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An interview schedule for “What are the attitudes that alter one’s lifestyle?

Beginning interview:

Hello, my name is [xxx]. Thank you for joining this interview as a part of my study on
people’s incentives to stay healthy. This study is necessary for my individual proposal
assessment on the Banking and Finance programme at the IBD@NEU. I want to ask
you a few questions relating to the attitudes towards changing lifestyle.

Just a little check before we go in a small conversation between us. Are you free for the
next xx minutes and do you agree for this conversation to be recorded? This recording
would only be use for research purposes and access by the team only.

Are we clear?

Could you state clearly that you have agreed to participate in this interview?

Block A: Conceptualization of and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle

How would you describe a person who have a healthy lifestyle?
 Healthy diet? Exercise daily?
 Could you tell me about your thinking of a healthy lifestyle, how important is it to
you? Does age or gender matter to keep a healthy lifestyle?
 How about your lifestyle?
 Would you change your lifestyle when you get older?
How do you currently work your day out?
 Timetable?
 Exercises or nutritional supplements?


Do you feel more comfortable or strong and healthy when you try to live a healthy
 Sociable? Happier?

What currently prevent you from staying healthy?

Block B: x – day challenge to stay fit and healthy lifestyle

Could you give your thinking about the challenge? Could you take it?
 Have you ever been in this challenge before?
 How did you feel?


How do they feel about the challenge?
 Feelings for the ones who do it?
 Would you ever do it?
 Would it be beneficial?

Closing the interview:

Is there anything else that you want to add?
Thank you for your time with us!

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