone from the Foreign Office,
that Vice Consul XXX left Tokyo on June 19 temporarily to take charge of the
American Consulate in Nagoya. Mr. YYY is departing from Nagoya on June 23
for leave in the United States. About July 15, Mr. ZZZ of the American


Consulate in Nagasaki is expected to arrive at Nagoya to take charge of the

American Consulate, and upon his arrival Mr. XXX will return to Tokyo to
resume his usual duties here.

2-11-4A-26、通知 (副領事) 到任範例

No. 110
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to refer
to the Embassy’s Note No. 95 of March 9, 1970, informing the Ministry of the
arrival in Seoul of Mr. Edgar J. Fredricks.
The Embassy encloses herewith Mr. Fredricks’ commission as a Vice Consul of
the United States and respectfully requests the Ministry's assistance in the
granting of an exequatur to Mr. Fredricks.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.

Enclosure: One Commission

Embassy of the United States of America
Seoul, March 17, 1970

2-11-4B-1、通知 (大使) 離任範例

Your Excellency the Dean:

I have the honor to inform you that I have today completed my assignment as
Ambassador of the Republic of China to the Republic of Korea.
In taking my leave, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for the
kindness and cooperation you have extended to me throughout the period of my
service in Seoul. I am confident that the friendly relations prevailing between
our two Missions will continue to flourish in the future.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


2-11-4B-2、通知 (大使) 離任範例

On the eve of my departure, I cannot help recall the pleasant association I have
enjoyed with you and the support and cooperation you have invariably given me
in the performance of my duties during my tenure of office here.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for the friendship that you have
permitted to grow between us and to extend to you the renewed assurances of
my highest consideration.

2-11-4B-3、通知 (大使) 離任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that His Excellency Kao Shih-Ming
has been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to the Republic of Haiti; that I am being transferred to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taipei for new assignment, and that I will depart
from Port-au-Prince on my way to China in the middle part of October, 1966.
I wish to take this opportunity to express to Your Excellency my profound
appreciation for your kind cooperation and many other facilities and courtesies
extended to me during my tenure of office here in the Republic of Haiti.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid6ration.

2-11-4B-4、通知 (大使) 離任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am departing from
Port-au-Prince today, upon completion of my mission as Ambassador of the
United States of America to Haiti.
Pending the arrival of my successor, Ambassador Claude G. Ross, Mr. Everett K.
Melby, Counselor of Embassy will serve as Charge daffier ad interim.
I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of the friendship,
cooperation and goodwill which have always been extended by Your Excellency
and the members of the staff of the Embassy of the Republic of China to myself
and to this Embassy. I am confident that the excellent relations which so happily
exist between our two Embassies and our two countries will be maintained and
strengthened in the future.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


2-11-4B-5、通知 (大使) 離任範例

Your Excellency the Dean:
I have the honor to inform you that I have today completed my assignment as
Ambassador of the Republic of ……………… to the Republic of ………………
In taking my leave, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for the
kindness and cooperation you have extended to me throughout the period of my
service in Tokyo. I am confident that the friendly relations prevailing between
our two Missions will continue to flourish in the future.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4B-6、通知 (參事) 離任範例

June 24, 1992
Note No. 216
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform that latter that Counselor Yung - Lang Chang was transferred to
Indonesia and left the Bahamas on June 17, 1992.
Enclosed please find the Identification Cards of Counselor Chang and Mrs.
Chang and the Nassau International Airport Customs Examination Hall Pass of
Counselor Chang.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-11-4B-7、通知 (二等秘書) 離任範例

The Canadian Embassy presents its compliments to Diplomatic Missions in .........
and has the honor to inform them of the departure on June 4 of Mr. ......, Second
Secretary, who is proceeding to a new post at the Canadian Legation, Lisbon,

2-11-4B-8、通知 (領事) 離任範例

I have the honor to inform you that my successor Mr. XXX arrived on February


2nd, and that I have now therefore handed over charge of this Consulate to him
with effect from the close of today.
In thus taking my leave of you I should like to express my sincere appreciation
and gratitude for the many marks of consideration and kindness which I have
received both from the … Bureau and generally from the numerous other
officials of the … Government during the six years that I have been in charge of
this post.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,

2-11-4B-9、通知 (專員) 離任範例

I have the honor to acquaint you that Mr. XXX, formerly Attaché to this
Embassy, having recently been appointed Japanese Consul at Portland, Oregon,
left here for his post on (Date).
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-4C-1、通知 (大使) 返任範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of…(Name of country)… and has the honor to state that H. E.
Ambassador ………, accompanied by Mme……….., returned today from a trip
abroad and has assumed the charge of the Embassy.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurances of
its highest consideration.
(Embassy rubber stamp)
To the Ministry of Foreign affairs
2-11-4C-2、通知 (大使) 返任範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to all the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to …(name of the country) and has the honor to


inform them that Ambassador………, accompanied by Mme……….., returned

today from a trip abroad and has assumed the charge of the Embassy.
The Chinese Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber seal)
To (name and address
of each Mission to be given here separately)

2-11-4C-3、通知 (大使) 返任範例

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I returned to Haiti on May 5,
1968, and have resumed charge of the Embassy.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5A、通知代理館務 (離任)

2-11-5A-1、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I will be leaving Tokyo
tomorrow, July 15, 200X.
After my departure and until the arrival of my successor, Mr. XXX will be in
charge of this Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
I wish to express to you my sincere thanks for what you have done to maintain
the friendly relations which exist between our two Missions, and to assure you
that I shall remember with much pleasure our association at this post.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5A-2、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform you that, having been appointed to another post, I

shall be leaving Tokyo on July 15, 200X.

Pending the arrival of my successor Mr. XXX on or about July 30, this Mission
will be in charge of Mr. YYY, Third Secretary of this Legation.
In taking leave of you, I desire to express my cordial thanks for all that you have
done to maintain the excellent relations which exist between our two Missions,
and to assure you that I shall always look back with pleasure on the period
which I have been privileged to work with you in Tokyo.
I avail myself of this opportunity, Your Excellency, of renewing the assurance of
my very highest consideration.

2-11-5A-3、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am leaving Tokyo today on
relinquishing the post of Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Japan. Pending
the arrival of my successor, Mr. XXX, Counselor, will be in charge of the
Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
On relinquishing my post, I should like to express to Your Excellency my
appreciation of the excellent personal relations which have existed between us
and that I shall remember with much pleasure.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

2-11-5A-4、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
(Name of the capital)
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliment to the Ministry
of Foreign affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to state that His
Excellency Ambassador XXX, having been recalled for reassignment elsewhere
(or for service in the Ministry) left (the capital) today on the termination of his
mission in this country. Pending the arrival of the (a) new ambassador, Mr.YYY,
Counselor of this Embassy, will be in charge of the Embassy and serve in the
capacity of Charge daffier a. i.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurances of
its highest consideration



2-11-5A-5、通知代理館務範例 大使離任)

I honor to inform Your Excellency that I will be leaving Argentina upon the
completion of my diplomatic mission to this country on July 15, 200X. Mr. XXX,
Minister-Counselor of Embassy, will assume the duties of Charge daffier.
The pleasure of my tour in Argentina has been greatly enhanced by the many
courtesies accorded to Mrs. YYY and myself by the members of the diplomatic
I should also like to extend to Your Excellency my best wishes for your continued
success, as well as for the maintenance of the cordial relation which have always
existed between our two Diplomatic Missions.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5A-6、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I will be leaving Tokyo
tomorrow, July 15, 200X.
After my departure and until the arrival of my successor, Mr. XXX will be in
charge of this Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
I wish to express to you my sincere thanks for what you have done to maintain
the friendly relations which exist between our two Missions, and to assure you
that I shall remember with much pleasure our association at this post.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5A-7、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform you that, having been appointed to another post, I
shall be leaving Tokyo on July 15, 200X.
Pending the arrival of my successor Mr. XXX on or about July 30, this Mission
will be in charge of Mr. YYY, Third Secretary of this Legation.
In taking leave of you, I desire to express my cordial thanks for all that you have

done to maintain the excellent relations which exist between our two Missions,
and to assure you that I shall always look back with pleasure on the period
which I have been privileged to work with you in Tokyo.
I avail myself of this opportunity, Your Excellency, of renewing the assurance of
my very highest consideration.

2-11-5A-8、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am leaving Tokyo today on
relinquishing the post of Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Japan. Pending
the arrival of my successor, Mr. XXX, Counselor, will be in charge of the
Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
On relinquishing my post, I should like to express to Your Excellency my
appreciation of the excellent personal relations which have existed between us
and that I shall remember with much pleasure.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

2-11-5A-9、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)

The New Zealand Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and has the honor to inform the Ministry that the Ambassador of New
Zealand in Japan and the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Mr. XXX,
accompanied by Madame XXX, will leave Tokyo on July 15, 200X en route to
New Zealand, having completed his mission in Japan and the Republic of Korea.
Pending the arrival of his successor, Mr. YYY, Counselor, will be in charge of the
Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
The New Zealand Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

Tokyo, 7 January 1965

2-11-5A-10、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
July 15, 19XX
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my mission in Brazil having


concluded, I am leaving Rio de Janeiro by sea today.

From today and until the arrival of my successor in late September, Mr. XXX,
Counselor at this Embassy, will be Charge daffier a.i.
I should like to thank Your Excellency for the excellent cooperation, both official
and personal, which has existed between our two missions during my stay in
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency’ obedient

2-11-5A-11、通知代理館務範例 (大使離任)
Your Excellency:
I have the honor to inform you that having completed my assignment as
Apostolic Pro Nuncio to the Republic of………….., I am
Until the arrival of my successor, Monsignor XXX, First Secretary, will take
charge of the Apostolic Nunciature in the capacity of Charge daffier, a.i...
In taking my leave, I wish to express to Your Excellency my sincere appreciation
of the cordial and friendly relations which have so happily existed between
ourselves as well as our two Missions.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5B、通知代理館務 (短暫離任)
2-11-5B-1、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)

The Australian Ambassador presents his compliments to His Excellency the

Ambassador of the Republic of China and has the honor to state that he will be
absent from Tokyo from July 15 to 30 on an official visit to the United States of
America.. During his absence, Mr. XXX, First Secretary, will act as Charge
daffier ad interim.
The Australian Ambassador avails himself of this opportunity to renew to His
Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of China the assurance of his highest


2-11-5B-2、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)
Mr. Ambassador,
I have the honor to inform you that I am leaving today for a brief visit abroad
and that until my return, Mr. XXX, Counselor of Embassy, will assume charge
of the Embassy in the capacity of Charge daffier ad interim.
Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.

2-11-5B-3、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that Her Britannic Majesty’s
Ambassador left Tokyo on December 2 for a short visit to London and that,
during the absence of Sir XXX, 1 shall be in charge of Her Majesty’s Embassy.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency, the assurance of
my highest esteem.

2-11-5B-4、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Japan and has the honor to inform the latter that His
Excellency the Chinese Ambassador XXX, accompanied by Mme. XXX is
leaving today for Europe on a short leave of about two weeks and that during his
absence, Mr. XXX, Counselor (First Secretary, Second or Third Secretary,
usually whoever stands highest in rank in the Embassy) of this Embassy will be
in charge of the Embassy Affairs and serve in the capacity of Charge daffier ad
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the assurances of
its highest consideration.
(Embassy rubber seal)

2-11-5B-5、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)
December 21, 1992
Note No. 361


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that Ambassador Ping-Nan Chang is leaving Nassau via DL 886
on December 19, 1992 for vacation and will return via DL 539 on January 11,
1993 and that during his absence, Mr. Gilbert M. Pan, Counselor of the Embassy,
will be in charge of the Embassy Affairs and serve in the capacity of charge
daffier ad interim.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-11-5B-6、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)
October 7, 1992
Note No. 352
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that Ambassador Ping-Nan Chang will leave Nassau for Taipei
on October 13, 1992 via Delta Airlines #365 for home consultation and return on
November 3, 1992 via Delta Airlines #539. During Ambassador’s absence, Mr.
Gilbert M. Pan, counselor of the Embassy, will be in charge of the Embassy and
serve in the capacity of charge daffier ad interim.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-11-5B-7、通知代理館務範例 (大使短暫離任)
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of
Brazil and has the honor to inform them that Ambassador XXX departed Brazil
today for leave in the United States. The Ambassador will be absent from the
country for a period of approximately two months.
During his absence, Minister Counselor YYY will serve as Charge daffier ad
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the
Federative Republic of Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.


Embassy of the United States of America

Brasilia, July 15, 19XX

Note: It is not necessary to acknowledge the receipt of this note.

2-11-5B-8、通知代理館務範例 (公使短暫離任)
The Belgian Legation presents its compliments to the Chinese Embassy and has
the honor to inform the latter that Mr. XXX, Minister of Belgium, has left today
for the United States of America and that as of this date and during his absence,
Excellency YYY, Minister of the Netherlands, will take charge of this Legation.

2-11-5B-9、通知代理館務範例 (總領事短暫離任)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that Mr. AAA, His Majesty’s
Consul-General at Osaka has been granted local leave of absence and that Mr.
BBB, Consul at Osaka, has assumed charge of that post in the capacity of Acting
Mr. CCC has been temporarily transferred from this Embassy to Osaka to act as
Vice-Consul at that post during the absence of Mr. AAA.
Mr. BBB assumed the duties of Acting Consul-General on July 15.
I avail myself of' this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

2-11-5B-10、通知代理館務範例 (領事短暫離任)
His Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to His Imperial Japanese
Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform His
Excellency that Mr. XXX, His Majesty’s Consul at ……, has been granted one
month’s local leave of absence.
Mr. YYY has been transferred from this Embassy to take charge of the
Consulate during Mr. XXX’s absence and assumed the duties of Acting British
Consul on October 28th.

British Embassy, Tokyo

November 6th, 1934


2-11-6A-1、通知設館範例 (設置公使館)
November 15, 1963
Your Eminence:
I have the honor to inform Your Eminence that the Government of the Republic
of Korea wishes to establish formal diplomatic relations with the Holy See at the
level of Minister and Internuncio at the earliest date possible.
In view of the fact that the Catholic Church has rendered great religious service
in Korea during past centuries, I have full confidence that the establishment of
diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the Holy See will further
strengthen the friendly relations which already happily exist between Korea and
the Holy See.
I shall appreciate it very much if Your Eminence could kindly consider our
proposal and give us favorable reply at Your Eminence's earliest convenience.
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Eminence the assurances of
my highest consideration.
Yong Shik Kim
His Eminence
Amleto Giovanni Cardinal Cicognani
Secretary of State of His Holiness
Vatican City.

2-11-6A-2、通知設館範例 (設置公使館)
December 7th, 1963
Your Excellency,
I have duly received the Note, by which Your Excellency kindly informed me
officially that the Korean Government proposes to enter into diplomatic
relations with the Holy See. In acknowledging receipt of this courteous
communication, I hasten to inform Your Excellency that the Holy See, for its
part, is happy to undertake diplomatic relations with your noble Nation, and to
proceed to an exchange of Representatives having respectively the rank of
Minister and of Internuncio.
Fulfilling thus the desire expressed by Your Excellency, in the name of the
Korean Government, the Holy See has no doubt that all matters concerning the


activities of the Church and of its faithful residing of Korean territory will
continue to meet, as at present, with full understanding on the part of the
Authorities of the Republic, and that the Catholic Church will continue to have
in Korea all the liberties necessary for the exercise of divine worship and
ecclesiastical jurisdiction to found and direct schools and to promote associations
for religious, cultural and charitable purposes.
The Secretariat of State has no doubt that the official relations to be established
between the Holy See and Korea will prove to be in the common interest of both
and will contribute to deepen still further the cordial friendship existing between
the Holy See and your noble Nation.
Gladly availing myself of the occasion to express to Your Excellency the
assurance of my high consideration and esteem, I am
Faithfully yours,
His Excellency
Mr. Young-Shik Kim
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Korea

2-11-6A-3、通知設館範例 (設置大使館)

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea presents its compliments to the Royal
Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform the latter that
the Government of the Republic of Korea wishes to establish a diplomatic
mission in Brussels at an early date with a view to further strengthening the
friendly relations now existing between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom
of Belgium.
It is the hope of the Korean Government that cultural relations between the
Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Belgium would be also promoted and
cooperation for development of mutual trade between the two countries would
be greatly facilitated by such a measure.
The Embassy further has the honor to inform that the proposed Embassy in
Brussels would also represent the Republic of Korea in its formal relations with
the European Economic Community in Brussels and that the Korean
Government intends to appoint a resident Charge daffier in Brussels pending
appointment of a resident Ambassador who would concurrently be accredited to
the European Economic Community.


The Embassy would be grateful to know whether the proposed measure would
meet with the consent of the Royal Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its high consideration.

Paris, August 10, 1965

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium,


2-11-6A-4、通知設館範例 (設置名譽領事館)
Tokyo, May 19, 1965
The Swiss Embassy presents their compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to submit the following
matter to their attention.
Pursuant to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and
the Republic of Korea, the Swiss authorities wish to open a consular
representation in Seoul. The existence of a small but active group of Swiss
nationals living in Korea and the possibility of further developing mutual trade
would seem amply to justify such a measure. Their plans are to nominate an
honorary consul as soon as possible and to entrust this function to Mr. Paul
August BENZ. He is Swiss national who has been residing in Seoul since 1954,
where he set up a trading firm known as the European Korean agency.
The Embassy would appreciate knowing whether the Ministry has any objection
to this further step in the extension of official relations between Switzerland and
the Republic of Korea or to the choice of Mr. Benz as Honorary Consul of
Switzerland in Seoul.
The Swiss Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to convey to the Ministry the
renewed assurances of their high consideration.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Korea

2-11-6A-5、通知設館範例 (設置名譽領事館)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the
Swiss Confederation and, acknowledging the receipt of the Latter's Note Verbale


dated May 19, 1965, has the honor to inform the Embassy that the Ministry
agrees to the proposal of the Swiss authorities to open a consular representation
in Seoul and to nominate Mr. Paul August BENZ as Honorary Consul of
The Ministry further has the honor to express its belief that the proposed
opening in Seoul of the Honorary Consulate by the Government of the Swiss
Confederation would further strengthen the friendly relations between the Swiss
Confederation and the Republic of Korea.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Embassy of the Swiss Confederation the assurance of its highest consideration.

Jury 27, 1965


2-11-6A-6、通知設館範例 (設置公使館)
At the instance of His Majesty’s Government in the Commonwealth of Australia
and under the instructions from His Majesty’s principal Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs I have the honor to inform you that His Majesty's Government
in the Commonwealth of Australia have come to the conclusion that it is
desirable that the handling of matters in China relating to Australia should be
confided to an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
Such a Minister would be accredited by His Majesty the King to the Chairman
of the National Government of the Republic of China and he would be furnished
with credentials which would enable him to take charge of all affairs relating to
Australia. He would be the ordinary channel of communication with the
Chinese Government on these matters. The arrangements proposed would not
denote any departure from the principle of the diplomatic unity of the Empire,
that is to say, the principle of consultation and cooperation among His Majesty’s
Representatives as among His Majesty's Governments themselves in matters of
Common concern. The method of dealing with matters that may arise
concerning more than one of the Governments would therefore be settled by
consultation between the representatives of the Governments concerned.
In proposing the establishment of an Australian Legation, His Majesty’s
Government in the Commonwealth of Australia trusts that it will promote the
maintenance and development of cordial relations not only between China and
Australia but also between China and the whole of the British Commonwealth of


I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

2-11-6B-1、通知機構升格範例 (升格為大使館)

The Embassy of the ............ presents its compliments to the Diplomatic Missions
accredited in ......... and has the honor to inform them that this Mission has been
promoted to the rank of Embassy as from …….
The Embassy of the ............ avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited in ............ the assurance of its highest

2-11-6B-2、通知機構升格範例 (升格為大使館)
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that, effective ........, the Legation of
the Republic of ......... in ............ has been elevated to the status of an Embassy in
accordance with the agreement arrived at between the authorities of the
Republic of ......... and the Republic of the ..............
I have the further honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented
to His Excellency the President of the Republic of the ............ the Letters of
Credence from His Excellency the President of the Republic of ............
accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ............ to
the .…… .
I avail myself of this opportunity to express the sincere desire to continue and
enhance the close cooperation and friendly relations which exist between our two
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.



I have the honor to refer to previous correspondence regarding the protection of'
inventions and trade marks in our two countries and to inform you that the
Government of the Republic of…. is prepared to conclude with the Government
of the Republic of China an agreement in the following terms:
1. A citizen of either of the Contracting Parties shall have and enjoy in the
territory of the other Party protection in respect of any invention or trade mark
to the same extent and on the same terms and conditions as a citizen of that
other Party.
2. In this Agreement, "citizen" includes a company incorporated under the
law in force in the territory of the respective Contracting Parties.
3. This Agreement shall take effect on 9 August 1998 and shall remain in
force until the expiration of three months from the date on which either of the
Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to
terminate the Agreement
If the foregoing provisions are acceptable to your Government, I have the honor
to propose that this Note and your confirmatory reply thereto should be deemed
to constitute evidence the agreement reached between our two Governments on
this matter.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Sir, the assurances of my
highest consideration.

1 have the honor to refer to the technical cooperation agreement dated 16
February 1998 signed between our two countries, and the team of Chinese
experts who are currently in assisting us in developing our agricultural sector.
I would like to thank you for valuable assistance rendered during the last two
years by these experts whose terms of stay in …… shall come to an end shortly.
Looking at the excellent jobs done so far and the need to observe and verify the
results and achievements, we would very much like to extend the current
agreement for another two years. We hope the Council of Agriculture, Executive
Yuan, will approve this extension and look forward to your confirmation.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of 1 April
1989. The Note states that the Government of the State of…... being desirous of
extending the agricultural technical cooperation agreement between our two
countries, has submitted to the Government of the Republic of China the
following proposal:
"Looking at the excellent jobs done so far, and the need to observe and verify the
results and achievements, we would very much like to extend the current
agreement for another two years. We hope the Council of Agriculture, Executive
Yuan, will approve this extension and look forward to your confirmation."
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the Republic
of China concurs in the proposal transcribed above and that this Note in reply
and Your Excellency’s Note shall constitute an agreement between our two
Governments effective from April 29, 1995.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to refer to the Agreement on Technical Cooperation Between
the Kingdom of …………. and the Republic of China signed on 13 November
19XX and wish to propose that the said Agreement be extended for a period of
three years from the date of its expiration on 12 November 19XX.
If the foregoing proposal is agreeable to the Government of the Republic of
China, this Note and Your Excellency's Note in reply shall constitute a
supplement to the above mentioned Agreement.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date which reads as follows:
“I have the honor to refer to the Agreement on Technical Cooperation Between
the Kingdom of ………….and the Republic of China signed on 13 November
19XX and wish to propose that the said Agreement be extended for a period
of three years from the date of its expiration on 12 November 19XX.
"If the foregoing proposal is agreeable to the Government of the Republic of
China, this Note and Your Excellency’s Note in reply shall constitute a


supplement to the above mentioned Agreement."

In reply, I have the honor to confirm that the proposal under reference is
agreeable to the Government of the Republic of China, and that Your
Excellency’s Note shall constitute a supplement to the Agreement on Technical
Cooperation Between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of………
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Foreign Minister


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of …… and has the honor to refer to the Ministry’s Notes
No. … of 17 October 19XX and No. …… of 30 November 19XX indicating the
Government of has agreed to renew the Agreement on Technical Cooperation in
Agriculture Between ...... and the Republic of China under the following
(A). that the aforesaid Agreement shall be renewed for a period of two (2)
years with retrospective effect from 31, August 19XX.
(b). All the terms and conditions of the aforesaid Agreement shall remain the
The Embassy has the honor to confirm that the proposals set forth in the
Ministry's Notes under reference are agreeable to the Government of the
Republic of China and that the Ministry’s Notes and this reply shall constitute
an Agreement supplemental to the aforesaid Agreement.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of …… the assurances of its highest


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ……… presents its compliments to the

Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to refer to the former’s
Note No. …..of 17 October 19XX relating to the Agreement on Technical
Cooperation in Agriculture Between and the Republic of China.
The Ministry further has the honor to inform that the Government of ……….
has now agreed that the aforesaid Agreement be renewed for a period of two (2)
years instead of one (1) year as formerly indicated.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of …….. avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its highest
The Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of ………. presents its
compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to refer
to the Second Protocol to the Agreement of Technical Cooperation of 3 December
19XX which was signed in ……….. on 22 January 19XX.
As there is no mention in the said Second Protocol of the date upon which the
Second Protocol is to enter into force, the Ministry has the honor to propose to
the Embassy that the said Second Proposal shall enter into force on the first day
of July, 19XX and shall remain in force until the 30th day of June, 19XX.
If the above is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of China, the
Ministry has the further honor to propose that the present Note and the
Embassy’s affirmative reply thereto be considered as an Agreement between our
two Governments in this matter.
The Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of …… avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of
its highest consideration.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of External Affairs or of the Republic of …… and bas the honor to refer to the
Ministry's Note No. of today's date which reads as follows:

"The Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of ….. presents its

compliments to Embassy of the Republic of Chinas and has the honor to refer to
the Second Protocol to the Agreements of Technical Cooperation of 3 December
19 which was signed in …… on 22 January 19…..
"As there is no mention in the said Second Protocol of the date upon which the
said Second Protocol is to enter into force, the Ministry has the honor to propose
to the Embassy that the said Second Protocol shall enter into force on the first
day of July, 19 and shall remain in force until the 30th day of June, 19 ~
"If the above is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of China, the
Ministry has the further honor to propose that the present Note and the
Embassy's affirmative reply thereto be considered as an agreement between our
two Governments in this matter."


The Embassy of the Republic of China avail itself of this opportunity to renew to
the Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of …… the assurances of its
highest consideration.

I refer to the letter of Ambassador XXX of December 29, 19XX, and my letter of
reply of January 8, 19XX, constituting an agreement on exports of cotton textiles,
bleached and unbleached, from the Republic of China to …….. for the year of
As a result of recent consultations held between your Embassy and this Ministry,
it is found mutually desirable to renew for another year the validity of the
agreement referred to above. All the undertakings of the Government of the
Republic of China set forth in the said agreement will continue to be assumed for
the year of 19XX.
This letter and a letter of reply from your Embassy confirming the above
understanding will constitute the desired renewal of the agreement referred to

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 30, 19XX, which reads
as follows:
"I refer to the letter of Ambassador XXX of December 29, 1997, and my letter of
reply of January 8, 1998, constituting an agreement on exports of cotton textiles,
bleached and unbleached, from the Republic of China to ……for the year of
"As a result of recent consultations held between your Embassy and this
Ministry, it is found mutually desirable to renew for another year the validity of
the agreement referred to above. All the undertakings of the Government of the
Republic of China set forth in the said agreement will continue to be assumed for
the year of 19XX.
"This letter and a letter of reply from your Embassy confirming the above
understanding will constitute the desired renewal of the agreement referred to


In reply, I am authorized to confirm that the above understanding for the

renewal of the agreement concerned is acceptable to the Government of the
Republic of China.


Dear Mr. XXX,

I refer to the Agreement between American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) relating to trade
in cotton, wool, man-made fiber, silk blend and other non cotton vegetable
fiber textile products effected by an exchange of letters on January 15 and May
12, 19XX.
I propose that TECRO and AIT amend and extend the Agreement for three
years. The proposed Agreement is attached with this letter.
If the proposal contained in this letter is acceptable to TECRO, then this letter
and your reply confirming the contents thereof on behalf of TECRO will
constitute an agreement between AIT and TECRO governing trade in cotton,
wool, man made fiber, silk blend and other non cotton vegetable fiber textile
products between Taiwan and the United States of America, which shall enter
into force on the date of your reply and become effective on January 15, 19XX.

Chairman of the Board

and Managing Director


Dear Mr.
I have the honor to refer to your letter of December 15, 19XX, which states:
"Dear Mr. XXX,
"I refer to the Agreement between American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) relating to trade
in cotton, wool, man made fiber, silk blend and other non cotton vegetable fiber
textile products effected by an exchange of letters on January 15 and May 12 ,


"I propose that TECRO and AIT amend and extend the Agreement for three
years. The proposed Agreements are attached with this letter.
"If the proposal contained in this letter is acceptable to TECRO, then this letter
and your reply confirming the contents thereof on behalf of TECRO will
constitute an agreement between AIT and TECRO governing trade in cotton,
wool, man made fiber, silk blend and other non- cotton vegetable fiber textile
products between Taiwan and the United States of America, which shall enter
into force on the date of your reply and become effective on January 12, 1998.

Chairman of the board

and Managing Director

Attachment: TECRO - AIT Agreement Concerning Trade in Textile and Apparel

In reply, I have the honor to accept, on behalf of TECRO, the proposed
Agreement attached to your letter and to confirm that the aforesaid letter and
this reply shall constitute an Agreement between TECRO and AIT, effective on
January 1, 19XX.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Note No. F 54412423 of the
12th instant, stating that His Majesty The King has signed the instrument of
ratification, in respect of India of the Indo-Japanese Commercial Convention,
which was signed at London on the 12th July last.
In pursuance of the provisions of Article 5 of the said Convention, I now have the
honor to inform you, under instructions from my Government, that His Majesty
the Emperor of Japan has now completed the ratification.
As is laid down in Article 5 of the above-mentioned Convention, it is understood
that the Convention shall enter into force in advance of the exchange of the
instruments of ratification as from to-day’s date.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration,
Your obedient servant,



Dear Sir ...,

Adverting to my note of ......, I beg leave to acquaint you that it has been
confirmed that the "Carmania", carrying Mr. XXX and his party on board, left
New York yesterday and is expected to arrive at Liverpool today.
Thanking you sincerely in advance what you may kindly be doing in the matter
of their railway and hotel accommodation,
I beg you, dear Sir YYY, to believe me.

KAM 68/97
The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea presents his compliments to the
Secretary of State and has the honor to inform that the Government of the
Republic of Korea has decided to sign the Agreement on the Rescue of
Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into
Outer Space.
The Ambassador further has the honor to inform the following position of the
Government of the Republic of Korea:
"The signing by the Government of the Republic of Korea of the present
Agreement does not in any way mean or imply the recognition of any territory or
regime which has not been recognized by the Government of the Republic of
Korea as a State or Government."
The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea avails himself of this opportunity to
renew to the Secretary of State the assurances of his highest consideration,

May 9, 1968
Washington, D.C.

2-11-8-1、通知其他事項 (呈遞國書) 範例
February 5, 1997
Note No. 94
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presents
its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and with reference to
the Request of the Embassy of China, has the honor to inform that the


appointment has been confirmed for the Ambassador Designate, His Excellency
Ming-Yen Wu, to present his Letters of Credence to the Governor General of the
Commonwealth of Tile Bahamas, His Excellency Sir Orville Turnquest,
G.C.M.G., Q.C., J.P., LL.B., On Friday, 7th February, 1997, at l2:30 p.m. at
Government Rouse. Dress for the occasion is Morning Coat, National Dress or
Full Dress Uniform, with Medals and Decorations for Men and for Ladies,
National Dress or Short Dress with Hat and Gloves.
The Ministry also has the honor to inform that the Ambassador Designate is
expected to present the copie d'usage of his Letters of Credence to the Minister
of Foreign Affairs and Attorney General the Honorable Janet G. Bostwick, M.P.,
on Thursday 6th February at 11:00 a.m. at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Headquarters, East Hill Street
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-11-8-2、通知其他事項 (開會) 範例
(電 報)

2-12-1A-1、通告到任範例 (二等秘書偕眷)
Circular note
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents it’s compliments to all the
Diplomatic Missions accredited in (The Capital) (or to the country in which case


those Embassies stationed in other capitals should also informed) and has the
honor to inform them that Mr. .............. , newly appointed Second Secretary of
the Embassy, arrived at (The capital) on…………… (Date) and has assumed his
Mr. ............... is accompanied by Mrs. ..........and two children.
The Embassy of the Republic of China takes this opportunity to renew to all the
Diplomatic Missions the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber stamp)
To (Here the name and address
of each Mission should be given on each letter)

2-12-1A-2、通告到任範例 (三等秘書偕其夫人)
(節 略)
The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to
Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission in Spain and has the
honor to inform them that Mr. John Doe has been designated Third Secretary of
Embassy and has assumed his duties. Mr. Doris accompanied by his wife and
they will reside at …

Embassy of the United States of America

Madrid, January 31, 1956,

2-12-1B-1、通告晉升範例 (一等秘書晉升參事)

The Canadian Embassy presents its compliments to the Diplomatic Missions

accredited in ............ and has the honor to inform them that Mr. XXX, First
Secretary of the Embassy, has been accorded the rank of Counselor from March
20, 200X.
The Canadian Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited in ............ the assurances of its highest


2-12-1C-1、通告離任範例 (二等秘書離任)

The Canadian Embassy presents its compliments to Diplomatic Missions in .........

and has the honor to inform them of the departure on June 4 of Mr. XXX,
Second Secretary, who is proceeding to a new post at the Canadian Legation,
Lisbon, Portugal.


I have the honor to inform you that my Government has called me back for
reassignment elsewhere (or for service in the ministry) and that I am leaving
(The capital) tomorrow on the termination of my mission in this country.
Pending my successor’s arrival, Mr. YYY, Counselor of this Embassy, will be in
charge of the Embassy and serve in the capacity of charge d’Affaires ad interim.

2-12-2-1、通告暫代職務 (大使短暫離開任所) 範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to all the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to (Name of the country) and has the honor to
inform them that the Chinese Ambassador XXX, accompanied by Mme. XXX is
taking a trip to Europe on a short leave and that during his absence, Mr. YYY,
Counselor of this Embassy will serve as Charge d’Affaires ad interim.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Diplomatic Missions
accredited to (Name of the country) the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber seal)
To (name and address of each Mission to be given here separately)

2-12-2-2、通告代理館務 (大使短暫離開任所) 範例
(節 略)
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the


Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of

Brazil and has the honor to inform them that Ambassador John Hugh
Cramming departed Brazil today for Washington, D.C. for consultations and
leave in the United States. The Ambassador will be absent from the country for a
period of approximately six weeks.
During his absence, Minister Counselor Richard E. Johnson will serve as Charge
d’Affaires ad interim.
The Embassy of the United States of America avail itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the
Federative Republic of Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Brasilia, November 23, 1974

2-12-2-3、通告代理館務 (大使短暫離開任所) 範例
(節 略)
The Embassy of Australia presents its compliments to all Diplomatic Missions
accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and has the
honor to advice that the Ambassador, H.E. Mr. J. R. Kelso accompanied by Mrs.
Kelso, left Brazil on 7 December, 1974. They will return to Brasilia on 15
December, 1974.
During the Ambassador's absence, Hr. John W. Sullivan will assume charge of
the Embassy in the capacity of Charge d’Affaires ad interim.
The Embassy of Australia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of
Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.

7 December, 1974

2-12-3-1、通告其他事項 (恢復慣例) 範例
August 5, 1991
Circular note no. P15 / 85
The Department of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to Diplomatic


Missions and to Consular Missions without diplomatic representation in the

Republic of South Africa, and has the honor to refer to receptions in celebration
of foreign National Days.
It has been decided to revert to the customary procedure of earlier years where
there are no toasts involving representatives of the South African Government
on these occasions. Members of the Government will, of course, be pleased
whenever possible to accept invitations to such functions.
The practice of sending messages of congratulation and goodwill to
representatives of States on the occasion of their National Day will continue.
The Department of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
Diplomatic Missions and to consular Missions without diplomatic representation
in the Republic of South Africa the assurance of its highest consideration.

2-12-3-2、通告其他事項 (機場貴賓室使用規定) 範例
November 14, 1985
Circular note no. P 36/85
The Department of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to all Diplomatic
Missions and to Consular and Trade Missions without diplomatic representation
in the Republic of South Africa and has the honor to bring to the Missions'
attention the contents of a Circular Minute received from the Ministry of
Transport concerning the use of the VIP Room facilities at State Airports by
persons entitled to the use thereof.
Firstly, the Ministry of Transport would like to remind the Missions as to the
persons entitled to the use of the VIP Room facilities.
(a). Heads of State and Heads of State Elect, be they Reigning Monarchs, State
Presidents, Presidents or Prime Ministers.
(b). Deputy Heads of State or Deputy Heads of State Elect.
(c). Appointed and recognized Ministers of State Cabinets holding a
Departmental Portfolio and Ministers Elect.
(d). Appointed and recognized Deputy Ministers of State Cabinets attached to a
Governmental Department and Deputy Ministers Elect.
(e). Heads of Diplomatic Missions or Consular and Trade Missions without
diplomatic representation in the Republic of South Africa be they
Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ministers Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary, Charge d’affieres or Head of Mission Elect.
(f). Spouses of the above-mentioned categories.
Secondly, the Ministry of Transport has become aware that the VIP Room


facilities are being increasingly misused by persons entitled to VIP privileges and
their accompanying entourages. As accommodation at Airports is extremely
limited it is therefore not always possible to accommodate the large number of
guests accompanying the VIP who has reserved the accommodation.
Further, the persons whose names appear on the VIP list are by virtue of their
status, exempt from search procedures when entering restricted areas (where
VIP Rooms are situated) or prior to boarding an aircraft. Previously to have the
VIP's embarrassment, a practice has developed whereby accompanying guests
were also exempted from being searched. This unfortunately has created a
security risk and makes the task of officials responsible for security measures,
more difficult.
In view of the necessary intensification of security measures, the Department of
Transport has been compelled to reconsider the matter and has decided that -
(I) all VIPs limit the number of guests which they feel obliged to invite to the
VIP Rooms, to an absolute minimum, and
(II) In view of increasing security risks, that only the actual VIPs, i.e. Persons
in possession of VIP Cards, their personal secretaries and/or bodyguards,
in future be exempt from search. This will require that all guests in the
VIP Rooms who intend departing on the same flight as the VIP’s follow
the normal channels prior to embarkation.
The Department of Transport has expressed its regret at the introduction of
these more restricted measures but requests the Missions' assistance in this
matter to ensure that security of a high standard is maintained at all State
The Department of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all
Diplomatic Missions and to Consular and Trade Missions without Diplomatic
representation in South Africa, the assurances of its highest consideration.

2-12-3-3、通告其他事項 (通告全國政府機關連休五天) 範例

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China presents its

compliments to all the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Republic of China
and has the honor to inform the latter that the Executive Yuan has announced
that all government agencies will have a day off on October 9 this year to allow
for more convenient planning for the coming Mid -Autumn Festival. Given that
October 6 is a national holiday for the Mid-Autumn festival and the following
Tuesday Double Ten National Day, the announcement means that all government


offices will be closed during the five consecutive days.

The Ministry takes this opportunity to renew to all the Diplomatic Missions
accredited to the Republic of China the assurances of its highest consideration.

October 3, 2006
(Ministry rubber seal)

(節 略)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China presents its
compliments to all the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Republic of China
and has the honor to state that a grand assembly together with a parade in front
of the Presidential Office in commemoration of the 95th National Day will take
place as scheduled. Chiefs of all the Diplomatic Missions will be invited to take
part in the celebration.
The Ministry takes this opportunity to renew to all the Diplomatic Missions
accredited to the Republic of China the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Ministry rubber seal)

To (name and address of each Mission to be given here separately)

2-12-4B-1、通告喪事 (英王逝世) 範例
6th February, 1952.
It is with the deepest sorrow that I have the honor to announce to you that it has
pleased Almighty God to call to his rest His Most Gracious Majesty George VI,
King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas.
The mournful intelligence of His Majesty's death is being conveyed to your


Government by His Majesty's Diplomatic Representative at your Country's

I have the honor to be,
With the highest consideration,
Your Obedient Servant,
The Honorable Mayo Mooch Lee
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of Korea,

2-12-4B-2、通告喪事 (總統逝世) 範例

It is with deep regret that I fulfill the sad task of informing you of the death of
the Honorable Manuel Rojas, President of the Philippines, on April 15, 1948.
A visitor's book is provided at the Chancery of the Embassy, for those who may
wish to pay calls of condolence, and will be open daily from eight to twelve
o'clock in the morning and from two to four o'clock in the afternoon, until the
day of the funeral.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
(Signed by Chief of Mission)
(Name and address of Foreign Minister)

2-12-4B-3、通告喪事 (前總統逝世) 範例

The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the Federative Republic of
Brazil and regrets to inform them that Mr. Harry S. Truman, the former
President of the United States of America, passed away on December 26, 1972.
President Richard M. Nixon has declared an official period of mourning from
December 26 to December 28.
A book of condolences has been placed at the reception area of the Chancery
which will be open on December 27- 29, from 8: 30 a.m. to 12: 00 noon and from
1: 30 p.m. to 5: 30 p.m.


The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Government of the
Federative Republic of Brazil the assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the 'United States of America

Brasilia, December 27, 1972.

2-12-4B-4、通告喪事 (副國務卿逝世) 範例
It is my sad duty to announce the death of XXX, Assistant Secretary of State,
which occurred in the City of Washington at 10:00 this morning.
The death of Mr. XXX brings to an end a service that is unparalleled for its
length and efficiency in the history of the Department of State. His departure
deprives the Government of the United States of one of its most faithful and
respected servants.
Accept, Excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-12-4B-5、通告喪事 (武官逝世) 範例
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy present their compliments to the Missions
accredited to the Federative Republic of Brazil and, with deep regret, have to
announce the death of the Defense and Military Attaché at the Embassy, Colonel
The body will lay in state at the Chapel at the Cemiterio Sul from 1400 hours to
1700 hours.
A Book of Remembrance has been opened in the Embassy (Lote 8, Avenida das
The Embassy avail them of this opportunity to renew to the Missions the
assurance of their highest consideration.
British Embassy
4 March 1974

2-12-4B-6、通告喪事 (教宗逝世) 範例
It is with profound regret that I perform the duty of informing Your Excellency


that His Holiness Pope Plus XII died in Castle Gandalf this morning October 9th
at 10:52 AM.
I have the honor to add that a Visitors’ Book has been opened at the Apostolic
Nunciature, 2120, Taft Avenue,
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-12-4B-7、通告喪事 (Princess 逝世) 範例

It is with deep regret that I have the honor to announce to you the death of Her
Royal Highness the Princess ............, the elder sister of the King my Sovereign,
which took place in London yesterday, the 4th instant, to the great sorrow of His
Majesty, the Royal Family and all classes of His Majesty’s subjects.
I have the honor to be,
With the highest consideration,
Yours obedient Servant,

2-12-4B-8、通告喪事 (外次逝世) 範例
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs presents his compliments to Their Excellencies
and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission and has the honor to inform them of the
untimely demise of the Honorable ............, Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
on............ The body of the deceased now lies in state at the...........................
The Secretary wishes to inform further their Excellencies and Messieurs that the
remains of the deceased will be brought to the Cathedral at ............ at 7:00
o'clock on Thursday morning, where a Requiem Mass will be held at 8:00
o'clock to which their Excellencies and Messieurs, together with their ladies, are
invited to attend. After the Mass, the remains will be brought to the Department
of Foreign Affairs where Necrological Services will be held at its Hall of Flags,
at10:30 o'clock. The interment will take place in the afternoon of the same day at
the La Loma Cemetery. The funeral cortege will leave the Department of
Foreign Affairs at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Secretary will communicate to the Chiefs of Mission any changes in the
funeral services.


第二節 請求或提議 (Request and Suggest)


His Excellency
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Your Excellency:
I have the honor to inform you that my Government decides to call me back for
reassignment elsewhere (service in the Ministry or decides to assign me
elsewhere) and, in my place, proposes to appoint Mr. XXX, now Ambassador to
(Name of country) as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to (Name of Country).
I am instructed by my Government to ascertain from Your Excellency if this
proposed appointment is agreeable to the Government.
A copy of the curriculum vitae of Mr. XXX is herewith enclosed for your
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the renewed
assurances of my highest consideration.

On instructions of my Government, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency
that my Government intends to recall me for reassignment and to appoint Dr.
XXX to the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to the Republic of ........
In submitting herewith to Your Excellency the curriculum vitae of Dr. XXX, I
am instructed to seek the agreement of Your Excellency’s Government to Dr.
XXX’s appointment.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to inform you that the National Government of the Republic of
China proposes to appoint Dr. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James, and I am
instructed by my Government to enquire as to whether His Majesty’s
Government will regard the proposal as acceptable.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.

Mr. Charge d’Affaires,
Acting under special instructions from my Government, I have the honor to
request you to convey to your Government that my Government, wishing to
strengthen still more the friendly ties already existing between our two countries,
has decided to appoint Mr. XXX as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the Republic of .............
It will naturally be much appreciated if the agreement of your Government to
such an appointment can be given and transmitted to me as soon as possible.
Mr. XXX has had, in many capacities, a distinguished career. I am enclosing two
copies of his curriculum vitae for the information of your Government.
Please accept, Mr. Charge d’affieres, the assurances of my distinguished

Seoul, August 5, 1974
I have the honor to state that the President of the United States desires to
appoint Mr. Richard L. Snider, a distinguished and high-ranking Officer of the
Foreign Service of the United States to succeed me as Ambassador to the
Republic of Korea. I am instructed to request the written agreement of the
Government of the Republic of Korea to this appointment. The Government of
the United States would greatly appreciate the early consideration and approval
of this request by your Government.
I am enclosing biographic data on Mr. Snider.


Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Biographic Data
His Excellency
Kim Dong Jo,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Richard Lee Snider, a career officer of the Foreign Service of the United States,
was born in New York City on June 29, 1922. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree
from Yale University (1943) and a Master of Arts Degree in International Affairs
from Columbia University (1948). He served in the United States Army during
the period 1943-1946, leaving the service with the rank of first lieutenant.
From 1948 to 1954, Mr. Snider was employed by the Department of State as an
intelligence and research specialist, working primarily on Northeast Asian
Affairs. He entered the Foreign Service in 1954 and served from that year until
1958 as First Secretary in the American Embassy in Tokyo. Following a three
year assignment in the Department of State as Officer in Charge of Japanese
Affairs, he spent 1961-62 as a student at the National War College. He was then
assigned as Counselor for Political Affairs at the American Embassy in Karachi.
He left Karachi in 1965 to become Director for Japanese Affairs in the
Department of State. In early 1969, he was chosen to serve as a senior member of
the staff of the National Security Council. Later that year, he was assigned to
Tokyo with the personal rank of Minister to conduct negotiations with the
Japanese Government on the reversion of Okinawa, becoming Deputy Chief of
Mission and Minister of that Embassy in early 1970. He returned to Washington
in 1972, where he has since served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
In 1970, Mr. Snider received the State Department's Superior Honor Award for
his work on the Okinawa Reversion Agreement with Japan.
Mr. Snider is married to the former Ruth Lea Trotsky. They have three children.

27 November 1974
His Excellency
Mr. Lob Shin Yong


Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs

Your Excellency,
In pursuance of the instructions of Her Majesty's Government I have the honor
to inform Your Excellency that it is proposed to appoint His Excellency Mr.
William Stanley Bates CMG to succeed me in the capacity of Her Majesty’s
Ambassador at Seoul. Details of Mr. Bates’ career are enclosed.
I have the honor to enquire whether the appointment of Mr. Bates would be
acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Korea.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
Jeffrey Petersen
Her Britannic Majesty's

Paris, June 15, 1965.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea presents his compliments to His
Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic and has the
honor to state that the President of the Republic of Korea proposes to appoint
Mr. Soo Young Lee as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the
French Republic. The Ambassador would appreciate being informed as soon as
possible whether this proposed appointment is agreeable to the President of the
French Republic.
A biographic sketch of Mr. Lee is enclosed.
The Ambassador avails himself of this opportunity to renew to His Excellency
the Minister of Foreign Affairs the assurances of his highest consideration.

Enclosure: Biographic sketch.


I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have today received from my
Government a confidential cablegram informing me that I shall be appointed as
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to
the Republic of Haiti to succeed His Excellency Liu Yu-Wan and instructing me


to seek the agreement of your Government.

My curriculum vitae are herewith enclosed.
I should appreciate it if you would be good enough to indicate to information
whether my appointment would be agreeable to your Government
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

With reference to my note to Your Excellency’s predecessor dated May 28th last
and to Dr. XXX’s reply of the 3rd June regarding the appointment of an
Australian Minister to China, I have the honor to inform you that His Majesty’s
Government in the Commonwealth of Australia propose to appoint the
Honorable Sir YYY to fill this post.
I should be glad to learn whether this appointment would be acceptable to the
Chinese Government.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.


Your Excellency,
With reference to the conversation which I had with you at this office on
the ...... with regard to the appointment of an Honorary Consul for Japan
at …, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am still awaiting a
report on the subject from His Majesty’s High Commissioner for …..
I venture, however, to observe that, as the appointment is all honorary one, His
Majesty’s Government would much prefer that it should be entrusted to a
British subject, and in the event of the Japanese Government accepting this
suggestion, I shall be happy to obtain from the High Commissioner the names of
some suitable candidates from among whom Your Excellency’s Government
could make a selection.
I have the Honor to be, etc.


Dear Mr. XX,
We have received from Mr. XXX a letter of which a copy is herewith enclosed.
The Japanese Government being disposed to consider the appointment of an
Honorary Consul at ……, we should be much obliged if you could make an
inquiry for us and let us have any confidential information you might obtain
with regard to his career, position, personality and reputation. We also wish to
know whether Mr. YYY, in case he is appointed to that post, would be acceptable
to your Government.

It affords me great pleasure to inform you that the ever-increasing growth of
commercial relations between Japan and (name of country) having made me
recognize the need of appointing an Honorary Consul at (city), and having full
confidence in your diligence and fidelity, I have submitted your name to His
Majesty the Emperor for appointment in that capacity, and His Majesty has
been graciously pleased to approve my recommendation. In sending you
herewith two Letters of Appointment, I beg to convey to you an expression of my
sincere congratulations upon your appointment.
His Majesty the Emperor's Commission will be forwarded to you through Mr.
Xxx, together with the Exequatur of the Government of (name of country) which
he has been directed to obtain on your behalf.
It is to be pointed out in this connection that, your capacity being of an honorary
character, you will be given neither any salary nor any allowance for office
I enclose a copy of an English translation of Instruction to H. I. J. Majesty's
Honorary Consuls, in the sense of which you are requested to perform your
duties. It is desired that in addressing official dispatches and reports to me, you
will, for convenience of filing, deal with one subject only in each document.
I need hardly add that in the event of His Majesty's Government finding it
necessary to appoint a consul at (city) your Commission will, from the time the
change is made, cease to have effect, and that in the event of the aforesaid
Commission in your hands becoming invalid through your promotion or
retirement from office, it should be returned to me forthwith.
I beg to request that you will be so good as to acknowledge the receipt of the two
Letters of Appointment as well as of this letter at the earliest opportunity.


2-21-1B、請求同意 (免/退 稅)
(節 略)
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Foreign
Ministry of the Republic of ……..and has the honor to inform the latter that two
cases of books sent by the Government lnformation Office of the Republic of
China to the Press Counselor’s Office of the Embassy via S.S. KAl Shaun
arrived at … on April 3, 199X.
The Embassy would appreciate it very much if the Ministry would be good
enough to notify the authorities concerned to exempt the aforesaid shipment
from taxation and facilitate its release.
Enclosed please find the bill of lading of the said shipment.

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to invite your attention to certain recent cases in which a
request has been made by the Japanese Consular authorities in this country for
payment in respect of passports and visas issued to Japanese subjects to be
deported to Japan.
On ...... last, the Japanese Consul in London asked for payment for passports
and visas granted to XXX and YYY, alias ZZZ, against whom orders of
deportation had been issued. As the refusal of this request would have entailed
the loss of passages booked for the two men, the fees demanded, amounting to
one guinea, were paid by the police.
I have the honor to observe that, in accordance with established international
usage in such matters, no charge is made by His Majesty’s representatives
abroad in respect of British Subjects deported to the United Kingdom, and to
enquire of Your Excellency whether instructions could not be issued to Japanese
Consular officers in this country to waive the fees in future cases of this nature.
I have the honor to be, etc.

September 1, 1992
Note No. 301
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry


of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the Ministry's Note No. 462 of July 28, 1992 and to request the Ministry
be good enough to coordinate the authorities concerned for reimbursement of
the customs duties imposed on the 1992 Honda Civic vehicle (CD-87), newly
purchased by Mr. Gilbert M. Pan, Counselor of the Embassy. Enclosed herewith
are three documents provided by the Nassau Motor Co. Ltd. for the above-stated
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

December 1, 1992
Note No. 360
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the latter's Note No. 857 of November 2, 1992 and to inform the Ministry
that the exact amount of customs duties paid on the 1992 four-door Honda Civic
vehicle (CD87), owned by Mr. Gilbert M. Pan, Counselor of the Embassy is
The Embassy has the further honor to enclose herewith two documents provided
by the Nassau Motor Company Ltd. For reimbursement of the said customs
duties and would appreciate it if the Ministry would be kind enough to expedite
the reimbursement.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

No. 727
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to
request permission to import duty free, in accordance with diplomatic procedure,
the following listed personal vehicle which belongs to Chief Warrant Officer
Jimmy L. Harem, JUSMAG (c/o American Embassy).
1971 Chevrolet, 4 door sedan


Serial No. 164691D205513

The above described vehicle was shipped by the United States Army from Seattle,
Washington, and will arrive at the port of Pusan on or about December 1, 1971.
Mr. Harem arrived in Korea on November 2, 1971.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, November 16, 1971.

I have the honor to inform you that my Government proposes to award the
Special Cravat of the Order of the Propitious Cloud to Mr. Smith who served as
Counselor at KXX Embassy in (or at Taipei from March 1960 to September
It would be appreciated if Your Excellency would kindly inform me whether the
acceptance of this decoration meets with the approval of the XXX Government;
* It would be appreciated if the XXX Government sees any objection to the
proposed award;
* It would be appreciated if the XXX Government is agreeable to the award of
this decoration to these officers (or this officer).
* It would be appreciated if the XXX Government approves the acceptance of
this (these) award(s) by the above named person(s).
* It would be appreciated if the acceptance of this (these) award(s) by the
above-named person(s) meets with the approval of the XX Government.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Embassy (or Legation, Consulate) of the Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
has the honor to (or wishes to) convey the information that it is the wish of the
Government of the Republic of China to award (confer) the Order of .... to (or
upon, on) Captain Cook who was Naval Attaché in China from 19XX to 19XX.



The Embassy (or Legation, Consulate of the Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
has the honor to (or wishes to) convey the desire of the Chinese Government to
confer upon Dr. Smith, a civil decoration, the Special Cravat of the Order of ...,
in recognition of his cooperation and valuable services.


The Embassy would be (most) grateful if the Ministry would ascertain that
the ….. Government concurs in the acceptance of the aforesaid award (and
citation by the subject officer).
The Embassy would be (most) grateful if the Ministry would be good enough to
advise the Embassy of the views of the XXX Government with regard to the
bestowal of the above-mentioned decoration to Dr. Smith by the Chinese

My Lord,
I have the honor to state that the Japanese Government, in recognition of
meritorious services rendered during the present war, propose to submit to His
Majesty the Emperor of Japan the name of Lieutenant-Commander XXX for the
honor of the Fourth Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun.
I, therefore, beg leave to request that you will be good enough to inform me
whether the said proposal would be acceptable to your Government.
I have the honor to be, etc.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of
Japan and has the honor to inform the latter that the Government of the
Republic of Korea intends to confer the Gwanghwa Medal of the Order of
Diplomatic Service Merit upon His Excellency Kinjo Moriyama, State Minister,
Director General, Science and Technology Agency.


The Ministry would be very grateful to the Embassy if it could kindly inform the
Ministry as soon as possible whether the conferment of afore-said decoration is
agreeable to the Government of Japan.
The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy the
assurances of its highest consideration.
Seoul, April 12, 1974

Embassy of Japan


No. G-136
The Embassy of Japan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to acknowledge receipt of the
latter's note dated April 12, 1974, concerning the proposal of the Government of
Korea to confer the Gwang-hwa Medal of the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit
upon His Excellency Kinjo Moriyama, State Minister, Director General, Science
and Technology Agency.
The Embassy of Japan is pleased to inform the Ministry that the proposed
conferment of the above-mentioned decoration upon His Excellency Mr. Kinjo
Moriyama is agreeable to the Government of Japan.
The Embassy of Japan avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

April 22, 1974.

No. 567
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Government and has the
honor to refer to the latter’s note of August 11, 1971 (OIJ/852) advising that the
Government of the Republic of Korea is considering the conferral of the “Order
of Merit, Mugungwha Medal” upon Mr. Clinton Tyler Wood, Consultant of the


Agency for International Development, in recognition of his distinguished

contributions to the Republic of Korea in the field of economy while serving in
Korea as Economic Coordinator of the Economic Cooperation Administration of
the United States of America from 1953 to 1956.
You request that the Ministry be informed if the proposed conferral meets with
the approval of the Government of the United States.
The Embassy is pleased to advise that the conferral of the subject award upon
Mr. Wood meets with the approval of the Government of the United States.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.
Embassy of the United States of America,
Seoul, September 7, 1971.

No. 642
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to refer
to the Ministry's notes number OIJ/1025, dated September 29, 1971, in which
the Ministry requested the views of the Embassy toward the conferring of the
order of Civil Merit, Dogbane Medal, on Mr. Ethos G.. Reveille.
Mr. Reveille and the Embassy are deeply appreciative of the sentiments which
underlie this thoughtful proposal on the part of the Government of the Republic
of Korea. Consistent, however, with the policy of the Government of the United
States, which strongly discourages and in all but the most exceptional cases does
not permit acceptance by civilian employees of decorations from foreign
governments, the Embassy has the duty of respectfully requesting that the
Ministry not pursue its consideration of this matter.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, October 5, 1971.


2-21-1D、請求同意(締/續 約)
With reference to recent conversations between representatives of the
Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America
regarding the extension to individuals ordinarily resident in Canada who are
nationals of the United States and are not British subjects of certain exemptions
from orders and regulations now or hereafter in force respecting the acquisition
and disposition of foreign currency and foreign securities, I have the honor to
propose an agreement concerning these exemptions in the following terms:
I have the honor to suggest that if an agreement in the sense of the foregoing
paragraphs is acceptable to the Government of the United States this note and
your reply thereto in similar terms shall be regarded as placing on record the
understanding arrived at between the two Governments concerning this matter.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

October 19, 1992
Note No. 353
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 212 of June 19, 1992 and to inform the latter
that the Government of the Republic of China, basing on the recommendations
made by three-man study mission to the Bahamas for helping develop a conch
shell processing industry, has the pleasure of proposing a draft of a technical
cooperation agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas and the Government of the Republic of China.
The Embassy would greatly appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly forward it
to the authorities concerned for study and let the Embassy know their comments
and suggestions.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the assurances of its highest

(節 略)
Note No.CE92/040


The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of
Swaziland and has the honor to refer to the former’s note CE92/037 of July 3,
2003 with regard to Agreement on Handicraft Technical Cooperation between
the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom
of Swaziland.
The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland has the
pleasure to express the desire of the ROC, in accordance with Article Ⅵ of the
said Agreement on Handicraft Technical Cooperation between the Government
of the Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, to
renew the Agreement through exchange of notes for a further period of three
years from 1 July 2003to 30 June 2006. The ROC party also suggests that the
following Articles of the aforesaid Agreement be amended as follows:
Article 1
(ii) To offer advanced training at the Center on the following courses:
第九節 Home craft and Dress Design
第十節 General Metal Work and Small Engines
第十一節 Industrial Sewing
第十二節 Computer and Word Processing
第十三節 Electrical Appliance / Equipment Repair;
第十四節 : (deleted)
第十五節 : (deleted)
(iii) To assist with basic training or offer advice at the Center on the following
(e) Wood and Stone Carving
(f) Ceramics
(g) Leather Craft
(h) Fine Arts and Business Management;
(iv) To employ and remunerate suitably qualified local personnel to assist with
B. The number of personnel of the Mission shall be limited to four (4) persons.
Article II
3. To pay all necessary costs of short-term training courses and observation tours
in the Republic of China for an appropriate number of Swazi handicraft trainees
during the duration of this Agreement;
Article III
The management and administration of the Center shall be the responsibility of


the Ministry of Enterprise and Employment or such other Ministry, Department

or Division of the Government or an organization designated by the Government
of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the purpose.
The Embassy would appreciate the timely confirmation reply from the
Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland with respect to the renewal of this
Agreement as well as the amendments to its Article I, II and III.
The Embassy of the Republic of China to the Kingdom of Swaziland avails itself
of this opportunity to renew to The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the
Kingdom of Swaziland the assurances of its highest consideration.

July 18, 2003


c. c. Ministry of Enterprise & Employment

Ministry of Economic Planning & Development

2-21-1E-1、請求同意(其他事項-同意建議 )範例
Tokyo, July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to refer to the conversations which I held with your Vice
Minister, Dr. XXX, on July 3 concerning the proposed joint venture between
Miranda of Canada and Poignant Metal Manufacturing Company of Korea to
construct a modern copper refining and smelting complex in the Republic of
Korea. I understand that Mr. YYY, Charge d’affieres ad interim of Canada, and
Mr. ZZZ, Commercial Secretary, had further conversations on July 9 with
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. AAA, on the same subject.
To clarify certain points which have arisen in connection with this project, I have
today addressed a letter to your colleague the Minister of Commerce and
Industry, Mr. BBB, of which I am pleased to enclose a copy. This project has the
strong endorsement of the Government of Canada, which is also prepared to
provide technical assistance in the form of a visit by Korean experts to Miranda,
as described in the letter. I believe that the approval of your Government of this
proposed joint venture would add a new and important dimension to the
growing economic relations between our two countries.
Yours sincerely,


His Excellency
Mr. …………………
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

No. 690
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Government and has the
honor to refer to the property consisting of 26, I77 square feet, with house and
swimming pool, known as the "Seoul Club". The property is now owned by Mrs.
P. J. Lee, the widow of Prince Yi Fun.
Mrs. Lee has offered to sell the property to the Government of the United States.
She has been informed that, although the Embassy is interested because of the
proximity of the property to the residence of the United States Ambassador,
unfortunately, the Department of State in Washington has advised it is unable to
make the purchase now or in the foreseeable future.
The acquisition of the Seoul Club property by local entrepreneurs and its use for
commercial purposes, in particular the construction of a high rise building,
would jeopardize the security of the United States Ambassador and seriously
diminish the attractiveness of his Residence for representational and family
purposes. The Embassy, therefore, has explored other means for the acquisition
of the property by an organization that would develop it in a manner not
detrimental to the interests of the United States Government. Such an
organization is the United States Mission Association. The latter is an Association
established pursuant to regulations of the United States Department or State and
managed by Officers of the Embassy for the benefit of United States
Government employees and their dependents in Seoul. It operates under the
aegis and supervision of the American Ambassador. It is willing to buy the Seoul
Club property provided its purchase is approved by the Republic of Korea
Government. It is envisaged that the property would be utilized as a club for
United States Mission Association members (following the eventual closure of the
present club on the Yongsan Military reservation); or for the development of
other facilities required for the support of Embassy programs. To insure income
sufficient for its maintenance aid improvement, the Association might wish to
rent the property to another foreign government for use as offices or a residence,
or to other acceptable tenants.


Before holding further talks with Mrs. Lee concerning the acquisition of the
property, the Embassy wishes to inquire if the Republic of Korea Government
perceives any objection to its purchase by the United States Mission Association.
If' the answer is in the affirmative, as a supporting facility of the Embassy,
would the United States Mission Association be exempt from the payment of
applicable Korean taxes with regard to its purchase or income derived from its
rental as described above?
An early reply would be appreciated.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.
Embassy of the United States of America
Seoul, October 19, 1971

No. 392
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Government and has the
honor to refer to a communication dated May 31, 1971, received from the Seoul
Metropolitan Government advising of its plan to utilize twenty-three (23) meters
of ground occupied by the Embassy to widen Sejong-Ro Avenue to one hundred
(109) meters.
The Embassy, in its reply, dated June 3, 1971, informed the Seoul Metropolitan
Government that in 1961, when the Chancery was built for U.S.O.M. occupancy,
the plans for the eventual expansion of Sejong-Ro called for the utilization of
only twelve (12) meters of ground in front of the building. The Embassy
concurred in the request for twelve (12) meters of ground for Sejong-Ro
expansion, but explained that the release of another twelve (12) meters would
require approval from the Department of State in Washington since the physical
security of the Embassy would be affected.
The Department of State concurs in our view that the release of additional
ground would degrade the physical security of the Embassy. The good offices of
the Ministry are requested in order that the release of additional ground by the
Embassy for the further expansion of Sejong-Ro will prove unnecessary.

Embassy of the United States of America

Seoul, August 5, 1971


Dear Ambassador
I refer to your letter of December 10, acknowledging the change in the name of
my office to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO).
I would appreciate your confirmation of our mutual understanding that this
change in name docs not in any way effect, nor was it intended to effect, any
substantive legal change between Taiwan and the United States. It does not affect
the rights, responsibilities or status of our organization. All the obligations
undertaken by CCNAA remain in effect as obligations of TECRO. In particular,
all agreements and contracts between CCNAA and AIT remain fully in force, in
accordance with their terms.
Upon receipt of your letter indicating that the foregoing understanding is
agreeable to AIT, we will consider that the letter and your reply thereto
constitute an agreement between TECRO and AIT on this matter.
With best regards,

Waichiaopu, Chunking
Please submit to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek following message from Sir
XXX: “Your most kind telegram of good wishes arrived just as I was about to
send you all my very best wishes and congratulations upon glorious ending of
your long drawn-out war. My heart goes out to you and all people of China that
their long suffering is over. May they now devote all their incomparable energies
to task of reconstruction of their country as great leader in democracy in Far
East ……..” Koo


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, and, with reference to the note no. … of Mr. ...... , Charge daffier,


dated ...... , has the honor to forward herewith the Diplomas for the Japanese
Orders conferred upon Field Marshal Lord XXX, G. C. M. G., and twenty-two
other British officers.
YYY would be grateful if Mr. ZZZ could see his way to transmit them to the
recipients of the Orders.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to transmit the following message from His Excellency
Teng-Hui Lee, President of the Republic of China to His Excellency Sir Clifford
Darling, Kt., J.P. Governor General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
"On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of China, I take pleasure
in extending our heartiest congratulations to Your Excellency on the occasion of
the celebration of the Anniversary of your Independence. It is my wish that the
excellent ties of friendship and cooperation existing between our two countries will
be further strengthened in the years ahead. Please accept my best wishes for your
personal well -being and the continued prosperity of your esteemed country
Teng-Hui Lee
President of the Republic of China"

The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 3, 1992
Note No. 226
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to transmit the following message from His Excellency
Pei-Tsun Hau, Premier of the Republic of China to The Right Honorable Sir
Lynden Pindling, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
"I have pleasure in extending to Your Excellency my sincerest congratulations
on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
I am confident that the existing friendly relations between our two countries will

continue to be strengthened to our mutual benefit. I wish to convey my best

wishes for your personal well -being and the continued prosperity of your
esteemed country.
Pei-Tsun Hau
Premier of the Republic of
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

October 21, 1992
Note No. 355
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the latter's Note No. 775 of September30, 1992 and to request the latter
be good enough to transmit the following message from His Excellency Teng-Hui
Lee, President of the Republic of China, to His Excellency Sir Clifford Darling,
Kt., J.P. Governor General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas:
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

December 21, 1992
Note No. 362
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry


of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the Ministry be good enough to transmit the following message from His
Excellency Teng-Hui Lee, President of the Republic of China to His Excellency
Sir Clifford Darling, Kt., J.P. Governor General of the Commonwealth of the
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 3, 1992
Note No. 227
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to request the latter to transmit the
following message from The Honorable Dr. Frederick F. Chien, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China to The Honorable Sir Clement
Maynard, Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of
the Bahamas:
"On the auspicious occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas, I wish to extend to Your Excellency our
warmest felicitation and very best wishes for your personal well-being and the
continued prosperity of your esteemed country. Dr. Fredrick F. Chien, Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China"
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.



Please transmit the following message to President Gerald R. Ford:

“Dear Mr. President: Madame Chiang and I appreciate very much the cordial
message which you and Mrs. Ford sent us on the occasion of my birthday. We have
been greatly touched by the warm and gracious sentiments expressed therein.
Please accept our sincere thanks and best wishes for your personal well-being and
prosperity of your great nation. Yours sincerely, Chiang Kai- Shek”

Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I am directed by the President to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your
letter of October 29, 1974, transmitting a message from President Gerald R.
I wish to inform you that Mr. James C. H. Shen, our Ambassador in Washington
D. C. has been instructed by President Chiang to forward to President Ford a
message in reply, a copy of which is enclosed herewith for your reference.
With my best personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
Director, Protocol Department

2-21-2A-10、請求協助(轉送文物)範例 L
(電 報)
Ambassador YYY
Buenos Aires
Transmit to His Excellency XXX, President of the Argentine Republic, following
Letter of Credence from President Chiang Kai-shek
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have made choice of Dr. YYY,
Chinese Ambassador to Argentine, to assist as Ambassador Extraordinary on
Special Mission at the inauguration of the new President of the Argentine
Republic, His Excellency General ZZZ, in order to convey to him my sincere
friendship and high esteem.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to Your Excellency my best wishes
for your good health and the prosperity of the Argentine nation. Chiang
Kai-sheh, President of the National Government of the Republic of China.
Unquote. Waichiaopu.



I have the honor to inform you that when the Japanese steamer (Name of ship A)
was shipwrecked off the Spanish coast on ...... , the Captain and crew of the
British steamer (Name of ship B), belonging to the … Shipping Co., Ltd.,
Glasgow, which then happened to be in the neighborhood, immediately hastened
to the rescue of the crew of the (Name of ship A), in spite of the dangers to which
they themselves were exposed owing to the heavy seas and high wind prevailing
at the time, and brought them safely to Plymouth.
Upon arrival in London, the master of the (Name of ship A) has made report in
very grateful terms of the splendid efforts of Captain ......, of the (name of ship B),
and of his staff, to which the rescue of the entire crew was to be attributed, and
also of the very sympathetic treatment which was extended to them while on
board the (Name of ship B).
It was with great satisfaction that I learned the above intelligence, and I now beg
leave to request that you will be good enough to take steps to convey to the
company, to which the (name of ship B) belongs, as well as to the Captain and
crew, the expression of my deep appreciation of this generous and humane
I have the honor to be, etc.

No. 111
The Embassy of Canada presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to attach herewith a
Reminder of Payment Due for the period April 1 September 30, 1976 referring to
a loan of $999,241.71 agreed o in September 15, 1967 for dairy development. The
Embassy has further the honor to request that this Reminder be conveyed to the
appropriate authorities for payment of the principal in the usual way.
The Embassy of Canada avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

October 19, 1976


Seoul, Korea
August 11, 1965
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note dated
August 2, 1965, by which you asked that an enclosed message from His
Excellency to the Secretary of State of the United States of America be
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the message was transmitted on
August 11, 1965.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency
Tong Won Lee,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Korea

(節 略)
The Secretary of state presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and
Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission of the Governments of the States signatory and
acceding at Washington to the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the
Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into outer Space,
which was opened for signature at Washington, London, and Moscow on April
22, 1968.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 5, of the Agreement,
the Secretary of State has the honor to inform the Chiefs of Mission that an
instrument of accession to the Agreement was deposited with the Government of
the United States of America by France on December 31, 1975.
The Chiefs of Mission are also informed that, in accordance with Article 6 of the
Agreement, a declaration of acceptance by the European Space Agency of the
rights and obligations provided for in the Agreement was accepted for deposit
with the Government of the United States of America on December 31, 1975.
The Secretary of State would be grateful if each Chief of Mission would forward
this information to his Government.

Department of State,
Washington, March 18, 1976.


May 20, 1971
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
It was indeed kind of you to transmit to me the cabled message from His
Excellency Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea on my
eighty-seventh birthday and I will appreciate it if you will convey to him my
sincere thanks.
You also, Mr. Ambassador, have my thanks for your good wishes.
Sincerely your

His Excellency
Ambassador of Korea
The Korean Embassy
Washington, D. C. 20008

Seoul, 25 January 1968
I have the honor to inform you that I have received a message from the
Honorable J.G. Gorton, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia for
transmission to His Excellency Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of
Korea. I would be glad if you would convey the following to your President:
“I greatly appreciate your message of good wishes and goodwill on my
assumption of the Office of Prime Minister. My colleagues and I will continue to do
all we can to promote and strengthen the good relations that already exist between
our two countries and peoples and I am glad to have your own assurances on this
matter. J. G. Gorton.”
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(R. A. Peachey)
His Excellency Mr. Choi Kyu Hah
Minister of Foreign Affairs

July 15, 199X


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of May 26 enclosing an
autographed communication addressed to the President of the United States by
His Excellency the President of El Salvador announcing the assumption of his
high office.
In reply you are informed that His Excellency’s letter has been placed before the
President, whose acknowledgment is transmitted herewith for delivery to its high
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of' my most distinguished consideration.
(Signed) ………………
Acting Secretary of State
of the United States of America
Enclosure: …………………

His Excellency XXX

Minister of Foreign Relations of El Salvador

August 11, 1992
Not No. 274
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliment to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to provide the former with the following information:
(1) May the spouse of a diplomat take a job in the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas? Is it necessary for him/her to apply for a working permit in
advance? If so, what is the procedure?
(2) What effects will this action cause on the privileges and immunities he/she

The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.



The Embassy of the Republic of ............ presents its compliments to the

Department of Foreign Affairs of .......... and has the honor to request for the
assistance of the latter in obtaining a complete list of the nation-wide youth
organizations in the ............ . The materials in question will be used for the
purpose of promoting friendly ties and better understanding between the youth
organizations of our two countries.
The Embassy wishes particularly to secure the following details of information
on the ............ youth organizations: (1) organization, (2) activities and history;
and (3) responsible persons and addresses.
The Embassy will appreciate it very much if the Department will be so good as to
extend the necessary assistance on this matter.


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the

Secretary of State, and has the honor to ask if the Department of State would be
good enough to furnish the Japanese Government with five copies of the Report
of the United States Commissioners to the International Conference for the
Unification of Maritime Laws, which was held at Brussels.


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that he will be most grateful if the
Earl Curzon of Kedleston can see his way to send him a copy of the Acts and
Regulations of the United Kingdom, and the Dominions, concerning coasting


The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and has the honor to say that the Department of
State will be grateful if they will be so good as to furnish the Department with


four copies of the blank forms of visa applications required by their respective
Governments to be filled out by applicants for visas.

Under the direction of my Government, I have the honor to ask if you would be
good enough to ascertain if the Department of Agriculture of the United States
could see its way to sending regularly to the Department of Agriculture of Japan
its monthly or annual reports or other periodicals related to infectious diseases
and sanitation of livestock, in exchange for like periodicals published by the
Department of Agriculture of Japan.
A copy of statistics for..... regarding the sanitation of livestock in Japan is
enclosed herewith for transmission to the Department of Agriculture.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Japanese Charge d’affieres presents his compliments to the Acting Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that he would be grateful
if the Earl Curzon of Kedleston would give him any information at His
Lordship's disposal as to the following points: --
1. Whether foreign merchantmen are allowed to enter Odessa.
2. What kind of procedure should be gone through for the import of goods into
the said port.


I have the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Secretary to the Ministry of
Communications, Tokyo, who has been ordered by his Government to England
and France to make investigations into shipping affairs, is now on a short visit to
this country, with the object of obtaining certain information about shipping
Accordingly, I beg leave to request that you will be so kind as to use your good
offices to the end that he may be placed in touch with the competent authorities
who can furnish him with the desired information.
I have the honor to be, etc.


September 29, 1992
Note No. 348
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the cruise ship "Royal Pacific" registered with the
Bahamian authorities and owned by the Anchor of the Seas Ltd. Liberia,
collided with a fishing boat of the Republic of China in Malacca Channel on
August 23, 1992 and foundered thereafter. To facilitate the investigation of the
authorities concerned, the Embassy would greatly appreciate it if the Ministry
would kindly provide the former with the foundered cruise ship’s maritime
report written by the captain, the crew’s deposition and maritime investigation
as soon as possible.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

September 24, 1992
Note No. 741
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Presents
its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
request the assistance of the Embassy in obtaining a report on an alleged
incident involving the Bahamian registered passenger ship ROYAL PACIFIC
which was struck and holed by a Taiwanese fishing vessel TEEFU 5I on 23
August, 1992 in the Straits of Malacca, off Singapore.
The Ministry is informed that the ROYAL PACIFIC which allegedly had
approximately 500 persons on board, sank within 15 to 30 minutes of its being
hit and as a result of the casualty, about nine (9) persons lost their lives.
The Ministry of Transport has caused a preliminary investigation to be held into
this incident in accordance with Section 241 of the Merchant Shipping Act,
Chapter 246 and it is necessary that the statement of the Captain and crew
members be obtained to facilitate the said investigation. However, it is alleged
that the Taiwanese vessel left the collision area before the Captain and his crew
members could be questioned.


The Ministry hereby requests the assistance of the Embassy in ascertaining

whether these allegations are true. Should this be the case, the Ministry wishes to
receive a copy of the investigative report for submission to the relevant
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China
the assurances of its highest consideration.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presents

its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt Of the latter's Note No. 348 dated September 29, 1992
which contains a request for the maritime report of the cruise ship "Royal
Pacific" which was involved in a collision accident with a Republic of China
fishing boat in the Strait of Malacca, off Singapore, on23 August 1992.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform that the said request has
been forwarded to the authorities concerned that advised that a preliminary
investigation into the casualty was in progress and the relevant information
would be forwarded on receipt.
Further to the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to forward a
copy of a letter dated September18, 1992 from the Ministry of Transport by
which is requested, at paragraph 6, a report from its counterpart in the
Republic of China on the incident
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be grateful to receive a copy of the report
requested by the Ministry of Transport on its behalf at the earliest.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China
the assurances of its highest consideration.

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Charge daffier ad interim
of Egypt and refers to the Legation’s note no. 305 of April 10, 1935 requesting
copies of laws and regulations governing the importation of foreign cigarettes
and tobacco into the United States.
The Secretary of State takes pleasure in enclosing excerpts from the Tariff Act of


1930 and the Customs Regulations of 1931, which contain provisions relating to
the importation of tobacco and tobacco products.

1. Excerpts from Tariff
Act of 1930
2. Excerpts from Customs
Regulations of 1931
Department of State,
Washington, May 10, 1935.

(備 忘 錄)
It would be appreciated very much if you could send us the following documents
at your earliest convenience.
1. A copy of Taiwan Relations Act
2. A copy of Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation between your
country and the Republic of ………….
3. A copy of Rules Governing Issuance of Landing Visas to Aliens


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of States

for Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that, in regard to medical
inspection and quarantine against epidemic and contagious diseases, the
Japanese Government are desirous of knowing whether foreign Diplomatic and
Consular officials coming to or passing through Great Britain are accorded any
special treatment in comparison with ordinary passengers, especially touching
the following points:
1. in cases where the passengers are subject to medical scientific inspection.
2. In cases where the passengers permitted to land are, after reporting their full
addresses to the authorities concerned, subject to medical scientific
inspection at the respective addresses for a certain period.
3. in cases where the passengers are detained for a certain period.
4. in cases where the passengers’ luggage is disinfected. Moreover, in all the
above cases, special information is desired as to


a) whether or not the members of the Diplomatic and Consular officials’

families and their attendants are treated in the same way as the officials
themselves and
b) Whether or not the treatments differ according as the officials in question
have their posts in Great Britain or some other country.
Mr. XXX would be grateful if he could be furnished with information on the
above points together with the text of Rules and Regulations regarding medical
inspection and quarantine in England.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of …… and has the honor to inform the
Ministry that the Special Envoy of the Republic of China His Excellency Dr.
XXX and his party of three will attend the 11th Independence Anniversary of the
Kingdom of……….
After the celebration, on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of China,
Dr. XXX will pay a return visit to the Kingdom of ……….. The Embassy will
inform the Ministry of Dr. XXX’s itinerary shortly.
The Embassy will be grateful if the Ministry would be kind enough to make
arrangements For Dr. XXX and his party’s audience with His Majesty the King
and their calls on the Right Honorable the Prime Minister and the Minister of
Foreign Affairs the Honorable ……….
The Embassy of tire Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ………… the assurances of
its highest consideration.


1 will be in Taipei on April 7-9, staying at the Far Eastern Hotel, and would very
much like to see you while I am there. Could I bother you to let me know by
return fax (202- 123-4567) if you might be available, and to suggest a time that
would be convenient for you?
Best wishes,



The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the

Secretary of State, and has the honor to ask if an audience with the President
could be arranged for Mr. XXX who is on a visit to this country.
Mr. XXX will be in Washington in the early part of next week, and, in case the
desired audience is granted, he will be accompanied to the White House by Mr.
YYY, Counselor of this Embassy.


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the

Secretary of State, and has the honor to ask if the Secretary would be good
enough to ascertain whether it would be agreeable to the President to grant an
audience to Mr. XXX.
Mr. XXX is visiting Washington for a few days on his tour through the United
States, and would very much appreciate an opportunity to pay his respects to the

Your Excellency,
I beg to thank you for your kind reply of ...... , and will do myself the honor of
calling on you at the Japanese Embassy tomorrow Friday at 11:00 a.m.
The Japanese Charge d’affieres presents his compliments to the acting Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Professor
of Forensic Medicine in the Medical University at Osaka, now on a short visit to
this country for medical researches, is desirous of obtaining permission to visit
the Broadmoor Lunatic Asylum for criminals in Hampshire.
Accordingly, Mr. XXX will be much obliged if Lord YYY will be kind enough to
use his good offices to the end that Prof. XXX may be allowed to visit the said


The Japanese Embassy presents its compliments to the librarian of the British


Museum, and has the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Secretary to the Ministry of
Railways in Japan, is desirous of visiting the Library of the British Museum.
The Japanese Embassy would be grateful if the desired permission could be
granted to Mr. XXX.

Your Excellency,
Having been appointed Charge daffier of the Estonian Republic in London,
pending the nomination of an Estonian Minister, I am desirous of presenting my
respects to Your Excellency, and would be honored if you would indicate on what
date and time it would be convenient for you to receive me.
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency’s
Obedient Servant


The Japanese Charge daffier presents his compliments to the acting Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Professor of
Forensic Medicine in the Medical University at Osaka, now on a short visit to
this country for medical researches, is desirous of obtaining permission to visit
the Broadmoor Lunatic Asylum for criminals in Hampshire.
Accordingly, Mr. XXX will be much obliged if Lord YYY will be kind enough to
use his good offices to the end that Prof. XXX may be allowed to visit the said


The Japanese Embassy presents its compliments to the librarian of the British
Museum, and has the honor to state that Mr. XXX, Secretary to the Ministry of
Railways in Japan, is desirous of visiting the Library of the British Museum.
The Japanese Embassy would be grateful if the desired permission could be
granted to Mr. XXX.


2-21-2C-10、請求協助(安排拜會)範例 J
Seoul, July 3, 1964
I have the honor to inform you of my arrival in Seoul on July 2.
I would appreciate it if I could be advised of the time and day when it would be
convenient for you to receive me.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(Signed by Ambassador)
His Excellency Kwon Chung
The Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Seoul, Korea.

2-21-2C-11、請求協助(安排拜會)範例 C
(節 略)
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ….. and has the honor to inform the
Ministry that the Special Envoy of the Republic of China His Excellency Dr.
XXX and his party of three will attend the 11th Independence Anniversary of the
Kingdom of………. .
After the celebration, on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of China,
Dr. XXX will pay a return visit to the Kingdom of ………. The Embassy will
inform the Ministry of Dr. XXX’s itinerary shortly.
The Embassy will be grateful if the Ministry would be kind enough to make
arrangements For Dr. XXX and his party’s audience with His Majesty the King
and their calls on the Right Honorable the Prime Minister and the Minister of
Foreign Affairs the Honorable YYY.
The Embassy of tire Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ………….the assurances of
its highest consideration.


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry


of Foreign Affairs of (the State) and has the honor to state that a wooden box
containing Chinese food stuffs, weighing……kilos, intending for the Embassy
consumption and entertainment, is arriving at the Port of…by s. s. ………
The Embassy will appreciate it, if the Ministry will be good enough to advise the
authorities concerned to admit free entry through the Customs of the said box.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy Stamp)

This is to certify that the parcel accompanied by this paper is a diplomatic pouch
of the Embassy of the Republic of China, weighing........ Kilos, to be forwarded to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei, by the airliner .........................., flight
no. ……., leaving (Place) on (Date).
Any courtesy or assistance facilitating the dispatch of the parcel will be

(Embassy rubber stamp)

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Foreign
Ministry of the Republic of ……… and has the honor to inform the latter that
two (2) cases of books sent by the Government information Office of the
Republic of China to the Press Counselor’s Office of the Embassy via S.S. KAl
Shaun arrived at on April 3, 1985.
The Embassy would appreciate it very much if the Ministry would be good
enough to notify the authorities concerned to exempt the aforesaid shipment
from taxation and facilitate its release.
Enclosed please find the bill of lading of the said shipment.


The Embassy of tile Republic of China wishes to inform the Foreign Ministry of
the Republic of ……… that the Chinese Government is sending a naval vessel,
S.S. Kai Shaun to …for ferrying the Overseas Chinese Youth Goodwill Mission
from … to …
The mission consists of some 500 students.
The said vessel, which is expected to arrive at ………. on or before April 1, 19XX
will dock in the harbor for five days before its departure.
The Embassy will appreciate it very much if the Ministry will be so good as to
ask the authority concerned to grant clearance to the said vessel upon its arrival
and departure.


The Embassy of the Republic of .......... presents its compliments to the

Department of Foreign Affairs of ............ and has the honor to inform the
Department that, as in the previous years, the ...........Government is sending two
naval vessels, and ............ , to ......... for ferrying the Overseas ............ Students’
Goodwill Mission from .......... to....... The Mission comprises about ...... students.
The said naval vessels are expected to arrive at .......... on or about .......... and will
dock in the harbor for three days prior to their departure.
The Embassy will greatly appreciate it if the Department will be so good as to
request the authorities concerned to grant clearance and facilities to the
aforesaid vessels and their officers and enlisted men upon their arrival and


The Ambassador of the Republic of China presents his compliments to the

Secretary of Foreign Affairs of ............ and has the honor to inform the Secretary
that the Government information office of the Republic of ............ sent one (1)
case of books to the Press Counselor’s Office of the Embassy from ............ by S.
S. …..which arrived in ......... on …………
The Ambassador would much appreciate it if the Secretary would be good
enough to notify the authorities concerned to exempt the aforesaid shipment


from taxation and facilitate its release.

Enclosed herewith please find the bill of lading of said shipment.

My dear Mr. XXX,
Mr. YYY, a member of the foreign service of the United States Department of
Commerce, is arriving at Yokohama on the S.S. “PRESIDENT JACKSON”,
which is expected on July 14th or 15th, and it would be greatly appreciated if
something could be done to facilitate his entry through the customs. He will be
accompanied by his wife and son.
Formal instructions concerning Mr. YYY’ status have not yet been received by
the Embassy but it is believed that he will be designated Commercial Attaché,
relieving Mr. ZZZ.
Thanking you in advance for anything you can do to facilitate Mr. YYY’ entry, I
am, my dear Mr. XXX,
Very sincerely yours


The Chinese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that he desires to order from Messrs.
ZZZ the goods mentioned in the annexed list.
Mr. XXX will be very grateful if Lord YYY will kindly see his way to issue the
necessary instructions to the end that the goods may be imported free of duty.

I have the honor to request that the Department of State may kindly instruct the
Collector of Customs at the port of New York to admit, free of duty, one package
containing cigars imported by me.
The said package that is addressed to me at Washington, D.C., is expected
shortly to arrive at New York, having been shipped from Havana, Cuba, on
board the S.S. “(Name of ship)” on (Date).
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to take the steps
necessary for the free admission of two cases containing porcelain which has
been sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, to this Embassy for use of
the Ambassador’s residence.
The said cases, which were shipped on board the S.S. “(Name of ship)”, from
Yokohama, are expected to arrive shortly at this city from New York.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to state that 10 cases of wines imported by this Embassy for its
use are expected to arrive at New York on or about the 10th instant on board the
S.S. “(Name of ship)”, which left Havre, France, on the 3rd.
I beg leave to request that you will be good enough to cause steps to be taken for
the free admission of these cases upon their arrival at the said port and to issue
at the same time a necessary certificate in favor of Mr. XXX, Chancellor to this
Embassy, so that he may get these cases released and bring them to this city.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the

Secretary of State, and has the honor to request the Department of State kindly
to arrange for the extension of the usual customs courtesies to Mr. XXX newly
appointed Attaché to this Embassy, who is expected to arrive at San Francisco on
or about 10th instant, on board the S.S. “(Name of ship)”.

My Lord,
I have the honor to state that Mr. XXX, a diplomatic courier, will leave Liverpool
for Japan via U. S. A. on …….. (Date) by the S. S. “(Name of ship)”. He is
entrusted with confidential dispatches from the Japanese delegation at the Peace
Conference, Paris, to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Tokyo.


I beg leave, therefore, to request that, in view of the circumstances above

referred to, Your Lordship may be good enough to communicate with the
competent authorities at the port of embarkation in order that proper facilities
may be afforded to Mr. XXX.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant,


The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the. Honorable the

Secretary of State, and has the honor to request the Department of State kindly
to arrange for the extension of the usual customs and immigration courtesies to
Mr. YYY, Financial Attaché to the Japanese Embassy, who is expected to arrive
at Seattle, Washington, on or about ......, on board the S.S. (Name of ship), on his
way from Japan to attend the Genoa Conference.


The Japanese Embassy presents its compliments to the Honorable Secretary of

State, and has the honor to ask that he may be good enough to cause the usual
customs courtesies to be extended to Mr. XXX, who has been sent by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study in this country under the supervision of this
Mr. XXX is expected to arrive at …. on or about (date) on board the S.S.”(Name
of ship)”


I have been requested by the Japanese Consul-General at San Francisco to

approach the Department of State with a view to ascertaining whether
permission could be granted by the competent American authorities for the free
entry of four packages of
Membership Medal Picture Postcards and Memorial Fans, enumerated in the
appended list, which have been sent by the Red Cross Society of Japan, Tokyo, to


the Special Committee of the Japanese Red Cross Society San Francisco,
California (in care of the Japanese Consulate-General) for free distribution
among the members throughout the United States.
The said packages have already arrived in the United States and are now being
held, pending the payment of' import duty, at the post office in San Francisco.
In view of the humanitarian purpose uses for which the Society stands, I venture
to hope that favorable action may be taken in respect of this matter.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Japanese Charge daffier
ad interim, and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of his note of........
requesting the free entry at San Francisco of four packages containing
Membership Medals, Picture Postcards and Memorial Fans, sent by the Red
Cross Society of Japan to the Special Committee of the Japanese Red Cross
Society of San Francisco for free distribution among the members throughout
the United States.
In reply, the Secretary of State begs to say that the matter was at once brought to
the attention of the proper authorities, and that a reply has now been received,
under date of ……(date) stating that, as the Treasury Department is of the
opinion that the articles in question are properly entitled to free entry under the
provisions of Paragraph 646 of the Tariff Act of 1913 as articles received and
accepted as honorary distinctions, the Collector of Customs at San Francisco has
been authorized to release them to the Japanese Consul-General there without
the payment of duty.

I have the honor to request that you may be good enough to take the steps
necessary for the free passage of a case, containing manual articles which were
made by children in the earthquake-stricken areas of Japan and were sent by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo to this Embassy to be forwarded to the
President of the “World Federation of Education Associations”-as a token of
their sincere thanks for the generous relief rendered by the Federation at the
time of the catastrophe.


The said case, which was shipped on board the S.S. ”(Name of ship)” from
Yokohama, is expected to arrive shortly at the port of Washington, D. C., via San
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Charge daffier ad interim
of Japan, and, acknowledging the receipt of his note of ...... , has pleasure in
informing him that, according to a letter from the Treasury Department, the
Customs Officer at
Washington, D.C., was authorized to admit free of duty, as an act of
international courtesy, a case containing manual articles made by children in the
earthquake -stricken areas of Japan and sent by tile Ministry of Foreign Affairs
at Tokyo to the Japanese Embassy to be forwarded to the President of the
"World Federation of Education Associations", as a token of their gratitude for
the relief rendered by the Federation at the time of the catastrophe, which
shipment arrived at San Francisco on board the steamship (name of ship).


The Earl Curzon of Kedleston presents his compliments to the Japanese

Ambassador, and, with reference to his note of ..., respecting a case containing a
musical instrument addressed to the Army Attaché to the Japanese Embassy, has
the honor to state that musical instruments imported into this country are
liable to a custom duty equal to thirty-three and one-third per cent of their value,
but that this duty is waived in the case of used musical instruments which are
private effects and have been in the possession and use of the owner abroad for
not less than one year. If, therefore, Mr. XXX is in a position to sign the
accompanying form and will be good enough to forward it to the Collector of
Customs and Excise, Custom House, Liverpool, the instrument in question will
be admitted free of duty.

The Embassy of tile Republic of China wishes to inform the Foreign Ministry of


the Republic of ……. that the Chinese Government is sending a naval vessel, S.S.
Kai Shaun to ……… for ferrying the Overseas Chinese Youth Goodwill Mission
from ….... to …………..
The mission consists of some 500 students.
The said vessel, which is expected to arrive at ……..on or before April1, 19XX
will dock in the harbor for five days before its departure.
The Embassy will appreciate it very much if the Ministry will be so good as to
ask the authority concerned to grant clearance to the said vessel upon its arrival
and departure.


The Ambassador of the Republic of ............ presents his compliments to the

Secretary of Foreign Affairs of ............ and has the honor to inform the Secretary
that the Government information office of the Republic of ............ sent one (1)
case of books to the Press Counselor’s Office of the Embassy from ............ by S.
S. ….which arrived in ......... on ………
The Ambassador would much appreciate it if the Secretary would be good
enough to notify the authorities concerned to exempt the aforesaid shipment
from taxation and facilitate its release.
Enclosed herewith please find the bill of lading of said shipment.

2-21-1 E、請求協助(其他事項)
2-21-1 E-1、請求協助(其他事項)範例

The Embassy of the Republic Of ............ presents its compliments to the Royal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and referring to the Embassy’s Note No. ........... ,
dated ............ and the Royal Ministry’s Note No. ......, dated ............ , concerning
the collision of the ....... cargo ship “ ........ “ with the ............ fishing boat on the
strength of proofs submitted by the owner of the said fishing boat, together with
two copies of pictures of the damaged boat.
According to the report of the owner of the fishing boat to the............
Government, the damage done to the boat by the ............ cargo ship “........” cost
US$......... The loss of cordage, lamps and the fishes already caught and then
freed after the ship was damaged amounted to US$........ The total loss and
damage thus came to US$...... The report has been certified by the.......


Government as correct.
The Embassy wishes to attach the two copies of the pictures mentioned above to
the Ministry for the reference of the appropriate ............ authorities and hopes to
hear from the Ministry as soon as possible.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to extend to the Royal Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.
Encl.: As Stated.

2-21-1 E-2、請求協助(其他事項)範例
February 6, 1993
Note No. 002
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the Ministry that M/V "PLEIADES", registered in Nassau, the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas and with SOS No. C6B13 and Register Tonnage
3791 took an unauthorized departure from port of Kee-lung, Taiwan, the
Republic of China, on October 14, 1994 at 08:58, in violation of Article 42 of
Commercial Harbors Act and Article 17 - 1 of TAIWAN Harbors Control Act of
the Republic of China.
Upon her departure from port of Kee-lung, she nearly collided with M/V
THUBAN, which was duly authorized to enter the port by then.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly inform the
authorities concerned of the above-mentioned happening to take a proper action
accordingly for the sake of voyage safety.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-21-1 E-3、請求協助(其他事項)範例

The Embassy of the Republic of ............ presents its compliments to the

Department of Foreign Affairs of ............ and has the honor to inform the
Department that, as in the previous years, the....... Government is sending two
naval vessels, and ............, to ......... for ferrying the Overseas............ Students’
Goodwill Mission from .......... to........ The Mission comprises about ...... students.
The said naval vessels are expected to arrive at .......... on or about .......... and will


dock in the harbor for three days prior to their departure.

The Embassy will greatly appreciate it if the Department will be so good as to
request the authorities concerned to grant clearance and facilities to the
aforesaid vessels and their officers and enlisted men upon their arrival and

2-21-1 E-4、請求協助(其他事項)範例

The Department of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of

the Republic of ............ and has the honor to request that.......... Passport
No. ............, which was issued by the Department on ......... to Mr. ..........., be not
honored should said person apply for a visa in that Mission.
The Department would likewise appreciate it if it could be advised of any
attempt said Person would make to travel to the territories within the
jurisdiction of the Mission.
The Department avails itself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of its
highest consideration.

2-21-1 E-5、請求協助(其他事項)範例
OR 423/3(1) February 14, 1987
The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait and, in accordance with rule
7of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council, has the honor to
state that the forty -second session of the Council will open on Monday, 8 May
1967, at 11 a.m., at United Nations Headquarters, New York. The provisional
agenda has been issued as document E/4295.
The Secretary-General would appreciate it if, in accordance with rule 19 of the
Council’s rules of procedure, the credentials of representatives and the names of
alternate representatives and advisers be submitted to him not less than
twenty-four hours before the first meeting which the representatives are to

2-21-1 E-6、請求協助(其他事項)範例
Dear XXX:
Professor XXX, an American scholar versed in traditional Chinese art terms,


will hold an exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and seal earring in Los Angeles
next month after his New York debut.
Professor XXX was born in New York and obtained both his B.A. and M.A.
degrees from Columbia University.
Since 19XX, he has been teaching English at National Central University in
Taiwan. A Chinese art lover, he has been studying Chinese calligraphy and seal
carving for nearly a decade under two great contemporary Chinese masters,
YYY and YYY.
As we all know, it takes years to master the art of Chinese calligraphy and the
art of seal carving. At this industrial age, very few Chinese scholars can find
enough time to practice and excel in these fields. Professor XXX’s attainment in
these traditional Chinese art forms has been praised by laymen and artists alike.
Enclosed please find a Few samples of Professor XXX’s works and a copy of his
profile. I wonder if you will be so kind as to co-sponsor the exhibit. Your
favorable response will be greatly appreciated.

2-21-1 E-7、請求協助(其他事項)範例
Your Excellency,
As Your Excellency is aware, it is laid down in Article 5 of the Indo-Japanese
Commercial Convention which was signed at London on the 12th July last, that
the date on which the instrument of ratification of each of the High Contracting
Parties has been completed shall be communicated to the other through
diplomatic channels, and that the Convention shall enter into force in advance of
the exchange of the instruments of ratification as from the date on which the
later of these two communications shall have been made.
In pursuance of the provisions of this Article I have the honor to inform Your
Excellency that His Majesty the King has now signed the instrument of
ratification in respect of India.
I shall be grateful if Your Excellency will inform me when the Japanese
instrument of ratification has been signed by His Majesty the Emperor.
I have the honor to be, with tile highest consideration,
Your Excellency’s obedient Servant,

2-21-1 E-8、請求協助(其他事項)範例
It is hereby certified that the bearer of this note, Mr. XXX, Secretary to the


Ministry of Home Affairs, has been sent by the Japanese Government for the
purpose of studying the system of labor insurance for seamen in this country.
The Japanese Embassy would be grateful if the authorities concerned would be
good enough to accord to the said Mr. XXX any facilities in their power for the
attainment of his object.

2-21-1 E-9、請求協助(其他事項)範例
My Lord,
I have the honor to state that Mr. XXX, of the Ministry of Communications has
been sent by the Japanese Government to this country to study postal,
telegraphic and telephonic organization.
I shall, therefore, be much obliged if Your Lordship could see your way to
communicate with the authorities concerned, in order that proper facilities may
be afforded him.
I have the honor to be, etc.

2-21-1 E-10、請求協助(其他事項)範例
Referring to our conversation of yesterday regarding the expected arrival in
England of Mr. XXX and his party, I will communicate with you further as soon
as the time of their arrival at Liverpool becomes known, so that the
arrangements for the special train may be made definitely.
As to the hotel accommodation, I should feel greatly obliged if, through your
courtesy, arrangements could be made for the following persons:
It may be added that the party are expected to arrive at Liverpool about
the ....instant, leaving New York by the Canard liner “Car mania” on or about
the ....instant.

2-21-1 E-11、請求協助(其他事項)範例
The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to state that the steamer of the Osaka Shosen
Kaisha, Japan, plying between Japan and the East Coast of South America via
the Cape, have been taking coal at Durban both on their outward and homeward
voyage, no coal being obtainable along the East Coast of South America. Of late,


owing to the restrictions imposed by the British Naval authorities at that port on
the supply of coals, the company has been subject to great inconvenience in
maintaining the service in question.
XXX begs leave, therefore, under instructions from his Government, to request
that Mr. YYY will be good enough to communicate with the competent
Department of His Majesty’s Government to the end that they may see their way
to enable these steamers to obtain the necessary amount of coal at Durban.
The Japanese Ambassador begs to add that these steamers are scheduled to call
at Durban once a month after December next on their outward and also on their
homeward voyage, requiring 2,500 tons and 2,000 tons of coal respectively,
aggregating 4,500 tons per month.

2-21-1 E-12、請求協助(其他事項)範例
My Lord,
I have the honor to state that the Japanese steamer "Kwantou Maru" was
refused clearance some time ago by the port authorities of Bombay on the
ground that she was not provided with a load line certificate as required by the
Merchant Shipping Act of India of 1880, according to which merchant vessels
running to and from India are to be refused clearance unless they are equipped
with the load line certificate issued either by the British Board of Trade, Lloyd’s
Registry of Shipping, Bureau Veritas or the British Corporation for Survey and
I am given to understand that in spite of the fact that the said act was put in
force on July 1st, 19XX, the authorities concerned were lenient in its application
until May last, since which time it has been enforced to the letter.
The Japanese Government have long been alive to the necessity of laying down
the special regulations concerning the load line certificate, particularly in view of
the suggestion made to them some time ago by His Britannic Majesty’s
Government, but they considered it advisable that, in framing such regulations,
they should be guided by the decision to be reached at the international
conference on load line certificates, which would have sat in London in ....... but
for the outbreak of the present war.
In the absence of such regulations there are at present some Japanese vessels
that are equipped with no other load line certificates than those issued by the
"Teikoku Kaiji Kyokai" (Imperial Marine Association of Japan), which was
established some eighteen years ago with the object of promoting the shipping
interests of Japan. It is now carrying on the registry of Japanese shipping after


the fashion of Lloyd’s Registry and Bureau Veritas, and is deemed by the
Japanese Government as fully qualified for a function of this kind. Having
regard to the fact that these vessels are now placed on the Indian route, the strict
enforcement at the present juncture of the Merchant Shipping Act above alluded
to would, it is feared, inevitably lead to the entire elimination of these vessels
from the Indian service.
It is hardly necessary to point out that the Japanese Government, keenly alive to
the shortage of tonnage at the Allies’ disposal, have been striving to the best of
their ability towards its adjustment, and are, therefore, confident that in these
times, when the dearth of ships is more acutely felt, His Majesty’s Government
will not be slow to recognize that the dislocation of this service, however local it
may be, would be prejudicial to the interests of the Allies in general.
Accordingly, in view of the fact that the load line certificate issued by the
"Teikoku Kaiji Koyokai" is made out, as in the case of Lloyd’s certificate, on the
lines laid down in the British Board of Trade regulations and is, in fact, accepted
as valid by the port authorities in Asiatic Russia, the Japanese Government are
desirous that the British authorities would for the time being extend their
recognition to load line certificates issued .by the "Teikoku Kaiji Kyokai" as in
the case of those issued by similar institutions in England and France.
In these circumstances, I have the honor to request, in pursuance of instructions
from my Government that you would be kind enough to exercise your good
offices to the end that His Majesty’s Government as well as the Governments of
the Overseas
Dominions may see their way to give effect to the desire of the Japanese
Government as above detailed, so that the Japanese vessels furnished with
certificates issued by the Imperial Marine Association may, as a matter of
expediency, be allowed clearance in any port in His Britannic Majesty’s
I have the honor to be, etc.

2-21-1 E-13、請求協助(其他事項)範例
The present will serve to introduce to you Mr. XXX, of …………. Co., Ltd., 25,
Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2, who is leaving this country for Japan on the 17th
instant, going through Canada, accompanied by his wife.
It is not necessary for me to add anything in reference to the firm
of …………Co., Ltd., in view of its importance both in this country and in


The object of Mr. XXX’s visit is to attend to his firm’s interests in Japan,
following upon the recent earthquake, and at the same time he would be pleased
to offer his services in regard to any matters commercial or financial concerned
with the problem of the work of reconstruction in Japan.
I shall be pleased if you will be good enough to grant Mr. XXX an interview from
time to time, so that you may avail yourself of his kind offer when occasion
I have the honor to be, etc.

2-21-1 E-14、請求協助(其他事項)範例

The Japanese Embassy presents its compliments to the Department of the

Interior, and hereby begs to introduce Prof. xxx who is attached to the Civil
Engineering Department of the Imperial University at ......, Japan, and has been
sent here by the Government for the purpose of study.
Any courtesies which-may be kindly extended to Prof. XXX to facilitate his study
will be highly appreciated by this Embassy.

2-21-1 E-15、請求協助(其他事項)範例
September 11, 1991
Note No. 124
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China has appointed
Mr. Yuen Po Yang, a horticulturist to the Bahamas on temporary duty basis to
assist in planning an improvement and maintenance project for the Botanical
Gardens in New Providence. Dr. Yang will arrive at Nassau at 7:55 p. m. on
September 21 via PA 4747. The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry
would notify the authorities concerned to make necessary preparations for
facilitating his mission.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


2-21-1 E-16、請求協助(其他事項)範例
January 22, 1993
Note No 234
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China, in order to
promote culture exchanges between the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the
Republic of China on the art of flowers arrangement, is going to send a
three-man Mission to the Bahamas.
The Mission, comprising Ms. Mei-Yeh Lin, Secretary General of the Association
of the Flower Arrangement Artists of the Republic of China, Mr. Chang-Meng
Chao, Executive Secretary of the Association and Mr. Yung-An Chuan assistant
will arrive in Nassau on February 17 and leave on February 21, 1993. They are
tentatively scheduled to conduct a seminar and demonstration at the
Government House on February 18 and hold an exhibition at the Mall of
Marathon on February 20, 1993.
The Embassy would highly appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly inform the
authorities concerned and lend its support to the activities of the said Mission
during its stay in Nassau.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-21-1 E-17、請求協助(其他事項)範例
March 24, 1992
Note No. 567
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of its Note No. 146 dated 28th February 1992, concerning
the Botanical Garden’s Improvement Project and to inform the Ministry that Mr.
Yuen-po Yang will arrive at Nassau at 11:10 P.M. on March 29, 1992 via AAS719
and leave Nassau for Miami at 10:00 AM on April 23, 1992 via AA5772. The
Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would notify the authorities
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


2-21-1 E-18、請求協助(其他事項)範例
October 16, 1992
Note No. 351
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that in order to encourage tourists from the Republic of China
to visit the Caribbean countries, the Bureau of Tourism of the Republic of China
intends to organize a delegation of travel agents, tour conductors and travel
reporters to visit the Bahamas and wishes to know what assistance the tourism
authorities of the Bahamas may render for facilitating the visit such as hotel
accommodations and local transportation during their stay in the Bahamas. The
Bureau also wishes to know their opinion on how large the delegation should be
(number of members) and who else should be included (in addition to the travel
agents etc. mentioned above) and the proper dates for the visit.
The Embassy would greatly appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly consult
the authorities concerned and let the Embassy know the answers at its earliest
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-21-1 E-19、請求協助(其他事項)範例
June 1, 1992
Note No. 182
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Republic of China passport No. MF2568774 issued to
Mr. Yu-fei TSAO, a broker of securities, born on June 5, 1950, is revoked. Mr.
Tsao has been found acquiring by fraudulence over 10 million U.S. Dollars from
his customers and is now at large broad.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would notify the authorities
concerned to provide assistance in arresting the above mentioned wanted
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


2-21-1 E-20、請求協助(其他事項)範例
June 19, 1992
Note No. 212
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China is going to send a
three man study mission to the Bahamas to evaluate the conch shell processing
The study mission, comprising Mr. I-Ming Tung, Representative of the
International Economic Cooperation and Development Fund, Mr. Tsao-chu
Chen, Director of the Taiwan District Jewelry Manufacturer's Association and
Mr. Shih-chang Lin, conch shell processing expert, will arrive at Nassau on July
15, 1992 via AA 1601 and stay in the Bahamas for a week. They are scheduled to
leave on July 22, 1992.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would inform the authorities
concerned to prepare a proper program for the Mission.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


As the 23rd regular session of the General Assembly of the United Nations is
scheduled to meet on September 24, 1968 and the so-called question of
representation of China will certainly arise again at the General Assembly, I am
instructed by my Government to see Your Excellency and once again solicit the
support of your Government in our case.
The said question will probably be, as it has been before, posed in more than one
form of proposal, such as a proposal for the unseating of the Republic of China
from the United Nations and admission of Chinese communists thereto; a
proposal to recognize the question of the Chinese representation as an important
one within the meaning of Article 18 of the US Charter; and a proposal for the
setting up of a committee for the study of the question.
It is the earnest hope of my Government that you will instruct your Delegation to
the UN to vote in favor of us in whichever forms the proposal may turnout.
A memorandum giving a brief account of the recent development of the question


along with the views of my Government thereon is herewith enclosed for your
Highly appreciative of the firm (friendly, unfailing, unwavering, unreserved)
support you have (your Government has) always lent us, I count again upon
Your Excellency's favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs July 15, 1965
(Name of the Capital)

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of (country) and has the honor to state that the United
Muttons Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) will hold its
general conference at (place) on (date) and that it seems to be a hackneyed
practice of the communist countries to raise the so-called question of Chinese
representation at the conference.
The Chinese Government is strongly of the opinion that this question was fully
debated at the last (1967) session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
and that definite decisions were taken on all of the proposals pertaining to that
question. It only stands to reason that all the auxiliary organizations or
specialized agencies of the United Nations should abide by them and have no
right to reopen the question at their individual conferences, which are more or
less of technical and non-political nature.
The Chinese Government earnestly hopes that the Government of (country)
shares this view and will instruct its Delegation to the conference just to oppose
the seizure of such question by the conference and to vote for the Republic of
China, if such question should eventually be put to vote.
With sincere appreciation of the friendly attitude the Ministry has hitherto
assumed in regard to this question the Embassy looks forward to a favorable
reply from the Ministry at earliest convenience.
The Embassy takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the assurances of its highest consideration.

November 9, 1989


Note No. 130

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to inform the latter that at
the forthcoming 58th annual conference of the International Criminal Police
Organization to be held on 27th November of this year in Lyon, France, the
restoration of the Republic of China's rights as a full member will be discussed.
Enclosed is a position paper of the Government of the Republic of China on this
matter. The Embassy would greatly appreciate it if the Bahamian delegates to
the Conference would support the position of the Republic of China.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

November 2, 1989
Note No. 635
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas presents
its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 139 of November 23, 1989 concerning the
Embassy's request that The Bahamas' delegation to the Interpol Meeting
support a motion to re-supply the red, blue and green criminal information
notices to the Government of the Republic of China.
The Ministry has the honor to inform the Embassy that The Bahamas'
delegation to the Interpol Meeting has been instructed to support the position of
the Government of the Republic of China.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China, the
assurances of its highest consideration.

November 23, 1989
Note No. 139
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 130 under the date of November 9, 1989, and to
inform the Ministry that during the forthcoming annual Conference of the


Interpol, the government of the Republic of China will not ask friendly countries
to propose resolutions to reinstate its full membership. However, Holland,
Belgium, West Germany, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Singapore,
Malaysia, Fiji, Indonesia, Peru, Brazil, Chile and Guatemala etc. have promised
to support the position of the Republic of China at the conference. The Embassy
wishes that the delegates of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas will support a
motion at the meetings of the Telegraph and Information Committee on the
morning of November 29, 1989 to as the Committee to re-supply the red, blue,
and green criminal information "notices" to the Government of the Republic of
China so as to fortify the joint efforts to suppress worldwide crimes, and to
speak out at proper opportunity during the proceeding against the unreasonable
situation of the membership status of the Republic of China.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 15, 1992
Note No. 635
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas presents
its compliments to the Embassy ~f the Republic of China and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 139 of November 23, 1989 concerning the
Embassy's request that The Bahamas' delegation to the Interpol Meeting
support a motion to re-supply the red, blue and green criminal information
notices to the Government of the Republic of China.
The Ministry has the honor to inform the Embassy that The Bahamas'
delegation to the Interpol Meeting has been instructed to support the position of
the Government of the Republic of China.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China, the
assurances of its highest consideration.

April 28, 199
Note No. 123
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China presents its


compliments to the Embassy of ……….. and has the honor to inform the latter
that after briefing the Diplomatic Corps by H. E. John H. Chang, the Foreign
Minister, on April 22, 1997, about the Republic of China's application for
observer status in the World Health Organization, the Ministry received from its
Representative Office in Switzerland a response from Mr. Thomas S. R. Topping,
a Legal Counsel to the Director-General of the WHO, in which he presented his
legal opinion concerning the Republic of China’s application for observer status
in the WHO.
Mr. Topping argues that: 1) the WHO does not have the category of observer; 2)
though the Director-General has in his discretion extended an invitation to
certain entities to attend the Health Assembly as an observer, he has so far
exercised his discretion In extending such invitations only to entities having a
status in international law and whose attendance was considered to be not
controversial; 3) WHO adheres closely to the positions and policies adopted by
the General Assembly of the United Nations, therefore the UN Resolution 2758
(XXVI) relating to the representation of China is considered relevant
Mr. Topping’s arguments are totally unacceptable to the Government of the
Republic of China. First of all, the Republic of China is applying for observer
status to attend the Assembly on a standing invitation basis, just as what the
Holy See did and successfully obtained in 1950. To say that the WHO dose not
have the category of observer is mincing words. Secondly, the Republic of
China's international personality has never ceased to exist since its establishment
in 1912. It has population, sovereignty, elected government, diplomatic
relationship with thirty countries, and meets all the criteria of a state as defined
by the Montevideo Convention of I933. There should be no question whatsoever
about the Republic of China's status in international law. Thirdly the UN
Resolution 2758 (XXVI) was adopted twenty-six years ago at the peak of cold
war. It can’t rightly reflect the current situation that exists in the Republic of
China on Taiwan. Fourthly, the WHO was established to provide the highest
attainable standard of health to all peoples. As such, its decisions should be
free of any political interference, What's more, the Republic of China's
application for observer status, instead, of full membership, is empathetic
enough so that the possible controversy arising from an application for full
membership of the WHO could be avoided.
'The Government of the Republic of China vehemently rejects those points of
arguments and in addition to refuting them, it has decided to ask its friendly
countries to make a proposal requesting that a supplementary item entitled
"Inviting the Republic of China on Taiwan to attend the World Health Assembly


in the capacity of observer" be including the agenda of the forthcoming Fiftieth

World Health Assembly to be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 5 to 14,
1997. In this respect, the Government oft he Republic of China would like to
request the esteemed Government of ……… to render its continued support in a
timely manner by co-sponsoring the proposal and voting in favor wheal it is
considered in the meetings of the General Committee and the Plenary Session of
the Assembly. It is further requested that the esteemed Government
of ……… kind enough to instruct its Delegation to the aforementioned
Assembly to contact closely with the representative Office of the Government of
the Republic of China in Switzerland, and take needed actions accordingly.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China avail itself of this
opportunity to renew to Embassy of … the assurances of its highest

April 28, 1996
With regard to the Republic of China application for observer status in the
World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO), I would like
to bring to your attention the following developments:
After my briefing about the aforesaid application at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs on April 22, my Government received from our Representative Office in
Switzerland a response from Mr. Thomas S, P., Topping, a Legal Counsel to the
Director-General of the WH0, in which he presented his legal opinion concerning
the Republic of China's application for observer status in the WHO. Mr.
Topping argues that: 1) the WHO does not have the category of observer; 2)
though the Director-General has in his discretion extended an invitation to
certain entity to attend the Health Assembly as an observer, he has so far
exercised his discretion in extending such invitations only to entities having a
status in international law and whose attendance was considered to be not
controversial; 3) WHO adheres closely to the positions and policies adopted by
the General Assembly of the United Nations, therefore the UN Resolution 2758
(XXVI) relating to the representation of China is considered relevant.
We vehemently rejects those points of arguments, First of all, the Republic of
China is applying for an observer status to attend the Assembly on a standing
invitation basis, just as what the Holy See did and successfully obtained in1950.
There are various categories of observers to the World Health Assembly


provided for in the Assembly’s Rules of Procedures. To say that the WHO dose
not have the category of observer is mincing the words Secondly, the Republic of
China's international personality has never ceased to exist since its establishment
in 1912. It has population, sovereignty, elected government, and diplomatic
relations with 30 countries. In this sense, it meets all the criteria of a state as
defined by the Montevideo Convention of 1933. There should be no question
whatsoever about the Republic of China’s status in international law. Thirdly,
the UN Resolution 2758 (XXVI) was adopted twenty-six years ago at the peak of
Cold War. It can not rightly reflect the current situation that exists in the
Republic of China on Taiwan. Fourthly, the WHO was established to provide the
highest attainable standard of health to all peoples. As such, its decisions should
be free of any political interference. What's more, the Republic of China’s
application for observer status, instead of full membership, is empathetic enough
so that possible controversy existing from an application for full membership of
the WHO could be avoided,
We will ask our friendly countries to make a proposal that supplementary item
entitled "Inviting the Republic of China on Taiwan to attend the World Health
Assembly in the capacity of observer" be included in the agenda of the
forthcoming Fiftieth 'World Health Assembly to be held in Geneva, Switzerland
from May 5 to 14, 1997. In this respect, we would like to request your esteemed
Government to render its continued support in a timely manner by
co-sponsoring the proposal and voting in favor when it is considered in the
meetings of the General Committee and the Plenary Session of the Assembly. It
is further requested that your esteemed Government be kind enough to instruct
its Delegation to the aforementioned Assembly to contact closely with the
Representative Office- of the Government of the Republic of China in
Switzerland, and to take needed actions accordingly.
Your kind assistance and cooperation on this matter will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
(John H. Chang)
Foreign Minister

Dear Mr. XXX,
I have the honor to inform Your Lordship that I am in receipt of a telegram from
my Government, stating that the main library of the Tokyo Imperial University


and also the special libraries of tile Faculties of Law, Literature and Economics
were all burnt to the ground in the conflagration which followed the earthquake,
all the books and documents which they contained being reduced to ashes. The
collection, which was the result of many decades of patient and arduous efforts,
of Eastern and Western publications and manuscripts, ancient and modern,
consisting of not less than 700,000 volumes, has thus been swept away. The
authorities are making strenuous exertions to ensure the rehabilitation of the
above-mentioned libraries, but, about two-thirds of the whole University
buildings themselves having been entirely destroyed, and the remainder more or
less severely damaged, the cost of restoration will be very great and the task of
collecting once more such books and manuscripts as can be replaced adds
enormously to the difficulty of realizing the schemes of reconstruction.
In these circumstances, it is most gratifying to learn that, according to a
telegram from my Government, Your Charge daffier at Tokyo has expressed the
willingness of your Government to assist the University authorities in
re-establishing the libraries. It need scarcely be said that this kind proposal has
been most gratefully accepted, coming, as it does, at so timely a moment from
this friendly nation upon whose stores of knowledge the Japanese people have, in
the past, been able to draw by means of the books and documents that have been
I beg to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for the prompt action
of your Embassy at Tokyo, and, under instructions from my Government, I
venture to approach Your Lordship with a request that you would be so very
kind as to use your influence towards the realization of this proposal.
In this connection I may state that quite recently I received kind offers of
services from two powerful institutions of this country, namely, the University
Bureau of the British Empire and the League of Nations Union. The former will
endow us with such books and periodicals as the Universities and colleges of this
country publish or are able to obtain, while the latter proposes to make an
appeal to the public on the subject.
I may also add that the books and publications moat needed are those dealing
with literature, including philosophy and history, and other branches of social
science such as law, polities, economics, statistics, finance, commerce, etc.
I have the honor to be, etc.



At the request of my Government, I have the honor to state as follows:

The Government hatcheries having had good results in hatching trout eggs
which your Government has been good enough to supply several times, the
Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce in Tokyo wishes to be informed whether
it could obtain from the Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce
three million eggs of the American trout family, preferably of the common
white-fish (conregonus albus) or cisco (lencichthy artedi) before the end of next
March. If the Bureau of Fisheries finds it difficult to supply so large a number of
eggs of these two varieties, the said Ministry in Tokyo will be much to have the
eggs of landlocked salmon, lake trout, or silver salmon.
All the expenses that may be incurred in packing and transporting the eggs to
Japan will be paid by the said Ministry.
I shall be very grateful if you will take proper steps in order that the above may
be transmitted to the Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce. In
case the said Bureau can see its way to comply with this request, I shall be much
pleased to send to the Bureau, if agreeable, a Secretary to this Embassy, to
arrange details.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and
Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and has the honor to enclose identification
cards for.......
It is requested that the cards for ...... now held by members of the Diplomatic
Corps may be promptly returned in order that a proper record of them may be
kept in the Department.

No. 419
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to inform
the Ministry of the arrival in Seoul of Mr. and Mrs. XXX on July 15, 200X.
Mr. XXX has assumed his duties as First Secretary of the Embassy, replacing Mr.
YYY who departed post on July 10,200X. Mr. XXX’s name will follow that of Mr.


ZZZ on the Embassy Diplomatic List.

Applications and photographs for the issuance of Diplomatic Identification
Cards to Mr. and Mrs. XXX are enclosed.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.

1. Two Applications
2. Two Diplomatic Identification Cards
3. Four Extra Photos
Embassy of the United States of America,
Seoul, August 18, 1971.

The Embassy of the United States of America informs the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Italy that Mr. XXX has recently arrived in Rome to assume his duties
as First Secretary of Embassy and Chief of the Political Section.
Mr. XXX is accompanied by his wife as well as the completed forms requesting
their Identity Cards.
The Embassy will greatly appreciate it if the Ministry will return the passports
of Mr. and Mrs. XX along with their Identity Cards at an early date.
1. Two passports.
2. Two requests for Identity Cards.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Rome, July 200X

(備 忘 錄)
The Embassy of the United States of America transmits to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Japan, for its information, the Commission of Mr. XXX as a
Vice Consul of the United States of America in Osaka.
The return of the Commission to the Embassy, after appropriate action has been


taken by the Ministry, will be appreciated.

Enclosure: A Commission of Mr.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of (name of the Country) and has the honor to state that Mr.
XXX, newly appointed Second Secretary of this Embassy, accompanied by his
wife, Mrs. XXX and two children, is arriving at (the capital), to take up his
duties by the American Airlines, flight no. 012 on (date) at (Time).
As no diplomatic or consular mission has yet been established by the............
Government in Taipei at present, Mr. XXX finds it difficult to obtain the
necessary visa for entering this country.
The Embassy, therefore, will appreciate it, if the Ministry will be good enough to
cause the required visas to be issued to Mr. and Mrs. XXX and family upon their
arrival at the airport.
The numbers of the Diplomatic Passports held by Mr. and Mrs. XXX are
D123455 and D123456 respectively.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber stamp)
To The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Protocol Department,


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy
of the Republic of Italy and has the honor to request the latter to be good enough
to see its way to issue a transit visa to Mr. XXX, bearer of a Chinese official
passport, No. O123456 who is undertaking a trip to Europe on official business
and intends to make a stop-over at Rome for a couple of days.


His official passport is herewith enclosed for the purpose stated above.

Any courtesy shown Mr. XXX will be appreciated.

The Chinese Embassy takes this Opportunity to renew to the Italy Embassy the
assurances of its highest consideration,



(Embassy rubber stamp)

To the Embassy of the Republic of Italy


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy
of.............. and has the honor to recommend to the consideration of the latter the
issuing of a visa to Mr. ……, holder of a Chinese passport, No. ……, who is on a
business trip in several countries of Europe (America, etc) and desires to
visit ……… where he will spend a few days investigating the market situation
Mr. ........’s passport is herewith enclosed. The Chinese Embassy will appreciate
any assistance that may be extended to him.
The Chinese Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
the ……….Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber seal)
To the Embassy of.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy
of………. and has the honor to request that the letter be good enough to issue a
transit visa to Mr. ………, Second Secretary of this Embassy, who, being
transferred to Washington, is proceeding to new post via Europe and proposes
(or intends) to break his journey at …… for a few days’ visit.

Mr. ……… is accompanied by Mrs. ……… Their diplomatic passports Nos. ……

and ……… respectively are herewith enclosed for the purpose stated above.
Any courtesy shown them will be appreciated.
The Chinese Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the …
Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber stamp)

To the Embassy of ………….

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of (Name of country) and has the honor to state that His
Excellency Ambassador ……… is planning a trip to Europe for a short leave. It
will be appreciated, if the Ambassador could be furnished with an exit visa as
well as a visa for re-entry of the country.
The Ambassador’s passport No. …… is herewith enclosed for the purpose stated
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber seal)
To the Ministry of Foreign affair


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy
of …….. and has the honor to state that The Chinese
Ambassador ………………, accompanied by Mme ……… is planning a trip to
Europe for a short leave and proposes to visit ……… for a few days. It will be
appreciated, if Ambassador and Mme. …… could be furnished with a visa
necessary for the visit.


Their passports Nos. …… and ……… respectively are herewith enclosed

(attached) for the purpose stated above.
The Chinese Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the …
Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

(Embassy rubber stamp)
To the Embassy of …………………


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of tile Republic of China presents its

compliments to the Consulate General of …………… in Hong Kong and has the
honor to request that appropriate visas be issued respectively to Messrs XXX
and YYY, Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China,
who are proceeding to Germany via Rome.
The courtesy of the Consulate General in this matter will be highly appreciated.


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has the honor to request the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office for the issuance of visa endorsement in
respect of Ms. XXX and family.
Ms. XXX is an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and has
been posted to the Korean Commerce and industry Office in Taipei as ……. .
She will be accompanied by her husband Mr. XXX and her daughter
and will arrive in Taipei on March 12, 1995 and remain there for two years.
It would be appreciated if an appropriate entry visa could be inscribed on the
enclosed passports.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office the assurances of its highest


September 18, 1992
Note No. 337
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to be good enough to make arrangements for Mr. Wu,
Min-Hsin, a piggery specialist and head of the ROC Agricultural Technical
Mission to the Republic of Paraguay, to be granted necessary visa upon arrival
at the Nassau International Airport.
Mr. Wu is coming to the Bahamas at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries of the Bahamas for a study on the Piggery Industry of the
Bahamas. He is scheduled to arrive at Nassau by AA5727 on October 1, 1992.
Enclosed herewith are one copy each of the letters from the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries to the Ambassador Chang and his letter in response.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

February 6, 1993
Note No. 002
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to be good enough to issue multiple re-entry visas valid for one
year to Madam Susanna Chang, wife of the Ambassador Ping-Nan Chang.
Enclosed herewith are a complete application form and her passport.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

March 1, 1992
Note No. 003
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to be good enough to issue a multiple re-entry visa valid for one


year each to Mr. Chain-err Lee, member of the Agricultural Technical Mission of
the Republic of China, his wife Chung Yan-feng Lee, and his son Jo-Ya Lee.
Enclosed herewith are completed visa application forms and their passports.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

October 22, 1992
Note No. 356
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter be good enough to issue a multiple re-entry visa valid for one
year to Mr. Lin, chin-sen, technician of the Agricultural Technical Mission of the
Republic of China to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Enclosed herewith are
a visa application form and his passport.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

April 10, 1992
Note No. 132
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to issue multiple re-entry visas valid for one year to Mr.
Chain-Er Lee, technician of the Agricultural Technical Mission of the Republic
of China to the Bahamas, and his family. Enclosed please find four visa
application forms and passports.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


July 27, 1992
Note No. 231
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to issue a multiple re-entry visa valid for one year each to Mr.
Gilbert M. Pan, Counselor of the Embassy, Mrs. Grace L. H. Pan as well as their
daughter Susan S. C. Pan and Mr. Stephen S. H. Pan. Enclosed please find their
visa application forms and passports.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

August 10, 1992
Note No. 269
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to issue multiple re-entry visa for one year to Mr. Tsai,
Shyr-Jwu, newly appointed member of the Agricultural Technical Mission of the
Republic of China, his wife Mrs. Tsai, Fu Hui-yu, his son Tsai, Chi-Song and
his daughter Tsai, Chi-Ru. Enclosed please find their visa application forms and
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 25, 1978
The Embassy of Korea
Washington, D.C.
It would be appreciated if you would affix a visa to the attached Diplomatic
passport of:
Katherine Schwering, NO. XI36307
who is proceeding abroad on official business to Seoul at the American Embassy
where she will be assigned as Third Secretary. She expects to depart from the


United States on August I, 1978 and arrive on August 9, 1978, for a two year
Loren E. Lawrence
Director, Passport Office

No. 24/246
The Department of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of
the Republic of Korea and has the honor to request visa endorsement in respect
of Mr. L.W. Herron.
Mr. Herron, an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs, will be traveling to
Seoul on 9 August 1978 for approximately 5 days on official business. He departs
Australia on 27 July 1978.
It would be appreciated if an appropriate Visa could be inscribed in the enclosed
Passport .No OF-40658.
The Department of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
the Embassy of the Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest


The Department of External Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of

Korea and has the honor to enclose Canadian Special passport no. S65201 issued
in the name of Mr. Kenneth
Joseph Tyrrell, an officer of the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce,
who is proceeding to Seoul to accompany the Honorable John Henry Horner on
his Official Liaison Visit at the Canadian Embassy.
He is leaving Canada on August l0 and plans to be in Seoul from August 14 to
August 19.
It would be appreciated if the appropriate visa could be inserted in the enclosed
passport and the passport returned to the Department as soon as convenient.

OTTAWA, August 8, 1978.


(節 略)
The Department of Asia and Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
presents its compliments to the Thai Trade and Economic Office and has the
honor to request the latter to be good enough to issue a visa valid for one week to
Mr. XXX, a correspondent of the Central Daily News of Taipei.
Mr. XXX, holder of passport No. 123456 who is on his way back to Taiwan,
would like to spend a few days in Thailand. Any courtesy extended to Mr. XXX
will be deeply appreciated.
The Department of Asia and Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Thai Trade and Economic Office
the assurances of its highest consideration.

(節 略)
The Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents
its compliments to the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taipei and
has the honor to inform the latter that Mr. XXX, an official of the Overseas
Chinese Affairs Commission, will leave for the Hague on April 5, 1998 to attend
a meeting of the World Taiwanese Commerce in the Netherlands. Mr. XXX is
scheduled to return to Taipei on April 12, 1998 immediately after the meeting.
One duly completed visa application form, one photo and one passport are
enclosed herewith for reference. Any courtesy and assistance extended to the
applicant will be highly appreciated.
The Department of European' Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Netherlands Trade and Economic Office
the assurances of its highest consideration.


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has the honor to request the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office for the issuance of visa endorsement in
respect of Ms. XXX and family.
Ms. XXX is an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and has
been posted to the Korean Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei as ………..
She will be accompanied by her husband Mr. XXX and her daughter YYY and


will arrive in Taipei on March 12, 1995 and remain there for two years.
It would be appreciated if an appropriate entry visa could be inscribed on the
enclosed passports.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office the assurances of its highest

(節 略)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of tile Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Consulate General of …………… in Hong Kong and has the
honor to request that appropriate visas be issued respectively to Messrs XXX
and YYY, Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China,
who are proceeding to Germany via Rome.
The courtesy of the Consulate General in this matter will be highly appreciated.


The Embassy of the Republic of ….. presents its compliments to the Department
of Foreign Affairs of the ............ and has the honor to request that the
attached diplomatic passport of Mrs. ..........., wife of the ..........Ambassador, be
appropriately visaed for re-entry into ...........
Enclosure: Diplomatic Passport No. ........

September 18, 1992
Note No. 337
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to be good enough to make arrangements for Mr. Wu,
Min-Hsin, a piggery specialist and head of the ROC Agricultural Technical
Mission to the Republic of Paraguay, to be granted necessary visa upon arrival
at the Nassau International Airport.
Mr. Wu is coming to the Bahamas at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries of the Bahamas for a study on the Piggery Industry of the


Bahamas. He is scheduled to arrive at Nassau by AA5727 on October 1, 1992.

Enclosed herewith are one copy each of the letters from the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries to the Ambassador Chang and his letter in response.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 15, 200X
Note No. 1234
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to issue an appropriate Diplomatic Corps license plate to the
1992 Honda Civic vehicle, newly purchased by Mr. Gilbert M. Pan, Counselor of
the Embassy.
The Embassy is pleased to enclose herewith the application for Diplomatic Corps
license plate in triplicate for the above-stated purpose.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

No. 31
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to inform
the Ministry that Mr. Choi, Dong Kyu, Assistant Minister for Planning and
Management, Economic Planning Board, has been awarded an International
Visitor grant to participate in the Multi-Regional Project on International
Economic Relations and to have the benefit of first-hand observation of the
United States and its people. His program in the United States will begin on
March 13, 1977, and will continue for four weeks. The Department of State will
provide air travel from Korea to the United States and return and per diem for
the duration of the grant.
The Embassy would appreciate the Ministry’s assistance in expediting the


issuance of a passport to Mr. Choi.

The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurances
of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, February 9, 1977

American Embassy
Seoul, Korea
August 9, 1978
Mr. Park, Min Su
Director General
Consular & Overseas
Residence Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dear Mr. Park:
The U.S. Feed Grains Council (USFGC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) have invited Mr. Park, Young In, Director, USFGC/Korea to manage the
Korea Poultry Industry Team to observe the U.S. feed and poultry industry
The team sponsored by the USFGC and USDA is scheduled to depart from
Korea September 2, 1978 for approximately a two-week itinerary. International
travel and normal living expenses for Mr. Park during the official schedule will
be provided by USFGC.
The USFGC is a non-profit organization conducting oversea market
development activities under contract with the USDA.
Your cooperation for Mr. Park to get a passport for this travel would be
appreciated. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this travel.
Sincerely yours,
Gerald W. Sheldon
Agricultural Attaché

Seoul, Korea
August 11, 1978


Mr. Song Jae Rok

Chief, Passport Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dear Mr. Song:

I am to be transferred to the United States Embassy in the Republic of
Guatemala. I will be leaving Korea on September 20. I wish, if it is possible, to
take my maid, Miss Lee Tai-Soon, Identity Card Number 380226-2019618,
issued 2/11/76, with me to continue to work for us. Miss Lee is both a very good
worker and a good friend, almost a member of our family.
In view of the imminence of my departure, I hope that you will be able to give
her special consideration in processing her papers and issuing the passport
before I have to leave.
I have asked Miss Lee to carry this letter to your office in order to introduce her
and on that occasion to prepare whatever papers are required for your
If there is anything further that I need to do to facilitate your consideration,
please let me know.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
John T. Bennett
Economic-Commercial Counselor

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and would be most grateful if a Multiple passport could be
issued to Mr. Lee Jang Kyoon who has been employed by the Embassy as
Consular Assistant since 21st August 1972.
Mr. Lee proposes to visit the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, the United
States of America and Europe. This will benefit his work for the Embassy
generally and will improve his knowledge of international immigration and
judiciary procedure.
Mr. Lee will remain an employee of the Embassy on full salary during his
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avail them of this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of their highest consideration.


28 September 1978

No. 658
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to
request two hundred forty four (244) hunting licenses, in accordance with
diplomatic procedure, for persons of the attached list.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would issue the diplomatic
hunting licenses at an early date.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the
assurances of its highest consideration.

List of Applicants

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, October 7, 1971

2-21-6A-1、請求確認 (領事名錄之正誤) 範例

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and has the honor to transmit herewith a list of
the Consular Officers of their respective Governments in the United States, with
the request that it may be verified as to its correctness as soon as possible and
returned for insertion in the forthcoming edition of the annual Register of the
Department of State.
The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the
Secretary of State, and has the honor to return herewith a list of the Consular
Officers of Japan in the United States, which has been verified as to its


2-21-6A-2、請求確認 (雙方之了解) 範例
During the negotiations for the Treaty signed today between His Excellency the
President of the National Government of the Republic of China and His Majesty
the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas,
Emperor of India, for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and India, a number of questions have been discussed upon which
agreement has been realized. The understandings reached with regard to these
points are recorded in the annex to the present Note, which annex shall be
considered as an integral part of the Treaty signed today and shall be considered
as effective upon the date of the entrance into force of that Treaty. I should be
glad if Your Excellency would confirm these understandings on behalf of His
Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.
Chinese Foreign Minster
2-21-6A-3、請求確認 (協定) 範例
Mr. Minister,
I have the honor to refer to the conversations recently held between the
representatives of the Governments of the Republic of China and Japan
regarding the scheduled air services between and beyond both countries, and to
confirm on behalf of the Government of the Republic of China the following
arrangements agreed upon in the course of these conversations, which the
Governments of both countries undertake to apply within the limits of their
administrative powers:
I have the honor to request Your Excellency to be good enough to confirm the
above -mentioned arrangements on behalf of the Government of Japan.
I avail myself of this opportunity co renew co Your Excellency, Mr. Minister, the
assurance of my highest consideration.

2-21-6B-1、請求認證 (身分文件) 範例
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Japanese


Ambassador, and, in compliance with the request made in his note of ......, has
pleasure in enclosing a certificate attesting to the status of the person indicated
below, which should be returned to the Department' of State when it has served
its purpose.
Certificate for: Mr. XXX, an employee of the Japanese Embassy.
The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the
Secretary of State, and, in compliance with the request made in the Secretary’s
note of ......, has the honor to return herewith the certificate issued for Mr. XXX,
which has served the purpose.

The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor of calling
to the attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Korea
concerning cooperation in fisheries which entered into force December 12, 1972.
Article IX of the Agreement provides that either party may request the opening
of discussions with a view to modifying the Agreement. The Government of the
United States requests the opening of such discussions with the Government of
the Republic of Korea at a mutually convenient time not later than August 15,
1976 and preferably during the period August 5-11, 1976 in Washington.
As the Government of the Republic of Korea is aware, the United States recently
enacted into law the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The
Government of the United States is proceeding with the implementation of this
Act which requires that existing arrangements with foreign nations whose
nationals and vessels are engaged in fishing in the U. S. conservation zone be
made to conform to the provisions of the Act. It is with a view towards modifying
the existing agreement between the Government of the United States and the
Government of Korea that the United States is requesting the holding of such a
In connection with preparations for that meeting, the Government of the United
States further proposes the holding of informal discussions in Seoul for a two-day
period beginning June 23 to permit an exchange of views regarding the
implementation of the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976.


The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs the assurance of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Seoul, June 11, 1976

Number 421
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and, with reference to
discussions toward replacing the present Agreement on Fisheries Cooperation
between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America with a bilateral
governing International Fisheries Agreement, has the honor to propose that
delegations representing the two Governments undertake to continue their
discussion of the Draft of the Agreement on October 25 and 27, 1976 at Seoul, for
which it proposes that Dr. John T. Bennett, Counselor of Embassy, lead its
Delegation to include Mr. Lorry M. Nakatsu, Director, and Mr. Carl Price of the
Office of International Fisheries of the Department of State, and Mr. William
MacKenzie, International Negotiation Division, Mr. Ronald Naab (Juneau) and
Mr. Tak Miyahara (Seattle) of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National
Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration of the Department of Commerce.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs the assurance of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Seoul, October 20, 1976

File No. 153/35
NOTE NO. 206/76
The Australian Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and has the honor to inform the Ministry that a ten week International
Training Course in Dairy Technology will be conducted in Australia,
commencing on 2 May 1977. A statement containing a brief outline of the Course,
the qualifications required of the participants and the procedures to be followed
is attached.


The Embassy wishes to inform the Ministry that up to twenty participants will
be selected for the Course, and selected candidates will be required to arrive in
Brisbane by 20 April 1977.
The Embassy further wishes to inform the Ministry that those nominations for
this course will not be debited against the Republic of Korea's quota allocation
for awards in 1976/77. The Embassy would be grateful for submission of
nominations before 3 January 1977. If there is more than one application,
nominations should be in order of priority.
The Australian Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

15 NOVEMBER 1976

Embassy of Guyana,
SDS, Ed. Venancio Ⅲ
Salas 410/414
The Embassy of the Republic of Guyana presents its compliments to the
Embassy of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to refer to the latter’s Note
No. KBR/PB -154/74, dated March 26, 1974, offering training courses in the
Republic of Korea to two Guyanese students in the field of fishing and plywood
The Embassy of Guyana greatly appreciates the kind offer of the Government of
Korea but regrets to inform that it is not possible to take advantage of the offer
on this occasion.
The Embassy of the Republic of Guyana avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest

Brasilia, D. F.
May 28, 1974

The Department of State on July 23 (Press release 470) released the following
exchange of notes between the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs


and the U.S. Charge d’Affaires ad interim at Ottawa regarding the suspension of
Wetland Canal tolls. The Department has been informed that this Suspension is
to be retroactive to July 18, 1962.


No. 118
Sir: I have the honor to bring to your attention the proposal of the Canadian
Government to suspend in the near future the levying of tolls on the Wetland
Canal. The Government of Canada is fully satisfied that this action will be
beneficial to the shipping and trade interests of both Canada and the United
It will be recalled that, although this Canal is within Canada and the revenue
from it is not subject to the sharing arrangement, the tolls on this Canal are
referred to in a Memorandum of Agreement and Tariff of Tolls incorporated in
the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 between Canada and the United States of
America concerning the application of tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway. I
therefore propose that the tariff be modified by an exchange of notes to reflect
the suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I shall of course communicate further with you if the Government of Canada
subsequently decides that it would be advisable to revoke this suspension and
re-impose tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I have the honor to suggest that if the foregoing is agreeable to the Government
of the United States, this note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an
agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the
United States to vary the Tariff of Tolls attached to the 1959 exchange of notes in
order to provide for this suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 3, 1962.

(B) U. S. NOTE
No. 14
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to your Note No. 118 of July 3, 1962
concerning the proposed suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and the modification
of the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to
reflect such a suspension.
I have been instructed by my Government to inform you that the proposed
suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and a consequent modification of the Tariff of


Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to reflect this

suspension are acceptable.
Accordingly, your note and this reply shall constitute an agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
appropriately to modify the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the I959 exchange of
notes in order to provide for suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 13, 1962.

(A) The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs:
I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our
two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those
conversations, as follows:
The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in Article
VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and the
United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and other
territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under its
control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of
these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,

John Foster Dulles

Secretary of Stale of the

United States of America
His Excellency
George K. C. Yeh,


Minister of Foreign Affairs of

The Republic of China

(B) The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs to The secretary of State:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date, which reads as follows:
"I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our
two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those
conversations, as follows.
"The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in
Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and
the United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and
other territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under
its control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of
these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement."
I have the honor to confirm, on behalf of my Government, the understanding set
forth in Your Excellency’s Note under reply.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
George K C Yeh
Minister for Foreign Affairs of
The Republic of China
His Excellency
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State of
The United States of America



My Lord XXX,
With reference to Mr. YYY’s note No. ......of the .......... last, I have the honor,
under instructions from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to inform Your
Lordship that the Japanese Government are desirous of making a separate
arrangement with each of the Governments of the Straits Settlements, India,
Victoria and South Australia, whereby each shall mutually recognize the load
line certificates issued by the other Government and held by vessels of the other
country within the ports of Japan.
In case, however, a formal arrangement carrying out that purpose cannot be
concluded at an early date, the Japanese Government proposes to effect with
each of those Governments a provisional arrangement similar to that which has
recently been entered into by the Governments of Great Britain and Japan.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration,

My Lord,
Your Lordship’s most obedient
humble Servant,

October 19, 1992
Note No. 353
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 212 of June 19, 1992 and to inform the latter
that the Government of the Republic of China, basing on the recommendations
made by three-man study mission to the Bahamas for helping develop a conch
shell processing industry, has the pleasure of proposing a draft of a technical
cooperation agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas and the Government of the Republic of China.
The Embassy would greatly appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly forward it
to the authorities concerned for study and let the Embassy know their comments
and suggestions.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the assurances of its highest


第三節 邀請【Invitation】

2-31、邀請參加酒會、宴會或茶會 (2-31)

On the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of China

The Chinese Ambassador and Mrs. XXX
request the pleasure of the company of
(have the honor to invite)
Mr. and Mrs. YYY
(His Excellency and Madame YYY)
On Thursday October 10, 1968
At 18:00- 20:00

Embassy Residence R. S. V. P.
...................... Tel. No..............


On the occasion of the official visit of His Excellency

Dr. Yen Chia-kan, Vice President of the
Republic of China and Mme. Yen to Thailand

The Chinese Ambassador and Mrs. XXX

Request the pleasure of the company of YYY
at a reception
on ..............………1968
at 20:00 hrs (or 8:00 p.m.)
R. S, V. P.
(Regrets only)
Tel. No.............

【Note】At the top of an invitation card the following different notes may be put
for different occasions:
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. XXX


To meet Mr. and Mrs. XXX

To say good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. XXX
Farewell to Mr. and Mrs. XXX

Dear Secretary
I have the honor to inform you that October 10 of this year will be the 93 rd
Founding Anniversary of the Republic of China. A morning reception will be
held from 11:00 to 12:30 a.m. at Chinese Embassy at ……………
It is my earnest hope that the reception would be graced with the presence of
Their Majesties. I shall, therefore, very much appreciate it if you would be kind
enough to convey my sincere request to Their Majesties to attend the reception.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest


The Asian Studies Center of California State University at Long Beach and the
Taipei Chinese Information and Culture Center in Los Angeles will jointly
sponsor an exhibition of Professor XXX’s calligraphy and seal carving at the
SCULB Library Gallery from August 12 through 20
A preview and an opening reception will be held at the gallery on Friday, August
10, at 7 p.m. You and your spouse or friends are cordially invited to join the
Professor XXX, who was born in New York in 1965, obtained his B.A. and M.A.
degrees from Columbia University.
Since 1966, he has been on the faculty of English Department of National
Central University in Taiwan. A Chinese art lover, he has been studying Chinese
calligraphy and seal carving for nearly a decade under two great contemporary
Chinese masters, ……… and ……..
Poetry, calligraphy and painting are considered to be the three major art forms
that traditional Chinese scholars aspire to master. Some of them also excel in seal
carving. Nevertheless, it takes years to accomplish. With the advent of industrial
age, however, only a small portion of modern Chinese scholars can find enough
time to practice and excel in these fields.


So today even Chinese scholars can hardly attain the degree of excellence
Professor has achieved in these traditional Chinese art forms. His
attainment has been lauded by artists and laymen alike.
Professor XXX, who has just completed his lectures and exhibits at Columbia
University and St. John's University in New York, will demonstrate his expertise
in these art forms at the preview at CSULB on August
Enclosed please find an invitation and a copy of Professor …’s profile.
Looking forward to seeing you at the preview and reception,

2-31-1-5、邀請參加(酒會)範例 C
Dear Mr. XXX
I wish to take this opportunity to invite you to a reception jointly sponsored by a
group of business leaders from California and Taiwan. The party, to be held at
the Hilton Hotel at 2nd Avenue in Los Angeles at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
November 10, 2003 will announce the inception of a non-profit organization to
be known as California-Taiwan Trade and Investment Council.
The main purposes of the council are to further strengthen the trade ties
between California and Taiwan, to provide a forum for business people to
exchange views and ideas, and to present some outstanding Chinese as well as
American business leaders to the business circles in both areas.
A number of distinguished guests and business leaders from both public and
private sectors will attend the party. Mr. XXX, Minister of Economic Affairs of
the Republic of China on Taiwan, who made a special trip to Los Angeles, will
address the gathering.
Other speakers will include Dr. YYY, Secretary of State of California, and Mr.
ZZZ, Councilman of Los Angeles.
As you are interested in the economic developments in the Pacific Rim countries,
it is our sincere hope that you will attend the party.
For further information, please call either Ms. KKK or me at (213)123-4567.
With best regards,



The Secretary of Foreign Affairs presents his compliments to Their Excellencies

and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission and has the honor to transmit to the Chiefs
of Mission the invitation of the Twentieth World Jamboree Committee to a
meeting-dinner of the 20th World Jamboree Board at 7:30 o’clock in the evening
of July 15, at the Four Seasons Hotel.
President XXX will be the Guest of Honor and Speaker at this meeting.
It would be appreciated if the Chiefs of Mission could inform their acceptance of
this invitation to the Protocol Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Dear Mrs. XXX:
Will you and Mr. XXX give us the pleasure of dining with us on Tuesday July 15,
at seven-thirty.
We do hope you are free and that we will see you that evening.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mrs. XXX
I wonder whether you, Mr. XXX and Denis could be free to come to dinner at
our place on Tuesday July 15.
We would be very much pleased if you could, and the time is 7.30 p.m.
With best wishes from us both,
Yours sincerely,

I was wondering if you might be free for luncheon on Thursday, July 15 or
Friday, July 16.
If so, I should like to give a little stag luncheon in your honor before you leave
If you are free, could you send me a list of some of those in the Diplomatic Corps
that you would specially like invited? I am thanking of, say, 10 or l2 guest in all.
Therefore, could you let me have 8 or 10 names?
With kindest regards, I am,


Mrs. XXX will be
At home
on Tuesday July 15 from 4 to 6 p.m.

【Note】 1. 受邀人姓名寫在信封上即可,不必寫在邀請卡上。
2. 邀請參加茶會,通常毋需要求答覆。

January 17, 1992
Note No. 030
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China would like to
invite the following religious leaders to visit the Republic of China for a week in
April of this year:
Reverend Dr. Rees L. Davis, President of the Bahamas Christian Council;
The Most Reverend Lawrence A. Burke, SJ, Roman Catholic Bishop of
the Bahamas;
The Right Reverend Bishop Michael Eldon, CMG Lord Bishop of Nassau
and the Bahamas Including the Turks & Caicos Islands;
Bishop Harcourt Pinder, Representative of Church of God;
Reverend Dr. Charles W. Saunders, President of the Bahamas National
Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention;
Bishop Albert H. Hepburn, JP, Vice President of the Bahamas Christian
The Government of the Republic of China will provide them with round-trip air
transportation from Nassau to Taipei, local transportation and accommodations
during their stay in the country.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly transmit the
invitations to them through Dr. Rees L. Davis, President of the Christian
The Embassy has the further honor to request the Ministry to provide their
curriculum vitae and two photographs of each for the reference of the


Government of the Republic of China.

The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

January 14, 1993
Note No. 363
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its complements to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Embassy has been instructed by the Government of the
Republic of China to extend, on its behalf, formal invitations to The Honorable
Orville A. Turnquest, Q.C., M.P., Attorney General and Minister of Justice and
Foreign Affairs, and Mrs. Turnquest, and The Honorable Maurice E. Moore,
M.P., Minister of Labor, Human Resources and Training and Mrs. Moore to visit
the Republic of China for a week in April of this year; and that the Government
of the Republic of China will provide them with round-trip first class
tickets from Nassau to Taipei, and hotel accommodations including room and
board and local transportation during their stay in Taipei.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly transmit the
invitations to them and let the Embassy know whether the invitations are
accepted so that proper arrangements can be made in advance for their visits.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

March 9, 1993
Note No. 022
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Embassy has been instructed by the Government of the
Republic of China to extend, on its behalf, to the Honorable Algernon Sidney
Allen, M.P., Minister of Youth and Personal Development and Mrs. Allen to visit
the Republic of China for a week to exchange views with the Minister of
Education of the Republic of China and relevant officials on youth and sports


projects and to visit youth and community activity centers and their programs in
coming June of this year; and that the Government of the Republic of China will
provide them with round-trip first class air tickets from Nassau to Taipei, hotel
accommodation including room and board and local transportation during their
stay in Taipei.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly transmit the
invitation to them and let the Embassy know whether the invitation is accepted
so that proper arrangements can be made in advance for their visits.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

January 16, 1992
Note No. 029
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
would like to extend invitations to Dr. Prince Bonamy, Acting Director of
Agriculture and Mr. Ronald Thompson, Director of Fisheries, Ministry of
Agriculture, Trade & Industry to visit the Republic of China to exchange views
on further strengthening the cooperation between the two countries in the field
of Agriculture. The Ministry will provide them with round trip air
transportation from Nassau to Taipei, local transportation and accommodations
during their stay in the country.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas would kindly transmit the invitations to Dr.
Bonamy & Mr. Thompson and let the Embassy know their travel plans if the
invitations are accepted so that proper arrangements could be made in advance
for the visits.
The Embassy has the further honor to request the Ministry to provide their
curriculum vitae and two photographs of each for the reference of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge with deep appreciation Your Excellency's
invitation to visit the Republic of Korea. It is my great desire to know Your
Excellency and the Korean people better, for it is essential, in view of our
mutuality of ideals, goals and interests, that our relations should become
increasingly close.
In particular, such a visit to your country would focus attention on our common
struggle against international Communism.
As the soldiers of our two countries fought shoulder to shoulder against this
menace ten years ago, so must our two peoples rededicate themselves to this
continuing struggle until Communism shall threaten our liberties no more.
Knowing my sentiments, Your Excellency will understand with what deep regret
I must defer the pleasure of meeting you and visiting your country until a more
propitious occasion in the not too distant future.
Accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
(Signed by Diosdado Macapagal)
His Excellency
General Chung Hee Park
Acting President of the Republic of Korea

Following is the text of an exchange of messages between President Kennedy and

Joao Belchior Goulart, President of Brazil.

President Kennedy to President Goulart

October 24, 1962
Dear Mr. President: In view of the disappointment Mrs. Kennedy and I
experienced last July in having to postpone our visit to Brazil, we have been
especially anxious that nothing should again require us to defer the pleasure of
visiting for the first time your great country and becoming acquainted with its
people. Unfortunately, the resent challenge to the peace and security of this
hemisphere posed by the Soviet offensive military buildup in Cuba requires my
presence in the United States and compels me to request your concurrence in a
postponement once again of our visit to Brazil. If you agree, I suggest that we
consult after the first of the coming year to agree upon the new date on which
Mrs. Kennedy and I would visit Brazil.
Mrs. Kennedy and I are looking forward particularly to visiting Brazil because
of the longstanding friendship and cooperation between the governments and


peoples of our two countries in the pursuit of peace and a happier world society.
I also recall with pleasure, Mr. President, the personal friendship established
with you during your visit to the United States last April, and I am anxious to
renew and deepen our personal relations.
I should like to take advantage of this occasion to congratulate the people of
Brazil on your recent elections which I have followed with great interest. The
peaceful and orderly process by which some fifteen million Brazilian voters went
to the polls on October 7 to choose their legislators and state executives was to
me a demonstration of the strength and vitality of democratic government in
your country.
With best wishes,
John F. Kennedy

His Excellency Joao Belchior Goulart

President of the Republic of the United Slates of Brazil
Rio de Janeiro

President Goulart to President Kennedv

October 25, 1962
Dear Mr. President: I acknowledge receipt of the letter in which Your Excellency
informed me that, by force of recent international events, you are unable to
absent yourself from the United States in the coming days, by reason of which
you suggest that we consult after the first of the next year to agree on a new date
on which Mrs. Kennedy and Your Excellency will visit Brazil.
Recognizing that the gravity of' the situation does not permit you any alternative,
I can only say to you that my wife and I sincerely hope that the reasons which
are causing the postponement of your visit to our country will as rapidly as
possible cease to exist, so that we can receive you with the esteem which
represents the sentiments of the Brazilian people toward the American people.
I retain the most pleasant memories of the visit which I made to the United
States and of the profitable talks which I held with Your Excellency. I am certain
that your visit to Brazil will enable us to strengthen still further the ties of
understanding and friendship between our countries.
I am very appreciative of the congratulations which you extended to the
Brazilian people concerning the elections recently held here.
In the name of my wife and in my own name may I present to Mrs. Kennedy the
expression of our esteem and to Your Excellency our best wishes for happiness,


looking forward with pleasure to our early meeting, inspired by the purpose,
which reflects the yearning of our peoples, of continuing to contribute to the
existence of a happier world society in an atmosphere of peace and confidence in
the future.
Joao B. Goulart
President John F. Kennedy
The White House
Washington, D. C.

October 6, 1975
Dear Mr. Minister:
The U.S. Feed Grains Council (USFGC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
have invited a Korean Feed Industry Team to visit the United States to observe
U.S. feed grain production and utilization. The team is scheduled to depart from
Korea On October 25, 1975 for approximately a three week itinerary.
The USFGC is a non-profit organization that conducts market development
activities under contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
International travel and normal living expenses will be provided by the USFGC
during the official team schedule.
Bee, Bong Sheik
Vice President
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation

Lee, Dong Woo

Feed Division Chief
Livestock Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Yoon, Do Jin
Jeil Livestock Feed Co., Ltd.

Kwon, Hang Kee

Feed Specialist
Korea Feed Association
His Excellency


Kim, Dong Jo
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
In addition to the four team members listed above, Mr. Park, Young In, Assistant
Director, USFGC/Korea will accompany the team as manager/interpreter.
If your Ministry has any questions regarding this travel, please contact me or Mr.
Gordon S. Nicks, the U.S. Agricultural Attaché.
Sincerely yours,
John T. Bennett
Counselor for Economic
/Commercial Affairs

C 331/62 February 27, 1997
I have the honor to inform you that the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization and the African Training and Research Center in Administration
for Development are jointly organizing a Seminar on the Organization and
Administration of Industrial Services in Africa, to be held in Pretoria, RSA,
from 14 to 30 August 1997.
The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in
your country has been requested to inquire if your Government will be
interested in participating in the Seminar and, if so, please to request
nominations of possible participants. In this connection, I am pleased to enclose
two copies each of the following documents:
(a) Letter to the Resident Representative;
(b) Aide-memoire;
(C) Provisional agenda;
(d) Provisional annotated agenda;
(e) Nomination form.
I would appreciate any assistance you can render on this project designed to
facilitate and expedite action on it by your Government.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely



On behalf of the City and County of Honolulu, I would like to inform you of the
Hawaii Dragon Boat Festival, which will take place on June 6, 1998 between
11:00 a.m. and 9:00 pan. The race will be held in the Ala Mona Beach Park, in
the City and Country of Honolulu. In addition, there will be food and craft
booths, a cultural and entertainment stage, and a music festival after the event.
The first Hawaii Dragon Boat Festival will be a gala event, and we hope that you
will be able to attend what promises to be an exceptionally exciting affair. We
realize such a trip is an extra expense to you in both time and money, but we
truly hope you will be able to share this Chinese cultural experience with us.
We will furnish you with further details if you need.
Please call XXX, my International Protocol Officer, at (808) 123-4567 if you have
any questions.
Best regards and aloha,

Dear XXX,
The China Foundation for Cancer Research has asked me to contact friends and
colleagues to inform them of a fund raising event planned for October 24, 1999
in Taipei.
As you will see from the enclosed material, the drive is a community affair for
raising funds for innovative cancer research here in Taiwan.
In 1979, our friends at the Oncology Department of the ……. Memorial Hospital
were the recipients and will be again on their 20th anniversary in 19XX.
The committee would like the participation of your employees, as well as the
financial support of your ministry. Usually, this can best be handled through
your employee social council. Please see the attached letter from Mr. XXX on


how we can work together on this important project.

Thank you for joining with us in the fight against cancer.
Yours sincerely,

My dear Mr. Ambassador:
I wish to inform you that the 12th Anniversary Celebration of the Landing of the
American Forces of Liberation at Leyte will be held in Tacloban City on .........
under the auspices of the Tacloban City Lions’ Club.
The Club has requested me to extend to you its invitation to be one of the Guests
of Honor, together with the other accredited Ambassadors to ............., in the
morning program and in the public popular luncheon where the American
Ambassador has been invited to be the principal guest speaker. The Club will
have the President of ............... as its principal guest speaker in the afternoon
program. The President will arrive in Taclohan City at 3:00 o'clock in the
afternoon of October 20.
A souvenir program will soon be prepared by the Club for the celebration. I
would appreciate it if you could inform me as soon as possible whether you
accept the invitation. Should the invitation be acceptable, I would further
appreciate it if you could inform me whether you could be in Tacloban City in
the morning of October 20.
With my highest esteem and regards, I am
Sincerely yours,

July 23, 1969
Your Excellency:
Ten years of prosperity, social progress and political maturity have passed since
that historic day in 1959 when Hawaii was formally proclaimed the 50th State of
the United States of America. It was a great tribute not only to the citizens of
Hawaii but also to America for recognizing that democracy can work in such a
unique multi-ethnic society.
Next month, we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Statehood with a series of
events commemorating our admission into the Union. Highlighting the activities
will be a musical panorama on the evening of August 21, Proclamation Day, at
which we will honor those who were so instrumental in our campaign for


Because of Hawaii’s historic, cultural and ethnic ties with your country, this
State and I, personally, would be greatly honored by your presence on this
I realize that it is late and that the demands of your high office may not allow
you much time, but may I ask that you accept our invitation and honor us with a
favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
I have also sent similar invitations to the Prime Minister of Japan, the Presidents
of the Philippines and Republic of China, and other Asian Chiefs of State.
Warmest personal regards. May the Almighty be with you and yours always!
His Excellency Chung II Kwon
Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea
Seoul, Republic of Korea

May 12, 1997
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 2235 (XXI) of December 20, 1996, I
hereby invite you to be a member of the Advisory Committee on the
Consolidation and Integration of' the United Nations Special Educational and
Training Programs for South West Africa and for Territories under Portuguese
Administration, and of the United Nations Educational and Training Programs
for South Africans.
It is my hope that you will accept this invitation and that I may have the benefit
of your advice.
I intend to convene the first meeting of the Advisory Committee on Tuesday,
June 13, 1997, at 11.50 a.m., in Conference Room 6. I hope you will be able to
attend this meeting.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely



I have the honor to inform you that the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization and the African Training and Research Center in Administration
for Development are jointly organizing a Seminar on the Organization and
Administration of Industrial Services in Africa, to be held in Pretoria, RSA,
from 14 to 30 August 1997.
The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in
your country has been requested to inquire if your Government will be
interested in participating in the Seminar and, if so, please to request
nominations of possible participants. In this connection, I am pleased to enclose
two copies each of the following documents:
(a) Letter to the Resident Representative;
(b) Aide-memoire;
(C) Provisional agenda;
(d) Provisional annotated agenda;
(f) Nomination form.
I would appreciate any assistance you can render on this project designed to
facilitate and expedite action on it by your Government.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely

TE 326/1(100-15)
July 17, 1997
Dear Mr. XXX,
I am writing to inform you that the United Nations is convening an
inter-regional seminar on development planning at Caracas from 4 to 15


December 1997. This is the third of a series of seminars in the field of planning,
the first two of which were held at Ankara in 1995 and at Amsterdam in 1996.
The forthcoming planning seminar will deal with the topic "Policies and
procedures for the implementation of development plans with special reference
to Latin America". It will be attended by about thirty-five senior economists or
other civil service officials engaged in planning work in Latin American and
other developing countries. The United Nations is obtaining the services of a
number of highly qualified experts to act as consultants and discussion leaders
and to prepare the main papers on the various aspects of the subject under
consideration. In addition, all the participants from developing countries will be
requested to prepare short papers on the experience of their respective countries
in regard to the implementation of development plans,
Details concerning the organization of the seminar are set forth in the attached
note; a tentative outline of topics to be covered in the main papers is appended to
that note.
We should be glad to have the benefit of your organization's participation in the
seminar both by its representation at the meetings and by the submission of
papers on some aspect or aspects of the seminar topic. If there is any additional
information you would like to receive, I suggest that you communicate with Mr.
Jacob L. Musk, Deputy Under-Secretary for Economic and Social Affairs, whose
office is responsible for the organization of this seminar.
Yours sincerely,

Mary and I cordially invite you and March to be our guests at the 10th annual
AEI World Forum scheduled for June 8 through 12, 1986, at Beaver Creek,
Since1976, the World Forum has attracted a highly accomplished group of
business leaders, government officials and statesmen, and academic experts front
around the world.
The limited size of the group and the scheduled setting in the beautiful Colorado


Rockies provide an unsurpassed opportunity for productive discussion, mutual

enlightenment, and enjoyable social occasions and recreation.
The 1985 World Forum, devoted to critical developments in politics, finance and
trade, and social welfare policy around the globe, promises to be unusually lively
and informative. I very much hope you can join us and play an active role in our
A World Forum brochure and reply card is enclosed. If you are able to attend,
Ms. XXX of AEI will contact your office as the program takes shape to discuss
your participation and the issues you would like to see addressed at the 1985
World Forum.
With all best wishes,

I have the honor to state that the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine
intends to hold its 5th Congress in Tokyo from..... to ...... of this year. As you may
perhaps be aware, this Association has as its aim the promotion of the progress
of medical science and art in the Far East, and plans to bring into closer
relations the various medical institutions in that region with a view to organized
efforts being made in the direction of encouraging the development and
dissemination of medical knowledge among the general public as well as the
growth of popular education in matters concerning the prevention of epidemics.
It is intended at the same time to provoke all Opportunity for those who are
engaged in this humanitarian profession to publish the result of their scientific
researches and to promote international cooperation among them. For this
purpose, Congresses have been held in various places in the Far East since 1910,
when the Congress was inaugurated under the auspices of the late Dr. xxx of'
Manila, and it was decided at the last Congress that the coming meeting should
take place in Tokyo this year.
Having regard to the fact that a Congress of this nature is calculated to make an
important contribution to the progress of' medical science in the East as well as
to the promotion of the general welfare of humanity at large, the promoters of'
the coming Congress in Japan are now putting forth their best endeavors, with
the support of my Government, to make it a great success.
Believing, as the promoters do, that the presence of the official representatives of
your Government at that Congress would be a source of great encouragement to


those who are coming to participate in it, they are anxious to see your
Government represented on that occasion
In these circumstances, I beg leave to request, under instructions From Tokyo,
that you will be good enough to exercise your influence to the end that your
Government may see its way to give either to the wishes of the said Association
as above expressed.
I am forwarding to you, herewith enclosed, two sets of invitations sent out
already by the President of this Association to its members, together with a
tentative program of the coming Congress and a booklet containing other
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances
of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to state that the National Research Council of Japan, which was
created by Imperial Ordinance No. …... for the purpose of promoting scientific
researches under supervision of the Minister of Education, contemplates the
convening of the 5th Pan-Pacific Science Congress, to be held in Tokyo from ...
to ...... . The object of the Congress is, first, to promote cooperation in the study
of science relating to the Pacific regions, with a view to advancing knowledge of
these regions and contributing to the happiness and welfare of all the nations
bordering on that ocean, and, secondly, to foster a feeling of brotherhood and to
strengthen the bonds of peaceful friendship among them.
The First Congress met at Honolulu in 19xx at the invitation of the Pan-Pacific
Union, and the Second Congress was held in Melbourne and Sydney in ... under
the auspices of the American National Research Council. In now calling the 5th
Congress, the National Research Council of Japan hopes that, with the assistance
of the Governments of the countries concerned, it may achieve an even greater
success than at the previous Congresses.
Accordingly, under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to
extend, on behalf of the National Research Council of Japan, to the United States
Government and through it to the Governments of Alaska, Hawaii, the
Philippine Islands and Samoa, an invitation to send delegates to the said
I have also the honor to forward to you ... copies of the Preliminary
Announcement for the said Congress, giving the present status of organization,


and to request you to be good enough to send ... copies each thereof to the
above-mentioned territorial governments.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to refer to the accompanying copy of an invitation to the Near
Eastern Conference at Lausanne, which is today being addressed to the Japanese
Government through the British, French and Italian representatives at Tokyo.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration,
Your Excellency’s obedient Servant,

“The Government of Great Britain, France, and Italy have the honor to invite the
Japanese Government to send representatives to Lausanne to open negotiations
on ......... , with a view to conclude a treaty of peace to end the war in the East.
It has been agreed by the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Italy that
their representatives shall have Full Powers, but, that these plenipotentiaries
shall not exceed the number of two.”

May 19, 1992
Note No. 172
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the China Youth Corps, a government supported
organization, is going to sponsor "The 1992 International Youth Culture and
Study Tour to Taiwan, Republic of China" from August 15 to August 29, 1992,
for the purpose of exchanging ideas and experiences related to youth activities
among youth leaders of different countries. The China Youth Corps would like
to provide one scholarship for a Bahamian youth leader to participate in the
program. The scholarship includes a round-trip economic class air ticket from
Nassau to Taipei, accommodations and local transportation during his slay in
The Embassy is enclosing herewith a brochure on the program in the hope that


tile Ministry will nominate a candidate for participating in the Tour before
May 31, 1992.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

June 17, 1992
Note No. 200
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Republic of China Chapter of the World League for
Freedom and Democracy (WLFD) wishes to extend a cordial invitation to the
Honorable Milo Butler, Speaker of the House of Assembly to attend the WLFD’s
24th General Conference to be held from August 8 to August 13 in Budapest,
Hungary. The Republic of China Chapter of the WLFD will provide him with
round trip commercial class air transportation from Nassau to Budapest. Hotel
accommodations during his stay in Budapest will be taken care of by the
General Conference.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would let it know at its earliest
convenience whether the Speaker of the House will be able to accept the
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

August 7, 1992
Note No. 251
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
will sponsor a Caribbean Outstanding Youths Study Tour in Taiwan, the
Republic of China, from November 24 to December 3, 1992 for promoting better
understanding and friendship between the youths of the Caribbean countries
and the Republic of China. The Ministry would like to invite two promising


Bahamian youths nominated by the Government of the Commonwealth of the

Bahamas, to take part in the Study Tour. The nominees should be between the
ages of 25-35 and selected each from the following groups:
(a). Government officials with positions lower than Department Director
(Director included)
(b). Affiliates of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce.
The Ministry will provide the participants with round-trip air tickets of
economic class from Nassau to Taipei, hotel accommodations and local
transportation during their stay in Taiwan as well as NT$10,000 (approximately
US$400.00) each for living allowance and an additional sum of US$240.00 each
for hotel expense during transit through the United States.
The Embassy is forwarding herewith a tentative program of the study tour for
the Ministry's reference. It will be much appreciated if the Ministry would be
good enough to coordinate the authorities concerned and provide the former
with the names of the nominees as well as a resume each of them by September
15, 1992.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 31, 1992
Note No.277
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China
will sponsor the second Caribbean Promising Youths Seminar on the
Development in the Republic of China in Taiwan from November 24 to
December 3, 1992 for promoting better understanding and friendship between
the youths of the Caribbean countries and the Republic of China. The Ministry
would like to invite two promising Bahamian youths nominated by the
Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, to take part in the seminar.
The nominees should be between the ages of 25-35 selected among the youth
groups in the following priority order:
(a) Government officials with positions lower than Department Director
(Director included)
(b) Important party cadres of major political parties


(c) Distinguish scholars or specialists

The Embassy is forwarding herewith a tentative program of the seminar to the
Ministry in the hope that the latter will coordinate with the authorities
concerned to nominate two candidates.
The Ministry will provide the participants with round-trip air tickets of
economic class from Nassau to Taipei, hotel accommodations and local
transportation during their stay in Taiwan as well as NT$10,000 (approximately
US$400.00) each for living allowance.
It will be much appreciated if the Ministry would be good enough to let the
former know the names of the nominees and provide with resume each of them
by September 15, 1992.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

September 29, 1992
Note No. 349
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 294 of September 1, 1992 and to inform the
latter that the Council for International Technical Cooperation of the Republic
of China would like to invite one or two Bahamian piggery specialists to take
part in the piggery Seminar which will be held from October 12 to November 1,
1992. The Government of the Republic of China will provide the participants
with round-trip tickets from Nassau to Taipei as well as accommodations during
their stay in Taipei.
The Embassy has the further honor to request the Ministry be good enough to
ask the authorities concerned to recommend nominees as soon as possible.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-33-2C-1 邀請參加會議範例


November 2, 1992
Note No. 357
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to inform the latter
that the International Economic Cooperation Development Fund (IECDF) of the
Republic of China, in order to help developing countries cultivate and train
required talents for economic development, will sponsor a series of Technical
Training Programs on Economic Development in Taipei in 1993 and provide
more or less six scholarships for Bahamian specialists to take part in the
programs (from item No. 01 to item No. 19 in the brochure enclosed) chosen by
the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The scholarship will
provide the trainees with round-trip tickets from Nassau to Taipei. An outline of
IECDF Technical Training programs 1992-1993, which includes for applicants,
together with a Guideline for IECDF Training Project Participants and six
application forms is herewith enclosed. The nomination of the trainee candidates
should be done in accordance with the requirements set therein. The closing date
for nomination is November 15, 1992. All the applications should be forwarded
to the Embassy before the above-mentioned date for transmission to the Fund.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

January 28, 1992
Note No. 041
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
acknowledge the latter's Note No. 853 dated December 4, 1991, regarding the
nomination of Mrs. Inez Minus to the International Scientific Instrument
Technology Workshop scheduled for February 24 - April 25, 1992 in Taipei. The
Embassy is pleased to inform the Ministry that the nomination is accepted by the
Workshop and a letter of invitation by Precision Instrument Development
Center, National Science Council, the Executive Yuan to Mrs. Minus is enclosed
herewith for transmission to her. The center will be responsible for her round
trip air ticket from Nassau to Taipei and boarding, lodging and local
transportation during her stay in Taipei.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew


to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the

assurances of its highest consideration.

September 1, 1992
Note No. 294
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Council for International Technical Cooperation of the
Republic of China would like to invite two Bahamian agriculture and
aquaculture specialists who are now working with or to be assigned as
counterparts of the China Agriculture Technical Mission take part in the
Vegetable Seminar and Aquaculture Seminar respectively in the fiscal year of
1993. The Government of the Republic of China will provide the participants
with round-trip tickets from Nassau to Taipei as well as accommodations during
their stay in Taipei. The details on the Seminar courses starting and ending dates,
application closing dates, arrival and departure dates of participants, as well as
qualifications for applicants are listed on the information sheet as attached.
The Embassy has the further honor to request the Ministry to ask the authorities
concerned to recommend nominees by the end of this year.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

January 29, 1993
Note No. 001
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to refer to the latter's
Notes No. 902 and 912 of November 23 and 27, 1992 and to inform the latter that
the nine candidates nominated by the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas for the scholarships for the Technical Training Program on Economic
Development in 1993 have been accepted by the International Economic
Cooperation Development Fund (IECDF) of the Republic of China.
The Embassy is hereby enclosing the Letters of Invitation and Acceptance and


would appreciate it if the Ministry would forward them to the candidates and
ask the candidates to sign the Letters of Acceptance and return them to the
Embassy as soon as possible, if they agree to take part in the program offered
and abide by the provisions as stated therein.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

Note No. 044
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to its Note No. 328 inviting the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas to participate in the "Taipei International Fair '92". The Embassy is
enclosing herewith a letter from the China External Trade Development
Council, sponsor of the Fair, reminding the national organizers of the rapidly
approaching registration deadline of February 28, 1992.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

February 17, 1992
Note No. 059
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Association of Education through Art, Republic of
China, for the purpose of promoting mutual understanding and friendship
among the younger generations of the world, is going to hold the 23rd World
School children's Art Exhibition from August 22 through August 30, 1992 in
Taipei, and would like to invite the school children of the Bahamas to participate
The Embassy is enclosing an invitation letter by the Association, Rules for
Participation, and entry forms, in the hope that the Ministry would kindly
forward them to the relevant organizations for action.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew


to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the

assurances of its highest consideration.

February 17, 1992
Note No. 058
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Council for Cultural Planning and Development, of the
Government of the Republic of China for the purpose of strengthening
international cultural exchanges and providing an opportunity for introducing
the beauties of the outstanding traditional arts & crafts of all the nations around
the world, is going to hold a "Taipei International Exhibition of Traditional Arts
and Crafts, 1993 (TIETAC '93) from January 16 through 29, 1993 and would
like to invite the outstanding traditional artists and arts & crafts bodies of the
Bahamas to participate in.
The Embassy is enclosing herewith the Rules for Participation in the Exhibition
and entry forms in the hope that the Ministry would kindly forward them to the
relevant organizations for action.
The Embassy of tile Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

February 12, 1992
Note No. 060
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that due to the assistance of the Ministry the 22nd World
School Children's Art Exhibition has been a grand success and the entries from
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas received a Bronze Medal and four selected
The Embassy is enclosing the letter from the sponsor, the Association for
Education through Art of the Republic of China, and the medals, prizes and
special issues in the hope that the Ministry would kindly forward to the


The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

Following is the text of the U.S. note referred to in Secretary Rogers’ news
conference of February 15, as distributed to the press that day:

The Government of the United States of America in concert with the

Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and on behalf of the
parties participating in the Paris Conference on Viet-Nam, presents its
compliments to the Government of and has the honor to invite the Government
of __ to participate in the International Conference on Viet-Nam to be held in
Paris on February 26, 1973.
As provided in Article 19 of the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring
Peace in Viet-Nam signed in Paris on January 27, 1973, this Conference will be
convened "to acknowledge the signed Agreements; to guarantee the ending of
the war, the maintenance of peace in Viet-Nam, the respect of the Vietnamese
People’s fundamental national rights, and the South Vietnamese People’s right
to self-determination; and to contribute to and guarantee peace in Indochina."
It is proposed that participants for the Conference should meet at the
International Conference Center at 10:00 a. m.
It is further proposed that the parties should be represented by their respective
Ministers for Foreign Affairs accompanied by appropriate official members of
Delegations, and as provided in Article I9 of the Agreement on Ending the War
and Restoring Peace in Viet-Nam, the parties being invited to participate are:
"The People's Republic of China, the Republic of France, the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, the four countries of the International
Commission of Control and Supervision, and the Secretary General of the
United Nations, together with the parties participating in the Paris Conference
on Viet-Nam."
It would be appreciated if the Government of will reply to this invitation no later
than February 20, 1973, advising whether the Government of …………… is
prepared to attend this Conference, and if so, indicating the names of its
The Government of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew
to the Government of……… the assurances of its highest consideration.


(Initialed by Secretary Rogers)

February 14, 1973

Following is the text of a note delivered to the Embassy of the U.S.S.R. at
Washington on December 1, 1976:

The Government of the United States has carefully examine the message received
from the Government of the Soviet Union on November 9, 1975, on the subject of
reconvening the Middle East Peace Conference at Geneva and wishes to convey
the following reply.
The United States shares the concern for further progress toward a
comprehensive settlement of the conflict in the Middle East. The United States is
also of the view that all of the issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the
Palestinian issue, must be resolved if a lasting peace in the Middle East is to be
achieved. The issue is how most effectively to move toward that goal.
The United States agrees that a resumption of the Geneva Peace Conference
after careful preparation would serve the goal of achieving progress in the
settlement of the conflict. The goal of a reconvened Conference should be the
achievement of a comprehensive political settlement of the Middle East conflict.
The Soviet Union has proposed that the U.S. and the USSR as Co-chairmen take
a joint initiative to reconvene the Geneva Peace Conference. The United States is
consulting with the parties to determine their views and wi11 be prepared to
consult with the Soviet Government on how best to prepare the agenda and
procedures for a reconvened Conference and to deal with the question in the
With respect to the Soviet position on Palestinian participation at the Geneva
Conference, the U.S. has always held the view that legitimate Palestinian
interests must be taken into account in an overall settlement. The United States
cannot agree, however, that the Co-chairmen of the Conference can alter the
definition of the participants in the Conference initially agreed to by the original
The Soviet Union will recall that the identical letters presented by the Permanent
Representatives of the U.S. and the USSR to the Secretary General of the United
Nations on December 18, 1973 stated: "The parties have also agreed that the
question of other participants from the Middle East area will be discussed


during the first stage of the Conference.' As no decision was reached at the
Conference in December 1973 concerning possible additional participation, this
remains a subject for discussion among the original participants. It also remains
the view of the United States that the appropriate UN resolutions to serve as the
basis for negotiations leading toward a peace settlement, and the ones which the
parties have accepted for this purpose, are Security Council Resolutions 242 and
338. It would therefore not be appropriate to introduce other resolutions not
accepted by all parties for this purpose.
As a practical way of proceeding, the United States proposes a preparatory
conference of those who have participated so far in negotiations looking toward
a settlement within the Geneva Conference framework. In addition to the United
States and the Soviet Union, such a preparatory conference could include Egypt,
Jordan, Syria, and Israel and could consider agenda, procedures, and the matter
of participation in a subsequent full conference, with a view toward laying the
foundation for negotiation of an overall settlement. The United States is also
prepared to consider holding bilateral consultations with the USSR in advance of
such a preparatory conference, and solicits the views of the Soviet Union on this
possible approach.

2-33-3-1、邀請加入組織 (高爾夫球俱樂部) 範例
Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
It is a distinct pleasure for me to extend to you an Honorary Membership in the
Eighth US Army Golf Club and a cordial welcome to utilize the facilities. We will
be accomplishing many improvements during the winter season and the course
and club facilities should be in excellent condition by the first week in May.
At such time as you desire to play, or utilize the club facilities, your
representative may contact me personally or the Golf Club directly, to make all
necessary arrangements. A locker for your use will be identified in the VIP
lounge. I look forward, if your time permits, to your use of the Eighth Army
Golf Club.
Trusting that you will have an enjoyable and successful golf season in 1971, I
J. H. Michaelis
General, United States Army
The Honorable Paik, Too Chin


Prime Minister
Republic of Korea

2-33-3-2、邀請加入組織 (美國電影俱樂部) 範例
January 20, 1977
Dear Sir:
We are pleased to announce that the USIS Cultural Center will inaugurate its
AMERICAN CINEMA CLUB in February 1977. You are cordially invited to
become a charter member.
The Series will feature such award-winning films as IN THE HEAT OF THE
will be added to the program according to the special interests of CLUB
If you would like to become a member, please fill-out and return the enclosed
form. You will receive the club’s FILM NOTES regularly along with the
opportunity to reserve your seats in advance.
If you do not have time to attend showings or are not interested in becoming a
member, please give the application form to a friend or colleague who has
excellent ability in English and an interest in American films. Please feel free to
reproduce the form if you would like to recommend more than one person for

Sincerely yours,
John H. Helton,
USIS Cultural Center


第四節 慶賀與弔慰【Felicitation & Condolence】

His Excellency Lin Sen
In the name of the Government and people of the United States I extend to Your
Excellency cordial felicitations and sincere best wishes upon the National
F. D. Roosevelt

His Excellency XXX,
President of Executive Yuan
Republic of China
On behalf of His Majesty’s Government, I wish to thank Your Excellency and
the Chinese Government for congratulatory message on the occasion of Thai
National Day, and I desire to take this Opportunity to convey to Your Excellency
my sincere good wishes for your personal welfare and the continued prosperity
of the Republic of China.
President of the Council
of Ministers of Thailand

His Excellency Dr. XXX
President of the Republic of Columbia
On the occasion of National Day of the Republic of Columbia, I wish to extend to
Your Excellency and through you to the Columbian Government and people my
hearty congratulations and sincere wishes for Your Personal well-being and the
prosperity of your nation.
Chiang Kai-shek


I have the honor to transmit herewith a cabled message addressed to Your'
Excellency from His Excellency Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of
China, on the occasion of your National Day (or Bataan Day, or New Zealand
Day, etc.).
May I avail myself of this opportunity to join in extending to Your Excellency my
warmest congratulations and best wishes.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to enclose a message for His Excellency
Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea, from President Chiang,
with the request that the Ministry kindly arrange for the message to be delivered
to President Park today.


Under instructions of my Government I have the honor to transmit herewith

following cable from President Chiang “On the auspicious (happy) occasion of
your National (Independence) Day I take great pleasure in extending to Your
Excellency (or Majesty) my sincere (or warmest or most sincere or heartfelt or
heartiest etc.) congratulations (felicitations) and best wishes for your personal
well – being and the continuing prosperity of Your nation (or country) ) or for
the continuing prosperity of Your nation and Your Excellency’s personal well –
being. Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China”


I shall be most grateful if you will be good enough to deliver the following
message from His Excellency President Chiang to
His Excellency President XXX


I have the honor to enclose the text of a telegraphic message addressed to your
Excellency by President Chiang which has just been received at the Embassy. (or
I have the honor to enclose a telegraphic message which has been received at the
Embassy from President Chiang to your Excellency.)
With compliments (or best wishes) and respect, I am


I shall be pleased if you will be good enough to convey to the members of........ my
sincere thanks for their kind message and for their good wishes on China's
National Day.


I have the honor to transmit herewith a cabled message addressed to Your

Excellency from His Excellency Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of
China, on the occasion of your National Day (or Bataan Day, or New Zealand
Day, etc.).
May I avail myself of this opportunity to join in extending to Your Excellency my
warmest congratulations and best wishes.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to enclose a message for His Excellency
Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea, from President Chiang,
with the request that the Ministry kindly arrange for the message to be delivered
to President Park today.

Under instructions of my Government I have the honor to transmit herewith
following cable from President Chiang “On the auspicious (happy) occasion of


your National (Independence) Day I take great pleasure in extending to Your

Excellency (or Majesty) my sincere (or warmest or most sincere or heartfelt or
heartiest etc.) congratulations (felicitations) and best wishes for your personal
well – being and the continuing prosperity of Your nation (or country) (or for the
continuing prosperity of Your nation and Your Excellency’s personal well–being)
Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China”

I shall be most grateful if you will be good enough to deliver the following
message from His Excellency President Chiang to His Excellency President

I have the honor to enclose the text of a telegraphic message addressed to your
Excellency by President Chiang which has just been received at the Embassy. (or
I have the honor to enclose a telegraphic message which has been received at the
Embassy from President Chiang to your Excellency.)
With compliments (or best wishes) and respect, I am


On the auspicious occasion of the National Day of the Republic of China, I wish
to express to Your Excellency on behalf of my Government and people my
heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the continued prosperity and
greater happiness of your people and for Your Excellency's personal welfare and
success. (From Chief-of-State to Chief-of-State)


On the auspicious occasion of the National Day of the Republic of ………… , I

wish to extend to your Excellency, and through your Excellency, to the
Government and people of the Republic of ………… , my hearty congratulations
and best wishes for your personal well-being and the continued progress and
prosperity of your great nation..



On the auspicious occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Korea, I take
great pleasure in extending to your Excellency my sincerest congratulations and
best wishes for your personal well-being and the continued prosperity of your


On occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Korea, I extend to your

Excellency on behalf of the government and the people of the Republic of China
my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your personal well-being and
the continued progress and prosperity of your nation.


On the auspicious occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Korea, I take
great pleasure in extending to your Excellency my most sincere congratulations
and best wishes for your personal well-being and the continued prosperity of
your nation.


Please accept my warmest congratulations on your National Day and my best

wishes for your personal well-being and the continued prosperity of your nation.


The people of the Republic of Korea join me in extending to your Excellency and
to the people of the Republic of China our warmest greeting and best wish on the
occasion of your National Day.
We are confident that the close alliance between our two peoples has been solidly
founded on common ideals and firmly cemented by a joint struggle and will be
further developed into an enduring friendship and cooperation.


Please accept your Excellency my best wishes for your personal health and
happiness and for the prosperity and progress of the Republic of China.


I have the honor to quote hereunder a telegraphic message to you from President
Gerald Ro Ford dated October 7, 1974:
“Please accept my sincere congratulations and warm personal regards on the
occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China. We
deeply appreciate the spirit of trust and clot and close cooperation which has
characterized the relationship between our two governments, and which has
been attributable in great measure to your constructive leadership. This spirit
will continue to be important to us as we move forward in the work of building a
stable and enduring peace.”


On the auspicious occasion of the anniversary of Bahamas’ Independence Day, I

take great pleasure in extending to your Excellency on behalf of the government
and the people of the Republic of China our warmest congratulations and best
wishes for your personal well-being and the continued prosperity of your nation.


We, the undersigned members of the United States Senate, take pleasure in
sending you our warmest congratulations on the 63rd anniversary of the
founding of the Republic of China this coming October 10th, 1974.
This anniversary marks the overthrow of the Manchu monarchy after 267 years
of despotic rule and the birth of the first Republic under a constitution in
Chinese history.
Under your leadership from 1927 and especially in the last 25 years on the island
of Taiwan, the people of the Republic of China have enjoyed an economic
prosperity, democratization and the right to basic freedoms unmatched by any
other provinces in your nation's history.
You have successfully inspired a unique blending of ancient Chinese virtues and


values with modern science, technology and productivity. In contrast with the
Chinese Communists’ stated goal of “cultural revolution”, your aim of “cultural
renaissance” has preserved the rich Chinese civilization, the longest continuous
civilization in human history.
On this happy occasion, we recognize the long-standing friendship and good will
between the people and government of the United States and the Republic of
China, and we express our firm belief that the continuance of close diplomatic,
economic and cultural relations are in the best interests of both our nations and
We wish you good health and long life. We look forward to your continuing
leadership as President of the Republic of China, which serves as a symbol to
those who love freedom, justice and peace in Asia and around the world.


Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the National Day of

the Republic of China. I hope that the coming year in your country’s history will
be one of continued prosperity for its people and a growing recognition on the
part of other nations of the world of its determination to resist the forces of
aggression that threaten freedom everywhere.
On a personal note, I should like to express my thanks to you for all the
courtesies that I have received from you and officials of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs since my arrival in Taipei just over one year ago. It has been a
stimulating time for me and I have been greatly heartened throughout by the
encouragement given me by your countrymen of all walks of life.
I trust that you, personally, will enjoy a year of happiness and achievement.


On the auspicious occasion of the 188th anniversary of the independence of the

United States of America, I have the honor to extend to Your Excellency my
heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for your personal wellbeing and
continued prosperity of your great nation. As we are united in the common
struggle against communist aggression and tyranny the government and people
of the Republic of China share the joy of the glorious day of the American people
and wish you every success in carrying out our common ideals and objectives.



On the auspicious occasion of the 190th anniversary of the independence of the

United States of America, I take great pleasure in extending to Your Excellency
my sincere congratulations stop The government and people of the Republic of
China wish to reiterate their wholehearted support of the United States in its
heroic defense of human rights and justice everywhere stop Please accept my
best wishes for your personal wellbeing and the continued prosperity of four
great nation.


I have the honor to inform your Excellency that I have today received from
Taipei a cabled message addressed to Your Excellency by His Excellency Shen
Chang-Huan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, on the
occasion of the National Independence Day of the Republic of Haiti.
A copy of the said massage is herewith enclosed.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency President XXX,
Mexico City, Mexico.
On this happy occasion of your Independence Day, I take great pleasure in
extending to Your Excellency my sincerest felicitations and best wishes for your
Excellency's personal welfare and the prosperity of Mexico.
Chiang Kai-Shek
President of the Republic of

2-41-1B-2 祝賀(獨立紀念日)範例
To Prime Minister Mr. Constantine Caramanlis:
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Independence of Greece, declared 139
years ago at Aghia Lavra, may I extend to you and the people of Greece the


warmest congratulations of my Government and of the people of the United

States of America.
We know the pride with which you and your countrymen view the freedom
which was declared on that great occasion and which has been so stalwartly
defended ever since.
On behalf of my Government and its people I take this opportunity to reaffirm
our confidence in the continuing friendship that exists between our two countries
and our two peoples.
Charge d’affaires
American Embassy in Greece

TRIPOLI (Please forward to Bengasi if necessary)

Congolese Premier
On the occasion of the proclamation of the independence of the Congo, I wish to
express to Your Excellency the warmest congratulations of the Hellenic
Government and the Greek people and their sincerest good wishes for the
prosperity of the new State. Our compatriots are happy to be able to contribute
by their labor in complete harmony with the Congolese people whose aspirations
towards progress in peace and security they share.
C. Karamanlis
Premier of Greece



I take great pleasure in extending to Your Excellency my heartfelt

congratulations on the auspicious occasion of the anniversary of independence
of . I am confident that in the years to come the strong ties between our
two countries will continue to grow through our joint efforts.
Please accept my best wishes for the continued prosperity of your esteemed


On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of China, I wish to

extend to you our warm and sincere congratulations on this very suspicious
occasion of independence anniversary of your great action. The relations
between our two countries have grown significantly in recent years and I
sincerely hope that we will continue to work closely together in the coming years.
I pray for your personal good health as we extend to you our brotherly
sentiments of peace and love,

Mr. Yi Pom-sok
Chief of Protocol
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Seoul, Korea
Dear Mr. Yi:
We have been informed by the Department of State that President Johnson will
send a personal message to President Park by commercial telegram on the
occasion of the Republic of Korea’s Independence Day.
Enclosed is a copy of the text of that message, which we are providing in advance
for such use as you deem appropriate in the event the actual message is not
received in time. We are informed that the message will be released to the press
in Washington on August 15.
Sincerely yours,
Richard A. Erickson, Jr.
Counselor for Political Affairs


Text of message from President Johnson to President Park

"On behalf of the American people I convey to you and the people of Korea
warmest congratulations and best wishes on your National Holiday.
"We Americans greatly value the friendship which exists between our two
countries. We are proud that we are joined with you, in Korea and in Vietnam, in
tile preservation of peace and security in the Far East so that the nations of the
region may determine their own fate without fear of outside aggression.
"On this occasion I also express the confidence of all Americans that the
close ties of friendship between our countries will be further strengthened in the
coming years and that the Republic of Korea wiI1 continue its impressive economic
and social progress. Lyndon B. Johnson"

Note No. 256/71
The Australian Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and has the honor to request the Ministry to convey the following
message from the Governor-General of Australia to His Excellency Park
Chung-Hee, President of the Republic of Korea:
"On behalf of the Government and people of Australia, I would like to
express to your Excellency and to the Government and people of the Republic of
Korea our warm good wishes on the occasion of your Independence Day. Please
accept our wish for your Excellency's continued good health as well as for the
continued prosperity of the people of Korea."
The Australian Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

13th August, 197l

American Embassy
Seoul, Korea
August 15, 1963
I have the honor to transmit the enclosed message from the Secretary of State.


His Excellency
Kim Yong-Shik
Minister of Foreign Affairs

It is with pleasure that I extend my congratulations and best wishes to
you and the Korean people on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of
Korean independence. Dean Rusk”

July 9, 1964
On behalf of the American people I thank you for your kind message on the
occasion of the 188th anniversary of our Nation's Independence. We are
particularly happy to have the congratulations and best wishes of the Korean
people in view of the strong ties of friendship and common purpose which unite
our two countries.
(Signed by Lyndon B. Johnson)
His Excellency
Park Chung Hee
President of the Republic of Korea

(電 報)
TRIPOLI (Please forward to Bengasi if necessary)





SIGNED ............,

2-41-2、祝賀(當選 (連任) 或就任)

2-41-2A、祝賀(當選 (連任))
Archbishop Makarios
I heartily congratulate you on your election as first President of the Cyprus State.
My personal and my people’s wishes will accompany you in your untiring efforts
for the prosperity and progress of independent Cyprus.
King Paul


To President.........:
Upon your receiving a new mandate of the people of the Philippines I extend to
you my warmest congratulations. I feel sure that the traditional ties of friendship
between our two countries will be further strengthened. Best wishes for your
continuing success.


Upon your receiving a new mandate of the people of the Republic of Korea I
extend to you my warmest congratulations. I feel sure that the traditional tires of
friendship between our two countries will be further strengthened. Best wishes
for your continuing success


I am very happy to learn of Your Excellency’s re-election as President of the

Republic of Korea and take great pleasure in extending to Your Excellency my

sincere congratulations and best wishes.


We feel deeply gratified to learn of your winning of the election as the 37th
President of the United States. At a time when the international situation is in
turmoil, the wise choice of the American people is indeed a manifestation that
the United States is determined to oppose Communist totalitarianism and to
defend freedom.
Please accept our sincere congratulations.


We learn with great delight of your election as the next President of the United
States. The relationship between China and the United States will henceforth be
closer in their effort to achieve the common goal of stemming totalitarian
aggression and maintaining world peace.
We wish to extend to you our sincere congratulations.

May 3, 1971
Dear President Park:
May I add my congratulations on your reelection as President of the Republic of
Korea to those which you have already received from the President and the
During my very rewarding three years in Korea I had the privilege of working
closely with you on many matters of common interest and had the opportunity of
observing the great effectiveness of your leadership, particularly in the economic
progress of your country.
The Korean people have shown again their confidence in you and your
Mrs. Brown joins me in congratulations and best wishes for you and Madame
Respectfully yours
Winthrop G. Brown
Deputy Assistant Secretary


Bureau of East Asian and

Pacific Affairs
His Excellency
Park Chung Hee,
President of the Republic of Korea,

No. 71
The Embassy of Canada presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and has the honor to inform the Ministry that it has been asked to
transmit the following message from His Excellency Roland Michener, the
Governor General of Canada, to His Excellency Park Chung Hee, President of
the Republic of Korea.

“Mr. President,
May I extend my congratulations and those of Canadians generally on your
re-election to a third term in office. In wishing you every success in the
fulfillment of your high responsibilities, I express the hope for continued
development of the friendly relations which exist between Canada and
Roland Michener”

It would be appreciated if the text of the message could be conveyed to His

Excellency, the President.
The Embassy of Canada avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

TOKYO, May 10, 1971.

April 28, 1971
His Excellency, Chung Hee Park
President of Korea
Seoul, Korea



It was a great pleasure for us to receive the news of your overwhelming

re-election as President of the Republic of Korea. This unprecedented vote of
confidence for your third term must be very gratifying to you.
All of us at the Far East-America Council of Commerce and Industry extend our
best wishes for your continued success and good health and for the further
growth and prosperity of Korea.
Respectfully yours,
Fred R. Esty

February 16, 1962
Dear Mr. President: I congratulate you on your re-election as President of the
Republic of' Finland. It is my sincere wish and that of the people of the United
States that you will enjoy a successful term of office. I look back with satisfaction
upon your visit to the United States, which did much to reinforce the traditional
bonds of friendship between our two nations. May that friendship flourish and
be strengthened still further during your presidency in these challenging years.
Please accept my warm greetings and best wishes.
John F. Kennedy


On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of China, I have the
honor to convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President
of the Republic of . Your landslide victory in the general election


testifies to the culmination of' the popularity you have enjoyed all these years. I
would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success in the years to


I should like to offer my personal congratulations and those of the Government

and people of the Republic of China, on your election as Prime Minister of
Your past connections with the Republic of China, notably your service as
President of the Republic of China-Japan Dietmen’s League, give me every
confidence that under your Prime Minister-ship there will be a further
strengthening in the close and friendly relationship between our two countries.
I look forward to working with you towards the goal, and I hope that there will
be many opportunities for us to renew our acquaintance.
May I take this opportunity to wish you every success.


My colleagues in the Republic of China join with me in sending sincere

congratulations and good wishes to your Excellency on your appointment as
Prime Minister and look forward to cooperating with you in the further
development of the friendly relations between the Republic of China and Japan.


Please accept my heartiest congratulations upon your election (or re-election) as

Mayor (or Lord Mayor) of XXX and my very good wishes for a successful term
of office.
Friendly relations between the XXX City Council and the Chinese Community
have been traditional, and I am sure these friendly relations will be maintained
and strengthened during your (second) term of office.


2-41-2A-16、祝賀當選 (大選勝利) 範例
Mr. Prime Minister,
On behalf of my Government and myself, please accept my warmest and most
sincere congratulations on your overwhelming victory at the General Election
on........ . May I also say that your victory is a victory of the free world.
During the past six years that you have been Prime Minister, I have witnessed an
all-round improvement in the economic, social and political life of........ I am sure
that I can look forward to still greater successes of your Government in the
Please accept, dear Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest

2-41-2A-17、祝賀當選 (大選勝利) 範例

I offer my warmest congratulations on the occasion of your success in the

General Election.

2-41-2A-18、祝賀當選 (大選勝利) 範例
His Excellency
Chung Hee Park
President of the
Republic of Korea

Dear Mr. President:

Your efforts to set the Republic of Korea on a new course of economic and social
progress based on democratic traditions have won you an impressive vote of
confidence in your own country.
The free debate during the campaign and the large turnout of voters are
evidence of the devotion of your country to democracy.
The conduct of this election by your people confirms the strong impression of
confidence and vitality I felt during my visit to Korea.
I know how much is owned to you, not only by the people of Korea, but by the
peoples of Asia and by free men everywhere.
You have my warmest congratulations. May your next term of office bring to


you and your people continued progress in every field.

(Signed by Lyndon B. Johnson)


Congratulations on your successful election. Wish you every success in office.


His Majesty the King of Greece

On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I desire to send to Your
Majesty my heartiest congratulations upon your ascension to the Throne as King
of Greece and my sincere good wishes for the welfare and prosperity of your
country and people.
Lin Sen


President Roosevelt
Whitehouse, Washington D. C.
On behalf of the National Government and Chinese people I tender to Your
Excellency our heartiest congratulations upon your inauguration and sincerely
hope that the friendly relations so happily existing between our two Republics
will be further strengthened during your administration
Lin Sen


To the President of the Republic of Turkey:

On behalf of the Chinese Government and People, I send to Your Excellency my


heartiest congratulations upon your ascension to the Presidency of the Republic

of Turkey and my most sincere wishes for the welfare and prosperity of your
great country and people.
Lin Sen


Mr. John Kennedy,

On the day of your taking charge of the high office of President of the United
States of America, I wish to convey to you again the warmest congratulations of
the Royal Government and myself personally.
The progress of the American Nation, the defense of Liberty and the safeguard
of Peace constitute the heavy burden you are shouldering today. I wish you the
fullest success.
In your task you are followed by the goodwill and hope of the free world and of
the Greek people, in particular, whom close ties of friendship and gratitude unite
with your great country.


On the auspicious occasion of Your Excellency’s inaugurations as President of

the Republic of ………, I have great pleasure in extending to Your Excellency my
sincerest felicitations and best wishes for the prosperity of your country and
your Excellency's personal well-being Chiang Kai Shek President of Republic of


On the occasions of your inauguration as President of the Republic of Korea, it

gives me great pleasure to extend to you my warmest congratulations and best
wishes for successful term of office.

30 June 197I
His Excellency


Mr. Eu Whan Pal

Embassy of the Republic' of Korea
36 Cadogan Square

My dear Ambassador,
I should like you to know that the following message was today sent from the
Prime Minister to the President of the Republic of Korea:
“On the occasion of Your Excellency’s Inauguration as President
of the Republic of Korea I send you my sincere good wishes.”

Edward Heath


It is a great pleasure to extend the warmest congratulation of the government

and people of the United States on the establishment of the Republic of
Tanganyika. It is an equal pleasure to congratulate you on your inauguration as
the first President of the Republic.
I reaffirm American friendship and support for the aspiration of the people of
Tanganyika and for the goals which your government has set as you begin this
new and important chapter in your nation's history. Tanganyika's non-racial
society is an outstanding example to all. The United States will continue to assist
Tanganyika and other new nations in Africa in their drive for rapid social and
economic advance. The progress of Tanganyika justifies our confidence and
With Tanganyika the United States shares African desires for the dignity and
equality of the individual. We welcome new African nations to freedom and
independence in the World community.
I am confident that the friendly ties between Tanganyika and the United States
will grow stronger in coming years. In Partnership we can work for peace and
Please accept my personal congratulations and good wishes for yourself and
your country.
John F. Kennedy
His Excellency


Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere

President of the Republic of Tanganyika

To President Garcia
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic China I wish to extend
Your Excellency our heartfelt congratulations upon your succession to the
presidency of the Republic of the Philippines, while deeply mourning the passing
away of President Magsaysay. We find consolation in the fact that your great
predecessor is succeeded by such an eminent statesman as Your Excellency. We
are fully confident that the traditional friendship between our two countries will
be maintained and further promoted under your administration. I avail myself
of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency my best wishes for your
personal welfare and the prosperity of your nation.
Chiang Kai-shek
President of the Republic of


Please accept my sincere congratulations on your appointment by President

Park as Premier of Korea.
I am sure I speak for your many friends in the U, S. in expressing warm personal
regards and best wishes. I look forward to working in closest cooperation with
(Secretary Dean Rusk to Premier II-Kwon Chung)


Please accept my sincere congratulations on your appointment by President

Park as Premier of Korea.



Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your appointment as Prime

Minister of the Republic. I can still recall with pleasure the friendly
discussions we had in Taipei in September of this year. I sincerely hope that
through our joint efforts, the relationship between our two countries will
continue to grow and flourish in the years ahead.


It gives me great pleasure to learn of your appointment as Prime Minister of the

Republic. This appointment reflects the recognition of the outstanding service
you have rendered to your country in the past. I avail myself of this opportunity
to wish you every success in the years ahead.

October 19, 1963
My sincere congratulations and best wishes to you on your appointment as
Prime Minister of Great Britain. We have worked together closely during the
recent years when you were Foreign Secretary and I have come to know and to
value greatly your wisdom and courage. I look forward with confidence to
continued collaboration with the British Government and people under your

21 December 1970
Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
May I offer you my congratulations and those of the personnel of the United
Nations Command on your appointment as Prime Minister. The Republic of
Korea is indeed fortunate to have a man of your experience and ability to serve
in this most important and demanding position.
You may be assured that the United Nations Command will continue to
cooperate closely with the Government of the Republic of Korea in ensuring the
security of the Republic from our common enemies.


It is my hope that it will be possible for me to call on you within the next few
Please be assured, Mr. Prime Minister, of our continued support.
General, United States Army

Commander in Chief
His Excellency Paik Too-Chin
The Prime Minister
Republic of Korea
Seoul, Korea

December 22, 1970
Paik Too Chin
Prime Minister
Republic of Korea
Seoul, Korea
Dear Too Chin:
I was happy to have the Christmas spirit enhanced by the news that you have
been designated Prime Minister. I know how much it means to you to have your
ability and your concern for your country’s welfare confirmed in this manner. I
wish you all good luck as you undertake your new and heavy responsibilities.
Betty joins me in warm greetings of the Season to you and Jai.
Richard A. Erickson, Jr.
Country Director for Japan

January 12, 1971
His Excellency Paik Too Chin
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
Republic of Korea


Seoul, Republic of Korea

Your Excellency:
It is with a great deal of pleasure that l extend the good wishes and
congratulations of the Bank of America’s senior management and officers upon
the occasion of your appointment as Prime Minister.
We wish you every possible success in your high office and assure you of the
Bank of America’s strong interest in the impressive economic attainments and
goals of your nation.
Sincerely yours


On the happy occasion of your assuming the post of Foreign Minister, a position
formerly held by your Prime Minister, I wish to tender my sincere
congratulations to you.
It is my earnest hope that the cordial ties now existing between our two countries
will be further strengthened during your tenure of office. Please accept, Your
Excellency, my best wishes for your personal well-being and your continued
success in the years to come.

The Ambassador of the Republic of China presents his compliments to the Chief
of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s memorandum of ......... informing that The
Honorable ............., Permanent Representative of ............. to the United Nations,
was appointed on ............ and has assumed his duties as Acting Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, vice the Honorable ............, resigned.
The Ambassador of the Republic of China wishes to thank the Chief of Protocol
for this information and avails himself of this opportunity to extend to His
Excellency ................ his sincere felicitations and best wishes for his success.

To the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
of ...


Heartiest congratulations on your appointment as Secretary of Foreign Affairs of

the Republic of ................... and best wishes for every success. I am happy to have
the privilege of continuing to work with Your Excellency for the close
cooperation between our two countries.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China


Please accept my warmest congratulations upon your appointment as Vice

President of the Council of the Ministers and concurrently Minister of Foreign
Affairs of ...... (Or upon your assumption of the portfolio of Foreign Affairs or
your joining the new cabinet). I wish Your Excellency every success and look
forward with confidence to the continuance of the close co-operation between
our two counties.


Rejoicing with all your friends at your appointment as Secretary of Foreign

Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines Hearty congratulations and best wishes
of success (Or and my sincere wishes for your success)


Warmest congratulations upon your appointment to the post of Foreign Minister.

I am looking forward with much happiness (or I wish you every success and look
forward with confidence) to the continuance (continuation) of the close
cooperation between our two countries (or offices).


I am happy to learn that following the recent reshuffle of the Cabinet you have
been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, a portfolio previously held by your
Prime Minister.


On behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of China, I wish to convey to Your

Excellency my heartiest congratulations and sincerely hope that the friendly
relations so happily existing between our two countries will be further
strengthened during your tenure of office.
Accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

October 20, 1963
My warm congratulations and best wishes as you assume the duties of Foreign
I look forward to seeing you at the NATO ministerial meeting in December and
to our close association in the days ahead.

June 30, 1967
His Excellency
Kyu Ha Choi
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dear Mr. Minister:

I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to you upon your
appointment as Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, and to wish you
every success as you assume your new responsibilities.
I look forward to meeting you and to working with you in our mutual efforts to
build a peaceful and prosperous world community
Dean Rusk
Secretary of State

British Embassy
6 July, 1967
Your Excellency,
I have much pleasure in transmitting to you the following message from the Rt.


Hon. George Brown, Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign
“May I offer to You, Mr. Minister, my warm congratulations on your
appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. I look
forward to a continuation of the friendly relations existing between our two
May I take this opportunity of conveying my thanks for the delightful dinner
party and show Walker Hill to which you kindly invited my wife and me last
Yours sincerely,
(Ian C. Mackenzie)
His Excellency
Mr. Choi Kyu-ha,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Government of the Republic of Korea,

July 24, 1974
Dear Mr. Minister:
I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to you as Foreign Minister of
Greece. It is indeed a special pleasure for me to be able to extend best wishes to a
valued friend of the United States as you assume your difficult duties at this
initial period. I want to assure you that you will have my fullest support in your
efforts to reach an early peaceful settlement of the Cyprus problem.
I look forward to working closely with you in maintaining the close and friendly
relations which have traditionally existed between the peoples of the United
States and Greece.
Warm regards,
(Henry A. Kissinger)

December 27, 1968
His Excellency Kyu Hah Choi
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Korea


Your Excellency:
I appreciate your congratulatory message upon my assumption of the Office of
Secretary of Foreign Affairs. It will be my constant aim to direct our foreign
policy so that the relations of mutual understanding and goodwill between our
two countries will continue as in the past, and I will endeavor to make the bonds
of amity that unites us stronger still.
With renewed assurances of my highest consideration, I am
Sincerely yours,
(Signed by Carlos P. Romulo)


It gives me great pleasure to convey my heartiest congratulations for your

Excellency for assuming the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of China.
I avail myself of this opportunity to extend my felicitations and look forwards
fostering cordial relations with Your Excellency and strengthening of goodwill
and cooperation that so happily exist between our both countries.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem.


On this happy occasion of Your Excellency’s Seventy-fourth birthday, it gives me

much pleasure to convey to you my cordial congratulations and best wishes for
many happy returns of the day. The great role that the (Name of the country)
has played under your inspiring leadership in our struggle with the..... Bloc is an
object of our deep admiration. May you long continue your noble efforts to help
bring about the early defeat of our common enemy and create a world of
freedom and justice. (Or May you long continue your noble efforts in the defense
of the democratic cause so as to help bring about the early destruction of the ........
aggressors and the establishment of a just and durable peace.)



I have honor to transmit the following message from President Ford:

“Dear Mr. President:

The occasion of your birthday provides Mrs. Ford and me a welcome
opportunity to extend to you our warm personal congratulations. Your long and
dedicated leadership has earned you a respected place in the history of our time.
We extend to you our best wishes for continued health and prosperity for the
people of the Republic of China in the years ahead.
(Signed by Gerald Ro Ford)”

I have the honor to be, Mr. President, with great respect,

Very cordially and sincerely yours,
Leonard Unger


On behalf of all members of the United States Military stationed in Taiwan, I

want to convey my sincere congratulations on the anniversary of your birth.
Since the founding of the Republic of China in 1911, you have provided the
leadership and statesmanship which have led your country to its honored
position in the world community of nations.
Your contribution to world development and peace is immense and the Free
World is in your debt.
Please accept my highest respect and my best wishes for your continued good


On behalf of the 327th Air Division, I would like to take this opportunity to join
with your many friends and admirers in wishing you happy birthday and
continuing good health and good fortune in the future, it is an honor and a real
pleasure to have the opportunity to do so.
Under your wise leadership, the Republic of China has made remarkable


progress and serves as a democratic model for freedom loving peoples

everywhere. We salute you and offer our heartiest congratulations


On the occasion of your 80th birthday, I am very happy to convey to Your

Excellency heartiest congratulations together with the best wishes of the...people
and government for your continued happiness and good health. As you celebrate
this occasion, you may justly reflect on your many noble accomplishments that
will most assuredly occupy an important place in the pages of history.


On the occasion of your 80th birthday, I am very happy to convey to Your

Excellency my heartiest congratulations together with best wishes of my people
and Government for your continued happiness and good health, As you
celebrate this occasion, you may justly reflect (recall) your many noble
accomplishments which will most assuredly occupy an important place in the
pages of history.

(Harry S. Truman)


Mrs. Ramos joins me in conveying to you our most affectionate and respectful
birthday greetings and in wishing you many more years of constructive service
to your country and people. Your lifetime devotion to the cause of world peace
and freedom has been a source of great inspiration to your millions of admirers


As the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Republic of China, it is

my great honor and privilege to offer you heartiest congratulations on the
occasion of your birthday. All of the MAAG members join me in wishing you


continued long life and prosperity for the Republic of China under your
exceptional leadership.


I wish to express to your Excellency in my name and on behalf of the people of

Jordan our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your
Excellency’s birthday anniversary with our prayers to the almighty to keep you
in the best of health and continued happiness.


On the occasion of your Excellency’s 88th birthday anniversary I have great

pleasure in sending you best wishes of myself and the Gambian nation for your
Excellency’s good health and for the peace, progress and prosperity of your
country and people. Highest consideration,


On this happy anniversary of your Excellency’s (or Majesty’s) birthday I have

much pleasure in conveying to you (or Your Excellency, etc.) my sincere
felicitations and my best wishes for your continued good health and well - being.

On the happy occasion of your Excellency’s (or Majesty's) birthday, may I
extend to you (or Your Excellency, etc) my heartiest congratulations and my best
wishes for your personal happiness and good health.


On this auspicious occasion of your Excellency's (or Majesty's) birthday, it gives

me much pleasure to convey my cordial congratulations and my best wishes for
many happy returns of the day



On the occasion of your Excellency’s birthday anniversary I have great pleasure

in extending to you warmest congratulations and best wishes for your good
health and continued success.


On the occasion of the birth of his (her) Royal Highness the Prince (Princess), I
take great pleasure in extending to your Majesty my sincere felicitations.

Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for many happy
returns of the day. With deep regards to you and Mrs. XXX,


On the anniversary of your birthday I extend to you my sincere greetings and

warm wishes for the prosperity and happiness of your country and its people.

(電 報)



The Consul and staff of the Consulate of the Republic of China send Hearty
X’mas Greetings and Good Wishes for the New Year.


The Ambassador of the Republic of China and Mrs. XXX wish you a merry
Christmas and a happy new year.


The Consul thanks you for your Season’s Greetings and on behalf of the
Members of the Consulate offers very best wishes for Christmas and the New


The Consul for (of) .......... and Mrs. (Madame) XXX extend their hearty Good
Wishes for a happy X’mas and a prosperous New Year.


Please accept our sincere good wishes. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
for Your Excellency and Mrs. XXX.


My wife and I would like to send you and Mrs. A our best wishes for Christmas
and the New Year.

To greet you with all kind thoughts and best wishes for X’mas and the New Year.


To wish you all the Joys of X’mas and much Happiness in the New Year.


With Best Wishes for X’mas and the new year from


Kindest Remembrances and Sincere Wishes for your Health and Happiness at
X’mas and in the Coming Year.


My wife and I would like to send you and Mrs. XXX our best wishes for
Christmas and the New Near.

December 30, 1962
Dear Mr. President: On the eve of the New Year we extend to the American
people and also to you and your family New Year’s congratulations and very best
wishes from the Soviet people and from us personally. The year of 1962 now
passing into history witnessed events, the fatal development of which it was
possible to avert thanks to the fact that the (two) sides showed a sensible
approach and reached a compromise. Now the peoples of the whole world expect
from us energetic efforts aimed at the solution of urgent problems fraught with
the threat of the rise of new crises in order to assure reliable conditions for
peaceful tire and constructive labor on the earth. There is no doubt that the
people of the United States are no less interested in this than are the Soviet
people. May the New Year be a year of a turn for the better in relations between
our countries, a year of joint efforts for a decisive improvement of the
international situation in the interest of all humanity!
N. Khrushchev
L. Brezhnev


British Embassy
20 January, 1968
Mrs. Johnson joins me in sending you and Madame Chiang our very warmest
best wishes for health and happiness, and for the prosperity of the people of the
Republic of China in the New Year.
Secretary Rusk has told me of his good talks with you and with high officials of
your Government during his recent visit to Taipei. I attach great importance to
these exchanges, and value highly your insights into the developing, situation in
I was delighted to receive the scenic Chinese scroll which you kindly asked
Secretary Rusk to deliver to me. Your handsome gift will be a treasured symbol
of our friendship.
I look forward to continuing our close and cordial association that through
cooperation between our two countries we can in the coming year brings to
fulfillment the hopes of our peoples for peace and justice.

Note No. 30
Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and have the honor to inform them that the following message
has been received from Her Majesty the Queen for onward transmission to the
President of the Republic and Mrs. Park Chung Hee,
“Her Majesty acknowledges with thanks the New Year greetings which
you were kind enough to send her and warmly reciprocates the good wishes you
have expressed therein.”
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avail themselves of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of their highest consideration.

At this Christmas season I should like to extend to you and to the Government of
the Republic of China on behalf of my colleagues in the Government of xxx and
myself cordial greetings and warm good wishes for the New Year. It is our hope
that in the days which lay ahead the common defense of freedom and of the free
spirit of men and women may offer and strengthen the arms of all of the United


Nations. It is in this spirit also that we pledge for 19.XX the utmost effort of our
own people and resources.

December 30, 1962
Dear Chairman Khrushchev and Chairman Brezhnev: On behalf of the
American people and myself, I extend best wishes for the New Year to the Soviet
people and to you and your families.
The American people look forward to the coming year with the deepest desire
that the cause of peace be advanced. For our part, I assure you that no
opportunity will be missed to promote world peace and understanding among all

John F. Kennedy


As we step into the New Year, we find that we are entering into an era of brighter
hope and greater confidence. It is a happy sign that in the years gone by the
efforts of the United Nations have gained immeasurable results. We shall bend
all our efforts and resources to accelerate the ultimate victory. To this end I and
my country -men once more give the United Nations our solemn pledge.


I thank you most sincerely for your Excellency’s kind New Year greetings and I
warmly reciprocate the good wishes which you have expressed towards me
personally and towards the people of my country.

I thank your Excellency profoundly for the cordial greetings and good wishes for
the New Year which the Government of the Republic of China and I very
heartily reciprocate.



Please convey to His Excellency the President of XXXX and also accept yourself
my most sincere wishes for the New Year.


Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind New Year message and my own
good wishes for and the ........people.


The Consul and Members of the staff of the Chinese Consulate wish you the
Compliments of the Season.

I send you and Mrs. ......... my very best wish for the New Year and the prosperity
of the ...... people.


On the auspicious occasion of Your Majesty’s wedding, my wife joins me in

extending to Your Majesty and her Majesty the Queen our sincere felicitations
and best wishes for your well-being and happiness.


My I take this opportunity to express to your Excellency and Mrs. XXX the
sincere felicitations of my wife and myself on this auspicious occasion.



I am directed by Mr. XXX to forward to Your Excellency and Mrs. XXX

a ………. (Name of the gift) made in....... (Name of place), as their gift for the
coming wedding of your beloved daughter, YYY. They also desired me to convey
to you and Mrs. XXX their hearty congratulations on the happy event and their
best wishes for every conjugal bliss of the young couple.


Mr. & Mrs. A have directed me to forward to Your Excellency and Mrs. XXX a
XXX (Name of the gift) made in YYY (Name of place), as their gift for the
coming wedding of your beloved daughter, ZZZ. They have also instructed me to
convey to Your Excellency and Mrs. XXX their hearty felicitations on this happy
event and their best wishes for every happiness of the young couple.

Congratulations. Thrilled and happy to hear the good news. May the newcomer
be a pride and joy to you always.

2-41-5B、2 祝賀(生子女)範例

Greetings to (Baby’s name) on his (her) safe arrival and congratulations to his
(her) proud parents.

Happy to hear the good news. Good health and good fortune for the new
member of your family.


Congratulations to you both and health and every happiness to the new arrival.


Best wishes to the new arrival and its proud parents.

Welcome, long and happiness to the new arrival.

I have the honor to inform you that I have today received a cablegram from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Buenos Aires, informing me that the Consulate of
the Argentine Republic in New Zealand has been raised to the status of a
Consulate -General, and I have been promoted to the position of Consul-General
of the Argentine Republic in New Zealand at Wellington.

I have the honor to thank you for your letter of the 10th June,196X informing
me that the Consulate of the Argentine Republic in New Zealand has been raised
to the status of a Consulate-General and that you have been promoted to the
position of Consul-General.
May I offer you my congratulations upon this evidence of the confidence that
your Government places in you and also upon your promotion.

Congratulations on your promotion. You earned it and deserve every success.
Best of luck,

Happy to hear of your promotion. Hope it is just one of many more. Sincere

Hearty congratulations on your promotion. No one could deserve it more. Good
luck and the best of everything to you.


It was with the greatest pleasure that I learned (I was most truly delighted to
read) of the honor conferred upon you by Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen
Elizabeth Ⅱ.
Your service to the community has been outstanding in every sphere of your
activities, and this well-merited recognition gives all your friends great pleasure
(or your exercise wisdom and discretion in discharging the difficult duties of
your position, and this recognition of your ability and service to the community
is richly deserved).
My sincere congratulations and every good wish for the future,


I was pleased to learn that you have been made Knight Commander of the
Order of St. Michael and St. George. This good news is most welcome, as the
honor conferred upon you is a fitting tribute to your long and illustrious service.
May I extend to you my hearty congratulations and my best wishes for your
continued success.

Dear Mr. President:
On the 17th anniversary of Bataan, a campaign of heroic memory, I extend best
wishes to you and to the people of the Philippines on behalf of the people of the
United States.
The bonds of brotherhood forged in the gallant defense of Bataan and
Corregidor are part of the tradition which unites our two countries. Our
continuing efforts to defend and encourage the growth of democratic institutions
throughout the world is a corollary of this tradition in this campaign, we will
together press on to win the victory, peace with honor and progress for mankind.
It is a privilege to join you in commemorating the indomitable spirit of Bataan.
Dwight D. Eisenhower


Dear Mr. President:
The Filipino nation commemorates today the epic stand against aggression taken
by the Filipino and American soldiers together at Bataan. Their immortal act of
courage has become for us a bright symbol of the firm determination of our two
countries to preserve the blessings of freedom and democracy for the world, and
of the special friendship that binds our two peoples.
Such a friendship, having been tested in war, cannot be less strong and enduring
in peace, moved as our two peoples are to strengthen this relationship in a spirit
o sincere understanding, mutual respect and friendly cooperation.
On this the 17th anniversary of Bataan Day, the Filipino people and myself join
Your Excellency and the American people in remembering the heroic stand of
the soldiers of our two countries in the hallowed fields of Bataan.

On the Centenary of the City of Melbourne I am happy to send to you my
cordial greetings and hearty congratulations. The growth of Melbourne during
the past century tands as marvelous manifestation of the potentiality and
enterprising spirit with which the Australian People have performed the task of
building up a great country. I am confident that in the days when peace and
order are reestablished on the
Pacific through our converted efforts Melbourne will enjoy greater prosperity
with increased importance as one of the cities in the world.

2-42-1-1、弔唁 (女王逝世) 範例
I have the honor to inform you with deep regret of the death on March 24 of Her
Majesty Queen Mary.
The Embassy will be open for the expression of condolences from 10 a.m. to 12
noon and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on March 26 and March 27.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
(Signed) Canadian Ambassador


2-42-1-2、弔唁 (總督逝世) 範例

In behalf of the Filipino people and of myself, I extend heartfelt condolences on

the death of XXX, former Governor-General of the Philippines. A strong friend
of the Filipinos and an advocate of Philippine independence, XXX was greatly
loved by the Filipino people. Long after his term as Governor-General, he
continued to serve the Philippines as adviser to our Presidents after the grant of
independence. In his death the Philippines has lost a great and sincere friend.

2-42-1-3、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
To the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
I have the honor to request that you be good enough to convey to the
Government of the Philippines, on behalf of myself and the whole staff of Her
Majesty’s Embassy, our profound sorrow on the tragic death of the late
President Ramon Magsaysay. His death in the prime of his life is a grievous loss
to the Philippine people and it will be mourned throughout the free world where
his qualities as a national leader and a champion of freedom and justice had
placed him in a pre-eminent position. I am sure, however, that though his mortal
life is now ended his spirit will live on among his people to cherish and foster the
ideals of which while living he was so stalwart a champion.
I would also be grateful if a message of our deepest sympathy might be conveyed
to Mrs. Magsaysay and her children in the terrible loss which they are called
upon to bear.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
H. B. M. Ambassador

2-42-1-4、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
President Garcia
I am deeply grieved at the national loss the Republic of the Philippines has
sustained in the tragic passing of your great President His Excellency Ramon


I hasten to extend to Your Excellency and to the people of the Philippines an
expression of the profound sorrow and sympathy felt by the government and
people of the Republic of China. President Magsaysay’s devoted service to his
own country and his great contribution to the cause of the free world will be long
remembered not
only by the people of the Philippines but also by peoples all over the world.
Please convey to Mrs. Magsaysay on behalf of Madame Chiang and myself our
deep personal sympathy and condolences in their bereavement.
Chiang Kai-shek

2-42-1-5、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
My dear President:
I have received instructions from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mr. Harold Macmillan, P. C., M. P., to
convey to Your Excellency the following personal message:
“My colleagues and I have been deeply shocked to hear the tragic news of the death
of President Magsaysay. Through this sad accident the Philippine people have lost
a well-beloved patriot and fighter for liberty. As friends and allies the people of the
United Kingdom join with the Philippine people in mourning their loss and on the
behalf of Her Majesty's government I wish to convey heartfelt condolences to all
those bereaved.”
Believe me, my dear Mr. President,
Yours sincerely,
(Signed) British Ambassador

2-42-1-6、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
The Hon Carlos P. Garcia
President of the Philippines
We are profoundly shocked and grieved at the tragic news of the sudden death of
President Magsaysay and his fellow ministers. The Royal Hellenic Government
and the people of Greece wish to express to the government and the people of the
Philippines as well as to the families of the deceased in particular their deep
sympathy in their bereavement.


Minister for Foreign Affairs

of Greece

2-42-1-7、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
Transmit following message from President Chiang to family of late President
“Madame Chiang and I deeply grieved over the passing of former President Elpidio
Quirino. Please accept our profound sympathy and sincerest condolences Chiang

2-42-1-8、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例

Shocked and deeply grieved at the tragic passing of President XXX I hasten to
extend to you on behalf of the Chinese Government and people our profound
sympathy and sincerest condolences. The late President’s untiring efforts in
strengthening Sino- American friendship will long be remembered by the
Chinese people. His untimely death is an irreparable loss to not only the Unite
State but also the whole democratic world.

2-42-1-9、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例

I am deeply grieved at the national loss the Republic of the Philippines has
sustained in the tragic passing of your great President His Excellency Ramon
Magsaysay. I hasten to extend to Your Excellency and to the people of the
Philippines an expression of the profound sorrow and sympathy felt by the
Government and people of tile Republic of China.

2-42-1-10、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例

President Magsaysay’s devoted service to his own country and his great
contribution to the cause of the free world will be long remembered not only by
the people of the Philippines but also by peoples all over the world. Please


convey to Mrs. Magsaysay our deep personal sympathy and condolences in her

2-42-1-11、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例

The United States and California have lost a good friend with the passing of
President Chiang (Ching-kuo). The world today mourns the loss of a tireless
leader in the successful effort to continue the economic miracle which Taiwan
represents. The people of California extend sincere sympathies to the family of
President Chiang and to the people of Taiwan.

2-42-1-12、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例

On behalf of the British Government I extend to you and to the Government of

the United States of America our deepest sympathy in the terrible loss that you
have sustained by the assassination of President Kennedy. He was greatly
admired and loved by us all.
I extend to you our assurance of friendship and support in the heavy burdens
which have devolved upon you.
Alec Douglas-Home
Prime Minister of Great Britain

2-42-1-13、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
My dear Mr. Secretary,
Permit me to express to you my profound sympathy and sincere condolence in
the great loss your country has suffered in the death of one of her most
distinguished citizens and a former President Mr. XXX. The entire civilized
world will mourn the passing away of this eminent statesman and scholar, who
has so valiantly fought for the high principles of humanity and of enlightened
I have the honor to be, my dear Mr. Secretary,
Yours very truly,


2-42-1-14、弔唁 (總統逝世) 範例
Under instructions from XXX, His Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, I have
the honor to inform you that the Government of Japan has learned with
profound grief of the death of Mr. YYY, former President of the United States,
and that they desire to express to the Government of the United States their deep
sympathy and sincere condolence.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-42-1-15、弔唁 (總統夫人逝世) 範例
NO. 571/17
August 19, 1974
Dear Ambassador Song,
I have learned with deep regrets of the unexpected passing away of Madame
Park Chung Hee, wife of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea.
On this sad occasion may I express to you and, through you, to His Excellency
the president, our profoundest condolences and sincere sympathy on this
irreparable loss sustained on her bereaved family.
Yours sincerely,
Colonel XXX
(Arsh Boongrapu)
His Excellency
Mr. Chun Ho Song,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of Korea,
Brasilia, D F

2-42-1-16、弔唁 (總理逝世) 範例

Americans are proud of the friendship they enjoyed with Prime Minister Harold
Holt. We mourn him with all the he grieve that Australians fill.
It is a cruel tragedy that he has been taken away from us by his accident. For so


many of his days were devoted to guarding a nation and a world against hazard.
His dream was to bring order and design to man’s brightest hopes. He fought
with rare courage, tenacity and vision to assume that men would live safe from
peril in the promise of freedom.
My personal loss is heavy. Harold Holt is generous with the gift of a warm and
wise heart. I found comfort in his friendship and strength in his partnership.
He and the people for whom he spoke were always dependable and unshakable.
Those blessings of his examples cannot be removed. They are as eternal as the
sea that has taken this good and gallant champion away.
Mrs. Johnson and I - and all Americans – mourn his death."
(President L. B. Johnson’s message in mourning the death of the Australian
Prime Minister Harold Holt)

2-42-1-17、弔唁 (外交次長逝世) 範例

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs presents his compliments to Their Excellencies

and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission and has the honor to inform them of
the untimely demise of the Honorable ............, Under Secretary of Foreign
Affairs, on............ The body of the deceased now lies in state at the...............
The Secretary wishes to inform further their Excellencies and Messieurs that the
remains of the deceased will be brought to the Cathedral at ............... at 7:00
o'clock on Thursday morning, where a Requiem Mass will be held at 8:00
o’clock to which their Excellencies and Messieurs, together with their ladies, are
invited to attend. After the Mass, the remains will be brought to the Department
of Foreign Affairs where Necrological Services will be held at its Hall of Flags, at
10:30 o'clock. The interment will take place in the afternoon of the same day at
the La Loma Cemetery. The funeral cortege will leave the Department of
Foreign Affairs at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Secretary will communicate to the Chiefs of Mission any changes in the
funeral services.

2-42-1-18、弔唁 (外交次長逝世) 範例
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of today’s date,
informing me of the death of the Hon. xxx, Assistant-Secretary of State, which
occurred in the City of Washington this morning.


I am profoundly grieved by the sad news. In the death of Mr. XXX, your
Government has lost one of its most loyal and distinguished servants. Nor is the
loss confined to your Government. His charming personality, his high
accomplishments, his wise counsel and useful advice to friends earned him the
universal esteem and affection not only of his countrymen but also of all
foreigners who ever came into contact with him officially or otherwise.
In behalf of my Government and of myself, I beg to express to you my deepest
sympathy and most sincere condolence on the bereavement that has been
inflicted upon you and your Government.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-42-1-19、弔唁 (大使逝世) 範例
Seoul, December 12, 1969
Dear Mr. Minister:
Under Secretary U. Alexis Johnson and Ambassador Armin Meyer have asked
me to convey to you and to Ambassador Um’s colleagues their profound
sympathy and sense of shock over his untimely death.
I also would like to join with them in expressing our condolences to you.
Ambassador Um was an able diplomat and good friend. Both Korea and the
United States have lost a valued comrade in the cause of peace in East Asia.
Sincerely yours,
William J. Porter
American Ambassador
His Excellency
Choi Kyu Hah,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Korea,

2-42-1-20、弔唁 (公使逝世) 範例
Your Excellency,
His Majesty’s Government were grieved to learn a short time ago of the
regrettable death of Monsieur XXX, late Japanese Minister at Peking, almost
simultaneously with that of Monsieur YYY, the Councilor of the Legation, and,
having now received from Sir ZZZ details of those sad events, they desire to
express their condolences to the Japanese Government.


Monsieur XXX was of course well known in the country where his relations with
the Foreign Office were always of the most cordial character, and in his
subsequent career at Peking he maintained a close friendship with His Majesty’s
Legation, which was greatly appreciated.
His Majesty’s Government deplores the loss to the Japanese Government of two
officials of distinction and ability who had established such records of
distinguished service for their country.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration,
Your Excellency’s most humble servant,

2-42-1-21、弔唁 (尊翁逝世) 範例

I was greatly saddened at the news of the death of your beloved father, Dr. XXX,
an erudite scholar; his demise was a great loss not only to your family but also to
the whole nation. Please accept my deep condolences in your time of

2-42-1-22、弔唁 (尊翁逝世) 範例

I am greatly saddened to learn the passing away of your beloved father,

Mr. ………., former Prime Minister of the Republic of ----. A great leader, his
unswerving dedication to promoting people’s welfare and political reforms will
certainly be long remembered by the people. His moral courage in upholding
international justice and supporting our justified bid to regain, our deserved
rights in the international community has won the admiration of the Chinese
people on Taiwan as well. On behalf of the Government and people of the
Republic of China, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy and condolences to
you and your family in your time of bereavement.

2-42-1-23、弔唁 (令夫婿/令夫人逝世) 範例

Sincerest condolences on the passing away of your beloved husband (wife). We

know how you feel at this moment of your bereavement but pray you will take it
easy and not over -grieve yourself.


2-42-1-24、弔唁 (令夫婿/逝世) 範例

Shocked and deeply grieved at the sudden passing of your beloved husband.
Please accept our profound sympathy and sincere condolences.

2-42-1-25、弔唁 (令夫婿/逝世) 範例
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Korea, I wish to
convey our deepest feelings of sadness upon learning of the death of your beloved
Not only the United States but also the entire world has lost its most outstanding
soldier and truly one of their greatest statesmen.
Many nations in Asia, and particularly the people of this Republic, who are and
will be grateful for his contribution toward obtaining independence and
democracy, regard the late hero as a man who left an indelible mark in the page
of modern history and mankind.
We offer our humble prayer for the peaceful repose of his body and soul at this
hour of deepest sorrow. (Korean President Park to Mrs. Macarthur)

2-42-1-26、弔唁 (令孫逝世) 範例
Only quite recently both my wife and I have learnt with grief of the death of
Your Grandson due to a motor accident in England. Please accept our most
sincere condolences.
We would like to have called and expressed personally to You, Madam, our
heartfelt sympathies in your bereavement, but we have hesitated to do so
because we feel that words seem so empty of meaning before the awful fact of
death. To the great silence of the grave, we can only pay a tribute of silence and
bow our heads in humility.
Yours most respectfully,

My Lord,
I have the honor to inform you that I am instructed by my Government to offer
Your Lordship’s Government their sincerest sympathy on the death of Sir XXX.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration,


My Lord,
Your obedient and humble servant,

17 October, 1967
Your Excellency,
I have been asked by Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to
convey his thanks to you for your kind expression of sympathy on the death of
the Right Honorable Lord Attlee.
Yours sincerely,
(Ian C. Mackenzie)
H. E. M. Ambassador
H. E. Mr. Choi Kyu-hah,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

The Japanese Government, having learned with profound grief of the deplorable
loss which His Britannic Majesty’s Government and the British Nation have
sustained by the death of Lord XXX, have telegraphically charged me to tender
to His Majesty’s Government the expression of their most sincere condolence
and sympathy on the occasion of this great calamity.
In now acquitting myself of the duty imposed upon me to convey to you this
message of my Government, I have the honor to assure you that the profound
feelings of regret occasioned by the loss of such a distinguished soldier are fully
shared by the whole Japanese nation.
I have the honor to be, etc.

It is with the deepest grief that I have learned of the sudden death of (or I am
very much grieved at the sudden passing away of) Mr. Smith. In his death (or
passing away) mankind has lost a great statesman and China a loyal friend. His
profound sympathy for the Chinese people and his unswerving support of our
cause will long live in our memory.


July 26, 1965
Dear Mr. Minister:
Please accept my condolence on the death of Syngman Rhee, a courageous leader
whose devotion to Korea's freedom and independence will long be remembered.
(Signed by Dean Rusk)
His Excellency
Dong Won Lee
Foreign Minister of the Korea


I am shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mr. XXX. He was a
great statesman and a trusted friend of the Republic of china.
During his many years of public services, Mr. XXX made countless contributions
to the alliance between our countries and the friendship between our peoples.
While close and cooperative relations between ……and the Republic of China
will continue as before, we have both suffered a grievous loss. I wish to extend
sincere condolences to you on behalf of myself and the Republic of china.

21 July, 1965
My dear Minister,
It is with deepest regret that I have learned of the extent of the loss of life and
suffering inflicted by the recent flooding of XXX and YYY Provinces, and in
Seoul itself, and of the severe damage to property.
I write on behalf of my wife and myself and my colleagues in the Embassy to
express the propound sympathy on this grievous disaster which has struck the
people of Korea.
Yours sincerely,
(Walter Godfrey)


17 September, 1969
My dear Minister,
Please accept my condolences and those of my staff over the floods which
occurred in the southern provinces earlier this week causing so many deaths and
rendering homeless many more. These floods, coupled with the outbreak of
cholera, must have caused you and all members of the Government of the
Republic great concern and distress.
I feel confident, however, that with their customary resourcefulness and energy
the Korean people will soon overcome both these tragic occurrences.
Yours sincerely,
(N. C.C. Trench)
British Ambassador
His Excellency
Mr. Chat Kyu-hah,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Korea,

S0 540 USA August 21, 1967

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

I was very sorry to read report about the extensive damage caused by the recent
floods in Alaska. I should be grateful if you would be so kind as to transmit the
attached message of sympathy from me to the President.
I remain, Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Yours sincerely



(電 報)

Learned with profound regret of loss of lives and destruction of property in your
country brought about by recent flood disaster. I wish to extend to your
Excellency and your people the deep concern and heartfelt sympathy of Chinese
Government and people with sincere hope for speedy rehabilitation
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

In compliance with a cabled request from His Excellency, Mr. XXX, Secretary of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ......, I hereby convey to you his profound
sympathy for the victims of the recent floods in (Name of place) and his deep
concern for their plight.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my consideration.



I have the honor of transmitting to you the following cable message which I have
received from Dr. XXX , Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ……. :

“We have learned with deep sorrow of the unfortunate flood disaster in your
country. I would like to extend through Your Excellency personally and on
behalf of the government and the people of the Republic of ….. deep and
heartfelt sympathy to the Government of the Republic of …. and the flood
victims and their bereaved family. Renewed assurances of my distinguished
consideration. (Name)”

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your Excellency the assurances of

my most distinguished consideration.


The XXX Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and has the pleasure to enclose the sum of $10,000 which the Embassy donates
with the desire to alleviate, in part, the losses of the people of southern (name of
place) who have suffered with the floods occurred recently.
The XXX Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

(The capital), 11th August, 19XX

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's (or I am highly
appreciative of your) note (letter or cable) of (date), transmitting a message of
sympathy from his Excellency Mr. XXX, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of.... for the victims of the recent floods in ...... . In this connection, will
you kindly transmit the following reply of mine to His Excellency Mr. ZZZ
“ Letter of appreciation” 【or (, in which you are good enough to transmit to me
a message from his Excellency Mr. XXX, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of .... . In this connection, will you kindly transmit the following reply
of mine to His Excellency Mr. ZZZ “ Letter of appreciation”) or (enclosing two


thousand Dollars as Your Excellency’s contribution to the relief of the recent

typhoon victims. I wish to inform you that the sum has been duly forwarded to
the relief agency, and to thank you the generosity and sympathy you have shown
to those victims) or (conveying to me Your Excellency’s profound sympathy for
the suffering of the ...... people caused by the recent disastrous flood in central
and southern part of ....... . The kind sentiments which you voiced in your
message are a further proof of the genuine friendship entertained by Your
Excellency for my country. In thanking Your Excellency for the transmittal of
the message (or in transmitting your message to my Government), I avail myself
of this opportunity to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest
consideration (Accept, Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration).


I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and property which the Chinese
people have suffered from the Tsunami. I wish to assure you that we are ready
and eager to assist you in rendering aid to the stricken people and areas.

American Embassy,
Seoul, Korea
June 27, 1963
Dear Mr. Minister:
Yesterday I conveyed to you the deep personal sympathy of the Acting Secretary
of State and that of the American people with the Government and the people of
Korea regarding the loss of life, injury and suffering resulting from typhoon
The Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, Roger Hilsman, has
requested that I impart to you also his personal message as follows:
“I was distressed to learn of the heavy loss of life and wide-spread hardship
caused by the typhoon of June 19 and 20 and the landslides of June 24 and 25. I
should like to express my deep sympathy for the Korean people in the face of these
national calamities.”
Sincerely yours,
(Samuel D. Berger)


His Excellency
Kim Yong Shik,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,

No. 904
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to inform
the Ministry that the Governor of Samoa has requested the Embassy to convey
to the President of the Republic of Korea the profound sympathy of the people of
Samoa for the loss of Korean seamen suffered during a recent hurricane. The
Governor advises that every effort is being made to recover the seamen missing
from the fishing vessel Atue and that the people of Samoa feel the loss as a
personal one because they fully realize the valuable contribution made by the
Korean fishermen to the economy and the advancement of Samoa.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to assure the Ministry of its highest

Embassy of the United States of America,

Seoul, February 8, 1966.

No. SEO/123/5/71 1 7 November, 1971.
I have the honor to convey the following message of thanks from our Minister
for External Affairs:

“I am grateful to Your Excellency for your kind message of sympathy on the loss of
life and property because of serious recent cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. We deeply
appreciate your kind concern. SWARANSINGH”

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.



His Excellency Mr. Yong Shik Kim

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Seoul (Korea).


I heard with deepest sorrow the news of the havoc brought about by the typhoon
in the southern part of (Name of place). It grieves me indeed to think the lives
lost, the destruction and the widespread suffering caused. I wish to express my
sincere sympathy for the victims of the disaster.


The Japanese Government, having received with profound regret the news of a
great tornado which has wrought a tremendous havoc in the central part of the
United States, have instructed the Japanese Ambassador to call upon the
Secretary of State and convey to him the expression of their deep sympathy and
sincere condolence on this great disaster.

TOKYO, December 28, 1971
Your Excellency,
The Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honorable Pierre Elliott Trudeau, has
asked me to convey to your Excellency the following message:
“It is with deep regret that I have learned of the recent fire disaster which has
caused such extensive loss of life and damage in the city of Seoul. On behalf
of the Government and people of Canada I should like to offer my deep
sympathy to all those families who have been bereaved as a result of this
I should also like to extend my personal condolences to those who have suffered
the loss of family and friends on this sad occasion.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration,


(J. M. T, Thomas)
Charge d’affaires a.i.
His Excellency
Mr. Kim Jong Pil,
Prime Minister of the
Republic of Korea,

L. Verkade
Charge d'Affaires a.i.
of the Netherlands
Seoul, 27 December
I wish to express to Your Excellency my deep shock concerning the tragic and
terrible fire at Tae Yong Gak hotel. Please accept the sincere condolences of my
wife and myself and the staff of the Embassy. We share the national grief for
those who died in the fire and for their families.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
(X. X. X.)
His Excellency Kim Yong Shik
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Government of the Republic of Korea


I desire to express our deep regret and concern regarding earthquake reported
to have caused much damage to property and lives. Our sympathy goes to the
suffering people and (we) wish to know what we can do to help relieve those



Have read reports of (Name of place) earth quake damage with great distress.
Please accept my sympathy and best wishes.


Report of disastrous earthquake in XXX (Name of country) received here with

great concern. Please accept my profound sympathy.
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that a telegram has been received
from the Governor-General of New Zealand, requesting that the very deep
sympathy of the Government and people of that Dominion may be conveyed to
the Japanese Government in view of the terrible disaster which has taken place in
Japan and the great loss of life involved.
I have the honor to be, etc,

(Following is an exchange of messages between President Kennedy and
Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran:)

President Kennedy to Shah Iran:

September 2, 1962
I have been profoundly shocked to learn of the great natural catastrophe which
has struck Iran. The hearts of the American people go out to those who have lost
families or friends or seen their homes destroyed. Iran has suffered adversity
many times before in its 2500 years of recorded history. But it has always
triumphed. I know the people of Iran under your leadership will rise above this
tragedy as well.
The American Government and people are prepared to help in this effort. I have
instructed our Ambassador to render any help he and U.S. Government agencies
can provide which will alleviate the suffering and loss created by this disaster.
John F. Kennedy


Shah of Iran to President Kennedy:

September 5, 1962
To the Honorable John F. Kennedy President of the United States of America:

Your heartening message of sympathy conveying your and the American

people's feelings of friendly solidarity on the occasion of our national mourning
has profoundly touched me.
I hasten to express the gratitude of my people and of myself to you and to the
Government of the United States for your contribution in alleviating the
sufferings created by the recent unprecedented loses of life and property.
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Following is the text of a message from President Johnson to President
Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines:
August 3, I968
Dear Mr. President:
The thoughts and heartfelt sympathy of the American people are with you and
the people of the Philippines, and especially with the families who have lost their
homes and loved ones in the earthquake.
Would you extend my personal condolence to all those who have suffered injury,
bereavement, and loss in this tragedy.
Lyndon B. Johnson

Following are texts of messages from President Johnson to President Jose

Joaquin Trejos Ferndndez of Costa Rica:
July 31, 199X
Dear Mr. President:
I was distressed to learn that a long dormant volcano has erupted in Costa Rica
resulting in considerable loss of life, personal injury and material damage.
I am asking our Embassy to work with you on emergency relief measures. Please
let us know how we can be of help.
(Lyndon B. Johnson)

August 2, 199X


Mr. President:
Charge Pringle has informed me of your interest in having experts from the
Smithsonian Institution study the pattern of eruption cycles of the volcano
I am dispatching a team of distinguished scientists from the Smitheonian
Institution and the United States Geological Survey to assist your local scientists
in evaluating the effects of the volcanic eruptions.
The first member of this joint team, Dr. Thomas E. Simkin, arrives today. The
other members of the team, Dr. Howard H. Waldron and Dr. William G. Melson,
plan to be in San Jose shortly.
I regret to hear that the volcano continues to erupt, adding to the suffering and
losses already sustained. You and the people of Costa Rica have my sympathy in
this hour of national emergency.
(Lyndon B. Johnson)


We are warmly united in the fervent hope that you will long be spared to continue
your great work for mankind (Korean President Park’s message sent to Pope)


Sorry (or Regret) to learn of your indisposition. Wishing you speedy recovery (or
Pease accept my kindest thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery).

Mrs. XXX joins me in expressing our great distress in learning your indisposition.
Please accept our best wishes for your quick recovery.


I am deeply distressed to learn of your illness and am praying for a quick and
complete recovery.



Prime Minister and Mrs. XXX wish you speedy recovery. Best regards.


Deeply distressed by news of plane accident but relieved to learn you are safe.
Please accept our kindest thoughts and best wishes (Learned with deep regret of
plane accident but greatly relieved that you are spared of serious injury. Please
accept our kindest regards and best wishes for your health and well - being)

3 February, 1969
Your Excellency,
Please accept my condolences and those of my staff over the tragic train accident
at Chonan, Chungchongpuk-to, on Friday the 31st of January, in which 41 of
your people were killed and many more injured.
I enclose an extra copy of this letter which you might like to pass to your
colleague His Excellency the Minister of Transportation.
I have the honor to be,
with high consideration,
Your Excellency’s obedient Servant,
(D. G. Reid)
H. M. Charge d’affaires a. i.
H.E. Mr. Choi Kyu-hah
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Korea

I have the honor to inform you that it was with profound grief that the Japanese
Government learned of the disaster which befell the British liner “(name of
ship)” on Friday last, and that they have now charged me by telegraph to tender
to His Majesty’s Government the expression of their sincerest condolence and


sympathy on the occasion of this terrible calamity.

I have the honor to be, etc.

My dear Minister,
I have been most distressed to learn of the terrible road accident near Chonan on
the 14th October, in which forty-five school-boys were killed and thirty-two were
injured, many of them seriously.
Please accept the most sincere condolences of my staff and myself over this tragic
occurrence, which must be so severe a blow, not only to the parents of the boys
concerned, but also to the country.
Yours sincerely,
(N. C.C. Trench)
British Ambassador
His Excellency
Mr. Choi Kyu-hah,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,

To President Prado of Chili,
I have been deeply distressed to learn of the loss of life and damage caused by the
avalanche in the district of Ranrahica and send my sincere condolences. Please
convey my heartfelt sympathy and that of the Duke of Edinburgh to those who
suffered as a result of this catastrophe.
Queen Elizabeth


I was shocked on hearing of the treacherous attempt upon Your Excellency’s

security. My wife joins me in sending to Your Excellency and Mrs. XXX our
sincere regards and good wishes for your welfare. May Providence continue to
bestow upon Your Excellency his protection and blessings.


Dear President Reagan,
We are shocked to learn the senseless attempt made upon your life Monday
afternoon. This barbarous and criminal act of violence enrages the whole
civilized world and should be condemned and deplored. The Government and
people of the Republic of China on Taiwan wish you a very speedy and complete


On learning of the calamity the ……. Welfare Committee of ... was immediately
directed to succor the victims with everything available.
May I now be allowed personally to contribute with the enclosed small sum for
the same purpose through your kind offices.
I have the honor to renew to assurance of my highest consideration.

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that a telegram has been received
from the Governor-General of New Zealand, requesting that the very deep
sympathy of the Government and people of that Dominion may be conveyed to
the Japanese Government in view of the terrible disaster which has taken place
in Japan and the great loss of life involved.
I have the honor to be, etc,

I have the honor to inform you that it was with profound grief that the Japanese
Government learned of the disaster which befell the British liner “(name of
ship)” on Friday last, and that they have now charged me by telegraph to tender
to His Majesty's Government the expression of their sincerest condolence and
sympathy on the occasion of this terrible calamity.
I have the honor to be, etc.


第五節 提供與贈與【Offer & Present】


I am sending you under separate cover a copy of the report of the nineteenth
session of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection
of Minorities to the Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/930) and a copy of
the provisional summary record of the closed part of the 506th meeting of the
Sub-Commission (E/CN .h/Sub .2/SR .506/Add .1/Restricted).
I am also transmitting for your information a copy of the text of the
International Covenants on Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly at
its 1496th plenary meeting, on December 16, 1996 (resolution 2200 (XXI).


In accordance with the request made by the General Assembly in its resolution
2150 (XX) on administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations
with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency I am
transmitting to you herewith a copy of that resolution, together with a copy of
the fourteenth report of Budget Advisory Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary Questions to the General Assembly at the twenty-first session
I should like to draw your attention, in connection with operative paragraph 3 of
the resolution 2190A (XXI), to Paragraph 30 to 43 of the Advisory Committee’s
I should also like to call attention, in connection with operative paragraphs 2 and
3 of resolution 2190B (XXI), to sections II, III and IV of the Advisory
Committee’s report, as well as to the attached copy of the summary records of
the related discussions in the Fifth Committee.


The Embassy of the United States of America transmits to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, for its information, the Commission of


Mr.XXX as a Vice Consul of the United States of America in Taipei.

The return of the Commission to the Embassy, after appropriate action has been
taken by the Ministry, will be appreciated.
Enclosure: A Commission of Mr. XXX


The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and has the honor to transmit herewith passes
to the Diplomatic Galleries of the Senate and the House of Representatives for
the 5th Congress, for the use of the Chiefs of Mission and their wives.
Although the passes are marked "non-transferable" it is to be understood that
they may be presented by official members of the Mission in accordance with the
Department’s note of ......, when not being used by the Chiefs of Mission.
It is requested that all Diplomatic Gallery passes heretofore issued may be
returned to the Department or destroyed.


The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Japanese
Ambassador and, at the instance of the Joint Congressional Inaugural
Committee, begs to transmit herewith a ticket of admission to the floor of the
United States Senate Chamber on the Fourth of March, which will enable him to
participate in the ceremonies of the Inauguration of the President and
Vice-President of the United States of America.
Members of the Diplomatic Corps are requested to approach the Capitol from
the north and enter the building by the light of steps leading to the bronze doors
of the Senate wing, or by the archway and door beneath, reaching the Senate
floor by means of elevators.
When the passengers have alighted, their-cars will proceed under the central
archway and the archway in the House wing to South Capitol Street immediately
south of B Street, where they will park under the direction of' an employee of the
Department of State. A diplomatic identification card is enclosed which should
be displayed on the wind-shield of the automobile, as well as an automobile
po1ice pass.
The chiefs of mission will assemble in the Marble Room at half after eleven


o'clock, whence they will be escorted to the floor of the Senate and announced at

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
request the latter to provide three specimen each of all types of the passports of
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, for the reference of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of China.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(備 忘 錄)
Here are some key points of the conversation we held this morning:
1. Your Prime Minister will visit our country for a week in June.
2. We will provide four first class round-trip tickets and five business class
air tickets from ……… to ……….
3. We will provide the visiting group with lodging and local transportation.
4. Other details will be worked out between our Embassy in ………….and
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Referring to the conversation between His Excellency the Minister for Foreign
Affairs and the American Ambassador on November 12, 1955, concerning the
work of the Joint Commission, His Excellency will recall that the following
decisions were reached and agreed upon:

Embassy of the United States of America,

Paris, November 13, 1955.


I have the honor to inform you that I have just received from my Government
three volumes containing a selection of nine hundred letters, written in English
by students of High Schools, Colleges and Universities in Japan in order to
express their heartfelt thanks for the prompt, generous and effective relief action
taken by the American people at the time of the great earthquake in 1923. In
compliance with the earnest request of a delegation representing these students,
my Government instructed me to take such steps as may be permissible so that
the volumes may be presented to the President of the United States of America.
I therefore take the liberty of forwarding these volumes to you, with the request
that you will be, if agreeable, so good as to have them transmitted to the desired
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-52-2、贈送文物 (禮物) 範例
August 5, 1992
My Lord Mayor,
I have the pleasure to enclose herewith a check for $1,000, which His Imperial
Highness the Crown Prince has instructed me to place at your disposal for
distribution to such charities in the City of London as you may think fit.
The Crown Prince wishes me to say that he was more than pleased by the
cordiality and kindness of the greetings that he received when he visited the
Guildhall, and that he will ever cherish a most delightful memory of the
generous hospitality that was accorded to him at the Mansion House by the City
of London.
I am, My Lord Mayor,
Your obedient servant,

2-52-3、贈送文物 (捐贈) 範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China, in order to help
improve the operation of the farm program at Her Majesty's Prison, would like


to donate a proper irrigation system for four acres of farm land and five sets of
semi-automatic spraying equipment for pest control valued at US$20,000. The
Embassy wishes to know whether the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas is agreeable to the proposal and if so, would appreciate it if the
Ministry would make arrangements for the presentation.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-52-4、贈送文物 (捐贈) 範例

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
inform the latter that the Government of the Republic of China would like to
donate to the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas a sum of three
hundred thousand U.S. dollars (US$300,000.00) for re-construction of the
stricken areas caused by Hurricane Andrew.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry would be kind enough to make
arrangements for the presentation of the said donation at its earliest
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-52-5、贈送文物 (捐贈) 範例
(新 聞 稿)
The Government of Republic of China, upon learning Hurricane Andrew swept
through the northern islands of the Bahamas and caused serious damage,
decided immediately to donate Three Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars to the
Bahamas Hurricane Relief Committee for relief and reconstruction of the
hurricane stricken areas.
The presentation was made by H. E. Ping-Nan Chang, Ambassador of the
Republic of China, to the Honorable Orville Turnquest, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Mr. Tommy Turnquest, Chairman of Bahamas Hurricane Relief
Committee and Anthony Role, Chairman of technical services of the Committee,
at 11:30 am, August 31, 1992, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the presentation ceremony, Ambassador Chang expressed, on behalf of


the people and Government of the Republic of China, deep concern on the
situation and hope that the donation may alleviate in some degree the sufferings
of the people in the hurricane stricken areas and help their rehabilitation.

The present will serve to introduce to you Mr. XXX, of …………. Co., Ltd., 25,
Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2, who is leaving this country for Japan on the 17th
instant, going through Canada, accompanied by his wife.
It is not necessary for me to add anything in reference to the firm
of …………Co., Ltd., in view of its importance both in this country and in
The object of Mr. XXX’s visit is to attend to his firm’s interests in Japan,
following upon the recent earthquake, and at the same time he would be pleased
to offer his services in regard to any matters commercial or financial concerned
with the problem of the work of reconstruction in Japan.
I shall be pleased if you will be good enough to grant Mr. XXX an interview from
time to time, so that you may avail yourself of his kind offer when occasion
I have the honor to be, etc.

2-54-1 轉致文物範例
Dear Mr. President:
Vice President Yen Chia-kan has instructed me to transmit to Your Excellency
the Following message:
"To President Richard N Nixon: Please accept my hearty thanks for your kind
invitation to the dinner at the White House on October 24 and for the honor of
having been received by you on the following day. The conversation I had with
you impressed me so much that I came home with even greater admiration for
your leadership in this troubled world. It is with great sincerity that I renew to
you my best wishes for your personal well-being and continued success Yen
Chia-kan, Vice President of the Republic of China"
With highest esteem,
Respectfully yours,
Chow Shu-Kai
Ambassador of China


第六節 回應【Reaction and Response】

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note......, enquiring whether
foreign merchantmen may proceed to Odessa and what is the necessary
procedure to take in order to import goods into that port.
In reply I have the honor to inform you that foreign merchantmen are allowed to
lead for Odessa subject to the following conditions:
All ships, both neutral and Allied will be subject to examination at
Constantinople where an examination port is being set up.
A short embargo list has been prepared which has been published in the Board
of Trade Journal: the export of any articles on this list to Russian ports will be
A list of Russian ports to which the export of goods will, for political reasons,
have to be forbidden is being drawn up at Constantinople, and it is possible that
a vessel on arrival there may have to be diverted to some port other than that for
which she was originally loaded.
I have the honor to be, etc.

(電 報)
Enclosed herein is a copy of a communication which has been transmitted to the
address indicated.
The Secretary-General regrets that no additional copies of the enclosures
referred to therein are available at present.


I refer to your letter of 4 May 1966, addressed to Mr. Basel, in which indicate
interest in certain projects of the United Nations Development Program.
All of the projects which you have mentioned are under way, but the only
contract work involved in them is concerned with airborne geophysical surveys


or drilling. All of the other requirements have been or will be filled by the
recruitment of individual experts.
I take it from your letter that you are interested in assigning people directly to
the United Nations for work on these projects. I am therefore sending a copy of
your letter to our Technical Assistance Recruitment Service, which is responsible
for the recruitment of individual experts.


Referring to the Note No. 1234 of the Embassy of the Republic of China dated 13
September 1997, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has the
honor to inform the former that the information contained in the Note has been
relayed to the competent ministries of the Korean Government.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of
its highest consideration.

Dear Representative:
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of October , 19 , informing me of the
change in name of your office from the Coordination Council of North American
Affairs (CCNAA) to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in
the United States (TECRO). I have seen to it that interested agencies of the U.S.
Government have also been informed of this matter.
I look forward to continuing the close working relationship which has existed
between AIT and CCNAA.
Chairman of the Board and
Managing Director

Dear Mr. Wilson,
In reply to your letter of the 24th August, requesting us to arrange for
accommodation for yourself and Mrs. Wilson on the Japanese Delegation’s boat,
I have the pleasure to say that we shall give the most favorable consideration to


your request.
You will be informed as soon as any decision is reached.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note of ......, in
which you request me to convey to the Captain and crew of the American
steamer …. an expression of the gratitude for their action in rescuing the crew of
the shipwrecked Japanese steamer (name of ship), which is felt by the officers
and sailors of the entire Japanese merchant marine, as represented by the Japan
Seamen’s Society and the Japan Sailors’ Association.
In reply I have the honor to say that I have taken pleasure in transmitting your
request to the appropriate authority for communication to the Captain and crew
of the ….
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secretary

of State and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a note dated ......,
together with its enclosures, regarding a proposed International Exhibition to be
held in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, From June 2 to November 30,
1926, in celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the signing of
the Declaration of Independence.
The Japanese Ambassador begs to state that he has taken steps to recommend to
his Government the proposal contained in the note of the Secretary of State
under acknowledgment, and will be pleased to communicate with him further
upon receipt of a reply from Tokyo.

January 31, 1995
Note No. 51
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presents
its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
refer to the latter's Diplomatic Note No. 002 dated 10 January, 1995, advising the


Ministry that the Bahamian registered vessel M/V Pleiades took an unauthorized
departure from the port of Kee-lung, Taiwan, the Republic of China, on 14
October, 1994, in violation of Article 42 of Commercial Harbors Act and Article
17-1 of the Taiwan Harbors Control Act of the Republic of China. Further, the
M/V Pleiades nearly collided with the M/V Thuban, which was authorized to
enter the port.
The Ministry wishes to advise that this matter has been forwarded to the
relevant Bahamian authorities for appropriate action, and that you will be
advised upon receipt of a response.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China, the
assurances of its highest consideration.

October 21, 1992
Note No. 354
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of the latter's Note No. 785 dated October 9, 1992
requesting a copy of the investigative report from the authorities concerned in
the Republic of China on the incident.

The Embassy wishes to inform the Ministry that the investigation made by the
authorities concerned in the Republic of China has now been in progress and
that the report on the mishap will not be available until the investigation is

The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note No., July 15,
200X, referring to previous correspondence and inquiring whether Mr. XXX is
to serve as American Consul at Osaka in succession to Mr. YYY, and also


inquiring as to the date of Mr. ZZZ’s arrival at that post.

In reply I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the contents of Your
Excellency’s note have been conveyed by mail to my Government with the
request for a telegraphic reply.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

Department of State
Washington, February 10, 19XX
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 10, 1936
regarding the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
I have brought your note to the attention of the Securities and Exchange
Commission and also have transmitted to the Commission the documents that
accompanied the note.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
For the Secretary of State
His Excellency …………….
Ambassador of' the French Republic

(節 略)
The Secretary General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the
Permanent Representative of the Republic of ……… to the United Nations and
has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s Note No. 17 of June 24,
1982, which contains information on the status of international tax agreements
concluded by the Republic of … The Secretariat will take this information into
account in the preparation of the series of International Tax Agreements.

(節 略)
The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the
Department of Foreign Affairs of the …… and has the honor to acknowledge the


receipt of the latter’s Note of September 1, 1996, transmitting information

concerning the study of discrimination in respect of people’s rights to leave any
country, including his own, and to return to his country.
The Note and the information enclosed therewith will be forwarded to Mr. XXX,
Special Rapporteur of the Sub Committee on Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities.

(節 略)
Referring to the Note No. 1234 of the Embassy of the Republic of China dated 13
September 1997, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has the
honor to inform the former that the information contained in the Note has been
relayed to the competent ministries of the Korean Government.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of
its highest consideration.

Monsieur L’Ambassadeur,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date reading as follows:
“I have the honor to refer to the conversations recently held between the
representatives of the Governments……………”
I have the honor to confirm the arrangements set forth in Your Excellency’s Note
of the Government of Japan.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency, Monsieur
L’Ambassadeur, the assurance of my highest consideration.

In reference to the wishes expressed in your note of (date), I referred once more
to the proper Department of His Majesty’s Government the request of the
Japanese Government for the dispatch of a British............ Mission to assist the


Japanese …..
It is with much regret that I have now the honor to inform you that, after further
careful consideration, it has been found that the exigencies of the ……. Service at
the present time is such that it is impossible to spare the personnel required.
In these circumstances His Majesty’s Government are reluctantly compelled to
adhere to the decision already conveyed to you in my note of.....
I have the honor to be, etc.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of....................... ,
conveying your Government’s proposal for establishing diplomatic relations
between the Republic of ......... and the Republic of........... and its intention to set
up an Embassy in (The capital) in the immediate future.
In reply I have pleasure in informing Your Excellency that the Government of
the Republic of ......... welcomes the proposal of your Government and its
intention to set up an Embassy in ............ and wishes to assure that it looks
forward to cordial and friendly relations between the two countries.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of..........

Your Excellency,
With reference to your Note No 1234, I have the honor to inform Your
Excellency that my Government shares the wishes of the Government of the
Republic of China and agrees to exchange diplomatic representations with the
rank of Embassy.
I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate with pleasure to Your Excellency
assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of January 24,
1998, proposing the establishment of an embassy in the Republic of China with
an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary as its head.
It is my honor to inform Your Excellency that the Chinese Government gladly
accepts the proposal and has decided to send an Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to … the immediate future.
Meanwhile, I have the honor to add that the Chinese Government shares Your
Excellency’s view that the proposed exchange of diplomatic missions will
promote and develop the cordial ties between our two countries.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note of ..........
proposing the establishment of an Australian Legation in China with an Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary as its head.
In reply I have the honor to state that the Chinese Government gladly accepts
the proposal and has decided to send an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary to Australia in the immediate future.
I have the honor to add that the Chinese Government shares the hope expressed
by His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia that the
proposed exchange of diplomatic missions will promote the maintenance and
development of cordial relations not only between China and Australia but also
between China and the whole of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

Your Excellency,


With reference to your Note No………………… , I have the honor to inform

Your Excellency that my Government shares the wishes of the Government of
the Republic of China and agrees to exchange diplomatic representations with
the rank of Embassy.
I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate with pleasure to Your Excellency
the assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of January 24,
1998, proposing the establishment of an embassy in the Republic of China with
an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary as its head.
It is my honor to inform Your Excellency that the Chinese Government gladly
accepts the proposal and has decided to send an Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to ………. in the immediate future.
Meanwhile, I have the honor to add that the Chinese Government shares Your
Excellency’s view that the proposed exchange of diplomatic missions will
promote and develop the cordial ties between our two countries.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.

In his note No. F.C. 41/33 of the 16th April Dr. Quo Tai-chi was good enough to
enquire whether His Majesty’s Government would regard as acceptable the
proposal of the National Government of the Republic of China to appoint Dr. Vi
Kyuin Wellington Koo as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
China at this Court.
In reply I have pleasure in informing you that the appointment of Dr. Wellington
Koo in the capacity mentioned is agreeable to the King.
I have the honor to be, with high consideration,
Your obedient servant


(For the Secretary of State)


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 123 of ……. (date),
which you were good enough to address to me on 10th instant, stating that you
have been instructed by the Japanese Government to enquire whether His
Majesty’s Government would allow His Majesty’ Consul-General at Alexandria
to take charge of Japanese interests during the absence of Mr. XXX, Honorary
Japanese Consul at that city.
I beg leave to state that I have pleasure in acceding to your request and that I
have caused the necessary instructions to be issued to the Consul-General, in the
sense of your note.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant,

2-62-3、 同意(贈勳)
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's Note No. 12345 of June 3, 1968,
requesting me to ascertain whether the proposal of the XX Government to
bestow the Special Cravat of the Order of Star on Mr. Chen met with the
approval of the Chinese Government.
I now have the honor to state that I am informed by the Minister of Foreign
Affairs that 1. The proposal in question is warmly welcomed.
2. The proposal made in the note under reference is acceptable to the Chinese


3. The Chinese Government gladly gives its concurrence to the proposal of

the XXX Government to confer the order of Star on Mr. Chen;

4. The President of the Republic of China was pleased to accord formal

approval to this award.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of

my highest consideration.



The Embassy (Legation, Consulate, etc.) of the Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Department of the External Affairs and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of the Department's (or latter's) note No. 9 of December 24,
1967, concerning the proposed award of a … civil decoration to Dr. Chen.
In reply, the Embassy has the honor to inform that an instruction has been
received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Taipei stating that the proposal
in question is warmly welcomed.

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ......, regarding the
bestowal of the decoration of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, Third
Class, upon Mr. XXX, Honorary Consul of Japan at Havre, in recognition of his
services during the war, and to inform Your Excellency that a Royal Warrant
will be issued authorizing Mr. XXX to wear the insignia.
I have the honor to be, etc.

November 20, 1990
Note No. 379
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the latter's Note No. 768, under the date of September 7, 1990, regarding
the construction of a gymnasium in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and
unnumbered note of October 4, 1990, regarding a cultural exchange program in
commemoration of the Quincentenial Anniversary of the Landfall of
Christopher CoIumbus in the Bahamas. The Embassy is pleased to inform the
Ministry that the Government of the Republic of China takes great pleasure in
contributing two million U.S. dollars (U.S. $2,000,000) to the Government of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas for the construction of an indoor gymnasium in
the Queen Elizabeth Sports Center in commemoration of the above-mentioned
Quincentenial Anniversary. It is hoped that the gymnasium will be completed in
time for some of the 1992 celebration activities. The Embassy has initially
discussed with Bruce LaFleur & Associates, Ltd., an architect company in


Nassau, about the designing and cost for the construction of the gymnasium and
a copy of a letter to the Embassy by the company on the matter is enclosed for
reference. The Embassy will appreciate it if the Ministry would kindly make
arrangements for the presentation of the contribution at its earliest convenience.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

2-62-4、 同意(捐贈)
July 21, 1992
Note No. 235
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of the latter's Note No. 358 of June 15, 1992, indicating
that the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas agrees to provide
the funds required to complete the Gymnasium, namely landscaping, parking lot,
water and electrical facilities.
The Embassy has the further honor to inform the Ministry that the Government
of the Republic of China takes pleasure in making an additional contribution of
four hundred thousand U.S. dollars (U.S. $400,000.00) toward the construction
of the upscale version of the Gymnasium. The fund will be made available when
the progress of the construction calls for it.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

(節 略)
The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to His
Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey and has the honor to refer
to the Ministry’s note of January 6, 1956 requesting several copies of the
President’s "State of the Union" message.
The Ambassador appreciates the Minister’s interest in the President’s message
and is enclosing five copies thereof.


Five copies of the President’s message

Embassy of the United States of America

Ankara, January 7, 1956

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date reading as follows:
"During the negotiations for the Treaty signed today between His Excellency….
I should be glad if Your Excellency would confirm these understandings on
behalf of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom."
I have the honor, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom,
to confirm the understandings reached between us as recorded in the annex to
Your Excellency’s Note, which annex shall be considered as an integral part of
the Treaty signed today and shall be considered as effective upon the date of
entrance into force of that Treaty.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.


It will be noted that in the attached draft, a ratification clause has been inserted
in the agreement in accordance with the expressed desire of the Department.
Should Your Excellency’s Government agree to the text of the draft attached
herewith, I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that my Government is
prepared to have it signed at any time to be arranged.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Japanese Embassy


July 15, 19XX

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of to-day’s date,
communicating to me your understanding of the views developed by the
discussions that you have recently had with this Embassy in reference to the
status of the Ishii-Lansing exchange of notes of November 2, 1917.
I am happy to be able to confirm to you, under instructions from my
Government, your understanding of the views thus developed, as set forth in the
following terms: ---
The discussions between the two Governments have disclosed an identity of
views and, in the light of the understandings arrived at by the Washington
Conference on the Limitation of Armament, the Japanese and American
Governments are agreed to consider the Ishii-Lansing correspondence of
November 2, 1917, as cancelled and of no further force or effect.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


The Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government having informed the

Imperial German Government of the signature of the Protocol relating to Bosnia
and Herzegovina, which has been concluded with the Sublime Porte, and having
further requested assent to the abrogation of Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin,
the undersigned Imperial German ambassador, under instructions from his
Government, has the honor to make known to His Excellency Baron von
Aehrenthal, the Imperial and Royal Minister of the Imperial and Royal House
and of Foreign Affairs, that the Imperial Government formally and without
reserve gives its assent to the abrogation of Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin.

April 7, 1909
His Excellency ……………………


Department of State
July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency my understanding of the
views developed by the discussions which I have recently had with your Embassy
in reference to the status of Lansing-Ishii exchange of notes of November 2, 1917.
The discussions between the two Governments have disclosed an identity of view
and, in the light of the understandings arrived at by the Washington Conference
on the Limitation of Armament, the American and Japanese Governments are
agreed to consider the Lansing- Ishii correspondence of November 2, 1917, as
cancelled and of no further force or effect.
I shall be glad to have your confirmation of the accord that is reached.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(節 略)
Note No.7
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of Swaziland
presents its complements to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the
honor to refer to the latter’s Notes CE92/037 and CE92/040 regarding the
Agreement on The Handcraft Technical Cooperation between the two countries.
The Ministry on behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland agrees
to the renewal of the Agreement for a period three years with effect from 1st July,
2003. The ministry also accepts all the amendments stated in the two diplomatic
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of Swaziland avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.

1stAugust, 2003



I have the honor to refer to your note of today’s date proposing an agreement
between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of
Canada concerning the extension to individuals ordinarily resident in Canada
who are nationals of the United States and are not British subjects of certain
exemptions from orders and regulations now or hereafter in force respecting the
acquisition and disposition of foreign exchange and foreign securities in the
following terms:
I have the honor to inform you that an agreement in the terms of the foregoing
paragraphs is acceptable to the Government of the United States of America and
that this note, and your note under reference, will be regarded as placing on
record the understanding arrived at between our Governments concerning this
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

2-62-5-8、同意(換文)範例(美國與加拿大換文同意停止徵收 Wetland
The Department of State on July 23 (Press release 470) released the following
exchange of notes between the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs
and the U.S. Charge d’Affaires ad interim at Ottawa regarding the suspension of
Wetland Canal tolls. The Department has been informed that this Suspension is
to be retroactive to July 18, 1962:

No. 118
Sir: I have the honor to bring to your attention the proposal of the Canadian
Government to suspend in the near future the levying of tolls on the Wetland
Canal. The Government of Canada is fully satisfied that this action will be
beneficial to the shipping and trade interests of both Canada and the United
It will be recalled that, although this Canal is within Canada and the revenue
from it is not subject to the sharing arrangement, the tolls on this Canal are
referred to in a Memorandum of Agreement and Tariff of Tolls incorporated in
the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 between Canada and the United States of
America concerning the application of tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway. I


therefore propose that the tariff be modified by an exchange of notes to reflect

the suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I shall of course communicate further with you if the Government of Canada
subsequently decides that it would be advisable to revoke this suspension and
re-impose tolls on the Wetland Canal.
I have the honor to suggest that if the foregoing is agreeable to the Government
of the United States, this note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an
agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the
United States to vary the Tariff of Tolls attached to the 1959 exchange of notes in
order to provide for this suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 3, 1962.

2、U. S. NOTE
No. 14
Excellency: I have the honor to refer Lo your Note No. 118 of July 3, 1962
concerning the proposed suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and the modification
of the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to
reflect such a suspension.
I have been instructed by my Government to inform you that the proposed
suspension of Wetland Canal tolls and a consequent modification of the Tariff of
Tolls incorporated in the exchange of notes of March 9, 1959 to reflect this
suspension are acceptable.
Accordingly, your note and this reply shall constitute an agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
appropriately to modify the Tariff of Tolls incorporated in the I959 exchange of
notes in order to provide for suspension of tolls on the Wetland Canal.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Ottawa, July 13, 1962.

2-62-5-9、同意(換文)範例 (中美換文同意有關共同防禦條約第五條
1、The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs:
I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our


two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those

conversations, as follows:
The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in Article
VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and the
United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and other
territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under its
control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of
these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,
John Foster Dulle
Secretary of Stale of the
United States of
His Excellency
George K. C. Yeh,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
The Republic of China

2、The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs to The secretary of State:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s
date, which reads as follows:
"I have the honor to refer to recent conversations between representatives of our
two Governments and to confirm the understandings reached as a result of those
conversations, as follows.
"The Republic of China effectively controls both the territory described in
Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Defense between the Republic of China and
the United States of America signed on December 2, 1954, at Washington and
other territory. It possesses with respect to all territory now and hereafter under
its control the inherent right of self-defense. In view of the obligations of the two
Parties under the said Treaty and of the fact that the use of force from either of


these areas by either of the Parties affects the other, it is agreed that such use of
force will be a matter of joint agreement, subject to action of an emergency
character which is clearly an exercise of the inherent right of self-defense.
Military elements which are a product of joint effort and contribution by the two
Parties will not be removed from the territories described in Article VI to a
degree which would substantially diminish the defensibility of such territories
without mutual agreement."
I have the honor to confirm, on behalf of my Government, the understanding set
forth in Your Excellency’s Note under reply.
I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
George K C Yeh
Minister for Foreign Affair's of
The Republic of China
His Excellency
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State of
The United States of America

2-62-6 同意(互免簽證)
March 31, 1992
Note No. 121
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the latter's Note No. 58 dated January 23, 1992, proposing an agreement
abolishing the requirement of visas for nationals of the Republic of China and
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The Embassy has been instructed by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China to state its position on
this matter as follows:
1. The Government of the Republic of China would like to extend to H.E. Sir
Clement Maynard, its appreciation and gratitude for making the kind
2. The Government of the Republic of China, for security reasons and for
controlling influx of illegal laborers, has not made visa-waiver arrangements
with any country. Should the policy change in the future, it would be
prepared to conclude such an agreement with the Government of the


Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

3. Under the present circumstances, if the Government of the Commonwealth
of the Bahamas will kindly grant visa-waiver treatment to the nationals of
the Republic of China, the Government of the Republic of China will be
prepared to issue to the nationals of the Bahamas multiple entry visitor visas
gratis valid for five years.
4. If the above arrangements are agreeable to the Government of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of China proposes that an exchange of notes between the foreign
ministers of the two countries shall constitute an agreement on this matter.
5. There are twenty-three countries that have made the same visa arrangements
with the Republic of China. They include the Republic of Korea, Singapore,
Grenada, Commonwealth of Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint
Lucia, Saint Christopher and Nevis and so forth.
The Embassy would appreciate it if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas would let it know whether the proposal
advanced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China is
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

July 23, 1992
Note No. 238
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to
refer to the latter’s Note No. 330 of June 2, 1992, together with an amended draft
proposal of a facilitation of travel agreement between the Governments of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the Republic of China.
The Embassy has been instructed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of China to respond as follows:
1. The Ministry is pleased to note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Bahamas agrees to its suggestion that the latter grants visa waiver treatment
to the nationals of the Republic of China while the former issues to the
nationals of the Bahamas multiple entry visitors' visas gratis valid for five


2. Article 2 be amended to clarify that the above mentioned preferential

treatment applies only to the Bahamian nationals intending to visit the
Republic of China for vacation or business purpose and the duration of stay
is sixty days, extendable twice each for sixty days.
3. Article 5 should be replaced by Article 5 of the draft agreement proposed by
the Note No. 58 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas under
the date of January 23, 1992. The Article reads: Bahamian nationals who
intend to stay in the Republic of China longer than ninety days or wish to
engage in gainful employment or paid activities are required to obtain an
entry visa in advance from a diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic
of China.
4. The numerical order of Article 6-7 should be changed to Article 6-8.
The draft agreement that is amended in accordance with the above terms is as
Article 1
Nationals of the Republic of China holding a valid national passport shall be free
to travel to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas without the necessity of
obtaining an entry visa in advance provided their intended stay does not exceed
ninety days and they are not engaged in gainful employment of paid activities.
Article 2
Bahamian nationals holding a valid national passport and intending to visit the
Republic of China for vacation or business purpose shall be issued gratis with
multiple entry visitors' visas valid for five years, (with a duration of stay for sixty
days, extendable twice, each for sixty days) provided they are not engaged in
gainful employment or paid activities.
Article 3
Exemption from the visa requirements shall likewise apply to nationals of the
Republic of China in possession of seaman's books and of embarkation or
disembarkation orders from the competent authorities, arriving from any
country and proceeding through the Commonwealth of the Bahamas by land, air
or sea, either in order to reach their port of embarkation of to return to the
Republic of China. The length of stay of seamen of the Republic of China in the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas as provided for above shall be limited to fifteen
Article 4
Nationals of the Republic of China who intend to stay in the Commonwealth of
The Bahamas longer than ninety days, or wish to engage in gainful employment
or paid activities are required to obtain an entry visa in advance from a


diplomatic or consular mission of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Article 5
Bahamian nationals who intend to stay in the Republic of China longer than six
months, or wish to engage in gainful employment or paid activities are required
to obtain a resident visa in advance from a diplomatic or consular mission of the
Republic of China.
Article 6
According to this Agreement, nationals of the Republic of China proceeding to
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and Bahamian nationals to the Republic of
China remain subject to the laws and regulations in force of the contracting
State relating to immigration, entry and stay of aliens.
Article 7
The competent authorities of each Contracting State reserve the right to refuse
leave to enter or stay in its territory to any person who is considered undesirable
by those authorities under the laws and regulations of the respective Contracting
States referred to in Article 5.
Article 8
Either Contracting State may suspend the foregoing provisions, in whole or in
part, temporarily for reasons of public order or national security. The
suspension shall be notified immediately to the other Contracting State through
diplomatic channels.
If the foregoing provisions are acceptable to the Government of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas, the Embassy has the honor to propose that the
present Note and the Ministry's Note in reply to that effect shall constitute an
Agreement between the two Governments on this matter, which enters into force
thirty days after the date of the Ministry's Note in reply and shall thereafter be
subject to termination by either Contracting State giving ninety days notice in
writing to the other.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurance of its highest consideration.

November 3, 1992
Note No. 358
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and has the honor to


refer to the Ministry's Note No. 748 of September 30, 1992 together with an
amended draft agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas and the Republic of China.
The Embassy has been instructed to inform the Ministry that the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China is in agreement with the draft
agreement amended by the Ministry’s Note No. 748 except the following two
typographical errors.
(A) Article 1 “... and they are not engaged in gainful employment of paid
activities," should be corrected as "... and they are not engaged in gainful
employment or paid activities."
(B) Article 8 "... under the laws and regulation of the respective Contracting
States referred to in Article 5" should be corrected as "... under the laws and
regulation of the respective Contracting States referred to in Article 7."
If the corrections mentioned as above are acceptable to the Government of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the Embassy has the further honor to propose
the present Note and the Ministry’s Note in reply to that effect shall constitute an
agreement between the two Governments on this matter, which enters into force
thirty days after the date of the Ministry's Note in reply and shall thereafter be
subject to termination by either Contracting State giving ninety days notice in
writing to the other.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

The Secretary of the Chinese Ambassador
Embassy of the Republic of China
Po ft- au- Prince

This is to confirm that Ambassador Timmons will be pleased to receive His

Excellency Ambassador Kao on Monday, July 15, at l0:00 a.m.

(Miss) Gladys Ionian

Secretarial Assistant to the Ambassador


Warsaw January 27,
Dear Mr. Charge d’affaires:
In response to your note f January 25, I shall be very happy to receive you and
the members of the Canadian Financial Mission in my office at the Embassy at
eleven o’clock on Friday morning, February 3rd.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. ………….
Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Canada


The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the.............. presents his compliments to His

Excellency the.......... Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, and has the
honor to acknowledge the receipt of His Excellency’s note of ............, regarding
the farewell luncheon to be given on Thursday, March 24, at 1:30 p.m. in honor
of His Excellency the Ambassador of the ........ Republic and Mrs. ..........., and His
Excellency ............, Ambassador of.............
The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the ......... will be pleased to participate in
the luncheon which he will attend with Mrs. ... The Ambassador of the ......... will
participate in the presentation of the two gifts.
The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the ............... avails himself of this occasion
to renew to the......... Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, the assurances
of his highest consideration.

The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Republic of China has the honor to
inform His Excellency the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
that Mr. and Mrs. XXX will be pleased to attend the Farewell party held in
honor of His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, on Thursday,
May 5, 1982 at Americana Hotel at 12:30 noon.
The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Republic of China avails himself of this


opportunity to renew to the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic

Corps, the assurances of his highest consideration.


Mr. and Mrs. ............ thank Mr. and Mrs. ......... (His Excellency Minister for
Foreign Affairs and Mme ................. ) for their kind invitation to dinner on
Thursday January 25, 1968 at 20:15 hrs which they have the honor and pleasure
to accept (which they accept with great pleasure).
Place Date


Mr. and Mrs. ...........accept with great pleasure the kind invitation of Mr. and
Mrs. ……… to dinner on Thursday January 25, 1998 at 20:15 hrs.
Place Date


Dear Mrs. Wilson,

It will give us much pleasure to dine with you on Tuesday October 20 at seven

Thanking you for thinking of us,

Yours sincerely
Linda Parker

Dear Mrs. Wilson:
My husband and I wish to thank you most sincerely for your kind invitation to
dinner with you and Mrs. Wilson on Tuesday, October 20 at 7.30 p.m. which we
accept with much pleasure.
Thanking you for thinking of us and we are looking forward to seeing you then.
Yours sincerely
Linda Parker



The Embassy of the Republic of ............ presents its compliments to the

Department of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
the Department’s memorandum No.........., dated ................, regarding the
First............ International Film Festival. Pursuant to the Department’s request,
the Embassy is appending hereto a brief description of ......... film entries at the
Festival and will transmit the still pictures required by the Festival Committee as
soon as they are received by the Embassy. The Embassy has also conveyed to
the............ Government, as well as film organizations in ............, the Committee’s
invitation to send a delegation to the Festival.

Dear XXX,
I have the pleasure of receiving your letter of ……… which came to me about a
couple of days ago. It is very kind of you to invite me to join the National Prayer
Breakfast scheduled for February …… of this year at the Washington Hilton
From my past experience, I have found that this international gathering is
significant in that it gathers leaders from all parts of the world to share in the
spirit through people’s love for God and concern for one another.
Since mundane affairs are often unpredictable, it is even more precious that
People from all corners of the globe can get together in prayer. I shall be
honored to participate in the tentative itinerary scheduled for January …… to
February ……. .
Looking forward to seeing you soon,

2-62-8-9、同意(參加-AEI World Forum)範例

Dear XXX:
I am delighted to receive your letter of July15, 200X and the attached invitation
It is very kind of you to invite my wife and me to attend the 10th annual AEI
World Forum scheduled for June ……., 19xx at Beaver Creek. Colorado.
I would like to join this meaningful gathering which is to attract business leaders,
government officials and statesmen and academic experts from around the globe
at the secluded setting of the Colorado Rockies.


With best regards,


Dear XXX,
Upon my return from a trip overseas, I had the pleasure to receive your letter of
July …….., requesting our participation in a fund - raising drive initiated by the
Foundation for Cancer Research.
I have distributed the material enclosed in your letter to my staff members and
urge them to join the event individually.
With best wishes,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ......, extending on
behalf of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine an invitation to the
Government of the United States to be represented at the Association’s 5th
Congress, which will be held at Tokyo from ...... to ...... of this year.
I have taken pleasure in communicating copies of your note to the appropriate
Departments of this Government for their information and consideration, and I
shall have the honor to address you further upon the subject when their reply
shall have been received.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Referring to your note of ...... , extending on behalf of the Far Eastern
Association of Tropical Medicine an invitation to the Government of the United
States to be represented at the Association's 5th Congress, which will be held at
Tokyo from ...... to ...... , next, I have the honor to inform you that, in
acceptance of the invitation, Surgeon ...... , United States Quarantine Service,
Manila, Philippine Islands, and Surgeon ...... , Public Health Service, whose
present address is American Consulate
Yokohama, have been designated as delegates on the part of the United States to


the Congress mentioned.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the ... instant, in
which you were good enough to inform me that, in acceptance of the invitation
extended on behalf of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine to the
Government of the United States to be represented at its 5th Congress,
Surgeon XXX, United States Quarantine Service, Manila, Philippine Islands,
and Surgeon YYY, Public Health Service, have been designated as delegates of
the United States to the said Congress.
I have at once taken steps to communicate to my Government the purport of
your note under acknowledgement for transmission to the said Association. I feel
sure that the acceptance of their invitation by your Government will be highly
appreciated by them, and a very cordial welcome is in store for your delegates.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Dear Professor XXX,
The Secretary-General has asked me to thank you for your letter of May 30,
1986 conveying your very kind invitation to him to be represented once again at
the Pugwash Conference, in this case at the meetings in Sopot, Poland, next
Noting that the agenda is principally concerned with disarmament problems, the
Secretary-General hope to be able to designate two senior officials of the
Department of Political and Security Council Affairs to attend the Conference as
observers. I shall let you know their names at the earliest possible date.
Yours sincerely,



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ......, by which, under
instructions from your Government, you extend, on behalf of the National
Research Council of Japan, to the Government of the United States and to the
Governments of
Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands and Samoa, an invitation to be
represented by delegates at the 5th Pan-Pacific Science Congress, to be held in
Tokyo from.... to ...... , and to inform you that the invitation will have
consideration, the result of which will in due season be communicated to you.
I shall be obliged if, in the meantime, you will kindly convey to your Government
the expression of the thanks of the Government of the United States for its
courtesy. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest


My Lord,
I have the honor to state that the Japanese Government, to whom an invitation
has been extended through the British Ambassador in Tokyo, have ordered XXX
and YYY, representing the ...... and the Department of Communications
respectively, to attend the International Hydrographic Conference to be held in
Both officials are now staying in London and are ready to enter into
communication with the proper authorities of His Britannic Majesty’s
I have the honor to be, etc.

My Lord XXX,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship’s Note No. ….
under date .........., informing me that the first meeting of the inter-allied
experts to consider the agenda for the Genoa Conference will be held at the
Board of Trade on ........, at 11:30 a.m., and requesting me to inform you of the
names of the Japanese representatives at that meeting.
In reply, I beg leave to state that my country will be represented in the person of


Mr. XXX, First Secretary to this Embassy; Mr. YYY, Secretary in the Ministry
of Finance, and Mr. ZZZ, Manager of the London Branch of the Yokohama
Specie Bank.
I have the honor to be, etc.

Dear Mr. Ambassador:
In confirmation of our telephone conversation and in accordance with your
request, I have invited in your name the following persons, in addition to my
wife and me, to attend a dinner party to be given at your residence on September
5, 1970 at an hour to be set by you:

Mr. and Mrs. ……………

I hope that this meets with your approval.
With kindest personal regard,
Robert A. Bishton
American Consul General and
Counselor of Embassy

(節 略)
The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Republic of China has the honor to
inform His Excellency the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
that Mr. and Mrs. XXX will be pleased to attend the Farewell party held in
honor of His Excellency, the Japanese Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, on
Thursday, May 5, 1982 at Americana Hotel at 12:30 noon.
The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Republic of China avails himself of this
opportunity to renew to the Japanese Ambassador, Dean of the Diplomatic
Corps, the assurances of his highest consideration.

Dear Representative


I acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 10, 1998, concerning the

change in the name of your office to the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO).
I hereby confirm our mutual understanding and agreement that this change in
name does not in any way effect, nor was it intended to effect any substantive
legal change: it does not affect the rights, responsibilities or status of your
organization. All the obligations undertaken by CCNAA remain in effect as
obligations of TECRO. In particular, all agreements and contracts between AIT
and CCNAA remain fully in force, in accordance with their terms.
This letter, together with your letter of December 10, 1998, referred to above,
constitutes an agreement between AIT and TECRO on this subject.
Chairman of the
and Managing

No. 1212
Tokyo, July 15, 19XX
I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency’s note of July 7, 19XX, on the
transfer of equipment and materials under the Mutual Defense Assistance
Agreement between the United States of America and Japan signed on March 8,
I also have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the proposal made in the
note under reference is acceptable to the Government of the United States of
America and that the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Japan, or
his appointees, are designated as the authorities on the part of the Government
of the United States of America for the purpose indicated in the said note.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency
Minister for Foreign Affairs



Mr. and Mrs. XXX thank Mr. and Mrs. YYY. for their kind invitation to dinner
on Thursday, January 25, 1998 at 20:15 hrs but regret very much for not being
able to come owing to (on account of or because of ) a previous engagement
( because they will not be in town at that time).

Mr. and Mrs. XXX regret very much for not being able to accept the kind
invitation of Mr. and Mrs. YYY. to dinner on Thursday, January 25, 1968 at
20:15 hrs, owing to a previous engagement (because they will not be in town at
that time). However, they appreciate the invitation just the same.


The Chinese Ambassador and Mrs. ............thank His Excellency the Ambassador
of the United States of America and Mme. .................. for their kind invitation to
reception on their National Day but regret very much for not being able to come
because they will be out of the country by that time on account of some urgent
matters. However, they wish to send forth with their hearty congratulations to
Their Excellencies on that auspicious occasion and their best wishes for the
continued prosperity and further progress of their great country.


Dear Mrs. Wilson:
Mr. Parker and I regret most sincerely that owing to a prior engagement, it will
not be possible for us to accept your kind invitation for October 20. However, we
do hope that we could be with you at some other time.


Thanking you very much for thinking of us.

Yours sincerely

Linda Parker

Dear XXX:
I have the pleasure of receiving your letter of April ………
It is very kind of you to extend an invitation to me to attend the first Hawaii
Dragon Boat Festival for June 16, 1998 at the Ala Mona Beach Park in your
beautiful City and County.
I would like very much to join this gala event. My tight schedule during this time,
however, prevents me from taking the trip. Your thoughtfulness in extending the
invitation is still greatly appreciated.
With my best regards,


Dear XXX:
Thank you very much for your fax letter of August ………
As regards your invitation to me to attend the third Asian gathering scheduled
for August 25 to September 10, 19XX, I wish to inform you that I sent a fax letter
to Mr. XXX on July 15. In the letter, I informed Mr. XXX that I will not be able
to join the gathering due to my previous commitment. I shall be in ………
during that time.
Wishing your gathering a great success,

Dear XXX:
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April ……..
It was very kind of you to invite me to attend the Festival Canada Opening Press
Conference scheduled for Monday, April ………, at the Far Eastern Hotel in
I would like to join this significant event, Canada’s largest promotion drive


anywhere in Asia this year. My previous engagement, however, has prevented me

from joining this happy occasion. Nevertheless, I wish this festival a great

Dear XXX:
I was awfully glad to receive your letter of May ……. which reminds me of the
lively discussion we had together.
I am sorry that I will not be in Los Angeles on August 7, and will therefore be
unable to attend your luncheon meeting honoring Dr. XXX.
Thank you very much to your thinking of me.
Best personal regards,

PU 211 December 14, 1996
Dear Mr. XXX,
Thank you for your letter of 28 November 1996 inviting me to visit Yale
University for a few days and share my views with your students and faculty. I
greatly value your kind invitation and should have been pleased to accept;
however, owing to the heavy pressure of my official duties, I regret this will not
be possible. I am sure you will understand the circumstances that have made this
decision necessary.
Yours sincerely,


Dear Ambassador and Mrs. De Martinez:
My wife and I unfortunately caught cold yesterday and both have slight fever


this morning. Therefore it is impossible for us to participate in your farewell

dinner for Ambassador and Mrs. Ross. It is a pity and we regret very much.
However, we are looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you very soon.
With our sincere gratitude and best regards,
Yours sincerely
Shih- Ming Kao
Ambassador of China

Your Excellency,
With reference to your note of May 12, 19XX, in regard to the transport of
postal parcels from Japan to Switzerland and other countries, I have the honor
to refer Your Excellency to the note which was addressed to you on the subject
from this office on …….. (Date), and to inform you that the position has been
fully explained to His Majesty’s Ambassador at Tokyo, who is in communication
with the Japanese authorities concerned.
I have further the honor to say that His Majesty’s Government regret that they
do not see their way to reconsider the decisions already arrived at, in the absence
of any special reasons for so doing.
I have the honor to be, etc.


The Embassy (Legation, Consulate, etc.) of the Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Department of the External Affairs and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of the Department's (or latter's) note No. 9 of December 24,
1967, concerning the proposed award of a … civil decoration to Dr. Chen.
I regret to state that I am informed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the
President declined to act on the request for permission to accept the decoration
as the known special Cravat of the Order of Star offered by (name of country) to
Dr. Chen.

The Embassy (Legation, Consulate, etc.) of the Republic of China presents its


compliments to the Department of the External Affairs and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of the Department's (or latter's) note No. 9 of December 24,
1967, concerning the proposed award of a … civil decoration to Dr. Chen.
In reply, the Embassy regrets to inform that an instruction has been received
from the MOFA stating that the President declined to act............................. to Dr.

2-64-1、抗議範例 (美國大使館抗議遲延通知拘留美國人)
No. 91
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to refer
to the arrest of an American citizen which has not been reported to the Embassy
by the Korean authorities.
The case involves Mr. Terrence T. McDonald, an American citizen, who was
arrested August 4, 1976. He apparently has been in the custody of Korean
authorities since that date. Mr. McDonald has stated to consular officers who
visited him at Seoul West Gate Prison that he repeatedly demanded that the
Embassy be informed of his arrest. Instead, the Embassy was informed through
a telephone call from a friend of Mr. McDonald's, six days after his detention.
The Embassy has on past occasions taken up cases of this nature informally with
the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry. The Embassy again requests the
Ministry to endeavor to establish channels through which the arrests of
Americans will be reported promptly to the Embassy in accordance with the
provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 2 of the Consular Convention between the
Republic of Korea and the United States.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of the opportunity to
renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea the assurance
of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Seoul, August 16, 1976

2-64-2、抗議範例 (美國大使館再度抗議遲延通知拘留美國人)
No. 459
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has the honor to bring
to the Ministry’s attention, the case of Mrs. Yong Pin Balchunas, an American
Mrs. Balchnnas was arrested on November 27, 1976 at Kimpo Airport as she
prepared to depart. She was allegedly in possession of $80, 000, which she failed
to declare. The Embassy was finally advised of Mrs. Balchunas’ arrest, 4 days
later, on December l, 1976. During this period, Mrs. Balchunas was apparently
held at the Namdaemun Police Station, unable to contact the Embassy.
Such an extended delay of notification is not only distressing to the American
citizen arrested, but is equally disturbing to the Embassy. The Consular
Convention between our countries provides that notification of arrest be made
promptly. The Embassy has brought this matter to the attention of the Ministry
before, most recently in the case of Mr. Terrence T. McDonald in its Note 91 of
August 15, 1976.
The Embassy requests the aid of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in determining
the reason for delay of notification in this case. In addition, the Embassy
requests that procedures be established to ensure more timely notification of
arrest in future cases involving American citizens.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs the assurance of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Seoul, December 6, 1976

2-64-3、抗議範例 (加拿大大使館抗議遲延通知拘留英國人)

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and have the honor to refer the Ministry to the recent
detention in the Republic of Korea of Mr. Ng Kwok Hung, holder of British
passport 441214 issued in Hong Kong on 18 September 1976.
The Embassy has been informed that Mr. Ng was detained by customs officials
at Kimro Airport on 20 January 1977 and charged with evasion of customs
duties and bribery.
The Embassy did not receive notification of the detention from the competent
authorities until 28 January. The Embassy would like to take this opportunity to
emphasize that customary international consular practice, as embodied in
Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on consular relations, is that the competent


authorities of the receiving state shall without delay inform the consular post of
the sending state if a national of that state is arrested. It is the practice of Her
Majesty's Government to abide strictly by this provision and it would be
appreciated if, provided the detainee so requests, that the Embassy should be
informed immediately of the arrest of a British subject.
The Embassy avail themselves of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs the assurances of their highest consideration.

2 February 1977

The Department of State refers the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the
attached information concerning the violation of the Agreement between the
Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of Korea
Concerning Cooperation in Fisheries by the Republic of Korea vessel Dong Won
No 707.
On August 1, 1976 the Dong Won Ho 707 was seized by the United States Coast
Guard vessel Jarvis for violation of 16 USC 1081 by retention of U.S. continental
shelf fishery resources. Inspection by United States enforcement officials also
revealed retention of salmon and halibut in violation of the Agreement between
the Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of
Korea Concerning Cooperation in Fisheries.
The Department of State assumes that the Republic of Korea, recognizing the
relevant prohibitions contained in the subject fishery agreement between both
governments, and the vital conservation issues in the North Pacific salmon and
halibut fisheries, will take all necessary measures to prevent the re-occurrence of
such incidents.

Department of State,
Washington, November 19, 1976

Enclosures: Photograph and Report.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Korean Mission
in Japan, and with reference to the postage stamps, which are being issued by
the Government of the Republic of Korea and which show the island of
Takeshima, a territory of Japan, has the honor to make the following
1. Mail matters recently arriving in Japan from the Republic of Korea bear
three kinds of postage stamps, all of which show unmistakably the island
of Takeshima which belongs to Japan. Words in Korean letters, meaning
“Republic of Korea Post” and “Dokdo” are printed on these stamps.
2. The Japanese Government has frequently protested to the Korean
Government against the illegal occupation of Takeshima by the Republic
of Korea, by making it clear that the island is an integral part of Japanese
3. The Korean Government, while continuing to ignore the protest of the
Japanese Government, is now issuing postage stamps picturing Takeshima,
which cannot but be considered a piece of propaganda on the part of the
Korean Government to foist upon the world its spurious claim to
ownership of a Japanese possession. The Japanese Government does
hereby lodge with the Korean Government a solemn protest against its
unfriendly act and request rectification.
4. Furthermore, the Korean Government is hereby notified that the
Japanese Government reserves all measures it may take with respect to
Korean postage stamps showing the Japanese island of Takeshima.
Tokyo, November 29, 1954

December, 13, 1954
The Korean Mission in Japan presents its compliments to the Japanese Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and, in reply to the latter’s Note Verbale of November 29, 1954
regarding the issuance by the former’s Government of postage stamps which
show the island of Dokdo, has the honor to state as follows:
1. The Ministry stated in its note under reference that the Korean
Government has continuously ignored the protests which the Japanese
Government filed against the occupation of Dokdo by the Korean


Government. However, in this regard, the Japanese Government is

reminded that the Korean Government has repeatedly clarified its view
that the said island is an integral part of the Korean territory. And it is
firmly believed that the Korean Government's view taken especially in the
Mission’s Note dated September 25, 1954, has sufficiently proved the
Korean ownership of Dokdo from the standpoint of historical facts and
modern international law. Thus, there can be no doubt that the
Government of the Republic of Korea has due right to exercise her
territorial jurisdiction over the island.
Accordingly, it must be concluded that the Ministry's contention that the
Republic of Korea illegally occupied Dokdo, etc., is based on the utterly
groundless assumption, unsupported by facts.
2. In connection with the issuance by the Korean Government of postage
stamps picturing Dokdo, the Ministry said in the note as if the Korean
Government has attempted to foist upon the world some spurious claim to
the island by issuing such Korean postage stamps. However, as pointed out
in the foregoing paragraph, since Dokdo is indisputably a part of the
Korean territory, the issuance of postage stamps picturing the island is
well within the jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of Korea.
Therefore, such exception to the issuance of Korean postage stamps as
taken by the Japanese Government is tantamount to the Japanese
Government's undue act of interfering in an internal affair of the
Republic of Korea.
In view of the above mentioned facts, the Mission considers that the
Japanese Government is by no means in a position to protest to the
Korean Government against its issuance of postage stamps showing
Dokdo which is doubtless an integral part of the Korean territory.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Korean Mission
in Japan and has the honor to notify the latter as follows:
The Government of Japan withdraws the remarks made by Mr. Kanichiro
Kubota, Chief Japanese delegate, on October 15, 1953, against which the Korean
Delegation protested. Further, the Government of Japan hereby withdraws the
claim to property in Korea made by the Japanese Delegation at the Korea-Japan
Talks on March 6, 1953, on the basis of the "Statement of U.S. Position on


Interpretation of Article 4 of the Japanese Peace Treaty with respect to

Korean-Japanese Claims Settlement" dated December 31, 1957.

Tokyo, December 3I, 1957

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Korean Mission
in Japan and has the honor to make the following representation with reference
to the illegal bombardment on a patrol ship of the Japanese Maritime Safety
Agency by the Korean authorities unlawfully occupying Takeshima, Japanese
l. The "Oki" and "Hekura", two patrol ships of the Maritime Safety Agency
arrived in the waters adjacent to Takeshima on the morning of November 21,
1954 for investigation. When "Hekura" came to a point about three miles
northwest of Nishijima, the Korean authorities unlawfully occupying the said
island bombarded the ship with five cannon shells between 6:58 a.m. and 7 a.m.
the dispute concerning the ownership
2. With a view to settling of Takeshima in a peaceful and final form, the
Japanese Government has proposed the Korean Government to refer the case to
the International Court of Justice. The Korean Government, however, has not
only refused the proposal, but kept its authorities stationed in Takeshima. The
Korean Government, still continuing its unlawful occupation of the island, has
further allowed its authorities to open fire upon a Japanese Government vessel.
3. The Japanese Government cannot but have serious concern about the
continuance on the part of the Korean Government of such attitude as has been
mentioned above regarding it as an act to endanger maintenance of international
peace and security. While lodging a strong protest with the Korean Government
against such unlawfulness, the Japanese Government demands immediate
withdrawal of the Korean authorities from the island in question and removal of
all the equipment including the guns, and a formal apology of the Korean
Government, and requests that effective and adequate measures, including the
punishment of those who are responsible for the incident, be promptly taken in
order to prevent the recurrence of committal of an illegal act of similar nature in
4. The Japanese Government hereby declares that the Korean Government,
so long as it continues to refuse the request, should be responsible for all


complications arising from the Takeshima issue.

Tokyo, November 30, 1954

(Soviet Note of March 12)
No. 9
The Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has the honor to state the
following upon instructions from the Soviet Government.
According to information received, on March 8 of this year two American
“Boston” class cruisers and a “Franks” class destroyer fired upon a Soviet
refrigerator trawler (SRTR 9007), which was fishing in the open sea. At the
moment of the firing the Soviet trawler was located 70 miles east of Norfolk (at
36~53.3’ North, 74~58' West).
At 12:15 the American warships fired two dummy shells towards the trawler
from a distance of 5 miles. The shells fell approximately 130 meters from the
vessel. Then at 12: 50, approaching to a distance of about 1 kilometer, they fired
two more dummy shells, which fell 60 meters from the trawler. By their actions,
the American warships created a threat to the safety of the Soviet trawler and its
The Soviet Government cannot regard the firing upon of a fishing vessel of the U.
S. S.R. by ships of the Navy of the U.S. A. otherwise than as a crude violation of
the generally-recognized standards of international law, the principles of
freedom of navigation in the open sea, and as an undisguised arbitrary act which
can lead to serious consequences. The Soviet Government protests to the
Government of the United States of America on the occasion of the above actions
of provocation by American warships, expects that those guilty will be punished,
and that the necessary measures will also be taken for the barring of similar
actions in the future.

Washington, March 12, 1963.

To the Department of State

of the United States of America


(U.S. Note of March 14)
The Department of State acknowledges the receipt of note No. 9 from the
Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dated March 12, 1963
expressing serious concern over a reported firing by United States Navy ships on
a Soviet refrigerator trawler (SRTR-9007) March 8, 1963 approximately 70 miles
east of Norfolk, Virginia. A thorough investigation was initiated immediately
upon the receipt of the Embassy’s note with the following results.
The position given in the Embassy's note for the location of the Soviet vessel at
the time of the alleged incident lies well within an established and recognized
United States Navy operations area used for many years for gunnery and other
exercises by ships of the United States Navy. On March 8, 1963, there were in
these operations area six United States Navy destroyers which engaged in
gunnery exercises during the course of the day. The destroyer nearest the
location of the alleged incident within the indicated time period conducted
anti-aircraft firing practice (against a target towed by an airplane) in an
easterly and westerly direction with ammunition having a maximum range of
seven miles while the destroyer was ten miles southwest of the location of the
alleged incident. Before and during the firing practice, clearance of the range
was established in accordance with normal safety procedures and no other
surface vessels were within twelve miles of the destroyer at the time of firing. At
no time did this destroyer or any other United States naval vessel in the general
area engage in any firing when any surface vessel or aircraft could be
endangered. No cruisers were among the United States Navy vessels in the area.

Department of State,
Washington, March 14, 1964

Following is the text of a U.S. note delivered to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign
Affairs at Moscow on April 3, 1963:
April 3, 1963
By its notes of March 27 and of March 29, 1963, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics presented protests by the Soviet
Government against what it termed "piratical attacks" on the Soviet merchant
vessel “L’gov” on March 17 and the Soviet merchant vessel "Baku” during the
night of March 26-27 near Cuba. The notes asserted that although the attacks


were perpetrated by Cuban counter-revolutionary groups, the United States

Government encourages such activities and bears full responsibility for them.
The United States Government categorically rejects this charge. It wishes to
remind the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that
immediately after the recent attacks on Soviet merchant vessels an official
spokesman stated that the United States Government is strongly opposed to, and
is in no way associated with, such attacks. This position was furthermore clearly
set forth by President Kennedy in his press conference of March 21. The United
States Government is taking every step necessary to insure that such attacks are
not launched, manned or equipped from U.S. territory.
In taking vigorous action to prevent misuse of its territory, the Government of
the United States trusts that the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics will not misinterpret such action as indicating any change in United
States opposition to Soviet military involvement in Cuba.

Following is the text of a note delivered on October 10, 1962 the U.S. Embassy at
Moscow to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Soviet detention of
Comdr. Raymond D. Smith, assistant naval attaché of the Embassy:

The Embassy of the United States of America refers to the Oral statement of
October 5, 1962, of the head of the United States Section of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding the
apprehension and detention at Leningrad on October 2, 1962, of Commander
Raymond D. Smith, USN, Assistant Naval attaché of the Embassy.
The Embassy categorically rejects all allegations of improper or inappropriate
behavior on the part of Commander Smith and specifically that he was engaged
in espionage.
The Embassy vigorously protests the manifold Violations by Soviet authorities of
the rights and immunities appertaining to Commander Smith as a duly
accredited diplomatic officer of the Embassy.
After having been physically assaulted and forcibly deprived of items of personal
Property by allegedly non-official Soviet citizens, Commander Smith was
detained by two militia officers for four and one-half hours. During this period
of illegal detention he was refused permission to communicate with the Embassy
and was subjected to threats of violence.
Commander Smith repeatedly drew the attention of the militia officers to his


diplomatic status, presenting his diplomatic card, issued by the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, in corroboration thereof. It is noteworthy that this document
cites, inter alia, article 2, paragraph (A) of the “Statute Regarding Diplomatic
and Consular Representations of Foreign Governments on the Territory of the
U. S. S.R. of January 14, 1927”, which states: “Diplomatic representatives
enjoy personal immunity by virtue of which they may not be subjected to
judicial or administrative arrest or detention.”
It would appear, therefore, that two militia officers in question not only violated
the basic principles of diplomatic immunity as historically and generally
recognized in traditional diplomatic practice and the relations between states but
also Soviet law itself.
The Embassy expects the Ministry to undertake the necessary disciplinary
measures with regard to the Soviet officials involved in this affair and to assure
that there will be no recurrence of violation of the diplomatic immunities of
members of the Embassy staff.

Following is the text of a note from the U.S. Mission the United Nations to the
Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the United
Nations, delivered at New York on September 29, 1962:

The United States Mission to the United Nations presents its compliments to the
Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United
Nations and wishes to call further attention to the espionage activities on the
part of Mr. Eugeni M. Prokhorov and Mr. Ivan Y. Vyrodov, members of the
Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United
Representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics to the United Nations were informed of their activities earlier today
when agents of the FBI observed Mr. Prokhorov and Mr. Vyrodov receiving
classified documents of a national defense nature from a member of the United
States Armed Forces who was immediately arrested. In this espionage operation
Mr. Prokhorov and Mr. Vyrodov previously had received other classified
documents for which they paid substantial sums of money to the United States
As host to the United Nations the Government of the United States strongly
protests these espionage activities directed against the internal security of the


United States. Not only are such activities clearly outside the scope of the official
responsibilities of these members but they are an outrageous violation of their
privileges of residence within the meaning of Section I3 (b) of the Agreement
between the United States and the United Nations concerning the United Nations.
Under this provision of the Agreement they have, by their actions, forfeited their
privilege of continued residence in this country.
The United States Mission requests the Permanent Mission of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics to take the necessary steps to affect the immediate
withdrawal of Mr. Prokhorov and Mr. Vyrodov from the United States.

Following is the text of a U.S. note delivered on November 17, 1962 to the
Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations:

The United States Mission to the United Nations wishes to call to the attention of
the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations the illegal and
reprehensible actions on the part of Roberto Santiesteban Casanova, Jose
Gomez Abad and Elsa Montero de Gomez, who are assigned as members of the
Permanent Mission.
The apprehension and arrest of Santiesteban by representatives of this
Government today resulted from his actions as a participant in a conspiracy to
commit sabotage within this country. Santiesteba does not possess diplomatic
immunity. He will be subject to prosecution under United States Federal
Jose Gomez Abad and Elsa Montero de Gomez also actively participated as
co-conspirators in this criminal conspiracy. Their activities are a gross violation
of their status as members of a permanent mission to the United Nations. The
United States Government considers this criminal activity a most flagrant abuse
of the privileges of residence.
The Permanent Mission of Cuba is requested to affect the immediate departure
of Jose Gomez Abad and Elsa Montero de Gomez from the United States. The
Acting Secretary General of the United Nations has been informed of these
actions and of the contents of these notes.

Following is the text of a note handed on July 1, 1963 to the Charge d'Affaires of
the Soviet Embassy by Acting Assistant Secretary Richard H. Davis:
July 1, 1963


The Department of State wishes to inform the Embassy of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics that Attaché Gennadiy G. Sevastyanov has engaged in highly
improper activities incompatible with his diplomatic status. Beginning on April
28 of this year, Sevastyanov attempted to recruit for espionage purposes an alien
resident who is an employee of the United States Government.
Sevastyanov in this effort tried to coerce the United States Government
employee by threatening reprisal to members of his family resident in the Soviet
Union if he did not cooperate.
The United States Government cannot permit such unacceptable behavior on the
part of all official of the Soviet Embassy and therefore Mr. Sevastyanov’s
continued presence in the United States is no longer acceptable. The Embassy is
requested to arrange for his immediate departure.

Department of State
Washington, D. C.

Following is the text of a U.S. note of protest against "security strips"
established by the Soviet Zone regime in East Berlin and East Germany which
was delivered to the Soviet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs By the U.S. Embassy at
Moscow on July 5, 1963. Identical notes were delivered by France and Great
Britain on the same day:
July 5, I963
On June 21, 1963, the East German authorities proclaimed new security
measures which imposed draconian restrictions on circulation in that part of' the
Soviet sector in Berlin situated along the boundaries of the Western sectors.
The East German authorities have no competence for Berlin and these measures
are completely illegal. They aggravate the arbitrary actions taken since August
13, 1961, by these authorities in connection with the Soviet Government which
have cut the city in two by construction of the "wall". These latest illegal
measures constitute a serious infringement of the quadripartite status of Berlin
as established in the agreements of 1944 and 1945. They not only purport to limit
the right of the Allies to circulate freely in Greater Berlin, but also, together with
similar measures taken outside Berlin, constitute in their effects another brutal
violation of the most elementary rights of the German population.
I am instructed to inform you that the United States Government protests
strongly against these measures. The United States Government will hold the


Soviet Government responsible for the consequences which may result in Berlin
or elsewhere.

(A). The United Slates Embassy in Moscow to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 24 August 1962:
The United States Government wishes to draw the attention of the Soviet
Government to the situation in Berlin, which was been recently aggravated by
the brutal killing on the Berlin Wall of Peter Fetcher, a young German. This
must be a matter of deep concern to the Four Powers which have the
responsibility for Berlin. The Soviet note of August 10 gives evidence of the
acceptance by the Soviet Government of that responsibility.
The Soviet Government's note contains numerous errors of fact. There have
been no Western acts endangering human life. As for the suggestion that the
Allies and the West Berlin authorities have been the authors of provocative
actions, this seems, in the existing circumstances in Berlin, singularly ironic. The
tensions which have undoubtedly recently arisen in Berlin are due to the
building of the Wall on August 13 last year, which cut the city in two, and to the
attitude of the Soviet Government in opposing by every means free circulation
within the city. The responsibility for the Wall and for its consequences rests
solely with the Soviet Government. This action in violation of international
agreements and of the most elementary principles of humanity has been further
aggravated by the attitude and actions of the East German authorities toward
the inhabitants of the Soviet Sector of Berlin.
The very existence of a wall which prevents the inhabitants of East Berlin and of
East Germany from leaving that area bears eloquent testimony to the character
of the regime. The brutality which the East German regime has continually used
toward its inhabitants trying to seek refuge in West Berlin has long bean
notorious. Despite this, recent acts by the East German authorities operating in
areas for which the Soviet Government is responsible, and in particular the
cold-blooded killing along the Wall of many Germans, including women and
young people are daily causing growing horror in the civilized world.
The latest incident, the killing of Peter Fetcher, is of particularly revolting nature.
On August 17 this 18-year old worker who tried to enter the Western Sectors of
Berlin was shot down by East Berlin guards at the Wall dividing the city.
Gravely wounded, he lay for an hour near the Wall without help and in full view
of the public before he died.


It is evident that such acts contrary to the principles of humanity can only deeply
affect the sentiments of the population of Berlin and cause deterioration in the
climate of the city.
For their part, the United States Government and its allies, far from encouraging
provocative action, have made every effort to maintain calm and order in the
city. It was in this spirit and in recognition of the Four-Power responsibility for
Berlin that they made their proposal in their note of June 25 that representatives
of the Four Powers meet in Berlin to review the incidents which had occurred
since the Wall was built with a view to avoiding, by all appropriate methods, the
recurrence of such incidents, in particular by seeking means to facilitate the
movement of persons and goods within Berlin.’
This proposal was rejected by the Soviet Government on July 14, and the Soviet
Commandant also rejected on August I9 the invitation which was issued with the
same purpose by the United States, British, and French Commandants. In these
circumstances, it is hard to see how the Soviet Government expects the tension
provoked by the East Berlin and East German authorities to be reduced.
The United States Government nevertheless is prepared to persist in its attempts
to bring about joint consultation with the Soviet authorities with a view to
preventing further deterioration of the situation in Berlin. Accordingly, the
United States Government repeats its proposal for a quadripartite meeting,
preferably at Berlin, which could provide for the establishment of the necessary
contacts in accordance with existing agreements.

(B). The United States Embassy in Moscow to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 27 August 1962:
It should not be necessary to remind the Soviet Government that the present
tensions in Berlin have been caused by the illegal erection of the wall and the
senseless cruelty of the police of the Soviet sector. The people of the Western
sectors were manifesting revulsion, which was worldwide, against the criminal
shooting of a defenseless and innocent boy on August 17, who was left to die in
the Soviet sector without even the elementary aid demanded by civilized codes of
behavior. On August 23 another young German was shot in the back by the
police of the Soviet sector. Although he was taken to a West Berlin hospital as
soon as possible, his life could not be saved.
Despite these wanton provocations, the U.S. authorities in Berlin are maintaining
law and order in their sector. All traffic, including that of members of the Soviet
armed forces, is moving without incident. The U.S. Government understands the


concern of the Soviet Government about the stone-throwing at Soviet personnel,

but the Soviet Government cannot expect to escape censure for, or to avoid the
consequences of, permitting these brutalities to occur in the sector of the city for
which it is responsible.
The Governments of the U.S., U. K., and France have repeatedly called on the
Government of the U. S. S.R. to have its officials meet with their representatives
to find ways of reducing dangerous tensions and restoring normal conditions in
Berlin. The U.S. Government hopes the Soviet Government will agree promptly
to the proposal for consultation made in its notes of June 25 and August 24 of
this year.

(C) The Soviet Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the United States Embassy in
Moscow, 5 September 1962:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on
instructions of the Soviet Government declares the following with regard to
notes of the Government of the United States of America of August 24 and 27,
The Soviet Government is constrained to state that the Government of the
United States of America, like the Governments of Great Britain and France,
while paying lip service to the danger of the present situation in West Berlin, is
attempting to divest itself of responsibility for events which have recently taken
place there. It not only evades taking necessary measures for the suppression of
provocative actions of Fascistic West Berlin and West German elements, but
even proceeds to justify these provocations, which could have serious
consequences for peace and international security.
The Soviet Government warned the Government of the United States of America
that Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin authorities were preparing
aggressive actions for the middle of August, with a view to raising tension and
interfering with a German peace settlement and normalization of the situation in
West Berlin. However, the Government of the United States of America took no
measures to prevent the allies of Bonn and West Berlin revanchists which were
in preparation. What is more, the occupation authorities made their aircraft
available for transportation to West Berlin from the Federal Republic of
Germany of every kind of politician and outright agent of subversive centers,
who were inciting the population of the city to provocative actions against the
German Democratic Republic and the Soviet Union.
The occupation authorities of the United States, Britain, and France in West
Berlin bears the responsibility for murders of German Democratic Republic


border guards who were protecting the security of' their Republic. The
occupation authorities are also responsible for the blowing up of German
Democratic Republic border installations by saboteurs from West Berlin, which
led to casualties. The Governments of the three powers bear the responsibility
for penetrations by Bundeswehr military aircraft into the German Democratic
Republic air space; the guilt for the unceasing acts of sabotage on the city's rail
system lies on the authorities of the three powers in West Berlin, although they
should have known that this could evoke complications in the communications of
West Berlin with the outside World.
The Soviet Government deems it necessary to emphasize especially that, as a
result of connivance by American occupation Authorities, insolent Fascist bands
carried out direct attacks on soldiers of the Soviet Army and diplomatic
employees of the U.S.S.R. Embassy in Berlin, as a result of which three soldiers
received injuries. It was only thanks to the restraint and presence of mind of the
Soviet soldiers that these events did not take a more serious and dangerous turn.
In the note of the Government of the United States of America of August 27, 1962,
there is not even a hint of condemnation of the criminal actions of West Berlin
Fascistic elements.
The justifiable demand of the U.S.S.R. Government for the punishment of those
guilty of violating the security of Soviet representatives is passed over in
complete silence. The Government of the United States of America is shielding
the West Berlin provocateurs and all but threatening new 'consequences', if
demands of the revanchists from Bonn and West Berlin for the abolition of
defensive measures taken by the authorities of the German Democratic Republic
on its boundaries are not satisfied. The Soviet Government regards such position
of the United States of America as open and direct encouragement of Fascistic
elements of the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin to new criminal
acts and warns that, in the event of similar provocations, such measures will be
taken as may be considered necessary for insuring the security of Soviet
representatives and soldiers.
The most recent developments in West Berlin confirm that the occupation
regime in this city has become a cloak for revanchists and militarists, organizers
of all types of subversive activity against the U.S.S.R. and other peace-luring
states. The present dangerous situation in West Berlin is the direct result of the
‘frontline city' policy which the occupation powers, the Federal Republic of
Germany, and the West Berlin Senate are pursuing there, jointly and severally.
West Berlin has been transformed into a refuge for numerous espionage
diversionary centers and militaristic and revanchist organizations, into a


loudspeaker for shameless propaganda of hate and war. Developments in West

Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany are following in fact in the very
same channel as in Hitlerite Germany during the period of its preparation for
aggression. And if this today depended only upon West Germany militarists,
thirsting for revenge, mankind would already have been plunged into the throes
of a new, bloody war.
But in our time there are forces capable of checking any and every aggressive
stirring of West German militarists and their accomplices. These forces will not
permit the heaping up of combustible material for military adventures and the
exploitation of West Berlin for these goals. The border in Berlin is not simply a
border between two states. It is a defensive boundary against the NATO military
base set up in West Berlin, a boundary against those who are preparing for war
and seeking conflicts. This border will in the future continue to be under reliable
The Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France in their notes
attempt to cast themselves in the role of defenders of humanitarian principles. If
hypocrisy were dispensed with and there were really a desire to display
humanitarian principles, these governments could render assistance in the
liberation of thousands of German anti-Fascists, partisans of peace, who, as in
the times of Hitler, are languishing in the prisons of West Germany.
Humanitarian principles, which the Western Powers invoke, require immediate
and decisive curbing of West German revanchism and militarism, which are
guilty of the death of tens of millions of people in two world wars. For this, it is
not a 'discussion of incidents', as proposed by the Governments of the United
States, Great Britain, and France which is necessary, but a fundamental
normalization of the situation: conclusion of a German peace treaty and
normalization on that basis of the situation in West Berlin. The question is not
one of discussing incidents and consultations, it is necessary, at long last, to
liquidate the occupation regime in West Berlin on the basis of the signing of a
German peace treaty, to liquidate the NATO military base, and to withdraw the
troops of the three powers from West Berlin.
The Soviet Government is ready at any time to reach agreement with the
Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France on the
normalization of the situation in West Berlin on the basis of a German peace
settlement. Such a settlement would consolidate the foundations of peace in
Europe. It would regulate relations between West Berlin and the German
Democratic Republic and preclude all kinds of undesirable incidents.


(D) The United States Embassy in Moscow to the Soviet Ministry forForeign
Affairs, 25 September 1962:
The United States Government regrets that the Soviet note of September 5 does
not attempt to deal with the points raised in the United States notes of August 24
and 27. The Soviet note ignores the fact that the tensions in Berlin are due to the
wall which divides the cry and to the brutality of the East German regime
towards its inhabitants. Both are the responsibility of the Soviet Government.
The Soviet note is also silent on the cold-blooded killing of refugees seeking to
cross the wall into West Berlin and makes no mention of the particularly
revolting circumstances connected with the death of Peter Fetcher on August 17.
The United States Government rejects the allegations contained in the Soviet
note, which seemed designed only to distract attention from the brutal activities
of the East German regime.
It is unfortunate, to say the least, that the Soviet Government should say in its
note that 'the question is not one of discussing incidents and consultations'. It is
manifestly unreasonable for the Soviet Government to accuse the United States
Government various activities in Berlin and to refuse to discuss the situation
there, as the United States has proposed in its notes of June 25, August 24 and
August 27. In opposing such a discussion of the situation in Berlin the Soviet
Government must bear a heavy responsibility and evidences thereby its desire to
maintain tension in Berlin.

(A) The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Indian Embassy in Peking, 3
October 1962:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Embassy of India in China and, with reference to the Indian
Government's note of September 19, 1962, has the honor to state as follows:
1. The Chinese Government regrets that the Indian Government has once
again refused its proposals for speedily and unconditionally holding discussions
on the Sino-Indian boundary question on the basis of the report of the officials of
the two countries.
2. The Indian Government has also refused the Chinese Government's
reiterated proposal that the armed forces of each side withdraw 20 kilometers
along the entire border. The aim of the Indian Government in doing so is quite
clear. Taking advantage of the cessation of border patrols by the Chinese frontier
guards, the Indian side again crossed the so-called McMahon Line last June and


intruded into the Che Dong area to its north in China's Tibet region and has
since then set up four aggressive strong points at Che Dong, Jungputiu,
Chekuopu and Kalung. The proposal for each side to withdraw 20 kilometers
would obviously hinder the Indian side from carrying out its aggressive activities
in the eastern as well as the western and middle sectors. While sending China a
note on September 19 refusing the Chinese proposal for a peaceful settlement of
hostilities, (The Indian Government) has since September 20 launched
continuous attacks on the Chinese frontier guards in the Che Dong area and, as
of September 30, killed 5 and wounded 9 Chinese frontier guards. Such
unbridled provocation and attacks have not stopped up to now. It is clear that
the Indian Government is determined to answer the Chinese Government’s
peace proposal with rifles and guns. The Chinese Government cannot but
express deep indignation at this.
3. The Indian Government pretentiously repeated in its note that discussions
on the boundary question can only be held after the border tension has been
eased. This is downright hypocrisy. Can it be that the Indian troops crossing the
so-called McMahon Line and firing at Chinese frontier guards are an Indian
effort to ease the border tension? Whenever India attacks, China is sure to strike
back. The Indian Government must bear responsibility for all the serious
consequences arising from this. The Indian side on the one hand says that
discussions on the boundary question can be held only after the border tension
has been eased, on the other hand ceaselessly creates tensions on the border, thus
increasingly complicating the boundary question. Hollow words can deceive
no-one and calculated deeds of continuously altering the status quo of the
boundary unilaterally and by force will certainly bring India no good.
4. It was out of the sincere desire to ease the border tension that the Chinese
Government reiterated the proposal for each side to withdraw 20 kilometers. Yet
the Indian Government asserted in its note that this proposal 'suffers from the
serious defect that it leaves the aggressor, who altered the status quo by
unilateral action over the last few years, in possession of the fruits of his
aggression'. As a matter of fact, it is India itself that altered the status quo of the
boundary unilaterally and by force, not only over the last few years, but for
more than ten years. Regarding the western and middle sectors, the Chinese
Government has already given detailed accounts in its previous notes. Now, for
the eastern sector, China once again points out emphatically that the so-called
McMahon Line is utterly illegal and is what the Chinese Government absolutely
does not recognize. Actually, before the peaceful liberation of Tibet by China in
1950, it was merely a line which a Briton drew on a map at will and without any


basis; a line without any legal or practical value. It was only after China had
liberated Tibet that the Indian side unilaterally altered by force the traditional
customary line in the eastern sector and pushed its frontier forces up to the
so-called McMahon Line. Not satisfied with this, the Indian Government in 1959
occupied Khinzemane, which is north of the so-called McMahon Line, and has
now further occupied the Che Dong area. All these are iron-clad facts of
unilateral and forcible alteration of the status quo of the boundary by the Indian
5. While repeatedly protesting against the Indian actions of altering
unilaterally and by force the status quo of the boundary in the western, middle
and eastern sectors, the Chinese Government, proceeding from the fundamental
interests of the peoples of China and India, has never made restoration of the
original state of the boundary a pre-condition for the holding of boundary
negotiations between China and India. The Chinese Government holds that no
pre-condition should be set for the negotiations on the boundary question. This
has been, and still remains, the attitude of the Chinese Government. It is net
difficult for the Asian countries and all peace-loving countries to see from this
that the Chinese Government is sincerely working for a peaceful settlement of
the Sin-Indian boundary question. The Indian Government, however, insists in
its note on a pre-condition for the discussions on the boundary question, namely,
the so-called status quo of the Sino-Indian boundary in the western sector as
conceived by India must first be restored, which means that China must
withdraw from vast tracts of its own territory before discussions on the
Sino-Indian boundary question can start. This is absolutely unacceptable to the
Chinese Government. It is clear that the Indian Government has raised the
question in such a way because it wants to make the two sides bog down in
endless procedural debates in a continuous exchange of notes, thus making it
utterly impossible to start discussions on the boundary question.
6. The Chinese Government is against settling any preconditions for the
discussions on the Sino-Indian boundary question. But it does not object to
discussing any question the Indian side may raise during the discussions on the
Sine-Indian boundary question. The Indian note says that only certain questions
concerning the western sector of the boundary will be discussed. Why only
discuss the western sector? The eastern sector being the most pressing question
at present, what reason is there for not discussing it? The Chinese Government
now once again proposes that discussions on the Sine-Indian boundary question
be started at once between the two Governments on the basis of the report of the
officials of the two sides; that during the discussions questions concerning the


middle and eastern sectors of the boundary must be discussed as well as those
concerning the western sector, in a word, that neither side should refuse to
discuss any question concerning the Sino-Indian boundary that may be raised by
the other side.
7. As regards the concrete arrangement, the Chinese Government has
noted that the Indian Government has agreed to the proposal for holding
discussions from October 15 first in Peking and then in Delhi, alternately. The
Chinese Government is prepared to receive on October 15 the representative to
be sent by the Indian side. It suggests that other relevant details be promptly
discussed and decided upon through diplomatic channels.
The Chinese Government awaits the reply of the Indian Government.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Indian Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

B) The Indian Ministry of External Affairs to the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi,
6 October 1962:
The Ministry of External Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the
People's Republic of China and has the honor to refer to the note presented to
the Charge d’Affaires of India at Peking on 3rd October, 1962.
The Government of India regrets that the Chinese Government have net only
turned down the proposal to hold further discussions regarding measures to
remove the current tensions in the Western sector, the implementation of which
is a necessary preliminary to the creation of a climate of confidence between the
two Governments for constructive discussions to resolve the differences over the
border question, but categorically have stated that any consideration of
measures for restoration of the status quo of the boundary unilaterally altered
by force is absolutely unacceptable to the Chinese Government. How can any
talks take place in the context of this precondition?
The Government of India have repeatedly stated their desire to enter into talks
and discussions, first to devise measures to reduce tensions and to create a
climate of confidence, and then to undertake purposeful and constructive
discussions in the improved climate to resolve the differences between the two
Governments over the border question. The Government of India’s approach in
this matter of talks and discussions has been clear and straightforward
preliminary talks to ease tensions and to create the appropriate climate of
confidence to be followed by further purposeful talks, after implementation of
measures to ease tensions and restore confidence have been taken, to resolve
differences between the two Governments on the boundary question on the basis


of the report of the officials. If there has been any double dealing or hypocrisy, it
is entirely on the Chinese side as can be seen in the succeeding four paragraphs
The Government of China have repeatedly stated in their communications sent
to the Government of India that they have all along refrained from disturbing
the status quo of the eastern sector of the boundary along the McMahon line,
though they did not recognize it, as they were respecting the actualities of the
situation. This boundary, running along the highest Himalayan watershed ridges,
has been the traditional and customary boundary between India and Tibet for
centuries and Indian administration had been established right up to it. This was
conclusively proved by the Indian officials at the talks of 1960. The Agreement of
1914--The McMahon Line Agreement--merely formalized the traditional
boundary and gave it the added sanction of confirmation by treaty. The
Government of China has recently accepted the eastern section of the McMahon
line as the traditional watershed boundary between China and Burma. They
have raised in their recent publication, 'Selected Documents on Sine-Indian
Relations', issued in 1962, attached a map showing the McMahon line as the
alignment along 'the Himalayan Mountains'. This makes clear that even
according to the Chinese, it was not just 'a line which a Briton drew on a map at
will without any basis' but the highest watershed ridge in this area.
Despite this clear knowledge of the boundary, the Chinese forces have, during
the last month, while notes were being exchanged for holding talks and
discussions, intruded into Indian Territory in the eastern sector and have been
attacking Indian forces since 20th September. The Government of India have in
their notes of 17th, 21st, 25th and 28th September given full details of this
unwarranted and deliberate Chinese violation of the status quo of the border.
The Government of India in their note of 25th September requested the
Government of China, in the light of the full details given by them regarding
this latest intrusion of Chinese forces into Indian territory, to issue immediate
instructions to their forces to cease their aggressive activities on Indian territory
and to return to Chinese territory across the frontier to the north of the Thagla
Ridge, i.e., to the region indicated by the co-ordinates given by the Chinese
authorities themselves in their note of 16th September, 27°49’N and 91°48’E. The
Government of China have not only not taken any action in this regard,
continued their aggressive activities in Indian territory and created further
tensions in the Eastern sector, which has so far been quiet and peaceful, but are
now arguing, on the basis of tensions created by their deliberate aggression, that
the eastern sector being the most pressing question at present, should also be


discussed. The Government of India will not enter into any talks and discussions
under duress or continuing threat of force. The latest Chinese intrusion must be
terminated first.
The Government of India in their note of 19th September commented on the
suggestion of the Chinese Government regarding withdrawal of forces on both
sides by 20 kilometers that this suggestion ‘suffers from the serious defect that it
leaves the aggressor who altered the status quo by unilateral action over the last
few years in possession of the fruits of his aggression’. This comment of the
Government of India is fully justified. While India has never altered the
traditional status quo of the boundary, it is obviously the Chinese practice to
alter the status quo unilaterally whenever they can. This has been further
confirmed by the latest action of the Chinese forces during the last month in the
eastern sector. Quite apart from the claims of either side, it is clearly established
that Chinese forces have, during the last month, crossed the Thagla Ridge and
entered into the area on the Indian side. This cannot be denied. And further, they
are continually strengthening their position on the Indian side of the Ridge. The
Chinese forces have thus advanced into and occupied Indian Territory. These
facts are clear and no-one can be deceived by suggestions for talks and
discussions and professions of peaceful settlement when force is actually being
employed to grab Indian Territory even while these notes for talks and
discussions are being exchanged.
Nor can anyone be deceived by the false allegation that the Government of India
has raised the question in such a way as to bog down the two sides in endless
procedural debate and make it utterly impossible to start discussions on the
boundary question. The position of the Government of India in this matter is
clear as stated in the third paragraph above. It is the Government of China, on
the other hand, that want to bog down the talks in endless debates and wrangles
by proposing that neither side should refuse to discuss any questions concerning
the Sino-Indian boundary that may be raised by the other side. No useful talks
and discussions can take place in the absence of a precise agenda and it appears
that the Chinese are specifically aiming at creating confusion regarding the
proposal for starting talks and discussions merely as a cover for their aggressive
and expansionist activities along the India-China border.
The Government of India are prepared to make necessary arrangements for
starting discussions in Peking or in Delhi from a mutually convenient date as
soon as the latest intrusion by Chinese forces in Indian territory south of the
McMahon line has been terminated as requested in Government of India's note
of 28th September 1962, and the Chinese Government indicate their acceptance


of the proposal made in that note, which is reproduced below for ready
'The Government of India are prepared to hold further discussions at the
appropriate level to define measures to restore the status quo in the Western
sector which has been altered by force in the last few years and to remove the
current tensions in that area. The implementation of such measures will create a
climate of confidence between the two Governments which alone can make
possible constructive discussions to resolve the differences between the two
Governments on the boundary question on the basis of the report of the
The Ministry of External Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Embassy of the People's Republic of China the assurances of its highest

(C) The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Indian Embassy in Peking, 6
October 1962:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China presents its
compliments to the Embassy of India in China and, with reference to the notes of
the Ministry of External Affairs of the Indian Government, dated September 17,
21 and 25, 1962, has the honor to state the following:
In its notes to the Indian Government dated September 16, 20, 21 and 25, 1962,
the Chinese Government has given clear and detailed accounts of how Indian
troops intruded into Che Dong, north of the so-called McMahon Line,
established an aggressive strongpoint, attacked Chinese frontier guards and
created incidents of bloodshed there. In the pass few days, the Indian troops
have again expanded the scope of their encroachment and set up three more
aggressive strong points in the Che Dong area, one at Chekuopu, east of Che
Dong and west of the Che-jao bridge, another at Jungputiu, south-west of Che
Dong, and the third at Kalung, west by north of Che Dong. What is even more
serious, the Indian troops have become increasingly unbridled in their armed
provocations. Against this, the Chinese Government has repeatedly lodged the
most serious protests with the Indian Government. The Chinese Government
now demands once again that the Indian side immediately stop its armed attacks
on the Chinese frontier guards and withdraw from China's Che Dong area.
The Indian Government in its notes not only tried hard to deny having engaged
in aggressive activities, but went so far as to misrepresent the armed attack
launched by the Indian troops at midnight on September 20, in which they killed
an officer of the Chinese Frontier Guards and wounded a Chinese soldier, as an


incident in which two Chinese soldiers came 'up to an Indian patrol post' and
'threw two band-grenades injuring three Indian soldiers', so that the Indian side
was 'compelled to return the fire in self-defense'. In concocting this lie in its
notes, the Indian Government had probably forgotten another version of this
incident given by a spokesman of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs on
September 21. He then pretentiously said that the Chinese opened fire at an
Indian post from some hundreds of yards away, injuring three Indian soldiers.
This evident inconsistency in itself suffices to explode the Indian side's clumsy
lies. It must also be pointed out that, in reply to correspondents on September 22,
1962, Prime Minister Nehru described the bloody clash created by Indian troops
as 'minor incidents'. This irresponsible statement shows that the Indian side is
going to continue to 'play with fire' on the border.
But he who plays with fire will burn himself, and the Indian side is advised to
consider carefully the consequences.
The Indian Government asserts that Che Dong is to the south of the illegal
McMahon Line and is Indian Territory. 'This is wholly incompatible with the
actual situation. The so-called McMahon Line was treacherously concocted in
1914 by Britain for the purpose of aggression against China's Tibet. It is illegal
and null and void and has never bee12 recognized by any Chinese Government.
But according to the original 1914 map of the 'McMahon Line', this line extends
eastward from approximately 27°4 66.5’N, 91°39.7’E, while Che Dong is situated
at 27°46.5’N, 91°42’E, and so obviously north of the Line. In the map "India and
Adjacent Countries' published by the Survey of India in 1959, the so-called
McMahon Line has already been shifted further north, yet the Che Dong area is
still north of the Line as delineated in this map. During the meeting of the
officials of the two countries, the Indian side said in describing its claim Line on
June 27 1960 that the western extremity of the so-called McMahon Line was
about 13 miles south of the Mela Pass (27°57’N, 91°40’E). Calculated by this
distance, the Che Dong area is still north of the Line. Ali this shows that whether
according to the 1914 original map, the 1959 Indian official map or the Indian
officials' own account, the Cobs Dong area is undoubtedly to the north of the
so-called McMahon Line. The Indian Government states in its September 17
note that the Indian side said in the officials’ meeting that the So-called
McMahon Line Starts eastward from 27°48’N, 91°40’ E. It is true that the Indian
official said to that effect on July 13, 1960 in reply to a question put by the
Chinese side. But his statement was not only at variance with the fact, but also
inconsistent with the Indian official’s own statement of June 27, 1960. It is
utterly untenable for the Indian side now to use that statement as a ground for


encroaching on the Che Dong area. The Indian side, after occupying large tracts
of Chinese territory south of the so-called McMahon Line, has again and again
changed its delineation of this illegal Line and encroached on Chinese territory
north of the Line. According to such practice of the Indian side, what boundary
could there be between China and India?
The fact is very clear. It is precisely the Indian side that has intruded to the
north of the illegal McMahon Line and created incidents of bloodshed in the Che
Dong area. The Chinese Government expresses its extreme regret and
indignation over the Indian Government’s practice of willfully distorting facts
and calling black white in its notes. It is absolutely futile for the Indian
Government to try in this way to absolve itself of the guilt of expanding its
aggression and killing and wounding Chinese frontier guards.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Indian Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

2-64-18、抗議範例 【蘇聯宣佈與阿爾巴尼亞斷交】
(A) Soviet note verbale to the Albanian Embassy in Moscow, 25 November 1961:

The USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been authorized, by instructions of

the Soviet government, to declare the following:

The Albanian government, by following a course of further aggravation of its

relations with the Soviet Union, especially since the XXII CPSU Congress, has
created an intolerable situation for normal activities of the Soviet Ambassador in
Tirana as well as for those of other Soviet diplomats. The Soviet Ambassador has
been put in a position where he cannot carry out normally the recommendations
of his government. In fact, the USSR Embassy is in an isolated situation and the
most elementary norms of international law are being violated in regard to it.
For provocative reasons, the Albanian authorities are slanderously accusing the
employees of the USSR Embassy of allegedly hostile activities against Albania. In
addition, in the past few days the Albanian government has taken a step
unprecedented in reciprocal relations between two socialist countries,
demanding, without any grounds, a reduction of the staff of the Soviet Embassy
by nearly two-thirds.
In view of the fact that the Albanian authorities have intentionally created
conditions depriving the Soviet Ambassador to Albania of the opportunity to
perform his diplomatic functions, the USSR government is compelled to take the


decision to recall the USSR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Comrade I.V. Shikin, from Albania.
The USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks that this decision of the USSR
government be transmitted to the Albanian government without delay.

(B) Soviet note verbale to the Albanian Embassy in Moscow 3 December 1961:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, on instruction by the government

of the USSR, states:

The Albanian government, by pursuing a course of further aggravation of

Albanian-Soviet relations, particularly since the XX CPSU Congress, has
unleashed in Albania a slanderous and hostile campaign against the USSR. It
engages in measures deliberately aimed at hindering the normal activity of the
Embassy and the commercial representation of the USSR in Albania. The Soviet
diplomats in the Albanian People’s Republic are isolated, and even deprived of
the possibility of maintaining official contacts with Albanian institutions and
For provocative purposes, the Albanian authorities slanderously accuse the
employees of the Soviet representative institutions of allegedly promoting hostile
activity against Albania. The most elementary norms of international law are
violated with regard to the Soviet Embassy and other Soviet institutions in
The USSR has repeatedly drawn the attention of the Albanian government to the
inadmissible actions of the Albanian authorities toward the USSR Embassy in
Tirana. The Albanian government, however, not only failed to take any measures,
but it further complicated conditions for the personnel of Soviet institutions in
The groundless demand of the Albanian government concerning the reduction of
the staff of the Soviet Embassy to almost one-third of its present personnel is an
unprecedented step in relations between states, especially between socialist
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR is authorized to reject emphatically
the entirely impermissible demand of the Albanian government regarding the
decrease in the staff of the Soviet Embassy in Tirana. As is known, international
law does not recognize the right of a country to limit arbitrarily and unilaterally
the size of foreign diplomatic missions accredited to that country.
It is appropriate to recall, in this regard, that Albania, at several international


conferences not long ago, was opposed to attempts to legalize the incorrect
practice by which a state that accepts a diplomatic mission in its country fixes its
numerical composition. Yet the Albanian government is presently resorting to
the methods of capitalist countries, which are used to render difficult at any post
the diplomatic activity of the countries of the socialist camp.
The Soviet side certainly cannot remain indifferent to the insufferable situation
created by the Albanian authorities for the employees of the USSR Embassy and
commercial representation in Tirana. The government of the Soviet Union,
taking all this into consideration and the shameless claim of the Albanian side
that Soviet diplomats no longer have anything to do in Albania, has taken the
decision to withdraw the entire personnel of the Soviet Embassy and the
commercial representation from Albania. Three technical employees will remain
to guard the buildings and other materials of the Embassy and the commercial
representation of the USSR in Tirana.
The Albanian side will be informed at a later date of which state the Soviet
government will charge with representing the interests of the Soviet Union and
its citizens in Albania. The Soviet side considers that, in view of the conditions in
which the Albanian government deliberately further aggravates relations with
the Soviet Union by exploiting its diplomatic mission in the USSR for anti-Soviet
objectives, the future stay of the staff of the Albanian Embassy and the
commercial counselor of Albania in Moscow is purposeless.
In this connection the Soviet government demands that the entire personnel of
the Embassy and the commercial counselor of Albania in Moscow leave the
territory of the USSR.

(C) The Albanian Foreign Minister to the Soviet Embassy in Tirana, 9 December
With the authorization of the government of the Albanian People’s Republic, the
Foreign Ministry of the Albanian People’s Republic kindly requests the USSR
Embassy in Tirana to transmit to the government of the USSR the following:

Following the establishment of the APR, after the triumph of the national
liberation war over the Nazi fascist occupiers and domestic traitors and the
triumph of the people's revolution, the cornerstone of its foreign policy has been
the indestructible and everlasting friendship with the Soviet Union.
This friendship was tempered during World WarⅡand was further
strengthened by the APL after the liberation. The roots of this friendship lie in
the bloodshed in common by the glorious Soviet liberation army and the valiant


Albanian partisans in the war against the common enemy. This friendship is
based on the eternal principles of Marxism-Leninism.
The Albanian people, educated by their party, have always seen in the Soviet
Union their liberator and dearest friend. The APL and the Albanian government
have considered it is a duty of the first order to preserve and to strengthen ever
more this friendship, to nourish and strengthen in the hearts of the Albanian
people this love and loyalty toward the great fatherland of Lenin and the CPSU.
In the years after the liberation of Albania the relations between the Albanian
People’s Republic and the Soviet Union were, for a long period, extended and
developed in all fields on the basis of Leninist principles of equality, mutual
respect, close cooperation, and fraternal mutual assistance. The Albanian people
will always be grateful to the fraternal Soviet people for the internationalist aid
given our country during this period. It has been an important factor in
building socialism in Albania.
During these years, the Albanian People's Republic, a faithful member of the
socialist camp and of the Warsaw Pact, has at all times and under all conditions
strengthened its unity with the Soviet Union, has resolutely stood on the side of
the Soviet Union against every attack and slander on the part of the enemies of
the fatherland of the Soviets, has firmly defended the peaceful policy of the
Soviet Union, and has done its utmost to contribute to its triumph.
The relations of close cooperation in the economic, political, cultural, and
military fields and the fraternal friendship between our two countries have
created truly internationalist and indestructible ties between our two peoples;
and, as they have always proved by their consistent attitude and actions, the APL
and the government of the Albanian People's Republic have been and remain
resolute fighters in preserving and further strengthening the friendship and
unity between the two countries and our two parties on a correct and inviolable
Marxist-Leninist basis.
Unfortunately, lately and definitely since the second half of 1950 relations
between the Albanian People's Republic and the Soviet Union have not been
what they once were. They have been harmed and rendered acrimonious by N.
Khrushchev and his group because, at the June, 1960, Bucharest meeting of a
number of Communist and workers parties and later, the APL did not agree with
the anti-Marxist views of N. Khrushchev, did not subordinate itself to
Khrushchev’s dictates on important ideological issues, and resolutely defended
and defends Marxism-Leninism.
Unable to endure this principled attitude of the APL, Nikita Khrushchev and his
group brutally violated the principles on which relations among socialist states


are based, as well as the 1957 and 1960 Moscow declarations. Because of
ideological differences with the APL, Khrushchev resorted to unilateral state
measures--each of which has been more arbitrary and grave than the one
preceding--against the Albanian People's Republic, with the aim of exerting
pressure and forcing capitulation.
During this period Nikita Khrushehev and his group consciously tried every
means to make the Albanian people, the APL, and the Albanian government
yield and to aggravate Soviet-Albanian relations at the state level as well, and, in
so doing, have trampled on proletarian internationalism and every norm of
international law and of relations among states.
Suffice it to mention that Nikita Khrushehev, unilaterally and with the sole aim
of preventing the building of socialism in Albania, canceled the credits granted
by regular agreements to the Albanian People's Republic by the Soviet Union for
the Third Five-Year Plan--1961 to 1965--arbitrarily violated and discarded the
1961 trade exchange agreement, unilaterally withdrew Soviet technicians, in
effect liquidated the agreements on cultural cooperation, expelled under false
claims--a number of Albanian students and cadets from the Soviet Union,
canceled the agreement on granting scholarships to Albanian students and
cadets studying in the Soviet Union, violated the military agreements, and
organized a strict economic, political, and military blockade against the
Albanian People's Republic.
Nikita Khrushchev, by publicly revealing at the XXII CPSU Congress the
differences existing between the APL and the present Soviet leadership, and by
distorting the truth and banally slandering a fraternal people and a
Marxist-Leninist party--as are the Albanian people and the APL has not only
encouraged imperialism and its lackeys against Albania, but also dared to urge
the Albanian people to counter-revolution. In so doing, he acted in the same way
as the fierce enemies of the Albanian people, the APL, the socialist camp, and
communism. The Albanian people answered this unprecedented provocation by
consolidating their ranks around the APL and government and by steeling their
determination to build socialism and strengthening their vigilance to defend the
achievements of their socialist fatherland.
On November 25, 1961, the Soviet government, at the dictate of Nikita
Khrushchev, withdrew its ambassador, I Shikin, from Albania under the false
pretext that he was ‘placed under conditions which prevented him from carrying
out normally the orders of his government’, and that this situation had become
‘intolerable’, ‘especially since the XXII CPSU Congress’.
A pretext of this kind is absurd and is used only for malicious purposes. In fact,


it is well known that the most favorable conditions were always, from the very
beginning, created for the Embassy of the Soviet Union in Albania and all its
personnel, from the ambassador to the simplest worker....
The unilateral decision of Nikita Khrushchev’s group to close the Soviet
Embassy and the commercial representation in Tirana, as well as the Albanian
Embassy in Moscow, reflects not only his intention to sever all relations between
the Soviet Union and the Albanian People's Republic, but brutally violates the
principles on which relations among socialist countries are based as well as the
glorious tradition of friendship always followed by the Soviet Union toward
other socialist countries and toward all countries of the world.
In fact, this decision is another manifestation of pressure on the Albanian
People's Republic. It is an inseparable part of the anti-Albanian and antisocialist
policy pursued with unprecedented ferocity by Nikita Khrushchev against the
Albanian people and the Albanian People's Republic. This can please only the
sworn enemies of the Albanian and Soviet peoples, of socialism, and of
Marxism-Leninism--the imperialists and their lackeys, the Yugoslav
The Albanian government deeply deplores that a time has come when the
leadership of the Soviet Union--the first socialist state in the world and 'the
glorious CPSU--founded by V.I. Lenin--includes people like the Nikita
Khrushchev group, which attacks the best friends of the Soviet Union and is
doing its utmost to harm the immortal cause of the socialist camp and
The government of the Albanian People's Republic, strongly protesting the
Soviet government's unilateral decision to close the Embassy of the Soviet Union
in Tirana and the Albanian Embassy in Moscow, states that the entire
responsibility for this seriously hostile act falls on Nikita Khrushchev and his
group. It expresses its complete confidence that sooner or later the Soviet people
and the CPSU will condemn this criminal act and all of Nikita Khrushchev’s
hostile activity against a fraternal, friendly, and allied country like the Albanian
People's Republic, which is building socialism and firmly fighting imperialism
and modern revisionism by always holding high the banner of friendship and
unity with the Soviet Union and the other fraternal countries, the banner of

(Following is the text of a note transmitted to U.S. missions on January 1l, 1975


for delivery to non-Vietnamese participants in the International Conference on

Viet-Nam and to members of the International Commission of Control and

The Department of State of the United States of America presents its

compliments to (recipient of this note) and has the honor to refer to the
Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet-Nam signed at Paris
January 27, 1973, and to the Act of the International Conference on Viet-Nam
signed at Paris March 2, 1973.
When the Agreement was concluded nearly two years ago, our hope was that it
would provide a framework under which the Vietnamese people could make
their own political choices and resolve their own problems in an atmosphere of
peace. Unfortunately this hope, which was clearly shared by the Republic of
Viet- Nam and the South Vietnamese people, has been frustrated by the
persistent refusal of the Democratic of Viet-Nam to abide by the Agreement’s
most fundamental provisions. Specifically, in flagrant violation of the Agreement,
the North Vietnamese and "Provisional Revolutionary Government" authorities
--built up the North Vietnamese main force army in the South through
the illegal infiltration of over 160, 000 troops;
--tripled the strength of their armor in the South by sending in over 400
new vehicles, as well as greatly increased their artillery and anti-aircraft
--improved their military logistics system running through Laos,
Cambodia and the Demilitarized Zone as well as within South Viet-Nam, and
expanded their armament stockpiles;
--refused to deploy the teams which under the Agreement were to
oversee the cease-fire;
--refused to pay their prescribed share of the expenses of the
International Commission of Control and Supervision;
--failed to honor their commitment to cooperate in resolving the status
of American and other personnel missing in action, even breaking off all
discussions on this matter by refusing for the past seven months to meet with U.S.
and Republic of Viet-Nam representatives in the Four-Party Joint Military
--broken off all negotiations with the Republic of Viet-Nam including
the political negotiations in Paris and the Two Party Joint Military Commission
talks in Saigon, answering the Republic of Viet-Nam's repeated calls for


unconditional resumption of the negotiations with demands for the overthrow of

the government as a pre-condition for any renewed talks; and
--gradually increased their military pressure, over-running several areas,
including 11 district towns, which were clearly and unequivocally held by the
Republic of Viet-Nam at the time of the cease-fire. Their latest and most serious
escalation of the fighting began in early December with offensives in the
southern half of South Viet-Nam which have brought the level of casualties and
destruction back up to what it was before the Agreement. These attacks--which
included for the first time since the massive North Vietnamese 1972 offensive the
over-running of a province capital (Song Be in Phuoc Long Province)--appear to
reflect a decision by Hanoi to seek once again to impose a military solution in
Viet-Nam. Coming just before the second anniversary of the Agreement, this
dramatically belies Hanoi's claims that it is the United States and the Republic of
Viet-Nam, who are violating the Agreement and standing in the way of peace,
The United States deplores the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam's turning from
the path of negotiation to that of war, not only because it is a grave violation of a
solemn international agreement, but also because of the cruel price it is imposing
on the people of South Viet-Nam. The Democratic Republic of Viet- Nam must
accept the full consequences of its actions. We are deeply concerned about the
threat posed to international peace and security, to the political stability of
Southeast Asia, to the progress which has been made in removing Viet-Nam as a
major issue of great-power contention, and to the hopes of mankind for the
building of structures of peace and the strengthening of mechanisms to avert war.
We therefore reiterate our strong support for the Republic of Viet-Nam’s call to
the Hanoi-"Provisional Revolutionary Government" side to reopen the talks in
Paris and Saigon which are mandated by the Agreement. We also urge that the
addressee call upon the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam to halt its military
offensive and join the Republic of Viet-Nam in re-establishing stability and
seeking a political solution. JANUARY 11, 1975.

(Following is the text of a note delivered by U.S. Missions on April 10, 1975 to
non-Vietnamese participants in the International Conference on Viet-Nam and
members of the International Commission of Control and Supervision).

The Department of State of the United States of America presents its

compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of External Affairs) of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People’s Republic of China, Great
Britain, France, Hungary, Poland, Indonesia, Iran, and Secretary General of the


U.N. Kurt Waltham and has the honor to refer to the Agreement on Ending the
War and Restoring Peace in Viet-Nam signed at Paris January 27, 1973; to the
Act of the International Conference on Viet-Nam signed at Paris March 2, 1973;
and to the Department's Diplomatic Note of January 11, 1975, on the situation in
More than two years ago, the signatories of the Paris Agreement accepted a
solemn obligation to end the fighting in Viet-Nam and to shift the conflict there
from the battlefield to the negotiating table. All nations and peoples who love
peace had the right to expect from that Agreement that the South Vietnamese
people would be able to peacefully determine their own future and their own
political institutions after the Paris Agreement was signed. The parties to the
International Conference on Viet-Nam undertook a responsibility to support and
uphold the settlement which the Agreement embodied.
The Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam has undertaken a massive, all-out
offensive against South Viet-Nam in total contempt of the Paris Agreement.
Their forces, which were built up over the past two years in violation of the
Agreement, are more numerous and better equipped with modern weaponry
than ever before during the course of the war. A human right of historic
proportions has taken place before the advancing North Vietnamese armies, and
untold misery has been inflicted on the land which has already seen more than
its share of misery.
We believe the suffering of the South Vietnamese people must be ended. It must
be ended now. We therefore call upon the (addressee) to join the Government of
the United States of America in calling upon Hanoi to cease its military
operations immediately and to honor the terms of the Paris Agreement. The
United States is requesting all the parties to the Act of the International
Conference to meet their obligations to use their influence to halt the fighting
and enforce the Paris Agreement.
The United States Government looks forward to prompt and constructive
responses to this Note from all the parties.

The Government of the United States has taken due note of the reply of the
Japanese Government to the pro memorial left at the Japanese Foreign Office by
the American Ambassador on January 31, 1940, in regard to the bombing of the
Haiphong Yunnan Railway.


In the circumstances under which the Japanese authorities were conducting

military operations in China, the Government of the United States does not
admit the relevancy to the question under consideration of the reference made
by the Japanese Government to the Chinese-French Railway Construction
Agreement of 1903, nor does it admit lack of responsibility on the part of the
Japanese Government for any loss of American life or damage to American
property that may be caused by the current Japanese military operations in
China. The Government of the United States hereby makes full reservations of
its rights and of the rights of its citizens in the matter.

Embassy of the United States of America

Tokyo. March 11, 1940


第七節 申謝【Appreciate and Gratitude】


The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea presents his compliments to the chief
of Protocol and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s
memorandum of July 10, 200X, informing that the Honorable XXX, Vice
president and concurrently Secretary of Foreign Affairs, departed on July 15 for
Bangkok, to attend the annual meeting of the Council of Ministers of the
Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty Organization and that during the
absence of the Secretary, the Honorable YYY will be the Acting Secretary of
Foreign Affairs.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. ….. of 27 th April
19XX, informing me that Mr. XXX has been appointed by your government as
Acting Permanent Representative of the Republic of ………… to the United
Nations with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary as
from 14 March 19XX.
The Secretariat departments concerned have been informed accordingly.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August, 19 stating that
Your Excellency had presented to His Majesty King ……………. the letter
accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to the Kingdom of
While looking forward to establishing official and personal relations with you, I
take this opportunity to express my sincere desire to continue and develop the


cordial relations so happily existing between our two countries and Missions.
Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.


The Ambassador of the Republic of China presents his compliments to the Chief
of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ……….. and
has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s memorandum of ………...
stating that the Honorable XXX Vice Foreign Minister has assumed his duties as
Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
The Ambassador of the Republic of China wishes to thank the Chief of Protocol
for this information and avails himself of this opportunity to extend to the Acting
Secretary his sincere felicitations.


I have received your note of July 15, 199X, by which you informed me that Mr.
XXX, Financial Attaché to the Japanese Embassies at London and Paris was,
under date of ......, appointed by the Japanese Government to be concurrently
Financial Attaché to the Embassy, succeeding Mr. xxx, who went back to Japan
last summer, and that Mr. XXX’s office is in the Equitable Building in New York
Thanking you for the information conveyed, which has been duly noted, I avail
myself of the opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note no. xxx of …... and to
transmit herewith, together with the Commission which accompanied the note
the Act of the President recognizing Mr. Xxx as Consul of your Government
at …. .
Due note has been made of Your Excellency's statement that the jurisdiction of
the Consul will include as heretofore..........
Accept, Excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ...... , in which you
were good enough to transmit the Act of the President recognizing Mr. XXX as
Consul of Japan at ……..together with the Commission which accompanied my
note of……………
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note dated the 8th June last informing
me to the effect that your failing health having necessitated your removal from
Galveston, you are compelled to resign the post of H. I. J. M.’s Honorary Consul
and that you have entrusted the archives and seal to your friend Mr. xxx
empowering him to act for you until the appointment of your successor.
It is a matter to be greatly regretted that the Japanese Government should have
to lose such able honorary Consul us you have proved yourself to be. But the
reasons upon which your resignation is based having been deemed to be of an
insurmountable nature, I submitted your request to His Majesty the Emperor,
and the document announcing your release from the Japanese Consular Service
has been forwarded to Mr. Oki in charge of the Japanese Consulate at New York,
with instruction to transmit the same to you.
The Japanese Consul at Chicago has been ordered to take charge of our
consulate at Galveston until your successor is appointed, and you are therefore
requested to cause the Consular archives and seal that you have entrusted to Mr.
Xxx to be delivered to the Japanese Consulate at Chicago.
I beg to conclude by expressing my high appreciation of the integrity and
diligence with which you have performed your duties while in the service of the
Japanese Government as Honorary Consul.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. ….. of 27 th April
19 98, informing me that Mr. XXX has been appointed by your government as
Acting Permanent Representative of the Republic of ……… to the United
Nations with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary as


from 14 March, 19XX.

The Secretariat departments concerned have been informed accordingly.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Secretary General

I have the honor to state that the Japanese Government, having heard from Mr.
XXX, the Honorary Japanese Consul at Malta, of his desire to have his son, Mr.
YYY, appointed as acting Honorary Consul for Japan during the term of His
Premiership in the Government of Malta, we prepared to comply with his
request, on the understanding that the appointment is of a temporary character,
and that accordingly no Imperial Commission to that effect will be issued as in
the case of a formal appointment.
In the circumstances, I should be much obliged if our Lordship would be good
enough to inform me whether the British Government has any objection to this

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 600 dated February
5, 1952, informing the Department of State of the appointment of Mr. John
Smith as British Consul at New York, and requesting his provisional recognition.
In compliance with your request provisional recognition is accorded Mr. Smith
as British Consul at New York pending the receipt of his commission and the
issue of his exequatur.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
For the Secretary of States:
His Excellency
The Right Honorable
Oliver Sewell Franks, G.C.M.G., If. C. B., C.B.E.
British Ambassador


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 0801/12184 of
April 27, 1997, informing me that Mr. XXX has been appointed by your


Government as Acting Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United

Nations with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary as
from March 14, 1997.
The Secretariat departments concerned have been informed accordingly.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Apostolic
Nunciature and has the honor to acknowledge the latter’s memorandum of .........,
informing the Embassy that the Right Reverend Monsignor ............, Auditor of
the First Class of the Apostolic Nunciature, has been promoted by the Holy See
to the rank of Counselor, with the title of Domestic Prelate.

(Note Verbale)
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Embassy
of the United States of America and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
a circular note dated January 28, 1968, stating that Mr. John Smith, newly
appointed Second Secretary of the U. S. Embassy, arrived in Rome on January
16, 1968 and has assumed his duties, and that Mr. Smith is accompanied by Mrs.
Smith and two children.
In expressing its thanks for this friendly information and having taken due note
thereof, the Chinese Embassy take this opportunity to renew to the American
Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration.

4 April, 1974
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 March, 1974,
informing me that on that day you presented to His Excellency, the President of
the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Letters accrediting you as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea.


I take this opportunity of assuring Your Excellency of my sincere desire to

maintain and strengthen the cordial relations, both official and personal, which
so happily exist between our two countries and missions,
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(F. T. Homer)
H. E. Mr. Chan Ho Song
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of Korea
Embassy of Korea


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ............ , informing
me that Your Excellency has presented to His Excellency, the President of the
Republic of the ............ , Letters of Credence, accrediting you as Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Switzerland in the ........... .
While appreciating your informing me personally of your assumption of duties
as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Switzerland, I avail
myself of this opportunity to reciprocate your desire to continue the cordial
personal relations which so happily exist between us.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge Your Excellency’s note of October 24, in which
you were kind enough to inform that on that date you presented credentials to
His Excellency President Duvalier accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China to the Government of the Repub1ic
of Haiti.
In thanking Your Excellency for this welcome information, I am pleased to
reciprocate the sentiments expressed in your note, and to assure Your Excellency
that I and the staff of this Embassy look forward to maintaining and furthering
the close and friendly relations which so happily exist between our two countries
and our two Diplomatic Missions.



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No.9 of August 11, 1965
informing that you have been appointed Charge d'Affaires of Ecuador in Haiti
to succeed Dr. Antonio Bastinade who has been transferred to Quito.
In taking note of this information, I wish to express to you my pleasure in
entering upon official and personal, relations with you and to assure you that I
look forward with confidence and pleasure to maintaining and strengthening the
friendly relations which so happily exist between our two countries and our two
Accept, Mr. Charge d’Affaires, the assurances of my high consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 92 of June 23, 1966,
informing me of the departure of Ambassador Roberto Jorge dos Guimaraes
Bastos and of your assuming the direction of your Embassy as Charge d’Affaires
ad interim.
Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the assurances of my high consideration.

Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August, 19 stating that
Your Excellency had presented to His Majesty King ……… the letter
accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of China to the Kingdom of …………….
While looking forward to establishing official and personal relations with you, I
take this opportunity to express my sincere desire to continue and develop the
cordial relations so happily existing between our two countries and Missions.
Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Charge d’affaires, a.i.
Republic of



15 July 19XX
His Excellency
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of Korea
Your Excellency,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s letter of 25
May in which you were so good as to inform me that you had on that date
presented to His Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
the letters accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Republic of Korea.
In thanking Your Excellency for this communication I would like to express my
pleasure at the opportunity thus afforded me of entering into personal and
official relations with you and maintaining and strengthening the good relations
which exist between our two countries and Missions.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to Your Excellency the assurance of
my highest consideration.

(節 略)
The Ambassador of the Republic of China presents his compliments to the Chief
of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of ……………and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s
memorandum of (date) stating that the Honorable XXX Vice Foreign Minister,
has assumed his duties as Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
The Ambassador of the Republic of China wishes to thank the Chief of Protocol
for this information and avails himself of this opportunity to extend to the Acting
Secretary his sincere felicitations.


July 15, 19XX

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note dated July


8 19XX, by which you were good enough to inform me that you have presented
to His Imperial Majesty the XXX your letter accrediting you to the Imperial
Court of Iran in the capacity of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of (name of country)
In taking note of this information, I wish to express to Your Excellency my
pleasure in entering upon official and personal relations with you, and to assure
you that I look forward with confidence and pleasure to maintaining the friendly
relations which so fortunately exist between our two countries.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(Pen signature)
His Excellency
Ambassador of …………….


I have received the kind note of October 11, 1966 from Sydney Sien-Yun Yu,
Charge d’Affaires, in which he informed me that you will act as Charge
d’Affaires ad interim after his departure.
I take this occasion to extend to you a sincere welcome and assure you that we
look to the same close relations with you that we enjoyed with Mr. Yu.
Please accept, dear Mr. Charge d’Affaires, the assurances of my high


The Ambassador of the United States of America presents his compliments to the
Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Netherlands and has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of the Embassy’s note of January 6, 1956, stating that
Mr. XXX had joined the staff of the Royal Netherlands Embassy as Commercial
The courtesy of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in furnishing this information is
sincerely appreciated.


Embassy of the United States of America

Karachi, January 10, 1956.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note no. … of (date),
communicating the information, of which due note has been taken, that Mr.
XXX, formerly Attaché to your Embassy, having recently been appointed
Japanese Consul at Portland, Oregon, left for his post on …(date)… .
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 92 of June 23, 1966,
informing me of the departure of Ambassador Roberto Jorge dos Guimaraes
Bastos and of your assuming the direction of your Embassy as Charge d’Affaires
ad interim.
Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the assurances of my high consideration.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of August 14, 1966,
informing me that you have been called to take up new functions and that you
will be leaving Port-au-Prince in the middle part of October.
I take this occasion to express the deep appreciation of my Embassy and myself
for the cooperation and friendship which you have always extended to us during
your mission here, and I extend my best wishes for your continued success.
I have taken note of the fact that His Excellency Kao Shih-Ming has been
appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of
China to the Republic of Haiti.
Please accept, Mr. Charge d’Affaires, the renewed assurances of my highest


April 4, 1950
I have received the Ambassador’s note dated April 4, 1950, informing me of his
intended departure from the United States on April 6 and stating that during his
absence you will be Charge d'Affaires ad interim.
The officials of the Department will be pleased to transact with you any business
which may arise between our two Governments in the Ambassador’s absence.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.
For the Secretary of State


The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to the Legation
of Belgium and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter’s
memorandum of July 15, 19XX, informing the Embassy that His Excellency
XXX has left for the United States of America and that during his absence, His
Excellency YYY, Minister of the Netherlands, will take charge of the Legation.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated June 23, 1969,
informing me that Your Excellency returned to Haiti on June 22, and has
resumed charge of the Embassy.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Department of State
Washington, August 13, 1935
Acknowledgment is made of the receipt of your note of August tenth informing
me of the departure of the Ambassador and the assumption by you of the duties
of Charge d’affieres ad interim of Poland.


In reply you are informed that this Department will be pleased to transact with
you any business that may arise between our two governments during the
absence of the Ambassador.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration.
For the Secretary of State:
XXX, Esquire,
Charge d’affieres ad interim of Poland

Thank you for your letter no. A4/18/1 of 8 February 1967 indicating that the site
of the forthcoming seminar on the effective realization of civil and political
rights at the national level has been moved from the Assembly Hall of the
University of the West Indies to the Conference Room of the Myrtle Bank Hotel
in downtown Kingston.
I was happy to note that the Conference Room at the Myrtle Bank Hotel has all
the necessary facilities for the seminar, and I have also noted that the
arrangements to accommodate participants at the xxx Hotel remain unchanged.
This information has been incorporated into the notes for the information of
participants and of observers from non-governmental organizations, copies of
which are enclosed herewith.

I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 2 February 1997, addressed to
the Secretary-General, informing him of the deposit, on January 24, 1997, of the
instrument of acceptance by the Government of Guyana of the Constitution of
the International Rice Commission, approved by the Conference of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its fourth session, held in
Washington from 15 to 29 November 1948.
The above-mentioned acceptance was registered on 13 February 1997, under No.

January 20, 1962


Thank you for your very kind letter regarding American famine relief for
The American people were deeply moved by the reports of the suffering caused
by the prolonged drought and the recent disastrous floods.
We are most happy to know that our food and assistance were timely and did
much to alleviate the intense hardship caused by these disasters. I very much
appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing to me on this matter.

I wish to thank you for your letter of the 5th instant, by which you were good
enough to inform me of the re-election Their Excellencies President Chiang
Kai-shek and Vice President Chen Cheng to the respective posts of the Republic
of China and to ask you to convey to them my congratulations.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.
Constantine Karamanlis


I wish to thank you for your letter of ............, together with a copy of the Report
of the Board of National Education for the years 1955-1957.
The Report is most informative and has given me a better understanding and
appreciation of the general educational policies of............ I am grateful for your
thoughtfulness in making it available to me.
With warm personal regards,


The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the

Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations and has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of his note No. 17 of January 12, 1987, which contains
information on the status of international tax agreements concluded by Brazil.


The Secretariat will take this information into account in the preparation of the
series International Tax Agreements.


The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the

Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations and has the
honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Permanent Mission's note No. 1538 of
February 12, 1997 concerning the Proposals for the establishment of national
commissions on human rights or the designation of appropriate institutions to
perform certain functions pertaining to the observance of the International
Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural
The observations of the Government of Afghanistan will be brought to the
attention of the Commission on Human Rights at its twenty-third session.


The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the

Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and has the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of its note of September 5, 1961, transmitting
information concerning the study of discrimination in respect of the right of
everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
The note and the information enclosed therewith will be forwarded to Mr. XXX,
Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities.


The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the Permanent
Mission of the People's Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations and has the
honor to acknowledge the receipt of its note No. 22 of January 22, 1996. In
accordance with the Permanent Mission’s request, the Secretariat has arranged
to place the Economic Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
on the official mailing list for copies of the indicated series of publications.


As regards the supply of back issues, the Secretariat is preparing a special

shipment of this material, the details of which will be communicated to the
Permanent Mission in due course.


This is to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your letter of July ….,
together with some literature about your Foundation and a pocket pal for 19XX.
With rapid progress in information science and technology, the world is getting
smaller and smaller with each passing day. Your endeavor in promoting
educational and cultural exchange programs between Chinese and American
people will not only diminish the distance between them but help enhance their
mutual understanding.
With best wishes,


I would first like to express my thanks and deep appreciation for the
professional assistance that your office and your counterparts in Taipei provided
during the State of Oregon’s Trade Festival 1998. The high profile created by
national media coverage of the mission added greatly to our state's success in
promoting and selling our products to your countrymen.
We now estimate sales of Oregon products during the Taipei trade show to be ill
excess of $5 million dollars (U.S.) This figure will expand greatly as other sales
negotiations and contracts are finalized in the coming months.
On a personal note, I absolutely enjoyed your country and its warm people.
Seldom have I found people more friendly and willing to help. When our T.V.
cameraman broke his lens, China Television Service, on a walk- in basis, without
any prior notification, gladly repaired and adjusted his equipment.
This spirit of cooperation and helpfulness was evidenced throughout our stay in
With this attitude, there is little wonder why the Republic of China has achieved
such a high level of national success and why it is such a delightful place to visit.


25 June 1970
Dear Ambassador,
I thank you for transmittal to the Prime Minister the text of a message of
congratulations from the Prime Minister of Korea.
I enclose the text of Mr. XXX’s reply, which has been sent to Seoul for our
Embassy to pass to Mr. II Kwon Chung.
Sincerely yours

Head, Far Eastern Department

25 June, 1970

15 July 19XX
Your Excellency:
May 1 express to you my profound gratitude for your kindness in transmitting
through me for His Excellency, Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the
Philippines, the birthday greetings of His Excellency, the President of Korea.
I would appreciate your conveying to him the following message of thanks from
President Marcos:
"His Excellency
President Park Chung Hee
Republic of Korea
"I am grateful to Your Excellency for your gracious birthday greetings and I
wish to reciprocate your expressions of friendship and good will for the Filipino
"May the bonds of amity and mutual understanding continue to mite ever
stronger your country and mine.
President of the Philippines

Accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my high esteem and regards.


His Excellency
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 1234 dated July 15,
200X, forwarding under separate cover, for transmission to the President, three
volumes containing a selection of certain letters written by various Japanese
students in appreciation of the American relief tendered at the time of the great
earthquake, and to inform you that I have forwarded these volumes to the
I take pleasure in expressing to you, on behalf of the President, sincere
appreciation of the feeling which dictated the expressions of gratitude contained
in these letters.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

February 22, 1992
Note No. 146
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Bahamas presents its
compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
acknowledge receipt of its Note No. 072 dated February 10, 1992, concerning the
Botanical Garden's Improvement Project.
With regard to arrangements for Dr. Yang’s visit, the Ministry will communicate
with the Embassy on this matter in due course.
The Ministry of Foreign of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas avails itself of
this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurance
of its highest consideration.


Thank you very much for your letter of 26 August 1996 informing me of the
resolution adopted by the Dominion Council of the United Nations Association of
New Zealand on 20 August 1996.
I am deeply appreciative of the support that your association has expressed for
my endeavors for peace.



It was exceedingly thoughtful of you to convey to me your kind sentiments

regarding the success of the free nations in blocking the admission of the Peiping
regime into the United Nations.
The failure of the Communist bloc to unseat the Republic of China was no
incident. It was due to the concerted efforts of all the anticommunist allies
among which Turkey has been one of the most consistent and the most articulate
supporters of the cause of the free world.
As Ambassador of Turkey, you have every reason to be proud of the important
role played by your delegation at the United Nations. You may rest assured that
the Chinese Government and its people are grateful and appreciative for the
contributions of your Government that have made our diplomatic success
With seasons greetings,


I have the honor to state that on ......, when the Japanese S.S. (name of ship)
encountered a storm on the Pacific and was in danger of being shipwrecked, the
American S.S. (name of ship) of the Standard Transportation Company of New
York was good enough to proceed to her rescue. Through the gallant and
self-sacrificing efforts of her Captain and crew, all the sailors on board the
stricken steamer were rescued and brought to San Francisco on....... And then,
through the courtesy of the owners of the said steamer, the rescued sailors were
taken to Japan on board the (name of ship).
On behalf of the officers and sailors of the entire Japanese merchant marine, the
Japan Seamen’s Society, composed of' eight thousand officers, and the Japan
Sailors' Association, consisting of forty thousand sailors, have now approached
me with the request that I tender to the owners of the S.S. (name of ship) and the
American people in general, the expression of' their deep gratitude and high
appreciation of the noble and heroic action performed by the Capital and crew
of the said steamer.
I shall be much obliged if you will be good enough to take steps to convey to the
above message to the proper quarters.
Accept, Sir the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of ……. (Date),
enclosing a check for the sum of thirty-nine thousand two hundred and
ninety-one pounds ...... to be applied to the alleviation of the sufferings of our
sick and wounded soldiers and sailors.
This further expression of the good will of the Japanese people in the Allied
cause and of their sympathy for those who have suffered in its defense will, I am
sure, be welcomed with the liveliest feelings of gratitude in this country, and I
shall esteem it a favor if Your Excellency will be good enough to convey the
cordial thanks of His Majesty’s Government to Mr. XXX and Mr. YYY as well as
to the society by whose kindly efforts this generous gift was subscribed.
I shall have pleasure in communicating to Your Excellency at a later date, for the
information of the Society and its subscribers, the manner in which the money
has been applied.
I have the honor to be, etc.


On behalf of the Government of Kenya, I would like to offer our most heartfelt
thanks for all that your Government has done to assist us in famine relief. The
misery and suffering that has been caused by this terrible disaster has been
greatly alleviated by the generosity of the United States of America.
Three hundred thousand bags of Maize which we have received, together with
proportionate amounts of Milk Powder and Edible Oil, to say nothing of the free
use of Hercules aircraft of the United States Air Force, amounts to an incredibly
generous contribution.
I would like to convey our deepest gratitude.


Thank you very much indeed for the beautiful flowers that you sent me on the
occasion of South Africa’s Republic Day. We all admired them and I can assure
you that they did much to help create the friendly atmosphere that prevailed. I


am very much in your debt.

I enclose letters addressed to Their Excellencies the Vice-President, Minister
Shen and Vice-Minister Yang and should be grateful if you would be kind
enough to arrange for them to be delivered.
With kindest regards,


It was extremely kind of you to send me such a delightful basket of flowers on the
occasion of Australia Day.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind and thoughtful gesture.


I wish to express to you our warmest thanks for the beautiful flowers sent on our
National Day, which were highly appreciated.


I wish to acknowledge receipt of a copy of your recent book entitled Power, Pasta
and Politics - The World According to Senator D'Amato through the
arrangement of your administrative assistant.
America has long been a dream of freedom and a better life for many
immigrants from all parts of the globe. Through hard work, perseverance and
personal initiative, many of them have their dreams realized. Former Mayor
Edward Koch and your good self have provided a good example.
It was very kind of you to send me this valuable book which I have read with
great interest. I am very appreciative of our thoughtfulness.
With my best wishes,



It was really a great pleasure to meet you in Taipei at a dinner party hosted by
Mr. XXX, a member of the National Assembly and a prominent business leader
in the Republic of China.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a copy of Pinioning Habit:
Philippine Ancestral Weave which you published after 15 years of endeavor. In
recent years, more and more nations tend to stress cultural pluralism including
indigenous culture.
In our country, we have been trying our best to promote the welfare of the
indigenous or "tribal" people as well as their culture. A ministry level
commission is to be set up in the near future to take care of these affairs.
Your publication of a book on Philippine ancestral weave is certainly in the
world trends.
With my best wishes,

Dear XXX,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 22 September, 199X and the
attached book Overseas Chinese Business Networks in Australia.
The book, the culmination of intensive research, surveys and interviews of
overseas Chinese business people and many others, serves a handy reference for
those who wish to do business with Asia.
I have placed the book in our library for those who are interested.

Referring to your note no.... of ......, enclosing a copy of the statistics for 2005
regarding the sanitation of livestock in Japan, I have the honor to enclose one
copy each of the annual reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry of
the Department of Agriculture of the United States for the years
ending ....and .... .
The Department of Agriculture, in its covering letter of ......, states that monthly
reports relating to infectious diseases and sanitation of livestock are not issued
by the Department of Agriculture, but that that Department will be pleased to


send to the Department of Agriculture of Japan the annual reports of the Bureau
of Animal Industry which contain information relating to infectious diseases of
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of ......, enclosing one
copy each of the annual reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry of
the Department of Agriculture of the United States for the years ending ....and.....
You were good enough to inform me at the same time that monthly reports
relating to infectious diseases and sanitation of livestock are not issued by the
Department of Agriculture, but that that Department will be pleased to send to
the Department of Agriculture and Forestry of' Japan the annual reports of the
Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry which contains information relating to
infectious diseases of livestock.
I beg to state that I have taken steps to send these reports to Tokyo for
transmission to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of a booklet
titled "La Terre est. a Onus" which concerns the problems of land tenure and
farming in mainland China under the Communist regime. I think it is worthy to
distribute these booklets in Haiti, and it will be very appreciated if you can order
a number of forty copies for my Embassy.
With my best regards,


During our conversation last Thursday in your Embassy, you told me of your
interest in the agricultural development in my country. I have now the pleasure
of sending you herewith a French copy of "La Reforme Agraire a Taiwan" which
was written by the former Vice President and concurrently President of the
Executive Yuan of my country General Chen Cheng. He initiated and put into


force the land reform program in Taiwan, which is the foundation of its recent
economic development
Please accept, Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

I have the great pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter dated July 2,
1974 which you wrote us on behalf of “Women’s Profiles”. We believe that
“Women’s Profiles” must be a magazine with vivid description and delicate
printing. We feel much honored by your request for information regarding the
Chinese women’s status, rights, customs and their individual outstanding
achievements. We are enclosing herewith two books entitled “Chinese Women's
Movement” and “General Introduction of the Functions of Chinese Women’s
Anti-Aggression League” which will give you the general information about the
Chinese women’s participation in the great tasks of the national revolution and
the national salvation, their struggle to achieve women’s rights, as well as their
works and dedications to their country under the leadership of Madame Chiang
The League publishes three periodicals:
1. General Introduction of the Functions of Chinese Women’s Anti-Aggression
League issued annually in Chinese, English, French and Spanish.
2. “Pictorial of C.W. A.A.L.” issued two editions by year.
3. “Chinese Women” issued monthly in Chinese.
We shall be most happy to exchange our periodicals with yours.
With best wishes,


I am directed by His Excellency President Chiang Kai-shek to convey to you his

appreciation for the copy of "A different Kind of War" written by VAdmo Milton
EO Miler USN, which you so thoughtfully sent him during your recent visit to
the Republic of China. I have also discovered that this brilliant work has just
been made known to the general public here by its serialization in
Chinese-Language newspaper of very high standing. Admiral Miles observations
were so penetrating and objective that it has been widely accepted as the best of
its kind that has so far appeared in print.
With my best wishes to you and Mrs. Zarfoss,



I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet with you in New York and to
receive you in Washington before your return to Taipei. I hope that you found
our meetings as useful as I did and that the enclosed photograph will be an
appropriate memento.
Mrs. Rogers and I still remember our most cordial reception in Taipei and are
looking forward to the visit of Vice Premier Chiang Ching Kuo early next year.


I wish to thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of the picture
taken during your call at my office the other day.
I shall treasure it as a memento of the cordial relations between our countries as
well as our personal friendship.
My assistants join me in sending you and your staff our best wishes for your
continued success.


I am very happy to receive your letter of December 16, 1969 enclosing an

autographed photograph taken of us when we last met. Your thoughtfulness is
greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Wei and I still vividly remember the enjoyable trip we had together at the
Sun Moon Lake. Let us hope we would meet again in the not too distant future.


It was very kind of you to send me a copy of 19 xx annual report of your esteemed
I am glad to learn that the City of Dallas, under your able management, did very
well in FY19XX: service improvements through computerization, crime rate
reduction, and increased growth in affordable housing and in economic


All these accomplishments are what other cities also yearn but have difficulties
to realize.
With best wishes for the sustained success of the City of Dallas in the years to


In acknowledging receipt of your communication of August 16th last, addressed

to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, together with your Consular Report for the
year 200X on the trade of Sweden as well as on the general economic conditions
at (name of place), I beg to inform you that steps have been promptly taken to
have it translated into Japanese and published in the Commercial Journal
compiled by this Bureau for the information of the public.


Mr. Nagai, Director of the Commercial Bureau, begs to acknowledge receipt of a

Consular Report submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Mr. XXX, the
Honorary Japanese Consul at Bremen under date ........, and is pleased to state
that its contents have been noted with much interest.
Tokyo. February 12, 1997.

Many thanks for your kind letter of January 23, together with a copy of the
speech on "Protocol of the Conduct of Foreign Affairs", delivered by my
counterpart Mr. Angier Biddle Duke.
I found the contents most interesting and I am sure, will be beneficial to my
work too.
Please accept my profound appreciation for your thoughtfulness.
With kindest regards,



I recently read from State Department sources an address given by Angier

Biddle Duke, Chief of Protocol, to the Publicity Club of Chicago on the subject
"Protocol and the conduct of Foreign Affairs".
I was much impressed by this article in his presentation of the contribution
protocol plays in the conduct of diplomacy and foreign affairs.
I had a copy of this talk made and it occurred to me that you might be interested
in it. Accordingly, I am sending to you for your retention and such use as you
may desire.

Dear Mayor:
It was very kind of you to meet me at the airport during my recent visit to the
City of San Francisco and to accompany me to the inauguration ceremony of the
Chinese Gateway of Chinatown on Oct. 18, 1970. Your Presentation of the Key of
the San Francisco City to me on this occasion made me feel all the more strong
friendly ties between the two great American and Chinese peoples.
Your kindness and hospitality made my sojourn in your city a very enjoyable
and memorable one.
Looking forward to meeting with you again and with my personal regards and
best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Yen Chia-kan


I am directed by His Excellency President Chiang Kai-shek to convey to you his

sincere appreciation for the Key to the City of Harrisburg which you sent him
through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Zarfoss during their visit to the
Republic of China. President Chiang certainly treasures very much this token of
goodwill your community saw fit to give. Please let his sentiments be made
known to the fellow citizens of your noble city.



I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of July 15, 200X,
enclosing photographs of public buildings and floor plans sent to you by the
Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds for transmission to my
Government. These photographs and plans were at once dispatched to Tokyo.
Permit me to thank you for your courtesy in this matter, which is greatly
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Referring to Your Excellency’s note of July 15, 200X, requesting Government
plans, specifications, descriptions, and photographs (both interior and exterior) of
public buildings in Washington, I have the honor to inform you that there has
been received from the Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds a letter
forwarding, for transmission to your Government, several photographs of public
buildings and floor plans of certain public buildings, which are enclosed.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


With reference to your note No. 123 of May12, 1989, inquiring whether the
Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce will accept one hundred
goldfish and another hundred ornamental fancy-colored carp which the Bureau
of Fisheries of Japan desires to present to this Government, I have the honor to
advise you that the Department is in receipt of a communication from the
Secretary of Commerce, stating that the United States Bureau of Fisheries will
be pleased to accept this generous offer, and requesting that the thanks of the
Department of Commerce may be extended through the Embassy to the
appropriate officials in Japan.
The Secretary of Commerce further states that these fish may be delivered to Mr.
XXX, Seattle, Washington, who will be given instructions for their shipment to
Washington, D.C.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the
Ambassador of Japan, and, acknowledging the receipt of his note of recent date,
has pleasure in informing him that, according to a letter just received from the
Treasury Department, the appropriate Customs Officer has been authorized to
admit free of duty at Seattle, Washington, as an act of international courtesy, a
shipment of one hundred goldfish and another hundred carp, upon its arrival on
or about ...... on board the steamship ..., consigned to the Japanese Consul at

Dear XXX,
This is to acknowledge receipt of a box of golf balls you kindly sent me the other
day. Your thoughtfulness in sending me the precious gift is greatly appreciated.
With my best wishes,


Thank you so very much for the beautiful Republic of China appointment diary.
The photography is absolutely spectacular, and certainly depicts the diversity of
the country.
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I wish you the best for 1988.


I have just returned from my trip to the United States and found the lovely 2005
calendar that you kindly sent to me.
I thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and extend to you my best wishes
for a happy year to come.



I have received the lovely photo diary that you sent to me from His Excellency
Park Chung Hee.
Please convey my appreciation to your President for this thoughtful gift at the
holiday season.
To you and Mrs. Kim I send my warm best wishes for a happy and prosperous
New Year.


The Consulate-General of the Republic of South Africa presents its compliments

to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to acknowledge with thanks
the very handsome Yearbook received under cover of Note No. 0095 on 16th
January 1973.
The South African Consulate-General takes this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurance of its highest consideration.


I wish to express my thanks to you for the Cognac and the birthday gift. Your gifts
were very thoughtful and I sincerely appreciate your friendship. I look forward
to working closely with you in the New Year.
Please accept this letter of gratitude with my best wishes.


It was a pleasure meeting you and your delegation today. I wanted you to know
how much I enjoyed our discussion, and also to thank you again for the lovely
gifts. I especially loved the beautiful porcelain plate.
Dear Mr. Yu:
On behalf of Mrs. Timmons and myself, I would like to express our warmest
appreciation for your kindness in sending us such a delightful gift.
With kindest regards and best wishes,


Dear Mr. Minister,
It was very thoughtful of you to send me beautiful flowers (a basketful of delicious
fruits, a box of excellent cigars) during my recent visit to San Francisco. Your
kindness served as a gratifying reminder of the strong ties that bind us together.
With sincere thanks and best wishes,

I would like to thank you and Mrs. Li for sending me at Christmas time a
beautiful little red lacquered box modeled from an antique design. I am very
pleased by the color, the shape and the little delicate rose carving, Thank you
very much.
I wish you and your family a happy new year.

May 4, 1992
Note No. 336

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas presents

its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to
refer to the Embassy's Note No. 151 dated May 1, 1992 in which the Embassy
informed of its Government's proposal to donate Her Majesty's Prison an
irrigation system intended for use at the farm project at the Prison.

The Ministry has the honor to inform the Embassy that the Government of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas is pleased to accept the offer. The Ministry on
behalf of the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas requests that
the Embassy kindly convey to its Government the Ministry's appreciation of this
kind gesture.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas avails

itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.


August 30, 1992
Note No. 236
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas presents
its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China and with reference to
the Embassy's Note No. 298 dated August 28, 1992, has the honor to inform that
the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas accepts with grateful
thanks the generous donation by the Government of the Republic of China of the
sum of three hundred thousand U.S. dollars [US$300,000] for reconstruction of
the stricken areas damaged by Hurricane Andrew.
The Ministry has the further honor to inform the Embassy that arrangements
have been made for the presentation of the donation to the Minister of Foreign
Affairs at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, August 31, 1992 at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, East Hill Street.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas avails
itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China
the assurances of its highest consideration.

His Excellency
Prime Minister (Minister for Foreign Affairs),


Dear XXX,
I wish to express my deep appreciation for the hospitality and courtesies
extended to me during my recent visit to your country. I especially appreciated
your meeting me at the airport upon my arrival.
I can assure you that I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in your country and was very
much impressed with the progress and development made by your people. In
addition, I will always cherish the friendship we enjoyed and my fond memories
of your great country.
Through our joint efforts and your valuable support, I am sure the cordial ties
between our two countries will continue to grow.
With my best wishes for your continued good health and every success in the
years to come,

I wish to extend to you my heartfelt thanks for the courtesy and hospitality
accorded to my delegation and myself during our recent visit to your esteemed
I especially treasured the conversation we had on matters of our common
concern. Your friendship toward the Republic of China and your staunch
support of our just cause are encouraging and inspiring. I trust that with our
joint efforts the relationship between the Republic of and the
Republic of China will be further strengthened.
Please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration.

I would like to take this opportunity to express to you on behalf of my colleagues
and myself, our sincere thanks and appreciation for the cordial welcome and
reception accorded us during our recent visit to your great country.
We were very grateful for the gorgeous banquet Your Excellency and Lady XXX
hosted in the Office of the Governor General on the evening of July. The
delicious food and Your Excellency’s touching and impeccable speech are the


most unforgettable. I especially treasured the meetings with the most

outstanding dignitaries of your nation on that evening. We shall always cherish
our memories of your friendship and hospitality.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Dear XXX:
It was very kind of you to arrange a dinner party for me to meet with the
distinguished faculty members of your esteemed Center in late August. I was
greatly impressed with the beauty of your campus and the excellent programs
you are offering to the students from all over the globe.
The main purpose of the David M. Kennedy Center, as it was made known at the
dedication ceremony …………. years ago, is to develop the Center into "a truly
distinguished and influential force in the understanding of peoples, cultures, and
governments throughout the world."
Through the unswerving endeavor of the directors of the Center, especially your
good self, you have fully met with your original goals. The Center has, in turn,
become the vehicle for representing Brigham Young University in its increasing
international involvements on campus and across the world.
In addition, we particularly admire your continuous efforts in promoting better
understanding and amity between the peoples of the United States and of the
Republic of China.
May I therefore take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for me
during my short sojourn in Salt Lake City in late August.

Dear Dr. XXX:
It was indeed a great pleasure to have met with you and a group of distinguished
professors at a luncheon party at your esteemed university the other day.
Through your briefing, the walking tour and the exchange of views with the
professors, we were greatly impressed with the scenic beauty and the academic
excellence of your university.
We feel happy for those lucky ones who can be admitted to pursue their
advanced studies at an institution that has so much to offer to students from all


parts of the world.

As you may be aware, this office provides information and cultural services to
U.S. media and academic institutions. In case there is anything that we can be of
service, please feel free to contact us.
With best regards,
Cordially yours,

My wife Barbara and I would like to thank you for inviting us to the dinner,
following the successful exhibition of Prof. XXX’s calligraphy at California State
University, Long Beach.
The dinner was in the best tradition of Chinese hospitality and cuisine and we
are most appreciative. We enjoyed our conversation with the dinner guests,
Dr. XXX.
Thank you again.
Sincerely yours,

I have the honor to inform you that a letter has been received from the
Honorable XXX, a member of the American Special Mission to the Philippines,
in which he requests the Department to express to Your Excellency the high
appreciation of the members of the Mission of the many courtesies of which they
were the recipients from officials and commercial bodies during a visit to Japan
at the invitation of the Japanese Government. Mr. XXX states that His Majesty
the Emperor of Japan did him the honor to confer upon him the Order of the
Rising Sun of the First Class, a distinction which he appreciates very highly and
that he was also the recipient of a sword of exquisite workmanship presented by
the Japanese Treasure Ministry.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

May 14, 1993


Note No. 011

The Embassy of tile Republic of China presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and bas the honor to
refer to the Ministry’s Note No. 316 of May 4, 1993 and to express its heartfelt
appreciation for all the arrangements and assistance rendered by the Ministry in
facilitating the 4th Caribbean Area Envoy's Conference of the Republic of China
held in Nassau on May 9 to 11, 1993.
The Embassy has the further honor to extend to the Ministry and through the
Ministry, to all the officials concerned, its sincere thanks and gratitude for the
many courtesies and generous hospitality extended to His Excellency Chin-yen
Fang, Political Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and all the envoys and for the
warm reception given in their honor on May 10, 1993.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this opportunity to renew
Lo the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the
assurances of its highest consideration.

August 16, 1967
His Excellency
Kyu Hah Choi
Foreign Minister of Korea
Seoul, Korea

Dear Mr. Minister:

We have now concluded our Mission with our report to President Johnson on the
useful discussions we have had with the leaders of your country and our allies in
the struggle against aggression in South Viet-Nam.
It was a great pleasure and honor to have met with you in Seoul and to have
enjoyed your Government's gracious hospitality. We are most grateful for the
attentions given us and for the opportunity for such frank and friendly
discussions, both at our meeting and at the most pleasant dinner you gave us. It
was also most kind of you to have taken the time to greet us at the airport.
Thank you for all consideration.
With best regards and high esteem, we are
Most sincerely,
(Clark M. Clifford)
(Maxwell Tay1or)


Seoul, November 8, 1971
Dear Ambassador Chang:
I am sending the enclosed picture in the hope that you might be pleased to have
some souvenir of what to me was a very memorable occasion.
Thank you very much for your kindness on that day, as well as at other times.
With best wishes,
Sincerely yours
Philip C. Habit
His Excellency
Sang Moon Chang
Director, Office of Protocol
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2-77-12、申謝招待 (訪問越南) 範例
I wish to express to Your Excellency and Madame Thieu my sincere appreciation
for the many courtesies and warm hospitality accorded me and Mrs. Yen during
our visit to your great country.
It was most kind of Your Excellency to find time in your heavy schedule to
receive me and discuss with me on matters of common interest between our two
countries; and I found the discussion to be most enlightening and reassuring. I
am convinced that the mutual confidence which exists between our two
Governments goes a long way to further strengthen our cooperation in all fields
in the years to come.
I avail myself of this opportunity to wish Your Excellency continued good health
and success and also to convey, on behalf of Mrs. Yen warm personal regards
and high esteem to Madame Thieu.
Sincerely yours,
Yen Chia-kan
of the Republic of China

2-77-13、申謝招待 (訪問賴比利亞) 範例

Upon my return to Taipei I hasten to express to Your Excellency my heartfelt

thanks and gratitude for generous hospitality and many courtesies extended to


me during my recent visit to your noble country. I am particularly grateful to

Your Excellency for your kind sentiments towards my President and my country
which are heartwarming and reassuring. I am convinced that under your
brilliant leadership, people of Liberia can confidently look forward to higher
heights of continuing progress. With sincere esteem and best wishes,
Chow Shu-Kai

2-77-14、申謝招待 (訪問委內瑞拉) 範例
His Excellency
Mr. Carlos Andres Perez
President of the Republic of Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela

On Leaving your beautiful land, I wish, on behalf of Mrs. Yen and members of
my party, as well as on my own behalf, to express to Your Excellency and
through Your Excellency to the Government and the people of your noble
country, our deep gratitude and sincere thanks for the many courtesies and
generous hospitality extended to us during Our stay in Caracas for the
participation in the inauguration of Your Excellency as the fifth democratically-
elected President of the Republic of Venezuela. It is indeed good to hear Your
Excellency say, in your inaugural address, that a great Venezuela is more a
reality than a possibility, and that Your Excellency is determined to be the Chief
of State of a nation of citizens proud of their political system and their social and
economic well-being. May God bless Your Excellency and the noble people of
Venezuela who are marching forward, under your inspiring leadership, on the
road to national grandeur and energetic democracy
Yen Chia-kan
of the Republic of China

2-77-15、申謝招待 (訪問宏都拉斯) 範例

Mrs. Yen and I wish to thank Your Excellency and Madame Dona Gloria
Figueroa de Lopez Arellano and the Government and people of the Republic of
Honduras for the warm courtesies and fraternal hospitality extended to us and
the members of my party during our four-day visit to your noble country. I am


particularly grateful for the graciousness Your Excellency and Madame Dona
Gloria de Lopez evinced to us on all occasions throughout our stay in
Tegucigalpa. The kindness and thoughtfulness which characterized all that your
distinguished Foreign Minister and Mrs. Abogado Cesar A. Batres, your Chief of
Staff the Colonel and Mrs. Jose de la Cruz Hernandez Rosa, the Protocol Chief
Ambassador Arturo Soto Reyes and other officials of your Government had
done for us have made our visit not only pleasant but also memorable. May God
bless your Excellency and the Republic of Honduras.
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-16、申謝招待 (訪問哥斯大黎加) 範例

I wish, on behalf of Mrs. Yen and my colleagues as well as on my own behalf to

thank Your Excellency and Madame Figueres for the many courtesies shown to
us during our four-day stay in San Jose. Mrs. Yen and I are grateful to both of
you for the gracious dinner given at your residence. Indeed, your kindness to us
has made our stay in your country not only pleasant but also memorable. May
God bless you and your great nation.
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-17、申謝招待 (訪問哥斯大黎加) 範例

I wish, on behalf of Mrs. Yen and my colleagues as well as on my own behalf, to

thank Your Excellency, Her Excellency Madame Oduber and Your Excellency’s
Government for the many courtesies and generous hospitality extended to us
during our stay in San Jose for Your Excellency’s Inauguration as President of
the Republic of Costa Rica. I was particularly grateful to Your Excellency for the
gracious audience granted to me which is at once reassuring and enlightening.
As we are now leaving your beautiful country, we carry with us the profound
impression that under the dynamic leadership of Your Excellency, the proud
people of Costa Rica, dedicated and inspired, are marching forward on the road
to an egalitarian and democratic society where maximum efforts will be made to


bring about maximum benefits for the maximum member of a deserving people.
With highest consideration
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-18、申謝招待 (訪問哥斯大黎加) 範例

I wish to thank you and Mrs. Monge for the generous hospitality extended to me,
my wife and my colleagues during our four-day stay in San Jose. Our meeting
again in your beautiful country attests to the fact that extremely cordial relations
exist between Costa Rica and the Republic of China. May I take this opportunity
also to express to you our deep appreciation for the understanding you have
never failed to give us and for the kindness you have always shown to
Ambassador and Mrs. Wu in their effort to promote relations of friendship and
cooperation between our two countries.
May God bless you and your family.
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-19、申謝招待 (訪問尼加拉瓜) 範例

Mrs. Yen and I wish to thank your Excellency and Her Excellency Dona Hope
Portocarrera de Somoza for the many courtesies and generous hospitality
extended to us during our four-day visit to the Republic of Nicaragua. I very
much appreciate the conversations I had with Your Excellency which were at
once cordial, and reassuring.
And Your Excellencies’ personal attention and kindness to us have indeed made
our stay in Managua not only joyous but also memorable.
As we are now leaving your beautiful country, we carry with us a profound
impression that under the dynamic leadership of Your Excellency, the noble
people of Nicaragua, inspired and dedicated, marching forward, with conviction
and courage, on the road reconstruction arid economic prosperity. With high
Yen Chia-kan


Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-20、申謝招待 (訪問尼加拉瓜) 範例

I wish, on behalf of Mrs. Yen and the members of my party, to thank Your
Excellencies and the Government and people of the Republic of Nicaragua, for
the many courtesies and generous hospitality extended to us during our four-day
visit to your noble country. I am deeply appreciative of the precious audience I
had with Your Excellencies; and. I am positive that the joint communiqué Your
Excellencies and I have signed prior to my departure from Managua attests
eloquently to the sincere friendship and perfect understanding that characterize
the relations between our two countries. With highest consideration,
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China

2-77-21、申謝招待 (訪問薩爾瓦多) 範例
Mrs. Yen and I wish to thank Your Excellency and Madame Mayorga, most
warmly, for the many courtesies and generous hospitality, extended to us and the
members of our party during our five-day visit to the Republic of El Salvador.
Your Excellency’s personal attention and kindness to us throughout our sojourn
here have made our visit not only joyous but also memorable. Indeed, we were
overwhelmed by the meticulous care and fraternal thoughtfulness that
characterized each and every program Your Excellency and Your Excellency's
colleagues, particularly Foreign Minister Mauricio Brgono Pohk, Ambassador
Ricardoo Machon Diaz and Dr. Ricardo Suarez, had arranged for us; and we
shall be grateful if Your Excellency will be good enough to convey to them our
deep appreciation for what they had done to make our Visit El Salvador a
success. May god bless your Excellency and Madame Mayorga.
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President
of the Republic of China


2-77-22、申謝招待 (訪問薩爾瓦多) 範例

I wish, on behalf of Mrs. Yen and my colleagues as well as on my own behalf, to

thank Your Excellency and Your Excellency’s Government for the many
courtesies and generous hospitality extended to us during our five-day visit to
the Republic of El Salvador. I am grateful to Your Excellency for the gracious
audience granted to me which is at once reassuring and enlightening. As we are
now leaving your beautiful, country, we carry with us the vivid impression that
under the leadership of Your Excellency, there is a unity of purpose among the
members of your official family and the proud Salvadorian people, dedicated
and inspired, are courageously marching forward on the road to national
grandeur and economic prosperity.
With highest consideration,
Yen Chia-kan
Vice President of the Republic of China

2-77-23、申謝招待 (訪問美國) 範例
To Vice President Spire T. Agnew:
It was most kind of you to find time in your heavy schedule to receive me and
discuss with me problems of common interest during my recent visit to your
great country. This memorable meeting will always be cherished by me. I must
express to you once again my deep appreciation for your courtesy and kindness
which helped make my visit be pleasant and fruitful. With best wishes, Yen

2-77-24、申謝招待 (訪問韓國) 範例
On returning from a fruitful visit to your great nation, I wish to reiterate my
sincerest thanks for many courtesies extended to me by your government and
particularly for the superb arrangements Your Excellency so kindly made
throughout my most delightful sojourn. Please also convey my respect and
gratitude to His Excellency President Park for the high distinction conferred
upon me.
With my best wishes for your good health and continued success,


2-77-25、申謝招待 (訪問巴西) 範例
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of Mrs. Yen and all the members of my party as well as on my own, I
wish to express to Your Excellency and Mrs. Marcilio our sincere gratitude for
your kind and warm hospitality accorded us during our recent visit to your
beautiful country on the occasion of the Inauguration Ceremony of President
Ernesto Geisel.
We appreciate very much the visit to your office and a tour of your parliament
through your courtesy and kindness. The luncheon at your residence organized
in my honor was excellent. Food was superb; and we enjoyed every minute we
spent with you, Mrs. Marcilio and your friends. Brasilia as a capital is at once
impressive and inspiring. Its layout reflects the great potentiality of the
Federative Republic and its architectural beauty connotes the vigor and vision of
the Brazilians.
Moreover, we were deeply impressed by the remarkable progress made an all
fields in Brazil. Indeed, it was good to see that the whole nation, under dynamic
leadership and with confidence, is devoting itself to the further development of
its economy.
May I also take this opportunity to thank you for the efforts you have been
making throughout the years to strengthen the cordial ties between our two
With warm personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
Yen Chia-kan

2-77-26、申謝招待 (訪問中華民國) 範例
Dear Mr. Minister:
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your hospitality and assistance
during my recent visit to the Republic of China.
I particularly enjoyed meeting and talking with you and gaining the benefit of
your knowledge and your views of the Asian situation. As a result of our
conversations, I am confident that the close, harmonious relations between our
two nations will continue in the years to come. I will look forward to meeting
with you again.
Please convey my personal thanks to those of your staff who were involved in the
preparations for our visit. All the arrangements were perfect and I am indeed


Mrs. Rogers joins me in thanking you and Madame Wei for your generous gifts
of the volumes on Ming Enameled Ware and the most impressive carved lacquer
box. These will remain a constant reminder of both the riches of Chinese culture
and the traditional Chinese hospitality that their presentation represented so
With warmest personal regards,
William Po Rogers

Dear Mr. Minister:
It was very kind of you to see me off during my recent visit to your beautiful
country to attend the inauguration ceremony of His Excellency President Luis
Echeverria Alvarezo. I would like to express to you once again my deep
appreciation for your courtesy and kindness which helped make my sojourn in
your country a very enjoyable and memorable one.
I was greatly impressed with the efficiency and assistance of your Government
and the hospitality and energy of your people particularly enjoyed meeting and
talking with you. I am confident that the close and harmonious relations which
happily exist between our two nations will be further strengthened in the years
to come.
Mrs. Wei joins me in sending Mrs. Rabasa and you our warmest regards and
wishes for a merry Christmas and happy and successful New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Wei Tao-Ming
Minister of Foreign Affairs


It was very kind of you to meet me (and to see me off) during my recent visit to
your country to attend the 25th anniversary of the founding of the United
Nations. I deeply appreciated your kindness which made my sojourn in your city
all the more memorable.
Looking forward to meeting you again and with personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
Yen Chia-kan


Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
It is with genuine pleasure to receive, through your Embassy in Taipei, your kind
letter of May 27, 1969, and I wish to express my deep appreciation for your
thoughtfulness in apprising me of what happened during the recent visit to your
country of General Chiang Ching-kuo, then Minister of National Defense, in his
capacity as my Special Envoy.
I am especially happy to learn that during his brief views with Your Excellency
and other high-ranking Thai officials on matters of common interest and this has
contributed toward further strengthening of the friendly relations between our
two governments and peoples.
I fully agree with Your Excellency that such close contact between high-ranking
officials of our two governments should be maintained in order to bring about
even closer cooperation between our two countries in the future.
In thanking Your Excellency for your courtesies shown to my Special Envoy, I
take this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest esteem and
personnel regards.
Sincerely yours,
Chiang Kai-Sheh

His Excellency
Franklin D. Roosevelt
In the name of the Government and people of China I heartily thank you and the
American people for your most welcome message of congratulation on the
occasion of the National Anniversary of the Republic.


I shall be pleased if you will be good enough to convey to the members
sincere thanks for their kind message and for their good wishes on China’s
National Day.



I have the honor to acknowledge, with sincere thanks, receipt of your letter of
11th of October No ...... in which you were good enough to furnish me with the
text of a message which has been sent by the Right Hon. The Prime Minister to
His Excellency the President of the Republic of China on the occasion of China's
National Day.


On behalf of members of the Consulate-General, I wish to thank you and the

staff of the Department of External Affairs for your good wishes on the 67th
Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China (or 1 wish to thank you
most warmly for your felicitations on our National Day.).


I am most honored with the favor of Your Excellency’s personal attendance at

my reception on the National Day of XXX.
Allow me to reiterate my most hearty thanks for all the kindnesses Your
Excellency have extended to me, particularly for the toast you proposed for the
continued health of His Excellency the Chief of the XXXXX State Generalissimo
XXXXX on this occasion.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of
my highest consideration.


I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday’s date conveying to me and to

my fellow-countrymen in New Zealand the best wishes of your Party on the
occasion of China’s National Day.
I wish to thank you and the members of your Party very warmly for your good
wishes, and for the kind sentiments contained in your letter.



On behalf of my Government and members of the Chinese Community in

Victoria, I warmly thank my Colleagues of the Consular (or Diplomatic) Corps,
Melbourne (or Canberra) for their good wishes and congratulations on the
occasion of our National
Day, 10th October (or I wish to thank you for your kind felicitations on the
occasion of the 67th Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China).


On behalf of members of the Embassy and in my own name I thank you for your
thoughtful National Day message and reciprocate the good wishes expressed in it
(or therein).


I wish to thank you for your kind felicitations on the occasion of the 46th
Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 7th. October 1968,
conveying your kind felicitations on the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of the
(Chinese Republic) founding of the Republic of China.
My staff join me in thanking you the Government and the people of New
Zealand for their message,


May I express my sincere thanks for your kind message of congratulations on

the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of China.



My warmest personal thanks for your congratulations on the occasion (the

celebration) of the National Day of the Republic of China. I sincerely appreciate
your good wishes.


I wish to thank you most warmly for your felicitations and best wishes on our
National Day, the 10th October, and for your very inspiring message.


I wish to express to Mrs. XXX and your good self my heartfelt thanks for your
felicitations on our National Day. Your wish for my country’s struggle against
aggression (international communism) is sincerely appreciated with warmest
personal regards.


Mrs. Smith and I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for the beautiful
and lovely flowers that you so kindly sent to us on the occasion of the
Independence Day of the Republic of.........
Thank you again for the friendly and thoughtful gesture.

Seoul, July 7, 1970.
Dear Mr. Minister:
I wish to thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending the beautiful bouquet of
flowers on the 4th of July. It was a most welcome addition to our celebration,
and a fitting symbol of the deep and enduring friendship which unites our two
Sincerely yours,
(William J. Porter)


His Excellency
Choi Kyu Hah,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Korea,

January 28, 1970.
It was indeed kind of you to send such a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the
occasion of India’s National Day.
I am further grateful to Mrs. Choi and Your Excellency for having graced the
occasion of the reception with your presence.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency Kyu Hah Choi
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

July 10, 1974.
Dear Mr. President:
I was greatly pleased to receive your letter of June 20 informing me that the
people of France will present the people of the United States with a Sound and
Light Spectacle for Mount Vernon in commemoration of the Bicentennial of the
United States.
It is especially fitting that this particular art form, which has been perfected in
France for the purpose of dramatizing your country's great historical treasures,
be utilized to dramatize one of America's most cherished symbols of its struggle
for independence.
In acknowledging this generous gift on behalf of the American people, I join you,
Mr. President, in a tribute to the bonds of friendship which have joined our two
nations since the 18th century, and which will continue to link them as we act
together to forge a structure of peace in the years to come.


(Richard Nixon)


I wish to express my profound appreciation for your kind message of felicitations

on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China.
Please accept my best wishes for your Excellency’s personal well-being and the
continued prosperity of your nation.


I appreciate very much your Excellency’s kind message on the occasion of

Chinese National Day. Please accept my best wishes for your Excellency’s
personal well-being and the prosperity of your nation.


I wish to thank you for your kind message on the occasion of our National Day.
Please accept my best wishes for your Excellency’s personal well-being and the
continued prosperity of your nation.

I appreciate very much your Excellency’s kind message on the occasion of our
National Day. Please accept my best wishes for your continued good health and
the prosperity of your country.

Please transmit the following message to His Excellency Park Chung Hee,
President of the republic of Korea:
“In the name of the Government and the people of the Republic of China as well
as in my own, I thank your Excellency and the people of Korea most sincerely
for the warmest expression of felicitations and good wishes conveyed to us on the


occasion of our National Day. I share your Excellency’s confidence that the
traditional close friendship between our two countries solidly based on the
common high ideals will continue to grow and prosper in the years ahead.”


In the name of the Government and the people of the Republic of China as well
as in my own, I wish to thank your Excellency and the people of Korea most
sincerely for your thoughtful message of felicitations on the occasion of our
National Day. The warm sentiments expressed therein are not only symbolic of
the strong ties of friendship that bind our two countries but also heartening to us
in our dedicated struggle for the cause of freedom and justice. I take this
opportunity to extend to your Excellency my best wishes for your personal
well-being and the continued prosperity of your esteemed nation.


On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of China as well as
on my own behalf, I wish to express my deep gratitude to your Excellency for the
warm message of congratulations and greeting on the occasion of our National
Day. Please accept my best wishes for the prosperity of your country.
The warm sentiments expressed therein are not only symbolic of the strong ties
of friendship that bind our two countries but also heartening to us in our
dedicated struggle for the cause of freedom and justice. I take this opportunity to
extend to your Excellency my best wishes for your personal well-being and the
continued prosperity of your country.


I wish to extend to your Excellency and the people of Malawi my sincere thanks
for your message of felicitations on our national day. We deeply appreciate the
kind sentiments expressed therein. Please accept my best wishes for your
Excellency’s personal well-being and the continued prosperity of your nation.



Please transmit the following message to President Gerald R. Ford:

“Dear President: I wish to thank you most sincerely for your message of
congratulations and greetings on the occasion of the National Day of the
Republic of China. I am confident that the spirit of trust and close cooperation
traditionally existing in the relations between our two countries will continue to
grow strong in the years ahead. With best wishes and highest considerations,
Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China.” Waichiaopu


President Chiang Kai-shek has instructed me to express to you his heartfelt

thanks for the very kind letter which you addressed to him in association with
nine of your distinguished colleagues in the U. S. Senate on the occasion of the
63rd anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China on October 10, 1974.
He deeply appreciates your cordial sentiments and especially your discernment
of the diametrical contrast between the Republic of China and the Communist
regime on the Chinese mainland.
The President fully shares your belief that the continuance of close diplomatic,
economic and cultural relations are in the best interests of our two countries, and
he pledges that the Republic of China will spare no effort in strengthening them
in every way possible. In this connection, he feels grateful for your unceasing
support for the cause of our country.
I am also directed by my President to convey to you his kindest regards and best
With warmest personal regards,

I wish to express my sincere thanks to you for your letter of October 9, 1974 by
which you so kindly conveyed your congratulations on the occasion of our
National Day. The warm sentiments contained therein are much appreciated.
I am so glad to know that you find conditions satisfactory for your life in Taipei,
both official and personal, and wish you continued success in the year ahead.



I deeply appreciate your Excellency’s kind message of felicitations on the

occasion of our National Day. Please accept my best wishes for your Excellency’s
good health and continued success.


I wish to thank your Excellency for your kind message on congratulations on our
national Day. Please accept my best wishes for your continued good health and

Dear XXX
Thank you very much indeed for the beautiful flowers that you sent me on the
occasion of South Africa’s Republic Day. We all admired them and I can assure
you that they did much to help create the friendly atmosphere that prevailed. I
am very much in your debt.
I enclose letters addressed to Their Excellencies the Vice-President, Minister
Shen and Vice-Minister Yang and should be grateful if you would be kind
enough to arrange for them to be delivered.
With kindest regards,

2-78-1A-33 申謝祝賀(國慶日)範例
My dear Minister,
It was extremely kind of you to send me such a delightful basket of flowers on
the occasion of Australia Day.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind and thoughtful gesture.
F. B. Cooper


I wish to express to you our warmest thanks for the beautiful flowers sent on our
National Day, which were highly appreciated.


Dear Mr. Ambassador:
On behalf of members of the Embassy and in my own name I thank you for your
thoughtful Independence Day message and reciprocate good wishes expressed in
Sincerely yours
His Excellency
Ambassador of Portugal

(電 報)
July 5, 1935
His Excellency Albert Kinesis,
President of the Republic of Latvia

I thank Your Excellency for your courteous Independence Day message and on
behalf of my fellow countrymen and in my own name I reciprocate your good

(電 報)
Department of State
July 6, 1935.
His Excellency
Elias Braches, Hilo,
Secretary of State for Foreign Relations,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


I thank Your Excellency for your cordial message on the occasion of the
anniversary of the Independence of the United States.
Secretary of State


On this happy and memorable occasion of the centennial anniversary of the

founding of your Commonwealth, it gives me a great pleasure to tender to Your
Excellent my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the prosperity and
increased well-being of New Zealand.

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I had received yesterday a wire
requesting me to convey to you the thanks of Their Excellencies President
Chiang Kai-shek and Vice President Chen Cheng for your congratulations on
their re-election to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the Republic of China.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Chinese Ambassador


My wife and I thank you for your kind message of congratulations upon my
election (re-election) as President of the Republic of Korea. We greatly
appreciate your good wishes.

I thank you very much for your kind message conveyed to me through your
Embassy in Tokyo on July 15, 200Xcongratulating me on my appointment as
Prime Minister.
I am fully aware of the importance of the relationship between Japan and the


Republic of China and, with various experiences I have gained by visiting the
Republic of China and as President of Japan- The Republic of China Dietmen’s
League, I wish to make my utmost efforts for further promoting our relations in
the 1980’s.
I am also looking forward to working with you for close and increasingly
friendly relations between our two countries and hope to renew our


I thank you very much for your cordial congratulations on my appointment as

Prime Minister.
I also look forward to working with you for the further development of the
friendly relations between our two countries.

Dear Mr. Locke;
I wish to congratulate you on your election as the first Chinese-American as well
as first Asian-American governor in continental America. Your winning of the
election as the 40th governor of the State of Washington indicates that
immigrants from all parts of the world may have their American dream for
freedom, democracy and a better life realized in the United States. Your
resounding victory in the gubernatorial election provides a superb role model for
both Chinese-Americans and Asian- Americans.
I am glad you have always been aware of the importance of the economic and
trade ties between the State of Washington and the Asian Pacific region. It is
expected that these ties will grow stronger and stronger in the years to come
under your inspiring leadership.
With my best wishes,

I wish to thank you most sincerely for your warmest congratulations upon my
success in the General Election. I appreciate very much for your good wishes.



President Lin Sen

I greatly appreciate Your Excellency’s most courteous felicitations upon my
ascension to the Throne as King of Greece and wish to extend to Your Excellency
our reciprocal greetings and sincere good wishes.
King Paul


The Department of External Affairs presents to the Embassy of the Republic of

Korea and has the honor to refer to the Embassy’s Note No. KAU/69/46 of 24th
April, 1969, requesting the Department to convey a message from His Excellency
Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea, to His Excellency the Right
Honorable Sir Paul Hasluck on his inauguration as Governor General of the
Commonwealth of Australia.
At the request of His Excellency the Governor General, the Department now has
the honor to request the Embassy to convey the following message to His
Excellency Park Chung Hee, President of the Republic of Korea:
"I wish to thank you for the very kind message of greetings which you have
sent to me on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of
Korea on my inauguration as Governor- General of the Commonwealth of
I recall with great pleasure meeting Your Excellency during your visit to
Australia and also during my own visits to Korea for A.S.P.A.C. Conferences
and later for the Colombo Plan Conference. Being aware of the interest of the
Republic of Korea in the peace and prosperity of the Asian and Pacific region,
I look forward to a further strengthening of the bonds of friendship between
our two countries and would ask you to accept for yourself, your country and
your people, the warmest greetings from the Government and people of
Paul Hasluck
The Department of External Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
the Embassy of the Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest


9th May, 1969

President Lin Sen:
I am sincerely grateful for Your Excellency’s most cordial felicitations on the
occasion of my assumption of office as President of Turkey and desire to extend
on behalf of the Government and people of Turkey to YourExcellency our
reciprocal greetings and good wishes.
Turkish President




His Excellency Lin Sen
President of the National Government
of the Republic of China
Nan king.
I am sincerely grateful for your Excellency’s courteous felicitation on the
occasion of the assumption of my official duties and am happy to extend on
behalf of the American Government and people and in my own name reciprocal
greetings and good wishes.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

On the happy (or auspicious) occasion of Your Excellency’s inauguration as
President of the Republic of XXX (or Your Majesty’s accession to the throne of


the Kingdom of ………….. or Your Majesty’s coronation) I have much pleasure

in extending to Your Excellency (or Your Majesty) my sincere felicitations and
best wishes for the prosperity of Your country and Your Excellency’s (or Your
Majesty’s) personal well – being.


Please accept my warmest good wishes on your installation as President of the

United States of Brazil. The American people have watched with anxiety the
political and economic difficulties through which your great nation has been
passing, and has admired the resolute will of the Brazilian community to resolve
these difficulties within a framework of constitutional democracy and without
civil strife.
The relations of friendship and cooperation between our two Governments and
peoples are a great historical legacy for us both and a precious asset in the
interests of peace and prosperity and liberty in this hemisphere and in the whole
I look forward to the continued strengthening of these relations and to our
intensified cooperation in the interests of economic progress and social justice for
all and of hemispheric and world peace. (L. B. J. to Mazzilli’s Message)


On the occasion of your inauguration as President of the Republic of Korea, it

gives me great pleasure to extend to you my warmest congratulations and best
wishes for a successful term of office.
I am happy to reaffirm at this time on behalf of the Government and people of
the United States the strong ties of friendship and dedication to the common
ideal that unites our two countries.
You may be sure that it is my earnest desire to continue the friendly spirit of
cooperation that has characterized U.S. - Korean relations in the past.
(President L. B. J’s personal message to President Park Chung Hee on occasion
of the Latter’s inauguration as President of the Third Republic - Korea Dec.,


I deeply appreciate congratulations and good wishes which you have extended to
me on your own behalf and on behalf of the Chinese Government and people
upon my inauguration as President. I fully share your confident expectation that
the future will serve to hasten the victory of the United Nations and
establishment of the peace and security for which the freedom-loving peoples of
the world have struggled so long and valiantly.

I deeply appreciate congratulations and good wishes which you have extended to
me on your own behalf and on behalf of the Chinese Government and people
upon my inauguration as President. I fully share your confident expectation that
the future will witness ever closer cooperation between China and the United
States, and that such cooperation will serve to hasten the victory of the United
Nations and establishment of peace and security which the freedom-loving
peoples of the world have struggled so long and valiantly F. D. Roosevelt
President of the United States of America (to President Chiang Kai-shek of the
Republic of China).

July 7, 1967
Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you, Mrs. YYY, Mr. ZZZ
and the members of your delegation for coming to Korea to be with us on the
occasion of my re-inauguration. The presence of your Excellency as well as other
special envoys from your country at the ceremony added much to the festivity of
that day and was deeply appreciated by us all.
Please also accept my heartfelt appreciation to you for the beautiful gift of Ando
cloisonné. This we will cherish here as a constant reminder of your friendship
and that of your people.
Mrs. XXX joins me in extending our best wishes to you, Mrs. YYY, Mr. ZZZ, the
members of your delegation and the people of Japan.
Yours sincerely,
(Park Chung Hee)
His Excellency XXX
Prime Minister of Japan



It gives me great pleasure to extend to Your Excellency my heartiest

congratulations upon your inauguration (assumption of office) as Prime Minister
of XXX. I am confident that the friendly relations so happily existing between
our two countries will be continued and strengthened


I am directed by President XXX of the Executive Yuan of the Government of the

Republic of China to extend to you his heartiest congratulations on the occasion
of your inauguration as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. May I take
this opportunity of adding my very best wishes to you in your new office and
expressing my confidence that the hitherto cordial relations between our two
countries will be maintained and further strengthened during your term as
Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea.

I wish to express my deep appreciation for Your Excellency’s Note, dated May11,
1969, kindly extending your good wishes, as well as informing me that his
Excellency Minister of Defense Chiang Ching-kuo will be your Special Envoy
during his visit to Thailand.
It is indeed a great pleasure on our part to host such a distinguished guest as
your son who, through impressive accomplishments, has become one of the
leading figures in your government. During his brief stay in Thailand, Minister
Chiang and I, together with other high ranking Chinese and Thai officials, had
various opportunity of
exchanging views on many matters of mutual interests and concern, The results
of our discussions, which I am sure have already been conveyed to your
knowledge, have contributed to better understanding and closer relations
between our two governments and peoples.
I hope such close contact between high ranking officials of our governments
could always be maintained in order to enhance further cooperation between our


May I take this opportunity to express my highest esteem and personal regards
to Your Excellency as well as my good wishes for your good health.

Dear Director
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 24, extending your
congratulations to me on my new post as minister of foreign affairs. Your nice
words about my new position are highly appreciated.
It is gratifying to note that the bilateral relations between Canada and the
Republic of China on Taiwan have improved substantially in recent years. I
would like to take this opportunity to commend you on the success of Festival
Canada, the largest Canadian promotion drive ever organized in Taiwan.
With best wishes for the continued success of your efforts in promoting the
bilateral relations between our two countries,

May 10, 1968
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I would greatly appreciate it if you would convey to His Excellency, the President
of the Republic of Korea, Park Chung Hee, and the following message:
“Dear Mr. President:
I was deeply touched and gratified by your generous message of
congratulations on my appointment as Ambassador to the U.N. I hope that
my services there will be of benefit to the cause of freedom which the
American and Korean people share in common.
With kindest personal regards,
Respectfully yours,
George W. Ball”
With best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
His Excellency
Dong Jo Kim
Korean Ambassador
2320 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.


2-78-2B-17 申謝祝賀(就任)範例
I have much appreciated your kind message of congratulations, and am
encouraged by your good wishes. You may be sure I shall be doing my best to
justify my new appointment. With kind regards from Mrs. XXX and myself,

May 22, 1970
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I was pleased most highly to receive the gracious message on the occasion of my
birthday from the President of the Republic of Korea, Park Chung Hee and I
would appreciate it if you would convey to him my grateful thanks.
And my thanks to you, Mr. Ambassador, for your thoughtful message and good
Sincerely Yours


Heartfelt thanks for greeting me on my birthday anniversary and would also like
to say that I appreciate your kind thoughts very much. In return please accept
my best wishes and kindest regards.

It has given me great pleasure Mr. President to receive your kind message on the
anniversary of my birthday. I share your confidence that the execution of the
plans devised for the overthrow of the common enemy will greatly hasten the
eagerly awaited liberation of the people now suffering under the oppressors yoke
and that the United Nations having collaborated to such good effect in time of
war will then be free to apply their efforts in the same spirit of mutual
understanding and cooperation to the tasks of peace which will lie ahead of

Please accept my hearty thanks for your kind message of congratulations on the
occasion of my birthday. Your cordial sentiments expressed therein are warmly



Mrs. XXX and I very much appreciate the cordial message which you and Mrs.
YYY sent us on the occasion of my birthday. We have been greatly touched by
the generous sentiments that you have expressed.

June 10, 1971
His Excellency, Dong-fro Kim
Ambassador of Korea
2320 Massachusetts Avenue, N. Y.
Washington, D. C. 20008

Dear Mr. Ambassador:

I woke up on my sixtieth birthday feeling just the same. What makes the
difference is what your friends make of it. It was great! Each year seems to get
better, and along with it my friends grow dearer. Thank you for remembering
With my warm regards
Hubert H. Humphrey


His Excellency Kim Jong-Pil

Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea
I wish to thank Your Excellency for your cordial message by which you asked me
to convey to President Chiang your congratulations on the occasion of his
birthday anniversary. The President appreciates very much the warm sentiments
expressed therein and sincerely wishes you every success and good health.
With warmest personal regards,

(Signed by Chiang Ching-kuo)


Dear Senator Fong:
President Chiang Kai-Shek has instructed me to convey to you his sincere
appreciation for your good wishes on the occasion of his birthday anniversary.
He highly values your friendly sentiments, especially your continued support for
our national cause.
With warmest personal regards,
James Co H. Shen
Ambassador of the Republic of

I thank you most sincerely for your kind congratulations on my birthday and
cordially reciprocate the good wishes.


I and my countrymen thank you warmly for your kind thoughts and good wishes
for the New Year which we very heartily reciprocate.

Your Excellency’s kind message of greeting duly conveyed and appreciated. On
behalf of Government I heartily reciprocate your good wishes.

The Consul and Mrs. .......... warmly appreciate and cordially reciprocate your
kind Seasonal Greetings.

Many thanks indeed for your kind card. All good wishes to you both from us for
Christmas and the year ahead.


The Consul of the Republic of China and Mrs. ...........thank the Secretary of the
Premier’s Department and Mrs. ............ for their Christmas and New Year
Greetings, which are heartily reciprocated.


Thank you for thinking of me at this time of the year, I wish you, too, a Happy
Christmas and a good 1956.

Sir and dear Colleague, I desire to thank you and Mrs. .......... for your kind
Greetings for Christmas and the New Year. Whilst reciprocating your wishes, I
am mindful of the kindly co - operation which has existed between our two
Consulates in the past and I look forward to a continuation of our present happy
relations for the future.


Would you kindly accept my Warmest thanks for the Seasonal Greetings
extended by Mrs. ...... and yourself, and also for the very nice gift which
accompanied them. I very much appreciate your kind thought.
Reciprocating your good wishes,

On behalf of Mrs. A and myself I wish to express our thanks and appreciation
for the kindness of Mrs. B and you in entertaining us at your Christmas party. A
very happy New Year to you all.
It was with great satisfaction that my August Sovereign, the Emperor of Japan,
received the message of felicitation which, pursuant to your instructions, His
Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador at Tokyo was good enough to tender to His
Majesty through Bit, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the


Government of New Zealand on the occasion of the New Year, and I have now
the honor to request, under instructions from my Government that you may be
good enough to take steps to convey to the Government of New Zealand an
expression of His Majesty's appreciation of their message.
I have the honor to be, etc.

Chinese Embassy

Forward following message to Sir..............

Many thanks for your telegram of congratulation upon the defeat of Japan. I
appreciate very much your good wishes on this day of victory as I always did your
sympathy with China. Now that the war is over, the Chinese people and government
are determined to redouble efforts not only for the consummation of the task of
national reconstruction but also for the building of a just and lasting peace in
cooperation with their allies. Chiang Kai-shek

Your Excellency,
I have the honor to request Your Excellency to convey to the Japanese
Government the sincere thanks of my Government for their friendly message of
congratulation on the conclusion of peace.
His Majesty’s Government is justly proud of the friendship which exists between
the peoples of Japan and Great Britain. They are confident that the two nations,
which have borne the sacrifices of war, will continue to co-operate together in
ever closer harmony, to realize the ideals of peace and international comity.
2-78-5-3 申謝祝賀(其他喜事-飛行成功)範例
Department of State
Washington, June 2,
I have the honor to acknowledge, with appreciation, the receipt of your esteemed


communication, dated May 25, 1927, expressing congratulations on behalf of the

Government of Venezuela and yourself upon the successful flight of Captain
Charles Lindbergh from New York to Paris.
I have the honor to assure you that the cordial sentiments expressed by your
government and yourself are greatly appreciated by this government.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
The Honorable XXX
Minister of Venezuela

2-79-1-1 申謝弔唁(總統逝世)範例

His Excellency
Chiang Kai-shek
President of the Republic of China
I acknowledge with deep appreciation Your Excellency’s message of March 18,
1957, expressing your grief on the tragic passing of our beloved President
Ramon Magsaysay. Such expression of sympathy would no doubt alleviate our
On behalf, therefore, of the people and Government of the Philippines and of the
family of the late President, as well as on my own, please accept my most sincere
appreciation for your kind words of sympathy.
President of the Philippines

2-79-1-3 申謝弔唁(總統逝世)範例
I have the honor to acknowledge with sincere appreciation the receipt of Your
Excellency’s note of ...... , conveying, under instructions from His Majesty’s
Minister for Foreign Affairs, the condolences of the Government of Japan to the
Government of the United States on the occasion of the death of Mr. XXX,
former President of the United States.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


2-79-1-4 申謝弔唁(總統逝世)範例
My dear Mr. Minister:
Mrs. Roosevelt has asked me to convey to your Excellency the deep appreciation
of the moving tribute you paid to the late President in an address delivered at
San Francisco. She is most grateful for your thoughtfulness in sending her a
Sincerely yours,
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil

2-79-1-5 申謝弔唁(大使逝世)範例
I am desired to convey President Chiang’s appreciation to His Excellency
President XXX for the high honor His Excellency graciously accorded to my late
Ambassador. I shall be grateful if you kindly transmit the above to the high
destination. Please also accept my heartfelt thanks for the expression of
sympathy of your Government and for your kindness and assistance rendered to
Chinese Embassy upon the passing away of the late Ambassador (Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China)

2-79-1-6 申謝弔唁(大使逝世)範例
On behalf of my Government and in my own name, I have the honor to extend to
Your Excellency the profound appreciation for your deep condolences on the
passing of the late Ambassador XXX.
Madame XXX also wishes to add her own expression of sincere thanks and
heartfelt appreciation for your gracious sympathy and condolences.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

I have today received from Mr. XXX, Minister for Foreign Affairs, a telegram
stating that the United States Government was good enough to convey to the
Japanese Government through its Ambassador at Tokyo a message of deep
sympathy and profound condolence on the occasion of the death of Mr. YYY.


I am charged at the same time to convey to the United States Government the
expression of the most sincere thanks of the Japanese Government for the above.
Accordingly, I have the honor to transmit to you this message of deep
appreciation on the part of the Japanese Government.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

July 26, 1965.
I appreciate very much your message of condolence on the death of Adlai E.
Stevenson. The world-wide mourning of his death is a moving tribute to the
universality of his character.
(Signed by Dean Rusk)
His Excellency
Dong Won Lee
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Korea


The Secretary of State acknowledges with warm appreciation the message of

sympathy and condolence conveyed by the Japanese Ambassador on behalf of
his Government, upon the consequences of the devastating tornado that recently
visited the central States of this country.

I deeply appreciate your thoughtful message expressing your concern over the
tornado disaster which recently struck our country. On behalf of those Chinese
personally involved in the tragedy I would like to express gratitude for your
sympathy and understanding.



The Japanese Government, having received through Ambassador XXX the

expression of genuine sympathy and kind offer of relief from the American
Government on the occasion of a great fire which occurred off (place), in the
north-eastern part of Tokyo, has charged the Japanese Ambassador to tender to
the Secretary of State, in the name of the Japanese Government, their deep
appreciation and sincere thanks for this manifestation of good will.
YYY adds that fortunately the disaster is not as serious as might have been
feared, and that the situation can well be coped with without any aid from

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of July 15,199X
expressing the sympathy of your Government on the recent earthquake
catastrophe at ……
In reply I beg of your Excellency to convey to the Japanese Government the deep
appreciation of the Government of the United States and the people of California
for its thoughtful words of sympathy at this time.
For your own sympathy, I am also deeply grateful. .
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

My Lord XXX,
Under instructions from the Prime Minister of Japan, I have the honor to
request Your Lordship to convey to the Right Honorable YYY, Prime Minister,
and his eminent colleagues on the Imperial Conference, the Japanese Prime
Minister’s sincere thanks for the touching message for sympathy in the calamity
which has befallen Japan.
Mr. ZZZ desires to assure Mr. YYY that the manifestation of cordial sentiment,
coming, as it did, so promptly from the representative statesmen of the British
Empire, the old and never failing ally of Japan, has deeply moved the Japanese
nation in their great distress and will give them encouragement and reassurance
in taking up the tremendous task of reconstruction.
I have the honor to be,



Dear XXX:
Thank you for your kind wishes of support and expressions of concern during
my recent hospitalization and recuperation. They came when I needed
reassurance the most.
This brutal attack was the most threatening and emotional event I ever
experienced. Believe me, I feel very lucky to be alive. However, I am recovering
nicely and I will be as good as new in no time.
My doctors are amazed at how quickly I’m recovering. They say my secret to
survival would be worth a fortune to professional boxers. I guess it helps to have
a hard head!
Your warmth and expressions of concern have greatly aided in my rapid
recovery. I’ll never forget your kindness.

I am grateful to your Excellency for the kind message in which you conveyed
your sincere wishes for my quick and complete recovery. I deeply appreciate this
warm and friendly gesture. I am happy to inform you that I am almost
completely restored to health.


Please accept my heartfelt thanks for Your Excellency’s thoughtful message

promoted by the recent unfortunate occurrence at (Name of plane). I appreciate
more than I can say not only the friendly sentiments expressed by Your
Excellency and Madame XXX but also the generous impulse which inspired your

On behalf of Secretary XXX I wish to thank you for your message of November
5 to him. The Secretary requests that you convey his warm appreciation to
Prime Minister XXX for his kind and thoughtful remarks.



領事證明文件 (3)



第三章 領事證明文件
第一節 證明文件

Household Registration
Household No.:
Administrative District and Address:
Changes of the Head of Household:
Movements of the Whole Household:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:


Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:

This extract is a true and correct copy of the entries in the Household
Household Register of
(Taiwan Province), Republic of China
File No:


I hereby certify that this ashes box contains only the ashes of the late XX
who died at San Francisco, California, USA, on July 15, 200X.


I, the undersigned, Consul of Japan at …, certify (attest, declare), upon the

examination (on the faith) of the documents which have been presented to
me, that the ship … (under ….. flag), of the port of..... (Port of registry),
equipped by …. (Name of the ship owner), of … tons, Captain ...,
comprising (at her departure on …) a crew of … men, ….. passengers and
a freight (Cargo) of …, has on board ............ (Contents of the declaration).
In testimony whereof, I have issued the present certificate (attestation,
declaration, etc.) for what it is worth in law.
Done at … (name of place) on … (date).

Before me, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, appeared Mr.
XXX (Full name), an ocean-going captain, commanding the ... (Name and


kind of the ship), of the port of Kaohsiung, of 3,000 tons, belong to....
(Name of the owner) and equipped at (Port of registry);
Who, desiring ........., has declared (affirmed) to me that.... (Declaration

Done and authenticated at the Consulate-General of the Republic of China

at New York, on… (Date) at… hour.


I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, certify

that the ship XXX, coming from …. , arrived on … (date) at…. (Name of
the port) with a cargo of ......; and that she is departing … to go to … with
the freight of....
Issued to…., on ... (date).


The ship …. (name), of … tons, belonging to the above-mentioned owner, is

authorized, in virtue of Articles 34 and 35, Paragraph 2, of the Law
concerning the Examination of Vessels and Boats, to make n voyage
between ... and ... (mention whether the authorization to transport
merchandise or passengers has been given or not, as the case may be ).


I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, verify

and certify that at the moment of the departure of the Chinese vessel
“(Name of ship)”, of the port of …, Captain …, of ... tons, comprising a
crew of …men, … passengers and a cargo of …, there is on board her no
case of any contagious disease.
In testimony whereof, I have issued the present Bill of Health at...... (Name
of place), on...... (Date), at … hours.



I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, verify

and certify that the ship ... (under … flag), of the port of...... (Port of
registry), Captain …, comprising a crew of …men, ….passengers and a
cargo of ...... , leaves the port of ...... free from all danger of contagious
I also certify that neither cholera nor any other contagions disease has
prevailed or has been detected in the port of … and in its neighborhood.
In testimony whereof, I have issued the present Bill of Health for what it is
lawfully and legitimately worth.


3-1-7A、職業學校畢業證書 (Senior Vocational School):

This is to certify that Student (name) of ….County, ……… Province/City,
born on (date) , having completed the prescribed course of study in the
Department / Section of this school and successfully passed its
examinations leading to graduation, is awarded this diploma in
accordance with the provisions of the Vocational School Law.


(Seals of the Department of Education and the School affixed)

3-1-7B、高級中學畢業證書 (High School / Senior Middle School):

This is to certify that Mr. /Miss (Name) of……County,……..
Province/City, born on (date), having successfully completed the
prescribed course of study and passed the required examinations at this


school, is hereby awarded this diploma in accordance with the

provisions of the Senior Middle School Law.


(Seals of the Department of Education and the School affixed)

3-1-7C、專科學校畢業證書 (Junior College):

This is to certify that Mr. / Miss (Name) of………County, ……..
Province/City, born on (date), having successfully completed the prescribed
year course of study and passed the required examinations at the
Department of, (Division) of this college, is hereby awarded this diploma in
accordance with the Junior college Law.


(Seals of the Ministry of Education and the College affixed)

3-1-7D、大學/學院畢業證書 (University / College):


This is to certify that Mr. /Miss (Name) of…….County,….......

Province/City, born on (date), has successfully completed the prescribed
course of study and passed the required examinations at the Department of
(Division), College of ………………, and is therefore awarded the degree of
Bachelor of………
In witness thereof this diploma is granted in accordance with the provisions
of the University / College Law.



(Seals of the Ministry of Education and the University / College affixed)

3-1-7E、大學畢業證書 (University):

I, the undersigned, certify that Mr. XXX, native of Taipei and born on July
15, 1980, has satisfactorily completed his studies at the Department of
Foreign Language & Literature, National Taiwan University.



Issue date:

1 姓 名 / Name
2 國 籍 / Nationality 3 性 別 / Sex
4 出生日期 / Date of Birth 5 出生地點 / Place of Birth
6 案 由 / Record
No criminal convictions recorded in Taiwan

Chief of Police
Taipei Municipal Police Department, Republic of China


File Series



Relationship Father Mother

Date of Birth:
Native Place:
Address of Household Registration:
Location of Job:
Job Description and Title:
Infant's Sex:
Number of live births to this other (included this one):
Duration of Pregnancy (No. of weeks):
Weight at birth:
Single or multiple births:
Date of Birth:
Address & Place of Birth:
Delivered by: Hospital / Clinic / Midwifery / Home
Physician / Midwife / others
Special symptom of birthgiving mother & infant before & after childbirth
seen in medical diagnose

This is to certify that the above-mentioned facts are true and correct
Name of Physician:
Physician License No.:
Name of Hospital:
Medical Practice License No.:



Filed No.:
I, (Name) the undersigned, after being duly sworn to, do hereby depose and


1. That I am the citizen of R.O.C., holding I.D. card No. …………,

presently residing
at …………………………………………………………………
2. That I was born on day of…... 19 XX at …………………………….
The name of my father is ………………………………….and
The name of my mother is ………………………………...
3. That I do not have a valid birth certificate in my possession due to losing
it many years ago / never obtaining one.
4. That my record in the household registration in Taiwan shows my
birthday and information about my parents. An extract of my Household
Registration Record is attached herewith for reference.

Further the Affiant saith no.

Subscribed or sealed and declared by


The signature or seal of this document has been certified by the Office of
Notary Public, District Court, Taiwan, Republic of China.

Notary Public
On this day of……., 200X


This is to certify that (Name), a native of……. , born on (Date) , and

(Name) , a native of ………, born on (Date) , having been introduced to
each other by Mr./Mrs. ……………… , exchanged marriage vows in a
matrimonial ceremony performed by Mr./Mrs. …….on (Date) at a.m./p.m.
at ………….(Place) . The
Newly-weds are now therefore united forever in harmony and happiness by
their wedlock from this auspicious day. May they love and respect each
other with one mind and one heart, and raise a happy family with the
passage of time. This Certificate is hereby done as a testimony thereto.


Bridegroom: (With seal affixed)

Bride: (With seal affixed)
Ceremony performed by
Introducers (Matchmakers): (With seal affixed)
Parents /Guardians: (With seal affixed)
or Sponsors of the Wedding

This is to certify that (Name), a native of…….. , born on (Date), and
(Name), a native of……………., born on (Date), were united in matrimony
on this day of ………, 200X at …… o'clock morning/noon/afternoon,
at …………. (Place), acting after the parties have made a mutual
commitment to marry and reported to their parents
In witness whereof, this certificate is made on this day of …... 200X.

Bridegroom: (With seal affixed)

Bride: (With seal affixed)
Parents or Guardians (With seal affixed)
/hosts of the Wedding
Matchmakers: (with seal affixed)
Marriage Officiator: (with seal affixed)

Office of the Notary Public
District Court of Taiwan


Certificate No.:

Parties to be married: Bridegroom Bride

Date of Birth:


Native Place:
Identification No.:
The above mentioned Parties were joined together in matrimony by me on
the day of …... 200X at ……. a.m. /p.m. at the Auditorium of the Office of
the Notary Public of the…………… District Court of Taiwan in the
presence of more than two witnesses.
I hereby act upon their request and cause this Certificate to be made I
accordance with Item 3, Article 4 of the Public Notarization Law.
Any certificate of permission or agreement from the third party:

This document has been read out to the persons present and they have
indicated that the information contained therein is correct.

Notary Public
Executed on this day of ………, 200X at the office of Notary Public
District Court of Taiwan (official seal affixed)



Filed No:

We, (Name) and (Name), the undersigned, after being duly sworn to, do
hereby depose and say:
1. That we are the citizens of R.O.C., holding I.D. card
No………………..and, residing
at…………………………………………………………. .
2. That we were married on at………………………………………....
3. That our Marriage Certificate was lost many years ago and no duplicate
or photocopy is in our possession. (Or unable to get it reissued)


4. That record in the household registration in Taiwan shows our marital

status and name of spouse.
An extract of our Household Registration Record is attached herewith for

Further the Affiant saith no.

Subscribed or sealed and declared by

..………………. and ………………….

The signature or seal of this document has been certified by the Office of
Notary Public, ……District Court, Taiwan, Republic of China.

Notary Public

On this day of………., 200X


I, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, confer, in conformity with

the provisions of the regulations concerning ......, the present Diploma
(confer a gold, wooden cup, grant the sum of … yen) on Mr. XXX (full
name, nationality, domicile or residence) as a token of recognition of the
courageous act which he did on …, at ......, in saving, at the risk of his
life,..... (Full name), coming from ......, who...... (Description of the
circumstances leading to the rescue).


I, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, confer, in conformity with

the provisions of the regulations concerning ......, the present Diploma on Mr.
XXX (full name, nationality, domicile or residence) as a token of
appreciation for the donation of.... which he has made toward...... (Name of
the charitable work or the beneficiary).



The Consulate-General of the Republic of China at New York acknowledges

that it has received of Mr. XXX the sum of US$36.00 as a fee for the
Consular office (or, in payment of........., in reimbursement of ............, by
right of................", on deposit, on account "', in order to be transmitted
to ............., etc.).

The Consulate-General of the Republic of China at New York acknowledges
that it has received on deposit from Mr. XXX (the following articles: ...... the
following articles and securities: ......, a sealed envelope bearing the
following address: ......, etc.).
The Consulate-General of the Republic of China at New York declines all
responsibility for the loss or deterioration of..... placed on deposit, except in
cases of a grave fault attributable justly to the personnel of the Consulate.


第二節 文件驗證


I hereby certify that the above-mentioned person is of Chinese nationality.

(I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, certify
that the above-mentioned Mr. XXX is of Chinese nationality.)

☆ 國籍證明驗證亦可以下列方式辦理:
1. Certified as above.
2. The above is (hereby) certified.
3. The above is (hereby) certified to be exact.
4 The above is (hereby) certified to be true and correct.


1. I beg to apply to you for certifying that I have been resident at the
under-mentioned place continuously since March 15, 1935 up to this date.
This certificate is required for.....................

I hereby certify the above to be true and correct.

(I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, have
been requested to draw up a certificate of residence by Mr. XXX, witnessed
by Mr. YYY.
In testimony whereof, I have issued the present certificate.)

2. I hereby certify that the above-mentioned person has been resident at the
aforesaid place continuously since July 15, 19XX up to this date.


Household Registration
Household No. :
Administrative District and Address:


Changes of the Head of Household:

Movements of the Whole Household:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:
Order of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ID. Card No.:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
Name of Spouse:
Birth Place:
This extract is a true and correct copy of the entries in the Household


Household Register of
(Taiwan Province), Republic of China
File No:

I, the undersigned, Consul of the Republic of China at New York, certify

that accompanying transcript of the whole of (extract from) the in the
Official Register of Families is one relating to.............. (Full name), of
Chinese nationality, born on ......, and residing (domiciled) at....................


I, the above-mentioned, desiring to summon from Japan the

under-mentioned person (for assistance in business) with the entry
permission of the Canadian Government, beg to apply to you certifying that
there is no objection to the said summons.

I hereby certify that there is no objection to the above-mentioned summons.


I hereby certify that the signature and official seal of the

above-mentioned ……are genuine. (The signature of ...... has been
examined and is hereby authenticated.)


I hereby certify that the English text set forth above is an authentic
translation of the accompanying Chinese text.

a. Certified as conforming.
b. Certified as conforming to the original.


c. Copy certified as conforming to the original.

d. Certified as exact.


I beg to apply to you for certifying that the above-mentioned merchandise

is of Japanese origin.

I hereby certify that the above-mentioned merchandise is of Japanese

(or The above is certified by the Consulate-General of the Republic of
China to be true and correct.)


I beg to apply to you for certifying that the above-mentioned merchandise is

of Japanese origin, and that it was shipped from Japan and was landed at
the Port of Kobe, Japan.

I hereby certify that the above-mentioned merchandise is of Japanese origin

and that it was shipped from Japan and was landed in USA.


附 錄



1. bilateral treaty 雙邊條約
2. multilateral treaty 多邊條約
3. multi-lateral 多邊的
4. multi-national 多國的
5. multi-partite 多邊的
6. Unilateral treaty 單邊條約
7. unilateral 片面的
8. unilateral abrogation 片面廢止

1. armed neutrality 武裝中立
2. benevolent neutrality 善意中立
3. Imperfect neutrality 不完全中立
4. neutral power 中立國
5. neutral state 中立國
6. Neutral zone 中立地帶
7. Neutrality 中立
8. Neutralization 中立化
9. neutralized state 永久中立國
10. perfect neutrality 完全中立
11. strict neutrality 嚴守中立
12. voluntary neutrality 志願中立

1. aristocracy 貴族政治
2. power politics 權力政治
3. political asylum 政治庇護
4. political entity 政治實體
5. political criminal 政治犯


1. recognition 承認
2. de facto recognition 事實承認
3. de jure recognition 法律承認
4. mutual recognition 互相承認
5. restoration of recognition 恢復承認
6. suspension of recognition 中止承認
7. diplomatic recognition 外交上承認

1. diplomatic breakthrough 外交突破
2. diplomatic channel 外交途徑(管道)
3. diplomatic corps 外交團
4. diplomatic correspondence 外交文書、外交文牘
5. diplomatic correspondent 外交記者
6. diplomatic finesse 外交手腕
7. diplomatic illness 外交病
8. diplomatic immunity 外交豁免權
9. diplomatic intercourse 外交文書
10. diplomatic practice 外交慣例
11. diplomatic immunities 外交豁免
12. diplomatic privileges 外交特權
13. diplomatic courier 外交信使(信差)
14. diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 外交郵袋
15. diplomatic privilege 外交特權
16. diplomatic rank 外交官銜
17. diplomatic relations 外交關係
18. diplomatic setbacks 外交挫折
19. restoration of diplomatic relations 恢復外交關係(復交)
20. rupture of diplomatic relations 斷絕外交關係(斷交)
21. foreign affairs 外交 (外交事務)
22. foreign policy 外交政策
23. foreign service 外交工作
24. foreign minister 外長
25. foreign secretary 外長
26. foreign aid 對外援助


1. conference diplomacy 會議外交
2. dollar diplomacy 金元外交
3. gold diplomacy 金元外交
4. golf diplomacy 高爾夫外交
5. grass root diplomacy 草根外交
6. gunboat diplomacy 炮艇外交
7. head of state diplomacy 元首外交
8. national diplomacy 國民外交
9. open diplomacy 公開外交
10. parliamentary diplomacy 國會外交
11. party diplomacy 政黨外交
12. people-to-people diplomacy 國民外交
13. personal diplomacy 巨頭外交
14. ping pong diplomacy 乒乓外交
15. pragmatic diplomacy 實質外交
16. substantial diplomacy 實質外交
17. secret diplomacy 祕密外交
18. smiling diplomacy 笑面外交
19. summit diplomacy 高峰外交
20. total diplomacy 總體外交
21. vacation diplomacy 渡假外交

1. communiqué 公報
2. joint communiqué 聯合公報
3. Joint declaration 聯合宣言
4. joint statement 聯合聲明
5. formal note 正式照會
6. circular note 通知照會
communiqué 公報
7. Exchange of letters 換函
8. exchange of notes 換文
9. credential 國書
10. letter of credence 到任國書
11. Letter of recall 辭任國書


12. exequatur 領事證書

13. letter of ratification 批准書
14. letter of introduction 介绍函
15. statement 聲明
16. declaration 宣言
17. announcement 公告、通告
18. letter of appointment 委任書
19. certificate of appointment 委任證書
20. identification card 身份證
21. memoire 備忘錄
22. aide memoire 備忘錄
23. memorandum 備忘錄
24. message 咨文
25. note 照會
26. note verbale 節略
27. verbal note 普通照會
28. Open office copy 國書副本
29. ultimatum 最後通牒
30. white paper 白皮書
31. yellow book 黃皮書

1. ally 盟邦
2. allied nation 盟國
3. friendly nations 友邦
4. Sovereign state 主權國家
5. non-aligned nations 不結盟國家
6. non-belligerent nations 非交戰國
7. super powers 超級強權
8. high contracting power 締約國
9. monarchy 君主國
10. protectorate 保護國
11. vassal state 屬國
12. emirate 酋長國
13. federation 聯邦
14. confederation 邦聯
15. dominium 自治領
16. Holy See 教廷


1. economic aid 經濟援助
2. economic blockade 經濟封鎖
3. economic boycott 經濟抵制
4. economic cooperation 經濟合作
5. economic sanction 經濟制裁
6. free trade 自由貿易
7. trade deficit 貿易逆差
8. trade gap 貿易差額
9. trade office 貿易辦事處
10. trade surplus 貿易順差
11. joint venture 合資事業
12. mutual benefit 共同利益
13. mutual defense 共同防衛
14. mutual defense treaty 共同防衛條約
15. economic cooperation 經濟合作
16. technical cooperation 技術合作

1. international comity 國際禮儀
2. international etiquette 國際禮儀
3. comity of nations 國際禮儀
4. international law 國際法
5. law of nations 國際法
6. Law of conflict 國際私法
7. international practice 國際慣例
8. international protocol 國際禮儀
9. international settlement 公共租界
10. internationalization 國際化、國際共管

1. colony 殖民地
2. concession 租界
3. conscription 徵兵
4. consular jurisdiction 領事裁判權


5. extraterritorial jurisdiction 治外法權

6. extraterritoriality 治外法權
7. high seas 公海
8. human rights 人權
9. immunity 豁免
10. interior waters 領海
11. Law of conflict 國際私法
12. law of nations 國際法
13. maritime law 海洋法
14. Pacific Rim 太平洋邊緣地區
15. perpetual lease 永久租借
16. referendum 公民複決
17. safe conduct 通行證
18. semi-colony 半殖民地
19. statelessness 無國籍
20. sub-colony 次殖民地
21. suzerainty 宗主權
22. trust territory 託管地

1. congress 大會
2. convention 會議
3. summit conference 高峰會議、首長會議、高層會議
4. top 1evel talk 首長會議、高層會議
5. cloak and dagger conference 祕密會議

1. United Nations 聯合國
2. United Nations General Assembly 聯合團大會
3. United Nations Security Council 聯合國安全理事會
4. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
5. United Nations Economic and Social Council 聯合國經濟社會理事會
6. International Labor Organization﹙ILO﹚國際勞工組織
7. International Monetary Fund (1MF) 國際貨幣基金
8. World Bank 世界銀行


9. World Trade Organization(WTO) 世界貿易組織

10. World Health Organization (WHO) 世界衛生組織
11. European Common Market 歐洲共同市場
12. European Community 歐洲共同體
13. European Parliament 歐洲議會
14. European Union 歐洲聯盟
15. Foreign Affairs Committee of U.S. House of Representatives
16. Foreign Affairs Relations Committee of U.S. Senate
17. American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) 美國在台協會
18. League of Nations 國際聯盟
19. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 北大西洋公約組織
20. Pacific Economic Cooperation Council)(PECC ) 太平洋經濟合作會議
21. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 巴勒斯坦自由組織
22. Asia Bank 亞洲銀行
23. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 亞太經合會
24. Asia Pacific Operation Center 亞太營運中心
25. Association for Relations Across Taiwan Strait (ARATS) 海峽兩岸關係協會
26. Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) 海峽基金會
27. Mainland Affairs Council 大陸事務委員會

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
2. diplomatic mission 外交代表機構
3. Protocol Department 禮賓司
4. embassy 大使館
5. Apostolic nunciature 教廷大使館
6. legation 公使館
7. office of the chargé daffier 代辦處
8. consulate general 總領事館
9. consulate 領事館
10. liaison office 連絡處
11. Information & Culture Department 新聞司
12. military attaché's office 武官處
13. commercial counselor’s office 經濟參事處
14. press counselor's office 新闻參事處


15. diplomatic corps 外交團

16. delegation 代表團
17. military delegation 軍事代表團
18. military mission 軍事代表團
19. military advisory group 軍事顧問團
20. Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) 北美事務協調
21. Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) 台北經濟文
22. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) 台北經濟文化辦事處處

1. chief of state 國家元首
2. head of government 政府首長
3. minister of foreign affairs 外交部長
4. vice minister of foreign affairs 外交部次長
5. vice foreign minister 外交部次長
6. secretary 部長、秘書
7. secretary of state 國務卿
8. under secretary of state 副國務卿
9. assistant secretary 助理部長
10. Special diplomatic envoy 外交特使、外交專使
11. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全權大使
12. ambassador 大使
13. ambassadress 女大使
14. high commissioner 高級專員﹙大使﹚
15. roving ambassador 巡迴大使
16. ambassador-at-large 無任所大使、巡迴大使
17. ambassador without destination 無任所大使
18. extraordinary envoy 特命全權公使
19. special envoy; envoy 特使
20. minister 公使
21. apostolic nuncio; papal legate 教廷大使
22. internuncio 教廷公使
23. counselor with the rank of minister; minister-counselor 公使銜参事
24. counselor 參事
25. consul general 總領事


26. military attaché 軍事武官

27. Army attaché 陸軍武官
28. naval attaché 海軍武官
29. air attaché 空軍武官
30. equerry 隨從武官
31. first secretary 一等秘書
32. second secretary 二等秘書
33. third secretary 三等秘書
34. commercial attaché, 商務專員
35. cultural attaché, 文化專員
36. attaché 隨員、專員
37. commercial secretary 經濟秘書
38. cultural secretary 文化秘書
39. cultural attaché 文化專員
40. charge daffier 代辦
41. charge daffier ad hoc 專任代辦、特別代辦
42. charge daffier ad interim 臨時代辦
43. consul 領事
44. vice consul 副領事
45. honorary consul 名譽領事
46. consular agent 代辦領事
47. chancellor 主事
48. follower 隨員
49. delegate 代表
50. chief delegate 首席代表
51. delegate plenipotentiary 全權代表
52. diplomatic representative 外交代表
53. alternate delegate 副代表
54. doyen of the diplomatic corps; dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使團團長
55. head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 團長
56. deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副團長
57. member of the delegation 代表團成員
58. members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技術人員
59. diplomat 外交官、外交家
60. career diplomat 職業外交官
61. diplomatist 外交官
62. emissary 密使
63. espionage 間牒


64. hostage 人質
65. persona grata 受歡迎人士
66. persona non-grata 不受歡迎人士
67. Press attaché 新聞專員
68. His (Her, Your) Majesty 陛下
69. His Excellency Mr. President and Mme... …總统先生閣下和夫人
70. His (Her, Your) Royal Highness 殿下
71. His (Her, Your) Excellency 閣下

1. friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好訪問
2. informal visit 非正式訪問
3. official visit 正式訪問
4. private visit 私人訪問
5. state visit 國事訪問

1. containment policy 圍堵政策
2. foreign policy 外交政策
3. go slow, be patient policy 戒急用忍政策
4. go south policy 南進政策
5. good neighbor policy 睦鄰政策
6. hands off policy 洗手政策
7. open door policy 門戶開放政策
8. win-win policy 雙贏政策

1. charter 憲章
2. United Nations Charter 聯合國憲章
3. treaty 條約
4. arbitration treaty 仲裁條約
5. collective treaty 集體條約
6. existing treaty 現存條約
7. extradition treaty 引渡條約
8. Unilateral treaty 單邊條約


9. bilateral treaty 雙邊條約

10. multilateral treaty 多邊條約
11. Secret treaty 秘密條約
12. non-aggression pact 互不侵犯條約
13. Peace treaty 和平條約﹙和約﹚
14. Tariff treaty 關稅協定
15. treaty of amity and commerce 友好通商條約
16. treaty of equality; equal treaty 平等條約
17. treaty of inequality 不平等條約
18. unequal treaty 不平等條約
19. to execute treaty 執行條約
20. treaty ratification 條約批准
21. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) 武器限制條約
22. high contracting parties 締約國
23. treaty obligation 條約義務
24. convention 公約
25. anti-war pact 非戰公約
26. alliance pact 同盟公約
27. mutual defense treaty 聯防公約
28. neutrality pact 中立公約
29. pact 條約、公約
30. agreement 協定
31. bilateral agreement 雙邊協定
32. multilateral agreement 多邊協定
33. executive agreement 行政協定
34. economic agreement 經濟協定
35. General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) 國際關稅貿易總協定
36. Verbal agreement 口頭協定
37. armistice 休戰協定
38. Temporary provision 臨時條款
39. modus vivendi 臨時協定、暫訂條約
40. additional provision 臨時條款
41. Secret clauses 秘密條款
42. most favored nation clause 最惠國條款
43. covenant 盟約
44. accord 協議
45. protocol 議定書
46. Provision 條款


47. Text of treaty 條約主文

48. preamble 條約序文
49. annex 附屬條文
50. option clause 任擇條款
51. reservation clause 保留條款
52. Super 301 超級 301 條款
53. supplementary provision 附加條款
54. supplementary provision 補充條款
55. prerequisite 先決條件
56. proviso 但書
57. contraband trade 違禁貿易
58. tripartite entente 三邊協商
59. Shanghai Communiqué 上海公報
60. signatory 締約國
61. Sister cities 姊妹市
62. Sister states 姊妹州
63. Taiwan Relations Act 台灣關係法

1. passport 護照
2. visa 簽證
3. visa exemption 免簽證
4. residence visa 居留簽證
5. 1anding visa 落地簽證
6. visitor visa 觀光簽證
7. multiple entry visa 多次入境簽證
8. permanent residence 永久居留
9. extension of duration of validity 延長有效期限

1. state banquet 國宴
2. welcoming banquet 歡迎宴會
3. cocktail party 雞尾酒會
4. reception 招待會、酒會
5. luncheon 午宴
6. tea party 茶会


7. reciprocal banquet 答謝宴會

1. abolition 撤銷
2. abstention 棄權
3. accession 加入
4. aggression 侵略
5. an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 誠摯友好的氣氛
6. annexation 兼併
7. anti-hegemony 反霸
8. anti-war 反戰
9. appeasement 姑息
10. arbitration 仲裁
11. armed interference 武裝干涉
12. armed neutrality 武裝中立
13. asylum 庇護
14. boxer indemnity fund 庚子賠款
15. cancellation 撤銷
16. capitulation 投降
17. cession 租界
18. cession 割讓
19. cold war 冷戰
20. collective security 集體安全
21. commitment 承諾
22. compulsory jurisdiction 強制管轄
23. concession 讓步
24. condominium 共治
25. conflict 衝突
26. confrontation 對抗
27. containment 圍堵
28. contingency planning 應變計畫
29. contraband 違禁品
30. coordination 協調
31. cordial hospitality 盛情接待
32. deadlock 僵局
33. declaration 宣揚
34. denunciation 依約廢止


35. diplomatic breakthrough 外交突破

36. disarmament 裁軍
37. disgraceful act 不友好行動
38. dispute 糾紛
39. domino effect 骨牌效應
40. during one's absence 離任期間
41. economic aid 經濟援助
42. economic blockade 經濟封鎖
43. economic boycott 經濟抵制
44. economic cooperation 經濟合作
45. economic sanction 經濟制裁
46. establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交關係
47. exchange of views 交換意見
48. exchange of visit 互訪
49. extradition 引渡
50. foreign aid 外援
51. genocide 集體屠殺
52. global village 地球村
53. good health and a long life 健康長壽
54. good offices 斡旋
55. good will mission 友好訪問團
56. good will 親善
57. hegemony 霸權
58. hot line 熱線
59. hot pursuit 緊追
60. hot war 熱戰
61. immigration 移民
62. impasse 僵局
63. indemnity 賠款
64. innocent passage 無害通過
65. interference 干涉
66. international control 國際共管
67. intervention 干預
68. invasion 侵略
69. leased territory 租借地
70. lobbyist 遊說者
71. mandate territory 託管地
72. mandatory administration 委任統制


73. manifesto 宣揚
74. mediation 調解
75. memorial meeting 追悼會
76. memorial speech 悼詞
77. mercenary 募兵
78. message of condolence 唁電
79. message of congratulation 賀電
80. speech of welcome 歡迎詞
81. message of greeting 問候電報
82. most favored treatment 最惠待遇
83. national self-determination 民族自決
84. negotiation 談判、交涉
85. non-aggression pact 互不侵犯條約
86. non-interference 不干涉
87. normalization of relations 關係正常化
88. normalization 正常化
89. notorious demand 不名譽要求
90. obituary 訃告
91. offensive & defensive alliance 攻守同盟
92. offensive 攻勢
93. official visit 官式訪問
94. oligarchy 寡頭政治
95. one country, two governments’ formula 一國兩府模式
96. one country-two systems’ formula 一國兩制模式
97. package deal 整套方案
98. parley 非正式談判
99. peace talk 和平談判
100. peaceful co-existence 和平共存
101. peaceful competition 和平競爭
102. peaceful offensive 和平攻勢
103. peaceful settlement 和平解泱
104. peaceful talks 和平談判
105. pending question 懸案
106. perpetual lease 永租
107. plebiscite 公民投票
108. Political asylum 政治庇護
109. popular sovereignty 民主
110. profound condolence 深切哀悼


111. prosperity and strength 繁榮富强

112. question of common concern 共同關心的問題
113. question of common interest 共同關心的問題
114. raising status 升格
115. rapprochement 和好
116. ratification 批准
117. recall 召回
118. reciprocity 互惠
119. refugee 難民
120. reiteration 重申
121. repatriation voluntary 志願遣返
122. repatriation,forced 強制遣返
123. rescission 直接解除
124. Resume diplomatic relations 恢復邦交
125. Resume trade relations 恢復通商
126. retaliation 報復
127. rupture 破裂
128. second dialogue channel 第二對話管道
129. smiling offensive 笑臉攻勢
130. sphere of influence 勢力範圍
131. stateless 無國籍的
132. status quo 現狀
133. strategic arms 戰略武器
134. strict neutrality 嚴守中立
135. subjugation 征服
136. suspension of diplomatic relations 中止外交關係
137. technical assistance 技術援助
138. the two sides, the two parties 雙方
139. Third international 第三國際
140. three links 三通
141. three new no’s 新三不
142. three no's 三不
143. three zero's policy 三光政策
144. toast 祝酒詞
145. trust territory 託管地
146. trusteeship 託管
147. ultimatum 最後通牒
148. uncompromising 不妥協


149. unconditional surrender 無條件投降

150. unilateral abrogation 片面廢除
151. Unwavering stand 立場堅定
152. use of force 使用武力
153. verification 認證
154. war indemnity 軍費賠償
155. Wavering stand 立場不穩
156. zero-sum game 零和遊戲



1. at the invitation of.....應…邀請
2. in the company of..; accompanied by... 在…陪同下
3. on invitation, upon invitation 應邀
4. on learning with great joy 欣悉
5. on the happy occasion of 欣逢
6. With reference to
7. With regard to
8. As regards
9. With best wishes
10. With my best wishes,
11. With best regards,
12. With warmest personal regards,
13. Looking forward to.
14. With best wishes for your personal good health and the prosperity and
progress of your great nation,
15. With best wishes for your every success in the year to come,
16. With renewed assurances of my highest esteem,
17. to abolish 撤銷
18. to abrogate 廢除
19. to appease 姑息
20. to be accredited to ... 向…派遣的
21. to be appointed ambassador to ... 被任命為驻…大使
22. to express regret 表示遺憾
23. to sever diplomatic relations 斷绝外交關係
24. to resume charge of the office, to return to one's post 返任
25. to proceed to take up one's post 赴任
26. to present one's credentials 遞交國書
27. to exchange ambassadors 互派大使
28. to resume diplomatic relations 恢復外交關係
29. to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使級外交關

30. to establish consular relations 建立領事關係
31. to assume one's post 就任
32. to take exception to; to object to 提出異議
33. to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交關係升格
34. to make representations to, to take up a (the) matter with 向…交涉


35. to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗議

36. to request the consent of... 徵求…的同意
37. to suspend diplomatic relations 中斷外交關係
38. to be betrayed 被出賣
39. to cancel 撤銷
40. to clash 衝突
41. to compromise 妥協
42. to counterfeit passport 冒簽護照
43. to debase 降格
44. to delay 擱置
45. to denounce 廢止
46. to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation 發展友好合作關係
47. to visit 訪問
48. to pay a visit 訪問
49. to convey one's sympathy 表示慰問
50. to meet with 會見
51. to review the guard of honor 檢閱儀仗隊
52. to exchange views 交換意見
53. to receive 接見
54. to be shocked to learn of 驚悉
55. to be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 認為
56. to propose a toast to...提議為…乾杯
57. to give a banquet in honor of...宴請…
58. to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝賀和
59. to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某國)國家
60. to take note of... 注意到
61. to emigrate 移出
62. to entente 協商
63. to execute treaty 執行條約
64. to immigrate 移入
65. to invade 侵略
66. to lobby 遊說
67. to lodge a protest 提出抗議
68. to pledge 承諾
69. to present credential 呈遞國書
70. to protest 抗議


71. to protest 抗議
72. to raid 攻擊
73. to ratify 批准
74. to reaffirm 重申
75. to reassure 重行保證
76. to recall 召回
77. to reprisal 報復
78. to sanction 制裁
79. to seek asylum 請求庇護
80. to sever diplomatic relations 斷絕邦交
81. to sue for peace 求和
82. to surrender 投降
83. To suspend passport 吊銷護照
84. to thaw 解凍
85. to venture 正式提議
86. to veto 否決



A、Opening Sentences【開頭句子】
1. Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy present their compliments to....
2. I acknowledge the receipt of....
3. I am delighted to ~
4. I am glad to ~
5. I am pleased to ~
6. I am writing to ~
7. I have the honor of ~ ing
8. I have the honor to ~
9. I have the pleasure of ~ ing
10. I have the pleasure to ~
11. I take the pleasure in ~ ing
12. I wish to acknowledge the receipt of
13. I would like to acknowledge the receipt of
14. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to ~
15. I would like to take this opportunity to ~
16. It affords me great pleasure to ~
17. It gives me much pleasure to ~
18. It has recently come to my attention that…..
19. It was very good of you to invite me to give an address at....
20. It was very kind of you to invite me to ~
21. It was with great pleasure to inform you that....
22. The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to….
23. This is to acknowledge receipt of...
24. This is to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of....
25. You are cordially invited to….
26. I have the honor to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of…..

1. ... to request that provisional recognition of Mr. A in his new capacity may
be granted.
2. ... will be very grateful if Lord XXX will kindly see his way to issue the
necessary instructions to the end that the goods may be imported free of


3. … request that Your Excellency will be so good as to notify tile Customs
at Kobe of Mr. XXX's impending arrival in order that such facilities as may
be proper may be accorded to him.
4. …I should be glad to learn at Your Excellency's early convenience whether
you have yet received any reply from your Government to my urgent
representation of…..
5. …to request that Your Excellency be so kind as to grant temporary
recognition to Vice Consul XXX at Osaka.
6. He would esteem it a favor if….. would be kind enough to communicate
with the authorities concerned in order that customs and other facilities
may be afforded to the Commercial Attaches on their arrival.
7. His Majesty’s Ambassador is Majesty's Ambassador would be grateful if
His Excellency would be so good as to inform the authorities concerned of
this appointment so that Mr. XXX may be enabled to exercise his functions
pending the arrival of the King’s Commission.
8. His Majesty's Ambassador would be grateful if His Excellency would be so
good as to inform the authorities concerned of this appointment so that Mr.
XXX may be enabled to exercise his functions forthwith.
9. His Majesty's Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps presents his compliments to
the Japanese Ambassador and would be glad if His Excellency would kindly
favor him with the name of any outgoing or incoming …..who has not yet
been received by the King.
10. I beg accordingly to request you to be so obliging as to do all that is possible
for the party when it arrives at your port.
11. I beg leave, under instructions, to ask that Your Lordship's good offices may
be exercised in communicating the wish of the Japanese Government to the
competent authorities in His Majesty Government.
12. I have prepared a formula which should, I think, prove acceptable to both
parties and lead to the final disposal of the case. This formula I now enclose
and I would request you to lay it before your Government with the least
possible delay for their favorable consideration.
13. I have the honor to request that Your Excellency will be so good as to cause
the competent authorities to be informed accordingly in order that the
customary facilities may be granted to Mr. XXX on his arrival.
14. I have the honor to request that Your Excellency will be so good as to take
such steps as are necessary to obtain the Exequatur of His Majesty of the
Emperor to enable Mr. XXX to act in his official capacity.
15. I have the honor to suggest that correspondence respecting any further


details of the arrangement above mentioned should, for the sake of greater
dispatch, pass directly between the Japanese and the British Postal
16. I shall be glad if Your Excellency can see your way to commend to your
Government the proposal of the Secretary of Agriculture that arrangements
may be made for the cooperation of Japanese ship masters in obtaining the
desired weather reports.
17. I shall be grateful if you will be so good as to communicate to your
Government the above mentioned remarks.
18. I shall be grateful if you will be so good as to furnish me with a reply to the
above at your earliest convenience.
19. I shall be pleased if it may be returned to the Embassy at your convenience
after inspection.
20. I shall be very grateful if the Yokohama Customs authorities could be
warned and asked in advance to give Mr. XXX every assistance in the
matter of bringing the official bags on board.
21. I shall feel much obliged if you will be so good as to communicate the above
to him in any manner you may think fit.
22. I should be glad to learn at Your Excellency's early convenience whether
you have yet received any reply from your Government to my urgent
representation of…..
23. I should be most grateful if you could let me have an early reply.
24. In bringing the above information to your knowledge I venture to ask you to
be so good as to communicate the same to the Honorable the Secretary of
War, with the request that under his authorization the………… may be
forwarded to Mr. ….
25. In these circumstances I shall be very glad to be informed whether Your
Excellency is in a position to favor me with the reply of your Government to
the suggestion made by me on……..
26. It would be a great convenience if a reply could be received to this
communication not later than Wednesday.
27. It would be appreciated if his name were removed from the Diplomatic last.
28. Mr. XXX is scheduled to arrive ……., and I bespeak the good offices of your
Excellency to the end that the usual customs courtesies and facilities be
extended to Mr. XXX.
29. Should there be no objection, I beg leave to request that you will be so good
as to communicate with the authorities concerned to the end that the
desired permission may be granted in due course.


30. The Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps will be exceedingly obliged if he may
be honored with a reply to this communication before the………… at
31. The Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps will be much obliged if he may be
honored with a reply to this communication as early as possible, and in any
case not later than Friday,……in order that places may be reserved…
32. There is transmitted herewith the commission of this officer, and I shall be
pleased if it may be returned to the Embassy at your convenience after
33. We will be very grateful if Lord XXX will kindly see his way to issue the
necessary instructions to the end that the goods may be imported free of

C、Answers to requests【回應請求】
1. His Majesty's Government greatly regret that this should have occurred,
and are issuing instructions with a view to avoiding any repetition of the
2. I beg to inform you that the matter is still receiving attention at the hands of
the Ministry of.... When a decision shall have been reached on the matter, I
shall have the pleasure to communicate with you.
3. I beg to state in reply that steps have been promptly taken in compliance
with your request.
4. I beg to state in reply that steps have been taken to bring the matter to the
notice of the various quarters interested so that they may….
5. I beg to state in reply that the matter has been duly referred to the
authorities concerned.
6. I beg to state in reply that the matters therein mentioned have been referred
respectively to the various authorities concerned.
7. I have the honor to inform yon that the purport of your Note has been
transmitted to….for their information.
8. I have the honor to inform you that I have promptly referred your request
to the Ministry of ..., and shall have the pleasure to write to you on receipt
of their reply.
9. I have the honor to inform you that, on receipt of your previous Note No....
of….. (date) on the same subject, I immediately referred its purport to the
Ministry of …. for such action as they might deem proper, and that, though
I believe that the matter is receiving their good attention, I have lost no time


in communicating with them again in regard to your Note under

10. I have the honor to state in reply that, having immediately referred the
matter to the Ministry of..., I have just been informed that….., but that the
inquiry contained in the communication under reply has further been
transmitted to……
11. I regret that your verbal enquiry was apparently not directed to the
competent official charged with this subject. May I Suggest that in such
cases a written enquiry would find its way to the proper quarter with least
delay ?
12. I regret to state in reply that they are unable to give effect to your request.
13. I regret to state in reply that they are unable to give effect to your request.
14. Whilst, for the reason given above, His Majesty's Government are for the
moment unable to fall in with the request of the Japanese Government, they
venture to enquire whether the dispatch of a ...... would be of any assistance
to the Japanese Government; if so, the same difficulties would probably not
arise, and in that case His Majesty's Government would be glad to make the
necessary arrangements.

D、Appointments and Transfers【任命與調任】

1. I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that Mr. XXX, formerly
attached to this Embassy for purposes of language study, has been assigned
as Vice Consul at the American Consulate at Osaka to which post he is
proceeding at the expiration of his present leave of absence in the United
2. I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the assignment of Mr. XXX
as American Consul at Osaka has been cancelled and that Mr. YYY who has
been serving as American Consul at Yokohama, has been assigned as
American Consul at Osaka.
3. … that Mr. XXX has resigned from the post of British Consular Agent at….
as from 15th October, from which date the Consular Agency has been
temporarily placed in charge of Mr. YYY in the capacity of Acting Vice
4. …. Mr. XXX, Acting British Consul at ….relinquished his duties on the 15th
January and has left Japan.
5. …. the appointment of M. XXX, American Vice Consul, non-career, at Kobe,
has been cancelled and that Mr. YYY has been appointed a career Vice


Consul at that post.

6. …. to inform ... that Mr. XXX's temporary assignment has now been
cancelled and that he has been designated American Consul at Seoul.
7. ….. that Mr. XXX, British Pro-Consul at Osaka, has left Japan on the
expiration of his term of service here.
8. ….. to inform ... that Mr. XXX, American clerk in the American Consulate
at Kobe, has been designated Vice Consul Non-career at that post.
9. … inform….that Mr. XXX, American Foreign Service Officer now on
temporary detail in the Department of' State, Washington, has been
assigned Consul at Osaka.
10. ….to inform…. that Mr. XXX has returned from home leave of absence and
resumed his duties as His Majesty's Consul-General at Osaka as from the
15th July. Mr. YYY resumed his titular rank as His Majesty's Consul at
Yokohama as from the same date and Mr. ZZZ will shortly be transferred
for temporary service outside Japan.
11. ….to inform….. that Mr. XXX, formerly clerk at the Consulate General at
Seoul, has been assigned as non-career Vice Consul at the American
Consulate General, Seoul.
12. …….that Mr. XXX has been assigned American Consul at Osaka and will
probably arrive sometime during May 2004.
13. …Mr. XXX, Student interpreter attached to the Embassy, has been
temporarily appointed to serve at His Majesty's Consulate-General at
Yokohama in the capacity of Acting Consul in the place of Mr. YYY who is
temporarily at Osaka on special service.
14. …that it has now been decided to appoint Mr. XXX to serve as British
Consular Agent at Kobe, and His Majesty's Consul-General at Osaka has
been instructed to issue a commission to Mt. XXX to take effect from April
15. …to inform ... that as from 1st January next the substantive rank of the
junior consular officers serving at American Consulates General at Osaka
and Yokohama, and at American Consulate at Kobe, will be raised from
that of Vice-Consul to that of Consul.
16. …to inform…. that Mr. XXX, American Vice Consul at Kobe, who is at
present on leave of absence in the United States has been assigned Vice
Consul at Cape Town, South Africa, to which post he will proceed upon the
expiration of his leave of absence.
17. Acting under instructions from my Government I have the honor to inform
Your Excellency that Mr. XXX, formerly attached to this Embassy for


purposes of language study, has been assigned as Vice Consul at the

American Consulate at Osaka to which post he is proceeding at the
expiration of his present leave of absence in the United States.
18. I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that Mr. XXX, at present
American Consul at Osaka, has been assigned as Consul at Yokohama for
temporary duty during the absence of Consul YYY. Mr. XXX is expected to
arrive at Yokohama on or about July 15, 2004.
19. I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the assignment of Mr. XXX
as American Consul at Osaka has been cancelled and that Mr. YYY who has
been serving as American Consul at Yokohama, has been assigned as
American Consul at Osaka.
20. Mr. XXX has arrived in Osaka and assumed his duties there as from the
close of 10th May. His Majesty’s Ambassador is Majesty's Ambassador
would be grateful if His Excellency would be so good as to inform the
authorities concerned of .this appointment so that Mr. XXX may be enabled
to exercise his functions pending the arrival of the King’s Commission.
21. Mr. XXX has been temporarily appointed to be Acting British Consul
General at Yokohama.
22. Mr. XXX is at present stationed at Manila but is expected to take up his
duties at Osaka early in February next.
23. Mr. XXX, Probationer Vice-Consul at His Majesty's Embassy, has been
appointed to be Acting Vice-Consul at Osaka, and that he entered upon his
duties on the 5th May.
24. The American Embassy present its compliment and with reference to its
note No. 290 dated July 15, 2003, reporting the assignment of Mr. XXX as
Vice Consul at Osaka, now has the honor to inform the Ministry that Mr.
XXX's assignment has been cancelled.
25. Vice Consul XXX, now at Kobe, has been assigned to the American
Consulate at Osaka as relief officer for a period not exceeding thirty days
from May 1, 2004, during the temporary absence on local leave of Consul
YYY, of Osaka.

E、Leave of absence【請假】
1. ….that Mr. XXX, His Majesty's Vice-Consul at Yokohama, has sailed for the
United Kingdom on regulation home leave of absence and that the duties of
Vice-Consul at, Yokohama have been assumed by Mr. YYY as from the 8th


2. …that Mr. XXX returned from home leave of absence on 14th March and
has been appointed Acting British consul at Osaka.
3. …that Mr. XXX, His Majesty's Consul-General at Osaka, has been granted
local leave of absence from his post from September 5th to September 10th
4. …Mr. XXX, American Consul at Nagasaki, has been granted leave of
absence and that Mr. YYY, American Consul at Osaka, has been
temporarily assigned to the American Consulate at Nagasaki to relieve Mr.
5. ……Mr. XXX, who has been in charge of this post during Mr. YYY's
absence, will proceed to England on home leave of absence on January 1st
next, prior to which date he has been granted a period of local leave.
6. … inform ….. that Mr. XXX, His Majesty's Consul General at Seoul, left
his post on home leave of absence on the 2nd March, his place having been
taken by Mr. YYY in the capacity of Acting British Consul-General.

1. I beg to state in reply that the matter has been duly referred to the
authorities concerned.
2. I regret that your verbal enquiry was apparently not directed to the
competent official charged with this subject. May I suggest that in such
cases a written enquiry would find its way to the proper quarter with least
3. I beg to state in reply that, the matter being still under consideration I am
not yet able to give you any definite answer. However, I shall not fail to
communicate with you as soon ms a decision is reached on the matter.
4. I have the honor to state in reply that, having immediately referred the
matter to the Ministry of..., I have just been informed that….., but that the
inquiry contained in the communication under reply has further been
transmitted to……
5. I have the honor to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the Note No. 11
of the 17th January under cover of which Your Excellency was so good as to
return to me His Majesty The King's Commission appointing Mr. XXX to
be ..., and to transmit to me the Exequatur granted by His Majesty the
6. I have tile honor to inform you that, on receipt of your previous Note No....
of….. (Date) on the same subject, I immediately referred its purport to the


Ministry of …. for such action as they might deem proper, and that, though
I believe that the matter is receiving their good attention, I have lost no time
in communicating with them again in regard to your Note under
7. As this will, to my great regret, bring our official relations to a close, I desire
to take the opportunity to thank Your Excellency most sincerely for all tile
kindness which you have shown me on all occasions when it has been my
duty and privilege to discuss with you matters affecting our two countries. I
should like, moreover, to express to Your Excellency my real appreciation of
the courteous and friendly treatment which I have always received from the
officials of Your Excellency's Ministry throughout may stay in Japan
8. I have the honor to inform yon that the purport of your Note has been
transmitted to….for their information.
9. I shall not fail to forward Mr. XXX’s commission, upon its receipt by the
Embassy, for Your Excellency's inspection.
10. I have the honor to send you under separate cover a copy of .., and to
express the hope that the same will be found useful.
11. I beg to state in reply that the matters therein mentioned have been referred
respectively to the various authorities concerned.
12. I beg to state in reply that steps have been taken to bring the matter to the
notice of the various quarters interested so that they may….
13. His Majesty's Government greatly regret that this should have occurred,
and are issuing instructions with a view to avoiding any repetition of the
14. As soon as His Majesty The King's Commission is received it will be
forwarded in order that the exequatur of His Majesty The Emperor may be
15. I beg to inform you that the matter is still receiving attention at the hands of
the Ministry of.... When a decision shall have been reached on the matter, I
shall have the pleasure to communicate with yon.

G、Closing Sentences【結尾句子】
1. The Embassy of the Republic of China avails (*) itself of this opportunity
to express (**renew) to ....... the assurances of its highest consideration.
2. Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy avail themselves of this opportunity to
express (renew) to ............. the assurances of their highest consideration.
3. The Ambassador) of the Republic of China avails himself of this
opportunity to express (renew) to ....... the assurances of his highest


4. Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador avails himself of this opportunity to
express (renew) to ............. the assurances of his highest consideration.
5. I avail myself of this opportunity to express (renew) to ....... the assurances
of my highest consideration.


**(註二):新設大使館或新大使上任後首次行文時應適用 express,第二次行
文時才可用 renew。


【參 考 書 籍】

1. Correspondence Manual United Nations

2. Satow’s Guide to Diplomatic Practice

Lor Gore-Booth 中央圖書出版社

3. Common Expressions For Written Communications

Terry Chow (不詳)

4. The New American Handbook of Letter Writing

Mary A. DeVries SIGNET

5. Effective Personal Letters Wilian H. Butterfield Prentice-Hall, Inc

6. How To Write Letters (不詳)

7. 英文書翰文作成法 李京求 一志社 (韓國)

8. 外交文書の書き方 日本外務大臣官房文書課

9. 實用外交文牘 劉振鵬 台灣中華書局

10. 外交暨一般英文書信 陳宗堯 五南圖書出版有限公司

11. 國際社交禮儀 劉東維 新亞出版社

12. 現代外交文牘 張紹軍 正中書局

13. 英文實用文 陳念堅 台灣開明書店

14. 實用英文 甘居正 黎明文化事業公司

15. 實用社交英文手冊 秀 蘋 新興書局

16. 商用英文 程振粵 三民書局




英文外交文牘範本 /[潘 明著]. 一 新北市:

潘 明 民 101.12
面:12X25 公分
ISBN 978-957-41-9811-5(平裝)

1.英文 2.外交 3.應用文

805. 179 101025875

出版者:潘 明(Gilbert M. Pan)

地 址:新北市淡水區中正東路二段 79 之 1 號 16 樓

電 話:(02)2809-9120


印 刷:來來電腦打字印刷店
地址:新北市淡水區北新路 182 巷 5 弄 27 號

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中華民國 112 年7月電子版


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