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Trade & Customs Management

Yuliana Rinatovna LATYPOVA

Латыпова Юлиана Ринатовна

Tel: +7-915-157-46-34

Regional Economic Integration

• Free trade area

• Customs union

• Common market (single market, internal market)

• Monetary union (currency union)

• Political union
The European Union
The EAEU & Regional Economic Integration

Entered into force on the 26 of October 2016
EAEU - Vietnam

Interim FTA Entered into force on the 27 of October 2019

EAEU - Iran

Was signed on the 1 of October 2019
EAEU - Singapore

Entered into force on the 10 of July 2021
EAEU - Serbia

• Trade talks are almost over: Israel, Egypt

• Trade talks have been suspended but might be resumed: India, South Korea
• Trade talks to be considered: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Indonesia, Cambodia, Tunisia, South Africa, Ecuador, Brazil, Turkey, Syria.
Russia & Regional Economic Integration
Eurasian Economic Free Trade Area FTA
Union (EAEU) within CIS Russia-Azerbaijan

EAEU Treaty Free Trade Agreement (St. FTA

(Astana, 29.05.2014) Petersburg, 18.10.2011) Russia-Turkmenistan

Customs union (CU) Free trade area (FTA)

• Republic of Armenia • Republic of Armenia Russia-Georgia
• Republic of Belarus • Republic of Belarus
• Republic of Kazakhstan • Republic of Kazakhstan
• Kyrgyz Republic • Kyrgyz Republic FTA
• Russian Federation • Russian Federation Russia-Abkhazia
• Republic of Moldova • Ukraine*
(observer) • Republic of Moldova* FTA
• Republic of Uzbekistan • Republic of Tajikistan
(observer) • Republic of Uzbekistan
Russia-South Ossetia
• Republic of Cuba
EU-Ukraine FTA: CIS FTA:
duty-free UKRAINE duty-free
regime regime

EU-Moldova FTA: CIS FTA:

duty-free MOLDOVA duty-free
regime regime
Classification of Goods

0706 10 000 1 - Carrots

0805 21 000 0 - Tangerines
0805 50 100 0 - Lemons
0809 10 000 0 - Apricots
0809 21 000 0 - Cherries
1704 90 300 0 - White chocolate
1704 90 550 0 - Cough Candies
2208 90 750 0 - Tequila
2402 10 000 0 - Cigars
a tie a bow tie a cravat

6 1 1 7 8 0 8 0 0 1

World Customs Organisation (WCO)

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)


0 6 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0

World Customs Organisation (WCO)

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Tariff-rate quotas on imports to the EAEU

Pork Meat of bovine animals Poultry

Milk Whey Rice from Vietnam

Tariff-rate quotas on imports to the EAEU

Cheese from Serbia Grape tincture from Serbia

Cigarettes from Serbia

Export Customs Duties (exports from Russia)
Tariff-rate quotas on exports from Russia
(wheat, rye, barley, corn)

1001 19 000 0
1001 99 000 0
1002 90 000 0
1003 90 000 0
1005 90 000 0

TRQ = 17,5 mln. tons

TRQ remains
effective until
the 30th of June 2021
Tariff-rate quota – Non-tariff quota
Tariff-rate quota
on imports

Imports at a lower rate Imports at a basic rate

Tariff-rate quota
on exports

Exports at a lower rate Exports at a basic rate

Non-tariff quota
on imports

Imports allowed Imports prohibited

Non-tariff quota
on exports

Exports allowed Exports prohibited

Special quota – Import quota
Tariff-rate quota
on imports

Imports at a lower rate Imports at a basic rate

Imports aren’t subject to a special duty Imports are subject to a special duty

Non-tariff quota
on imports

Imports allowed Imports prohibited

Imports allowed Imports prohibited
1) When did your obligation to pay customs payments arise?
The day of registration of the customs declaration.
2) When was the deadline for money transfer?
The day when goods were released.
3) When do penalties start to accrue?
From the day following the day of the goods release.
4) How much money do you still owe to customs?
5) How many days have passed?
6) What is the current rate of refinancing?
Consult the front page of the official website of the CBR.

__ 1__ Rate of Delay in Outstanding

Penalties = 360 x re-fi x payment x sum
Thank you for your attention
I. Customs Tariff Regulation
1) 2) 3) 4)

Carve-Outs from CET

import customs duties
Who & Why?

import customs duties
Customs Duty Rates
Carrots (HS 0706 10 000 1) Tequila (HS 2208 90 750 0) Lemons (HS 0805 50 100 0)
12 €1,4 for 1 litre 5, but no less than €0,015 for 1 kg

1) 2) 3)

Base: Base: Base:

Customs Payments
1) 2) 3)

1. for
Base: for
II. Prohibitions & Restrictions








Non-Tariff Regulation
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

of imports to EAEU on imports to export of imports

from Russia
of exports from EAEU on exports Right holders: of exports

of imports to Russia Tariff-rate quota v.

(unilateral ban) Non-tariff quota
to export
of exports from Russia
(unilateral ban) from Belarus

to import
to Belarus
III. Trade Remedies
1) 2) 3)

applied against applied against applied against

...................................... imports ...................................... imports ...................................... imports
1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3.

Special quota v. Import quota Retroactivity of ADD & CVD

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