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Sure, let's apply the ABC model to Nike Air Jordan shoes:
1. Affective Component: This is how you feel about Nike Air Jordan
shoes. For example, you might feel excited and positive when you think
about the brand and its products. You might associate the shoes with
feelings of comfort, style, and high quality.
2. Behavioral Component: This is how your attitude towards Nike Air
Jordan shoes affects your behavior. For example, you might choose to
buy Nike Air Jordan shoes over other brands. You might also follow the
brand on social media, recommend the shoes to your friends, or wear
them frequently.
3. Cognitive Component: This is what you believe or know about Nike Air
Jordan shoes. For example, you might know that the brand is associated
with Michael Jordan, a famous basketball player. You might believe that
the shoes are well-made, stylish, and worth the price.
These three components together form your attitude towards Nike Air Jordan
shoes. Your feelings (affective), actions (behavioral), and beliefs (cognitive) all
contribute to your overall attitude.

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