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Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)


Micromechanically inspired investigation of cemented granular

materials: part II— from experiments to modelling and back
Alessandro Tengattini1,2 • Giang D. Nguyen3 • Gioacchino Viggiani1 • Itai Einav4

Received: 12 November 2020 / Accepted: 15 January 2022 / Published online: 12 April 2022
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

This paper presents an experimental and analytical/numerical study of the mechanics of cemented granular materials
(CGMs). This study incorporates both in situ X-ray tomography and regularised finite element simulations, whose com-
bination offers a unique, complementary insight into the multiscale processes that drive the mechanical response of CGMs.
Being the second in a set of a two-part contribution, this paper takes advantage of the image analysis tools developed in
Part I to quantitatively explore the effects of boundary conditions on grain-scale processes as well as material properties.
We reveal, for example, the influence of the degree of cementation on the spatial distribution of damage and suggest the
existence of a local ultimate cement size distribution that is independent from the initial cement content. This paper also
validates the predictions of a micromechanically inspired constitutive model at three different scales: in terms of the
macroscopic response, the mesoscopic emergence of localisation patterns and the evolution of microscale inelastic pro-
cesses. A unique feature that sets our model apart from previous CGM models is the adoption of only measurable internal
variables, capable of representing grain-scale processes such as the damage of cement bridges. Its statistically represen-
tative experimental quantification is found to be in good agreement with the model predictions.

Keywords Cemented granular materials  Constitutive modelling  Damage  Localisation  Tomography

1 Introduction often technically challenging to quantify the microscale

processes described by the internal variables given their
An increasing number of studies introduce micro-me- generally very heterogeneous fluctuations in space. Con-
chanically inspired continuum models whose state vari- sequently, the predictions of these models are generally not
ables could be evaluated, at least conceptually, using grain- validated at the scale of either the grain or the represen-
scale observations [5, 7, 13, 28]. This approach benefits tative elementary volume.
from the ever-increasing grain scale insight provided by This continuum-micromechanical cross-validation step
full-field in situ tests as well as grain-scale numerical can be useful both for assessing the quality of a model at
simulations and has proven very powerful in terms of multiple scales and for verifying the validity of the adopted
model performance and adaptability. Nonetheless, it is hypotheses. While the literature presents many examples of
advanced testing coupled with image processing focused
on quantifying grain-scale processes (e.g.
& Alessandro Tengattini [4, 11, 21, 23, 24, 42]), there appears to be a substantial
lack of connections of these studies to the available micro-
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, 3SR, Grenoble, mechanically inspired continuum models. Additionally,
France most of these works focus on granular materials, while only
Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France a few contributions (e.g. [40]) focus on the grain-scale
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, processes of cemented granular materials (CGMs here-
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia after), a broad class of geomaterials that share a common
Sydney Centre in Geomechanics and Mining Materials, microscale structure made of grains connected by cement
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, that partially or completely fills the voids.
2006, Sydney, Australia

58 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

This is the second part of a two-paper contribution,

aimed at measuring the grain-scale response of CGMs,
with a focus on the grain-scale internal variables defined by
the model introduced in [35], which describe the dominant
micro-mechanical processes of deformation: grain crush-
ing, cement damage and fragment reorganisation [27]. In
Part I of this work [34], we proposed a suite of image
processing tools aimed at quantifying these key grain-scale
processes, underlying the macroscopic response of CGMs.
In particular, we focused on cement damage, and the
evolving probability density function of cement size on a
representative volume, both of which have not been eval-
uated before. For this purpose, an experimental campaign
on an especially designed model material was performed
while acquiring a series of X-ray tomographies at different
Fig. 1 Macroscopic stress–strain response for test CGB1500-8, run
loading stages.
under 1500 kPa confinement on a specimen with 8% mass cement
The aim of this Part II of the contribution is twofold. content. The numbers in green identify the individual scanning stages
Firstly, in Sect. 2 we study in detail an illustrative test, analysed in this section
taking advantage of the image processing tools presented in
Part I [34], to explore the interplay of key microscale 2 Analysis of experimental results from X-
phenomena of grain rearrangement and cement damage ray CT
(Sect. 2.1). The effect of cement content and boundary
conditions (well known at the macroscopic scale, e.g. The main aim of the experimental campaign is to extract
[1, 10, 22, 39]) is also explored at the grain scale in measures of cement damage and to study their relations to
Sect. 2.2. Secondly, in Sect. 2.1.4 we study how these tools grain rearrangement. To this end, we start this section by
allow for informing the micro-mechanics-based model analysing an illustrative triaxial compression test, per-
proposed in [35] and vice versa how this model, in com- formed under 1500 kPa confinement (mean effective
bination with numerical tools, can help cast a light on the stress), on a specimen with a cement mass content of 8%.
experimentally observed behaviour. This is not an The second aim is to establish micro-mechanical
uncommon approach in itself, but this dialogue is here explanations to the macroscopically observed phenomena
carried both at the ‘macro’ and at the ‘micro’ levels. The as a function of the levels of confinement and cement
overarching aim of this work is in fact to propose a content. To study the effect of confinement, a test under
micromechanically inspired methodological framework for 500 kPa, as opposed to 1500 kPa, yet still with a similar
CGMs, which allows for two-way communications 8% cementation is then analysed in Sect. 2.2.2. To study
between key classes of approaches to the study of geo- the effect of cementation, a third test performed under 1500
materials (analytical, numerical and experimental) to be kPa as in the reference test (1500 kPa) but having a lower
expressed at multiple scales (Table 1). cement content (6% in mass) is studied in Sect. 2.2.1.
In Part I [34], the image processing tools have been
classified based on the methodological approach used,
being notably continuum or discrete. Herein, we focus on
the description of the processes occurring in the specimen
Table 1 Table summarising the test conditions (confinement pres- and the results are therefore organised depending on the
sure) and specimen details (cement content in mass) of the experi- aspect they describe: the initial state of the specimens, the
mental campaign
local kinematics, and the cement damage during the tests.
Pressure [kPa] Cement content All the measurements derived from tomographic data
6% 8% presented here are three dimensional, and their represen-
tation in two dimensions is limited. Vertical slices are
1500 CGB1500-6 CGB1500-8 mostly selected here to communicate crucial features, and
1000 CGB1000-6 CGB1000-8 an effort has been made to select the same region of the
500 CGB500-6 CGB500-8 specimen for each measurement and at each step for a more
All the samples have a porosity of about 20% and are composed of consistent comparison.
calcite-cemented glass beads. The tests specifically analysed in this
section are highlighted with bold font

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 59

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2 Description of the initial state of test CGB1500-8: a trinarised vertical slice of the specimen with grains in white, cement in orange and air
in black; b granular porosity (defined as 1-Vgrains =Vtotal ); c cement fraction (Vcement =Vtotal ). Both the granular porosity and the cement fraction are
measured using 403 pixels cubes, placed on a regular grid whose nodes reside 10 pixels apart in each direction

2.1 Analysis of an illustrative test 2.1.1 Initial state

This representative test was performed under 1500 kPa Figure 2a shows a vertical slice of the trinarised image
confinement on a specimen containing 8% by mass of (i.e., an image where each voxel of the image has been
cement. The test is named CGB1500-8 and was already assigned to the grain, cement or pore phase) of the speci-
used in Part I [34] to showcase the image processing tools men at the beginning of the test, segmented with the
developed in this study. technique described in Part I [34]. Figure 2b presents the
The macroscopic stress–strain response obtained from distribution of the granular porosity /g ¼ 1  Vgrains =Vtotal ,
this test, shown in Fig. 1, is typical of lightly cemented where Vgrains and Vtotal are the grain and total volumes,
granular materials: the response is substantially linear until respectively. This definition is chosen over the traditional
1.5% axial strain, after which the curve loses linearity. The porosity (/ ¼ 1  Vsolid =Vtotal ) to avoid potential segmen-
deviator stress peaks at about 3% axial strain, followed by a tation issues caused by cement damage and is also used in
progressive reduction of the load carried by the specimen Sect. 2.1.2, to isolate the contribution of the grains to
(softening), possibly approaching a plateau at around 10% dilation.
axial shortening, when the test was stopped. The mobilised The specimen has an average initial porosity just above
friction angle at the end of the test is  30 , essentially 21%, as one could expect for the densest packing of
equal to the critical friction angle of uncemented glass spheres with a relatively monodispersed size1. The spatial
beads. distribution of the granular porosity in Fig. 2b is relatively
The stress–strain curve shows the characteristic stress homogeneous, except for a denser region below the centre
relaxation spikes corresponding to the scanning stages, of the specimen. The effect of the homogeneity of the
marked in green, which are caused by the relaxation of specimen on its mechanical response will be numerically
both the material and the loading apparatus when stopping assessed in Sect. 3.4.1.
the loading for tomographic acquisitions. The axial stress Analogously, the spatial distribution of the cement
relaxation starts a few seconds after the loading ram has volume fraction (Vcement =Vtotal ) shown in Fig. 2c appears to
been stopped and finishes after about three minutes. After be relatively homogeneous, with an average volume frac-
the loading phase is restarted, the axial stress is rapidly tion around 7%, very close to the intended value.
recovered. The grain size distribution was found to be substantially
monodisperse (with a coefficient of uniformity
Cu ¼ D60 =D10 ¼ 1:7) with a D50 around 275 lm, for all
tests presented here. This is essentially constant throughout

60 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

the test, i.e., there is a negligible amount of grain crushing, and uncemented granular materials. Note that the key
as by design. features of the regions of localisation (notably their incli-
To describe the geometry of the individual cement nation, thickness and the evolution of the ‘‘internal vari-
bridges, a possible approach is to study the statistical dis- ables’’ within them) are not influenced by where
tribution of the cross-sectional areas of cylinders with localisation originates within the sample. The incremental
equivalent volumes and heights to the cement bonds. This volumetric strain fields in Fig. 3f highlight the dilatant
approach was first proposed in the model in [35] and can be nature of this strain localisation, which is confirmed by the
measured as detailed in Part I [34]. Figure 5b reports the increased granular porosity in Fig. 4. Dilation starts shortly
statistical cement size distribution at the initial stage of test after the peak and stabilises before the end of the test, in
CGB1500-8. (The method used to compute the subsequent agreement with the typical microscopical observations for
stages is detailed in the next section.) The measured CGMs at this level of confinement and density (e.g.
average cross-sectional area is about 0.01 mm2 , corre- [26, 38]). The average porosity in the dilative regions is 
sponding to a radius of 57 lm. This is to be compared to an 25%, with local peaks around 45%, to be compared with a
average grain radius of 137 lm. Other measurements, such maximum attainable porosity of 48% for a monodisperse
as the partial volume occupancy (not reported here), indi- packing of spheres [12]. It is reminded that digital image
cate a level of cementation in agreement with the expected correlation evaluates the incremental volumetric strain over
one. a step, whereas the granular porosity is here measured at
It is noted that this measurement of cementation is more each scanning stage. These trend were also confirmed in
accurate than those used to produce the porosity and terms of the displacements of the individual grains, as
cementation maps in Fig. 2, since they take into account measured by ID-Track [4].
also the voxels that are only partially occupied by the
cement, and not just those having grey values above a fixed 2.1.3 Cement damage
The quantitative study of cement damage is one of the
2.1.2 Local kinematics principal aims of this experimental campaign. Two com-
plementary definitions of damage have been proposed in
Digital image correlation (DIC) allows for measuring the Part I [34]: damage of individual bridges (DI ) and statis-
kinematics of the material in a continuum sense. The dis- tical damage (DS ). Individual damage expresses the dete-
placements of regularly spaced cubes 20 voxels apart and rioration of individual cement bridges, which during a
15 voxels in size are measured as detailed in Part I [34]. given step is measured as the reduction of the volume of
Figure 3b shows the normalised vertical displacement cement above the partial volume effect limit, normalised
fields. This normalisation has been performed between zero by its initial volume. As damage increases, the cement
and the displacement at the bottom of the specimen mea- shatters, passing from a dense and compact state to a
sured by the DIC. These values well correspond to the fragmented and sparse one. This causes a reduction in the
displacements measured by an LVDT (linear variable dif- amount of voxels fully occupied by the cement and an
ferential transformer) and reported in Fig. 3c and d. Fig- increase in those partially occupied by cement fragments.
ure 3e and f reports the maximum shear strain and the The individual damage starts from a zero value at the
volumetric strain, respectively. beginning of the test and can reach unity when all the
At the beginning of the test, the specimen undergoes a cement voxels above the partial volume limit are lost. A
substantially homogeneous axial strain. As the stress threshold on the grey value of the voxels above the partial
approaches its peak (steps 02–03), the displacement field volume effect of 0.055 was chosen for all the images of all
starts becoming heterogeneous. Shortly after the peak, the the tests analysed here.
displacements localise in the bottom left (and top right) The probability density function of the individual
corner of the sample. This is most likely due to stress damage values for the cement bridges is plotted in Fig. 5a.
concentration induced by the specific boundary conditions, At the initial stages of the test, most of the cement bridges
as already observed in previous experiments for cemented are intact (zero damage) and the majority of the damaged
bridges have very small DI values, where the technique
The analytical solution of the lowest possible density for monodis- used is more likely to interpret the fluctuations of random
perse sphere packings is 1  p=ð3 2Þ  0:26, as conjectured by noise as damage. Nonetheless, a few of the cement bridges
Johannes Kepler in 1611, and recently proven by [20]. The are completely broken already during the initial step (a
polydispersity of the grains in the specimen allows the attainment
closer scrutiny suggests that small bridges are mostly
of lower porosities, although the simplified approach used to trinarise
the image (and used only to compute porosity and cement distribu- affected). Similar observations can be made in the fol-
tions) might be partially responsible for this small discrepancy. lowing step. In steps 02–03, corresponding to strain

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 61

Fig. 3 Results of the digital image correlation (DIC) analysis of test CGB1500-8. Row a indicates the step considered, row b reports the
normalised vertical displacement, which has been normalised in (c) by the total displacement of the step measured from the DIC itself. These
displacements well correspond to the ones measured with the LVDT (d), for 13.5 lm pixel size. It is reminded that the displacement is applied
from the bottom upwards. Row e reports the maximum shear strain, while row f shows the volumetric strain. Note that the Soil Mechanics sign
conventions, i.e., positive compressive strains, are adopted here

Fig. 4 Evolution of granular porosity throughout test CGB1500-8

62 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Evolution of damage during test CGB1500-8. Evolution of the individual damage (a); Effective cement size distribution for the
corresponding stages (b)

hardening, a second peak appears in the individual damage distribution. Figure 6 shows the damage measured on 603
distribution, beside the 0 and 1 extremes. As the sample pixels cubes on a regular grid whose nodes are 30 pixels
reaches the softening regime, this peak moves to higher apart. The damage is initially homogeneous throughout the
damage values, but becomes progressively less evident, specimen. In the hardening regime, the statistical damage
and the damage distribution becomes more homogeneous. starts concentrating in the top left and bottom right corners,
At the end of the test, the distribution of individual damage where the strain was also observed to localise (Fig. 3). In
presents peaks corresponding to fully damaged and the post-peak regime, the statistical damage further evolves
undamaged bridges and a large amount of partially dam- in these areas while remaining substantially constant in the
aged ones. The study of the spatial distribution of damage remainder of the specimen.
presented below can help to better understand the meaning The presence of anisotropy in the initial orientation of
of this result. the cement bridges as well as the emergence of any sig-
The constitutive model proposed in [35] and adopted nificant anisotropy induced by damage was also studied in
here as reference introduces the concept of effective Part I [34], both in terms of specimen average and spatial
cement size distribution. Its underlying idea is that it is distributions. This analysis revealed low anisotropy, with
possible to substitute a damaged bridge with an equivalent relative homogeneity throughout the sample, and very
one, made of non-damaged material and smaller in size. modest fluctuations during the tests.
The experimental equivalent proposed in Part I [34] is to
scale each cement bridge size by its corresponding indi- 2.1.4 Interpretation of the results
vidual damage through 1  DI . This allows to derive
effective cement size distributions of the bonds as those in At the end of the test, dilation, shear strain and damage
Fig. 5b. have localised in a well-defined region of the specimen, as
Beside the interest of comparing experimental results highlighted in the 3D renderings of Fig. 7. The set of tools
against the proposed constitutive model, this approach introduced in Part I [34] allows the study of different
allows for investigating how damage affects the different aspects of the processes occurring in the sample, depicting
sizes of cement bridges. It can in fact be observed from a coherent picture, highlighting an apparent correlation
Fig. 5b that all the inter-granular spaces contain some between these fields.
cement at the beginning of the test, but already after the In summary, the sample starts from a substantially
first step, fully uncemented contacts start to appear. The homogeneous state, as indicated by the cementation and
larger cement bridges undergo less damage, and some porosity fields. In the ‘‘sub-linear’’ regime, the incremental
remain substantially unaffected throughout the test. strain field is homogeneous and accompanied by modest
The model used herein also depends on a scalar measure and spatially homogeneous damage. In the hardening
of damage, based on the evolution of the cement size regime (steps 02–03), the specimen starts behaving
distribution defined as the area ratio in Fig. 13 of Part I heterogeneously. The top left and bottom right portions of
[34]. This damage is here named statistical damage (DS ), the specimen show a concentration of incremental shear
as it is a collective measure of the failures of individual strain and moderate dilation, as confirmed by the analysis
bonds. It is possible to evaluate the statistical damage on of both porosity field and incremental volumetric strain
subsets of the specimen in order to look at its spatial fields. In these regions, damage also starts concentrating.

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 63

Fig. 6 Vertical slices of the spatial distribution of the statistical damage DS throughout test CGB1500-8

Fig. 7 3D renderings at the end of the test CGB1500-8: a final porosity, b incremental maximum shear strain in the last step and (c) final
statistical damage. The colour maps used are the same as in their respective plots in Figs. 3, 4, and 6, but the areas with lower values have been
made transparent to highlight the crucial features

The occurrence of the deviator stress peak corresponds to deformation before the stress peak, which starts concen-
the concentration of strain and damage localisation, while trating at the beginning of the softening regime until the
the remainder of the specimen undergoes almost-rigid body localisation reaches a stable width at the end of the test.
displacement accommodated by the localised features, These bands typically involve an amount of grains com-
experiencing negligible damage. parable to the one observed here. This paper adds to this
In the post-peak regime, dilation stabilises, and maxi- portrait of the behaviour a quantification of damage and its
mum incremental shear strain and damage concentrate in a statistical and spatial distributions.
band roughly 10 grains thick, and inclined 45 . This is The exact location in the specimen where localisation
particularly evident in the bottom right corner of the bands appear is determined by several factors, such as a
specimen, while damage on the top right corner is more weaker region of the material, the boundary conditions, or
diffuse. In the above, the use of the word localisation an imperfection in the geometry of the specimen. The study
‘‘band’’ had been deliberately avoided, as it could be of the effect of some of these features will be discussed in
argued that up until the end of the test, both strain and Sect. 3 using finite element (FE) analyses.
damage concentrate over a region that is too broad to be The study of the evolution of the porosity has revealed
termed a ‘‘band’’. The progressive concentration of the that a region broader than the localisation band undergoes
deformation is a phenomenon systematically observed in dilation, although it mostly occurs before the shear band
both ‘‘clean’’ and cemented granular materials, as shown, reaches its stable width. An analogous behaviour was also
for example, in [3, 21] and [18, 32], respectively. In all observed in clean granular materials [3, 21].
these works, DIC analyses of sequences of X-ray CT scans
have shown the development of inhomogeneous

64 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

2.2 Comparative analysis of the effect from the images is about 6%, therefore lower than in the
of cementation and boundary conditions previous tests, well coinciding with the desired value.
In test CGB1500-6, the strain starts localising in the
In this section, we explore the effect of cement content and bottom left corner of the specimen, and, during softening, a
confinement (mean effective stress) on the macroscopic localisation band develops from this weaker region, as
response, the localisation patterns as well as cement dam- shown in Fig. 9. This band is inclined at about 48 to the
age. All the analyses described below adopt the same horizontal, is dilative, and has a thickness of about 10–15
parameters as those presented in the previous section. grains, i.e. it is more inclined than in the test with the
higher cement content, in agreement with the existing lit-
2.2.1 Effect of cement content erature. Within this band, the damage is slightly less
developed than in the corners. At the end of the test,
Figure 8 reports the stress–strain responses of the two tri- damage localises in the two opposite corners and two
axial compression tests performed at 1500 kPa confine- concurrent parallel bands, occurring at different depths of
ment with 8% and 6% in mass of cement (thus named the specimen (in the direction perpendicular to the vertical
CGB1500-8 and CGB1500-6, respectively). The cement slices). The analysis of the porosity field in Fig. 9a shows
content does not affect the linear portion of the stress– that the porosity is only marginally altered in these bands.
strain response, which is basically identical in the two The incremental strain field in Fig. 9b shows that during
cases. The peak stress is about 10% lower for the specimen the last step the strain only concentrates in the lower band.
with less cement and occurs at a larger strain, while the The individual damage profiles for the two tests in
values of deviator stress at the end of the tests are close to Fig. 10a reveal similar distributions for both the initial and
each other. final steps. The most notable difference is the presence of
Macroscopically, the effect of cement content is in more partially damaged cement bridges and fewer fully
agreement with the literature: higher cementation increases damaged ones in the specimen with higher cementation.
the peak stresses without significantly affecting the final The cement size distributions in Fig. 10b confirm the
plateau—often associated with critical state [8, 31]. Pre- lower degree of initial cement content for test CGB1500-6
vious experimental works had noted an increase in stiffness and indicate that the distribution of the effective cemen-
with cement content (e.g. [1, 22]), although, in those tests, tation at the end of the tests is comparable in the two cases.
cement and grains had similar elastic properties. This is not This hints to the possibility of an equilibrium state for the
the case for the material tested here, since glass is about cement, possibly determined by the size of the cemented
five times stiffer than calcite. clusters that survive throughout the test. However, the
The porosity measured from the images is in this case analysis of further tests conducted for lower degrees of
about 19%, which is marginally lower than that of the cementation, as well as over larger strains, is necessary to
previous specimen. The average cement content deduced validate this hypothesis.

2.2.2 Effect of confining pressure

To study the effect of the effective pressure, two further

specimens with the same cement content of 8% were tri-
axially sheared under 1000 kPa and 500 kPa confinements.
Their stress–strain responses are shown in Fig. 11, along
with the response of the reference test CGB1500-8 at
1500 kPa confinement. While the response obtained at
1000 kPa confinement is qualitatively similar to the
response of the reference test, with a clear stress peak
followed by progressive softening, the test at 500 kPa
confinement shows a somewhat unexpected response: a
much less marked softening followed by a longer stress
Since this response was observed for the other specimen
tested at 500 kPa, this specimen has been studied, rather
than the one confined under 1000 kPa, in the attempt of
Fig. 8 Stress–strain curves for the tests run under 1500 kPa confine-
ment, with 8% and 6% cement content. The numbers in green explaining this unexpected yet consistent behaviour using
represent the individual scanning stages during test CGB1500-6

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 65

Fig. 9 3D renderings at the end of the test CGB1500-6: a final porosity, b incremental maximum shear strain in the last step and c final statistical
damage. The colour maps used are the same as in the respective plots, but the regions with lower values have been made transparent to highlight
the crucial features

CGB1500-8 initial
CGB1500-6 initial
CGB1500-8 final
Contacts [%]

10 CGB1500-6 final

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
individual damage DI
(a) (b)
Fig. 10 Comparison of the damage between tests with different cement contents: a distribution of the individual damage and (b) the effective
cement size distribution

the developed tools and to maximize the difference to the

reference case analysed above.
It can be observed from Fig. 11 that the initial stiffness
in test CGB500-8 is comparable to the one obtained in the
other two tests, although at about 100-kPa deviator stress
the stiffness reduces to about half its initial value. At 3%
axial strain, the stress deviator reaches a maximum of
approximately 200 kPa and then gently decreases.
The analysis of damage maps, not reported here for
brevity, indicates the nucleation of damage in the top left
corner of the specimen already in the pre-peak stages,
which then develops in a localisation band, which is fully
revealed in the softening regime. This band is about 10
grains thick and inclined 45 , in correspondence with the
region of the specimen where maximum shear strain and
Fig. 11 Stress–strain curves for all tests with 8% cement content: dilation concentrate.
CGB1500-8, CGB1000-8 and CGB500-8, sheared under 1500 kPa,
1000 kPa and 500 kPa confinement, respectively. The numbers in The analysis of the initial state of the sample reveals that
green represent the individual scanning stages during test CGB500-8 both porosity and cementation are homogeneously dis-
tributed and comparable in value to those of the test run at
1500 kPa. It is nonetheless possible to observe that the

66 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

longitudinal axis of the cylinder is inclined by about 4 . Figure 13b shows the initial and final probability density
This was caused by the lack of ideal perpendicularity functions of the cement sizes for both tests. The initial
between the bases and the sides of the cylinder, which distributions are very close to each other, as expected given
induced misalignment when confinement was applied. This the identical amount of cement used in the preparation of
perpendicularity is cumbersome to achieve when building a the specimens. It should be noted that the final distributions
sample for two reasons: its size (11 mm diameter by are also close to each other and that neither of these
22 mm height) and the weakness of the material. The specimens appears to be fully ‘‘decemented’’ at the end of
techniques typically adopted for sands, such as pluviation, the test, confirming the observation hinting at the existence
are inapplicable and those often used to perfect the shape of of a stable final distribution of cementation.
rock specimens failed due to the more brittle nature of the
While the boundary conditions of this test deviate from 3 Double-scale validation of a micro-
the ideal ones of a triaxial test, the micro-mechanisms mechanics-based constitutive model
involved and their inter-relations, aim of this study, should
be only marginally affected. Additionally, it is possible to Part I [34] focused on the capabilities of the image pro-
directly include the exact testing geometry in the finite cessing tools developed, while the first half of the current
element implementation of the model as will be explored in Part II has explored the interplay of key phenomena and the
Sect. 2.1.4. Incidentally, this reveals another advantage of effect of cementation and confinement upon them. This
in situ testing: the possibility to simulate the exact testing section focuses instead on the two-way relationship
conditions of the experiments. For the above reasons, this between this information and the constitutive model pro-
sub-perfect tests was chosen over the one performed at posed in [35].
1000 kPa. Section 3.1 briefly summarises the model adopted,
At the end of the test, porosity, incremental maximum while Sect. 3.2 compares experimental results and model
shear strain and damage focus within a clear localisation predictions at the constitutive level. The model predictions
band, as confirmed by their 3D renderings in Fig. 12. at the scale of the specimen and the localisation analysis
Figure 13a reports the individual damage for the first for a representative test (CGB1500-8) are then presented in
and last steps of the tests run under 1500 kPa and 500 kPa Sect. 3.3. Section 3.4 explores the effect of two sources of
confinement. The damage in the initial step of the latter test deviation from ideal conditions observed in these tests: the
is, as expected, larger than that of the former, and also lack of flatness at the two ends of the specimen
more homogeneous, with only two peaks at zero and unit (Sect. 3.4.2) and the initial spatial inhomogeneity of the
damage. At the end of test CGB500-8, the specimen pre- cement (Sect. 3.4.1).
sents more fully damaged cement bridges, although fewer
partially damaged ones.

Fig. 12 3D renderings at the end of the test CGB500-8: a final porosity, b incremental maximum shear strain in the last step and c final statistical
damage. The colour maps used are the same as in their respective plots, but the regions with lower values have been made transparent to highlight
crucial features

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 67

CGB1500-8 initial
CGB500-8 initial
CGB1500-8 final

Contacts [%]
10 CGB500-8 final

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
individual damage DI
(a) (b)
Fig. 13 Comparison of damage in tests under different confinements: a distribution of the individual damage and (b) effective cement size

3.1 The model in a nutshell 3.2 Model predictions at the constitutive level

A new hierarchy of micro-inspired constitutive models has A first comparison between model predictions and exper-
recently been proposed, which takes advantage of the novel imental results can be made at the material point level, i.e.
grain-scale experimental and numerical information and comparing directly the constitutive response to the global
injects this information directly in the constitutive stress–strain response as measured from the test. This is
description of the grain-scale physics (e.g. equivalent to the case of homogeneous deformation.
[2, 6, 7, 13, 14, 37]). This approach allows for transitioning Figure 14 shows the model predictions at the constitu-
from the several stochastic processes at the microscale to tive level (with the parameters determined through the
the deterministic assessment of the macroscopic response calibration detailed in Appendix). The elastic stiffness, the
of a statistically homogeneous continuum [25]. peak and the residual stresses are well captured by the
We consider in the following a model belonging to this model. The most notable difference is that the model pre-
category [35], which focuses on the mechanical behaviour dicts an abrupt change of behaviour at the passage between
of cemented granular materials. This model pays particular elastic to damage-breakage-plastic domains, as opposed to
attention to the definition of its internal variables, with the the smooth transition observed in the experiments.
philosophy that they should ideally be identifiable, mea- It is noted that the tests under 500 kPa confinement
surable and related to the dominant modes of irreversible (CGB500-8 and CGB500-6) are not reported in Fig. 14
rearrangements of the material microstructure. A because their boundary conditions were deemed too dif-
notable example is that of cement damage whose definition ferent from the ideal ones for a meaningful direct com-
was adopted in Part I [34] to extract the statistically parison with the model predictions.
homogenised damage of an REV. The bi-modality of the stress–strain curves is a common
Beyond the possibility of having observable descriptors feature in elasto-plastic models; for such models, it occurs
of the microscale texture, the use of physically meaningful during the onset of yield. The use of yield surfaces is
internal variables allows a rational connection between widespread in constitutive modelling and allows for simple
them, the evolution of the elastically stored energy and the mathematical formulations, although experimental evi-
energy dissipation. This approach has already proven suc- dence (e.g. the analysis using acoustic emissions in
cessful in predicting the macroscopic response of CGMs [30, 41]) shows that the passage from reversible to irre-
while reducing the number of parameters with respect to versible behaviours is a progressive transition rather than
reference models for CGMs and assigning to each of them an abrupt one. On the one hand, the material properties are
a clear physical interpretation [9]. not homogeneously distributed within the specimen, and
While a detailed description of the model goes beyond therefore, different zones will start developing dissipative
the scope of this paper, a brief outline of the governing mechanisms before others, causing a progressive transition
equations as well as the detailed calibration procedure of at the specimen scale. On the other hand, it is unrealistic to
the model parameters can be found in ‘‘Appendix’’. assume that an infinitesimal increment in stress will sud-
denly initiate the full dissipation in a given material point,
which is likely going to progressively transition from
reversible to irreversible phenomena to accommodate the
imposed strain. These two intertwined phenomena can be

68 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

6000 6000
Experimental data CGB1500-8 Experimental data CGB1500-6
Experimental data CGB1000-8 Experimental data CGB1000-6
Model prediction CGB1500-8 Model prediction CGB1500-6
Model prediction CGB1000-8 Model prediction CGB1000-8
5000 5000

4000 4000
q [kPa]

q [kPa]
3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
εa [%] εa [%]
(a) (b)
Fig. 14 The deviator stress q versus axial strain ea responses, using the model and the experiments for cement contents of a 8% and b 6% in mass

remedied using at least two viable approaches: (1) novel predictions of statistical and microscopic damage,
assuming an non-homogeneous spatial distribution of which will be later shown in Figs. 15b and 16. Given the
mechanical properties and (2) adopting the so-called h2 novelty of such coupled predictions, we left these (im-
plasticity formulation [16]. The former is a numerical portant) further improvements of the model in predicting a
approach, in which to every element of a finite element smooth transition from elastic to inelastic responses for
model a different value for one or more of the model future research. This could now be done by adopting the
parameters is assigned, as exemplified in Sect. 3.4.1. The development in [2] where the yield surface is taken as a
latter is an analytical approach, where hypo-plastic and bounding surface, while the plasticity multiplier is taken
elasto-plastic theories are unified, which allows getting a within a McCauley bracket operator.
progressive development of the dissipative mechanisms It is important to note that the volumetric strains have
through a single parameter (see Fig. 17 in [37], for not been validated in this work, as the experiments show a
example. More generally, it should be stressed that the dilatant behaviour, which cannot be captured by our con-
novelty of the model adopted in this study is certainly not stitutive model (albeit part of it could be recovered at the
its (in)ability to fit smooth stress–strain data, but rather its specimen scale by the elastic unloading outside the local-
ability to couple macroscopic stress–strain to microscopic isation zone). Dilation is largely controlled by the granular
evolutions of cement damage and grain crushing. As such, skeleton, and the formulation used to describe the contri-
the prediction in Fig. 14 should not be decoupled from the bution of the granular phase cannot itself predict dilation
[28]. The developments in [36] were therefore initiated to

(a) (b)

Fig. 15 Comparison of the model predictions at the constitutive and specimen scales: a stress–strain responses and b total damage as a function
of axial strain

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 69


Fig. 16 Damage distribution: a statistical damage distribution predicted by the model and b experimentally measured statistical damage for test
CGB1500-8 (as shown in Part I). The cross-position of the cross section in the images was selected to best highlight the localisation pattern

incorporate the micro-mechanical origins of dilation in the in the next section, where finite element analysis of the
formulation of crushable granular materials (and later add whole specimen is performed and validated against the
the contribution of cement). An extended model for CGMs experimental results.
accounting for the developments in [36] is currently under It is noted that the model predicts negligible grain
development. crushing (  10%), well in agreement with the experi-
In the following, the attention will be focused on an mentally observed behaviour.
illustrative test (CGB1500-8), to highlight different aspects
of the methodological framework. It is noted that compa- 3.3 Model predictions at the specimen scale
rable results can be obtained with the other tests presented and localisation analysis
Damage prediction To validate the model predictions at the specimen scale, the
The aim of the presented experimental campaign was to constitutive model was implemented within the commer-
establish a measure of damage coherent with the proposed cial code ABAQUS, following the procedure detailed in
model. Figure 15b shows the comparison between the [9], and only varying the constitutive parameters. In brief,
damage predicted by the model at the constitutive level and the model is implemented as a UMAT subroutine, and a
the statistical damage for the whole specimen, obtained as boundary value problem (BVP) corresponding to an ideal
detailed in Sect. 2.1. An important difference is once again drained triaxial compression test is solved. A rate-depen-
in the graduality of the responses: the model predicts an dent Perzjina regularisation [29] allows remedying for the
abrupt development of the damage, whereas the experi- ill-posedness of this BVPs in the presence of localisation.
ments reveal a more progressive behaviour. The arguments The viscous parameter adopted is the same as in [9], and
proposed for the bi-modality of stress–strain response the same number and type of elements are used in the
above are valid also for the damage. specimen. A weak element, with a cohesion 0.1% lower
Additionally, the difference between the total damage than the rest of the sample, is used to trigger localisation.
predicted and the experimentally observed one is not For consistency with the work presented in [9], this ele-
negligible. This can be partly ascribed to the conceptual ment is placed in the centre of the specimen.
difference between the two measures in the figure: the Figure 15a compares the stress–strain responses pre-
model considers the whole specimen as a material point dicted at the constitutive and specimen levels. The pre-
and neglects the observed localisation, while the experi- peak behaviour is, as expected, identical in the two cases.
mental response represents the behaviour of the material in The post-peak response is only slightly affected by the
the whole sample, both inside and outside the localised emergence of strain localisation, as the specimen softens
areas. A more appropriate validation is therefore proposed more rapidly and reaches the plateau sooner than observed

70 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

in the single element. However, the prediction of the strain response as well as the impact of weaker zones on
overall damage is significantly improved, as shown in the initiation of strain localisation.
Fig. 15b; this highlights how the acknowledgement of the The image analysis tools developed in Part I [34] pro-
specimen scale allows to partially explain the discrepancy vide a map of the spatial distribution of the phases as that
in the measured damage. in Fig. 17a, where white represents the grains, orange the
The origin of this improved validation is revealed in cement and black the voids. It is then possible to evaluate
Fig. 16a, which highlights how the occurrence of locali- the cement and grain solid fractions uc and ug for each of
sation leaves a large portion of the specimen undamaged. the elements of the numerical model and use them as an
In Fig. 16, the experimentally measured distribution of input for the constitutive equations, which are solved for
damage is also shown; remarkably, the observed damage each of the eight integration points of the elements as
within the localisation zone as well as its width and incli- shown in Fig. 17b.
nation are comparable to the predicted ones. For continuity with the previous sections, a mesh com-
A notable difference is that in the numerical simulations, prising the same number of elements (1920) was used. This
damage starts localising from the weak element placed in corresponds to an average cube size of 80 pixels2, to be
the centre of the specimen and diffuses until it also affects compared to the 40 pixels chosen in Sect. 2.1 to define a
the edges, whereas in the experiments it is observed to stable measure of the volume fraction of the phases. Pre-
concentrate in opposite corners. The origins of this beha- liminary analyses show that the size of the element has a
viour will be explored in the next section. It can be modest effect on the results shown in this section, although
observed how in steps 01–02 and 02–03 the experimentally further analyses are necessary to fully investigate the effect
measured damage is homogeneous, whereas the model of the mesh dependence of this approach.
already predicts localisation. It should be noted that these The stress–strain curve in Fig. 18 reveals a negligible
damage maps are reported for the same level of macro- effect of this distribution on the macroscopic response.
scopic strain, but, as can be observed from Fig. 14a, the This is to be expected considering that uc and ug mainly
numerical sample is already in the softening regime, affect the yield surface at high confinements, as shown in
whereas the experimental response is still in the hardening [35]. With changes to the cement content the cohesion c is
regime. A more appropriate comparison could therefore be also expected to vary, although these two parameters have
performed between analogous regimes, but the definition of been intentionally left distinguished in the adopted model.
a comparable ‘‘state’’ goes beyond the purpose of this Several works have investigated the effect of the cement
paper. content on the cohesion, and in most cases, the experi-
mental observations suggest a linear relationship between
3.4 Model predictions with realistic cement content and cohesion (e.g. [1, 31]).
experimental conditions The approach used above is therefore extended to assign
to each element of the numerical model a value of cohesion
The reduced size of the specimens increases the difficulty c, assumed to scale linearly with the cement content. To
of performing experiments with boundary conditions close deduce the element-wise cohesion, it is here made the
to the ideal ones. The experimental setup adopted allows assumption that when uc ¼ 0, also c ¼ 0, and that to the
nonetheless the imaging and thus the measurement of the average cement content (0.085) corresponds the average
actual boundary conditions as well as the characteristics of cohesion adopted (850 kPa).
the sample. This approach enables therefore a more real- The stress–strain response of the sample with a realistic
istic comparison between model predictions and experi- distribution of both cohesion and cement fraction is
mental results. reported in Fig. 18. The most notable difference with the
Two possible deviations from ideal conditions are homogeneous response is the increased ‘‘smoothness’’ of
explored in this section: the non-uniform distribution of the response which got (perhaps infinitesimally) closer to
cement (Sect. 3.4.1) and the lack of flatness/parallelism of the experimentally observed one, even though the distri-
the ends of the specimen (Sect. 3.4.2). bution of the cohesion cannot, in itself, explain the dis-
crepancy between the two responses. The other mechanical
3.4.1 Cement distribution model parameters may also have to vary spatially and it
might be necessary to acknowledge their statistical distri-
The ability to measure the spatial distribution of cement in bution to further improve models predictions. However,
the sample and the fact that the model uses cement content
as an explicit variable enables the study of the effects of 2
The height of the sample is 22 mm, which, given a pixel size of
material heterogeneities on the bi-modality of the stress– 13.5 lm, corresponds to about 1630 pixels. The mesh has 20 rows of
nodes along the vertical axis, i.e. an average size of 80 pixels/node.

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 71

(a) (b)

Fig. 17 Schematics of the approach used to reproduce the experimental spatial distribution of cementation of the sample in the numerical model:
a for each element of the numerical model, the degree of cementation of the corresponding volume of the trinarised image is evaluated. This
allows the construction b of a FE model using the experimentally measured local values of cementation (and cohesion) measured from the

obtained with the account of distributions of both cohesion

and cement contents. The study of the spatial distribution
of cementation can help predicting localisation patterns,
although, to assess its relevance, a combined study of the
effect of sample geometry and spatial distribution of
mechanical properties would be necessary.

3.4.2 Parallelism of the specimen ends

Studying the 3D volumes of CGB1500-8, it can be

observed that the bottom base is not perfectly horizontal,
with a maximum inclination of about 1:3 . Numerical
Fig. 18 Stress–strain responses of numerical specimens simulating
simulations were therefore performed adopting this
realistic cement size distributions in terms of only cement fraction uc geometry for a more realistic comparison, albeit the data
and of both cement fraction and cohesion c are not reported here for simplicity (but can be found in
[33]). Analogously to what was observed for the spatial
unlike cement content, their distribution cannot be cur- distribution of cement content, it can be shown that the
rently measured from the images (e.g. grain and cement inclination of the base has only a minimal effect on the
stiffness). Furthermore, the simulation of the distribution of macroscopic stress–strain response. The peak stress is only
multiple model parameters can induce convergence issues marginally reduced, because of the earlier failure initiated
of the numerical model, as each element behaves differ- at the opposite corners of the sample. A similar localisation
ently from its neighbours. pattern was observed in both tests performed at 1500 kPa
An alternative approach would be to follow the work of confinement.
[16], to improve model predictions at the constitutive scale, Both the geometry of the sample and the cement dis-
and this would not incur the above numerical issues. The tribution analysed the previous section induce the locali-
performance of this approach was demonstrated for a sation to start from the same corners of the sample. Further
model similar to this one (but dedicated to uncemented tests reveal the former to be the dominant effect in this
granular materials) in [36], and the application to this specific case (for example when both are simultaneously
specific model will be further explored in the future. simulated at different relative angles, the localisation fol-
Figure 19 reports the spatial distribution of damage for lows the orientation of the inclination of the base).
the numerical specimen simulating the distribution of only It can be observed that in all the experiments presented
the cement fraction, to remove the dependency on the in this paper, the localisation bands develop close to the
hypothesis made on the cohesion. It can be observed that corners of the specimen. The inception of localisation can
the damage nucleates from weaker regions and concen- be caused by even minimal heterogeneities in the specimen
trates in two opposite corners, to then develop in a band as well as by the test conditions, as shown above. Per-
crossing the sample. A comparable evolution of damage is forming tests as those shown here can be technically

72 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75



Fig. 19 The distribution of damage predicted by the model across a specimen with a realistic distribution of the cement fraction uc (a). The zoom
in (b) helps highlighting situations before, while and after the peak stress is reached. Comparable results are obtained by adding the
corresponding distribution of cohesion

challenging given the size of the specimens, which the effective cement size distribution reveals that not all the
increases the likelihood of imperfections in both geometry cement bonds are broken at the end of these tests. Rather,
and uniformity. The in situ testing allows nonetheless for they achieve a similar final distribution, which hints to the
measuring these test conditions by simulating their effect possibility of a stable ultimate distribution, analogously to
thanks to numerical tools, in order to have a realistic what can be observed for the ultimate grain size distribu-
comparison between model predictions and experimental tion in non-cemented granular materials undergoing
results. crushing. A possible explanation is that clusters of
cemented grains survive throughout the test and act as
‘‘macro-grains’’. Future studies on samples undergoing
4 Conclusions larger deformations will help to assess this hypothesis and,
potentially, to measure the sizes of these clusters.
This paper portrays a coherent picture of key grain-scale The degree of cementation was found to increase the
processes of a cemented granular material subjected to peak stress with modest effect on the critical state (in
deviatoric loading (triaxial compression), taking advantage agreement with the literature), while being associated with
of the array of image processing tools presented in Part I a narrower concentration of damage. The overall amount of
[34]. damage as well as the final effective cement size distri-
All the specimens start from a homogeneous and iso- bution is comparable for the two levels of cementation. A
tropic state. The linear part of the observed macroscopic similar ultimate cement distribution was also observed for
response coincides with homogeneous deformation and the test performed at lower confinement, corroborating the
modest, diffuse damage. As the strain in the specimen hypothesis of the existence of a unique final distribution.
starts localising, the stress–strain response loses its linear- A key advantage of the above observations is that they
ity. At peak stress, a relatively broad region of material descend from quantitative measurements rather than qual-
undergoes shear strain, dilation and damage. As the itative observations. Beside the intrinsic interest in their
material softens and approaches critical state, strain/dam- comparison, this is an essential step to validate micro-
age localisation narrows to a 10 grains-thick region, mechanically inspired constitutive at multiple scales.
inclined about 45 . Specifically, in this work, the comparison is made at three
Within this band, extensive damage and dilation occur, scales: the constitutive scale (i.e. the comparison between
accompanied by a negligible loss of the isotropy of the the constitutive model response and the response of the
cemented contacts (as detailed in Part I [34]). The study of sample as a whole), the ‘‘localisation scale’’ (i.e. in terms

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 73

of localisation patterns) and the local scale (the scale of their relations with the macroscopic scale, but it is only
processes such as damage, here compared between statis- thanks to the numerical work that it is possible to com-
tically homogenised volumes of the sample and the pensate for the limits of the experimental approach adopted
equivalent volume of the finite element simulations). and explore the stresses at play locally. As usual, more
At the macro-scale, the model proposed in [35] can work is required to perfect the performance of each of these
capture crucial aspects of the experimental stress–strain components, but the panoply of possibilities opened by the
response, including peak and residual stresses. The most methodological framework is hopefully clear.
notable difference is in the extent of graduality of the
response, which originates from the single yield surface
model adopted. One approach proposed as a partially Appendix: A micro-mechanics inspired
remedy is to to inject the experimentally measured spatial constitutive model for cemented granular
distribution of cement content in each element of the materials
numerical model. This only marginally reduces the
abruptness of the model response, but comes at an Key equations and fundamental hypotheses. The model
increased computational cost due to convergence issues. used relies on the equations in Table 2:
An alternative approach is to follow the developments Model calibration
proposed in [16], thus improving the model prediction at The cement and grains volume fractions were measured
the constitutive scale. from the images reported above and were found to be 7%
At the sample scale, the model correctly predicts the and 5% of the total volume for the two different levels of
main features of the localisation band. The main discrep- cementation (corresponding to 8% and 6% in mass,
ancy lies in the fact that, in the experiments, damage ini- respectively). Assuming a porosity of 20%, the cement
tiates at the edges of the specimen, whereas in the FE volume fractions of the solid component uc are equal to
model it starts, as expected, from the weak element. The 8.5% and 6%, respectively.
initiation of localisation can be caused by the boundary The grading index h can be measured using the initial
conditions as well as by weaker regions in the specimen, grain size distribution from image analysis. For a fractal
both of which were measured thanks to the tools presented ultimate grain size distribution with a fractal dimension
in this work and used as an input for the numerical studies. a ¼ 2:7 (as adopted by [14]), the resulting value for h is
These provide more realistic simulations and allow the 0.9.
prediction of the onset of localisation from the corners of The ratio between the cement and grain stiffness, sr, is
the sample. here deduced from the ratio of the Young’s moduli of glass
Finally, at the local scale, the statistically homogenised
damage is coherent between experiments and simulations
Table 2 The nine constitutive equations of the adopted mode,
throughout the sample. For example, both predict nearly requiring the eight mechanical parameters and two geometrical
80% of damage within the band at the end of the test. This indexes detailed below
local-scale validation of the model is rather unique to the Type Equation
proposed methodological framework.
Beside the observations deriving from the individual Stresses p ¼ pr ð1  #BÞA2g ug þ pr ð1  DÞA2c uc
experiments, the development of image processing meth- q ¼ 3ð1  #BÞGg ees ug þ 3ð1  DGc ees uc Þ
ods, and constitutive observations presented herein, in fact, Breakage energy 2pr A
EB ¼ # 3Kgg þ 32 Gg ðees Þ2 ug
the overarching aim of this two-part contribution is the  3 
Damage energy 2p A
ED ¼ 3Krc c þ 32 Gc ðees Þ2 uc
proposition of a methodological framework for cemented
granular materials combining them all. In other terms, the  2
Yield criteria 2 2
y ¼ ð1BÞ EB
þ ð1DÞ ED q
þ Mpþcð1DÞ 1  0
focus and main contribution of this work is the combina- EBC EDC

tion of advanced experiments and modelling, at multiple Flow rules _  BÞ2 cos2 xB =EBC
B_ ¼ 2kð1
scales, which, to the best of our knowledge, is rarely pro- _  DÞ2 =EDC
D_ ¼ 2kð1
posed in the literature. The benefits of the micro-to-macro _  BÞ2 EB sin2 xB =ðpEBC Þ
e_pv ¼ 2kð1
upscaling approach to modelling in itself have already been _ ðMp þ cð1  DÞÞ2
e_p ¼ 2kq
highlighted in previous works (e.g. [13, 35]), but it is only
with Ag ¼ Kg eev =2 þ 1
thanks to the experimental work in these papers that it is
possible to validate the predicted evolution of the and Ac ¼ Kc eev =2 þ 1
microstructure and to test some of the hypotheses adopted. and Kc =Kg ¼ Gc =Gg ¼ sr
Similarly, the grain-scale focus of the experimental study
allows the investigation of key grain-scale phenomena and

74 Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75

Table 3 The eight constitutive mechanical parameters and two geometrical indexes for the tested cemented glass beads
Mechanical parameters Geometrical indexes

K G [kPa] sr M c [kPa] EDC [kPa] EBC [kPa] xB [ h uc


8% cem. 8000 105000 0.2 1.23 850 135 1350 45 0.9 0.085
6% cem. 8000 105000 0.2 1.23 650 135 1350 45 0.9 0.06
Note that the blue colour is used to highlight the only two parameters changing between the two tests

(ranging from 50 to 90 GPa, [17]) and calcite (measured to material helps to find the critical pressure of the compound
be  14 GPa in a preliminary test on a compact cube of and, by difference, to deduce the critical energy of the
calcite, in agreement with typical values for mortars). An cement. The model in Sect. 3.1 assumes a coupled dissi-
average Young’s Modulus of 70 GPa was hereby selected pation between the phenomena, resulting in a single yield
for the glass, yielding a value of 0.2 for sr. The bulk surface for both grain crushing and cement damage. An
modulus of the material can be derived from an isotropic alternative approach was explored in [14], which involved
compression test. In tests run in dry conditions (such as formulating uncoupled individual dissipations for breakage
those presented herein), the volumetric strain cannot be and plastic strain, and this would result in two different
evaluated directly from the interstitial fluid expelled, as it is yield surfaces. Given the disparate strengths of grains and
often done in experimental geomechanics. The volumetric cement in this material, it is possible to imagine that the
strain can nonetheless be computed by comparing the two phases will start degrading at different pressures, and
volumes before and after imposing the confinement. The therefore, that two independent critical pressures can be
so-measured volumetric strain is close to the resolution of found for cement and grains. A series of isotropic loading–
the method, symptomatic of high bulk stiffness, as expec- unloading tests were performed on the cemented material
ted considering the high stiffness of the glass. The value to find the pressure at which a new sample, after unloading,
chosen for K is 8000 (it is recalled that K is dimensionless), loses its cohesion. This critical pressure was found to be
and its effect on the results presented in this paper can be 4500 kPa, which (assuming uc ¼ 1) allows deducing a
shown to be negligible, to a first approximation. critical damage energy EDC =135 kPa .
The shear modulus G can be deduced from the tangent The compressive strength of glass beads is factory
stiffness at the beginning of the triaxial compression curves defined to be  250 MPa3 The compressive strength of a
and was found to be 105 MPa. small calcite cube was tested in this work and was found to
An average residual (at-the-end-of-the-test) friction be around 20 MPa (in line with typical strengths of similar
angle of 30:75 can be observed in the experiments, which mortars reported in [19]). Their ratio is around 10, which is
is equivalent to a friction coefficient M = 1.23. here assumed to be respected also in terms of critical
The coupling angle xB can be determined from the energies, yielding a value of 1350 MPa for EBC . This
inelastic portion of an isotropic compression test or, means that it takes much more energy to crush grains than
alternatively, from the relation xB ¼ a/, justified in [14], to degrade cement bonds, in agreement with the aim the
where a ranges from 1.6 to 3.4. A value of xB = 45 , is model material.
hereby selected, although it is noted that, in the absence of Table summarises the values used for the model in this
substantial breakage, the effect of this parameter on the study for the two different levels of cementation.
results is modest.
Acknowledgements We wish to thank Edward Andò for the insightful
The cohesion c can be deduced from the peak stress of
discussions. We wish to acknowledge the Australian Research
any of these tests, given the knowledge of the friction Council through grants DP160104310 and DP190103487. Laboratoire
coefficient. The tests under 1500 kPa confinement were in 3SR is part of the LabEx Tec 21 (Investissements dAvenir—Grant
this case used, and values of cohesion of 850 kPa and agreement n ANR-11-ABX-0030).
650 kPa were deduced for tests with 8% and 6% cement
contents, respectively.
The critical breakage energy EBC can be deduced from
the critical pressure pcr (the pressure at which the strain
becomes irreversible in isotropic compression) of the
uncemented granular material, using the expression in [15]: 3
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi As can be seen from
pcr ¼ 2KE  C =h. A second isotropic test on the cemented America/Products/SolidGlassMicrospheres/BALLOTI.NIImpact

Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:57–75 75

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