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Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental. Ext. Facatativá

Docente: Mauricio Mesa Caro

Fecha: 24/08/2023

CADI Cuencas Hidrológicas 801

Presented By:
Laura Catalina Castiblanco Martinez
Santiago Andres Daza Hernandez

Australia promotes a comprehensive approach to agriculture and food

security that tackles the immediate requirements of the most impoverished
while enhancing the agricultural sector and advancing sustainable
development goals. This is achieved through the implementation of new
technologies in partnership with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), which specializes in bioactive dairy separation
and nutrient application in meats. The country has a robust research and
innovation portfolio, as evidenced by its cooperation with industry groups.
Research and Rural Development invested 30 million Australian dollars for the
increase and research of biotechnologies present in the country.

Las barreras medioambientales a las exportaciones latinoamericanas de camarones, María
Angélica Larach, (LC/L.1270-P), Nº de venta S.99.II.G.45 (US$ 10.00), octubre de 1999
Australia y Nueva Zelandia: la innovación como eje de la competitividad, Graciela Moguillansky.

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